ITT: Minecraft stories
ITT: Minecraft stories
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I only play on creative or peaceful.
>make mansion out of wood
>have cobblestone generator outside
>house burns down
sabout it
Fuck you guys are lame
my friend and I used to roleplay as border patrol and kill anyone that came into our shitty Mexican desert
I have one story. I was simply playing Minecraft alone as per usual. I didn't really feel satisfied. skip ahead a few years of life and an entire semester of high school, I go back to minecraft. Haven't really felt better playing an indie game in my life. It was the moment of bliss
Is minecraft any better now? It always feels like doing everything in that game is too easy. I dig down, find minecraft, obsidian, everything else. Now what? I build a castle or something. Now I've done everything.
you long for the days where you barely figured out to make a nether portal
After prolonged exposure to Minecraft I slowly developed into the advanced stages of autism.
It is if you own Java Edition to mod the absolute fuck out of the game. It's nice to play on community servers too
i was happy
Is that you in the video getting trolled?
Why is Java never on sale?
ya im actually 30
It's worse.
> find minecraft
>Play modded hardcore
>Find a village that spawned in the middle of a big body of water
>Start a town named Dock Town with the villagers
>Mod allows me to befriend and marry the villagers
>Game gets corrupted and all the villagers despawn
>So distraught with having my town fall I committed suicide by jumping off my house.
Becasue why would they try peddling an 'inferior' version of the game
I remember being about 13 years old, halo reach was the big game between me and my friends. I heard about minecraft on the school bus, so I brought it and loved it.
Friday night, parents went out and decided I was old enough to be left alone. I ordered dominos and played halo reach all night. About 8 friends from school, all chilling and playing big team battle for hours, chatting and having a laugh.
After afew hours they all started coming off. Just me and a close friend left on the mic, i booted up minecraft and played my first world and asked him for tips as i did.
Honestly would give anything to go back to a chill night like that. My life has been so stressfull lately
That's sad.
Eh, There's much sadder revelations about Monecraft
in Highschool we used to have Minecraft lan parties where we'd fuck around all of lunch and afterschool
I remember I used to be feared, I destroyed some kid's village/fort after gaining his trust, he rallied all of the nerds to kill me and hunt me then I led them into the jungle and picked them off one by one, I lived in that jungle making underground tunnels and shit waiting for my time to strike, shit was booby trapped with really shitty redstone tnt traps, I remember hiding in the wall while crouching to hide my name tag then flooding a part of my tunnel network with lava
I still keep in touch with those guys
I have managed to lose every single Minecraft map I have ever had. They just slip through my fucking fingers for some reason.
>got bored
>6 months later
>play for some days
>get bored
>6 months later
>play for some days
>get bored again
it goes on and on
>Be me
>Playing Minecraft with friends
>It's the first day, we all don't have much
>Get a bone from a skeleton
>Find a dog and tame it
>Find another and tame it
>Breed them
Continue until there's about 30 dogs
>Eventually get ready to fight the wither
>Bring all of the dogs as bait
>Every single one except the ones with dyed colors died
>Beat the Wither
So Long, Dogbros
Anyone up for an unmodified beta 1.7.3 server
I like to play on max difficulty with permadeath, it makes for incredibly pulse-pounding scenarios in the dank recesses of my cave systems where I genuinely feel like I need to grow into an intelligent survivor in order to get by.
Give it a couple more years and they'll stop supporting Java entirely.
One time I was playing minecraft then I realized it was shit and played a better game called Wurm.
Why you say that? Honest question, i haven't been paying attention to Minecraft all that much.
