Why though? and why Haiti of all the important countries still not in......Haiti...the fuck Kaplan the fuck!
Why though? and why Haiti of all the important countries still not in......Haiti...the fuck Kaplan the fuck!
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Yet ANOTHER nigger
its like they haven't learned that the only good thing about Overwatch is the waifu porn
>hero from Haiti
>don't even make him a cool vodoun priest
but is he a gay nigger like in apex legends, this is important
who fucking cares?
why are you so triggered by race?
Haiti? Don't those people have 60s average IQ? Does he have a dirt cookie ability?
Real question is why did they make him look like a generic, Fisher Priced version of the Demoman?
Seriously, it's Tavish Degroot with all the edges shaved off.
Because Yea Forums
Why do the make the black characters so boring like why not base your design on someone cool like Prince or Michael Jackson or something
Trump called Haiti a shithole so naturally faggot culture makes a "cool" Hatian character to prove Trump wrong.
Presenting your new Overwatch hero!
Courtesy of (((Blizzard)))
iq, historical accomplishments and crime statistics for starters
Why does nerf get a rep in the game?
he looks so plain
he screams "overwatch character"
right down to the diversity
There as been more whites added post game than any other race and you faggots still complain. Literally one black has been added post game so where does this meme come from?
People still play overwatch?
>every bar besides "hispanic" also has "non-hispanic" under it
>It's another fucking support
>Has an ability that prevents characters from dying
Fuck this fucking game. What is this horseshit?
they added this character to increase the amount of BLACKED mercy and dva porn (and that's a good thing)
What have you accomplished, racist incel?
this game's still around?
He doesn't have to accomplish anything. He can ride on the fact that he isn't black.
>Implying peoples care about race rather than the intent of virtue signaling behind them.
That's like in that map in africa, the futuristic city one, where they try to push it as the world's most progressive and advanced country. Of all fucking places.
It was only progressive towards Omnics though. People in-game seem to hate it. Every city is futuristic anyway, only one that's somewhat barbaric is Australia which is accurate.
does sombra fuck him up?I main sombra
You sure told him. By the way, don’t forget to dilate your mutated penis-vagina today. You don’t want it closing up.
its death rattling
Holy fucking based
Yeah, like Fortnite.
What is Haiti known for, outside of an earthquake?
whites should be the only race added in desu
Haitians are good people, the janitor here is one, he's a nice guy.
You aren't very good at counting are you?
So the only thing you accomplished was not becoming a tranny. Congrats you faggot since you're white it must have been a tough fight
I'll never care about this game until they add a black woman.
voodoo and mud cookies.
they also have a nice tourist beach with very high security detail to keep out the haitians.
they eat mud cookies, so uh, gold star i guess
Whites and black are tied. There are 3 whites (1 tranny) and 3 blacks (1 robot).
You know, in the 90s no one gave a fuck about this sort of thing.
Massive misery. Haiti is by a long shot the poorest country of the American continent.
Name all the blacks that have been added to the game after it released and God help you if you add the Omnic
It was pretty much standard in the 90's, same with having a kid in a wheelchair.
The Robot isn't black you double nigger she's an Omnic. Is Zen white to you?
i thought he was a french haitian
no one cared because no one force it on us
The french controlled Haiti user
Because the local niggers on the closest favela can't go a fucking week without a shooting or two and I loathe the times I have to crawl for my life inside my own home for seconds.
>99% of whites don't commit crime
>99% of blacks don't commit crime
What's the difference?
>still no black woman representation
What the fuck, Blizzard?
Who cares. As long as they dont touch my favorite girl, then I'm good.
Funny how a country full of africans looks like africa.
>People hated Sombra when she was announced
>Everybody loves her now
>99% of blacks don't commit crime
What percentage of cops beat their wives?
Because Yea Forums is full of spics user and spics think they're white.
You seem upset. Are you remembering to take your antidepressants? You really need to take care of yourself user, you don’t want to contribute to the stereotype that trannies kill themselves after all.
Amerimutts think they're white too.
More than everyone in the NFL apparently
No, he'd be yellow because he's from Nepal. Just like the robot is black because she's from Nigeria. You can pretend all day that she's not meant to be a black woman, but you'd be retarded and wrong.
>99% of blacks don't commit crime
lol good one
If I was a tranny faggot why would I post the statstics sheet and call you a dumb faggot who likes it up the ass? Go sit and spin why don't you
You're telling me you were angry about games like Streets of Rage, Street Fighter 2 and the like? They were all multiculti and no so much as batted an eye.
you think so?
let's see...characters added after launch..
