Now that the dust has truly settled... What are you opinions on it? Any shortcomings? Anything that surprised you.
>What are you opinions on it?
Very pretty game with lots of attention to detail. Probably one of the better games I played last year. I haven't tried online though.
Any shortcomings?
I wish we had more input in the story. Like being able to be more thorough to save the lives of some characters or letting others die.
Biggest gripe is no PC release. My computer would be able to run this way better than my basic xbox one did.
Pc release
Wasnt it supposed to come out at some point?
Plenty of small details that were annoying. The game goes for ultra realism yet you can't drop guns from your possession? Having to constantly re-equip guns makes this more annoying. Takes too long to search through items and people, with no meaningful reward to it. Dialogue with Dutch also becomes incredibly repetitive in late game
maybe, very slight maybe judging by their last Red Dead game.
Dont know if Ill bother though, pretty much 100% everything in single player already. But if they make a complete edition later on with all DLC and so on, I might be tempted.
no single player dlc
No director mode, cheats disabling saves, stupid challenges
The game part sucked, the story part was great. One of the best 7/10 games I have ever played and Arthur will go down in history as one of the best video game characters of all time.
also, mango memes
The lack of a decent fast travel system ruined the game for me. I timed myself to see how long I was using cinematic mode to travel to locations, in an hour I had the cinematic mode on for 18mins, I was spending a quarter of my time not playing the game but watching a cinematic. It became tedious.
>Dialogue with Dutch also becomes incredibly repetitive in late game
That was the point, he was practically insane by then.
Camp activities and upkeep were pointless and not fun. Same with crafting.
Pretty good time waster for a good month or so. Story, animations graphics, music, voice acting, and sound design is pretty damn good and I loved it for that. Combat and the overall gameplay loop is just way too dated and doesn't hold up well. Shooting gallery after shooting gallery followed by painstakingly slow walking sections while you follow a character really killed a lot of my enjoyment with the game, as well as just how incredibly on-rails the missions were. Still, I like it quite a lot but it's far from a 10/10.
Also fuck the online mode.
unironically one of my favorite games period
Pretty much this. RDR2 shines the most when your controller is idle on the table. Gameplay is bad, shallow and boring but the story, dialogues, cut scenes are fun. Sometime around Chapter 3 you just slog through the mission to get to the next cool cut scene, but that's not how videogames should be
game forces you use to learn it's map and towns
Once you learned the whole map it gets tedious. They shouldve have you unlock fast travel from anywhere when you leave the island
>but that's not how videogames should be
First mistake is thinking your idea of how a game is made is the only way to present and or make one. The success and praise says differently
Use the coaches in the towns and travel map at the camp
I guess I'm the only one who found the shooting fun
I mean it wasn't max payne 3 good but it was way better than gta 5
it was pretty decent, I thought. dont know how much more complex you'd really want to get.
The multiplayer is fucking awful and giving bad rep to an otherwise fantastic game.
If GTAV is anything to go by it's gonna be awhile. Wouldn't be surprised if they release a next gen version then uses that as a base for the PC version like GTAV did since the next console gen is probably only a year away 2 years max.
There's a mobile companion app for RDR2 that references a pc version in its code and that guy who used to leak shit for GTAO claimed a few months ago that Rockstar was working on a pc port. It'll come out eventually, probably around summer or whenever the online mode leaves beta.
>good videogame
>you slog through cut scenes and scripted rails to get to the fun part - gameplay
>good interactive movie
>you slog through gameplay to get to the fun part - cut scenes
Gee I wonder if RDR2 is a good videogame or not
Well, for one, I'm glad the shills have left.
For two, it wasn't as good as RDR1.
>horseriding isn't nearly as fast or as smooth, stamina is harder to maintain
>gunfights are a clunky mess with bad aim and a finnicky cover system
>teleporting lawmen and witnesses
>Arthur turns into a slow 80 year old man while at camp
>awful fast travel system that only goes one way
>RNG pelts
>hold buttons to watch Arthur slowly loot bodies, raid cabinets, etc.
>sometimes the game literally doesn't respond to your button inputs if it interferes with a scripted setpiece
Story is fucking great.
Fucking around and getting immersed is pretty comfy and fun.
The main mission structure fucking sucks and I hate how it takes away all your freedom and turns it into a linear slow as fuck game.
Online is a fucking joke compared to the multiplayer of rdr1. What a shame the mp in that game is dead.
It's still one of the few modern Rockstar games I enjoyed. I still think rdr1 is a better game but rdr2 has a better story and immersion.
boring ass game
My only qualms is the free aim sucks shit because of twin sticks and aim assist is too easy. kB/m should fix this. Otherwise I don't get people's complains about the shooting being boring. This is Rockstar we're talking about.
Graphics, character performances, and attention to detail were fantastic.
Story was great but two chapters in the middle could have been eliminated. It was too long.
Mission structure is repetitive and start obeying the GTA formula very early, with some good ones few and far between. Ride to mission, something goes wrong, shootout, escape. Over and over.
The middle chapters were too short and the last chapter too long, it really nails home how short life is but I feel it's detrimental to the gameplay.
Shitty gameplay due to more realism, and I feel like you didn’t really get to build a bond with any of the characters.
It was spoiled to me in here, never actually finish it having to ride to the camp every fucking times I end a mission really gets boring. I love Arthur tho
I was about to get on my horse when a giant pile of turds started dropping out of the horse's ass. That's when I knew this game was amazing.
The shooting in RDR1 was satisfying as fuck though, you felt powerful, unlike RDR2 where the shooting is so tiresome and shit. The GTA5 engine fucking sucks