THQ PR Manager. what was he thinking?

In all honesty, how did THQNordic manage to fuck up their PR so massively... by the very actions of their PR Manager?

I think it's awesome someone did an AMA on a chan personally, but we can all agree that from a PR point-of-view, this was insanely retarded. Any research into the site would have told them going there would trigger legions of journos giving them negative press coverage, and the majority of people online seem to think this was a hilariously bad move.

So I pose the question to you, Yea Forums: How do you think the PR Manager at THQ came to the decision to host the AMA on the chan that shall not be named?

Yea Forums is mainstream now, why do we not get AMAs?

Attached: thq.png (907x741, 484K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I think it's awesome someone did an AMA on a chan personally, but we can all agree that from a PR point-of-view, this was insanely retarded.
I mean, you nailed it.

Don't mind me, I'm here only to laugh at Yea Forumsirgins, /pol/yps, Resetards and 8gagers.

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Why do people pay so much attention to the media? Genuine definition of sheeple.

>oh, THQ did an AMA on an image board? thats cool, usually devs choose bigger places, i lik-
>oh well i guess the media said that was a mistake of THQ so it must be right. damn why did they talk to those nazi rapist pedophiles? i mean nazis, rapists, and pedophiles are all bad individually, but to be all three... wow... thq really messed up. thank you polygon

>"May forever taint the new thq"
>Only journalist seem to actually care about the story and keep trying to keep it alive and inflate it as much as they can.
Fucking Fallout 76 and the Anthem abortions has more people caring and tuning in for coverage than anything with Thq Nordic. Hell even a resetera poll ended up with a majority voting to continue buying their games so they had to shut down the thread.

Attached: resetera_thqNordic.jpg (1190x663, 50K)

Should've come here Yea Forums is the big dog

literally no one gives a fucking shit, this fucking scum bag press is blowing it up self creating theyre own outrage

The trannies and redditors won, its over.

This letter is to offer my sincerest apologies and regret for THQ Nordic GmbH Vienna’s interaction with the controversial website last Tuesday, February 26. I condemn all unethical content this website stands for. Even if no one within the THQ Nordic Group would ever endorse such content, I realize simply appearing there gave an implicit impression that we did.

As Co-Founder and Group CEO of THQ Nordic AB, I take full responsibility for all of THQ Nordic GmbH‘s actions and communications. I have spent the past several days conducting an internal investigation into this matter. I assure you that every member of the organization has learned from this past week’s events. I take this matter very seriously and we will take appropriate action to make sure we have the right policies and systems in place to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

As a Swedish based, fast growing group, we firmly support equality and diversity. We are also working actively to combat discrimination, harassment, and misconduct. We are alreadyin the process of developing new work processes, based on the United Nations’ SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and using the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards, and we will accelerate this work going forward.

Lars Wingefors

Co-founder and Group-CEO, THQ Nordic AB

Can we make "shoutout to Mark" a meme that we say when we do something really stupid?

Attached: mark.jpg (1080x801, 114K)


fpbp, my thoughts exactly
don't hate 4+4 at all but I saw this on twitter as it happened and my first question was "why would you DO this to yourself"


It's a shame no one gives a fuck outside of their bubble.

Looking forward to THQ's E3 show.

Maybe it's an experiment. If the sales of their games won't go down maybe more developers will start realizing that sjws don't actually play games.

Forced memes are cancer.

when the fuck will these companies stop bending the fucking knee

What he was thinking is going viral, he didn’t care what he did as long as it has people tweeting about it, free advertisement is the best kind of advertisement

By the way, the only reason Yea Forums doesn't get AMA or similar things is because its name is tainted beyond repair. For the average retard Yea Forums is still the meme and hate machine where racists and terrorists come to masturbate to CP.
8ch isn't nearly as popular as Yea Forums, and the average faggot doesn't even know about its existence.

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Holy shit, it's legit, thought you were LARPing. Hadn't seen that yet.

it's funny that he doesn't realize that the very media they're kowtowing to are discriminating and harassing them for this

>They won
>People are saying the apology isn't enough and was too late
If anything nobody wins and it would've been better had they said and done nothing since the issue is going to blow over anyway

Would it have gone better had he done it on Yea Forums? I mean yeah people post fucked up here but people also post fucked up shit on YouTube and Twitter.

