Why don't you have a Nintendo Switch user? Do you hate fun?

Why don't you have a Nintendo Switch user? Do you hate fun?

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but I do. I just spent the whole day playing it.

>frozen pizza
Such shit taste holy fuck, just order or pick up a fresh pizza made with real toppings and real ingredients, such as your local Papa Johns, which has great sales every day with in-store order, delivery, or carry out!

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Good boy.

Hello fellow Gamers

John, please stop, they fired you dude, give it up now, there is more to life than pizza man. Your family loves you bro, go home, stop this madness.

Why does anyone buy frozen pizza
like why

I already own a Wiiu.

Make rotel nachos with the chips.


jacks bros rise up

I was thinking of getting it because i live in a tiny japanese dorm with no tv but i heard it breaks easily

I bought ps4 in january and still didn't complete any game lol. I really want a switch, but probably gonna buy it later this year. Still play mhxx on 3ds occasionally, yo kai blasters, captain toad and kirby's yarn is gonna get released on this week. Handhelds are superior i think.

>stop this madness

My sides

>diablo 3

r water cheese done

my negus



doritos flamin hot nachos are legitimately great

Switch chad reporting in. Playing some tetris 99 and smash tonight while I debate which new game to get.

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4channel is a Red Baron website, please delete this thread.

I do.
It's just I don't have money for games, so I only own three, Mario Kart, Odyssey and BotW.

>Frozen pizza

Gonna need more soda. One can is not enough for a whole pizza, bag of chips, and sketties.

>diablo 3
>dark souls
>la noir
Switch is basically what i wanted my vita to be at the time. It's weird that i wanted games like that on a handheld back then and now i got those but for the price of new releases, fuck that shit man. At least i bought them used, so for half the price basically.

Not even a commie but all forms of consumerist posing like this make me slightly ill. I cannot imagine the lack of self-dignity to brag about the cheap consumer goods you purchased. Someone doing this with an xbone, or a PS4 would be equally sickening. A PC guts image might have some limited appeal as a form of modern art, but people who post all their boxes of parts in a staged photo have the same illness.

It just ain't right.

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Frozen pizzas are pretty fucking good cooked on this thing.

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>mountain poo
>frozen pizza
i didn't think it was possible to shove that much shit taste into a single image

frozen pizzas are awesome

I used to eat those frozen pizzas all the time till I took a look at the salt content, from the on I could only taste salt and just stopped eating them all together

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Do you eat this yourself? Big pizzas here are like 410 I believe and I already feel bad eating that much.

Epic my friend. Take my upvote. Now, go back to the shithole you came from.

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you could've bought another $300 in skittles instead you absolute FOOL

Frozen pizzas are a cheaper option that are honestly comparable to chain pizzas. Just need to get the right one. Alternatively, you can make your own pizza.

what the fuck is that?

I already have one and pirated every game I want on it.

Good goy, you could have just emulated it on your phone.

Papa John's is worse than frozen pizza and worse than even Little Caesar's though. There is nothing more dogshit tier than Papa John's.

>one can of Coke for the night

It's called a Pizzazz pizza oven. It's meant to cook pizzas but you can pretty much cook anything on it.

Jokes on you, I got it second hand for $140 USD.
Also, there is no full speed switch emulators.

Pizza Hut is inedible. It’s the only chain I will flat out not eat.

I might buy it for bayo 3 and zelda.

Just finished 2 hours of smash with my bro (online)

couch is obv better but he lives in the next town

Sometimes connection is nice. my short hops/smashes are also getting more consistent (haven't played this hard since melee days), so I'm proud to say my falcon is getting his wings back ;')

congrats you have the absolute worst taste, nobody has worse taste than you

So why would you even need something like this when a regular oven exists? Unless you're some kind of caveman living innawoods. I don't see the point beyond novelty

Games are too expensive
Why shouls I pay the most for the worst version of games
I can even play superior BotW emulated version at bettee res and framerate

waiting for metroid prime to come out to see if buying it makes sense. They fucked up botw zelda and smash ltimate and i am not just going to buy it for mario. Alsonew switchmodel soon, so might as well wait a bit longer. its not lik i dont have anything to play instead.

