....1 days before Bungie releases its biggest update to Destiny 2 yet (except for Forsaken).
Imagine having a guy with millions of followers play and recommend your shitty reviewed game, and then decide to ban him because you think he opened too many chests that you as a developer put in the game. So now you lose out on thousands of viewers every day and instead send him directly back to your main competitor.
This plus the fact that the game is literally bricking consoles just puts the biggest smile on my face.
It finally happened. As of right now, we are in DEFCON-T2 aka TORtanic v.2
Other urls found in this thread:
>tortanic v.2
No, that would require people that actually care about Anthem, but nobody does.
I'm ecstatic EA will eventually close bioware given the rape and murder of the mass effect franchise.
He even said he may not come back to anthem
I hope he resists
We need an appropriate name. The half billion dollar shrug ignoring ed around the world?
>e-celeb streamer
This dude and his clan cheat to get world's first and speedrunning raids. Using infinite ammo glitches.
I mean atleast he has 3 friends willingly to play garbage
literally who playing a mediocre game
>Makes a thread circlejerking about Anthem
>Red Dead Online is bad
What is it about Rockstar that makes redditors so angry? Anthem has microtransactions too, so what the fuck is his problem?
Yeah, rise up basement dwellers! Go on Twitter and really stick it to them. I bet they aren't expecting this tranny faggot community to stop them, but let's unite!
and so what? is he impacting your fun by playing the game his way?
More like BANthem
he took away my chance at world first without consent
he literally raped me
We don't need to we just gotta sit back and watch Bioware create a trainwreck all on their own
Rockstar haven't been a good developer in their 19 year history.
Nice joke, but I was talking about his double standard.
hmm what's the officially approved clown world punishment for that?
public castration?
>still clinging onto Tortanic
That game was a disgusting mess but it's really pathetic to see people clinging on some years-old shit trying to get that epic feeling of being on the winning side. You're no better than sports tards who identify themselves with a team that has their home region in name only.
Yeah Anthem has micro transactions but RDR Online has crazy amount of micro transaction ass fucking and every part of the experience nickle and dimes the player to "entice" but more like force you unless you want to grind hundreds of hours while constantly patching out money glitches withtin 24 hours of finding them but still not bothering to fix the fuck ton of problems and bugs the online already has and putting in more and more items to spend money on as well while neglecting everything else. Now that is 1000x worse than what Anthem or even Fallout 76 is pulling.
Another nigger faggot thread
Rockstar games aren't as good as you think
Canthem. As in Bioware, can them.
You are able to buy a 200$ gun after just 7 deathmatches, not including the kind of money you get from leveling up (treasures). High prices are necessary because that's the only progression the game has.
Lusitanthem because people only cared when they realized it had sank
Op's asshole isnt gaped enough. Come on in everyone and stretch this sissy faggot out
>playing showdowns
>playing a pvp mode where everyone has an aimbot
Most RDR Online players are saying fuck off to the pvp cause it sucks so hard and people want other ways to earn money besides enduring a awful game mode with awful spawns where someone is spawning right behind you every second and everyone has aimbots. People want to do missions, hunt, and have other way to make money besides the god awful showdown game modes and half assed BR mode.