I have no idea what they were thinking.
>I think it's awesome someone did an AMA on a chan personally, but we can all agree that from a PR point-of-view, this was insanely retarded. Any research into the site would have told them going there would trigger legions of journos giving them negative press coverage, and the majority of people online seem to think this was a hilariously bad move.
I agree.
>Yea Forums is mainstream now, why do we not get AMAs?
Because there aren't mods approaching devs to host an AMA here.

>its name is tainted beyond repair
what's hilarious is this is the exact reason people are mad about 4+4 getting an interview. 4+4 had a cp board MUCH more recently than Yea Forums did (only its first year, literally 15 years ago) and it's delisted by Google for this very reason

I think the only thing they did wrong was announce it on Twitter
if they didn't do that. None of these "journos" would have ever found out it took place.

No, contrary to what journalist say and imply if that had happened they would probably report the same way and call Yea Forums a den of of pedophiles and the original home of GG and inflate the issue as bad as they did here.

Loligon when?

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why 8 chan of all places? There was a hebe (basically 13 year olds who look 12 board) board there for a long time. It also has no traffic compared to Yea Forums. He sacrificed alot to cater to a hundred people on that site.

>why did we not get ama

I'm guessing he thought because alot of heat is on Yea Forums now as recently as a couple weeks ago because of /pol/ telling journalists to learn javascript (which is now a suspendable offense on twitter), he was better off going to a lesser known site.

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kamiya was on Yea Forums and no one cared
but those were different times I guess

>hebe (basically 13 year olds who look 12 board)
Not what that means at all.

they went there because mark reached out to them

no, it's because they know Kamiya would give no fucks if they tried to shame him for it.

That was what was on the board, it wasn't sexy teens who look they could pass as college girls.

This is a non-issue. Most actual gamers don't actually give a shit. But journalists are trying to blow it up in order to indirectly attack a site they deem as reprehensible.

I agree that it was a misstep. I think one reason they did it on 8 and not 4 is because of the slower speed, which makes it easier to communicate in an AMA.

Also, there are tens of thousands of lurkers, not a few hundred.

I'm sure it was, but it seemed as though you were defining the term rather than describing the board.

Fuck off weeb.

>years ago people used to pride themselves on doing interviews in underground mags and forums.
This is literally a none issue.

Because one of the mods over there was charismatic enough to approach and the mods on this place would get the ama banned or something. They did it on Yea Forums with the trigger one and the guy was verified and given the okay to do it but they banned and pruned the thread regardless

oh look it's another thing journalists and people who spend too much time inside their little social media bubble will completely blow out of proportion and nobody will care about it in a few months

This is what I'm talking about. THQ (the average retard) didn't know about 8ch, thought it was just another video game forum and made an AMA. Then Resetards (who only know about the bad parts of 8ch) shat on THQ for "pandering" to them.
>a cp board
It isn't even a CP board. These retards are talking about the loli and shota boards. There used to be a board on 8ch for pedo discussions (not porn, only chat), but it was nuked a while ago.
>more recently than Yea Forums did (only its first year, literally 15 years ago)
That was /l/, the board for loli porn. It was nuked because pedos used it to share CP. moot nuked the board because there wasn't enough people to moderate it (it was only moot and like other 2 people). He also cracked down on pedos on Yea Forums at that time.

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4channel is a weeb site

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There's Lolicon News if that counts.

>There was a hebe
Fuck, I completely forgot about that board.
Disregard the part of my post about the complaints being for the former CP boards. The complaints about loli/shota are true tho.

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This OP seems off, like it's PR in and of itself.
First reply too.

No one fucking cares if kotaku is having a conniption fit. Fuck off.

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>There's Lolicon News if that counts.
That's pretty funny.

surprised wulfric wasn't banned for dissent

>expecting normies to know what infinichan is or to even have any reason to google its reputation beforehand

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But that's wrong you fucktard.

