Somehow I feel... something is wrong

Somehow I feel... something is wrong.........

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tfw no goof troop 2

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>Jon never comes back as a guest on GG
>Dan & Arin imply he may never due to the Destiny podcast fallout
>Jon's rep starts to recover and he starts uploading again
>Oneyplays stop using the Grumps' office
>Jon does a guest appearance on Oneyplays before a guest appearance on the the channel he co-created

yeah, something is wrong there.

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what happened in the destiny podcast?

you only just figured out that arin drops people as soon as they aren't of use to him?

>Dan: Let's talk about something interesting
>Arin:Let's make fart noises the whole video
I think Arin is trying to kill the show.

>expecting Fagoraptor to swallow his pride and apologize to Jon

Have you seen him play vidya? Admitting wrongdoing is a foreign concept to him.

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He said things people didn't like, most notoriously that it's a fact that wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.

He ingested /pol/ memes and tried to use them in a debate.

I feel like Arin is gonna cause something that will destroy game grumps.

don't forget his girlfriend shoving her ugly ass face more and more on the show

If Dan's music career ever kicks off, he is without a doubt going to leave Game Grumps.

Unless he's going to start incorporating fart noises into his music he's probabaly better off just leaving.

He got on Conan and his album was one Itunes' #1 Comedy bands for a few weeks

Unfortunately, that will never happen

I do think Dan will leave at some point, but him and Brian aren't anywhere near talented enough to 'make it' if he hasn't already

Best Combo

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>kicks off
>starbomb sells out concerts
>multi-million youtube views per video

that's about as good as it's gonna get tbhfam. Most bands can't even say that much. The dude's like 40, he should weather out the storm until he can retire from Game Grumps.

>get this incel out of my room

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Comedy bands like his don't "take off". Granted, I don't think NSP is bad, aside from some cringey things, but I think they've stagnated, popularity wise.

>Jontron fans will always have to defend his racist views or wave them off, knowing full well they'd be condemning someone they didn't like for saying the exact same things

meaning government stats I don't like.
and the fact that third world migrants are shit.

literally all true.

When has dan ever said anything interesting, instead of nervously stumbling through conversation that only gets worse whenever someone mentions a girl?

He drank the /pol/ Kool-Aid a bit too hard and went on a politics podcast. I think everybody has a week or so when they agree with everything /pol/ says and then steps back and reconsiders, Jon just had his week when he decided to go on Shortman's podcast.

Don't get me wrong it's really cool that Dan got on Conan, but Conan's like the 5th most popular version of the dying late-night formula. Also literally nobody buys music any more so getting to #1 in Comedy isn't a huge feat when the top 50 is filled with albums that came out DECADES ago.

>There are people on v who watch this shit.

It's not

>/pol/ comes in and tries to justify their memes-I mean "statistics".

Jon was unprepared for a shitty political debate and said some stuff that made people think he was some alt-right fedora tipper, which was also why his voice role in Yooka Laylee was cut. He had to go dark for like a year.

Arin did do a guest appearance on Jon's Star Wars vid which was meant to squash any behind the scenes beef, but the fact that Jon was on Oneyplays w/Friends before GG but after Chris left the Grump Space implies there's a still sense that Jon is "unclean" for the GG brand. We know Suzy and most of the women in the GG office are SJW friendly and even Dan mentions he gets fans calling him a transphobe, a pedo and a homophobe for jokes or remarks he makes on the show.

Arin probably just doesn't want any emails of people saying how "disappointed" they are Jon was on the show.

>latest mario deluxe game grumps videos
>The guy on the left talks about anal dildos for 15mins

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it was a twich stream not a podcast. also how was destiny not banned for all the politcal shit back then I though twitch was exclusively videogames. A guy I used to watch had his stream taken down for playing some guitar for fucks sake.

>Arin judging Jon for his racist views when he was the same man who had to shout Nigger repeatedly after encountering a black guy to get it out of his system.

Thank fuck somebody else said it. She looks like she has downs or some kind of genetic disability.

Only about 5% of their subscrivers watch their videos. They are done, it's just happening slowly.

Jon had a surface level redpill and decided to do a debate with someone who eats bluepills and adderall as a substitute for meals.

Steam train was great because it let us see how dan treats people that aren't their boss, wich is like absolute shit , shuting them down at every oportunity, and instulting them
i always felt like dan was arin's YES MAN but steam train confirms it

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People once thought she was half asian or something, but she assured everyone that she was 100% white.

So that shit is definitely a birth defect.

Jon said some dumb shit in a debate with a manlet and is still somehow came out better off. The persian magic is real.

Twitch lightened up recently, they allow a whole load of shit on their platform if it doesn't violate copyright law or trigger their delicate sensibilities/make advertisers scream.

Her sister looks the same. It's just ayyyy genes inheretited from parents

You think someone would tolerate Arin unless they were getting paid for it? Arin always had a abusive work relationship with others.

And she's a model lolol

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This is why humans shouldn't breed with lifeforms from other planets, but people just keep on doing it!