Reminder that /ck/ is literally nothing but a fast food rating board. They are effectively Yelp.

Pizza Hut is great though? And Domino's and Papa Murphy's are good too. My favorite pizza places are just local ones though.

This, what's the point in spending hundreds just to upgrade to a system with the same games but no touchpad and paid online?

Pizza Hut is easily the best big pizza chain

t. torontoanon

Tombstone vs Red Baron vs Freschetta vs Digiorno. Any and all varieties. What's the best? What's the worst? What's your favorite if any? Why?

frozen pizzas are fine but they're not "showcase in a look what i bought" picture

Are you one of those degenerates that call any kind of soda what so ever "coke?"

Others will say you're wrong, but pizza hut is fucking shit tier too. I don't know if it's as bad as Johns, but it's pretty fucking bad.

t. Has never had Brew Pub or Bellatoria frozen pizzas

It's basically a slightly worse toaster. I got it as a gift. It doesn't heat the whole house up like a normal oven and doesn't use as much electricity as an electric oven which is pretty nice.

*toaster oven

dorm rooms.

I think they fit just fine in the pic

Not him, but it was helpful in college with a bunch of roommates who all were trying to eat frozen pizzas for dinner regularly. Cut down on waiting time for the oven with that extra option. No real need beyond that though, I wouldn't buy one now living alone.

No Home Run Inn pizza where you're from, op?

Also waiting on a price drop for the switch and a decent price memory card.

>eating frozen pizza at all
Grow the fuck up, you pile of shit. Toss your own dough, and make your own pizza. If you're going to order, don't order from (((chain restaurants))). Stop being such a fucking child.

I've made my own dough several times. It was not worth the fucking time or effort at all any of them.

Then stop ordering Dominos, Pizza Hut, or Papa John's.

Why? They're cheap and I'm on a budget.

idk but lately Yea Forums is making me want to get one

Did anyone else roll up the frozen pizza and eat it like a burrito?

Because my family restaurant is failing please v-visit us

Frozen pizzas are much more practical. You just take them out of the freezer and bake them for 10 minutes. Making it yourself every time must be tiresome

Imagine not living in New York or the east coast and thinking you have good taste in "Pizza"

Dominos is the best pizza 7.99 can get you though.

And letting everyone do everything for you makes you a skill-less faggot.

>Diablo 3
Not even King Crimson can erase your fated shit taste

one can of mountain dew is not enough for a bag of doritos and a pizza

You retards do realize that food from these stores can vary in taste depending on the location, right? Chain standardization doesn't always follow through 100%. Employee work ethic and equipment can change up the quality as those are not the same everywhere.

I already do.
I’ve been playing this is the police all damn day today

Alright Frankie

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They are just sharing their comfortable moment which other people can relate to. When I was a teen I loved playing video games and eating junk and now that I can't do those things it's nice to know somebody else is at least having a good time.

replace mt dew with water or herbal lemon tea. replace doritos with cheezits. Dont really have a taste for candy right now so delet the skittles.

Replace Zelda with MH and replace Diablo with Smash

Die faggot

I cant justify one OP. I'm too busy being an adult and paying taxes.

t. Papa John

Nice try John, you and Murphy will never win.

My family tried pizza hut for the first time a few months ago and it was so bad that it started an argument that lead to the police visiting our home. I am not making this up.

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Just get GU on Switch
Not to sounds like a faggot ass shill but I had no idea how much I appreciated a full controller and TV play.
I just poured another 400 hours into MH just because Switch is so convenient

So are they in a microwave but thats not highpraise for anyone

and that gadget is fuckin weird Im not sure it even had a point
Seen a review for it

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I would take a tombstone over Papa johns

Of all the frozen pizzas, you choose the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Nah, Papa John's is just plain bad no matter what. Their pizzas are literally frozen unlike Pizza Hut and Domino's.

