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Other urls found in this thread:

okay i believe you


D A R K N E S S ?


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Why not light?


By the way (you) owe me $5

Too much light
MOoe Darkness

>brings the universe to the brink of destruction
>just walks off to his peaceful afterlife like he did nothing wrong

fucking B A S E D senile bastard

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Why did he get turned into a misunderstood villian?

what about OTHER darkness

Because normies love that "WHAT IF THE VILLAIN WAS REAL HERO" trash

Nomura relates to him.

That Xehanort fight was kino. To bad the ending was awful sequel bait trash.

>he thought the ending wouldn't be sequel bait

this series literally thrives off sequel bait, nigga

Because Nomura watched Naruto and thought Madara was really cool.

he wasn't, shitty english translation fucked up

Everything about it was pretty bad.
No hype, swimming and floating, kh3 gameplay, boring tiny man in a goat costume, anti form thing just reeked of trying too hard
2 and even 1 had better final fights


Its not really misunderstood, its just people were still asking questions of why Xehanort was doing what he was doing. And the answer turned out to be he was someone who read that in ancient times, the world was reset and then became what it was currently. Xehanort didn't like it and wanted to do induce another reset but instead be the one in charge of it

Its not misunderstood villain moreso that the villain wants to nuke the world perhaps good intentions and perhaps a good outcome (maybe if Xehanort did reset he could create a police state or utopia that may be rather nice to live in) but you obviously can't let him do it

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Oh no
i am getting possessed
I repeat i am getting posseeessed...

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I insist

Why dis nigga shave half his eyebrows away?


Donald vs Madara. Who wins?

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Nigga no. 2's entire final battle sequence was a fucking ride. 3 just felt like we dropped into town and squabbled with an old man who couldn't decide between swimming and flying.

they fucked his english voice up with some new indian dude

oh boy it's the same thread from yesterday and the day before and the day beforr! Oh joy. I can't wait for someone to mention FFXV to create an RSS Feed for (((Barry))) to come in and post the webm of Roxas soloing Saix! Oh shit then we get some lame ass back and forther of cope and retardposting!

Oh if that wasnt exciting enough, around the 100 post mark we'll have the "terrafag vencuck" duo constantly spamming LE TICK TOCK LULZORZ! After that tired monologue is through, they'll start talking about the 350 page fanfic from le ebin autistic redditors! Then the thread gets archived

Man so exciting...not. Take that shit to /khg/

dog just chill out. you shouldn't be worrying about quality discussion with kingdom hearts of all fucking games.

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Would you rather we stick to justapancake memes?

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I am not Indian woman.

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you nigger, that is Rutger Hauer.

I'd much rather rikuposting and DOES NOT COMPUTE over this newage breed of """autism""" posting.


Well good because there's a new video

So be honest, is it worth playing KH3 or is it a completely dissatisfying entry?

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I'm gonna say it.

I'm going to turn all the negatives of the Xehanort fight into pure KINO with one spoiler, even the swimming part. Ready?

The three phases of the Xehanort fight are you fighting him on land, sea, and sky. Riku Kairi Sora. Terra Aqua Ventus.

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user no, the game was literally a perfect masterpiece and if you dare disagree then you're that xv autist.

Wait till the final mix and see if the complaints stop.

>Indian dude
I felt the accent was more Spanish-like. Dont know what the fuck Hauer was doing with that voice though, he was all over place.

>literally just "yeah sorry"s his way to light heaven with his gay lover
Fucking nomura

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>Xehanort has a boss fight where he's armored
>he doesn't use his Keyblade armor
Why even bother? I would have loved to see No Heart return.

Xehanorts crimes:
-causing discord and manipulating innocent people into the dark side.
-murdering his old partner
-leading the forces of darkness for centuries
-ruining the order of dozens of worlds just because his DARKNESS and XBLADE boner.

Xehanort's punishment:
-LOL i regret nothing, now if you excuse me, i will go to have gay sex with my boyfriend! have fun moping for your girlfriend Sora! HAHAHQAHAHAH!

KH3 was supposed to be the end of the xehanort saga, but at the end, HE WON! and now we are gonna wait 20 or so years for a proper conclusion, HOW IS THAT EVEN REMOTELY FAIR!!!?

>BBS in a nutshell starts with the test
>3 in a nutshell ends with terra no pass
maximum pottery
based trips
should've had more attacks to indicate that though

Goatnort was fine. Master Xehanort himself was very anti-climactic though aside from Trinity.

He lost, just not in a satisfying way.

would it have hurt the old bastard to say 'i'm sorry' or at least give Sora a cryptic clue the he can use to save Kairi?

the guy got his bloody cheapass sword, killed innocents and now he is in heaven, last time i checked, that does sound like winning.

