What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch, user?

What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch, user?

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bad game

No mod support

I think people got sick of healslut mercies so I don't wanna

The game is shit and I don't need to play it in order to enjoy the smut made of the materials.


lack of content

Shit game that focused on policing its userbase than actually adding meaningful content.

game bad
porn good

Way too late in the game’s lifespan to learn. I’ll just look at the fanmade foot content and call it a day.

it's boring and mugen has better balance than any blizzard game

I'm over 18.

this desu

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its shit

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tf2 is better

It's not skyrim.

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her hair looks like sheets of plastic lmao

what about this one?

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God I wish that was me

I don't need to make excuses for not playing shit games. Anyone giving blizzard money is mentally unsound and should not be allowed to spend money without adult supervision.

No single player story mode.

Tits arent enough to get me to buy a game

I don’t like multiplayer games mostly ( besides fighting games)

Also the visuals are a little too tumblry

Also this

I heard that Paladins was coming out with a time-travelling Space Marine and it ticked my boxes so I tried out the game for a bit to see how similar it was and I was having more fun in it than OW

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Which one? Rhetorical question, I know.

Everyone is better than me

What the fuck is up with her left hand

Battle royale mode when?

I like the girls in overwatch!

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Didn't start when it came out. Now the overexposure to it on the Internet has made me actually hate the visual style etc without even playing it.

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You know me so well user~



>Cute Korean girl with the blacked tattoo

read the monitor numbnuts

bleached meme just as bad desu

You say that because you're a uncucked, non-asian male. Blacked is actually for white men who have a complex, so Bleached must be for the race of the girl in question

What makes overwatch players such faggots?

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What's your excuse for playing it?

I don't play OW lmao

Brigitte is a blessing. Why is that?

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I'm white.

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your still a faggot though

Its boring.

same thing as anime, too many cute girls betas identify with

You realize how fat this picture makes her look, right?

Exactly. D.va bleached porn is for asian men who also have severe inadequacy issues, not for white men without a race complex

She ruined the game

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That design is like one or two changes away from literally being a fucking 40k Space Marine. What the fuck.

I wasn't arguing that retard

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ok faggot

>why do they only make characters?

Maps and Modes don't sell merch and cosmetics.

as in I'm white and I like the bleached porn

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I thought she was farting into a microphone for a second

Oh, I'm sure some black men like Blacked too. I just don't think they're the majority audience

I like the caption stuff /trash/ comes up with, but that's a breeding/impreg fetish for me

>no rocket jumping
>no user made maps
>no weapon unlocks
>no real customization/cosmetics/hats

idk senpai most bleached guys seem to be white

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>it's not just TF2

Hmm, I dunno what the explanation is. You feel inadequate or have some weird issues around other races?

No judgment, just curious

>ruined the game
>by forcing you to use intended cooperative teamwork and basic game mechanics like, "fight as a team", "shoot the shield" and "kill the healer first"
>sub plat babbies shit the bed and cry on the forums for being bad at the game
>instead of forcing people to get better, blizz caves and lets people be retarded just to shut them up

I love Ashe!

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It tilts me too easily, I do like to shoot rope to futa Mercy and Dva though

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I'm straight and not into cucking

I just want to breed ethnic cuties and get an ego boost while doing it

I like asian girls.

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Ashe’s sexy face isn’t enough to get me to play this shit.

no 21:9 support

Im honestly just tired of posting my reasons for quitting Overwatch no im not gonna do it again.
The only thing i'll say is that I love my wife Olivia and im glad i got to play the game just for her.

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I played a few games.....like a month ago. It’s still fun but honestly I don’t have time and want to work in my backlog.

Blender porn is good enough for me.

I did it for 95hrs when it came out then realized that I had already seen everything the game had to offer and quit.