>Arin did do a guest appearance on Jon's Star Wars vid
only because disney promised both of them a pretty sum of money if they worked together to promote star wars

She has never been hired by any modelling agency. All her photoshoots were paid for by herself(Arin)

>those lips
wouldn't mind a blowjob from it

Game Grumps is a dying brand. Why do you think that Arin does these sporadic inconsistent premieres and streams where they can get money from donations now and why they focus so much effort on merchandising? They have 5million subs and yet their actual Let's Play episodes barely beat the average views of Oneyplays (600k+ subs) or even squeeky clean guys like Call Me Kevin (who has nearly 2 mil). And don't forget Jon's FlexTape video breaking 38 million views with each new video hitting up to 2 to 5 mil on average.

Dan has his music, has avoided serious controversy and he has an education. I think he'd do better than Arin & Suzy.

pic related. NOT RicePirate's testimony kind of makes sense even more in retrospect

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Also, Arin apparently didn't know what Jim Crow laws were until recently.

It's pretty obviously fetal alcohol syndrome. Mommy was an alcoholic.

>Dan & Arin imply he may never due to the Destiny podcast fallout
it's not arin, it's that kike avidan. kike will never let an iranian into his show

According to FBI statistics circa 2011 it is.


>commie retard who thinks the FBI is /pol/

haha get BTFO retard.
>gets BTFO
>has no stats in return.
>denial sets in. stays delusional because it feels nice to him.

>check Jon's youtube channel
>new videos have over 5 millions views
>flex tape video has fucking 39 million views
What the hell, when did he become so popular.

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SJWs did him a huge favour by trying to slander him.

>that's 8 years ago
>fucking white people & their slavery 200 years ago

He was just unprepared for a political debate with a man let pedophile named destiny and started posting crime statistics that proved blacks committed more crimes and that nations are better off homogeneous in terms of race and culture and naturally "those" types got mad and started making a big deal about it trying to black list him, but hes back now it seems

Flex tape became a meme around the same time his video came out.
The 'backlash' from his debate actually gained him a ton of subscribers

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Christ you literally have no argument you dumb fag lol

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>12 unique posters

>People on Yea Forums actually watch this shit
>There are people here that care enough that they can dissect their entire lives for people who make screeching noises into a mic
You people unironically need to go back to your home at You'll fit in better there. You don't belong here. You also need to be at least 18 to post on Yea Forums, so leave.

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>i was only pretending to have no argument to trigger you pathetic alt righter incels lolol epicly trolololed

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That effectively 3% of the population commits over 50% of violent crime isn't a meme. It's a fact, Jack.

>Most of Arin's old NewGrounds crew still animate while doing Let's Plays & streams
>Arin is the only one who really doesn't

Maybe somebody else can confirm this, but I heard Suzy was the one who convinced Arin to drop animation.

>intentionally goes into a thread on a topic he isn't interested in to talk shit to people he doesn't like while he arrots a rhetororic based on a site he doesn't while avatarfagging with an smug anime girl

I might be pathetic for following this shit, but it sure beats being handicapped you autistic faggot.

Yes, we know, /pol/.

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Jon correctly explained why blacks are inferior subhumans

It doesn't really make me mad if I know you're doing it on purpose.

And here we see the underage spergs slamming their keyboards while their cheeks redden now that someone has insulted their precious surrogate friends. Not vidya by the way. Why did you intentionally go into a video game imageboard and support a not vidya thread? And don't tell me that discussing the private lives of screaming fatties is video games or even culture. I play video games and I'm not culture.

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what's his name again?

>Same man who didn't know Italians were treated as subhuman and lynched back in the day. Called it a "myth".
>I'm supposed to think this man is correct about another race.

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it literally isn't you retards

Suzy and Arin are the weirdest dynamic I have ever seen.

Suzy literally only cares about the money. She dropped Arin like a sack of shit for chad dick way back. Arin wrote to her everyday like a sad cuck and even then she only crawled back to him when he started making a name for himeself.

While at the same time, I don't think Arin loves suzy, I think he wants to be suzy, or at the very least suzy is what he envisions himself as, if he were the woman he desperately wants to be.

I don't really buy Suzy forcing Arin to drop animation, As I don't really think animation is what Arin's passion was. I think he was more into voice acting and he did his own animation as he is notoriously a cunt to work with/for

>I play video games

Said the avatarfag as he bumped the off-topic thread.

>not believing Jonathan Aryan "Master Race" Jafari knows about racial purity

>Doesn't know what sage is
Underage AND new. That's unfortunate.

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I'm with the belief that Arin is a closeted gay. I knew someone who joked about dicks and homosexuality just like Arin, but still insisted he was straight, and he's now a flaming faggot.

outta everything that could've prevented jon's return i find it really difficult to think the pothead even gives half a shit about shit like that

the fact that Mick also cleared the air about Stamper last month on the Sleepycabin subreddit makes me believe it was him in that thread.

I haven't kept up with sleepycabin since they went dark, what's happened?

how do I get a gf?
also post some porn pls im about to jack off

>how do I get a gf?
stop jacking off and get out of Yea Forums

where do I go?

I don’t think Arin’s a fag, he’s just an asshole.

An asshole fag.

Anywhere you can be sociable with people, events, bars, libraries, gyms, maybe get a people's job, maybe start a new class on something.
Anywhere WITH people.

>He still thinks Arin is straight after hearing about the "D club".

What happened?