>Ana = non white
>sombra = non white
>Orisa = non white, she's a robot made by a little african girl super genius
>doomfist = non whte obviously
>ashe = white woman
>baptiste = nigger
Does this chick have nudes?
This batiste guy and the metal arm dude immediately come to mind
Oh so your just a nigger than. Ok.
this nigga look gay af.
Not commiting crime, probably.
you forgot Moira the irish white lesbian woman
Cause shes engaging to play and it's fun pissing people off. Also shes cute as fuck.
Why has BBC gotten so popular in video games?
The only successful slave rebellion in the world
Shame it killed like a sixth of their population, destroyed every bit of infrastructure they had, and turned Haiti into a black supremacist state that was an international pariah for like a hundred years and gave rise to some of the most brutal regimes in human history
The most stable, safest, and profitable Haiti has ever been was when it was a French slave colony
Did they buff her yet? Haven't played in a few years.
Moira, hamsterball, and bridgette
If Zen was meant to be asian and Orisa was supposed to be black then they would have made them so just like how they released three whites. If that's the case then B.O.B. is white and you'd still be wrong.
Shouldn’t you Pol fags be in your containment board discussing how Hollywood secretly worships Moloch. Or how the (((Jewz))) are destroying society?
I just want more waifus not niggers
This is /pol/ newfag
>doomfist and baptiste (the omnic promotional material showed a little african black girl but oh well)
Now let's name all the whites men added
literally not a single white cis male kek
Ana = Egyptian
sombra = Mexican
Orisa = repaired omnic
doomfist = the first black
ashe = white woman
moira= white woman
Bridgette = white woman
baptiste = the second black
Go away, election tourist
They are the only ones senpai
Call me a feminist next you tranny
you have bigger containment issues to worry about m8
>bridgette = arab
exactly, so...yeah, no white dudes allowed, i mean...technically the only CIS WHITE MALE we have is Mcree right?...i mean soldier is gay, reaper is hispanic genji is a japan or something, so...yea right?
>a black man with a grenade launcher and an eye accessory
>with the almost exact same kit as Pip from Paladins
wait a minute that's just a faggy demoman isn't it
You got three in a row and more women have been added than men and Hamod is a hamster.
This. Typical to just add black guys and white women
thank you, still no white male
this desu
Her invisibility and teleporter have no cooldown anymore. Its Infinite.
Demoman from TF2*
Roadhog maybe?
They could have at least picked Haiti's less of a fuck up neighbor the Dominican Republic. That would've been more believable.
Killing frogs.
>literally one black character was added
This is what you(or he) said, so you are obviously wrong. Meanwhile zero white males. Prob because the insane leftist devs literally don't like white males
amerilards belong to the only nation on the planet that thinks white hispanic is a thing
Ok then since the promo showed Winstons owner and teacher is white and built Hamonds Mech Hamond is white.
Overwatch is the biggest example of a game where "it's ok if the Japanese do it but not when the West does it".
It takes so much from anime and manga and then ties it together with serious themes of war and establishing boarders. In it's simplest form, it's a watered down, PG13 MGS knock off. Plenty of Japanese illustrators have noticed this. Hell, Kojima acknowledged it and approved. But Overwatch belongs to a Western company so, when it tries to pull the same wacky shit while also being serious and grounded it's "inconsistent" or "appealing to SJWs".
But they also haven't added a black female so clearly by this logic they hate black women and are based and redpilled
To be fair he only killed white frenchies. If you could prove you were Dutch or American they just kicked you out
McCree is half native american or some nonsense.
nigger literally built her
the other guy just watched winston and hamster as a doc/paternal figure
that would be sweet, i hope winston says he identifies as a white male holy shit
torbjorn,reinhardt, junkrat, mccree
I think the reason they picked Haiti was due to it being a shit hole. The entire reason this hero joined a terrorist organization was to try to set up a make shift medical clinic for his now even more fucked up 3rd world shit hole country. He was desperate. Then he realized he was being used to turn more countries into the same shitholes through exploitation and terrorism. So he split.
This made me laugh. Thanks user.
>ties it together with serious themes of war
What? The story in OW is fucking hamfisted schlock, there's nothing serious about it.
torb is a midget he doesn't count
rein is married? we need confirmation or he might be revealed as gay like sldier 76
Hog isn't white, but he and junk 100% canon fuck
Makes you wonder if 99% would have just killed themselves by now if black people werent around to make them feel better about themselves.c
That's pretty based.
Well there are (((people))) who are well known for putting a bunch of black guys with white women in their media. I'm merely pointing out the coincidence. I assune they figured they were good on the "minority women" front without being specific
And here it is. People complain about the story but don't even spend a moment to pay attention to what's in it. It's pure contrarianism.
