This design is fucking garbage

This design is fucking garbage

it's like something you see in DOA

Attached: Julia-chang-tekken7-artwork.png (700x1370, 774K)

It shows less skin than her other iterations headass, hang yourself.

it does have a large amount of belts and zippers

YOU are Trash, comfy waifu is comfy.

Attached: EFCE7A39-3DB0-4D64-8C6A-02A8EF204AFB.png (900x900, 679K)

I think it's my favorite version of the character.

Attached: A1F4EBB3-EC74-40BD-9BCE-A076CD3C5CE4.jpg (886x1000, 158K)

Was she always this white? I thought she had browner skin

Are you also a cuck that throws money at the screen when a girl asks?

I thought that was nomura’s thing

megane is cute

that inside vest is to much

nice tits, thin waist, and hips waiting to be manhandled. This design is perfect. Op, are you a faggot? I'm prettys sure you're a faggot if you were actually looking at anything other than tits, waist and thighs.

Belly button windows are amazing. You’re just to much of a plebeian tits/ass/feet man to notice.

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Who the fuck gives a shit about T&A. The problem is the wardrobe malfunction

i'm not even sure what you're implying, but no

>he doesn't play with the tekken 3 costume for panty shots

Attached: 1548501811200.png (300x249, 83K)

tekken 7 is garbage, appropriate

She honestly looks weird as fuck in her old costume. Looks stranger than her new default outfit

Shut the fuck up and remember to subscribe.


I have yet to see a Twitch ho in DOA.

She resonates with the new generation old man, characters like this keep the game relevant to an audience that isn't over the hill. If you want your fighting game to live on and have a healthy future, that is pretty much what it's going to take.

I wish she would rape me

just look at how assblasted he is

Attached: bb10acd6c04a7ec3b638e6a79358c3a4.jpg (402x480, 34K)

It's literally zoomeritis - a disease of the current times. She's even always on her Smart Phone™ and talking about streaming during her super moves. This timeline is so shallow and shit and all the "humans" are just vacuous animals.

Attached: modern day humans.webm (198x360, 208K)

I'll never not see it

Attached: 142994397072.png (628x762, 539K)

She looks really cute. I want to take her out on a nice date in the woods and go hiking, maybe read with her, and then cook dinner with her at a campfire. Something about her feels wholesome and welcoming, it's like I really want to have sex with her, but I also want to just have her around or, better yet, be someone who she would like to have around.

DOA designs do what they're supposed to, though

>This design is fucking garbage

Then she is perfect for Tekken what's the issue?

It sounds like you're just lonely user.

Attached: 1406503890310.jpg (229x238, 37K)

It's more like something just clicked for me. I need to become a better person. A better man. I need to become an exemplary man. What the hell am I doing here? I'm going to train, hike, get out, and find my outdoorsy cute comfy wife.

You would never see any character in DoA with that many buckles and zippers on a single character. This design looks pretty neat if you ask me.

>who the fuck gives a shit about T&A

fag detected