Admit, Skyward Sword was objectively a better game
Admit, Skyward Sword was objectively a better game
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Refute this without crying about Metacritic, non existent Sony boogeyman or spamming buzzwords
I think you should provide some evidence of your own claim first so we can have a baseline to work from.
Zelda 1's an objectively better game
Better story, better dungeons, better characters, better soundtrack, better bosses, better storytelling, better overworld
Nah, they were both pure shit.
The last decent mainline Zelda game was TP. And that wasn't great or good, just decent.
Eh, but BOTW was actually pretty fun. SS wasn't.
SS was trash. BotW was better than it but worse than all the other 3d Zelda's.
>"darkest" entry is also the easiest
3D Zelda died with the N64.
BoTW is the best one since Majora's Mask
absolute meme of game design
Kill yourself Nintencel
>Skyward Sword was better than BOTW
Does everyone lower their standards to shit-eating levels ONLY to attempt to BTFO nincels? You can rake BOTW over the coals without pretending that Skyward Sword isn't colossal garbage.
hurr durr it's a big stupid underground maze, how exciting
oh wow that's the fifth hookshot puzzle I've seen in three minutes, I wonder what item I'll find in this dungeon
I loved Skyward Sword but I would be lying to myself if I said BOTW wasn't a much better game.
And so the Zelda cycle repeats
the zelda cycle lives on
what was wrong with Skyward Sword? (I haven't played it yet)
All trolling aside, had BOTW killed the Zelda cycle? it's objectively amazing and skyward sword is such irredeemable garbage that no normal person can even pretend it was good.
This. Which is why BotW is a terrible game. The shrines were awful and boring.
Taste in video games is subjective.
Whatever Yea Forums tells you, just play it. I’ve played it like 3 times and love it to death, and it even surpasses BOTW in some aspects (although BOTW is for sure the more fun and polished game).
Don’t let them ruin the experience for you
tedious, gimmicky, save statues, fi tells you how to do all of the puzzles, twink bad guy
Fuck no, I hate the open world nonsense as much as the next guy but the motion controlled bullshit in SS can never be topped for ruining gameplay completely.
>objectively lower metacritic
>Akuma with flame hair as a final boss (lame as fuck with absolutely no scenery, no, it wasn't kino and it had no badass moment. Ghirahim III was a much better battle even if it was nothing but a shit prelude)
>Shitty linear format that had no deviation
Yeah no. Piss your pants about how BotW was a poor man's skyrim, even that is superior to Shitward Stack.
Ballad of the Goddess was god music though. heh
You misspelled shrines and ubishit towers
>fi tells you how to do all of the puzzles
Did we play the same game?
BotW had a much better soundtrack and overworld, but I'll give you the rest
BotW is still better by virtue of having a much more fun core gameplay loop
not if you thought the game you played was good
Literally nowhere except Yea Forums is the Zelda cycle still a thing
And even on Yea Forums it has more to do with the whole "was supposed to be the death of nintendo but was actually the biggest success in nintendo history" thing
BOTW literally has no music
Shrines are good because they're short puzzles, they don't kill the pace of the game like slogging dungeons would
Skyward Sword wasn't even remotely fun
Take your muh dungeon shit somewhere else
i bet you sit around being a faggot listening to Kid a too, you pretentious cunt
idk what that is lol
It really was, the overworld design is the only shit part of it. The rest is pretty enjoyable.
why do people still ask this question as if Nintendo did not already confirm they are continuing with this style
Thanks for admitting you never actually played the game.
This is probably the most obvious sign that you are retarded or straight up bullshitting. BotW has a good tier ost and it's sound design is the best in any Zelda game ever
Fuck off, i hate Nintentoddlers so fucking much.
yeah, we must have played a different game. i played skyward sword.
>the only memorable music comes from other games bar kass and title theme
good try tho
And I played The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. What game are you talking about?
weak b8
I calculate a 95% chance that we played the same game. I also detect the possibility that you have poor taste or a contrarian attitude. Also the batteries in your Wii Remote are running low.
Don't blame the game for your complete lack of patience.
As someone who loved Skyward Sword and Botw, no it wasn't a better game. It had a better story sure, but that was by virtue of it actually having a story arc. I liked the waggling honestly, I know it wasn't one to one but it was close enough for me to compensate but the ability to play so much with the over world and physics makes Botw have better game play imo
Pretty much my thoughts
I'm really hoping for a switch remaster, with the boost in hardware they should be able to actually have an over world with things to do and being able to seamlessly go from flying to landing on the town would be dope as fuck
God I wish. But that's probably not coming for a couple more years unfortunately.
