2,107 all-time peak 4 days ago

>2,107 all-time peak 4 days ago

They fucked up huh?

Attached: 01_doa02.jpg (3840x2160, 827K)

Other urls found in this thread:


yup this is what we call bad PR especially considering SC6 had over 14k at peak

At least the update went through this morning to update the pattern count payouts.

Watcha mean, did they make it easier?

people will only get tricked into buying shitty fighting games without crossplay so many times

t. bought mvci lmao

is there a worse director in terms of pr than shimbori?

this game needs crossplay because in a couple of more weeks it's gonna be a pain to find people to play against.

i almost bought this shit, good thing i checked what the peak player count was lmao.
seriously though, why don't we get crossplay with fighting games like this? i thought the barrier was already broken with fortnite.

It always baffles me when I remember that Honoka is a fighting game character.

The model/graphic barely improve over 5. now it lack of outfit

>DOA less than 1/6th of SC6
Wow they REALLY fucked up

>releasing this close to dmcv
They sure did

just wait for DOA 6 core fighters

The patterns increased greatly as payout and you can do offline things like Time Attack to get a bigger payout. One round of Time Attack was paying 400 on Average and 600 on Hard. That's all of 6mins work for a run done. The 1.02 update mid-March is suppose to restructure how pattern payouts are dolled out, but the x100 increase will be gone after the 10th so I'm doing it now.

It's not a movie, retard. It's 60 bucks, so one or the other.

DOA6 didn't have a slew of paid FGC shills pushing the game 24/7.

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lazy devs
anisoy defense force

the power rangers game will have it though

KT forced Team Ninja to drop the Soft Engine they designed for the company approved Dynasty Warriors engine used in 9.

>SC6 is at EVO
Hey at least you have Melee to keep you company I guess.

sad because its a good game

Model and graphic improve big, you be retard

The upcoming power rangers fighting game will have crossplay.

I imagine crossplay involves money and corporate politics that aren't worth it for smaller games. Unfortunately they're the ones that need it the most.

>There’s no saving face for Dead Or Alive 6 though, which had an even worse start than we predicted in our review. It could manage only number 21 in the all formats chart, with the PlayStation 4 version scraping in at number 26 and the Xbox One version not making the top 40.
Wow, this franchise is dead.

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2,827 for DoA5

Who care about PC?

I play games on PC but fighting games are basically console exclusive if you want to play online. No one decent plays on PC.

Soul Calibur is my dog in the race, so I'm okay with it.

dare i say get woke go broke? ;^)

>fanservice locked behind dlc
>boobs nerfed
>jiggle still needs to be fixed
>no lobbies
>blurry textures
>poor roster
Can this franchise be saved with DOA7?

Ah alrighty sounds like a plan. Thanks for the heads up user!

shills btfo hahahaha

There's the Tekken twitch sperg samefagging again

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I'll say it: get woke GO BROKE

I'm glad they toned down the tits I mean look at honoka, so small


Wow, not even reaching DOA5 numbers? that's pathetic

how did they get woke?

honoka still looks too much like a child for anyone who isn't thirsty enough to drink an ocean

>fanservice locked behind dlc
Fan service costumes are in the game without DLC, you just have to unlock them like any other game.
>boobs nerfed
>jiggle still needs to be fixed
Jiggle is fine, hasvn't you seen Honkers vs Honkers?
>no lobbies
This is true and coming soon. The whole push is to make people play Rank to try and fake that it is a competitive game for eSports with stats of how many were playing Rank matches.
>blurry textures
Seems fine, why no S/Pro, bro?
>poor roster
Who is missing besides Momiji and the letch, seriously?
>Can this franchise be saved with DOA7?
Not if 6 bombs. This is the end of the line.

DOA has core values. Gotta pander to those sjws


nerfed the boobs, fucked up the jiggle to where they have to patch it in later, moved the skimpy outfits behind dlc

Nude mods will save this game
Prove me wrong

>boobs nerfed

Attached: 1550449331539.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

She looks like 22 to me.

>moved the skimpy outfits behind dlc
Why lie?

>DoA is literally DoA
How the fuck did it come to this? I didn't pay attention to anything during development/pre-release besides faggots posting threads of people complaining about sexualisation of course.

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The jiggle is on par with XBV-3 from what I've seen and the dlc shit has been going on since 5. There's about 1000 dollars worth of costumes in 5 I think.

now post ayane and kasumi's alts. oh wait, locked behind dlc

Early 2018 build, not final version in 2019 where she's stacked again. This pathetic attempt for (you)s while lying so badly is getting sad

Because he's a fucking sperg. You have to wonder why he's allowed to keep making these threads and posts one after another, when it was RE2 it was a drop in a lake but in this case it's like having a paid shill actively campaigning against a game and spreading misinformation 24/7. Yea Forums is fucking garbage.

No Momiji
No buy

Also I love Momiji!

Attached: 1478024794029.png (1080x1920, 2.3M)

when will these fags learn. just go full on lewd and focus entirely on beach volleyball. the only fan base they have left is us echi incels, you'll never get the fighting game people

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>There's about 1000 dollars worth of costumes in 5 I think.
There's a falseness about this because people combined Season Pass DLC + the separately sold single versions which are in the season pass.

still too small

but DoA5 had fan service whales most of those got scared away by idiot PR

Nope, classic Kasumi and Ayane in their showy outfits are still in the game. Again, the video is right there you pathetic cuck.

Kill yourself you fucking faggot, i can't believe you turned out to be this much of a cancerous cunt. You're not getting any Momiji for the game you actively tried to kill with lies, you're not getting any Momiji ever.

Attached: Fuck you.jpg (2880x1620, 2.4M)

>developed in less than a year
>no lobbies on launch
>missing characters
>fewer free costumes
yeah it's a cash grab

>give middle finger to fans
>don't be halal enough for SJWs and get them mad too

Attached: champ life.jpg (960x726, 62K)

>pander to SJWs
>sells like shit
Who would have guessed?

nice minecraft textures

There's still about 500 dollars worth of costumes no?

>doesn't show nearly as much skin as some free costumes in 5
>the ones that do are locked behind dlc

>pander to SJWs

Yes, that totally happened

Attached: 1551664314854.webm (1067x600, 2.99M)

that franchise survives almost entirely on whales so there will still probably be a sequel

DoA5 with nude mod > DoA6 in general

>being literally retarded

Attached: Digital camouflage.jpg (1024x1024, 80K)

now post everyone else, oh wait, it would prove you wrong like

I really hope they make the game better though patches, so far the whole costume's thing is a pain in the ass, and those were the best parts of the game (the bullshit DLC prices can go fuck off though)

>have to collect Parts
>costumes require 1000s of parts to unlock
>only thing with decent payout of parts is DOA Quest
>The parts go to a random costume, probably not even one for a character you use, it's practically gambling without real money in a bad way
>If the parts obtained complete a costume but there are excess left over, those parts are lost
>Still have to use the in game currency to buy the costume

Its dumber than how you get most of 4's which required in game money that can only be earned in online matches. So you're pretty much stuck with Kasumi and Ayane's new "non sexy" outfits for quite a while since their iconic outfits are hid behind this shit.

I want to say 7 sets for DOA5LR + the "Ultimate" pass which added in anything from the previous versions of 5 which wasn't included in LR. (LR contained some, but not all of the previous DLC content for 5 pre-LR edition).

the creepers will still see you

Huh, thats a bit better, still hope they make the payouts bigger


>attempting to nitpick this hard

Do you want to talk about Honkers or Tina or Christie?


>deluxe edition doesn't include the season pass
Koei Tecmo makes Bandai Namco look like saints in comparison

yeah i already play VV its just severely lacking in content and there will never be an X3 on PC

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No because I'm wright.

the best part is i'm not even making these threads. it makes my day when i enter a doa thread and saw that you were arguing with someone else for hours, thinking it was me. the fact that i have you obsessed with me with only a few posts from my end is hilarious

KT has always been money hungry bitches. Look up what they did to DW9 so far. It's already on season pass 3 and there were pre-order & store exclusive outfits, iirc.

Will the deluxe edition costumes be available later? I wanted a physical copy so I missed out.

everything else is fine

>blurry texture
is true - a handful of stages are not up to 2019 standards

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Waiting for this. I'll pick up best girl Mila and decide if I want the whole thing after some gameplay

I really hope they make excess parts go to another costume, or hell, just put all the parts into a pool you can use to distribute as you wish


Why do people defend these scumbags?

since it's Tecmo,

did that Monster Rancher twitter amount to anything yet?

The Dlx set (wrestlers) will and so will Tengu/Phase 4. Less likely they will sell the pre-order Kasumi costume (sexy kimono outfit) and pre-order Dlx Kasumi costume (sexy sailor)

I want this game to succeed because I've enjoyed the franchise since Dreamcast. Honestly a fun fighter.

But I want this to also fail because this is the laziest installment.
>graphics slightly improved from last game
>stupid SJW nerfing for no reason
>no tag
>no lobbies
>combat has barely evolved
>noob button is a terrible concept
>3 way hold/4 way hold
>charging for characters that have already been developed
>2-4 costumes at max when 1000+ were available
>trash unlocking system(that was fixed) hinting at some Jewish scheme for mtx
>less levels with less variety than ever before
>no model viewer
>no character/stage bgm option
>absolutely garbage story mode shoehorning in uninteresting characters
>no Aerosmith opening movie

Cant believe this is what we get at launch. Sure its got a solid foundation, for microtransactions. So we'll just get some sexy costumes and returning characters for a price. So far the only positive this game provides is the option to rematch ranked opponents, thats literally it.

