Kumatora thread

Kumatora thread

Attached: Kumatora.jpg (909x1200, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:

booru.vineshroom.net/_images/76bef88f75bbc1ace898b7674772fb99/72952 - artist:AgentRedJackal game:mother_3 streamer:vinny vinerizon.png

Give me Kumatora requests.

Kumatora sucking my big fat willy.

I request that she back that ass up man fuck

I give you 5 minutes before Steveposter shows up to ruin the thread.

Lucas pounding her asshole

giant kumatora

Her getting the BBC

Attached: Dance.gif (1062x750, 1.08M)


Kumatora showing off her sexy bare feet.

Finally, a good request.
Doing this one.

Attached: 1551357928336.jpg (1033x679, 46K)

I second this


My request is kumatora getting headpat with right hand and cheekrub with left hand.

Based and footfagpilled

Cringe and cuckpilled

Attached: 1551699997534.gif (491x750, 1.51M)

wow and i thought all the bad requests were in the drawthreads


>big boney cock
supremely based

Attached: 1532308728318.jpg (228x221, 7K)

Oh yeah Kumatora getting knotted would probably be even better than BBC, drawfag if your still here consider it.

Attached: Kumatora.png (777x609, 115K)

Based and notpilled

I want her with Bear and Tiger Arms, one in each hand, in similar style to ReiBear

Attached: reibear.png (430x508, 43K)

I've started sticking things up my asshole. Yesterday I managed to get a whole cucumber up there. I'll be honest, it wasn't that pleasant and I don't think I'll do it again. Lol, sometimes I just thinj iudop pwnn ldkosll pqowww , but I'm too afraid to start, also I think dressing up as a girl would be gay.

Attached: images.jpg (110x121, 4K)

Tranny thread?

I finally played and finished Mother 3 last week
I feel a void now that it's over
Fuck, it really was as good of a game as everyone keeps saying

Based and redpilled.

Too thicc for my taste desu.

She needs to be cuter, isn't she supposed to be a teenager?
Also, why do many artists tend to draw her wearing fingerless gloves? I don't recall any of her gloves being that specific type in my entire playthrough.

Attached: 1544149279398.jpg (548x640, 71K)

Ayy, that's my Twitter pfp.
Agree with you though, people portray her way wrong

shes cute
should i play mother 3?

Yes, or watch Vinny's playthrough, it was pretty entertaining.

Kumatora being BLOCKED by Steve


Attached: 49941947_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x1000, 407K)

Wasn't that art from Vinny's stream lmao


Nah that's a pixiv filename no way
Though personally if I see he's streaming something I usually check Vinebooru for art because beneath the shit and piss there's usually diamonds to find.

Attached: 72952 - artist-AgentRedJackal game-mother_3 streamer-vinny vinerizon.png (1024x716, 807K)

aw fuck hiroshimoot not again
that was supposed to be this image
booru.vineshroom.net/_images/76bef88f75bbc1ace898b7674772fb99/72952 - artist:AgentRedJackal game:mother_3 streamer:vinny vinerizon.png

Red Jackal always has had quality art

Attached: 1550096203847.png (297x322, 165K)

Good taste user

honestly the best Kuma lewd i seen

Ok, here's a shot before it really gets going

Attached: 1546761518856.png (790x1080, 617K)

Attached: 1541800650798.jpg (600x541, 38K)

sorry user it's not new

Attached: Dz-hQR5XQAAstfw.png (826x824, 398K)

>tfw I found my Kumatora folder from a fucking decade ago today
Its a good day

Attached: 1-KUMATORA_by_Odori.jpg (396x395, 93K)

i like your taste user they might not draw it but i will someday for you have inspired me

Tits too big, would not plap.

Okay, what is this, exactly?
Standard Sauce Finders turn up nothing, obviously, and I've looked over a couple boorus to no avail.

Share it boii

Not so fast Stevefag

Attached: victoryismine.jpg (1168x1062, 235K)

welp at least i have the classic

Attached: KumaSmug.png (300x300, 86K)

A bunch of them are fucking bmp files, if you can believe that. Quite disappointing to see actually.

Attached: 1248663375439.png (430x430, 14K)

Attached: PLAP.png (615x552, 272K)

she loves me as a friend


I know these algorithms can be finicky, especially with cropped pictures

>an artist you're following posts in the thread
very nice.jpg
anything ever come of that /ss/ booette comic you were making?

I like this art-style. Reminds me of Persona 2

that damn smile

Attached: DzJAEAWUcAAnIP1.jpg (349x360, 19K)

i only did a small shitty thing with that but anons have renewed my interest in it i just need a good idea for it comics aren't my specialty

Attached: boo.png (412x385, 380K)

Kumatora wearing the Bible Black uniform.

Attached: 2226945-10.jpg (720x1384, 233K)

I just can't fap to anything with Lucas in it, he is like a son to me.

Attached: look how the massacred my boy.jpg (480x300, 8K)

thats fair user i get that feeling

this, it just doesn't feel right when Lucas is in the picture.

Based and mayopilled


Attached: 1551443545381.png (493x494, 144K)

user pls its 2:50 am for me

Attached: 1247896683345.jpg (700x869, 168K)

So are they a tranny or what?

Its 4:30 for me nigger

Attached: 1551508092387.png (839x778, 778K)