Unless it takes to much to port OoT and MM 3DS to the switch, with Links awakening coming it is the next Zelda due a re release
A part if me feels like they're more likely to port Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD in a bundle first, then those. But maybe not
Skyward Sword was a linear game shat out to give the MotionPlus attachment a reason to exist apart from Wii Sports Resort. The 4 main areas got boring as fuck after a while and bosses got reused over and over again. The motion controls barely even functioned to in my experience. The motion plus add on kept not working so I completed it to spite the piece of shit. Objectively the worst Zelda game.
No, contrarian retard. Shut the fuck up.
>Nintendo porting mainline zelda games in a bundle
what do you think this is 2003? They're going to be released for 60 bucks each
Carl posting?
Carl posting.
You do have a point there, but they did put Luigi U with NSMBU in later releases and in the Deluxe release, so it really depends. I don't expect them to bundle the two games (in fact, before I even had a Switch I predicted they would sell both separately for full price again) but I would definitely pick it up if they did so I could have them on the go
This. Zelda dungeons stopped being good after the ALTTP.
I don't think luigi U was ever 60, certainly 40 but I dunno I wouldn't doubt Nintendos stupidity. I hope they actually update the textures in TP when they port it this time, its probably the only HD release that actually made the game look worse due to clarity
I think the physical release was however much the digital DLC was released as but later on it was bundled with the main game (which was also done for Deluxe and why I skipped it, I got the release with both games). So it's a toss up
I love Kass!
All aonuma zelda games are at best slightly above average.
Just like Iwata with Nintendo, Aonuma almost killed Zelda with it's gimmick philosophy.
Basically, yes. Give the series to Koizumi, Nintendo, he's the only one who knows how to do it best.
Can you emulate it? I don't want to buy a Wii just for like two games.
If Skyward Sword was remade in the BotW engine it would be the best. Flight and floating islands, along with sailing and more, populated, islands are the only thing missing. Underground exploration with hidden towns and city ruins would be the icing on the cake.
Both are pretty fun, I think botw is better. Mainly just enjoy exploring and hunting shrines, but you do you man.
Hahahahaha No.
They could’ve released SMO 1st a d had about the same amount of success
Outside Minor gripes like shoehorned motion controls and lack of a dedicated tackle button SMO got nothing but praise
It’s just fun man
Which ones are Aonuma games? Wiki says he was a director on OoT-WW and producer on TP-BOTW
>Not remembering the Elder god tier Riding music (Day)
Say day you’ll grow up and stop having shit taste
you should be able to get a wii mini for pretty cheap now, like under 50 bucks cheap
Aonuma games are OoT, WW, TP, SS, and BotW.
He's credited for MM on most wiki's, but that's bullshit, Koizumi did most of the work for MM.
You niggers don’t deserve Yoshi Koizumi you’ll end up killing him like your slowly killing Sakurai
when does it get good?
Swyward Sword was the best Zelda, but compared to Horizon: Zero Dawn every Zelda game just seems to feel lacking now. Easily the best Zelda-style game to date, the graphics alone make it better than any Zelda, when you add in the amazing characters and immersive storytelling it's a landslide for the Playstation again.
I don't have to admit to something I already believed before.
i advise anyone in this thread complaining about ss to actually go back replay it, its fantastic compared to bored of the wild, and i dont even rank ss in my top 5 zelda games
>All aonuma zelda games are at best slightly above average.
So MM, TWW and TP?
Haha no. Fujibayashi is SS and BotW. Btw Koizumi didn't do "most of the work for MM". He came up with its scenario and coded the game, he designed none of its level geometry, dungeons or gameplay events. Koizumi is a beast of a coder but MM was an Aonuma game.
Tired of Nintenkeks virtue signaling Sakurai's "efforts" for porting the Wii U Smash with added DLC and fluff. Shouldn't be surprised though, considering I'm in a Zelda thread.
>Bored of the Wild
Le Reddit.
epic contribution
>MM was an aonuma game.
Yeaaah, I'm calling bullshit on this one. MM doesn't feature barely any of Aonuma's bullshit tropes that are included in literally all of his games, like his hyrule-fetish, need for zelda and ganon to be in the story, bad writing and 4th wall breaking. Meanwhile it does feature many of Koizumi's common tropes in his, such as creative moveset changes and mechanics (MM Masks, Sunshine Fludd, Galaxy's gravity, Odyssey transformation, etc), solid cinematography ingame and in cutscenes, and good writing.