Nobody defends them. The only people I know that actually buy all of the costumes in DOA are japanese neets.

I can spot you from a mile away sperg, you don't fool anyone who actually posts in DOA threads only the mongs who drive by. At this point you are by far the biggest sperg i ever ran across, even that DMC faggot that used to stalk me. You're only hard to spot when the Momiji faggot is in the thread with you, doing the exact same. You're pathetic.

I'm just hoping it's not a mobile game. I could see it turning that way.

no, you definitely can't lol but please keep responding and never stop. i can't imagine how much time i've made you waste


good, fuck tecmo, fuck sjws and fuck any developer who panders to them in the future

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Oh fuck off you fucking child, i hope you don't live to see 25.

>Forsen and Aris sub
>Allowed to post on Yea Forums

>or hell, just put all the parts into a pool you can use to distribute as you wish
This is honestly what they should have done. Fuck points, just make this in-game currency. Zack Coins. Every match you get randomized amount of Zack Coins and etc. Go into the Shop and browse by character and pick the costume you want to use Zack Coins on. Boom, done. No convoluted fucking mess of pattern points and shit

God damn Team Ninja, this is basic shit.

Again, really hated 4's costume system, a few could be unlocked via arcade mode, but most can only be bought with a currency you only get from winning online matches

The lobby system where you can control a little avatar in a virtual room of multiple designs though, THAT I'd love to see return

Their solution that's getting implemented is much better and more in line with how you should unlock costumes in a fighting game


They wouldnt have even had to fix the awarded amount if they did this. Then it would have been far more rewarding to play. I never realised how simple it couldve been. Holy fuck TN is a bunch of mental retards

>DOAcucks still support this garbage and Venus Vacation

It's a fighting game.

>No lobbies
>Fight money except x10000 more grindy and jewish
>$120 launch DLC

It was bound to fail.

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I wish there was a way to tell how many console players got it, instead of waiting for NPD numbers.

Because muh pc hacker boogeyman

Crossplay is the best. I get instant KI matches despite the steam version being dead as fuck. W10 and xbone have a ton of players still.

It's still much better than 5. 5's textures were abysmal. And generally, I think 6's lighting looks a lot better

>current gen game
>still using past gen textures


>The patterns increased greatly as payout
I am still getting single digits from Arcade though.

It’s kinda sad that team ninja’s best game this gen is fucking Nioh of all games. I fucking love the doa and ninja gaiden games.

Oh well. Guess I’ll just wait for doa4 to be back compatible on xbone.

monster rancher is one of my all time favs, please tell me it's not a mobile game

soucalibur wins again

>more fun

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Oh well. Back to tekken.

This game is a thousand times better than Nioh. This is a great fighting game, great to play, look at and hear. Sales do not reflect it's quality in the slightest, it's practically a case study as to how everything that matters is publicity in this day and age.

They need cookie monster, but they'll never admit it.

DOA is soulless. They lose if they pander to betacucks who want "lewd" and they lose if they pander to SJWs. Best option is to recycle so of the better characters and make a TK crossover game. Hayabusa vs Lu Bu could probably get a good chunk of the consumer base hyped.

That's slightly lower than DoA5 Core fighters, which is a free "game".
DoA6 will probably end up selling about as much as DoA5LR sold, maybe a little more since it's a main title. The series is dying, just like Dynasty Warriors.


I'm not sure if Arcade got a bump. DOATEC_OFFICIAL on twitter has an english post if u scroll down telling who got a boost

DOa has ass netcode and no lobbies. There is no reason to have netcode this bad when even budget Indies have GGPO

no it doesn't

>sales don’t matter

Tell that to developers.

Good. Let this be an example to nip devs

Here's a shocker: they don't need to pander to anyone, just make a good game along the same lines of the other 5 in the series. I know, mind:blown amirite

>no shortstack
it's shit

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>not playing this game on mod-central
how dumb are you?

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I would buy every DLC for DoA if they made Nyotengu have bigger boobs than Honoka. I really hate that Honoka gets to have the biggest breasts I can't stand her as a character.

Who are you quoting?

Netcode is bad especially when compared to western fighters

>they don't need to pander to anyone
tell the director and PR that
they have no idea what to do with the DOA brand

no, it isn't.

What western fighters, that Mortal Kombat horseshit? What are you even basing this on?
>Netcode bad
Literally meaningless unless you have some data to back it up. In b4 your feelings.

Nope. Series is tainted and has to pander. Even if it's a great game if it panders to one side it's going to bomb unless it's super budget.

They can start new and pander to no one with a new franchise

I just got 300 that time, so I don't even know man. First try today got me a whopping 2 of them like before.

SCVI made the insane decision to release alongside RDR2, something no one else dared try and sales might have suffered badly for it. Despite that it still was leagues ahead of DoA6


Trying to sellout and then backtracking once you see it's failing, still counts as pandering.

If they really polish the mechanics, the game will find an audience among the fighting game community and get free publicity through tournaments and twitch shit. If they just make a doll poser the potential audience is reduced dramatically.

Yeah it worked for virtua fighter.

>Try to make their big titties anime girls game appealing to the #MeToo target audience
>It flops hard


Boy you guys are idiots.
DOA has delay netcode which is outdated tech and shit by design. Even them, DOA netcode is bad even by delay standards with plenty of people recording regular slowdowns.

KI, IJ2, Skullgirls, Punch Planet, and MvCO all use rollback with great success. MKX had shit delay netcode and rollback was patched for MKXL. IJ2 improved on XL's netcode, so MKXI netcode should be great

This game is slow loading, screen tearing trash. The point system to unlock the costumes has to be the worst of all time.

The lack of intro and win poses and free cam photo mode makes staring at the girls into a chore to set up

No tag mode and 1/4 of the characters from the last game are missing.

DOA6 is the epitome of everything wrong with video game development, from trying to spark outrage instead of an honest ad campaign to using post release content to fix a subpar game that needed 6 more months in the oven.

Virtua Fighter released their game years late. The western fanbase had no competitive chance with international competition.

game should have nude skins from the get go to be honest

They fall for the SJW bait that dont matter how shitty the game is, if it is progressive enough, it must sell.

>Sell out
They want to be accepted by a bunch of corporate run whores, they wanted a bigger audience because they put a lot of effort in their games and don't get the recognition they deserve, they made a mistake and they immediately rectified it. They literally changed their fucking mind to appeal to their fans and released a game for them and here you are chastising them like an absolute faggot. You can't win with people like you because you don't give two fucks about the video game, you just want an excuse to yell about your political bullshit.

Cry when developers don't listen to fans, cry when developers listen to fans. Go fuck yourself, i can't relate to this generation of faggots at all, they just want an excuse to be outraged and get social media points.

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>Games are popular in the FGC based on merit


SC and RDR 2 are not really for the same audience though.

keep having to correct the same things every thread

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Begone shill

>rollback meme

I love parroting shit i read online too!

They shouldnt have promoted that first version. Again, get woke, go broke

Prove it.

because it's the same faggot posting them

Could give less of a shit about the tit size, but 6's characters just look worse in every aspect from 5's.

>that one guy posting the same webms because he still thinks the boobs werent nerfed

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I love actually playing games that dont feel underwater

>They fucked up huh?
I bought DoA at launch all the way up to 4
Also got DoA EBV 1-3 at launch
They fucked up with 5 with the cost of DLC and with DoA6 they fucked up massively by full retards in their interviews. Comments such as this didn't help them
>Of course, we will have some jiggling and some movement, but as a whole we’re going to tone down
They have basically been trying to backpedal their idiocy but you can't comeback from full retard with a simple, "muh bad".
They could've shut down the SJW by saying DoA doesn't get the Extreme costume treatment and to fuck off. Yet they didn't so now they can only apologize by introducing the Extreme costumes into DoA6 and I mean the really good revealing costumes of Extreme Beach Volleyball.
Other than that Shimbori and his dream can suck it.

The jackass PR guy in Cali tried to sell them out cause he's a raging SJW trying to convince Japan that they could go from a single million to multi-million sales selling out. all shit

No that's just you trying to cope, every about this game was dishonest and cynical from the start. There was never an E Sports push.

These kinds of costumes or nothing

Attached: This isn't DoA6 costumes.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

You shills can nope all day. The boobs were still nerfed.

>jackass PR guy in Cal
Who is this guy?
From the past interviews it was the lead developer doing the SJW shit trying to appeal to the gay ass fgc

Now these are unnerfed boobs

Attached: 1548136237261.png (657x527, 38K)

How can they appeal to the FGC when they can't even get netcode right?

true, every fighting game should have crossplay

I don't get the appeal of DoA. A bunch of generic anime samefaces. You can barely tell the characters apart

Ask Street Fighter, Soul Calibur and Tekken you disingenuous fag

>turn your back on your fanbase
>realize you aren't going to sell to people that don't buy your game
>try to go crawling back to the wallet
Nah, fuck off cunt, try again next game.

How I am coping? The game is terrible beyond the nerf of the boobs

You forgot to add Smash

>turn your back
>crawling back

You're a complete schizophrenic sperg. You must have been raised by Yea Forums

What are the pros of this game compared to DoA 5?

he's right tho

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How will they backpedal?