Stamper worked for the game company that Tom Fulp founded, but they had to fire him in January due to some retarded California labor law because Stamper has neither a high school diploma nor a GED. so he's been drinking even more and tweeting nonstop. some of what he was tweeting was really fucked up, so a fan started a thread saying "we need to help Stamper," and Mick replied that every time anyone reaches out to Stamper to help him, he just totally ghosts them.


Mick's comment:

the craziest thing is how this is corroborated by one of Arin's old animations

Dan's still doing GG so he can stay relevant because it takes a while to make NSP stuff. If he left, people would slowly start moving away from NSP. Just look at the other guys like Barry and Kevin(nobody remembers this guy). The only GG member who would 100% be better off if he left is Mr. Ross-ter Musume since he's at least got connections in the animation industry and he'd most likely be able to get a job at some place like CN or Yotta if he really wanted to.

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>Destiny: So what if whites became the minority but most brown people assimilated to the culture. Would that be okay then?
>Jafari: Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just... you know..

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Why did Barry betray Jon?

But isn't he a persian migrant himself? Jesus, those kind of people are the most autistic of them all. Like negroid white nationalistc kind of. Good thing he does sponsored content now once a year, i rather not see his stupid face.

Because Barry doesn't have anywhere else to go

Ross really fell off the deep end, huh?

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he's fine, don't worry

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What did he mean by this?

Fetal alcohol syndrome. Look it up.

He was born in California retard.

He simply misspoke, what he meant was
>just... you know... dirty the true, white master race

I think his parents were immigrants.

the man's middle name is literally Aryan, what do you expect?

Remember that one time Egoraptor said "Nigga"? Its just a word, and this word should not have as much power as people give it. As long as your not using it in a racially derogatory way.

And? His parents are migrants and he is a product of a mixed race/culture.

oof, that Holly monster
now, Holly was a SJW headcase with all sorts of problems, but I still can't believe she just up and left Ross like she did.

Stamper casually says "nigger" more than a KKK member

I though it was 13% and even if that is true what are you doing to stop them.

And faggot like he carries a bundle of sticks with him everywhere.

People of all ethnicities got lynched back in the day and it mostly happened because those people were suspected of a crime.

>nigga you're crazy, I can't afford an xbox
Whatever happened to Stamper? I miss his comedy.

>it's a fact that wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.
thats cuz fuckin IRS tryna keep a black man down.

She’s a cunt and she scammed fans and got away with it.

>Italians have entire crime syndicates.
Were they right?

I miss Newgrounds and Youtube flash animation, it feels like a dead artform at this point.

>be Ross
>marry the love of your life that you met during a trip to America
>move to America to be with her and to get more opportunities as an animator
>work with your best friend so you can make some money while you continue to follow your dreams
>animation becomes unsustainable
>friend becomes a shallow husk that only cares about money
>wife suggests you both start over in a different state
>you cling to that dream you've had for years and decide to stay
>wife divorces you
>you're now stuck self inserting in a monster girl harem since the only girls you'll ever meet for the rest of your life are either pansexual landwhales or underage

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They should just kick out Arin and Have Jon return. I'd love to see him and Danny interact.

Only north-western European Protestants, and I really mean the British, are true Americans.

Why yes I am. I'm guessing you're from Uranus?

If only you knew

why does Ross draw himself looking super concerned when he's with his monster waifus? is it a plea for help?

>Why yes I am. I'm guessing you're from Uranus?
What the fuck, nigger

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anglo loser the Germano-Irish race saved America before the jews destroyed it again

I still miss Jimmy Whetzel

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>Game Grumps is a dying brand. Why do you think that Arin does these sporadic inconsistent premieres and streams where they can get money from donations now and why they focus so much effort on merchandising?

Literally everyone does that. Diversifying your income stream is the first thing any accountant will tell a youtube star. We've had like two adpocalypses already, and the youtube bux were never that much to begin with. Not merchandising is letting your fame go to waste.

What is he dead?

What did Ross do to deserve this?

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OneyPlays at least has some entertaining moments. Especially when it's Chris and Zach doing stuff.
>Jimmy Neutron had a brain blast when he saw the braincel subreddit

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thhe children of immigrants have the potential to be dumb as shit because their parents spoil them/give them stuff they didn't have as children and can miss important life lessons because of that i became really self-aware about that kind of shit in high school and shaped up but my sister never recovered

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I didn't know he was actually gay, I thought it was just a joke

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So he's in the process of dying.

Dan's talked about hanging out with Jon multiple times before.

>I'm guessing you're from Uranus?

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Jon even did an impression of him on gamegrumps

>Stamper worked for the game company that Tom Fulp founded, but they had to fire him in January due to some retarded California labor law because Stamper has neither a high school diploma nor a GED
I've never been interested in their creations so I have no stake in this but holy living fuck, can we GLASS CALIFORNIA OFF THE FUCKING MAP ALREADY

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but like, why couldn't Stamper just get his GED? I hear it's easy as fuck to get a GED

If a white person is oppossed to letting millions of oonga boonga savages into their country, they get called a racist. If a sensible non-white hold the same opinion, they get labled uncle tom, just for having rational opinion.

By the way, Jons family has told him how much m*slim retards ruined Iran. Check it out if you want to see how glorious that country used to be!