If somebody wants to make an AMA thread on Yea Forums, they will have to pay a fuckton of money to gookmoot and rapeape so that their AMA threads don't get deleted by the mods. Nobody is going to do that when they can make AMA threads for free on other websites.

They are dead serious about it.

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This whole thread is so dishonest

Go here and bring something back.

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even the sjw didnt know what 8 was.
They only knew of 4cucks
It must have been like a lovecraft novel to discover 8

>but we can all agree that from a PR point-of-view, this was insanely retarded.
What was retarded was responding to the media blowing shit out of proportion. Just pretend it was like any other interview and move on. Trying to backtrack and come up with excuses only makes it a bigger deal.

The absolute madlads.

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being dead serious on a joke just makes it funier

how i hate when people tell a joke and act like they are in the joke

You just know it's a fat balding dude with a beard and wearing cargo shorts.

>how did THQNordic manage to fuck up their PR so massively
they didn't, nobody but clickbait twitter warrior bloggers gives a shit about it.

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I mean, I have nothing against loli and I love Rozen Maiden but those two things don't really overlap in my view. Dolljoints are a completely different fetish.

It's funny because that same media went out of its way to defend James Gunn.

Attached: 4E71DC9000000578-5976069-image-m-27_1532120038453.jpg (586x394, 43K)

and he deserves more respect than the average tranny on tera tera

we (alphas) lost to them (tranny soi roasties)

what the fuck is this haha

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They can both kill each other off, for all I care.

Coming to any of the chans in an official capacity is absolutely brainded retarded for a company with a public image to maintain.

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>being a neutral faggot

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Oh no the game churros who don't even matter are upset.

The fuck is this?

polygon are the real pedophiles

Someone explain to me how a forum like neoGAF or resetera has any sort of power over devs? Are these fags connected or something? Why does a dev gave a shit?

Nothing special, just the next Smash newcomer.

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>Implying being neutral is bad

Oh, a model got ripped? Been playing Soul Calibur 6 mostly and haven't looked at the game in a while

>this was bad this was bad this was bad this was bad

Keep hammering it queer, eventually somebody will even care about it.

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Does anyone seriously think this will cost them a single sale?
It's not a fuckup at all. All it did was put THQ's name in the news for a while, no-one interested in a THQ game is going to not buy it because of this. It literally does not matter.
Some websites farm a fake outrage for free clicks, some others farm a fake outrage to the outrage. Anyone who actually cared would look up what actually happened and find out it was a non-issue. Anyone who cared even beyond that would be mollified by the apology.

>Swede cucks out when faced with (liberal) adversity
Why, goddamnit, WHY?

Yes. The model has been floating around for a while and some smashfags have been done interesting things with it.

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>implying the horseshoe is wrong

It's the weakness of social media, the ease at which it can and has been taken over by ideologues with connections.
It merely takes is a few "verified" people to start screaming at their allied news websites and message boards that nobody gives a shit about. Those literal who sites then go to town on spamming hitpiece articles and tweets on the internet, trying to get them trending on google news and twitter and whatever else.

They attempt to turn nothing into an issue based on a bunch of lies and bullshit, and then inflate that non-issue until it becomes visible to at least some people, their drones spreading it across every message board they can. Even with all of the noise they try to make, it often is forgotten a week later with nobody outside of their circle noticing, but they'll keep that bulletpoint "they did this thing once" stuck on the wall forever in case they feel like they want to shit on someone again for the virtue points.

they had connections I guess and give industry people special treatment
it's chock full of marketers and twitter influencers too so they can strongarm whatever they want to get trending and shape public perception

Cool. Might pick him up when he comes out. Busy with uni and Practicing for Evo

If cripplechan is so good why aren't you talking about this there?

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if reddit is so good why those faggots keep coming here?

Attached: Reddit.jpg (2048x1024, 330K)

I miss when people didn't feign moral offense at people because they rooted for a different political cow.

Just avoid the smash threads about him. They can get pretty... weird.

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I dunno man, unlike you I don't go to reddit or retardera

>Yea Forums users
Are these faggots treating Yea Forums as an offshoot of Reddit? Because that's what it sounds like.

