96 days until E3

>96 days until E3

post your

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Other urls found in this thread:


How old are you Yea Forums?


I'm turning 18 in a month, why are you asking?

23, been posting here for 7 straight years. Every year goes by faster than the previous one. How the fuck do I slow time down?

>animal crossing reveal
>mario odyssey 2
>a zelda that isn't a fucking mistake

>see you in august for animal crossing news
>0 good games
>breath of the wild 2
>another anime character in smash


I dont even know why i still post here, i dont play videogames anymore and everything i hear about them makes me depressed

Damn you. You're four years younger than me. You may not think think it's that bad, but I wish I could reverse time so bad.

I struggle to force myself to care about video games.

My brain just associates this image with YEARS of hoping for DMC 5. What is the next golden goose that we can use a new image for?

The only thing left to care about is mml3, and that's never happening.

You know they’ve already said the next Zelda game will be built in the botw engine so there’s a really good chance it will be similar.

Been in this shithole since '06

I don't mind the engine, but open world meme is just a damn shame. They can keep the visuals and mechanics (minus the dumb fucking weapon durability) and then design a good, classic dungeon based zelda adventure. That would be great.

18, turning 19 in 2 months
Soon I'll stop being a teenager and that scares me

i want off please

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Silk Song fall 2019 release

>13 years of your life on Yea Forums.

I'm going on 12, will we ever escape? Is suicide my only option?

I never used social media not even once due to being bullied in school. The closest I ever did was Reddit for a few months but I hated the upvote system so I fucked off.

Yea Forums was my only source of companionship through my entire teenage to adult years.

Dragon's Dogma 2

Waiting for DMC6 for the next ten e3s of course.

CP2077 release date

Are you ready?

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I stopped using facebook in 2007 and never have used a non-anonymous social media account. The worst part about Yea Forums is it made me awful at reading books.

I don’t know you user but you’re always welcome here.

Are you me (Minus one year)?

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Gonna be a pretty based E3 this year. First time in years we won't have Sony's cringe.

I got some bad news for you, user. It only gets faster

t. 34 year old

How did it make you awful at reading books, user?

Holy shit... it's almost been a year already...?

I'm turning 22 in sept this year, but I feel like my life is starting to flash before my eyes...

I guess this is what wasting away in a dead end job must feel like.

Do you guys think the cringe will be worse than last year?

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I grew up on the PS1 and PS2 so I was a sonyboi for the longest time. The PS3 kinda sucked and I thought it was just a fluke. I got a PS4 because some of the exclusives looked promising but fuck, the PS4 was way worse than the PS3 and I see no improvement in sight. Sony's been showing trailers for the same four games for like five straight years. I mean, Microsoft is way worse atm, but I can at least see them improving, plus being able to play MS games on my switch, even if its through that shitty xbox pass service, is just another reason to look forward to their press conference.

>Do you guys think the cringe will be worse than last year?

Nah. Sony doesn't have a conference this year and 90% of the cringe came from their bizarre mess of a show. Ubisoft still has a show though so we're guaranteed some cringe thankfully.

>no sony
makes me laugh every time i think about it


I wouldn't hold my breath anymore man, the CEO is actually a fucking senile piece of shit who can't tell his head from his ass. Just look at the shit sony has done in the past years, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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New 2D Rayman, Blood Dragon 2.
"We unfortunately announce Metroid Prime 4 has been canceled".

what shows should I stream in between conferences this year

29. Been here since high school.

have you watched Black Sails? that's a good ass show

Pikmin 4
Battletoads gameplay
Halo Infinite gameplay
Cuphead DLC release date
Devolver has actual games to announce
The show is good even with Sony being dropped
Nintendo is mainly focused on Animal Crossing (and maybe Luigi's Mansion), hardly any big reveals
Still no Bannerlord release date
Sony's absence has a major impact on the show

Rhythm Heaven for Switch with a reveal of Rhythm Girl in Smash.

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>halo on pc
>Some of those other studios microsoft bought putting out good shit

Thats really it


Sony was the best part of E3. I hope they find a way make their own conference on the side.