I finally got minecraft after all these years
I tried java and windows versions, noticed the windows version was much better framerate on my dell toaster, and went with it. funnily enough, it seems just a few months ago you could buy java then get windows version free...
guess my timing sucks but also what the hell is with how you got screwed if you bought windows version back then because the java one wasn't free with it.
java has mods, windows has good toaster framerates but otherwise is utterly inferior to java
keeping an eye on Hytale
That looks shittier than Minecraft. Fuck outta here Wurmposter
based wurmposter
Here we go
>be me
>trying out latest snapshot
>swim around a bit to find sunken ships (I haden't played most of the update aquatica stuff yet)
>get decent gear, not too bad not to good
>came out to about iron shirt and pants and an iron sword
>use remaining iron to make crossbow
>find village
Cool now I get to see the new generation and stuff
>village is pretty sorry ass looking
>one house has no floor
>you just walk in the door and fall into a lake
>pick the biggest house
>start getting stuff
I think there were like 7 or 10 villagers
>no iron golem
>eventually get full iron armour
>start to get trade deals
>good shit like diamond pickaxes come up
>go to sleep
>wake up
>okay wait
>I can probably hold them off
>open door
>see about 40 pillagers
>screw it
>rush out
>crossbow one
>rush up for axe finish
>smash his face in
>his two crossbow friends decide to take me on now
>hide behind house they walk around corner
>Axe of justice to their faces
>3 axe guys rush me
>crossbow one of them
>go axe to axe with the remaining 2
>kill one
>axe the other
>pillage bar about half full
>still midday so night was no worry
>look around
>still about 8-9 villagers left
>going good
>villagers are safe in houses
>pillagers are trapped in houses
>no beast
>looks good for me
>finish up the rest easy
>well that was pretty easy I'm glad I didn't die and there are still a lot of villiagers lef-
>pillage bar fills up again
>Become friends with people on the internet
>One of said friends had an online gf
Yeah she was a girl
>Said gf makes a MC server
>Said GF didn't like me too much
>She took my Mod Priviliges after I sent her a stack of Levers as a joke
(At the time when you gave items with mod powers the chst would read "user gave X to user", and levels were ID 69)
>meh whatever, I'll play survival
>Since I'm the only person without mod powers, she enforce strict rules that no one but me obeyed, like no teleporting, no spawning items, ect.
>Also the rule on Diamonds was the first one to see it mines it, except when I saw them, then it was ok to snipe them away. But when I accidentally sniped someone else's (I'm pretty sure they I saw it 1st and they lied) I was forced to give it to them
>Made a kickass house next to the water for farming and fishing purposes
>My friend's GF wants that spot, so when O'm away she spawns Creepers at my house and Lightnings, destroying my house + chests
>She lied and said a Lightning struck it and burned it, and she built something else there meanwhile
I know she did all of that since my friend told me she had done all that.
>When I found out what she did, I decided to plot a revenge
>Her house was protected by a mod that made it so non-mods couldn't get it, including mobs
>However you could just get it by breaking certain blocks
>I decided to farm creepers for a couple of days, while shoveling a ton of sand in order to make 2 stacks of TNT
>I wake up early at 6am, when everyone is definitely asleep, to place TNT all around her house
>I put them below the blocks where her chests, dogs, and other parts of the house are, while making sure she has no way of finding out.