>papa murphy's
>we'll only do half the work, you'll still have to cook it in your oven, hope that your oven isn't awful and cook one half too much and the other half not enough, you'll still have to do all the dishes and cleanup too.
>drive to store, wait 5-10 minutes if not longer because of line for pizza to be made, drive back, spend 15 minutes preheating the oven, spend 10 minutes cooking it
The fuck is the point?

Tell us more

pretty sure the papa john meme where all the toppings and cheese are a single piece and you can pull it off has been proven country wide

Nani the fuck?
My favorite pizza place is literally a hole in the wall Pizza Hut next to a Wapanese place

>this is the american diet
Holy hell...

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What's going on in this thread?

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>diablo 3
The only good thing in this picture is the pizza and BoTW

"Fresh Ingredients"

I dont order because I get anxiety attacks every time I have to take the pizza from the delivery guy. I also spill spaghetti when I call my local pizza place and the cute blonde girl responds

Really can't figure out if the fact that i don't mind pizza hut is my just having shit taste, or if i'm just blessed with the ability to enjoy cheap pizza.

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These crusts are trash and their brand of sauce is absolutely awful, just make your own dough from scratch if you intend to make your own pizza.

Their pizza is good and they are cheaper than pizza delivery by quite a lot.

I can enjoy shit pizza, I'll even eat little ceasers but pizza hut and johns goes beyond.

Sit, children.

Let me tell you of the dreadful tale of America...and El Abominacion...

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Yeah, i'm kinda conflicted on gen ultimate cause i could buy a switch and play it on that and at the same time it's just a rehash of old MH games and i've already played through the new content, killed valfalx and atoraru ka. One thing that i wonder about is if the game is gonna feel different because of the graphics and change of controls, cause i'm really tired of seeing 4u maps and monsters on a 3ds screen.

Are we posting frozen pizzas now? I like this one

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There's nothing on the switch that I want to play besides the new Pokemon and Monster Hunter
It doesn't fit my criteria for buying a new console

Cheap pizza is still good unless it's under/overcooked.

Just got one recently

local pizzeria > chain pizza > frozen pizza >>>>>>> italian """"""pizza""""""

My local Pizza Hut is staffed entirely by niggers, and I'm sick of the cardboard shit that they give me.

Frozen pizza is cheap and easy. I live in Themeddleuf, Nowhere and the only pizzas around taste like stock ingredients you buy at a store which I can do just fine. I'm not going to have pizza ingredients on hand at all times and not to mention yeast packets are fucking expensive. I've fucked up multiple times keeping the giant bag of the stuff fresh that it's not worth it. Making dough is a pain, prepping all the other ingredients is a pain. I don't run a pizzeria. I'm not a chef. I don't live in some pretentious place like NYC where I can throw a feather and hit a pizza joint. You bet your ass I'm going to just stock frozen pizzas.

I like the Celeste 4 cheese frozen pizzas

Im just poor. Anyone wanna buy me one?

This fucking pizza is so delicious. I've never had a frozen pizza that tastes anywhere as good as this one.

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Have ps4 and have tons of fun with that instead
Sold my switch and after that direct it seems i made the right choice
Cant wait to play SMTV on Yuzu

>home from college visiting parents
>they want pizza, I suggest we try pizza hut for a change
>mom doesn't like the idea
>dad wants to give it a shot
>the pizza arrives and we start eating it
>watch the look of sheer disappointment appear after my folks take their first bites
>mom gets really angry
>what please relax it's just pizza
>dad tries to calm the situation but she is hysterical
>"Now I am going to be hungry! So much for dinner- I can't even EAT in this house!"
>she goes to leave the room and slams her shoulder into my dad (he's in good shape but he's 70 years old for crying out loud)
>I call her out
>"Oh BOO HOO it was an accident! If you're so scared CALL THE POLICE"
>she shoves a phone into my dad's hands and storms off
>look at the phone
>she fucking dialed 911
>holy shit

The police showed up and questioned all of us. I was just in shock about how quickly the whole thing escalated. To this day she hates my father and insists that "He called the police on me to have me arrested in my own home."