Attached: this may be fun.jpg (574x574, 53K)

No shimbori got roped in from what it looks like but in the end a bad decision stays with you forever you can't come back no matter how radically polarized you go.
>Also, I'm very happy to see that the esports movement has gotten bigger in recent years. I really want to work with fans to help DOA expand and reach that type of stage. My dream is for the DOA fanbase is for it to grow even larger than from what it is today.
In other words that director will never recover regardless of achievements. I ain't personally gonna give him any leniency

Attached: Nyotengu.jpg (658x1024, 139K)

Visuals and mechanics

>he's right tho
That he is and you as well shills are the real spergs that can't achieve their utopia despite their hardcore sabotage.
Not like they will ever bother to create it. Reason why they hate the meme of the right colonizing mars.

They already tried by saying they'll add jiggle "later"
It's a shame KT is so fucking greedy, they could have put out some free sexy outfits and the weak willed would have jumped on it, again.

>he's replying to himself again

Attached: fuck outta here.jpg (1024x579, 111K)

Can we get a Rio Skin for DOA6?

Attached: deadalive_201584b.jpg (654x1154, 176K)

I know I would have. Even with the reduced breasts that supposedly got better in the retail version.

>they could have put out some free sexy outfits
A shame they can't distinguish from appealing to straight up sexy.
They got appealing characters but their costumes on average then to be ass. I thought the whole point of the DoA5LR collab costumes were to sink into appeal. Yet they learned nothing seeing these garbage ass costumes for Tina, Helena, Lei, Jan, etc, etc, etc.

The fuck are you even talking about you dumb cunt? Are you samefagging?

The game already has jiggle, in fact it now has ass jiggle physics too. You never even seen the game in motion once did you?

>no character/stage bgm option
DOA Central / Music

I like the new combat except SSSS. The general fatal strikes, blows and holds are fine.

>power rangers game
>made by a mobile game company
i really want it to be good user but realistically what are the chances?

I preordered this shit in France and didn’t receive any preorder code. Contacter my seller and Koei Tecmo. They both told me to shove it up my arse. Then they are selling Nyotengu on the ps store for 4euros. You know a scammer when you see one.

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>$100 season pass
yes, yes they fucked up.
it still looks bad and resulted in countless "DoA 6 has a $100 season pass" articles. if they had released $100 worth of dlc but let you buy it all individually, no one would have cared.

They have Justin Wong working on the game. For better or worse.

No one wants to play with you cheating subhumans. Straight up fact.

Attached: 1537077965029.jpg (545x505, 114K)

>Not knowing how to do a simple business transaction
>Not knowing how to to enforce your rights as a consumer in fucking EU Europe of all places

Attached: dumb frog.jpg (1024x576, 81K)

Maybe so, but all season passes are shit to begin with so it's pretty unfair to chastise them so much for it.

yeah but that could mean anything. is he actively involved, working for 40 hours a week on balancing and gameplay tweaks? or are they just paying him some money to consult once in a while and give them credibility?

>your face when this happens
>your face when no matter how good you are it JUST doesn't pay exactly 1000 leaving you with only a few points away to unlock the most expensive costumes in one go

Attached: bayman is not happy.png (1920x1080, 2.61M)

Yeah. That one.

>The game already has jiggle, in fact it now has ass jiggle physics too. You never even seen the game in motion once did you?
DoAX3 has that. Not like DoA6 is adding lotions.
So again he is still right. They fucked up with their jiggle comment and they will never recover from it. Words are worthless when words fucked it up and only their actions will speak louder.
Yet that wont happen because they don't have the foresight to invest into costumes like with the collab costumes.

Attached: kokoro.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

It's funny because consolelards do it all the time with hacked saves. Console users truly are the lowest form of human shit, verily.

i agree but it doesn't change the fact that their execution was stupid and resulted in bad optics. if they had launched with $100 worth of DLC but sold it the way fortnite does, no one would have noticed or cared.

They are doing that. Just wasn’t available on release.

>It's funny because consolelards do it all the time with hacked saves.
guess you've never heard of input codes and gameshark
Just cause PC was easier to pull this crap doesn't mean consolelards weren't doing it either.

Attached: gameshark.jpg (342x399, 36K)

and now it's too late because the game is dead.

>guess you've never heard of input codes and gameshark
I don't see how either is relevant today. Are you honestly bragging about being old and on Yea Forums? That's pretty miserable, kill yourself.

>and now it's too late because the game is dead.
Basically none of their PR moves are hitting the mark because they can't admit what they fucked up with, fire the idiots involved, and above all make up for that stupidity with viable good content that isn't behind an idiotic paywall and a timer.

>DoAX3 has that

AAAAAAAAAND? What is your fucking point? DOA5 is the game 6 is the sequel to, not a fucking poser.

>Words are worthless when words fucked it up and only their actions will speak louder.

Am i talking to a fucking lunatic? JIGGLE IS LITERALLY IN THE GAME, they literally took ACTION by programming it into the game via the physical ACTION of their fingers impacting on an input device. Not only that but it's a more advanced version of the jiggle physics of their previous game. Are you a fucking mongoloid or what? What more action do you want them to take? Hire a stripper to come slap her tits on your face as you play?

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I want to say that the game isn’t dead on PS4 at least but the lack of lobbies is really hurting the game.

>I don't see how either is relevant today.
>hacked saves
Sorry but cheating isn't new. Been here since pre internet and will still be around.

lol you mad

everything theyre saying is a completely valid basis for not giving money to this dumbass company. itagaki left them with gold and they shat all over it. this is a fact.

I think that speaks more about the public than them though, since the end result isn't any different at all.
Obviously they could've handled it better on their end, but everyone else is acting like a total drama queen.

They fucked up on all fucking fronts by betraying the core fans. You never betray the core fans. Even if it was all a ruse to fool western sjw journalists it hurt them. There was nothing positive about the whole thing.

The game's alright though, they just fucked up.

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When all games are streamed cheating and piracy will finaly die.

Bloody hell they made Honoka less of a retard and more of a cutie.
She looks far more fuckable now.

>Not only that but it's a more advanced version of the jiggle physics of their previous game.
And that makes it all better because?
You don't help them in anyway shape or form being a "fucking lunatic".
Their PR fucked up and everyone involved in the development of DoA6 is suffering extra because of it. Doesn't mean that the Director or PR division gets to walk away from making it worse on their programmers. In fact you just made it worse by defending them.
Then again shills never learn what hills are worth dying on.

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Who is this game for? Like seriously, what kind of retard would buy this for $60? If you're horny, just install Honey Select and fuck the shit out of any DOA girl, the textures are ripped straight from the game.

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>And that makes it all better because?

I am, i am literally talking to godamn fucking lunatic

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>Who is this game for?
People that can enjoy time with a woman of their choosing for X amount of days, play minigames, and get them gifts.
At this point you should be asking who love plus is for

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Why are doathreads such fucking cancer? This is as worse as DW9 where everyone just parrots Jim Sterling.

>I am, i am literally talking to godamn fucking lunatic
Rather I be a fucking lunatic that a tail wagging imbecile.

Any general with a turbo sperg present is cancer, no post IDs make it possible.

People bought on pc for the mods.

jesus fucking christ i love lisa

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Their PR was a total blunder, as a fan of that company, I still don’t know if they’re ok with the white male gaze on their pure girls or if they’re on full SJW mode, cause since reveal I heard conflicting answers regarding this.

>this meme again
Come to the fighting games general and say that again there.

Betas with no chance to get a real girl because too fat, ugly or whatever.

Do you find that she's a little disjointed in her animations? I like playing as her, but she looks really odd in motion.

>Why are doathreads such fucking cancer?
Dead or Alive doesn't really have lord that revolves around fighting. The tournament is always based around drama and rarely any of the characters are evolving from it.
So in terms of a fighting game that aspect of the game isn't doing much for it.
Ayane I believe is the closest we ever got to a "muh evil within" take. The approach has been more around the lines of "muh scientific enhancements" approach which story wise as a fighting game is less appealing than Tekken and their story is totally ass.
Yet you at least have Devil Jin in that series.
All Dead or Alive has is "muh tragic backstory" and look at all these tits/costumes.

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Every tournament /fgg/ runs is on PC. They've tried PS4 and no one turns up.

This is not like an insult, i think you are mistaking me. Like it's a fact, it's actually disturbing that I'm here having a conversation with someone who is mentally deranged and does not see it. Let me break down your logic for you.

>Jiggle was promised "later" (implying that not only is it not in the game but might not be)
Jiggle is not only on the fucking game since release but is better then the previous entry
>Words mean nothing, actions are what count!
Their words 6 months ago literally meant nothing and only their action counted, the actual game
>How is not only having what i am asking for be in the game but actually even better than it was before supposed to be good!!!???
I don't even know what to write here, like i am lost for words.

You are literally not governed by reason or logic, you're lime a dog barking at a plastic bag. Get help.

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wait, so the PS4 version also has jiggle?

No? her animations are extremely impressive and fluid. What's wrong with your eyes user?

Why wouldn't it have? What even is this question?

not at all, her animations are the ones i like the most ( im a sucker for lucha characters), specially the throw combos

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It sucks to see this happening, but that's what happens when the director is a fucking retard in the reviews.

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Every version of the game has the exact same content. Absolutely no censoring or changes between versions.