Multiculturalism and liberalism is a disease, and Jon doesnt have to be white to recognize this. Faggot

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>be braindead retard failing math
>still get GED and accepted to a college
I mean i'm still retarded but c'mon

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I haven't watched game grumps in years but I sometimes come into these threads to be entertained by how dead inside all of them are now


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It costs a not unsubstantial amount of money unless you're a minority.

T. Mexicunt who got to do it for free

but why is it playing Bee Gees of all the music they could've picked?

Trying to lampshade the awkwardness.
"This isn't a depiction of my lonely fetishy fantasy with self insert included, it's just a funny drawing of a wacky scenario. See? Look how distraught I am!"

Double negatives are considered a grammatical sin for a reason user.

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All a boomer needs

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>Arin basically forced Matt and Ryan to choose between him or Chris
I know people don't really like them as guests but I'd rather have them over Lyle

This is AMERICA you fucknozzle.
No one should be able to tell you you can't hire someone because of some ASININE red tape shit like that.

Good thing I only needed to pass English grammar once then

>go to check out matt and ryan
>they put matt in a fucking diaper
>he's smoking juuls
what the fuck

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2012 game grumps:
Jon and arin both have a goal of playing the game and chatting while they do it, challengine each other's skill and sharing the experience

2019 game grumps:
Arin plays a game poorly or a game that he's beaten already. Dan never plays and just sits there and watches arin play.

I would have loved watching Dan play BOTW but instead I got Arin doing shit you can tell he's already done off camera so he doesn't look like a terrible player.

Supermega does this shit too and it's fucking annoying.

Speaking of Lyle, it's there any particular reason he stopped doing sanity not included or was it Machinima bullshit?

America has had compulsory education up until you finish high school for decades now.

probably got tired of it, I would've too.

That's lame, I like when these things have a story behind it.

Didn't Arin use a gamespot walkthrough for Sonic Adventure but he was so inept as a human being couldn't get the hand of it and gave the author shit for it.

Being not white doesn't mean he has to be blind to the importance of nationalism. Fuck you're stupid

He always uses a guide unless it's Mario, Mega Man or a party game.

>some guy writes a Sonic Adventure guide as a kid
>guide doesn't mention that thes Knuckles segments have randomized locations for emeralds
>doxxes the guy

They skipped over the part that said the emerald pieces were randomized and gave him shit for not explicitly saying where they were at, they also doxxed him in the same episode

What is this? Has he just given up on Gameoverse?

I like how people just use words at absolute random. He is a product of Western culture

>they also doxxed him in the same episode
Wait seriously?

he said that he finished all of his part for the first episode(which is like an hour long apparently) and that Yotta would finish it, but nothing has come from it.

Arin really does have a single digit IQ huh? What a faggot

13 / 60

it was an accident, they said the username of the author so people could read it themselves. and the fanbase tracked the guy down.

So the monster girl stuff is just for shits and giggles while he waits then?

Being Australian.

What did you expect? He did drop out of high school and touch dicks with people.

I wonder if arin would let him come in for a supermega colab
jontron for the supermega podcast

the writer left his real name in the walkthrough, and Dan kept repeating it over and over again, and no one in the editing process thought to censor it, people probably would have found the walkthrough regardless but Dan only made it worse, Dan apologized on Reddit, and them during the Majora let's play he basically admitted that the apology was insincere, Dan seems like a nice guy but remember, he's a jew

Oh yeah, the D club.. Christ I jack off to Sonic o Speed and thought that shit was fucking gay.

And? He could have as well became jihadi jon or some shit by the same logic you and him are using. he assimilated, others persians do not, others do. If he wasn't mixed, there would have been more chance that he wouldn't assimilate.

And how often were employers FORCED to give a shit about that?

I have to say it was a legitimately funny moment when Dan just bursts into the room.

>sleepycast with Jon and Zach
>he brings up them watching an American drone blowing up ISIS insurgents
>Jon fucking cracks up at one stopping his prayers and abandoning the faith during said incident

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Whatever set off their fight, all I wish is that it'd happened like a week later so they could have finished sonic 06.

nah, Ross has always had a monster girl thing. this was the endcard of his ME3 collab

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I'm kind of surprised Arin let Matt go on the official podcast, yeah sure they don't have the /pol/ rep that Jon has, but they aren't PC, they've had actual Trump supporters on and have even said they'd let a Grand Wizard come one

Right but I just meant these stickers and shit he's doing on twitch, is he going to make some huge thing about it to get that waifufag money?


Has anyone else noticed how Oney and Ross sound exactly alike.

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he already sells merch of the waifus. But I definitely think that it's like 70% genuine fetish shit, like I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he has a hidden folder containing a bunch of porn of him with the monster girls.

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I don't blame him, if I could draw I'd do the same.

I'd definitely fap to a Ross monster girl porn comic.

>decide to check out stampera twitter
>he currently has a homless crack addict roommate that threatened to kill him if he stole from her again and is now his personal chef and maid

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what the heck, that sounds like a plot to a really weird netflix show

Jesus, got a link?