Fuck Pizza Hut.

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Frozen pizza is awesome

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I prefer the cheese one, but they taste stupid good and I don't know why.

Tombstone is bottom of the barrel frozen pizza. There’s a reason it’s $4. The best brands are typically local companies so they’re going to differ based on your location. Digiorno is a solid mid tier alternative if you can’t find any of those. But really you should never be eating Tombstone.

Do you have PSVR and beat saber for your ps4?

These are literally the only really good frozen pizzas.

digiorno is only 5 bucks on sale and easily comparable to chain pizza
it cant be beat

>spend 15 minutes preheating the oven
>not preheating your oven before you leave
Good job dumbass, as long as you aren't gone for fucking ever or have the shittiest oven on earth than you shouldn't have any problems.

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>Leaving the oven on
Enjoy your house fire.

why the fuck aren't supermarkets open 24/7?
maybe ill go to CVS and get something to eat

>dumb faggot recommends pizza hut
>mom says it's a shit idea because it is
>your retarded ass and your retarded father do it anyways
>you call your mom out on being right and expose yourself even further as a retarded faggot
>you and your dad are such pussies that you're shocked about someone being bumped into by an old woman

Just kill yourself, holy fuck. I'm so sorry for your mother, but I also blame her for ever having your stupid faggot ass.

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>beat saber
For my pc yeah
For psvr i have wipeout and astro bot

It's called Tombstone because eating it makes you want to die.

Regional pizza places serve the best food, this is fact. Mom and Pop stores and national chains can suck my dick.

I will pay an extra 15-25% of the price of a fast food pizza at a family restaurant/small joint. Some of these cunts want 2x the price for 1/2 the food, y'all need to step up.

Freschetta is best, DiGiorno are bros, Tombstone is classic, Red Baron is literally who.
DiGiorno changed their recipe so their pizzas burn too easily in the oven now. They sent me coupons for at least half a dozen free pizzas in exchange for feedback regarding my oven settings and the outcome of cooking at various temperatures after they made the change, though. They're still the only major player that my oven just won't cook properly. Walmart deli pizzas are better anyway.

Pizza hut isn't even that bad.

it's pretty fucking garbage

Your house isn't going to spontaneously combust for being on for the 15-30 minutes it takes to pick up your pizza and if it somehow does, than you had a preexisting problem before hand.

These things are objectively terrible quality and barely count as pizza, yet are indeed quite good. I prefer their pizza rolls though.

pizza bagels are kino

yeah, that's why you always stay home when working with your appliances just in case something that like happens so you can deal with it before it gets out of hand.

Your mother's a dingbat. Pizza Hut didn't cause shit. It's your looney, unstable matriarch.
And you're just retarded.

I think Pizza Hut isn't the issue here, user.
But also, develop some taste jesus. Chain pizza, especially Pizza Hut, is terrible

Take out pizza hut is shit tier and a literal 0/10, you have to actually go in and sit down for a decent pizza there.

t. retarded pussy faggot that likes pizza hut

That's the hill you want to die on, user? Really?

I do
It's been collecting dust for like a year and 2019 doesn't seem to be changing that

I am about to grab Megaman X collection, Sonic mania plus, and Tales of Vesperia for my switch. How did I do?

Dude this is a pizza thread now

I want to like papa Murphys so bad but it costs more than any local pizza chain that cooks it for you. Papa Murphys has this awesome pizza called the spinach Mediterranean or something shit. Has chicken, olive oil for sauce. Pretty good, but the fucking thing costs $18 for a pizza i have to cook myself. Fuck that and fuck you papa Murphy

I mean, you go be wrong, basedretardanon. I'm sorry you hate joy and apparently fell down all those stairs when you hit your head.

Are you okay, retard pussy faggot? Am I making you cry by pointing these things out about yourself?

I do. I bought Ape Out earlier today on it.

Do you not know how to use an emulator? Probably the worst port of Vesperia too

>Consuming carb-rich food for an activity that can be done in it's entirety sitting down

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your fault for recommending pizza hut you fucking idiot. please kys.