There was a balding black man in his late 30s playing it on twitch. If the kids won't watch it it has no future. Poor marketing.

At least I got sent a code for Nyotengu after buying on GMG. I don't know how they pulled that off, but yay

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How long until porn gets made using the models?

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Tekken does well on steam with no meme crossplay.
Too many console players use wifi

Shimbori's interviews are dumb but if you actually like the series and pay attention to the development updates then you can see it's a quality game. All the hate for the game is based on outdated info and hate for the OPTIONAL costume DLC model that DOA5 has had for the past 4 yers.

I heard some Nintendo folks say the PS4 version had no jiggle, was I bamboozled?

>Let me break down your logic for you.
Well you fucked up already because that isn't my quote. Yet I'm the lunatic.
>Jiggle was promised "later" (implying that not only is it not in the game but might not be)
I did mention however that they fucked up and "trying to atone" by adding it isn't really atoning. Thus my quote that isn't word by word
>Words mean nothing, actions are what count!
Yet you miss the point
>Their words 6 months ago literally meant nothing and only their action counted, the actual game
Their words meant something, they neglected their core fanbase by trying to "appeal" to a wider audience which is the issue. Yet after fucking up because of lack of foresight they went back to the status quo which is an insult to the new audience they tried to cater to while not really doing anything to atone to their audience they initially tossed aside.
The most hilarious part though is you literally believing that by adding ass jiggle all their fuck ups deserve to go away. Sorry but that's not forgiveness works when you fuck up.
>You are literally not governed by reason or logic,
Sadly you can't see either or but do keep on lecturing others. I'll give your pathetic ass wagging a bone so you hopefully learn the difference.

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Those all have arcade roots and a long history. DOA started as console shit

Who cares about other people? They are cancer.

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what did he do in interviews?

Yeah, I could tell that they were not being truthful about toning down sexiness even early on, but the fact that he even made that an issue was such a massive fuckup. And the DLC outrage is definitely coming from non-fans who didn't follow DOA5 and its updates.

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It's Yea Forums, you were turbo bamboozled. Those spergs are still allowed to have bump limit threads pretending they removed jiggle from a Warriors game even though in the very first thread an user proved that it was a glitch with the FPS cap being raised.

By kowtowing to the journalists, he created a controversy where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. If you presented the same trailers, screenshots, etc. without the whole "We're removing sexiness to follow world trends" garbage, most fans wouldn't have been upset during the lead up to release and they'd be in a much better situation overall.

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Remember it doesn't help their case that DoAX3 didn't get localized so with that resentment still existing. Here's the following
Something something tone down sexiness for esports
Something something california
Something something they fucked up and will never recover
Something something 50 views
Something something backpedaling ensues
Something something we here now

Welcome to fighting games, an already niche community split between multiple platforms with no crossplay

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This game might have had the worst PR in history but you don't get to excuse the faggots who actively campaigned against it by spreading lies and the fucking retards who parroted those lies without so much as looking at the game. It's literally still happening after the game is out for everyone to see. Whom ever is responsible for the PR needs to be fired and well, if any of these retards ever cared about DOA in the first place their are gonna reap what they sowed because they just voluntarily helped kill the series.

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Get woke

Journalists and social media are stupid. You’re funny with your Twitter «controversies». Is the game fun? Yes it is. Now play and shut the fuck up, gossip soiboys

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>that pic

Fuck, so that's why my last relationship went to shit. It makes sense now.

Tekken 7 is the most shilled fighting game in history.

What was even their goal with the PR shit storm and making comments about they're toning down the nsfw aspects of the game?

Absolute best case scenario they generate some good press with some gaming "news" affiliates who do an article about it that SJWs say "hey cool doa is less lewd". They people they are pandering to with these changes were never the target audience of DoA, and pandering to them would never make them go from not buying the game to buying the game. All these comments and intentions and PR accomplished was alienating the core audience who supported the game to appease people who did not ever (nor would ever) support it.

And now its a massive flop. Like, no shit?

Agreed, I see a lot of lying about it going on.

Directors and PR idiots live in a bubble so they fucked up by thinking their statements wouldn't backfire so badly.
Also correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they have a stream with promos and were struggling to break 100views or was it 1k views?
Sticking with DoA5LR until DoA6 goes out of its way to make it worth my time.

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Which cuties are barefoot

>Something something tone down sexiness for esports

yeah, I remember that one back when it was announced, I think, so it ended up not being true and they kept the sexy? Why would they toy with their hardcore audience?

The DOA debut build at EVO last year barely broke 1k

It makes no difference if it was you or not, instead of correcting it you subscribed to it instead. You're a fucking lunatic that is hanging on to a coupe of interviews from half a year ago instead of the actual product that was delivered to (not) you. You want them to apologize for something they didn't do to you or others, you literally want them to apologize to you for tripping and falling on their own and then getting back up.

You're posts are completely devoid of logic and the fact that you just keep strawmanning says all that needs to be said to be honest.

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Seriously though, what the fuck were they thinking? I'm still fucking confused. What did they think would happen?

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>tried to appeal to muh esports
>100$ season pass
thats a yikes from me

Yeah especialy with this SC6 was a success due to it's low budget, but DOA6 probably cost more and will have less sales. It needs those DLC to save it financially. That or DOAX3 to just pump the franchise with cash.

Yes, thanks for pointing out on of the many biases in the FGC. I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to, but there it is.

There just seems to be moments where she stops mid animation, like one of her grabs where she gets behind them and pulls them back before elbowing them into the ground.
I have not played her extensively though, she just seemed a lot more awkward than other characters, and not in the same way that bigger people like Bass do.

>if any of these retards ever cared about DOA in the first place their are gonna reap what they sowed because they just voluntarily helped kill the series.
So join us or die?
I'm okay with it. Since other companies can choose to die on the same hill or realize how much of an issue it is listening to those idiots.

Let me give you an outsider perspective, I always looked at the series from the outside because it looks very low effort to me. I like the ninjas cause I love Ninja Gaiden, but DOA games always look the same from the outside, so I never feel the drive to try it out, despite hearing about the good gameplay.

I wonder if they kept the sexiness, obviously, but changed the art style if it would make more people like me interested and give it a breath of fresh air.

>say that big boobs are inhuman
>not pandering
No fuck off

I feel like fighting games peaked at MvsC2, everything afterwards has just been shit rehashes plagued with DLC just because they can.

I love DoA girls and their slutty outfits, but the game feels the same since DoA3 just prettier and appealing to more fetishes, so DoA6 is a downgrade in everything except texture resolution and polygons per model.

>posting cosplay.
there is no good nico cosplay yet. ugh.

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Why do they even care about game ""journalists""?
These individuals are constantly roasting and shitting on EA, Activision, etc. and yet these companies still put up millions of sales for every iteration of the same game they shit out again. So why can't DoA?

Christ she's doing the scientist gang sign wrong

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Their western PR guy said "Cater to the SJWs! It will make you lots of money!"
It didn't

So is this DoAfag the same one who would post that one magazine scan and declare the FGC just had an evil consipiracy against the series? Cause he really isn't helping the game's rep

You're missing out on a shit ton of good games if you think mvc2 is the peak. I wouldn't call DOA6 a downgrade in terms of gameplay. The neutral is easily the best in the series and makes for extremely fun matches.

Sento never even does that shit outside of suit, which was weird.

The FGC has always had a hateboner for the hold system and cry about the game not being competitively viable and want them to just nerf the system until it's another Tekken/VF.

>so it ended up not being true and they kept the sexy?
They had to backtrack because the damage was very apparent when they were struggling with views >Why would they toy with their hardcore audience?
Well it's a new director now and he wants to bring DoA to esports but he doesn't realize that it's impossible for DoA even if he did compromise. Overall he got played into saying something that hurts the franchise and they wont recover from it easily.

You're talking about an industry that made a name for itself by selling literal patches as new, full-priced games for over 20 years. Innovation and effort have never been their strong suit.

The way they handled this game is a prime example of how not to do PR. There was controversy basically from day 1 when they announced they wanted to tone down the sex appeal, what is essentially the soul of this series, in order to reach a wider audience. The obvious goal is that they wanted it to be a major tournament game. Then they backtracked on it after fan outcry, which caused another outcry from the progressive faggots that viewed their cash grab attempt as a way to respect women or whatever mentally ill shit goes on in their brains. Finally, the game comes out with an absolutely retarded price tag and it's not even going to be at EVO. Everything they did hurt them along the way and they gained nothing from it.

>Well it's a new director now and he wants to bring DoA to esports
>esports a field catering to an evil SMALLER purchasing audience
TK need to fire him, like right fucking now

Why would anyone want to cater to the modern FGC? I feel like this was more for that than for sjw's in general, even though they are permeating the FGC.

I'm not super big into the scene but don't they ban default costumes sometimes for "being too sexy" or something?

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KT were the ones pushing it onto him, some KT suit was explicity talking about esports at DOAfest.

I'll take that as a yes. You've probably convinced more people not to buy just cause DoA fans are annoying.

>some KT suit was explicity talking about esports at DOAfest
They need to reshuffle KT right fucking now, the further they wait the more damage they will cause

I'm not the person you're talking about, simply stating facts. I don't see why my post would put anyone off from playing the games. If you don't like the hold system then don't play DOA.

