What is it about GoldSrc graphics that are just so supremely comfy...

What is it about GoldSrc graphics that are just so supremely comfy, the blocky yet curvymaps and extreme visual clarity is just beautiful and analogue

Attached: home.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

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>extreme visual clarity
This seems to be an afterthought in modern gaming and it's really shit for online play. Bad players aren't bothered by it because they're bad and being able to quickly see things doesn't change their performance much. The people who get paid to play games won't complain much about it because they get paid to play.


Post processing and blur became a thing mostly to make bad graphics look good on console games (you play em far away w imprecise controls any way etc), makes sense for games like killzone, but for example I played some insurgency sandstorm the other day and it's so blurry and unclear compared to ins 2014, no proper aa or clarity, indeed it's sad

Attached: 100_screenshots_2013-03-15_00001.jpg (1440x900, 252K)

not true I'm a zoomer and I'd rather play these over any modern FPS with a bunch of shitty post-processing

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is this the CS:CZ campaign? that game sucked.

hey it was short n charming, like a B rated action movie


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alright that's fair, i'll never forget that laugh

It's just really clean and sharp

But for me the comfiest thing about goldsrc is jumping and movement in general

I agree, movement and aim etc feels so crisp compared to for example UE games

Attached: 15211915418097680454_screenshots_20180116011355_1.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

You realize no one take you seriously if you say comfy and soul

it was the peak for fps games, since the clarity & precision is all you needed
nowadays even multiplayer fps games have so much details that you can't even corner shoot or rail accurately
the more simple the better, that's why disabling textures completely was always cheat protected

Attached: adlernest.jpg (1440x900, 480K)

Even the nu versions of games like doom, wolfenstein, UT, Quake (Champs) have too much noise, know any active clean arena shooters rn?


Attached: cs_italy 1.6.jpg (1024x768, 211K)


Attached: cs italy go.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

depends on what you mean by "active"
>enemy territory
>quake live
should all be "active" (meaning you will find servers to play with ppl)

W:ET version of Italy

Attached: italy_et.jpg (800x600, 240K)

enemy territory still has servers? I'll give it a try

Also I feel 07 ish is when this noise trend started, cod4 for example is a very clean game, and with configs it can look almost goldsrc
Tis a travesty

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why does it look so foggy?
its like that dawnstar swamp in skyrim

Attached: italy.jpg (1024x768, 669K)

Q2 still has players..

Attached: 1530526406563.png (1097x629, 67K)

>enemy territory still has servers?
yeah, but beware "jaymod" "pub" & "silent" mod servers. Play only on etpro or perhaps "noquarter/nq" servers.

all these are soulless lol, now Maze War is real soul

Also you can give ET Legacy a try, specially because it fixed higher resolutions

shut up retard

I know of such modded servers, pic related is me trying to find a non aids cod4 server to play on, there's no just pure vanilla servers anymore


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i dont get it either, its like the art director was like, "alright take out all the color from the old map and make Italy look like a Brazilian slum

>there's no just pure vanilla servers anymore
use xfire there a lot of vanilla HC servers still with a few vanilla servers

This is what peak fps looked like before "matchmaking"

Attached: enemy territory_minastirith.jpg (800x600, 221K)


Lol is that dust2? Looks like utter shit gramps

xfire? isn't it dead

damn, yeah it's fucking dead, shame I only use it for the server list

it totally is. i disliked the look of de-dust and other washed out cs maps from the beginning and so i get no sense of 'comfy' from seeing it now

how this is really 2008ish
was the icq messenger for gamers

>talks shit about 1.6 then calls someone else a zoomer

Attached: terry ter ter.jpg (480x360, 24K)

I used it a bit for my cod4 clan lmao, yeah sounds cringe but it was 08, had so many cool screenshots on my potato pc from it, rip, would have been cool to check out my hours from back then as well

good times

I love Deathmatch Classic.

Attached: dcdm5 dmc.png (1280x853, 1.77M)