>Perfect chance to pick Puerto Rico or Republica Dominicana
>They go for the shitty french nigger land
The only reason they picked Haiti was because they're poor nigger shits, while Puerto Rico and Republica has some decent amount of civilization and some semi civilized people. The three of them are shitty countries, but they clearly picked Haiti for brownie points.
they would have hispanics and arabs
there's nothing serious or grounded about African utopias or woke hero niggers from Haiti
fuck off
off to discord with ya
>Plenty of Japanese illustrators have noticed this. Hell, Kojima acknowledged it and approved. But Overwatch belongs to a Western company so, when it tries to pull the same wacky shit while also being serious and grounded it's "inconsistent" or "appealing to SJWs".
Like clockwork
>Battleborn has Based Ghalt
>OW has extremely boring Power Glove Doomfist and Nerf N-Strike Etika Baptiste
>Wahhh!!! Wheres my representation the thread
>Bridgette = white woman
If that's true, then why does she shout out
>ALLAH (blessed be upon him) TILL MAY!
He also bult thier mech and made them have human intelligent so they're white.
I almost had a stroke reading this. Either this is b8 or you're really retarded if you think the roadhog isn't white. Second. Torb fucked his pure swedish wife 9 times and has a successful job as an engineer and a father. You're just some Yea Forums beta lol.
Oh boy, another manufactured outrage thread, watch as every retard on this board flocks out to be distracted by it. Nevermind how the game itself is fucking garbage and how Blizzard's design philosophy doesn't work with a shooter game at all.
I'm paying my taxes
It got (predictably) got screwed over after the rebellion though. They were banking in America still opening its ports to them (they even helped out during the during the Battle of Savannah). Thomas Jefferson didnt think having a nation of former slaves would be a good idea though since it could have lead to revolts in the South. No white coutry liked the idea really, so even though Haiti had decent leadership after the revolt, the country fell into poverty. Its been fucked ever since.
What's up with his theme song though?
>White people think they get brownie points for adding in colored people no one asked for
>Other white people want more white people in vidya games
>First white people think denying them this gets them the gold sticker
They don't want to be too stereotypical, but a little ethnic flair would go a long way. Then again, people didn't really appreciate that with Doomfist.
nice dude, i knew i liked winston for a reason
white male gamers might be the most oppressed people in our society, its crazy how much this shit goes on and nobody does anything
its like a modern holocaust
That's the problem. There's nothing substantial about the story.
Stop taking the bait, retard. Blizzard is deliberately doing this to distract you, nothing more. They use manufactured outrage to stifle legitimate criticism of their games and to keep the game in the public eye during content droughts. The reason why they chose a Haitian is so you will have endless slap fights with a readymade defence force while Overwatch continues to be a disgusting, unbalanced mess of a game.
>trying to tell /pol/tards the history of literally any black country
People have already made up their minds on the Haitian Revolution. It was just a massive, unorganized chimpout just like that one propganda piece youtube video says.
Wel what else am I supposed to do but get angry at a game based on fiction and that I don't play?
This. The next time Blizzard fucks up, all Jeff has to do is press a button which makes another character gay. Boom, another week of positive press.
I seriously doubt blizzard is designing heros specifically with the goal in mind of triggering racists who are mad that black people exist.
What do these have to do with overwatch though?
The game isn't real
Torb is as straight and white as it gets, and they'll have to retcon if they want to change it.
McCree, Reinhardt, Junkrat are still straight and white, but also at a risk of having a "coming out" story like Soldier.
>Still no Canadian hero or map
Because it was usually backed with engaging gameplay, good design, decent backstory and had no agenda behind it.
Why are you playing? Are they forcing you?
Probably a bad game to pick if you don't want that.
literally no one gives a shit about canada
also we don't need another punjab hero, we already got symmetra
Nah, he's as white as Clint Eastwood.
The Story So Far;
>overwatch team were super duper heroes
>kingpin was evil man and couldn't be jailed cuz money
>reaper mad
>he kill kingpin
> feminists got mad at reaper and team
>they found out he said something racist 10 years ago and closed kicked him out
>he makes his own new secret edgywatch
>without reaper overwatch sucks and they close it down
>everyone fucks off over the world
>years later monkeyman wants adventure
>sends facebook request to the team to join overwatch
>soldier is gay
Still waiting for the team to accept group request and advance the story 3 years after the game came out
He also bult thier mech and made them have human intelligent so they're white.