>I put them in such way that the explosion of one ignites the others
>I put the last 2 below the pressure plates to enter her house, and after that I log off and do my own things
>8pm-ish, I haven't signed in on Skype yet
>Attempt to log in on the server
>"You are banned"
nigga what the fuck is this
>okay I can handle this
>axe cronie rushes me while crossbow guy backs him up
>axe his face and go crossbow to crossbow with the other
>2 more axe guys and a crossbow guy join in
>finish with the first crossbow guy
>axe guys are all over me
>manage to finish them off
>badly wounded
>can't let villagers die
>finish crossbow guy
>4 hearts left
>2 axes and a crossbow charge
>take out the 2 axes
>die to crossbow
>get my stuff
>kill crossbow
>village looks bad now
>see 3 guys
>then I see it
>beast backed up by 2 crossbows and axes with a crossbow rider
>I'm fucked
>screw it
>got another crossbow from drops
>go rambo on them
>double crossbow the axe guy till he dies
>other axe charges
>axe him
>reload bows
>double crossbow the crossbow guys
>they fire
>hide behind a tree while reloading
>crossbow them again
>1 dies
>rush other with axe
>he's down
>beast turns it's attention to me
>ah shit
>double crossbow it
>pull out axe
>run at it
>hit it
>it hits me 3 times in 1 second and I die
>it's attacks do like 1/3 my health
>respawn, get my stuff
>sneak up to it
>stay out of range
>start hitting it
>kills me again
>it got stuck in a 1 block incline
>just hit it while it stands still
>kills me a few times
>slowly whittle it down
>kill it eventually
>village saved
>go back to admire my handiwork
>only one guy left
>village irreversibly fucked
.>no amounts of incest can save them now
>go into house
>try to ignore my failure
>next day
>build a boat
>get in it
>look at the village one last time
epic troll, user. you got me
>log onto server
>everything in the spawn is protected
>you have to shill out bucks to bu ya lot in town
>leave the protected area and everything is destroyed/mined down to bedrock
>no coal or iron left
>run for thirty minutes in one direction before I find virgin land
>make a crafting table, a chest, and get stone tools
>log out and never return
>help friend finish making some hide and seek map on a superflat wold
>the ceiling is a single layer of stone slabs for some reason
>grab a shit ton of ender pearls, invisibility potions, and golden apples from creative mode while nobody's looking
>other guys join us
>friend sets everyone to survival
>game starts
>run to one spot
>run to the room with the slab ceiling
>glitch through the ceiling with pearls
>recover with a gold apple
>make my way to a village just visible from the top of the building
>potion runs out
>friend teleports to me when nobody can find me
>on top of one of those cobblestone churches
>friend is very confused
>we get back to the hide and seek building
>round 2
>break out of the map again
>off to church i go
>round ends
>now he's getting pissed
>back to the building
>he puts another layer of slabs over the roof
>round 3
>it doesn't work
>friend is even more pissed
>kills me so i drop what's my inventory
>except i don't
>he didn't realize "keep inventory" was still on
>friend is confused and angered even further
>round 4
>don't fuck around this time
>friend wins
>starts to calm down
>round 5
>go to a completely different village
>win the round
>friend teleports to me
>really pissed off now
>and lost too
>pull out pearls
>friend goes fucking nuclear
>start to head back to the building
>get kicked
>minecraft stories
I maintained a lighthouse on 2b2t for years. It had food, wood, and stone. Just on the edge for starving individuals who spawned and ran straight into the rising sun. Every single day it was demolished. And every single day I repaired it.
this desu
that's autistic but somehow sounds fun
also I took some screenshots as well
this is the house with no floor
following the defeat of the pillagers I put their banners on my house, didn't make it feel less barren but it made it feel a little better knowing I won.
The last guy alive
the village before I left
after a short ride in the boat I found some pillager scouts as well, almost died but still kicked their asses. Although I later died after a spider attack followed by a fall off a mountain, I never returned to the world since.
Based zoomer
I quit my job at the time to play minecraft. the job was stressful and the pay was shit, when I was playing I felt relaxed and happy, the wanderlust and the excitement of finding new places and slowly building a home, farms and roads was amazing.
oh shit wrong image, these are the pillager scouts I found later. THIS should be the village before I left
>>Mod allows me to befriend and marry the villagers
I know that mod, it was awesome.
That sounds so cool. My friends are huge faggots and refuse to play minecraft for some reason.
did it at least make some of them look like chicks?
Are you playing a mod? Or has Minecraft changed so much that I don't even recognize it?
That's vanilla, surprisingly.
no mods, it's just the snapshot for the latest version, the only thing that you can see in this that is part of it is the village and the campfire, everything else was added in previous updates and is out.
You took him with you, right? You didn't leave him to live alone among the charred remains of his family, right?
>*swallows boogers*
The NPCs added by that mod were like player skins instead of testificates.
Filename user-kun.
Is a type of dangerous mob that comes along when a raid of pllagers strats inveding a village.