Well isn't it just The Odd Couple but with crack?

the quality of NSP's music has definitely gotten better in the last few years, I definitely feel like they could write some pretty good songs if they could break away from the comedy side of NSP.

the biggest issues with NSP are definitely fixable:
>start to break away from the comedy, since while they make some occasional good wordplay, a lot of songs feel like they heavily rely on a video to get the joke across
>Stop the freaking layering thing that Dan's been doing since NSP started, they've already started doing this with a lot more of their songs actually going more natural voice from Dan(I feel like the reason they even did the layering thing was just because Dan was nervous about his singing voice and now that he actually does have real vocal coaching, he probably doesn't feel like he needs it anymore)
just fix those and you can get some pretty fine songs that already have an established audience, so they would be successful right off the bat.

Not vidya.

Stamper's gone fucking insane himself. Every second post is him trying to act tough about all these enemies he has at the fucking gates.

>Yea Forums calls facts memes

This is why america is a laughing stock.

Jon's shtick dried the fuck up when he ran out of retro vidya topics to laugh at. He hasn't been relevant on Yea Forums for years. Mods are retarded. Dunkey has more or less filled my appetite for goofy vidya satire.

okay how about that Starbomb guys :^)

It's not muslims who ruined iran, but your own country, amerigoblino, persians were already shias for a long time and you were the one that supported the revolution. And the saddam got mad because he wanted arab nationalism and less islam and hated that there was a shia islamic caliphate next to him and that's how there is still war in middle east to this day.

blow it out your ass

Bullshit his twitter has been deactivated
Twitter is called PowerFuck but he keeps deleting tweets

He'd rather just drink himself to death.


Reminds me when that Latino kid shot up a school and all the left wing media called him white.

It's upsetting to me that Asians and White people are now sharing the "only white(and now Asians) people can be racist/ you can't be racist against white(and now Asians) people" boat.

And I'm an Asian Caucasian, so I'm just fucked either way now.

>Jon and arin will never finish the sonic 06 run

And I have never finished it either, I can’t get to the last video knowing it won’t be complete

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I’m pretty sure dan is doing relatively good for himself

Arin on the other hand abandoned animation years ago though

Speak the language of your asian side when confronted, throws people off and you can pull the race card on them

Why did JonTron have to be a racist retard? OG Game Grumps was kino.

heated streaming moment

Since when do asians share the boat?


Anti-racists who deny genetics deserve to be exterminated. Active threat to civilization.

>He drank the /pol/ Kool-Aid a bit too hard and went on a politics podcast. I think everybody has a week or so when they agree with everything /pol/ says and then steps back and reconsiders, Jon just had his week when he decided to go on Shortman's podcast.

He stated a fact, you fucking clown. A fact, and you are condemning a man for stating a fact. Maybe you ought to step back and realize how fucking repulsive and insane anti-racist pseudoscience really is.

I've done that and they called it racist to speak Korean as a "White" man.
I'd get a tan, but I hate sunlight.

Arin is a SJW leftist cuckold and probably couldn’t tolerate anyone who holds any conservative/libertarian viewpoints

Why is he so based?

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Since China, Korea, and Japan out right make fun of the Western left as stupid.
Doesn't matter what kind of Asian you are, you just get looped in by them.
I've unironically been called racist on Facebook and Twitter for wearing my Grandparents wedding attire for my wedding.

Libertarian is a meme, i could be nationalist, racist, liberal, fag and call myself libertarian.

Jon did a guest appearance on GameGrumps?

It's less that asians are in the same boat and more that things that are advantageous for asians are also advantageous for whites

I wanna fuck Suzy's feet really bad to be honest

Attached: Suzy-Berhow-Feet-4042716.jpg (2048x2048, 849K)

>Suddenly becomes unbearable when he comes out
Just like fucking Cosmo dammit except with hope left

Attached: Luigi's Chinese cowboy impression is so terribly offensive that it gives Mario a stomach ulcer (487x376, 116K)

Outside of Sonic 06, Game Grumps has never been good.

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Holy shit.


>This jackass denies reality

You realize that by denying crime statistics, you are also denying evidence that criminal behavior is itself "genetic", and that these genes do differ in population, and that blacks are also more aggressive and have less of an ability to not delay self-gratification. I guess its all just a goddamn coincidence. I mean, blacks are so genetically more violent in every part of the world. You can see it everywhere, even Costa Rica.

Thats not even getting started on IQ differences, and mind you, denying that blacks have a lower IQ is even more inherently stupid given how much more solid the evidence is.

It wouldn't shock me to think the person behind these posts are black. Only they think its okay to hate someone for posting a fucking fact. Like Christ, reconsider what you're doing.

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whos max desu

He gone. We're watching the downward spiral in real time.


You are talking to different people, mate. I was talking about how he is son of immigrants himself, with one being muslim and different race.
And what is your point even? To genocide blacks? You are the one who imported them, along with other colonists.

Why do these threads get more replies than ones actually about video games?

What the in god damn fuck happened? Dude made some funny cartoons, worked on some games that got at least some notoriety, and is now sheltering a drug dealing homeless woman.

>he basically admitted the apology was insincere
I don't doubt this honestly, but do you have an episode for it?

Jon got roped into a political debate with an absolute cuck that gaslight him into saying some racist shit. Watch the stream he literally forces tons of horrible words into Jon's mouth.

She's so fucking unattractive, I have no idea why anyone would touch this.

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I really liked his voice too...

oh that one

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One of the worst crashes in online personality history.

>Arin still hasn't transitioned
>still denying his gay tendencies
>STILL with that soul-eating succubus of a wife

impending mental breakdown before 2023.