FGC has a hate bonner for any gameplay that strays from the norm even if it is still a fair game just look at Pokken, Smash, Brawlhela etc they always say it not a real fighting game

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Don't forget they actually had a shot at Evo until Shitbori decided to take a sexual dump on the Evo Japan stream and pissed Mr. Wiz off.

Despite the shit PR Shimbori's made the best DoA game so far, so no I wouldn't want him fired. He has no say in what he has to tell the press and he doesn't price the game himself. He's made a fine game and more people should appreciate that fact.

>people really pretending PR killed this game
DOA hasn't been dead on arrival for over a decade. Nobody was gonna buy it regardless of PR disaster or not, its still a trash game and horny weebs aren't paying full price yet

What bias? SF players build arcades and rent places for weekly tournaments so they don't have to exist online. DOA players don't do the same amount if work because they never valued the arcade/offline experience

Costumes bans are a thing if you're trying to be included in certain events. Although they're holding their own series so it shouldn't matter.

I'd take an over priced patches every day over fucking $10 micro transactions for every character and every unlockable that removes any sort of progression from the game. Fighting money is not an excuse either, if they didn't fuck their audience that bad people would still buy the games instead of ignoring titty fighter VIII with day 1 DLC cucking you from any sense of reward from playing.

SF players don't do shit. They've had to rely on McRib to support them for the past 20 years. DOA players are the ones who have to support their own offline scene and have done so since DOA4.

There is no "us". There is reason and there is truth and there's insanity and lies.

They did not die in the hill. They wondered on to it like a bumbling idiot, were told to get back down, came back down and then you came, shot them and buried them on that hill.

There is a world of difference but i know you are not interested in seeing it

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I haven't been following DOA too closely over the years but I played 5. Kinda glad Kasumi and Ayane get along now.

>I'd take an over priced patches every day over fucking $10 micro transactions for every character
You'd rather spend $40-$60, than getting all that content for free (say what you will about SFV, but they have added a load of modes and fixes for free even after AE) and then having the choice to buy the characters you want or a bundle for $30 or less.

>DOA players are the ones who have to support their own offline scene and have done so since DOA4.
That must be why DoA has been breaking entrant numbers for years now, SFV and DBFZ can't touch it! Oh wait

>SF players don't do shit.
Are you sure about that? NCR, SCR, CEO, WNF, Next Level, all the national weeklies during SFIV, Battle by the Bay, Evo West, Evo East, NWM, Super Arcade, etc. etc.
>They've had to rely on McRib to support them for the past 20 years.
Without local communities EVO wouldn't exist. McRib didn't even start Evo.

>came back down
It is more like they dropped half their content, the soft engine, modes, fucked up animations which weren't even broken, then came down and wondered why people didn't want a lesser product with the worst netcode we've seen in a while and the most expensive fighter season pass.

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fuck off retardera. the people of america have had enough of your marxist crap.

You people talk about the backtracking and the pandering, but I feel the real thing that killed DoA 6 wwas the fucking price.

A $100 for ONE Season Pass?!! Fucking seriously?

And at least SC 6's Season Pass is affordable for what it was.Tecmo is getting all it deserves for thinking consumers will spend that much for T & A

Would Dead or Alive be better as a musou?

Look, the FGC shill and he's revisionist history and reality is here. This the only (You) you get from me

>A $100 for ONE Season Pass?!! Fucking seriously?
KT do this for all their shit
Look at Atelier.

5 hours in the grind and I'm already bored of replaying arcade on master while not getting the specific costumes I want.

>mfw base game and season pass prices
I kept wondering how can there be shills for this trash, but then I remembered this fanbase also supports gachashit. No wonder the FGC thinks this series is a joke

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>actually laying the blame on DOA in that debacle

Ok, you get 2 (You)s faggot.

Yeah they should at least wait 3 weeks before announcing it.

They should have sold it cheaper and included less content. Who want dlc for male characters? And only Mai would be enough.

They had the option to either make a game for their fans, or make a game for the people who hate their fans. They decided to side with the people who hated their fans in an attempt to chase more money, upon realize that wouldn’t work they back pedaled. Any change they made is empty and meaningless, they decided they didn’t care about fans and caved to SJWs, it was that moment when it was clear they made that decision to tell fans to fuck off that they lost us. they dug that grave and now they can die in it.

Why does this fat cow excel in speed?


If you want (You)s don't immediately let everyone know who you are before they even read your post, which i did not even need to.

SF players made all of the majors and run most of the weeklies

A fix is coming in 2 weeks

the pricepoint of the season pass was expected, it's in line with DOA5's multiple season passes

that game just isn't fun to play is the bigger concern.

They were trying to appease the FGC and then walked it back completely. So they lost the fans by killing the fan service and lost the FGC by being retarded

Feel free to post DoA entrant numbers, or even viewer counts.

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>You want them to apologize for something they didn't do to you or others
So they didn't denounce their fans publicly in an interview. Guess ignorance can be added on to you as well.
>you literally want them to apologize to you for tripping and falling on their own and then getting back up.
Their company puts them in charge of their image and the IP they work for. Glad Bandai capitalized on their mistake and I'm enjoying SC and Smash over Denounced on Arrival 6.

Attached: FUCK DOA 6.jpg (1200x1600, 434K)

I have not played these games since DoA3. Is the new game worth my money?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? You literally NEVER cared about DOA, ever. Trying to fucking convince me that the fucking development process and marketing is more important than the game you got and supposedly want to play. Go fuck yourself kid.

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why is there like no animated porn of Christie wearing this outfit? it's the best damn thing in the world.

get doa5 first. it is a more complete package now

the only way the FCG will ever accept DOA is to remove the H button. it's been that way since 1997.

The game we got was a 100% downgrade from 5 in every regard

They really failed big at attracting the FGC. They figured talking about esports a lot would be enough, the only times I saw gameplay changes discussed was twitter clips. For those with no interest or a negative opinion on DoA's gameplay the marketing wouldn't have changed their minds.

If you want a competitive fighter there are so many choices right now and DoA did nothing to stand out from the crowd.

They were probably talking about DOAX3 Scarlet, where the PS4 version effectively removed the ability to buy lotions and hence toned down a lot the jiggling.
And before a shill call me a liar, it's something literally confirmed by KT themselves and relayed by any news outlet that isn't shit.

DOA pedos hate mature women like Christie

>You literally never cared about DoA

Yeah, you're right, I'm glad Oatmeal Cookie's shitty series crashed and burned and Tekken being better than it in every way is still probably making him butt-plundered to this very day

It's pretty good and looks really nice.

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only if you have friends fun enough to fight for local versus match ups

>Release a $60 game with a $100 FIRST season pass
>Don't use Denuvo
They maybe found the one combination of factors where piracy will actually lose you money.

There's very little of Christie in general

The costumes parts issues should naver had happened.
There is no testers.
Or simply someone one can do calculation. Not hard to notice it would takes years to unlock them even playing 3 hours per days.

>Seriously though, what the fuck were they thinking? I'm still fucking confused.
That a compromise doesn't sound so bad since their goal is esports.
Sadly they didn't have the foresight for the following.
1. The interview came off as KT willing to denounce their fans to join the esports club
2. If they lose their fans they can't get into esports
3. By trying to return to their fans after denouncing them the damage was greater than they anticipated. They lost fans and their esports.
>What did they think would happen?
They thought if worse comes to worse they could just hit reset. Sadly that isn't how life works. Their mistake was losing the trust from the fans that were willing to throw hundreds at them.

Remove Nico and Marie and DOA would be saved.

The developers loyalty to fans matters to some people. Simple as. They sided with lefties who hate their fanbase, it shows they don’t respect us very much either, if that’s how they feel they don’t get my money. Sorry shill,

It's true but at least they are fixing it in a timely fashion

Let’s hope the series dies with 6. They deserve it for caving to feminists.

>I wonder if they kept the sexiness, obviously, but changed the art style if it would make more people like me interested and give it a breath of fresh air.
Eh i get the whole, outsider looking in.
I know I've played a lot of different fighting games. To the point it all feels the sames, in terms of inputs until you really get into a different category of fighting game like Smash and anime fighting games.
Yet DoA, Tekken, SC, SF, VF, and KoF feel the same to me in terms of inputs.

Hayabusa deserves better than this.

Nah, we've seen this maneuver before. What happens is longtime fans jump ship and new fans ignore it anyway, then the whole franchise dies. Dead Rising 4. The FGC accepted DOA up until and including a tiny bit of 4.

But fuck the entire FGC anyway. It's a money thing now. All the big players of the big games are literal whores who'll do and say anything to keep their sponsorships/game going whether it's trash or not. It will kill the genre.

>Yea Forums became as bad as critical mass Neogaf

What an unbelievable fucking joke.

Attached: sigh.webm (1088x720, 1.51M)

>the SJWS hate it!
>why doesn't Yea Forums forgive being shat on and abonded for FGC/SJWs?!?!
Fuck off

Fuck off incel

I fully expect Shillbori to say the game has sold better than expected before getting fired a few weeks later.
At this point, ideology matter more to him than making a good game, remember Inafune? Same shit.

>They did not die in the hill
You keep telling yourself that.
Bandai capitalized on DoA's mistake and got people to migrate to their game instead thus fuck DoA6

>They thought if worse comes to worse they could just hit reset
Apart from the season pass, this is the most shitty bit to me. From shill-kun in this thread it is obvious some fans have low standards, but for most of them they know how big the tits were and how good the jiggle was. Even the untrained eye can see that the current jiggle is some PS2 quality shit. The whole they change with the clothes thing just means the slider gets turned down sometimes but it doesn't actually react to the fabric. There failed to give this audience a reason to not just go back to 5.