>Friends got bored of Minecraft and like to play hyper complex shit like Factorio.
i have a 1.13.2 vanilla smp server running if anyone is interested
Never seen those dudes before, do they just roam the overworld?
He got to farm what was left of the village, it would have been too difficult to take him with me anyways, not to mention he likely would have died to the first pillager patrol I met.
I noticed there are 2 groups,
scouts or patrols just wander around, normally there are about 3-4 of them and can easily be killed
Then there are raids, they act like zombie raids at night except there is a bar at the top of the screen similar to a boss fight telling you how many there are, if you kill enough the raid ends and they stop spawning.
back in the days when I was young I'm not a kid anymore but somedays I really wish I was a kid again
Did you at least try to rebuild the village by curing a zombie villager?
there were none to cure, and I didn't want to have to wait and farm all that time just to get a the right potion and the right golden apple under the right circumstances, I would have rebuilt if there was at least two but there was nothing I could do.
I met my best friend on a minecraft server that was being shilled on Yea Forums on boards like r9k and v. If any of you guys were on Emberbox those were good time
>ywn be so upset your screams carry you into the aether
I pirated Minecraft on my Vita recently
what a piece of shit. it's not like how I remember it anymore. it's like a fucking zoo with random animals everywhere, gay ass new mobs, piles of garbage cosmetic rocks to clog your inventory, a massive crafting menu full of bullshitm and it kept generating mansions and other gay buildings near the spawn point.
then I found that I could delete the patch folder and it went back to the version I remember playing. I even spawned in a snow biome for max comfy.
>tfw I just made a hardcore world
>go cave diving fully suited up
>explore mineshaft
>looking good.jpeg
>put Shield up, I am decked out in Iron and have the Shield up
>Still get one-shoted
well, there goes 2 hours of my life
How do you see when a raid on a village start? Is it just random when you visit a village, or do you get a popup?
What ever happened to faction servers? All the faction servers I try to join have some gay kit that gives you iron or diamond armor and tools and other shit which defeats the purpose of starting a little empire from scratch. I just want to start a small group that lives underground that grows into a army that rapes anything in it's path
creepers were a mistake
they are not comfy at all
Is he ever going to upload vanilla minecraft videos again? I like his Etho plays minecraft series but don't give a fuck about the pokemon mod shit he's doing.
his vanilla LP is just extremely slow
he's probably just bored of it all, and I don't blame him, SP gets boring after you have 3 working farms for every item in the game.
He's been playing minecraft for 8 years, I'm surprised he's not bored of minecraft in general.
I'm having a comfy time in Age of Engineering currently. Is Immersive Engineering the most /comfy/ mod?
Is 2b2t worth getting into? The stories that come from there sound great but it seems like something that you would have to have joined years ago to have any real fun today.
The que system and deviation from vanilla murdered the local culture. Now, nothing interesting happens.
thermal expansion and it's addons are my most comfy mods, despite the occasional bug and semi-steep learning curve.
Based vietcong reenactment
>Set up some walls on a platform
>Decide to look around for some flowers to make coloured torches
>Get out and about a fair distance without finding any
>Give up and head back
>Deer in my house
the best thing is that I did have a main base, it was a slightly thicker jungle tree somewhere in the jungle and they never found it, they tried a few times to flush me out with water and lava, sometimes they'd get brave and go down there to burn it down, but shit those were tiny ass holes compared to the fucked bomb and comfy holes I had, but alas all good things must come to an end, one of them did the X-ray glitch and they found me, so I destroyed mostly everything and found refugee in the Mountains until they gave up
Is there anyone here who used to do 4craft? I'd love to hear people's stories about that server.
Gonna be honest. Just checked out 1.13.2 with shaders and it was pretty good.