Attached: jontronathon.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Arin got to her when she was a teenager since no girl wanted to be with Arin at the time.

It feels that way because it is.

I'm betting by this summer at least.

Patiently waiting for Arin to blow up at a fan on Twitter and disgrace himself into shutting down GG

Ariana Hanson

>over the age of 14
>no less like 35 or whatever he is

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If you watch any grumps compilation of school stories or whatever, Ross is always, always shitting on somebody he knew and he always calls them racist or probably racist, it's really tiresome please-like-me-sjws schtick.
But that's literally the worst I can think he's done, so I still feel bad for him. Any video he's in since the divorce he looks fucking hollow, and she's doing fucking fine instantly because she already took up with some wotc guy or something.
I really dislike Ross, but damn do I feel bad for him

Teenage Suzy was still an make up no substance hag.

If by any chance Suzy divorces him, we're definitely going to see a video on his Egoraptor channel announcing his change of pronouns. Everyone is going to think it's a joke a few minutes before they realize he is being serious.

He's definitely been basedified by California.
t. spent time in NZ and Aus

Cuckifagia, not even once.

Isn't that rude?
Making fun of me just because of the way I t-t-t-talk..!?

>Arin comes out as trans
>Suzy pretends to be supportive for progressive brownie points
>She leaves him for chad
>They remain friends because he's still whipped and has feelings for her
>gg falls apart
Screencap this

I dont get this shit
If I was born a chick I wouldn't be mad, but I dont regret my penis
Im still happy about being a dude, theres nothing wrong with speculating about dumb "what if.." stuff

nigga, did you watch old Game Grumps? they made racist jokes all the time

there was a moment in old gg where arin randomly shouted the n word what are you talking about

He probably would have transitioned years ago if he didn't have such a big public presence online.

>states objective facts
>wtf guyssssssss why does he hate blacks????

Ironic racism =/= actual racism

>gg falls apart
More like
>Dan fucks post transition Arin so he can make songs about trannies without them being insulting
>rakes in more jew sheckles

he went against groupthink and was mercilessly vilified for it

I bet Dan's gigantic thumb is bigger than his dick

It's weird if arin or Suzy can call anyone racist when there is a video of a stream with arin where she talks about someone being a nigger.

>tfw watching all your animator icons crash and burn before your very eyes

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>Destiny: Okay so how about hypothetically what if brown people that immigrated assimilated perfectly 100 percent?
>Jontron: no that wouldn't be good because their genes would be mixed into the the pool

How do you spin this to not be alt right user? Lying doesn't work when there is video.

Jontron outed himself as a bigoted retard and was utterly humiliated by simple Socratic methods.


kys zoomer

at least PsychicPebbles gets some opportunities, like he got to do a Hilarity for Charity skit with Justin Roiland and Oney actually does some work with Adult Swim(he directed some of the stuff for some Rick and Morty video on the channel)

just turned 21 today user, buy me an adult beverage! :^)

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Newgrounds went to shit and YouTube became a platform that was poison to animators which turned a lot of them into let's players.

did jon ever apologize for the stuff he said on the podcast, or did he do one of those waffling 'i'm sorry that you think that way' routines?

Attached: Hwite_slurs.jpg (1656x600, 117K)

If you watch the appearance he did on the h3h3 podcast, you can tell he basically didn't sleep for a year.
Watching his old friend, who wouldn't be anything without Jon's help early on, to rake him over the coals was really sad.

This is why "cumskin" is the lousiest insult I ever heard. Literally nobody has been genuinely wounded by it.

It goes all the way down to 3% once you realize it’s young men who do most of the crime

I don't think anybody uses it anymore.
Only ironically, it seems.

The only sleepycabin guys who really crashed and burned are Stamper and Corey.

Okay, lets be fair here. She has modeled professional with Hot Topic in the past

based snow nigger

i think what jon said was hecked up, but i don't blame him for not saying much on the matter besides his short video.
if he apologizes fully, he loses a large portion of the audience who watches him out of disgust or what have you
if he locks in, then he loses the more moderate viewers
if he doesn't apologize he loses no one who was going to watch him anyhow, and doesn't chase away people who'd be upset with him. honestly, it's the only winning move

aw shit is corey alright?
last i heard, he's still drawing dicks, boobs, and butts


Do u think Jon really camed on suzie?

arent you embarrassed talking about this and knowing so much stuff about these gaylords

you look like a bunch of gossiping highschool girls

what would your father say

Why should a man have to apologize about his own beliefs

>what would your father say
At least you're not a faggot like this kid.

the other day i learned that according to conspiracy shit that gets spread around this site dingdong is delmore from mfgg which is shocking to me. do any other 2008-and-before era mfgg users browse this board and know about this

what happened to corey?

What happened to that girl?

Oh you think thats funny. Slavery was couple of centuries ago, imagine that.

the actual study is about black children in good/rich neighborhoods and white kids. The screenshot that gets posted of stats doesn't exist in the actual document.

We gave her a light, she took the short way down.

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In fairness the Oney thing is just coincidental. According to DingDong the reason they stopped using the grumps office is because Arin had everything set up with a shitty universal remote that half the time didn't work, and it was a lot easier and more enjoyable to just record in Chris's house.

