Only perverts like Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Only perverts like Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Attached: g303a7x667701.jpg (1120x1400, 193K)

Is that supposed to be insulting?

I want to play through the game just for mythra and pyra, they're too perfect

Attached: XC2-Pyra-and-Mythra-artwork.jpg (836x900, 237K)

I love my wife Mythra

Sure, I guess.

Attached: cfiwgm54sm821.png (1684x2380, 2.9M)

>got my artbook in the mail today
>can't share pictures because in rangebanned on Yea Forums

They're both excellent, but ai prefer mythra to pyra, I like the tsundere spice. All girls are best girls though.

Attached: _hikari_xenoblade_series_and_xenoblade_2_drawn_by_hews_hack_1f0c65716328299a6bf457615411ebf7.jpg (1166x1620, 1.27M)

>xeno threads are tainted with pure waifufagotry now
>the games onwards are going to have kawai ugu/pantsu shit
>worst thing of all the girls are C+ at best

>implying there was never waifu faggotry

There was plenty of waifu shit before you retard.

Only gentlemen appreciate the Xenoblade franchise.

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Guilty as charged

go back

That's a good one, already got 3 posts with this same image in the last 2 days.

Attached: xeno6.png (949x213, 53K)

You have severe brain problems.

I'm not sure what you're implying. You want a different picture?

Attached: DmHqO7kV4AEzEZ.jpg (707x1000, 138K)

good lord more

Now that you mention it, this whole thread is goldmine.
I better save the first few posts.

Attached: xeno7.png (1295x694, 282K)

Welcome back, XC2's biggest fan!

That's what you get for spamming waifu images.

If it makes you feel better, someone already some time ago.

Attached: 1551632296905.jpg (6000x4000, 2.96M)

Only a couple tonight, I need to get up early tomorrw.

Attached: ec5c96ebd5d5ca38f0584dc3bc865afa.jpg (537x679, 68K)

>Welcome back
I never left.
You forgot your name, by the way.

Why is Mythra so much better than her counterparts?

Attached: 4c1.jpg (851x1200, 174K)

I heard this game is pretty humorous, does anyone have a webm?

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Only people who never played Chronicles X or pre-Chronicles Xeno games like Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

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I really need to save a few posts with this image, it comes up a lot.

>threads are now just two autists aggressively shitposting at each other
it was a good run lads

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Crossette deserves more art!

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I'm surprised it took him this long to become as annoying as me, that was my plan from the very start.

I think I'm falling in love with Nia, lads.

We're posting webms? Cool.

Attached: 1538282830343.webm (740x416, 2.13M)

What is even going on in your pic? I can't tell.

>Mythra armpit


That's a couple from me, have a good night everyone.

Attached: Gath.png (500x516, 142K)

I already love Nia, and all you guys!

The power of the Switch...

I think it's supposed to be Kassandra and her old driver (who is a nopon in a salvaging suit).

Attached: 1.jpg (1024x768, 119K)


>Incoming vore.
I didn't need that!

>artbook is full of double page spreads
>can't appreciate them because the binding is sucking the art into a black hole
this is gay

i completed the game when it first came out, before all the updates. if i play ng+ how do i use the swimsuits? can i use them straight away? and what else is there to do in ng+? and did they add any other new shit to the game?
i finished the game and loved it but then i stopped paying attention to it completely, even though i have the season pass. oh, and mythra a best

take her to snog city

Attached: D03FjLIUcAANWat.jpg (516x934, 62K)

Attached: 2.jpg (1024x768, 161K)

>Is replying me.
>You reply me to a post replying me.
user, are you ok?

It sucks Japan doesn't know anout the Welsh nia jokes or there would be more like pic related.

Attached: 1551643526747.png (768x1024, 439K)

Only dumb people play xenoblade after the first one's ending.

Attached: 3.jpg (1024x768, 159K)

You have to earn flawless noponstones from challenge mode to buy the swimsuits.

You're right OP, it's a good overhyped by brainlet waifufags who never played an anime game before, I wish this series didn't have to die in such a pathetic way.

>>artbook is full of double page spreads
What fucking artbook did you get, I want it

The season pass adds a challenge mode with special fights. You get the swimsuits by doing those. NG+ adds several blades such as the Torna trio and their blades, as well as T-elos. They are fun to use and have h2hs

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Attached: 1511866815949.png (915x1250, 661K)

She got new fanart, you know.