>make new world in creative mode
>fly around
>everything looks nice
>find river
>use boat to travel
>get to an ocean
>it’s pretty big and has ravines in it
>sun sets
fucking beautiful
Very long time ago, can't remember when but it was really soon after endless worlds were added and Notch was trying to make things pretty (before biomes were really a thing). He made forests super dense and you could basically walk on them endlessly, which was relatively cool until you realized they were dark enough for monsters to spawn and as soon as they walked into sunlight they caught the trees on fire. Problem was, the forests never really ended, and all of them were basically touching, so it really just set your entire world endlessly on fire and locked up the game after a bit. Was pretty goddamned cool though.
I used to try to create RPG worlds all the time back when I played. Usually based off other games, especially TES. Did a whole thing where I tried to replicate certain Morrowind downs. Then I would build like little "dungeons". Try to do "questing" where I'd come online, give players a quest (usually get to the end of a dungeon and give me what was in it) then give a reward.
Create big farms and shops. Had players have the ability to "buy" houses in the towns.
Was a lot of fun, but the players got bored super fast. Or they'd buy a buildings and never return.
>join minecraft server
>it has a shitty little spawn town, with an area allocated as a player-run shop
>there are other shops around the server, but this is the only one available in the spawn town
>owner gives me possession of the shop when he becomes bored with the game
>go raiding other guys' bases when I got bored
>put their loot up for sale in the shop and sell it back to them
>pay guys to raid other players just for the fun of it
>everyone eventually gets fed-up and attempts to grief me
>my house had protection on it and they got upset because they were all too stupid to figure out how to do it themselves
>everyone gets pissed off and goes home
I tried playing on harder difficulties when I played alpha but it just made mobs do more damage. They don’t have more health (thank god) but they do more damage. Usually 3 hits from a skeleton and you die. I just went back to normal afterwards because it wasn’t worth it
>playing Minecraft alpha
>building a room for a cobblestone generator
>night falls
>sees spider jockey
>Back before hunger and exp ever happened
>Joined a multiplayer server, text chat only
>Stole a Flint and Steel from some dude
>Set fire to random shit when nobody was close
>Built a tower going underground in the meantime while fires were happening
>Eventually the guy who had the Flint and Steel asks where it went
>He gets banned from the server, everyone saying it was him burning everything
I didn't plan to pin it on him, but he said things that arose suspicion. His own fault there.
See, this stuff just sounds fucking awesome.
one of my favorite experiences was when i griefed a
plot being built on by a shit ton of Brazilian kids on some random creative server with a highschool friend back when minecraft was just making a name for it, long before servers had major security plugins, i think it was around the time team avo was big
Do I dare tell the story of the great war of Axis vs Yea Forums in 4craft v5?
Is that a...waterfall fortress? The fuck?!
Found an /MLP/ enclave with a wooden ship, a house, and farms and everything sustainable you could want in a community.
I looted what I could carry in secret, then burnt it to the ground.
What board were you?
Also, did you ever participate in any annexations?
The board of peace.
With every 4craft server, either Yea Forums or /mlp/ becomes the most autistic powerful group.
In v5, Yea Forums was attacking other big factions like /mlp/, /pol/, Yea Forums, and /int/, which is what the entire server expected.
However, we had one faction that was pacifist. The general rule was that no one invaded/attacked the /c/ island, and it was an island just full of building designs that people could visit.
One day Yea Forums attacked /c/ unprovoked, and this sparked an all out war.
Every single board gathered seeking revenge against Yea Forums, two different battles.
Yes I was a filthy cheaterfag, mind the cheats.
The first battle we lost due to lack of supplies and dying to withers, (sorry I don't have screenshots of that) but the next battle that took place out in the ocean was Yea Forums's official base.
played in v4
Yea Forums teamed with /mlp/ and it was just pure cancer. admins cheated by helping Yea Forums with spawned shit
and thats why everyone hates Yea Forums
I only play it on the phone while at work always doing single player
Hey, who cares if you cheated if it led to making some awesome, out-there fortress concepts.
Did any board have multiple fortresses at the same time?
For those who don't understand, this server used factions, which means claimed land could not be built on by placing blocks.
However, using lava/water did work.
We stormed the ocean til we reached their faction boundry, then built straight up.