I do but I am lazy and dont want to play them at my PC

Frescetta and digiorno have too thick of crust. Im okay with tombstone.

Also side note. My dad's a big exec at nestle in Ohio in the frozen pizza division. Did you know the same company makes digiorno, tombstone, Jack's, and California pizza kitchen? Not only does the same company make them all but they're made im the same facility. They also make hot pockets

OP = muh muahfawkin' nigguh.

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Nintendo is notorious for hardware revisions and as such, possessing the patience of a saint, I am awaiting the first one before going in. It won't hurt that the games will be discounted in price by that point either.

>prefer the cheese one

I don't blame you. Toppings, especially meat toppings, on frozen pizzas are usually hit or miss. But goddamn dude, Totino's knows how to deliver one hell of a tasty fucking pizza. Just the right amount of everything. It's unfortunate that they give me such awful indigestion

>mfw Target has a 3 for $9 red baron pizza sale

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They're not bad, but there are definitely better pizzas out there.

Those Doritos are so good

nigger i can get that every day at my local grocery Outlet

please stop buying frito lay products

gee look at daddy warbucks over here

>white people problem

Did your mom happen to run a company called "Amy's baking company" by any chance?

Where the FUCK is the revision?


you make my job harder

I'm waiting for SMT V to release. might get it when Astral Blade releases though if it's good enough since I love Masakazu Katsura's art. Also how's Diablo 3 on the Switch?.

I like these pizza from Walmart

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best pizza chain coming through

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love their wings

I've been getting these Private Selection pizzas from Kroger, they're actually pretty damn good as far as frozen goes.

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>Dude this is a pizza thread now
I was talking about monster hunter and i live in russia and our pizza is shit and so are burgers and most of other foreign food
Peperoni is my fav

>naming a pizza tombstone
fuckin americans, do you call hotdogs famine aswell?

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It's usually just implied that what we're eating is disease, so we don't feel the need to be so blunt about it.

the commercials for it were kino tho

ignore the other fags, your mom is just a lunatic who was looking for an excuse to start shit

lmao found the pussy dad

>tfw I'll probably get memed for pokemon just like the 3ds


A quick reverse image search and it seems you stole this picture from a recent popular reddit thread, go back there or kill yourself OP.

>having a mental breakdown over shitty pizza
shit was inevitable, if it wasnt the pizza it would have been the laundry, or the color of her new phone case, or literally anything else that might have slightly displeased her
women are fucking retarded when it comes to controlling their emotions, especially an old bat like that bitch

calm down, maybe you can beg your pussy son to kiss the boo boo on your shoulder from when your wife beat you up with her shoulder


Fuck you eat when playing games?
A nice spaghetti tossed in olive oil with light garlic and a fine rosé?

Okay, I kek'd.

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I was making a joke about someone posting about video games in this thread. Im sorry Russian food is terrible

That's not Topper's or Solo's.

I have a feeling this thread is far more entertaining than the reddit one, but i refuse to ever go to reddit so I'll never know

This shit is fucking cocaine disguised as pizza. They have no right to taste as good as they do.

>Im sorry Russian food is terrible
You mean quality of russian food or cuisine? If first - i agree, if second - you have bad taste.
Considering that most people actually talk about pizza instead of games, there isn't any joke

God damn this diet, man. That looks so good right now and I could have it with a short trip to the gas station.

>frozen pizza
This is just a thing poor people do right?

what do you mean by regional pizza places?

It's like how some people can go to Hardee's and other people on the other side of the country can go to Carl's Jr. Regional benefits, exclusive restaraunts. You know.

its a fat person thing

how can you say that when you post fucking blanda johns?

Dijorno's frozen pizzas are fucking delicious.


I've eaten Totino's pizza loads of times....but it just tastes artificial. Even a hotpocket tastes more like a pizza.

Most frozen pizza brands are far better than any fast food pizza brand. You should actually try a few one day.

>on a console that doesn't have DMC5

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pizza places usually fuck it up

>eating 600 calorie slices of pizza

America and Australia why are you so fucking FAT

I have a Switch and use it every day. Adversely I kinda regret buying a PS4 Pro as I haven't touched the thing in months.