But Jon was in an NSP music video

The dude on screen is trying so hard to make Jon sound like a racist.

Woah, a south American territory has a high crime rate AND diverse ethnic population? Surely we can examine this fact in a vacuum and make wide sweeping generalizations about genetics. This is why arguing with /pol/ is impossible; they literally do not understand the scientific process.

Sounds like a fake, racist statistic to me, white trash are literally as bad as niggers.

Libtards have no arguments, as usual.

No, but he did clarify himself. I appreciate him for not backing down

He got roped into a shitshow of a debate with this guy.
An actual pedophile and an all around horrible person

>using kiwifarms as your source

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During Skyward Sword he also said doxxing the guy was no big deal and people just blew it out of proportion, only found that out because of that long ass Tihydp SS.

>vinesauce thread gets deleted in ten minutes
>game grumps thread gets left alone for 4 hours

why are mods so biased against certain e-celebs? The grumps are terrible gamers who cater to toddlers and the mentally handicapped, meanwhile Vinny is for mild mannered and balanced individuals. Why would anyone prefer the creatively bankrupt grumps??

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/pol/tards are just throwing pedo accusations at him because they can’t beat him in a debate.

Does Ross have website where he's storing his art? Those demon waifus are qt desu

He said the N word without a licence or one time pass

>An actual pedophile
That's a pretty strong accusation. Any proof of this?

>this is your brain on vinesauce

Yeah but Ross would constantly fuck with him too so it evened out.

>homicide rates
I don't know if those numbers are true since I cbf to look them up but that says homocides, not crimes in general. I'm pretty sure rich white men commit more white collar crimes than poor blacks. Jontron said crimes in general, not homocides, what's the full number of poor whites committing crimes in general vs rich blacks? Those numbers you gave do not prove his statement true.

Why does Jon hate brown people so much? Isn’t he Iranian?

nah not a pedo, but ephebo? Yes, tons of teen girls fucked him at SC2 events.

Your mother, dumb faggot.

>white collar crimes
So tax fraud is worse than homocide now? Do me a favour and move to Venezuela you pinko faggot

/pol/ said they would let iranians stay for a limited time in the ethnostate, so Jon feels like he is honorary white and will be appreciated.

you can try to sugarcoat it but at the end of the day a pederast is a pederast whether you like it or not

Because he lives in New York City.

I actively keep up with Barry and Ross, Kevin I know worked on some pretty big trailers a couple months back andI follow his instagram, Literally everyone at game grumps, from Supermega to Tucker seem like great people it's just Arin and Suzy who I don't like

I can't believe any of you believe those fake statistics that the author of the image came out saying it was fake, you're all so fucking pathetic and just want a reason to hate niggers.

Seething faggots.

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Ah, so just lies and slander from people who hate him. Okay.

Nigga stole his bike

Reading an author's name of something you're reading is not doxxing and it certainly isn't Dan's fault people went after him.

but he's not, if he was the FBI (who visited his house) would have sent him to jail.


why do you love niggers so much?

Destiny’s debates are just him trying to shove words in other people’s mouths.

Why are all of Jon’s recent videos so shit? His last video was just an RLM ripoff and the videos before that were even worse. His content is completely SOULLESS

that's fine im going to keep calling him one

Jontron got completely, utterly, B T F O by Destiny, LMAO

Most /pol/tards are self-hating brown people and mutts

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I don't, I've been born and bred to avoid them and I actively go after racist latinas/asians that despise blacks and only want white cock. Doesn't mean I'm as retarded as you who follows false statistics and preaches it as truth, I'm glad Jon Tron got RAPED on stream.

Attached: Taking+benadryl+to+get+rid+of+bee+stings_459457_6382574.jpg (1200x1600, 442K)

It's missing Jacques,
He was the soul.

like alt right debates are better? You're still calling him a pedophile even though he was debating against a pro pedophile.

Every debator in the alt right side is a degenerate and will resort to ad hominem and slander because they themselves are peak disgusting.

Case in point JFG.

Attached: JF Garieppy's Retard breeder.png (119x288, 42K)

No one is comparing the severity of crimes. It was an example of rich white being more likely to commit a crime more than poor blacks you inbred retard. Just because rich whites commit more white collar crimes than poor blacks, doesn't mean rich whites commit more crimes than poor blacks overall. Jontron never said homicides, he said CRIMES, why the fuck would you only give homicide rates? Is it cause the other numbers don't line with your argument? I was calling you out on giving misleading numbers.

Yet, sargoy steamrolls destiny everytime for done reason

>"But muh scientific process!"
Oh yes, that scientific process which has constantly proven to be politically monipulated bullshit
No wonder trannies aren't considered a mental illness yet
Instead of pretending you know how scientific process works, try actually learning critical thinking which is the first step

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>dude we can’t let black and brown people breed because otherwise they’ll enter the gene pool
What did Jon mean by this?

>He didn't watch the most recent Sargon debate

Maybe he doesn't want to do it anymore. It didn't seem like he wanted to go back to making those videos in the first place, and now the content is similar but just not funny the way it used to be.

The real question is will Arin ever finish playing a
3D zelda game?

he defeats himself, because he's a sociopath.

>no one has inherent rights except those given to them by the state
>lets let activists determine what hate speech is when it comes to gender issues surely that won't turn out like how criticism of Israel is l- Oh wait..