They fought back but not at full force as some weren't online. Dropped withers on us on the climb up, shot their bows with their hacks back at us.
It was 100 vs 5
>join server with a few friends very early on
>it was comfy, good pvp and a very functional economy, lots of freedom but no one was rude
>friends built and mined while I slowly but surely became the richest person on the server and funded our shenanigans
>we play for months, making a pretty nice base until the server quietly died
>years later one friend and I go back to see if it still existed
>server owner instantly recognises us
>"holy shit guys, it's user and user!"
>a few of the regular people stuck around this whole time and missed us when we left
>friend and I fall right back into place, start building a fuckoff huge walled riverside base over a ravine with a grand bridge and artworks
>I finish setting up my shop at the market while the admin watches
>tp back to base and admin comes with me, sees our base and is very impressed
>"I really missed you guys", he says
Ultimate comfy server
>It was 100 vs 5
There were only 5 Yea Forums users at a time managing to hobble you this well? How many boards were participating, and which were you part of?
>Be playing minecraft in 2012
>Update when wolves were added
>My fog is turned up to high cause my toaster cant run minecraft
>Suddenly see in the distance a figure that looks like the default skin
>It has no eyes only white
>It turns away and headsback into the fog
>I give chase but I can't find it again
I stopped playing minecraft after that
How do I make cool looking houses? All I always end up with are big squares.
Forgot to add another note, the skybox couldn't be claimed either, so we built all the way to the top and proceeded to drop tnt on their base.
Most of the time each board made their own base then moved out or used the old base as backup storage, I don't have screenshots of them.
I think this was /int/ island, or /vg/. I just know it wasn't /pol/
Majority of the server, but the ones in charge of the raids were /int/ and /vg/. I was part of /vg/
You think this kid will look back at this as a fond memory?
Woops, sorry, I meant I was part of Yea Forums
Sadly, after 2-4 hours I think? of fighting, someone found bedrock in Yea Forums's base and everyone started shitting the bed over that. Even if it was for "radio control" like the admins said, which is a command block surrounded by bedrock, everyone just stopped fighting Yea Forums because of that. Everyone quit for that one incident.
Not my video
>we built all the way to the top and proceeded to drop tnt on their base.
Yeesh, Minecraft restrictions lend to the absurd so often. If only there were mods for boats with cannons.
Try different colors, watch tutorials and try building a house on something that's not flat terrain.
>playing those shitty MP servers where cucks have rainbow name tags and most people buy memberships
>was 14 and I was craving that e-girl pussy, so I teleported to the creative plots and tried building a decent house with the pitiful amount of land I was given
>Cringing at all of the speed dating and strip clubs ran by 9 year olds
>eventually come across some female avatar who said her hotel got griefed
>I volunteer to help her fix it all, so she gave me building privileges, and she said she'd give me an entire floor to keep and customise to my liking
>clean up all the lava and cobble made from lava and water, then remove all of the obsidian and wool that took up all of the free space
>she eventually says that she befriended some random and he griefed her for some reason, which is what I was cleaning up
>log off for a few hours and log back on
>fly to her hotel and find that she's given floors to her gaggle of retards and never gave me mine, despite me helping her do everything
>still have my building privileges, so I just fuck everything up with lava and water, building giant swastikas and dicks, then knock out random walls and holes in the hotel until its an unrecognisable mess
Bitch got owned
So the server had a global radio plugin which was controlled by a command block.
I'm not sure why but the admins put it in Yea Forums's base, so they surrounded it by bedrock so no one but the admins could access it.
Everyone thought that this was admins helping Yea Forums
He's been on the same map for over 5 years
I remember whenever coty sperged out after Yea Forums was winning again and banned them. Sure nobody liked Yea Forums and a lot were just on the team to win but that's no reason to mass ban them. He made up some shit like they were hacking but still coty was a huge sperg.