Oh had them blocked once Richter and Simon got announced. reason why I haven't seen much

>online strike force
>going after advertisers
Hmmmmm where have I seen that before?

neither do i, i do however visit 8chen from time to time
atleast is another chan

Lmao do plebbitors think Yea Forums is part of Reddit or something? They seem so shocked some people dare not go on it.

>This is what Resetards ACTUALLY believe

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Oh no, people will be talking about this for weeks. What a stupid advertising guy!

>i do however visit 8chen from time to time
How fucking embarrassing, that place was a fucking dump back in 2016 and I've heard it only got worse

its reditors user
they are all retarded faggots with no self awareness

Attached: Reddit in a nutshell.jpg (842x598, 200K)

This is literally why you never make a big announcement about doing an AMA on any kind of chan and you just start randomly dumping info or "pretending" to be an employee there.

Still, it's funny that other sites got super fucking butthurt about it, and the only reason they got so ass-blasted is because it wasn't their site.

What I really don't get, is why the fuck go to cripplechan instead of here...? what kind of faggot still browses that site?
>but we can all agree that from a PR point-of-view, this was insanely retarded. Any research into the site would have told them going there would trigger legions of journos giving them negative press coverage, and the majority of people online seem to think this was a hilariously bad move.
no. no matter what you do you will piss someone off, just existing will piss off 5 people on the internet that we can all pretend is like 50% of the market. Most people, don't care, even more people don't even know. Of those who care, it probably won't influence their purchasing decisions. The whole thing is meaningless, just a random story to push clicks.

That screencap you're treating as current is from years and years ago, newfag.

yeah i droped it for about a year when they banned loli

they went back on that though

>implying Reddit changes

Do resetera and reddit know that reddit hosted (and probably still does host) plenty of illegal content including CP?

Good god, what the fuck is up with history revisions. Being here before GG feels super fucking weird now. Five Guys Burgers and Fries really fucked this place. If the mods didn't act like faggots about it and just let people talk about shit, I bet 4+Yea Forums wouldn't even be a thing right now.

Resetera BTFO by their own userbase.
>I will still buy wins
>Thread goes on meltdown
>Saying shitters are too cowardly to comment
>The chans have sockpuppets!
>All people who voted yes should get a ban!
>Thread locked

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I mean, Yea Forums sure did

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Yea Forums is literally r*ddit at this point
>no self awareness

yeah it only got worse
and worse

Attached: REDDIT nutshell.png (866x760, 977K)

Shoutouts to our tourist friends!

Attached: cripplecucks.png (974x748, 174K)

So you say but there are still people on Reddit afraid to come here to they use /r/Yea Forums which they call "Yea Forums with a condom coated in bleach".

This does work best. If you give a heads up on something as visible of Twitter of all places, that just gives all the shitposters and SJW ideologues time to come and shit all over the thread.
A leaker or dev starting a thread, dropping some subtle proof of their identity along with information and answers leads to pretty good threads as most people are too busy wondering if it's real or a larper.

Post the original thread. I want to laugh at it.

explain all the reddit shit then

Going to 4&4 doesn't even make a lick of sense from a publicity standpoint.

At least if they had come here, even if they got trolled or received negative press, they would have reached a much larger user-base. This site is basically the closest you can get to reddit without actually having to go there and we've had people involved in different parts of the tech, animation or gaming industries troll, shill or do Q&A's here before.

And since the site is technically moderated by Hiro-kun, any of the more notorious stuff or "toxic" subcultures this site has been associated with in the past that'd get journalists in a tizzy could just be more easily brushed off as just what you'd expect on many major social media platforms with large userbases.

I feel like someone at THQ just browsed infinity and thought "this'll be a funny meme worthy moment" but it's like who did you reach out and promote yourself to? Like 10 dudes who think they're too cool for here?

>If the mods didn't act like faggots about it and just let people talk about shit, I bet 4+Yea Forums wouldn't even be a thing right now.
I guarantee it.

How much of the shit is Resetera saying about 8 is true? What are the only things that aren't outright lies?

>why the fuck go to cripplechan instead of here
The dude who owns 8 asked them to have an AMA there, the AMA wasn't THQ's idea.