If they wanted their old audience back the game needed to knock it out the park. Be an improvement as a titty game, not just no really guys it is almost the same!

>You literally NEVER cared about DOA, ever
You keep telling yourself whatever lie you need.

But they didn't kill the fanservice. The entire reason why it's not on the most supported and biggest event in the alleged hardcore "FGC" is due to fanservice. Face it, the whole community is about rep now, not the actual game. The biggest game in the "FGC" is only there due to rep. Rep and money. That's it.

>no one got shadowbanned yet
>as bad as neogaf at its worst
You have no idea what you're talking about, neofag was bad because one side was clearly favored by the mods, any actual discussion is impossible as you would get banned on sight.

Yeah I can't believe french bread bought their way in. And the amount of money in Tekken? You basically become a multi millionaire, which is the only reason that game keeps growing.

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>"we have esports aspirations so we will build the game around that premise"
This is just bloody ridiculous. I see this happen so often with games and it never works

If you just make a really GOOD and FUN competitive game from the start, it will find esports whether they want it to or not. Why the hell do devs STILL think trying to force a game into esports ever works or is worth the risk?

There is no actual discussion here either, people are just throwing meme words at each other thinking that wins them any argument.

>lose fans years after years of derivative cashgrab DLC scam ball game
>tell the last survivros to fuck off because you want american women's approval now, despite none of htem even knowing you exist
>double down with esport pandering, aka "we want teh 1% elite and not gamers fuck people and their enjoyable free time we serious"
>last minute 180 with all the sexiness put in a paid DLC that cost the price of 4 adult games anyway
>at this the room full of your last fans is only filled with thumbleweeds and crickets chirps
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow who could have THUNKED

>Be an improvement as a titty game
It would be nice, for a game known for fan service, to get a decent budget for once. Like others have said, there are already plenty of competitive fighters out there so they should focus elsewhere.

UNIST is published by arcsys and Tekken's always been a popular game at evo.

Last hope is 6LR to fix all the stupid decision they made before.

Because esports is the big new meme that makes the top brass happy. It is hard enough to get a budget for a fighter as is

Life long fans tend to care when a dev turns on them. It’s because people care that they even bother to get mad in the first place, it’s a slap in the face to like a series and than be told to fuck off in favor of people who always hated the series and it’s not something anyone who “cares” can forgive. Face it, game culture is completely divided on SJW shit and when you side with one you will lose the other forever, it’s comes with the political climate

HS gets boring fast though, and I'm playing in VR with boob physics.

You faggots make no sense. Sure, hold it against Tecmo for throwing you under the bus, but I bet you bitches will still hold EVO - who stopped the stream because it was too risque - in high regard. If you don't also hate EVO, you're a gaggle of little bitches.

>UNIST is published by arcsys
Depends on the region. And they certainly wouldn't pay for it over their own games.

>Tekken's always been a popular game at evo.
Not true Plus it doesn't change that your point is bogus. That game hasn't had good prize money lately but still seen a growing scene.

I got back into DoA5LR because of the collab costumes. I thought they were gonna learn something in terms of appeal to make it a mainstay for DoA6. Didn't really care much for the whole "costume" damage take since I wanted the costumes on some characters to stay but that was the part of the system.
Regardless DoA6 has a lot of catching up to do and I'm not fond of the character select screen.

Attached: tatsunoko x doa.jpg (1280x720, 176K)

>Why the hell do devs STILL think trying to force a game into esports ever works or is worth the risk?
They're listening to the stupid FGC. I'm telling you, they will kill these games if they keep listening to them. Definitely.

>but you don't get banned!

You would if they could. Instead they just use anonymity instead to monopolize and control the discourse, it curbs honest discussion and exchange of ideas all the same, in the end you are left with an echo chamber just like any other. Case in point this thread, case in point 70/100 threads in the past 2 years, the change is plain to see. In fact this is a much worse system and way more nefarious, as it's way less obvious to an outsiders glance than Neogaf ever was. You have to wallow in this shit for a while before you notice just how bad it is.

Attached: 6782344545.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

I could give a shit about game tourney bullshit or esports crap in any way shape or form and have never cared for it ever. I think most DOA fans ITT will tell you the same. So no you can’t pin that shit on me

I hope Team Ninja fires Tom Lee this time.

This. I dont care about the pro scene. I just dont want to spend that much money for 1 complete game

>If you just make a really GOOD and FUN competitive game from the start, it will find esports whether they want it to or not

This has not been true for several years now.

Pretty much. I'm enjoying the game but I can't really recommend it to others in its current state. I'm also not going to be one of those "never forgive" people that funnily enough show up on both sides of the culture war nonsense.

>A conspiracy theory is the best you could come up with

Fuck off gaf shill.

My problem with the fix then I have to play with specific characters and I'm trash with most of the cast.
So either I grind now everything with my best or later specific ones but on lower difficulties which take much longer (and there is still no guarantee I get the outfit I want for that character).

I'm a lifelong fan and I HATED the first tralier for DOA6 and hated the PR that followed. I paid attention to the development because I love the series. Shimbori said some dumb shit but delivered on a good game and that's all I give a flying fuck about when it comes to videogames, not this politics bullshit.

They "tried" to get woke for that EVO bucks and potential "world trend" players. Turns out, they EVO refused to let them in and the journalist still giving t hem bad scores. In the end they backpedal and patch in new jiggle physics and release sexy costumes.

Attached: DOA 6 smaller boobs.png (497x69, 19K)

>delivered on a good game

This opinion seems to be a vast minority amongst people who have played it.

Denouncing your original fans in game publications than backpedaling when it turned out your game was gonna flop isn’t “politics bullshit”. They made it clear they didn’t care about my business, crawling back for forgiveness isn’t exactly a move that people find endearing or worthy of respect.

In both case, you actually actually talk freely so no, it's not "as worse as neogaf".
>You would if they could
They can you retard, global rules 3 can be used to ban anyone they don't like but that would imply mods actually browse the board and they don't.
As for the mods themselves, most of them actively hate anime and tried to censor anything neogaf related when it crashed.
Hiro even had to act and allow neofag thread.
All of this tells me you're a fucking new here and only here to shill your shitty game.

Attached: hiro and neogaf.png (432x177, 8K)

Why did they stab the fans in the back for a bunch of nonfans? I will never get this.

>Nobody defends them
Have you read the thread?

Bull fucking shit, i am not a Homunculus, i have political views, but i can still separate them from every single fucking aspect of my life, i can still discern what is malicious in intent and what is not. What, am i too fucking reasonable for the average person now? is this why my mom says I'm special?

I care for devs who respect their fans and make the games they want. If this game had come out like people pretend it did i would be here shitting on them just like i shat on them when the only information i had was the initial bad PR. They made NG3 and they broke my heart, i told them to fuck off, then they made NGRE and i said "hey alright" because they listened to me, they went back fixed their mistake by making what i wanted as a fan. Why would i hold that much of a grudge over something that's no longer relevant or worse yet never happened in the first place? "Don't try that again", that's the complete extent of feelings any rational or honest fan should have. Instead they are literally clinging to what could have been with nails and teeth, it's because they don't care about the game, they never did, all they care about is wallowing in political bullshit.

Attached: k.webm (900x506, 1.35M)

If they hadn’t betrayed fans I would’ve gotten it, instead I spent my money on SC6 and even got a switch to try out Smash. And after seeing the outrageous season pass bullshit and costume grinding crap I’m really not regretting that decision.

Maybe but it's catastrophic for the game. It doesn't need this.

I am a big fan of DOA since DOA2.
I came from the girls, and I stayed for the gameplay.
I also bought all the DLC and season pass from DOA5 vanilla to DOA5LR. Not that I use them but it's my way to support them.

I like the sexyness of the girls, and when I have read they wanted to tone down the game for esport, I was very disappointed, but I would still have bought the game, at least for the gameplay.
Glad they backpedaled, I also bought the current season pass.
I also want DOA to be more played, so I can understand their wish to find new audiences, but they should not forget what make DOA a DOA.

They must improve the formula, not change it.


the big esports dream

But they didn't figure out how to actually appeal to the FGC. They figured making it less lewd would be enough, meanwhile in SF. It is the gameplay of DoA people don't like, and their are already two better known 3D fighters on the market. The big changes DoA made to the gameplay just weren't interesting, autocombos have a bad rep and the supers were pretty dull. Even a game like UNIst can start to make waves if the gameplay is good, they just didn't know how to advertise the positives of DoA's style.

Attached: dizzy.webm (1006x1078, 2.33M)



Shills are raiding the threads.

Nah. They told me they didn’t want my money, so they’re not gonna get it. I hope Bandai enjoys it as much as I’m enjoying SC6

Have you looked at the price? Shit costs 69€

Play with the character to unlock the it's costumes is how it's always worked and should work in a fighting game user. It's even part of getting better at fighting games since it gives you first hand basic knowledge of what each character can do.

>I care for devs who respect their fans and make the games they want
I wanted a game with an improved soft engine, good netcode, crossplay, more costumes in the base game and more modes than before.

Did they respect my wishes? Or did they say this?