>be me
>join survival faction pvp server
>stick around or a few years
>get to know everyone
>eventually I'm recommended for a moderator position
>take it
>abuse the /v (invisible and appear offline) and teleport commands
>start raiding bases
>teleport other players into bases
>just cause a lot of chaos
>the guys I tp'd usually covered for me by playing dumb and acting like they just stumbled upon certain bases and vaults
>whole server is in chaos
>admin decides just to reset it
>player count never recovered after the reset
Those were some fun times, but I don't know what came over me back then.
I went into the moderator position with the hopes of clearing the server of hackers, x-rayers, and the like, however things just sort of happened.
I got corrupted with power.
Pic not related.
is 4craft still on ongoing thing? i hate multiplayer servers cause its all factions or full of kids. from /b and /k so never heard about this until now even tho ive played mc since for fucking ever. seems like a ton of fun
Last host bailed, so who knows.
damn, how do you find out about it if it starts again? is it posted about on /v or a different board?
Not much of a story but I use to host a small server. This was before mc was on Xbox and all that shit. There was this one chick on the server and this one dude who was in love with her. Eventually he asked her "out* and he got rejected. I believe he was like even 3 years younger then her. He got mad and never returned, still wonder to this day what happened to him
I used to build redstone computers on a popular redstone server back in middle school. Because of this I got into EE which I'm studying now in college. They're still up and I visit every now and then.
Lately it's just been announcements in the 4craft steam group, which point to threads on /vg/, it becomes a bi-annual thing to attempt to create another 4craft, but since v6 they've been dead.
got a link to the steam group? i guess that would be good to join for starters
nevermind looks like those idiots moved to discord
Try three different discords. Its a mess keeping which track of the one they're currently "on".
lol thanks i use discord all the time anyways
Does anyone know why 1.12 works fine but 1.13 crashes my gpu? Did they change something between these two?
what mods do you use, anons?
if a modpack doesn't have ender io I get pissy, I'm trying to stop clinging onto it
I played as part of the board independent "mercenary" group ASF (Anonyme Sans Frontiere). Good times.
-we built a huge fucking ocean platform base and called it Outer Heaven as our home base
-we built a giant robot with a huge purple cock
-one guy who was fucking obsessed with Shark porn, brought it up all the time
-someone put "DEAD NIGGER STORAGE" signs on all of our treasure rooms
-we had to accept iron blocks as payment for services, which was fucking retarded
-we helped defend /tg/ and their dwarf fortress, but during the second or third battle I was chased up a mountain by /mlp/ bronies so I dumped lava all over the place and ruined it like a little bitch
-some invisible guy stole a shitload of diamonds with clever use of teleport potions and some dumb ass left the door open
-we had an entire wing of the base made out of cakes, with cats being bred ontop of the cake floor. everyone kept saying that the cat sex juices were seasoning the cakes
-we organized a raid against some other board, built a TNT canon and everything, fought all the way to their front door but found that they had an entire inner sanctum made of obsidian and surrounded by a water shield. Turns out the admin just gave them a fuckload of obsidian
-I randomly discovered a spider spawner being used by Yea Forums and murdered the fuck out of the guy using it
It was pretty wild and Ventrilo chats were hilarious 24/7. I still have the "brochure" with all the info on it on my old hard drive
that sounds awesome could you post the "brochure" or link to it if possible? is it like a vacation brochure detailing each island? that would be funny to see
>Playing with Mystcraft installed
>Enter a world with endless oceans (nothing but water blocks), sandstone pillars and endless rain
>Realise I didn't have a book which linked back to the overworld
>Stranded in this world, I had to devise a way to make it back home
>Through a long and painstaking process, gather enough iron from zombies to make all the mystcraft essentials
>Eventually make my own village by waiting for villager zombies to spawn and restoring them
>Then had to make enough villagers to spawn the essential items I needed to escape
This adventure was the most fun I ever had in the game.
why not just use multiMC
naw it was just instructions for new members
pic related
Any suggestions on mods?
I'm thinking Blightfall
correction, I guess it was Yea Forums that attacked /tg/
oh ok cool
Anyone here liked the tale of kingdoms mod?