I always hear it as "I LOVE TO MATE!"
there's already a Chinese hero
That's exactly what they're doing. Look at these threads. How many of the posts here are actually talking about problems like GOATS completely dominating the meta or actual gameplay? It's a cynical marketing strategy and it's working brilliantly, all thanks to dipshits who can't stop biting onto obvious bait.
It's not there fault people who probably don't play the game are mad about black characters
Pharah is half Canadian iirc
That's because overwatch is boring as fuck to play.
user I seriously doubt they give even one shit about the kind of discussion is happening on here of all the fucking places, and you act as if this shit is deflecting off of goats when it doesn't at all. I'm willing to bet most of the people complaining about this has never played the game and never will because muh sjw forcing diversity down my throat.
I don't think anyone but the most hardcore blizzdrones still play Overwatch, so you could really say that to anyone voicing an opinion and be probably right.
People annoyed by forced diversity are also probably more likely to have been pushed away from the game.
And the """people""" who want forced diversity don't play video games anyway.
What's there left to say about GOATS? It's been the dominant meta for months now, everything that could be said has been said over and over by now.
Thats how I was at the start, some like this is just gay TF2 but then I tried it, had some fun for a while but stopped playing because the community was dogshit even more than before, it's a shame, I like playing and roadhog.
unlimited supply of children
you can eat them and nobody will give a shit
Your mom gets blacked while you fap in the next room to incest gay porn.
>A made up place cant be the worlds most progressive and advanced country
There's robots practicing bhudism realism wasn't the point
but my mom is black
doesn't mean she can't get blacked.
Vegeta! Why am I black now!?
Imagine the shitstorm this place would have if Diablo 2 released nowadays in 2019 and had a black Paladin in it.
2000 was different user. Outrage culture is the norm now
She says Alla till mig you fag it means All to me
It wasnt a chimp out per se. The white planter population had a large hand in the beginning, and napolean was retarded regarding Haiti, but you really cant gloss over the atrocities that were committed and the terrible decisions that were made. Not to mention recent history with Duvalier and all that business
I'm not saying they werent screwed over internationally, because they were, but it doesnt help when you ban whites from owning land, then wonder why 19th century America doesnt want to trade with you. All in all it's a shame how it all turned out, but nobody really has any clue how to even start fixing it, so oh well
>Enslave people and get shocked when they fight back and kill you
If Shadowman got a remake the seething would never end
>the only white males are the BARBARIAN and the NECROMANCER???
>it's obvious (((they))) are conditioning us to think white males are barbaric and evil!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE
remember that these people do not play video games, they jerk off to them
I feel like you're misinterpreting my stance. Slavery on Haiti was incredibly shitty, and in the beginning the revolution had the potential to be truly great, but everyone involved just committed one cock up after another, and now here we are
I'm sure there was a shitstorm even back then. You would just have to dig through forums back in 2000.
is he also mega gay too?
You forgot the part where McGee has 3 different ages. And the convoluted attempt at making an oppression narrative around robots as if robots develop feelings naturally and deserve rights even though in the game itself you get to murder robots in the waiting room.
yes yes, it's always everyone else's fault
let's humor you, I'll write the actual story out in the same way:
>robots makes your life easier
>turns out they don't, let's deactivate them
>oops someone turned them back on and they want to erase humanity now!
>make strike team of 5 people
>strike team obviously doesn't get along because the leader is a retarded hot head
>but his best friend is a good talker let's follow him
>robots defeated!
>but there are still some robots, also terrorists now because of post war economy
>uhhhh Overwatch!
>hey best friend, you're strike commander now
>pls no
>i'm angry but now I'm not, thanks for being strike commander, best friend
>also maybe I want to fuck you now? I have a kid
>what? also what's blackwatch
>don't worry about it
>20 years later
>so blackwatch is a problem now, also when I said I would be secretive, I shot the fat fuck in the face because I was worried about you
>please stop lying, also why is Moira here
>shut up and trust me ok?
>base explodes
>everyone separates
>Gorilla eating peanut butter: Damn, I should do something *presses button*
>uh wait, this didn't work because my calculations are off? thanks Mei
>oi guv let's go visit ya hairy m8s on the moon and fix that ol' satellite! I eat clams for breakfast, luv!
>Hi Ashe it's McCr-
>Hey Echo, I'm gonna look for Ana, bye, don't fuck the monkey!