Attached: more human.jpg (625x212, 39K)

>Why did they stab the fans in the back for a bunch of nonfans? I will never get this.
It's "expansion" mentality. It's what also almost killed a lot of 3rd party games last gen mainly Square-Enix.
They literally believe that catering to a new crowd equates to a flat double(2X) or triple(3X) in sales. Sadly that's not how life works.
To expand in an existing industry you have to cater to your fans first then introduce something that might draw in a bigger crowd.
Case in point their DoA5LR DLC collab costumes. Even though it ain't straight up 2X or 3X the sales will be there.
Yet with DoA6 it was literally nerf boobs, get esports crowd, revenue out the ass. Yet reality was different than what they envisioned and they can't come back from that mistake.
They had a wide variety of options to expand but the choose the BAD route.

Attached: Honkers.jpg (1000x563, 357K)

I'm not talking to you, you absolute faggot.

Attached: 20190305004123_1.jpg (3840x2160, 668K)

DOA was never good

>A $100 for ONE Season Pass?!! Fucking seriously?
That was the price for DOA5 passes, but those got you about 80 costumes, most of which were actually lewd, not the toned down garbage being posted here.

We get it, you’re a faggy little paypig sissy who likes being insulted. You love it when they shit in your throat and you beg for more. Some people have a bit more respect than that, sorry shill. If the devs decide they hate their fans, than goodbye, dont get mad when we don’t take you when you come crawling back (for our money btw, that’s all they’d come back for, cause that’s all they care about, not their fans, just the money they could suck out of us)

>season pass costs more than the game does

I didn't realise they were Japanese jews.

Yeah, I bought the season pass, but wedding pack doesn't interest me. Want more sexyness.

But I will have Mai and another character.

>clipping on her arm

Attached: 1475356609135.jpg (500x321, 14K)

Shuuuuut uuuuup

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

I agree with everything.

Soulcalibur devs on the other hand, keep giving no fucks, specially with the newest DLC custom parts.

Attached: SOULCALIBUR™Ⅵ_20190219005507.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)

I mean the death of fighting games is pretty much coming. I cannot really see the genre living for too much longer. Feels like it's still riding on arcade nostalgia.

I really wish Reversal Edge, Soul Charge and Soul Edge weren't in this game.

Mod? I can't find it on streetmodders

>Reversal Edge
that shit's incredibly easy to fight against

I'll happily give you soul charge though. It needs hardcore tweaking.

No one will be buying dmc that also thought about doa. At least doa has shit to do after the game is over in 10 hours.

No mods. Just the demon girl costume in the newest DLC with the circle stickers, included there too.

This could be said about all fightans. Only a few (2) make it and the rest retards argue about.

it's not a mod you mongrel

They should remove all of the characters and put Virtua Fighter characters in.

But in previous games it was nowhere near this long of a grind because you got specific rewards for doing specific things. I hate the luck system and I'm past caring about costumes I will never use. So I either grind, I don't know 30 hours? to luck out what I want or don't even try to get them. I know it is my fault I want costumes for characters I never play but lets be honest: the only real way to collect costumes is grinding arcade over and over and over and over again which is so boring (and frustrating if the cpu decides to rape me) no amount of different characters make it better. I have basic knowledge about the characters I play the game since DOA2.


It just isn't fun to me, RE in particular is just annoying to deal with online and I don't really think SC needed more defensive mechanics. I also really don't think supers work in 3D fighters (probably cause they got shoehorned in). Soul Charge is silly for a lot of reasons. And meter in general just doesn't feel right for SC, especially if you're just gonna hand fuckers a free bar for being down a round. I liked so much about SCVI but the new mechanics fucking blow ass.

Are her areolas modded?

>fighting games without crossplay
I happily pay $5 a month so that I DON'T HAVE TO PLAY PC SHITTERS

Attached: 1551730541410.png (849x1200, 459K)

In-game stickers.

Probably just a skin replacement.

>giving no fucks

Yes, i can tell by the hilariously outdated character models

Bad PR, plus lacking in singleplayer content plus the pricing fucked it up. Is a shame cause gameplay is fine but fuck Koei

You're not supposed to grind user. Why not just play it as the game search for matches in the background? I don't understand your problem, your partially creating it bu being obsessed with unlocking content you don't use as fast as possible.

Attached: 1551711903385.webm (562x720, 2.73M)

Fighting games just can't win these days can they?

Jesus christ why do these Nico fags keep getting the hand-rule pose wrong, it's elementary-school science.

Attached: fleming+rules.jpg (1600x1066, 108K)

And yet Soulcalibur 6 remains the superior game with supposedly "outdate" models

Gameplay & Fun >>>>>> Being woke & Graphics & Esports

How does it lack in singleplayer content? It's a fighting game.

Only on Yea Forums is a shill allowed to spend and entire thread blatantly shilling an off topic game while calling everyone else shills.

But DoA6 does have good gameplay, for DoA.

>map special to X
>start up survival mode, rookie difficulty
>turbo X, leave on over night
>rake in rewards
Get on it before the launch campaign ends lads

Which DOA characters are clinically retarded?

I never saw this gesture before in my life

Attached: 1551728559929.jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

the character models are generic as fuck, and there's just nothing that really defines it against other fighters besides weird jiggly boobs.

Is that really a thing?

Cracks me up when i see these drive by posts from people who never saw the game and know fuck all about it. It's a constant in this board.

Damn Nico is so cute i might even end up buying the game just for her but it's too expensive right now

Nico is actually cute. How do these jews do it

I just want to unlock one costume for my main character, and only unlocked the third recolor

Random unlock is the worst for a paid game

>for DoA

And I don't like DoA's natural gameplay.

It's gimmick used to be that it was a more simple VF with wacky stage transitions. Now that VF is dead, it's just that one fighting game with the tits (and they all have tits). And stage transitions aren't as uncommon. Maybe they should have doubled down on the hold system, it's pretty unique to have a more defensive oriented fighting game.


if you're going to buy the game with your dick just wait til shes put in the beach game that be a better use of your money

I want to unlock what I want fast because I played too many games where I stopped playing just when I got what I wanted because it took so much time. Playing ranked is the most inefficient way. It is slower than the other modes and random. And when they implement the changes there is even less reason to ruin my rank with characters I'm not good enough.

And this is why you don't make terrible decisions to appease SJWs and journalists that aren't even willing to buy your game..

More real than Nico's cunny.

>pretty unique to have a more defensive oriented fighting game.
I wouldn't really say DoA is a defensive fighter. It is pretty in your face and offensive at high level, you go in and try to bait holds for big punishes

Like i said, there's nothing to do about that but wait for the fix. Trying to grind for it now when it's gonna be easy in 2 weeks is a waste of time if you are not having fun with it.

I did it for tekken and it worked just fine

Attached: 1545328391531.png (401x384, 330K)

why not spend money on a game that goes out of it's way to be lewd

its a lesson they have to learn the hard way.
tekken made such a huge jump with the new engine.

They bullshitted the journalists so they wouldn't rip them apart (some did anyway see the eurogamer review). The game isn't censored in anyway.

True it isn't strictly defensive but the hold system does change a lot of how pressure works. And I would say a meta game centered around baiting is fairly defensive in nature.

Why does user have to spend his money a specific way just to appease your sensibilities?

Tekken use Unreal right? Does it support breast and ass softness?

>inb4 KT switches to UE5 next gen

It's a pretty good game, and the core values are on point, but Tekken is still better overall
Idiotic PR and way too greedy business practices killed this, what a shame man, what a shame
Could've been a decent hit

Because i also want to play a fighting game so i can do both at the same time

Yes they use unreal and i don't think T7 specifically has any breast/ass goodness going on. A little jiggle is about it.

because why waste money on a game if you're not actually going to play it,if he's just trying to jack off he might as well wait a few months for scarlet to come out

oh well carry on then

the hold thing isn't much of an issue because you're playing online it forces you to use 4 way 3 way is pretty much just a single player thing

but i thought it was such a deep and complex fighting game without the fan service!?

games journalists lied to me? again?

>I want to unlock what I want fast because I played too many games where I stopped playing just when I got what I wanted because it took so much time

user i know it's non of my business and all but i think your approach to these things is what's causing you problems, your obsessive behavior is what is tiring you out not the length, within reason of course, Korean grind is not a myth.

>Ruin my rank

Why care so much about something so artificial user? I mean even then if you can't maintain it naturally it was never your rank to begin with. I think you are focused to much on fluff instead of just having fun with the game, if you do actually find it fun. But again, feel free to ignore my post, you do you.

Attached: Anon pls.jpg (1024x579, 44K)

Right on bro

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I heard they will release the game for free like DoA5LR with few characters. I think they fucked up

PS4 probably has tons of users though

>And I would say a meta game centered around baiting is fairly defensive in nature.
But it isn't like you are just baiting it with buttons in neutral, you go in and mix up your strings to try and make them guess wrong. Which is not unlike normal pressure on block, so it is adding in more behaviour that we would normally consider offence.

wow everybody in the UK are retards

Are fighting games really that popular? Feels like theres 10 other options and this one just came out too late. Also i doubt it helps that every time there was news about this one, it was about censorship

saying this as someone who would like DoA to be successful, because I love Team Ninja, but it's fucking obvious why the game isn't selling well.

the reason is: Tekken already existing

Tekken has:
>better presentation: graphics, music, character designs (in general)
>bigger roster, bigger variety of playstyles
>is just as good as a casual button masher
>but also better as a competitive fighter
>has character customization with some lewd costumes for cute girls already
>is out since years, meaning even if you don't have a 3d fighter already you should rather grab T7 for cheep

At first glance for most people DoA doesn't have any real selling point over Tekken. It has some more cute girls, and a bit more sex appeal but even that difference isn't drastic.