We all belong to the board. When we die our souls will be trapped here to shitpost for all eternity. There is no way out.

I hope Sony's absence is just replaced with a Andrew W.K. concert

Same user

Is being 23 too late for college?

Absolutely no, it starts being too late when you get to your mid 30s

I hope the Microsoft conference has exclusives.

There's some fat fuck in one of my classes that has to be in his late 40s. I keep hoping his organs will collapse under his great weight but he keeps showing the fuck up and saying inane shit that doesn't make any sense

Animal Crossing Switch to be one of the best ones yet, topping NL (and though it'll never happen, maybe even getting on GCN's level)
AC Switch catering entirely to the nu-fandom from NL and PC, watering down villager dialogue even further and shilling Isabelle as hard as possible while shoving every good character to the side

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>New Switch hardware and or a sale so i can buy one
>Microsoft announces a game that's actually worth playing
>Nintendo announces a few more games for 3DS that are actually good as a send-off
>Microsoft will tease more games that won't be out for years only to turn out subpar or canceled like 99% of stuff they've released over the past 6 years

Killer Instinct 4
nuBattletoads gameplay
Marvel vs Capcom 4 gameplay
new Burnout with racing wheel compatibility

>new xbox isn't backward compatible with controllers
No new fighting games whatsoever

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Already started doing some Squilliams for the collage because I don't think I'll have time when E3 is around the corner. Any ideas?

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19 and the only thing I want is a new Viva Pinata game that stays true to the originals.

See you in 30 days faggot

SA3 or SA1/SA2 Remake
Sonic the Movie the Game

No Sony. Who cares.

name one sony e3 presentation that was good

There was a lady in her 60s in a couple classes with me. I asked her in the nicest way possible "why?" and she told me in no uncertain terms that she was bored and she just always wanted some sort of degree to hang on her wall.

Yeah that's basically how I feel. Sony's conference is usually the only interesting one besides Microsoft, save last year. That was awful.

All of them except last year and the one where they spent half the conference talking about their exclusive tv show Powers.

19 been posting here since I was 14

they never show anything good though, it's boring every time. at least MS and nintendo have had their moments over the years. sony has no good moments.

I want Astral Chains gameplay
And Pikmin 4
And Paper Mario: We're Doing It Right This Time

>too early to say, many of my hopes will probably be announced between now and E3
>no pikmin 4

Breath of the wild 2: Battle Royale.

bannerlord gameplay

>THQ comes and announces a shitload of games
>EA and Bugfesta spend a week apologizing for being garbage
>Xcuck tears when Uncle Phil overhypes and underdelivers yet again

>It's a boring waste of time again

oh yeah I forgot to add
>bugthesda shitting the bed in spectacular fashion
to my list of hopes

>Guys what about half-life 3?

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26. I've only been here for 5 years. Am I still considered a newfag?

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24 and also a newfag

>96 days till Halo Infinite, Animal Crossing, MP Trilogy

do more different things, less same things

anything post 2007 is newfag

sorry newfag

t. 2005fag

"Ladies and gentlemen...give it up for...Todd Howard!!!"
>Canned cheering
"Hey gamers! Hi there! How's your E3 going?"
>Canned cheering
"Last year we released Fallout 76 and so many of you have embraced the series embarking on a brand new journey as you make your own post-apocalyptic adventure with your friends. And we're committed to the world of Fallout 76 and I'm so excited to show you the next 12 months of that commitment. Play the trailer."

I'll be a bit surprised if Todd shows up again this year, knowing how disastrous Fallout 76 ended up being

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>anything good

Been shit for almost a decade

Still a little exciting.

That Halo Infinite looks good.


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Go lash out about it on /r/XboxOne, Xcuck.

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And I for some reason think I have alot more common sense then most of the people on this board

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Yeah, we all thought we were superior in our teens.

this is bait isn't it

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>double Xcuck
Since theres no Sony dick for you to jump on this E3, I wonder what you'll being then Eric

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It takes a lot of guts to take a 30 day in the chest for something not porn related, or funny, or shitposting, really your post post is useless.