>Better storytelling
>YoU mUsT stOp tHe BiG eViL fRoM cOmiNg bAck
SS story was so shit, oh my god. And reusing the same dungeons and areas by introducing 2 separate fetch quests for each area was fucking lazy game design.
>Better characters
Name one character apart from Zelda and Grouse that were memorable and likeable. Mogmas were pure shit.
The robot creatures were kind of decent at least.
>Better overworld
Lmao you're not even trying anymore
the thunder dragon was pretty cool and the chick from the shop who slowly falls in olove with you throughout the game. and don't for get the bat dude he looked pretty cool, though I do think he was crushed by hyrule when it landed back on earth
>Refute my opinion
BotW is playable, SS isn't
Not even close.
People who think Koizomi would magically swoop in and save what doesn't need saving are delusional.
Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.
All of these games are shit except Bloodborne, so what's your point? And even then Bloodborne isn't nearly as good as Snoy's make it out to be
There’s no way you actually think that, botw is superior to ss in nearly every single way
BotW is the best Zelda since Ocarina
>BotW is the best Zelda game since MM
BotW is good, but does put match up to ALttP, LA, OoT and MM.
*Doesn't match up to*
> Objective Zelda rankings
> Ocarina of Time
Great Tier
> ALTTP, Wind Waker, Majora
Good Tier
> TloZ NES, Link's Awakening
Above Average Tier
> Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds
Meh Tier
> Minish Cap, Spirit Tracks
Shit Tier
> Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild
Worse then Shit
> Zelda II AoL, Phantom Hourglass, Oracles
no man, that game is a constant obnoxious vicious cycle of a dumbed down shitty story about the creation of Hyrule because blah blah Link and Zelda romance and muh story
>implying 3D can even hope to compare to 2D
>actually hating Zelda 2
Unironically grow up.
Fi is lower than anything bad BotW did. She was so bad, the concept of player freedom in BotW was likely formed due to public outcry of her garbage handholding.
Awesome it’s ACfag.
Quick reminder Armored core is dead and you’re never getting a new game
When you get some taste and realize dubstep is a shitty genre of music
I like Skyward Sword except for it’s:
>Waggle controls
>Save statues
>Fi handholding
>How empty the sky was and how small everything was
I liked Breath of the Wild except:
>Weapon Fragility
>Too big and and spread out, making it felt empty
>Terrible and simplistic dungeons
>Side quests were lacking if not nonexistent
The my both had their ups and downs. It’s unfair to really compare them due to how radically different they are. One focused on density and linearity while the other focuses on size and nonlinearity. I hope the next Zelda game combines both the new features introduced in BoTW and traditional features from the past Zelda games.
Here's the ACTUAL objective ranking.
MM > BOTW > SS > TP > OOT > WW
BOTW > WW > MM > OOT > TP > SS
BOTW > TP > WW > SS > MM > OOT
MM > WW > TP > SS > OOT > BOTW
MM > OOT > TP > WW > SS > BOTW
>overall ranking
MM > BOTW > WW = TP > OOT = SS
Prove me wrong
Absolutely based, the first truly objective and correct statement/opinion in this thread.
>the sky is blue
>the sky is yellow
>hmmmm well actually if we consider both sides.... the sky is green
No fuck off, SS was fucking terrible and BOTW is the best in the series by far. /thread
Worse story, better story telling
Worse overworld
The entire game is a tutorial
Better bosses
Better dungeons
Zero replay value
>strawman assumption
you could've posted a better song from BOTW's OST like Vah Ruta but instead you pick one of the worst field songs, even the night version is better
>When SS is literally a tutorial the entire game
>When the fucking personification of the master sword gives you instructions
>no argument
>/threading your own post
Go back.
You had me until “Better Overworld.”
SS has probably one of the most barren, lifeless overworlds in all of gaming history.
>Ancient Cistern
>Sand ship
>Fire Sanctuary
>Sky Keep
You're also forgetting how easy it is to fuck up in combat in SS unlike TP and the fact that dying just sends you back to the beginning of the EXACT room you died in.
Agreed. But for future reference to avoid confusion, Breath of the Wild's acronym is actually "BotW," not "SS."
You are both right.
Yeah you're right, overworld of BotW is weaker but has much better story, dungeons, characters, soundtrack, bosses and storytelling than SS.