Attached: __shiki_xenoblade_series_and_etc_drawn_by_shrimqsleeq__066399600fed6c5962ef2013f9f46a4f.jpg (1200x1600, 251K)

i'm the original guy who posted the image. I just wanted to confirm to you that the other user was right and that's what's going on in the image

I want too so badly
I would gladly be called a cuck if it meant swooping her up after she gets denied by Rex and being there for her while she comes to terms with it


Attached: 5.jpg (1024x768, 179K)

Attached: 6.jpg (1024x768, 120K)

>Scottish meme
>Scottish hat
If the artist who drew that knew anything about Nia it wouldn't exist.

>artbook is full of double page spreads
There are like 3 in the entire thing

>Japan loves Frozen "let it go"
>Nia's ingame development is that song in a nutshell.
>Nobody with MMD skills has connected the dots and made a music video.
Goddammit, I swear I would do it if i knew how.

Attached: 1551328273857.jpg (3896x4945, 2.85M)

>22 IPs

This is gonna be another "single bump on page ten for 24 hours" thread, isn't it.

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Fucking incredible, thanks user.

Attached: xeno8.png (703x214, 52K)

Attached: g303a7x667701.png (1120x1400, 1.4M)

Okay fine, but only for the cute Welsh kitty.

Attached: BB616FB4-C7F6-4AEB-B505-6646395A9E99.jpg (1024x768, 176K)

Top cutie and my first rare blade.

Attached: 9.jpg (1024x768, 157K)

Attached: _hikari_xenoblade_series_and_xenoblade_2_drawn_by_hews_hack_1f0c65716328299a6bf457615411ebf7.png (1166x1620, 1.44M)

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What's what footfags and this game?

Attached: xeno4.png (751x212, 47K)

Attached: 10.jpg (1024x768, 158K)

No because Xfag and Xfags biggest fan are gonna be too busy to let this thread die

Attached: 2caf80415d30191ee817d4d99df648c484b11a735550e8791dbd4424f2b09a5c.png (550x913, 393K)

delicious flat kitter

more kasandra

Imagine posting images filled with text you can't even read just because there's a very poorly drawn anime girl on them.

Nah, it'll be both.

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Attached: DmHqO7kV4AEzEZ.png (707x1000, 943K)

they're all the best pictures
I was looking forward to seeing a high quality version of that kosmos and telos picture but they're so suqished by the binding you can barely see them


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Attached: ec5c96ebd5d5ca38f0584dc3bc865afa.png (537x679, 420K)

imagine caring about the text like a giant faggot

>this guy is back to shitposting about how the characters aren't expressive

Attached: 1549325799294.png (1280x720, 759K)

Imagine pretending to be a hardcore weeb when you play a censored version of a Japanese game and can't read Japanese.

Attached: 4c1.png (851x1200, 1.09M)

The sheer amount of ways he's finding to be incredibly autistic might actually bring him above ACfag level

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What does the word pervert even mean now? What do you have to do to be a pervert in a sex based society?

imagine killing yourself then doing it

Attached: D03FjLIUcAANWat.png (516x934, 461K)

I don't understand why this guy is photoshopping the mouths off of all the girls but it's making me realize I had a fetish I never knew I had.

None of the pictures were changed.

Rex buy me crab sticks

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Attached: rC33eG4-700c0.png (656x568, 374K)

Stop being a fucking baby. Girls are sexy and you can't stop'em.

Attached: 2308877 - Mahiru_Koizumi Super_Dangan_Ronpa_2.jpg (1200x900, 161K)

What's the best way to farm items for Poppi's third form?

Attached: 1510327902645.gif (331x197, 1.71M)

Yeah, so? Let's be perverts together!

*mom walks in*

Attached: 1551328872866.webm (854x480, 2.05M)

What items?

the shit for her 3rd form

Oh my god, that's hilarious!
I just peed!

Attached: Japanese CoD.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

>that Nia upskirt

>Dad literally *walked in* as this scene started playing
I ripped my Switch off it's dock so fast, I'm shocked it didn't fuck anything up

The items for the first part of the quest or the battery? If it's the battery, can't you just do the merc mission to get the 50 volt battery and skip the item grinding?
I think you can get some of the items for it by salvaging in Mor Ardain if not.

what merc mission

I'm a pervert and even I can't stand having to cringe at every single line of dialogue.
I don't know how the people who play it put up with it.

I just realize that Kassandra is like this girl, both lash out misfortune all around them, the only difference is that Kassandra doesn't know this.

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Is there a breast reduction mod?

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there are tons of different pervert skill trees

by not caring like an autist or playing subbed

Why do people play waifu games?
Doesn't it just make them lonelier?
I for one refuse to play XBC2 because I would fall in love with Pyra and it would hurt

I can't believe this image is still up.

I can't believe all the shitposting and spamming is still up too.