Adam, Lawerence, Bruce, James, and the rest of the Inside Gaming crew are actually solid tho

Its the Gamergate general thread on cripple/v/, you should be able to find it in the catalog. They're completely obsessed with Yea Forums and pulling ops here.

>telling the truth
common dont be stupid now

Why does every major company, from Disney to THQ always act like that kid who never learned to stop giving their siblings the reaction they want? Every time they engage with he mod and apologize profusely.. Pretty sure the internet mobs would stop of companies just started ignoring them.

Speaking of THQ Nordic. Literally what the fuck is happening with Biomutant? I really want to like this game but from the trailers it just looks so directionless. It's like it's trying to be this crazy over the top action game, but the combat doesn't look all too there, and the music doesn't really fit with the gameplay.

>I will never support this company again because they did an AMA on another site that wasn't ours, how dare they
Most shit always gets leaked here on Yea Forums first anyway. An hour before the first Switch presentation some guy leaked everything about it. It's cute that these other places think they're actually important.

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>still people
I don't need to because there are plenty who do come here. Honestly unlike years back there really isn't a secret club of the internet anymore. Yea Forums is popular and I'm sure 8 will too at some point.

The site probably has CP on it but as far as I can tell it's against the rules and the Yea Forums board definitely isn't covered in CP either.

What is authoritarianera saying?

WTF? that is all it takes...? why doesn't chink moot get us AMAs...? I want Todd Howard on here god damnit.

The AMA has an enormous header advertising loli and shota. Really big brain stuff.

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>Literally what the fuck is happening with Biomutant? I really want to like this game but from the trailers it just looks so directionless.
So what you're saying is, it looks like a modern THQ game.

What is wrong with loli and Shota...?
Don't tell me this whole CP claim and problem the media is talking about is just loli?

In all seriousness if the other chan is as bad as they say why isn't it shut down?

Blue checkmarks galore

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>In all seriousness if the other chan is as bad as they say
Worse, it got it's entire popularity from people butt-mad that moot banned GG.

Nope, there was actual CP posted there, but 8ch fags will tell you about the time some retard tried to falseflag and act as if that cancels it out.

There is nothing wrong with loli or shota, but its a dumb idea for a business to associate their products with it. Do you think any of their devs had a say in this being tied to their products?

fbi did a investigation on 8chen and found absolute nothing wrong there

It looks like it has potential to be something, but I don't think the devs know just what exactly that something is.

what a silly over-reaction. No one gives a shit

>Most shit always gets leaked here on Yea Forums first anyway. An hour before the first Switch presentation some guy leaked everything about it. It's cute that these other places think they're actually important.
you have no idea how true this is.
go to the archives and search AAA games by name, filtering it to the couple years before it got announced by name.
it's not a coincidence.
all I'll say is that when I'm writing industry profiles, I've used strawpolls from Yea Forums and quotes from various thread's most replied posts

They should probably figure that out before they try to sell it, like with Darksiders 3.

>make stupid choices
>make stupid choices
>about to die again

THQ should change the headlines by making Biomutant Epic Store exclusive.

>thq does interview at a place where people are interested in what they have to say
>irrelevant faggots and virtue signaling closet pedos reeee over internet


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It would be funny to see if Yea Forums and 8ch would keep sucking their dicks. I've noticed a lot of the Metro hate has died off here, hilariously enough.

>caring about videogames.
Don't be silly user.

There was some actual CP but it was no worse than what this place used to be like and they did their due diligence to get rid of it. I don't know why we get a pass and they don't when CP used to be quite common here.

There are 4 Gamergate threads up right now. Which one is it?

Why don't people cite that to them then? How can they refute it?

>I've noticed a lot of the Metro hate has died off here, hilariously enough.
Always does. Deep Silver did the smarter thing and just waited out the storm. Hateboners are short lived.

Well yeah. Metro devs did the best strategy and said nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Beats me, I don't feel like going back user. If you see the image here:
You can see dates and post numbers.

>news article from polygon

> I don't know why we get a pass and they don't when CP used to be quite common here.
Because HERE didn't exist back then and we don't speak Japanese.
I mean you could browse Yea Forums, or you could browse a slower clone that is the same but with CP.
Kinda hard to say you browser there inspite of the CP like you could about old Yea Forums. I mean you could say you are there for GG threads, but that is probably even more embarrassing.