That's not convincing me and I'm very receptive of kino

Final Mix and Critical Mode are happening so maybe wait since base KH2 was also pretty fucked. I mean I thought KH3 was okay but not stellar, and I'm still impressed regardless since that just doesn't happen with vaporware games that eventually come out. If they revise the battle system a tiny bit and add a lot of fun extra content and bosses, then it could potentially shoot up there into the "great" range at least.

He didn't win, he got off for his crimes scot free. Him winning would have meant he reset the universe and became it's god king.


Are talking about 60's Donald with cartoon physics, or are you talking about Donald Duck with the Eternal Manquackyo, the Flippergan, a perfect Goosano'o and the ability to control the Dooey's?

Okay I believe you.

For someone who gained the power of the X-blade and had Kingdom Hearts backing him up, it did feel like it should have gotten crazier in some way.

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>implying Xehanort stealing your light wasn't great
>implying EXPIRE wasn't godlike

ENLIGHTEN ME was kinda neat. EXPIRE could have been a lot more interesting instead of just every Org member rushing you with a single attack that you can guard all of.

you can't guard MX's laser so you have to mix up guarding with dodge rolls and have good timing.

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I wish people pLayed the game they criticized:

Yeah, sorry.

you are too dumb to get the ending watch it again you fool

the point was to show master araquas with his three disciples being happy/having choosing the right side, while xehanort just stands there no disciples all alone for choosing the wrong side.
You even see xehanorht looking at them with jealousy. He lost and is dead.

No shit you need to dodge the laser. It's still not mechanically interesting.

>that nose

If you haven't played it already then there really isn't any hurry for you I guess. By the end of the year there should be a couple of updates so wait I guess?

If it wasn't for the veins on his head, old man nort would be pretty hot honestly

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What, you wanted a "press triangle to win" button?

Is there any place that has KH1's cutscenes without subtitles? Asking for a friend haha.

Do you even know what "mechanically" means retard? I wanted the Org shadows or whatever to do more than just bumrush you. It's a boring as fuck DM.

If I remember right, subtitles are always on in every game except KH3. So you'd have to find something cropped out or manually taken out which is a pain

It's not his fault he has such a big brain

This, same as when you're fighting them in the town. They don't have any unique attacks, they all just execute the same combo and rush you from off screen.

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I like darkness.

It's something you will notice while playing but also confirmed by Nomura that enemies are held back in their AI, mostly in giving you more open windows than usual. Which was always strange because you'd expect the opposite of Osaka but its been intentionally toned down because apparently they didn't want newcomers to the series to rage like in BBS.

>Q: Are you not planning to release a "Final Mix", as has been customary for the KH series until now?
A: There aren't any plans for a "Final Mix"-type package (sold separately). If I do make one, it would be in the form of DLC that included an English mode you could switch to. Additionally, we took recent player trends into account when we created the battles [for KH3], so we held back on the difficulty level, but there have been many requests to fight strong enemies, so I'm thinking that the priority would be on releasing a critical mode in the form of free DLC, and making the addition of strong enemies, the sort that would appear in a "Final Mix", paid DLC.

>You require motivation
>Ruins your happy ending for no reason
>Gets redeemed by Luke anyway

Feels like Nomura accidentally skipped a chapter or two and said fuck it and patched the ending together

How was Kairi the only one who didn't die to the demon tide and why didn't Riku save her instead of Sora? Cause I guess Sora spamming the power of awakening on everyone but then saving one more person kills him
Nobody even told him that the penelty was death cause that ability is vague as fuck

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So why the fuck was this VR experience delayed so many times? It's nothing but a fucking cutscene simulator. 90% of the trailer isn't even in the thing like the Disney Castle library or dive to the heart.

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where can i find all these meme/socialmedia posts?

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χ-blade, you dingus

I can appreciate what the new VO was trying to do with the character, but it was so far removed from what had already been established that it was jarring. Should've just gotten a sound alike, and saved this voice for a future character.

>UNWERSED intensifies

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Apologies are a very big deal in Japan.

How so?

I know this is a meme, but if Sora was more chill and fun like this I bet people would like him a lot more.

He's going to say something about how in the Jap script Xehanort uses the term blank instead of bright, because he thinks the problem people have with the ending is the terminology Xehanort uses when he talks about wanting to reset the universe because darkness is evil and corrupt.

Actually helped me understand

Is this a collab with Pancake?

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>Infinity War Pt. 2
>Thanos is finally defeated
>Says he had good intentions
>His friend or something appears and tells him it's time to go
>Hands the Infinity Gauntlet over to Iron Man
>Then Thanos and his friend disappear into the afterlife as kids
And afterwards, Star Lord has to sacrifice his existence to save Gamora as the middle finger on the shit cake.

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I'm sorry, it's 5AM and I haven't been getting any sleep lately.