Tried buying one and they almost scammed me never again.

It's basically what you're getting if you go to a chain restaurant.

i want the people who have to carry my bloated corpse to the morgue to work for their money

when will bongs realize that calories do not immediately equal fat. Not everyone is unable to metabolize their food like you.

god shut the fuck up. hate fags who say make your own pizza. listen, it's going to taste like shit

really not a fan of this or mario games, sorry

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Is this the most posted webm on Yea Forums?

This. Nothing I eat ever puts on weight for me, I've been at 140 lbs for like the past decade. I worry about making sure my teeth stay clean more.

cringe and bluepilled
women don't like a man who can't even cook for himself, and no opening a frozen pizza and putting it onto a tray does not count.

Mine is literally listed on ebay right now
Boring overpriced games and console

Also fuck sonybros as well

bump for pizza discussion

It does have a touchpad. But the point is that it has great homebrew and emulators with a big screen you can take on a plane or play on the couch. I don't understand why a wii u owner would buy one without modding though.

He's having a comfy gaming session not hitting the gym user. Who fucking cares?

>buying from big brand pizza stores
>not buying local
local is always better, faggot.

Oh that's just 5 seconds of an optional sidequest and not representative of the actual game, you should definitely try the game though it's really good :)

Those are actually really fucking good

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I'll buy one when the VC isn't shit

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ITT: pure onions

Lunchables pizza is pretty fucking good


but this isn't a sony thread

lmao it sucks to suck homo

i already have both of those games for pc

I don't think that pizza has any onions on it though, user.

>women don't like a man who can't even cook for himself
Men don't like a woman who can't cook and feed them

imagine being the kinda guy that just rounds up his games boxes and garbage frozen dinners to showcase for himself and maybe two other fags
gross, worse than nu-male selfies

Man I love onions but that vegetable has no business being anywhere on pizza. My parents used to get pepperoni and onion pizza and I couldn't stand it, the taste combination was revolting.

Im not a neanderthal

this is it chief!!!

sounds like the last straw that broke the camels back (the camel being your super fucked up dysfunctional family LMAO)
please dont blame pizza hut they did nothing wrong

Especially right out of the box

Literally the only good one
Tried the nachos one recently I dont know why. It was shit and definitely not something you wouldnt want for a LUNCH

Pepperoni, Chicken, or Beef?

I'm American and this why most of us are fucking fat.

Because, just like with my 3DS, I would buy it, I would spend an entire evening hacking it, I would play the Pokemon games and then it would go back to gathering dust.

>Wins a match while having casual conversation with his wife about her work
>Does a victory dance with her
>Kisses her in front of his 5k viewers before going back to the stream and saying "yeah I think that was about the 9th game I won out of 10 matches today?"
>this while having a real job where twitch is just a side gig
the chad tetris 99 player right there

theres more than pokemon on 3ds you know

This is the gaymer food thread right?
What do you guys think of birds eye?
I've been eating their frozen meals and was wondering if they were actually healthy, or just better than other frozen shit.

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shut the fuck up

Eat my ass


I tried that new flaming hot Doritos flavor and I have no idea how people can enjoy it I almost cried


>emperor of the gods tier
Those local joints that have stayed in business for 30+ years because they make awesome pizza, bonus points if they use a generic "____ pizza" or "surname's" as their name

>demigod tier

>high tier
Domino's (después 2000s)
Pizza Hut (antes de 2000s)
Trader Joe's

>relic of the '90s kino but isn't that good if you don't have nostalgia tier
Round Table Pizza
Tombstone Frozen Pizza

>mid tier
Little Caesar
Pizza Hut (después de 2000s)
California Pizza Kitchen
Totino's Party Pizza
Screamin' Sicillian

>low tier
Domino's (antes de 2000s)
Red Baron

>utter poverty and anal destruction tier

Papa John's

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This is a good list.