I don't give two shits about that

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>once again rscottyg has a screaming meltdown so bad that his syntax degrades

Gonna be funny when your squirrel stays as dead as your gay bear is.

See you at e3 bruh

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>95 days until I'm 26

E3 is a reminder every year that I'm closer to death and that I've been here too long.

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Epic bait if it is. Using 'literally me - the character' as an image is great.

If you're actually 16 then let me tell you this - you're not smart, no one cares that you're not smart, it's okay to not be smart because you're a stupid naive 16 year old. Go out and do stupid naive 16 year old things. Go out at night and fuck around with your friends around town in your car/truck. Go find some girls and woo them. Go do something daring and stupid.
Because one day you're going to wake up and all of that shit will be gone. Your friends will have left, money will be the foremost on your mind, and hamster wheel effect will kick in and time will rocket past you. It won't be these nights shitposting on Yea Forums you'll remember, it will be the time you spent hanging out with your bros doing funny shit.

Also, you posting about common sense on Yea Forums already shows you lack common sense.

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>eric talking about meltdowns

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Turning 20 in July. Been slinging shit back & forth with Yea Forumstards since '09

I’m turning 25 this march 18
Lurking Yea Forums since i was 16 hehe


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Microsoft barely has a show. They haven't put out a decent game in the last five years. What's the point of watching their show when Phil lies every E3? Nintendo saves E3 in the end.

See you in 730 days

Basically this.

Yeah, it'll be funny when Nintendo has a better show than Xbox again.
>Calling out a shill when he pops up is a meltdown
How's mommy's pregnancy going, rscottyg? Has Tyrone fled the scene yet? No wonder the pressure's getting to you.

25, got here in like late 2012.

These squidward memes are like clockwork now. Like the brown leaves or blooming flowers that lets you know it that time of year again.

Show it to me.

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27, I've been an internet fiend since 2003 and occasionally dipped into Yea Forums, but only really started hardcore browsing it in 2007 when Japan Time started hitting its stride.
To me Brawl's release is the end of the 'Wild Wild West' internet and the beginning of what we eventually ended at today.

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started posting on Yea Forums in 2010 then a couple years later the board was ruined by jannies, mandrama and general threads

now i just browse Yea Forums

Found Yea Forums on a link to a gif of Hitler eating a watermelon back in 2006.

27 been here for 11 or 12 years. it was always shit, cant beat shitposting with the boys though. what other boards do you faggots post on?
Yea Forums
Yea Forums

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Is Bethesda even going to be at E3 this year?
Like, what do they even have to talk about this year?
It's too early for Starfield and 76 was a useless turd that everyone hates.

What are they gonna do a presentation about TES Blades and some expansion for Fallout 76 and act like people fucking care at this point?

Literally the only thing I can think of that they could talk about that anyone would give a shit about is the Doom sequel and that's not even an announcement, just more info about it or something.

It's a Pete Hines year anyway, Todd only comes every second year so the next time we see him will be in 2020 to talk about Starfield.

literally everyone is Asher or rscottyg or whatever to you.

so you admit to being underage?

Hasn't their show been shit the past two years? Or at least I think most people consider their last year's show to at least be 'okay' since they had Doom Eternal and pull the Metroid Prime 4 ' GAME LOGO - RELEASE EVENTUALLY' shit not once but TWICE.

New Wolfenstein and Doom details, Fallout 76 DLC probably (Todd's self-absorbed enough to ignore that most people think the game's a joke) and there's another unannounced Bethesda game with a release date of this year that got leaked recently. It wouldn't be the first time Beths has come to E3 with fuck all.

in 2008 yeah sure lmao

and for the 3rd year in a row Nintendo and Xbox are gonna have a better E3 than Sony

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How mad will you be when Cuckbox scores another own goal with more Funko Pops shit and Battletoads looks like outsourced low-budget crap?

20. Just joined this year, tried leaving but it appears I'm stuck here forever. I missed the good years apparently.


oh shit, i completely forgot
time passes so quickly..

i hope for Death Stranding, TLOU2 release date this year.

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