>asscreed selling more than the new doa6
Dead or alive 6
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DOA has never done well it's a niche game this is not news you dumb tekkenkek.
whats bad about this picture
Asscreed has always sold more than doa. Asscreed is a frontrunning AAA franchise, how did you expect doa, a titty fighter, to compete?
I like Tina!
just look at the goddamn chart in the 3rd link, how is it ok for a new aaa game(yes, doa is their roster franchise) to be behind a 5months old game?
>hot dog disagreement
What did they mean by this?
on arrival
Tina is so fucking cute. Second best girl for me.
can i dye Marie's hair?
I want to eat Ayane's ass haha
>make game about cute girls
>director says game is no longer about cute girls
Kind of his own fault desu.
Kokoro is pure
user, that has always happened. You really overestimate the sales of a fucking ecchi fighter. DOA is not even KT's most iconic series, that would be Dynasty Warriors, and those games barely sell.
But i love Tina
kokoro unironically is real shit
i picked her because her basic dress in 5 kinda blocks her lighter movements a bit but she's the goddamned best character ever made
every time
Imagine having to eat out her ass while she sits on your face, but she's constipated haha. Just for fun you tongue that poo dam until it breaks lol. She'd probably fart some chunks too before the chocolate torrent lets loose on your face. It'd get all up in your nose and clog your mouth toilet. I imagine she'd be pretty embarrassed about the whole ordeal, she'd be pretty cute hiding her red face in her hands as her ass runs like a broken faucet from all the backed up shit. She'd probably piss herself too so it'd get your chest all wet. Being choked on her ass stew would probably be a bit uncomfortable so you'd have to apologize for coughing and spluttering back up her delicious bowel bakery gift. It'd get all over her cute bum so you'd be obliged to wipe her with your hands to keep her clean. If you're lucky maybe next time you'd get to plug the leak with your dick.
Why did I write this?
uk more like you gay
You mean besides the clearly smaller breasts and the painted on shadow they're pretending is a belly button?
Breasts are the same autismo-kun
Why you gotta try and change what you are when it was working? If you’re main selling point is titties and beautiful women, why not keep it at titties and women? Obviously the journalists decrying your stance aren’t gonna like it but you already knew that from the onset, so bending to that is how you get soulless additions like DOA5~6 who come with a borderline illegal amount of DLC.
And then you STILL get passed up on being taken seriously as a “proper” fighter and get skipped for EVO.
Fucking c’mon.
you forgot the new horse face
they look the same size
Didn't Tina always have a horse face?
What's the point of shilling now, with the game tanking?
kind of but now its even longer
What's the point of shitposting now, with the game tanking? Anyone with functioning eyes can see the tits are the same.
>Check out the top 10 below.
>1. Anthem
Biggest marketing blunder I've seen in recent times.
>remove fanservice, trying to appeal to EVO
>panic and reinsert fanservice but don't make a big enough splash to tell your potential fans. For an example, still doesn't know the fanservice has been reinserted
When your potential buyers are confused, you know you've fucked up.
Oh, and $93 season pass for season 1 out of 20.
Maybe it's just her huge horse face making them look smaller?
Has Dead or Alive ever topped the charts though? The highest selling game in the series is right around 2 million.
imagine getting paid to do this shit
KT is making a habit of trying to sneak in through the back door to gain acceptance by removing 'offensive' content, instead of making an effort to truly improve the game. Good luck to them, since it sounds like they'll have to do even better with the dlc sales this time around in order to make a profit, with the game doing even worse than 5, previously the worst-selling mainline DOA game, out of the starting blocks. I wouldn't be surprised if they say they're pulling the plug on DOA as a fighting series after this in order to focus on Japan-only gachas and Nioh.
Tina is still best girl
No. It took 5 years for DOA5 to even reach a million sales.
Then again, that's not surprising. If you've followed KT at all, you'd know that their games like Atelier, Blue Reflection, Musou and etc. never really make big bank. They even made a big deal about Night of Azure selling 90k because apparently that's a high seller for them.
1 is still the worst selling DOA game. Dimensions also sold less.
I wouldn't call Dimensions mainline, and DOA1 is DOA1. I'm meaning when the series was at the height of its popularity, despite Ultimate, 3, 4 being xbox exclusive. Even one of those reviews in the OP mentions how DOA used to be well-regarded as a fighter.
2 had the same problem 5 did, needing multiple releases to sell well. 3 and 4 were launch games with the MS marketing machine behind them.
so is this game censored or not?
The UK needs to be nuked for Anthem as their number one game, fuck every single retard who buys that trash
It's not, but it's still a clusterfuck of dlc and microtransactions that KT was counting on enough new players/people buying with their dicks to not have learned the lessons of DOA5. Seems like it's worked so far, but the dlc sales will tell the real tale.
why dont you just fucking look at the ops pic?
DOA's never been good
Correction: DOA has always been good.
Why don't you calm down jerk
Kind of sad, but not surprising and Shimbori/Tom Lee deserve this for how shitty their PR was.
1000 dollars worth of DLC costumes say otherwise
DLC has nothing to do with the quality of the games. Especially when it's all cosmetic and can be safely ignored.
Good thing that Dead or Alive 1 and Dead or Alive 2 and Dead or Alive 3 and Dead or Alive 4 did not have those : )
>defending jewish developers
Begone shill
Whwn did I defend the devs? The games are good. The devs (well, the publisher) are scummy as fuck.
The games are good
They sure are. Glad we agree.
Having insane cosmetic season passes is actually a good deal since devs will make the games cheaper/free to try and catch whales. They then fund the game while you get to play it at a discount. It's a win win. Win for the devs and the players. The whales lose but they deserve it.
>defending a pseudo-gachashit business model
Christ, what the fuck is wrong with this fanbase
DOA5's texture work was near perfect, X and 6 look like fucking mannequins.
I think that's more the lighting than texture issues
>bend the knee to sjw for most of the advertising cycle
>suddenly goes, GOTCHA right at the last minute
>surprised when no one gives a fuck anymore
Both of them are disgusted by black dicks