Because it's played by ironic weebs that think waifu just means fapbait, they don't actually waifu the girls.

use your eyes

Pyra is the most bland character in the game so it was never an issue for me

Porn usually gets deleted the quickest.

I just finished playing Torna and does Adam just disappear after sealing Pyra/Homura?

Energy for Remodeling. The batteries you get from it will only give you 30 points each, so just salvage at the Cliffs of Morytha, World Tree or Mor Ardain to get the other items while you wait.
I can't believe this thread is still up.

I can believe it considering that a "Why are Americans so fat and stupid?" thread has been up for half an hour

>I can't believe this thread is still up
This tbqh

best girl

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Basically. He founded Fonsett and disappeared from history. That's why Tantal was able to use his name with no repercussions - no one was around to claim otherwise.
Zeke's dad says that Tantal made their claim about being his heirs after he had 'returned to the ether', and Torna's ending implies Zettar had already started working with Amalthus right after Torna's fall, so it's entirely possible he died not too long after the end of the game.

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whats your favorite special attack animation anons?
for me is lvl3 kassandra, the "?" at the end is too cute

Attached: kassandra.jpg (1920x1080, 181K)

Alright I just thought the dlc would have more, overall I enjoyed it and I'm glad they relaseased a physical version. I only wish botw dlc was this good. Does anything transfer to the main game? I haven't played it since late 2017 and I think it's about time I do.

>Trying to revive the thread
lol just like the general

This game worth it for the gameplay if I'm spoiled on the story already? I liked XB1 and ended up learning about the story since I didn't think I'd ever get a Switch but then I wanted Smash.

Meant for

Nothing transfers, but you unlock a bit of concept art in XB2's event theater.
And if you bought the physical version of Torna you should have a code to unlock the main game DLC stuff (challenge mode and a couple of new blades and quests) too.

Maybe? I personally think it is, but not everyone will agree, and the combat is very slow for the first couple of chapters.

I think the gameplay overall is a pretty big improvement over XC1. I loved the combat a lot though their are people who dislike it so YMMV

And now is gone, turns out the reason why it was still here was that not one reported it.

n-nice body


Attached: 1551698587958.png (390x308, 131K)

I've been reporting all the spam in this thread, so clearly it's not just that.

What spam?

the weirdo shopping the pics

>tfw this fanservice scene actually had plot relevance

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you need 99 stamps of all three items


This game is disgusting. Women should never be portrayed this way,, especially to little kids. Nintendo should be banned from selling games. I know I don't want my children watching this filth.

well i mean it seems like the spam has died down so maybe your reports went through

Fuck off you Fucking twat.

This but unironically

Someone sounds a bit pissed off.

Even if you genuinely believed that, that would still mean you were reposting every single image for no reason at all, which is still spamming

>Being so autistic you can't understand a joke
>Thinking I'm that guy

This is why nobody likes you guys.


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Epic anime reference my good man!

>pervert is the best character

Attached: XenobladeChronicles2_scenario.jpg (1920x1080, 119K)

Pandora is the cutest Blade.

Attached: b02.png (1280x1180, 748K)

Who's Pandora? I only know Pandoria.

Then why she is not popular? Even optional blades have more art than her.

>love poppi
>have no idea how to poppiswap properly

what i have to do poppibros?

>Undertale shit
As if this thread wasn't bad enough

>no poppicumswap doujin

fuck you on about

Literally all you people care about is the fapbait, how the hell do you function?

Attached: 8390710e999f712765fa94fb40cc01e2294c0abc7feeab4088291e099d233de0.jpg (433x650, 72K)

and that's a problem why exactly

Because you're invading our once great series and turning it into a shameless fanservice game with gachashit?

i have one and a half other interests

>our game

Yes it is, you can't take it from us.

your shit series has had plenty of fan service don't kid yourself you pompous arse

It wasn't sold on it though.

I'm killing the Xeno series! Won't somebody stop me from posting this cute fanart? Think of the children!

Attached: 554ba2cb6875399afe556ecca20f824d.jpg (1080x1920, 361K)

its called heterosexuality

>Make it to first city
>Gacha opens
>Have no idea what I'm doing with the Blades, just know there's a sidequest that needs bolts or some shit
>Keep getting OHKO'd by strong enemies

Aww, how I missed the modern Xeno games.

Attached: 1353143983498.jpg (491x404, 19K)

Why does Japan talk about the game more than you guys do then?


and that's why it sold like shit

>It's better for a series to be sold on shameless fanservice to be a good game for it's niche

You're no better than girl gamers that demand everything be made for them.

Keep posting cute pics to kill Xeno for good
That's all it takes

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xenosaga says hello

Keep spamming, maybe you'll get banned again like last time.