>meanwhile, meanwhile
>Solider 76 blows up lumerico because Sombra knows he's a retard
>Solider 76 saves a kid
>Sombra gets her ass whooped by Zarya
>but that was after she blackmailed russian waifu
>Reaper shoots S76 in the ass and cries
>Ana: Stop being gay, Jack
>and that was that
>Reaper: *cries*
With that last part it seems like propaganda also does this mean black Americans and Frenchmen are smart?
my high school buds and forum friends never gave a shit, we made 'black knight' jokes but definitely didnt think it was a problem
there's a bell curve but on average no
What a bizarre opinion. There's nothing about being black that prevents you from being a hero, and even then there's tons of retarded shit in this game that is way worse than African utopias.
>A genetically engineered super gorilla scientist
>a 37 year old German woman who has just about every title you could think of in science and is both a doctor and an engineer, doing all of this in her teens.
>A man with a fist that can somehow topple a skyscraper
>cyborg ninja
>hong kong 108
>china 105
lmao when are people going to realize these are bloated by the bugman government?
I wish we could go back, this shit is getting out of hand.
It's like people actually get off on being outraged.
that's because they do
it's a literal addiction that they've forced upon themselves
It's literally because they were completely untouched by the Omnic Crisis and sheltered massive amounts of Omnics that sought peace and unity between humanity and Omnics. The fact that their cities weren't touched during the conflict is enough reason that they should be ahead of most of the world, but the massive technological boost from their Omnic citizenry makes complete sense.
If Toussaint survived things wouldve been better. He still wanted to trade with white countries to build infrastructure but he got captured and tortured to death
garnering liberal sympathy because it was accurately called a shithole
I'll give you Rein.
Sure it does swede. Do you guys even SPEAK that ancient language anymore? Or are you on to the enlightened language of Arabic
Is this really the actual story or am I being memed?
Paladin was the most fucking based character, fuck your mother. Hammerdin > Zealadin
Also black demo man is the perfect way to incorporate multiculturalism, to the point of taking the piss
>Prison colony formed of Anglo criminals turns into a country
>Somehow not white
I am so glad that every time they add a character who is not a masturbatory Aryan Male power fantasy to any video game, you legitimate retards lose your minds and feel the need to complain across the entire internet about these absolute non-issues.
They put a blood curse on the French.
The vast majority of these dumb motherfuckers who cry about every woman and nonwhite male in every video game are the result of an extremely recent rage fetishism culture that seems to be built on people getting mad at quite literally nothing that applies to them in no way, shape, or form. Fans of Overwatch are clearly absolutely without any reason to care, and the people bitching literally do not ever play it.
>we wanted it to be authentic
>so we made the character clearly mixed with a French name
Look at all those women and children!
Yeah, what a wonderful future.
Chinese aren't smart, they just mimic things smart people created.
>complains about different ethnicities appearing in games
>"keep politics out of games!"
You are all retards. You miss out on great games because you have to be projecting your ego onto fictional characters? Lol, how pathetic.
Yes, only question is: Is he from outer space also?
>We wanted it to be authentic
So...Haiti is some sort of Wakanda tier paradise that just happens to have the occasional uprising now and then?
The true culprit is that the characters have 0 fucking life in them
Tracer is british because why not
Reinhardt is a german because he is
The fucking japs are literal archer and shinobi ninja because why should they be anything else
They stole a whole idea from TF2, and forgot what made TF2 fun to begin with
Next “Hero” will be a Mexican who can climb walls really well
Fuck off racist
Is'nt Haiti ravaged by all the storms/tornados because they have cut down all the trees they have in their counry? I think you can see where the border betwen haiti and the dominian republic is by looking at the trees.
im convinced that they are going to retcon Mercy to be a MtF tranny at some point
Nah they'll just reveal her spouse is a nigger.
Haiti is so bad that Hatians would rather live in Brazilian favelas and get beat up by the local Pardos for not speaking Portuguese.
That's what those niggers get for killing their mulattos.
why not both?
when you live in america, everyone is white and nobody is white
Funny because Haitians killed all their mulattos and mixed blacks.
Why are both of his fingers on both triggers when he is in a resting/relaxed position?
Even French blacks are dark as shit. Nothing about this character makes sense. He looks like he's from the South and goes to a D1 school for basketball.
>200 posts of /pol/cel rage that the new character of a shitty game is a nigger
>crime statistics
>haiti is a shithole
>mud cookies
>but almost no complaint that he's a carbon copy of TF2 demoman
this board man
nuke it
Someone did mention that. Read the thread.
Finally, someone who gets me.
Haitians are hated across LatAm, only virtue signaling Americans will say something good about them.
I wrote almost none, so read my post
>only one that's somewhat barbaric is Australia which is accurate
Sorry seppo I can't hear you all the way over in your 13th place en.wikipedia.org
At least I fucking exist, lol