I don't even remember the last two but Cistern and Sand Ship were not particularly difficult, combat wise.
both are mediocre games with absurd scores (Nintendo Bonus)
The difficulty in combat was in the overworld mostly. In dungeons, it was just an endurance test. The puzzles in all of them required a good level of thought though at the very least.
The thing is, BotW's overworld is outstanding. It's just the lack of content and variety. I absolutely love exploring and roaming, the size of the map and the ease of gaining altitude and momentum in almost any situation makes travelling from point a to b both enjoyable and fairly fast. The overworld is lush and looks great and reminds me a lot of exploring the forests of northern California when I was a kid. It's a great game if you want to just explore, choose somewhere and go there and see what the game throws at you...or it would be, if it weren't for you always knowing exactly what you'll find there.
Because that's really the problem, it's the lack of variety that just makes it so...bland. Oh look, it's a towering mountain. With the same trees, Bokoblins, wolves and dragonflies as literally every other mountain. Hey, a misplaced rock I WONDER IF THERES A KOROK THERE. Just doubling the animal species and adding back classic 3D Zelda enemies would be enough to have made the world feel full and alive. Maybe some of those "overworld puzzles" they brought up in the past, there's not much beyond hidden shrines.
And the draw distance how the fuck did that get approved low poly models would have been so much better
>or it would be, if it weren't for you always knowing exactly what you'll find there.
I could list off dozens of completely unique things (and overworld puzzles) to find and you'd just respond with "d-doesn't count!", so what's the point?
There really aren't any amazing 3D Zeldas desu
I mean even with the 2D games LTTP is just a great game, but nothing spectacular. Zelda doesn't really have any one "best" entry
Haven't played BotW, but I don't think that will change things
Actually do it or stop whining.
This is accurate as fuck. It's not the developers fault really. It doesn't matter what the fuck is there, someone is going to shit on it. Because it's a fucking video game, what you are winning isn't real dipshit. Of course it has no actual value.
I actually used to agree with all the "empty" complaints until I realized my opinion might have been skewed by the fact I'd already cleared out everything on the map and haven't actually played the main quest in ages, so I decided to start up a second playthrough and boy was I fucking wrong.
>literal dozens of environmental puzzles/riddles sprinkled all throughout the overworld like Into the Vortex, Sign of the Shadow, Secret of the Snowy Peaks, The Serpent's Jaw, Master of the Wind, Secret of the Cedars, etc. etc. etc.
>three massive labyrinths
>fuckloads of minigames like the horseback course, gut check challenge, shield surfing course, bowling, golfing, etc.
>finding Horse God
>Typhlo Ruins
>Thundra Plateau
>Lost Woods
>Lover's Pond and its fake version
>hidden Gerudo shop
>several sidequests that aren't just "collect X number of Y"
>three dragons to encounter, one of which is possessed and has to be freed after climbing one of the largest mountains in the game
>lord of the mountain, giant horse and Zelda's horse
>finding the monster guts merchant
>building an entire fucking town
>solving a big mystery in Kakariko
>finding some surprisingly interesting uses of the common Korok puzzle types
>reading the lore of various landmarks and locations told almost purely through NPC interaction, piecing together the written stuff in Zora's Domain
>finding the hidden armor sets
>taming different normal horses and testing out which ones were the best
>taking pictures for the encyclopedia and riding fucking BEARS
>finding lone NPCs I've never seen before in Hebra
The list goes on. It's funny. Most criticisms of BotW are purely subjective but "muh empty overworld" isn't even that. It's just objectively and demonstrably false.
> wake up
> be peanut brotter
> check phone
> delicious chocolate secondary main
> see delicious Reese's alliance
> defeat the gay whites and pinks by the power of Reese's Puff Cereal
I am a fucking phoneposting retard who can not follow which thread I am viewing kill me
I'm unironically enjoying myself with this game. A blast. Don't let the faggots dissuade you.
Where the fuck were bowling and golfing?
Also, the problem with the overworld isn't that it's empty, the bulk of it is recycled and/or repetitive.
In the snow area you can roll snowballs into pins as a minigame I believe
In one of the gorges there's a sort of gold type of game involving the sledgehammer
The snowballs were in tedious fixed paths, it's nothing like bowling.
So what are those things? What are those unique obtainables?
I'm not the user who said it and I didn't really bother with the minigames to even recall where they are, so I forgot that
Wrong on your four points