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No complaints aside from wanting Totino's in the nostalgia tier

>tfw remember three years where I subsisted on giant stacks of Celeste pizza because it was the only thing cheap enough and filling when I was going through college
>mfw I could've just avoided all that by just dumpster diving into the grocery store after midnight for free unspoiled food instead

My only experience with Papa John's is when my parents decided to try it a decade ago and they brought home two large pizzas and we couldn't even finish our first slice, it had the consistency of cardboard and was offensively bad. Years later, my work orders a whole bunch of them for a party and lo and behold: it still tastes just as shit, 3000 miles away.

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>Round Table
>Screamin' Sicillian

Never heard of any of this garbage, shit list.

All of these are frozen pizza with the exception of Round Table.

>pizza hut

Very oily and salty, if you can look past that or like it, its solid


nice touch with the garlic crust, but most of it is bread. they barely give you any cheese, sauce, or toppings. Its the cheapest and it shows

>papa johns

Pure garbo, never had a good pizza here. The cheese is nice but like dominos, you dont get enough of anything and its a lot more expensive

>round table

The best of the chains but it reflects in its price. 2 extra larges with some toppings and youll be at 70+ dollars.

>redpilled pizza

Frozen newmans pizza, add your own toppings to it, bake for 12 minutes. Or local place. Local places are either really good or really shit, with dough so thick it turns everything in your stomach into a rock. Watch out for those places. Just yelp the ones in your area, go in, order a small one and see how it is

Seriously speaking, I can play both games on my PC, and I rarely play games on the go, but for when I do I have the pic related.
I considered buying Switch, but it still basically has only BotW and Mario Odyssey. I might've bought it were we to get a cool pokemon game, but we got Let's Go instead.

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>notice none of my favorite pizza chains are even on that list
>discover most of them don't exist outside this state
Costco should really be on there, though.

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Chain pizza has such ridiculously bad crust compared to even the shittiest pizza joint in manhattan. I honestly just feel bad for flyover pizza enthusiasts.

>see pizza place, looks ok
>it's been on national TV
>voted best pizza of all time a bunch
>even Anthony Bourdain said the pizza was good
>get super excited to visit, decide to take family while they are visiting me
>it's mediocre
>it cost like $30 fucking dollars and we didn't even get drinks

I'd suck a dick for some papa johns desu

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you'd suck a dick just to suck a dick

Fuck that. I microwave pasta and spaghetti and it comes out just fine. Fuck frozen pizzas.

I am so sick of costco pizza.

>tfw celiac
h-how about that oggi's am I right bros

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Chicago style pizza is the best pizza.

>local Papa Johns
Try again.

Lmao such a child

Oil it up

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>calling meat pie a "pizza"
Chicago people are delusional.

Least it's not as bad as people who make chili into meat soup by adding beans. Subhuman scum.

Only two that get it in this thread. Anything else should be reserved for starvation mode, kids, or when you have guests you need to get rid of.

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Nothing wrong with getting pizza as a bonus

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there's no such thing as "local pizza".
Unless by "pizza" you mean "shit"

>tfw have been getting papa a lot lately cause they have ridiculous promo codes like buy 1 pie get 1 free

its cheap and does the job

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I made pizza for the first time this past weekend, was fun.
The dough was really soft and silky.

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Pizza and mafia themes go hand in hand. Probably because mafia = Italian = New York where true partisan pizza comes from.

based boboli poster

It has shitty games. Also you must be fat as fuck lmao

I miss when these things were inexpensive.

maybe if you live in a flyover state

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Only time I can remember a bad Sbarro is when they literally forgot to cook the pizza I ordered and still had fucking parts of it as uncooked dough. Fourantlly they were cool and gave me a free one the next time I came by (had built up friendly relations by then).

Good list since nothing matters below Demigod tier anyways. Only worth chains have is their sides or off the wall takes like stuffed crust pizza.

Because there's no game that grabs my attention and the joycons sucks.