8 has anime lolis and shit, but it is just as diligent as 4 at trying to quickly delete any real CP as fast as possible. 8's ability for anyone to make their own board makes it difficult to sometimes find any groups discreetly sharing CP, but it sure as fuck isn't "associated" with it. Didn't stop the SJWs getting their ally google from delisting 8 from the search engine for that reason.
Meanwhile sites like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit have thriving literal CP channels that persist even after being called out, often because the people in charge who are crying out against anime drawings are into real children.

>James "if you're from Eastern Europe you don't matter" Willems
I'll give you the rest of them except maybe Lawrence. It's hard to tell where the character ends and the man begins.

isnt this just one big publicity stunt? I dont really see how this will negatively effect them.

>>all I'll say is that when I'm writing industry profiles, I've used strawpolls from Yea Forums and quotes from various thread's most replied posts
That's because at least here, even if most posts are made by utter fucking retards that don't know what the fuck they're talking about, the other side of that are people can at least be brutally honest about shit. You very rarely see everyone slurping on some dev or game's dick, and people don't feel inclined to agree (or even disagree) with something just because the popular hivemind opinion says one thing like on all those other sites. Everyone here is anonymous, which means people won't fucking hunt you down or constantly antagonize you if you've already made a name for yourself.

It's supposedly set to release this year, although it could get pushed back at any time. It looks like it could be interesting, but from the trailers I literally could not tell you for the life of me what genre it would belong to.

Visitor from the moon here. Why is there so many fighting with you yankees? Don't need to go to site that makes you angry.

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Like nobody cares outside of games ""journalists""
Some good publicity bait.

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>>"May forever taint the new thq"
>>Only journalist seem to actually care about the story and keep trying to keep it alive and inflate it as much as they can.

This. I don't care.

>You very rarely see everyone slurping on some dev or game's dick
That's hilarious because I would say a good 20% of these threads were BASED AND REDPILLED THQ following this, and that's being generously low. Yea Forums falls for marketer pandering all the time (BF dinosaurs ring a bell?)

Hello moon. There is a cancer in our society.
The cancer likes to start fights. We must fight the cancer before it takes over and ruins everything.

>Yea Forums is mainstream now, why do we not get AMAs
Can't wait to live in the timeline when activision blizzard will hold AMA here on Yea Forums

To be fair, is not uncommon to see CP being posted on off-topic threads here on Yea Forums. I remember one time when some faggot posted 3 webm with CP, the thread reached 450 replies before his posts and the thread itself were deleted.
There was also another time when everyone was shitposting about trannies and some fag tried to kill the thread by posting multiple links with CP. His posts were ignored and the thread was deleted one hour after he posted them.
Such is life in the vidya board.

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Jesus fuck these people are fucked in the head.

I get the impression that Lawerence the man just wants to sit at home all day playing vidya and watching anime with his 7/10 gf

After having their best year ever and saying it wasn't enough they might just be desperate enough

you ignore context and are an idiot

Maybe, but he's broken out and focused on the "punch a nazi" thing a few times too often for me to think it's a joke. Especially in places where it wasn't warranted, and to the extent of making other people on the podcast look uncomfortable. When they aren't talking politics both he and James are great though.

>Dressing up cute shotas as girls
Don't do this.

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I'm not saying that's necessarily untrue, but you'll at least see arguing opinions from either side of things. There's obvious troll shit, but if you look hard enough you will find people here still willing to give their genuine opinions on stuff. It just gets increasingly difficult with the influx of people thinking it's hilarious to pretend to be retarded and try and shut down any argument with a greentext or reaction image. People here will and do suck a bunch of dicks, but there's never a shortage of people telling others to get those dicks out of their mouths.

Yeah but everyone knows the mods on Yea Forums are consistently lazy, so that's not really much of a surprise.

you'd have to be underage or retarded to think this.

anime lolis aren't real cp they are just drawings and a strawman to use.

>Those hips.