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Kinda hate how prettyboi everyone looks in KH3.

it's okay. try to get some sleep if you can, that shit sucks ass.

>Says he had good intentions
I mean... he did? That's been his character since part 1 so it's not like it's a shitty last second asspull. Yes I know the comic version is the exact opposite

Dude your not alone. Iv been staying up till around 3-4am.

He still was a homicidal mass murderer who killed countless innocents regardless of what his intentions were.

jesus christ why do these pencils make my pee pee big

>tfw just a pancakes KH3 video was the least disappointing thing about KH3

At least there was some silver lining to it all.

ouchie ouch

>You forgive me......right user

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Kairi was unironically sexy back in KH1, then Nomura let his homosexuality out of the closet a little more for 2.

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Im sorry but bare feet do not exist in the Disney world outside Rapunzel, please delete this image immediately

>eraqus straight up calls him "Darling" in the JP version


give kh1 kairi outfit with kh2 kairis hair and shes perfect

Agreed honestly. I think the actual battle was pretty nice, but I wish they took better advantage of the hardware to make more absurd set pieces.

I mean, KH2's final battle had Sora casually slicing through buildings and fighting a city sized dragon. On the PS2. Farthest 3 really went was having Xehanort pull an Inception for the first phase. Even the final beam clash felt kinda hollow to me.

You're shitting me. Even Nomura wouldn't pull that.

How about I don't.

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why are her feet twice as big as her head


I heard that allegedly Nomura was forced to put this "hurr I had good intentions now to fuck off to the afterlife with my buttbuddy" shit because Disney wouldn't accept having Donald and Goofy aid in killing an old man despite being darkness Hitler
Even more reason why Riku and Kairi should've fought side-by-side with Sora. Fuck this rushed sack of shit.

i swear to god there is a pic of kairi using a heartless dildo on herself but i cant find it anywhere now

was there a more kino moment in kh3 senpai?

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Xehanort's VA seemed like he'd go from a Swedish accent into a Spanish one. Spock wasn't much better, but he was also old.

>Donald and Goofy aid in killing an old man despite being darkness Hitler
Well Donald opposing Hitler would be out of character to be fair.

people joke about king of the hill world since Disney owns the rights now but I honestly think it'd be genuinely fun

People in the KH universe are born with adult sized feet that the rest of their bodies grow into, except Namine for some fucking reason who is still a sasquatch to this day.

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>Disney wouldn't accept having Donald and Goofy aid in killing an old man
Then why in the actual fuck wasn't Terranort the final boss like it should have been?

Because KH children's feet start out adult sized and they have to grow into them.

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>Spock wasn't much better
fuck you my guy i wanted to hear ENLIGHTEN ME in his voice

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the part where everyone throws their copy of kh3 into the trash

I don't think there even is kingdom hearts hell. Since the final world is where you go when your heart and body perish at the same time

There technically is, there's the abyss that the Lich drags you down to from which there is no escape.

>Well I guess we can go to the Mega-Lo Mart and get some WD-40 to help you with that door problem, Sora.

I'd play itm

And he still gets killed and his plans are foiled you fucking brainlet incapable of thinking outside of black and white extremes

Hell would be not actually dying but being stuck in darkness within darlness like Aqua did

Okay I believe you

At the very least it could've been one of those "You don't need to see what happens, but you know it isn't pretty" things like with Dr. Facilier in The Princess and The Frog or Father in Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.

The Final World is purgatory, there is a thing past that
Hades also is a thing


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dlc where i can play as LW and destroy every xehanort and half xehanort and quarter xehanort and xehanorts ballsack in a single fight when

Xehanort's dad's ballsack*

>he has a very lose understanding of Japanese

>literally fought against the axis powers in WW2


Cum, Guardian~

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Ooff, Barry baiting hard tonight

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redpill me on the Olette = Ava crack theory

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>the man behind you

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beacuse villians can no longer be evil for the sake of evil anymore.

but obito was the coolest guy!



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>please delete this

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This but unironically

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I almost jizzed at that moment of the final battle, I love stage transitions for unique attacks

im more mad about the change of him wanting to open kingdom hearts to see what happens into he knows what will happen.

"And when Kingdom Hearts is complete, it is said the one who opens its door will bring about the creation of the Next World. Such a feat is above any human. Or, to put it a different way: whoever opens that door will be reborn as something far greater than human."

From Xehanorts 4th report in BBS

than what the fuck was up with him not knowing it in DDD?

I don't think he ever said that in DDD. Do you remember the scene?

damn Nomura and his short hair fetish.

desu I tend to think short hair looks ugly on women but Nomura has found the perfect length


>that included an English mode you could switch to.
Jap voices when?

>So why the fuck was this VR experience delayed so many times?
Nomura was trying to find a way to make it canon.