I wanna fuck Tracer, DVa, Widowmaker, Mercy, Pharah, Ana, Brigitte and Ashe

Ults/abilities suck to fight against and lower the skill ceiling, every mode is 6v6 so you can't have fun or do anything besides the objective or else you risk losing the game, there are few maps and the maps we do have suck ass and have really tight choke points, no mod support, no memorable music, the new characters look progressively worse and they completely throw off the game's balance. I think worst of all are the apologists of Overwatch whose only argument is "lol you must be a bronzie."
Based. I love Amelie but she's unfortunately trapped in a very bad game that's being handled by people who don't know what the hell they're doing.

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user don't be like me I know at first it's fun but then after you start figuring things out you realize what a casual trashcan this is compared to OW

asked someone to boost me into plat, got the welfare good boy points to unlock her golden gun then lost interest a week later
based taste though

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Movement feels like I'm walking on tar.

I don't like shooting barriers at enemy barriers from behind my friendly barrier.
There's too many force fields and bullshit and jank in this game. It's a mess, and it gives me a headache just looking at it. It's like web 3.0 the game, "featuring all your favorite Marvel (tm) heroes!"
Also Blizzard sucks cocks, literally and figuratively. They don't deserve a cent.

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porn good
game not good

t. brigshitter

>genuinely expecting any level of coordination from a team of randoms

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its trash


>tfw giant Mei will never sit on your house

>every mode is 6v6 so you can't have fun or do anything besides the objective
This does bother me a lot. I love Overwatch but I can't do anything like camp the intel with a level 3 sentry on turbine, landfall, or 2fort.

Dva isn't real and she isn't my findom waifu.

i cant believe blizz got away with making the same fucking character a THIRD TIME

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Queen of Hearts isn't Blacked. Queen of Spades is

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are you fucking dumb? bleached is just an answer to blacked. i doubt that it even has any real fetishy following. it's just a meme at this point.

>here's your new overwatch hero, bro

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it's so retarded, it must be added


Getting told to play goats or reported everyday is not my kind of game

I used my FREEDOM OF SPEECH to tell a WOMAN that was dragging the team down to kill herself and got BANNED
I can not support such COMMUNISM

settle down now resetranny, there's no reason to false flag in this thread

No dragon dads.

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shut up ryan

does she have a horse cock? she looks like she should

There are people who actually want to do that?

I want to give all of my money to someone pretty who dominates me, yes

I need an excuse to play it, not to ignore it

>Guise play our game, we have waifus and porn just like everyone else
>we got a new bland character, though the meta is still utter cancer
Post yfw Battleborn was the superior game all along

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Are you one and you can't do it anymore or what, why does that bother you?

>tfw no chuuni tsundere Widowmaker gf

go away randy you had your chance to be the f2p overwatch

I don't like any of the maps. Not a single one of them. Sure, Blizzard puts a shit ton of little details in them, but that design philosophy doesn't work well with shooters. That would be great if I were playing WoW, but I have about thirty seconds to get into position before the game starts This is especially blatant with Paris. They have this beautiful looking courtyard for the second capture point, but it's a fucking nightmare to attack.

I guess you could briefly sum it up as style over substance.

It's old and the devs are cunts.

Also it's telling you have to sell it to people based off fanart.

haha imagine if that was true haha wouldn't it be funny haha


bad game only watch for the sfm porn.

it's not overwatch it's this godforsaken board.

I can't stop masturbating to Overwatch porn long enough to want to play it anymore.
Fapping is way more fun

It's boring


The people in it are garbage. Nobody wants to play as a team in the team shooter...

Her black dick sfm is amazing.

females, fags and diversity
boring genre
autistic cringy cult following

It's stupid and the community is stupid. Mostly kids.

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i still do but i only play 3vs3 matches and sometimes casual for shits and giggles.

Basically the majority of heroes are fucking annoying to deal with and the balance is shit. Characters like soldier basically do no damage while characters like mei can be a threat for the entirety of the match.

The game just suck ass and the new support character will just make everything more annoying with a fucking immortality field and a double damage ult.

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Blacked overwatch porn is so good.