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>calling right wing icons ugly
Compare hbomberguy and destiny to their right wing equivalents and them promptly kill yourself. You're the one jumping all over ad hominem you useless fucking pinko

Greetings, Reddit!

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t. ugly right winger

Rambles like an alcoholic on Twitter and inventing foods.

You just called me a retard, that's a crime.

>Never finished Sonic 06
Fuck both of them

>all you do is post ad hominem when you're losing an argument you ugly right winger

>more likely to go to prison
Poor black people are more likely to live in impoverished areas that are more heavily patrolled by the police and are also disproportionately arrested for having weed compared to white people

>go to prison
That doesn't mean they commit more crimes, cops could racially profile them more or judges could give them harsher sentences purely based on skin color.


Destiny is fucking a 19 year old model who is mentally 19, and not 12. Your God, JF the retard hunter btfo!

Attached: 1550898276460.jpg (715x1080, 129K)

>Poor black people are more likely to live in impoverished areas that are more heavily patrolled by the police and

Lol not this shit again

Attached: blacks vs cops.jpg (1024x479, 75K)

Who is hbomberguy's right wing equivalent?

Imagine if destiny lived in his moneyless commie dystopia and had no value for whores to throw themselves at.

>Being this dumb

most of them ended up in Adult Swim or working on mid-budget game projects tho

>wealth decile
Does not compare apples to apples. “Wealthy blacks” are not as wealthy as wealthy whites and do not make the same amount. Median income for blacks is much much lower across all

>no argument
It's not a crime when it's true though.

>and will resort to ad hominem and slander
the irony

Reddit on damage control, defending their pet niggers

Attached: black kids and IQ.png (843x843, 282K)

There's a bunch of factors this doesn't take into account, like financial status. Not saying this data isn't valid but it needs to be substantiated with more.

>resort to ad hominem
Coming from someone who says "incel" on repeat all day.



Explain why it does

Steven 'if she's on the ;gram ill give her a ram' Bonnell

How can he be stopped guys???

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Because we need you to dump everything you have so we can summarily dismiss it, leaving you going to all that effort for nothing. Why did you think you could change our mind? We love nigger penis.

This is one image from New York and doesn’t say anything about the attackers other than they are black. Black are objectively disproportionately in poverty and live in impoverished areas compared to white people.

>thinks sage works anymore
>thinks sage worked when you posted an image

Jesus Christ you are the dumbest motherfucker since Donny Dumb fucked your mother.


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>the other day i learned that according to conspiracy shit that gets spread around this site dingdong is delmore from mfgg which is shocking to me.
No his name is Michael something, he's some blonde dude and is a total nobody.

Fascinating opinion you've got there

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He looks like an 11 year old special needs kid dressing up pretending to look like he's an adult

We can't stop him. He has won every debate he has ever participated in. Our last hope is Ben Shapiro.


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How is that proof of racial predisposition to commit crime rather than a problem of institutional racism in America? Actual first world countries don't seem to have this problem.

>Actual first world countries don't seem to have this problem.
because they dont have millions of niggers

>no one has inherent rights except those given to them by the state
That's true though, "rights" are a spook.

Why is it that the Berkeley anarcho-communists who enter turn into vulgar frothing materialistic racists and ableists at the drop of the hat simply because they're anonymous?

>/pol/ going full retard again.

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A poor innocent adult got hypnotized into shotgunning /pol/ talking points that his friends fed to him in the weeks prior.

Seems like this has more to do with America being a racist shithole and police state

I wasn’t the guy who called him a pedophile, I was just pointing out his only tactic in a debate.

>thread image of Jon and Arin with the only context being something vaguely about their separation in gamegrump
>thread immediately spirals into Jon is a nazi shitposting
how can one man be so based to piss off a bunch of faggots after all of these years?

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>How is that proof of racial predisposition to commit crime rather than a problem of institutional racism in America?

Because despite being 13% of the population blacks commit almost 50% of violent crime.

People act like anti-Micegnation beliefs are dead and buried extremes when just about every man of every race and creed practically radiates salt and malice at the sight of their own women with a man of another race, the greater difference in melanin the greater.

>literal "they dindu nuffin" excuse

Statistically speaking, a majority of those rich black kids did something.

Attached: blacks and violent crime.jpg (3324x2050, 1.8M)

>blacks are only violent because they live near other black people

>Clueless racism makes you "based".

>most of the posts are defending him
rly makes u thonk

if american statistics don't convince the pinkos, then just pull some from europe. wherever blacks roam, crime follows

>see white woman with black man
>make a mental note to avoid her for the remainder of eternity
>if her single parent mutt child goes to a school, send my child to a different one

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We should send those guys back to peaceful Uganda or Zimbabwe

honestly if any of that is true why would you not just furrow your brows and
"how fucking delusional are you?" maybe dont use the fucking but, really if someone had the gall to confront me in polite society about something i cant change/ or a skill i have acquired and are told to not utilize because its appropriation..i mean what the fuck get outta my biz nigger

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>Alt-Right larpers jump in to defend their political identity.

what? no are you a retard?
>anyone notice how an australian and irishman sound in any way similar
they do not
>isn't it weird they sound EXACTLY THE SAME
what? do you have retard ears?