DoA should really make itself look more different gameplaywise. Like put a lot more emphasis on environmental hazards and positioning (not just in the sides of the stages).
Also, the game really needs more truly cool male characters like Ryu Hayabusa. As a starter they could add more Ninja Gaiden characters like Genshin or Jô Hayabusa, and more crossovers like Kazuma Kiryu or more SNK.
Also, tag mode should really come back, and the game needs some customization beside some costumes.

>most of your playerbase are buying it for the tits
>remove them to please people who will never play it

japan is no better than the west

>take out all the DLC costumes from 5
>port them to 6 as DLC
>that will be 100 bucks please

Attached: 8d3bc7a715f670a90e14bf091a490c6d.jpg (1600x900, 228K)

Many of us called it Dead on Arrival 6 months ago for a reason

You could write "FIFA" with a sharpie on empty DVD covers and it would be the highest selling game in the UK for at least 4 months.

No wonder it failed when they launch their game with prices like these.

Attached: Capture.jpg (637x387, 32K)

fuck off

No they really aren't, unless you're MK. It was also a stupid move to release DoA6 around MK11. Sure the fanbases don't overlap too much but people looking to just pickup a fighter are gonna grab MK11 over it for sure.

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I'm just glad that the A-Team is working on Nioh 2, they actually know what they're doing.

That's even stupider then. Because there is a very good chance some casual players that like the game/series but don't follow it super closely would have taken that as fact and passed on buying it altogether.

Nioh is the most B Team (fuck you for making me use this meme shit), game Team Ninja ever released. I hope for their sake they actually put some effort into it this time.

I like how the shill for SC6 fails to mention that it lost 75% of it's player base in the first month, 45% of what remained in the second and 35% of what remained in the third.

Attached: doa6___photo_mode___phase_4_vs_nico_f_by_doacatfights_dd18b04-pre.jpg (1271x628, 114K)

That's because SC6 is shite.

>get woke, go broke
oh my god what is this dumb shit?
>majority of highest grossing movies last year including the number 1 are multi-cultural and feature strong women.
>best selling game of 2018 lets you beat up racists and walk with feminists and sports games which are essentially black man sims.

Go woke go broke is complete fantasy. This game would have succeeded if they didn't try to covet retards like you who don't buy video games and only complain.

you don't have to tell me that

Let' see how long DOA6 will last, shall we?

It's at 960ish users right now on Steam, SC6 at 261ish. SC6 has the benefit of being on EVO, DOA6 isn't.

Don't want to be Debbie Downer man but it looks grim. If I were Tecmo Koei I'd be slashing that DLC down to $20 for goodwill and do a complete rebranding/restructuring of the game to get some momentum back.

hate how only memeshit replies get any attention on this board, really starting to question why the fuck am I even still here
what I said was completely reasonable for why the game is unpopular

>I like how the shill for SC6 fails to mention that it lost 75% of it's player base in the first month
I like how DoA shills fail to mention that it lost 50%+ of its player base in 3 days. You started at 2,000 and now bob around 1,000

>multi-cultural and feature strong women.
>Infinity War
>multi cultural
Fake Africans doesn't count.

you are fucking retarded
nioh was great and it was also their best selling game of all time

The player base for DOA6 will stay largely the same because only the fans of the series bought it, you can look at DOA5 for proof. It might even go up when the core fighters version is released.

>Hey, lets gut the game so we can charge deluxe edition price.
>brudda, lets just take everything out and charge $100 more.

Attached: 1489968417065.gif (500x400, 988K)

>you can look at DOA5 for proof.

It averaged less than 100 players 1 month after release

>Full on Tekken wank
>Change the game to appeal to my ignorant ass and it will be good
>"completely reasonable"

Please, fuck off.

So what I've gathered from this thread is that Yea Forums or the very least the people in this thread don't actually play DoA games but buy them simply to jerk off to the women?

>It averaged less than 100 players 1 month after release
Because the game didn't have online for 6 months or so, no wonder people dropped it.

>retarded shill doesn't know how percentages work and the difference between currently playing and 24 hour peak

Did you hit the rim of the afterbirth bucket when you slithered out?

What tires me is to jump through hoops to have the stuff what I want. Yes, I feel much better playing in a costume I like. I lucked out my favorite with Bayman but will be always stuck with the base for Mila (I always hated).

>if you can't maintain it naturally it was never your rank to begin with
I don't understand you point. Nobody plays ranked with their worst characters and nobody is on equal level with every character. If you had to know everyone the same for your rank then the character select would be random by default.

>having fun
>with a competitive fighter
There is no fun, just suffering.

What the hell is wrong with Metacritic anyway?
The have many down votes for no reason! Are they still shilling about that season pass price?

>Tekken 7k
>most shilled fighting game in history

Attached: 1541213206837.gif (250x200, 1.51M)

>better graphics and character design

Attached: 1551261005643.jpg (2000x872, 1.24M)

>literal hordes of black actors don't count because it hurts my feelings
also Black Panther grossed more and it's literally a lesson on black pride and white guilt. Deadpool 2 had blackwashing just to get on the woke train. incredibles 2 features elastigirl as a breadwinner while bob learns to be a stay at home dad. Aquaman is changed to a Polynesian.

/pol/fags tried to spin the go woke go broke crap and yet these progressive movies made buckets of cash. You lost, and you're going to keep losing.

should of marketed as fap bait virgin only game from start.

Esports fags are buncha poofters with their core values. Pleasing SJW is always suicide move and even if they pull it off they wont buy it.

team ninja had to do is "Hey guys we got boob physics 6.0 and its gonna be great" at least they get to lock down the virgin audience.

If it's your rank than getting it back is effortless, but again i don't care about rank stuff. On DOA5 i got to like A+ and that was about it but i could lose to C players all day so it meant nothing really.

Attached: ley ley ley.jpg (2560x1440, 776K)

god marie's face is so fucking cute

>black pride
>movie is about people in Africa and doesn't have anything do to with niggers from America
kek, never knew that niggers are this dumb
Also if you see, all those movies are superhero bullshit with massive marketing money behind them.
Next time find a normal movie with diversity that makes billions.

>What is wrong with a website where any random faggot can assign arbitrarily assign a score in 2019

Gee, i dunno user.

you are in full denial if think that Tekken isn't better in the things I wrote, and I'm not saying this as some big Tekkenfag, and it's not like DoA could't still be successfull even with being weaker at these thigns.
SC is also weaker than Tekken in graphics, roster or competitiveness, but SC has some very unique appeal to it (medievalfantasy setting, weapon based gameplay, robust character customization), so it can still be successful beside Tekken.
DoA doesn't have this uniqueness that is instantly noticeable for newcomers, the series just doesn't have much selling point like this, and the numbers speak for themselves.


My nigga

Attached: Luna5.jpg (600x844, 135K)

Looks good to me man, pretty dumb to use a DoA image that has those really shitty rocks in the background. The stages have a weird amount of low quality assets

Attached: 1496515731200.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

obviously not for upclose characters, but for general art direction. The DoA character models are highly detailed, since checking the characters upclose is a bigger part of the game, but the backgrounds still look PS3 tier.

I just wanted to let you know that

>you are in full denial if think that Tekken isn't better in the things I wrote

is as far as i got. Nothing of what you have to say is of any worth, you already proved your bias and ignorance. So really, fuck off.

Attached: 45678456.webm (369x451, 424K)

>Posts story CG
>it still looks significantly worse

I am dying over here

>movie is about people in Africa
>literal main character is a nigger who's upbringing in america is why he hates white people
>he was butthurt he didn't watch the movie but says it doesn't count cause it hurts his feelings
>it's just the marketing ;.;
Oh yes because marketing=success. oh wait it doesn't.

I know I'm laughing, not just at DoA's graphics, but the sales well

Attached: I gotta focus.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

looks like a tranny

I guess this is one way to come out. Good for you user.

Attached: milk.webm (900x506, 2.85M)

>getting it back is effortless
I wish but I always had to work very hard for everything in online games. I hit the wall already in 6, I may never play online anymore.

Is there anything more pathetic than using a product's sales numbers as substitute for personal victories? I can't think of one.

>The player base for DOA6 will stay largely the same
That has never been the case for any fighting game released in the history of steam. Almost every fighting game halves or quarters it's player base after it's release.

You're silly user

Attached: oh you.jpg (1280x720, 260K)

Guess we will just have top wait and see, depends on what the devs do as well

most player count increases happen due to major streamed tournaments.
You'd be fooling yourself if DOAs tour is going to do that. There are extremely few games that can survive their launch fuckups. And launching with up to 8 frames of input lag (dependent on console) no lobbies, and a randomized system of reward distribution (assuaged by the patch but not really) is fucking it right now and it's fucking it hard.

Then there's the missing of a bunch of returners, an uncertain character release schedule, and problems with console loading times in comparison to LR

I'm not saying it ain't possible. But I am saying it ain't probable. They'll have to light a fire under their ass to stop this from being DoA. Frankly should have delayed the game if it wasn't finished.

DoA is now like a mobile game that lives of the whales buying the lewd DLC costumes for their waifus.

Spin some more why don't you.