I never claimed loli or shota was CP. Its a very disingenuous argument to come in when someone is explaining why loli and shota is a dumb thing to associate your business with and go THATS NOT CP

So is gamergate back on then? Do I tell Sargon?

According to SJWs GamerGate is always on even though everyone else forgot about it and stopped caring years ago.

They don't directly associate themselves with shitty drawings just because they do an AMA in a board about video games with a textbox on the side that say loli with dicks.
Personally, I don't see a problem and don't see THQ Nordic any differently.

Yes all those SJWs on cripplechan with their gamergate general are so silly

It's not a matter of us as Americans, it's a matter of a vocal minority.

Would it be a matter of you as Japanese if some vocal minority was making headlines about something stupid?

>They don't directly associate themselves with shitty drawings just because they do an AMA in a board about video games with a textbox on the side that say loli with dicks.
>textbox on the side
I thought retardera were supposed to be the people who lied to make their argument stronger.

Shut up Sargon you won't get to have GG 2.0

>why do we not get AMA


we've had tons newfag

Fans of theirs skew older.

There literally was a textbox link somewhere at the top that said 'loli shota board'

What was the last dev we had on here, fucking YandereDev/Eva?

Exactly, at the top. Literally the first thing you would see on mobile. If you don't think its dumb from a business perspective its because you're biased due to being pandered towards.

We don't get AMAs per se, we often get people that elude to the fact that they're from a company and then just dump a bunch of random info, but in a way to try and at least be subtle about it.

I see your meaning. But if they are minority why do they having much influence which some people say?

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would've been fine if they didn't make a big deal bending over backwards to apologize for it
doing so legitimized all the retarded complaints about hotwheels being some nefarious nazi child porn site

Yeah but cripplechan is infamous for being delisted from google for a while for paedophilia. I know it was part of some gay-op bullshit to bring down gamergate or whatever (I stopped caring about that gay drama long before that went down) but it's still the one thing cripplechan is most well known for.

Aren't they making MORE people know about 8 by not shutting the fuck up about? That's how we got all the newfags here. They would not shut the fuck up about this place.

I bet the people bitching at them use Reddit and probably choose to forget how Reddit used to host CP/JB and only deleted them after a fuss was made about it.

nigga pls

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LolixShotas makes my peepee big.

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A few people with the right connections can make a lot of noise and influence things the way they want.

They didn't do the AMA in the dickloli board

This kind of shit where Resetard trannies and their ilk get to police the rest of the Internet is why stuff like Dissenter will be the only way forward.

There are too many special interest gatekeepers to free speech and free association on the Internet right now.

trannies and furfags are gonna push everyone in the internet to go back using forums if they continue with their stupid witchhunt culture because someone did something wrong

So? Does that change what the headerfirst thing mobile posters saw going into the AMA saw?

I don't even know what you people are arguing, its like you're just feigning ignorance about why shota/loli might not be a great thing to associate yourself with as a publisher. Its not like THQ publishes that sort of stuff, so its a strange direction to take. And the fact that they apologized like an hour after the AMA is pretty telling.

he shouldve just hosted it here, Yea Forums is cooler

>If the mods didn't act like faggots about it and just let people talk about shit, I bet 4+Yea Forums wouldn't even be a thing right now.

Well, yeah, not to mention the rest of liberal cuckmods across every other internet forum. Streisand effect was all too real for GG.


Hebe also did nothing wrong and pretty much everything posted there was legal. Fuck off with your moralfaggotry.

shota loli is a good board, you should check it out.

>Personally, I don't see a problem and don't see THQ Nordic any differently.
Well yes, you use Yea Forums, you're already a minority with extreme views.

I'm not into loli. Shota is based though.

8ch's porn boards suck dicked when I last went though. Its no 7chan. that's for sure.

>furry boogeyman
Literally what does this have to do with anything about the current situation you fucking faggot

r/the_donald is mainstream too, that doesn't mean people want to advertise on it

no one cares tranny. "journalists" have zero respect from anyone.

