Why are Americans so fat and stupid?

Why are Americans so fat and stupid?

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>only 10th place
I'm disappointed.

Old news, Australia and Mexico are fatter than burgers now.

me on the left

Twice as fat as Hungary, picture is drawn 400lb heavier.

Make it a million next time

To many white people

>UK mysteriously not on far left

Hungary is Hungry.

>his country doesn't have an abundance of resources

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Shouldn't Mexico be on that list?

I dont know, have you see Mexican kids? Every time I see one in public they are fat as fuck.

Last I saw the UK was fatter than NZ

And Mexico fatter than the US. This chart is probably old.

No because it won't fit my narrative anymore

a challenger approaches

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>Can't take the bants

They're Hung(a)ry because they're skinny, you dumb joke making hooker.

Bad education
Bad food habits
Poor government leadership

Blacks and spics are fat as fuck in america the only skinny people are asians

Food is delicious.

It's pop. My sister gained a ton of weight because she started drinking pop 5 times a day. Many Americans either do that or drink a ton of beer.

I agree, I think Brits are probably one of the heavier weights in Europe.

No, it's because they are feeding their endless hunger.

They eat too much. As for stupid I have no clue

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nigs gonna nig. still haven't learned to, too, and two.

Now matter how stupid they are its impossible to be stupider than some butthurt faggot posting offtopic garbage

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The fat helps absorb bullets making them more likely to survive being shit and the stupidity is due to development of a thicker skull to stop headshots being lethal.

Stop drinking soda and limit your sugar intake

American meat and dairy tastes weird. Maybe it's all the hormones they're pumping into it.

Based americans deflecting attention and blame.

Most of the stupidest people in living in America reside in California and the south.

>Oi! You got a license for that extra fat, mate?

weak should fear the strong


Mutts truly are the most revolting, pathetic creatures on this Planet.

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>Mexico no longer in top ten
where did we fails bros? inb4 can't have fat people if everyone get's murdered by cartel

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Go back to /int/ keep making those "do Americans really do this?" Threads. Keep your retarded Europoor pandering to yourself.

Shouldn't you be asleep guvna?

>gluttony is a sin
>the most religious people are in the south
>also the fattest
You'd think they'd be against gluttony?

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>Australia and Mexico are fatter than burgers now
uhhuh, sure, America will always be the fatest country

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>literally the most starve deprived

I love this video game

how is Mexico and the UK not on this? you're not fooling anyone, OP.

>in living in
>the south
Don't cross this genius.

thats kinda hot

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>can't talk about video games

Mexico and UK are right there with America

the data on this chart are incorrect

>game takes place in an american school

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Some of the fattest people per capita I've come across in America are also in the Midwest. In the South, it's mostly just blacks.

AMericans are too stupid to understand the bible

Amazing I know, people from thousands of years ago are ACTUALLY smarter than the average American, and way smarter than any /pol/ user.

They need lose tirty pound in one munt on high protein low carb diet.

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Proto-yank fatty

I found out americans are literally taught white people were created by the slave trade in america.
Before that there was no such thing as white people anywhere in the world.
>american education

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>be American
>enter this thread

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They sell themselves garbage
They drink colored sugar and eat pseudo food

Our cheap food is heavily processed with unnatural chemicals and filler ingredients. I'm pretty sure you'll notice a direct correlation with an increase of health problems.

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Don't worry, you'll be joining them soon.

yet you're dumb enough to keep posting in a /pol/ thread.

Facts don't care about your fatboy feelings

How the fuck can one country create SJWS, flatearthers, antivaxxers, global warming deniers and a magical forbidden word that hurts black people

>muh chemical
>muh processes
Literal voodoo.

Its the shit they put in our food and water supply

The average girl has her first period at 8 years old
Monsanto makes it illegal to display if a food has GMOs in the grocery store
Big food companies lobby school districts so they can provide the nutritional standards and food supply for our children
Fast food places in some areas are cheaper than going to a grocery store and cooking dinner
Dollar generals and walmarts are making locally sourced food and grocery stores extinct

We are fucked beyond repair

If you only knew how long this shit has been going on.


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>no Mexico
That can't be right, where are my tacos de lechón y de trompa

I know it's my last chance, and if I cain't get weight loss surjereh, I don' know what I'ma do.

They are not putting chemicals in food that harm you dear.

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>its another non-americans come to american website to cry about americans thread

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americans run by niggers. They all worship niggers.
They invented interracial cuckoldry

Because we eat the good food. All those other countries have shitty food, that's why they don't eat it as much.

That is what the elite want.Still pretty shocking how going to the shop i am one of the only people not fat.

Ha, you seen how many obese nigs there are in the USA? particularly women

Naww poor little /pol/tard thinks hes on /pol/, this is Yea Forums silly.

i can take the bants, but bants are not video games
anyway it's a combination of
>shitty outdated education system
>people working more hours at jobs with little physical activity
>food companies stuffing crap that's barely safe for human consumption in even our "healthy" food
>every company convincing the public to believe lies and bullshit regarding health and nutrition

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>hungary is hungery

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Mexico is the third most obese world in the country

Chile is more fat

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Mmm, I love 2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-Ethyl-Beta-D-Glucopyranoside

>Tfw have the German body type
Could be better, but could be worse.