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>muh local get local bros
>have to order on the phone cause place has no internet presence

thats a no from me

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beta zoomer

you live in a flyover country

Imagine taking a picture of salad dodger food to brag about how you're going to spend your night.

nah, I live in the only country that matters

>not this

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>local place has online ordering and delivery...
>but only through terrible, overpriced third party services like DoorDash

Blew it

Sorry, Chinabro, I was mistaken.

how do you fit a pizza in that it looks kinda small

don't have that one here :(

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I make my own pizza including the sauce and dough at home, and it's better than what I can buy in a store, it's bigger and it's cheaper, get on my level where I slave away for about an hour to create some pizzas.

I have a Switch, it's not very good, wouldn't recommend it.

Microwave for americans in debt

step it up senpai

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speaking of nintendo, redpill me on yoshi games. turns out mario franchise games make for some easy playing when im on the elliptical but i already played out super mario bro u deluxe and im considering getting yoshis crafted world. i played the demo and liked it i got yoshis island 2 i think from e shop on the wii u and there was fucking too much vertical exploration for my liking. i also played yoshi story on the n64 and loved it

Its all about making your own, babe.

I'm glad i'm not the only one. I was curious as to how shit it was going to be and it blew my mind to find out it wasn't bad.

Woke, we have some turks around here that make the best kebab pizzas i've ever had

More like Papa FAGGOT.

I make my own pizza dough

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Fuck it's 5:20 and I want a fucking pizza

What ingredient in pizza makes it unhealthy?

Like fuck guys imma do it I'm kinda high though
You think I should put the cheese before the sauce that would be something

>just one small can of soda for all that food

Mix it together.

Everyone on my boat plays the Switch.

>Assuming the mountain dew isn't a topping

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Gotta watch the calories bro.

Quality frozen pizza coming through.

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you're supposed to mix the doritos, skittles and mountain dew to make dip for the pizza

I did, it was shit, the exclusives were terrible and I had most of the stuff on the eshop already on Steam, I hacked it for emulation, but the emulation was terrible, way worse than on a PSP, I even gave it to my little 10yo sister, she played Kirby and Pokemon for a while but got bored and immediately went back to the Wii, I sold it at the end, I don't regret it, Zelda was cool and I kind of want to play it again but I remember it got pretty stale after a couple of hours, Mario Odyssey was kind of fun but the co-op was really terrible, I can barely call it co-op at all, A hat in time does it so much better so I went back to PC and now we just play that

Why get any pizza other than Frank Pepe' s of New Haven and Manchester? It's like you guys don't even like being raw dogged dirty in the asshole by the CT government. Did you even give UConn like 70k?

Digiorno but only if the crust is stuffed with cheese.

I like onions on pizza but yeah if you just combine it with pepperoni it's gonna taste like shit.

>1 can of mountain dew
should at least have 10. That 1 can wont last more than 5 minuets

pizza dough in bread maker FTW

Saving on a GPU that can really crunch games in 4k, no money for any other hardware

>frozen pizza
>corn syrup in a bag
>corn syrup in a can
>corn syrup in a smaller bag

as expected from someone who bought a switch.

>all that shit and a single can of soda
your mouth is gonna be dry as shit after eating all that let me tell ya.

Who else has diet soda with their pizza? If i have regular soda + pizza i get very bloated and feel terrible. Id rather a shot of asparteme than 40g of corn syrup anyway. For me, its diet vanilla coke. Thats some good shit right there. Does diet barqs taste faithful to the regular?

I heard you can hack it.

is this true?

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Marco's should be on here somewhere around Domino's.

Also, best frozen pizza is Outsiders.

I got the "SUPER EXTRA FUCKING LARGE" pizza for a party, twice.
Had to cut that motherfucker in half to fit it in the oven.

Recently bought one and currently playing XC2

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My Switch won't connect to my router but it connects to public wi-fi

Sort of, but it gets updated all the time so it's risky

plain dew is the worst part of the image. if you're so bland you don't like the other flavors you should at least drink throwback.

The concept of "Pizza Chains" are just so weird. All pizza here in Denmark are now from local shops, especially after Domino's went bankrupt last week. They had been threading water for a while after it was discovered that they used expired stuff for their pizzas.

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