What are your video game red flags?

What are your video game red flags?
>game has trannies and homosexuals

Attached: 1550915372385.webm (640x360, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI_ Echoes of an Elusive Age_20180906042006.jpg (800x800, 133K)

What the fuck is wrong with spics

Attached: ce03ec87-4997-40a3-a22f-0ad3017d3fd8.png (575x492, 217K)

Manifest destiny

Attached: 1459131041619.webm (480x480, 203K)

>This video game is made by a multicultural team with different ethnic, religious and philosphic background

What the fuck did I just watch?

This is in the Netherlands though

ohh that's gross, fuck you OP

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I can’t see webms on my iphone
Can someone describe what happens?

Attached: 786de3bed1f86697ab32568f6fb3a216.gif (250x190, 1.03M)

anyone have that one gif/webm of the guy in a gimp suit and submerging himself in a giant vat of shit?

the definition of a shitskin

Poopoo peepee

Agustus Gloop falls into the chocolate river

All spics are disgusting chimps

Attached: 1408685421058.png (1585x1527, 117K)

I aint spoonfeeding you user, get 4chanX, save this threads link and email it to yourself on your phone, go open it up and view it yourself.

is there one with sound?

Guy collects loads a shit and takes a bath in it.

Attached: [Confused Screaming].jpg (1014x1024, 82K)

Just download VLC

>he saves webm of literal shit just to post it while complaining about things he doesn't like
lmao @ the alt-right.

Attached: 1531662527994.png (154x239, 26K)

Stop defending spics

He's right though. It's clearly says the Netherlands on there. Could just be goat fucker.

*ring ring*
yes mods? we have a situation

Why is Taika Watiti doing this? I thought he had Disney money now.


Attached: epplel quelity.webm (480x270, 1.48M)

It doesnt say anything, you retarded spic

God I miss the home button.

He's actually asian.
I looked him up so you don't have to. Read the proof, if you dare:
expo sedfag gots.co m/toilerfaggot-in-amsterdam/

For what purpose.

>at least 8 /pol/shit and tranny threads up
Where are the fucking mods?

shaking nad crying rn

Attached: literal joke phone.webm (640x290, 2.43M)

That's gay

Attached: 1520981189289.png (326x306, 243K)

Any sort of SJW shit

Attached: 1551755558958.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

Attached: 1417890371682.gif (480x270, 1.74M)

>I love to cover myself in old shit and jerk off
>every day I walk around with black litter bag and gather all the shit I can find
>it takes the whole day to gather two bags of shit
>and after a hard day I come back to my home, open up a hot water valve in my bath and throw all of my treashure in
>I jerk off imagining being vored and dissolved in a unified shit organism
>I beleive poops are actually sentient, they have their families, feelings, cities, etc
>don't just flush your shit, people!
>bettet give them home, pet them
>yesterday, I had a wonderful dream while taking my bath
>as if I dived into the sea and the whole sea turned shit
>fishes, seaweed, jellyfishes
>everything was made of shit
>even the sky
>even Allah

is that shit at 0:13 supposed to be his ass? what the fuck is coming out of it? that ain't shit

i'm glad my race will be know as shooters instead of literal shit bathing

Same question. What the fuck is it?

>404 not found

>Fanta bottle
Shit taste

Attached: 663.jpg (160x216, 7K)

How the fuck did you notice that

why do homosexuals and trannies like to have sex with feces and lick feces?

>lead designer is a tranny who posts obnoxious anti-male shit on twitter all day...despite being a fat ugly guy pretending to be a girl

That's cool, I'll keep my fond memories of the Battletech franchise I grew up with, not the commie Seattle garbage they've turned it into.

game DOESN'T have at least one tranny and/or homosexual

>scatfags can't be straight

subnautica thread?


90% of homosexuals regularly ingest feces, this is a very well known stat

rectal prolapse

Sorry I typed it out from looking at the site from my phone. Don't want my computer to be associated with that site.

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First I've heard of it but okay.

oh yes.. yes.. spread it all over your faggot sissy body... yes you filthy slut... mmmm yes my dear so hot

>at least 1 (one) person ITT is going to masturbate to this webm

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you literally cant be into anal if you dont enjoy scat at least tiny bit

You kind of can


female characters