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Based mods keeping this thread alive.

Confirmed not American. Black women are almost always fat.

This is painfully true

Loud, and always amped up on sugar too I fuckin hated working a shoe store

rofl, NHS fudging the figures

the UK is confirmed to have the second highest amount of "super obese" people compared to the US, UK's obesity rate is 34/35%

you cant hide british people we see what you look like

Where's Mexico? They should definitely be on there

Who is the right here?

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Somebody please make a counter one with African countries please.

Pacific Islanders fuck up the statistics.

If you have to pay for healthcare why the fuck would you make yourself fat and sick?

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It should. Pretty sure the UK is one of the most obese countries as well. Not idea what retarded website OP pulled that bullshit from.

I don't know about stats and all that but I can say I doubt Australians are fatter than americans, I've never once over here seen a fat person riding a mobility scooter around



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American food standards are actually really good. Germans won't eat steak under well-done if it's a German cow.

Is this the daily "laugh at americans" thread?

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>heavily processed
>unnatural chemicals

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the only reason japan is on there is because of sumo wrestlers

Where's Russia, I thought I've read somewhere that it had good amount of fat fucks?

Our food safety standards are higher than EU standards....

I love how Australia is a silhouette of Big Lez (rip)

Both should be a right.

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>duck and cover

Do they have invincibility frames or something?

Thinnest country because they are going Hungary.

>Mexico is the third most obese world in the country

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We should kill all fat people they are a waste of space and take up too much resources.

That show is fucking trash, like most American reality TV.


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I heard about that a little while ago.

>Now it's time to have some fun!
W-what are they gonna do?

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>6’1 120 pounds
>Full head of hair no balding
>Strong jaw so no need to hide it behind beard
>Live in the most culturally dominant country in the world with access to the comfiest foods that I can eat as much as I want without worry
Based. Any other Skelechads in this thread?

>food is composed of chemicals
>therefore we can add whatever chemicals we like to food and it'll be just like eating food

if this is b8, good job, otherwise i hate you


user has decided to move to Houston, to enroll in the program for weight loss surgery.

>new zealand fatter than australia
take that you maori cunts

>now it's time to have some fun!

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Well the shitty fast food culture is a big part of it, if people would actually cook for themselves they might get an inkling of what they're actually putting into their bodies, but claps are lazy fucks when it comes to food.

you could at least do my man gex a favor and post the best version dumb dumb

You should look up the definition of obesity, user.

%obese is a poor metric. You need to look at the percentage across several bands of BMI lest you come to the conclusion that a nation of moderately overweight people is as bad as a nation of hamplanets.

Why don't fat people just eat less?

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>if people would actually cook for themselves
do people really eat pre-cooked food that often in America?

the numbers are wrong and that spread doesn't even make sense with the title. there's way way more countries than 10 between 33.8% and 18.8%

You know how I can tell you're Canadian?

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Yes. t. burger, formerly burgerlard


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How does he put up with so many fatties?

Yes because the nation is fucking enormous.

>Spend all of our money militarily because the UN won’t let people actually win wars anymore
>The same UN that allows for what is essentially a Bond villain to run free as the Russian “””president””” for life.

>a nation called Hungry
>its one of the fattest countries on earth

How did America become the most cucked country on earth?

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We should learn from Japan, the way they fat shame people actually helps keep people from being fat.

probably because americans consider anyone who can still stand on their feet to be in decent shape

Seek help, I'm 5'7", weigh about 130, and I'm still slightly scrawnier then I want to be. Your bmi is seriously fucked

because they're some butthurt canadian on a flag board who makes these threads?


a lot of us don't like to think for ourselves and don't want to do the work of running the country, we'd rather have somebody powerful do it for us and worship them instead

This data was proven factually incorrect and a lie.
There are many countries from the third world that are fatter than america.
Like mexico and some arab states and some pacific islands
They also used bmi for Australia.
Australia doesnt have an obesity issue. It has a sports obsessed culture issue.

might as well get your moneys worth?

What does that have to do with anything?

5'8'' 118 lb. I agree it's nice but you need a wee bit of bulking in your life ngl. Total skeletor prime.

>but health care is a privilage
We have enough problems with spics flooding this country. Now you want to give them free health care on top of that?

Both are bad.

yes. That, and the Brits are also asleep. They're the only two who obsess over America like this.

Aren't there lots of Chinese in Australia now too? You don't see many obese Chinamen.

Nation of proud cuckolds

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>he's too scared to make this thread on a board with flags

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No the issue is using bmi in the first place.
Bmi groups fit people into the fat catagory.
If people are athletic and weigh more they are classified as obese.

Video games

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It's too easy to be fat in America.
With my couponing, I'm eating over 2000 calories a day for only $80 a month without ever stepping foot in a grocery store or cooking myself.
Eating healthy is not only more expensive, but it takes away hours from my already short life that I need to shitpost on here.

>Thinly veild Sonic porn thread gets squashed right away.
>Straight up fucking /pol/-tier thread is still chugging.

Fuck these retarded mods, seriously.

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