Connections. The people on Resetera are also the game journalists. They control the gaming media.

imagine having to hangout with these people

More companies should unabashedly do more stuff like this saying fuck you to journalists honestly
The only reason its a "bad" thing is because silicon valley trannytrolls are angry and the companies care about their opinion for some reason.
Fucking nearly EVERY gaming company does shit on reddit and I dont give a flying fuck ranting they shouldnt give a platform to cancer

They were also on neogaf and look how that worked out.

GJP is the real shit anyways, its like you fags forgot about that just so you could tardrage and obsess about retardera. I NEVER hear about resetera outside of Yea Forums, and here I hear about it constantly.

should have just gone to rpg codex desu

I hear about it on Reddit constantly. 99% of the time one thread on /r/Games is from Resetera.

It's not loli, its trapshotas.

>not giving a fuck is an extreme view

>THQ gets burned for innocuous AMA where libtrannies didn't like it.
>THQ stops doing anything anywhere except on their own modded and registered forums.
>Other devs see the stock price backlash and follow suit.
>The Internet eventually becomes equivalent of the back of a cereal box in terms of real content and actually finding out anything.

>MFW when having to explain how the world works to zooms who can't go beyond first order thinking.

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Go back.

The news in America has been very bad in recent years.

There has been a lot of people asking why.

There have been a lot of politicians talking about how to fix it.

No single answer is the only answer.

Some of the things include:

- We have no national news organization like your NHK or Britain's BBC

- All news is for-profit, which makes a lot of news sites take any story that will get people clicking. Even if they don't have time to check all the facts first.

- With the rise of the internet, anyone can start any news story they like, if they post it enough

- Since all news is for-profit, we have news sites that cater to specific political crowds, since a business needs a niche, and this lets people only listen to opinions they like. This makes everyone get more politically extreme -- including the news reporters.

And these are just a few of the things.

>Shota is based though.

hell yeah, my man. And you're right, it's just not active enough to be enjoyable. Which is a shame cause that means it will never become active enough

Oh, ehhh. Maybe I'll check it out. I've been in threads like that though where some of the images are just "draw a girl, call it a boy" though.

Well that explains it, unlike most of Yea Forums I don't use reddit.

Its a vicious feedback loop but honestly 8ch brought it upon themselves by huffing their own farts.

>GJP is the real shit anyways
I genuinely have no idea where you are referring to

GameJournoPros, the email group that journalists were using to talk about what games to cover and what topics to discuss. That was where people were entertaining the idea of supporting Zoe Quinn's paypal came from (thanks Ben Kuchera) and where the Gamers Are Dead articles came from.

But instead of focussing on that, GG tardraged about Zoe Quinn while jacking off to Jim's four hour drunk streams, so here we are.

Also note: The crash override network (Quinn's chat group) was the only group provably harassing others

What confused about is why 8ch*n instead of Yea Forums? They have been some AMAs here before.



furfags are the original sjws

>not giving a fuck is an extreme view
Welcome to 2019 my dude

Fuck off back to your general, you shill sheep. I was doing you a favor by telling that user about GJP, keep your autism about Zoe out of it.

>I've heard
There's your problem. 8/v/ has better discussion of actual videogames for their size than 4/v/. If you manage to filter out all the shite 4 probably wins out due to sheer quantity and popularity, but 8 is legit.

>Can we make a meme
Just fucking leave, man, you're an embarassment.

>8ch already loses all of their newfags in a week

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Who gives a fuck where devs talk to their communities? Any contact is welcome.

These fucking faggots and their forced politics, “Oh muh bloo bloo fuggen Nazis bloo bloo!” Just fuck off you SJW clickbait whingers. No one cares.

Well it's worth noting that the GJP leaks were released by Milo Yiannopolous of Breitbart fame (long before his infamy of course) and the problem is Milo was (and still is imo) a reckless fool. He inadvertently doxxed a bunch of the game journos on the list by not properly going through it and censoring doxx information. As a result Milo was forced to pull the leaks and now they're fucking hard to find.

It's a shame too because it does partially prove the gamergaters right. That being said when I read them I got more of the feeling that all the people on the list were utter morons who were shit at their jobs rather than actively conspiring which was the gamergaters accusation.

sup Quinn

>GG tardraged about Zoe Quinn while jacking off to Jim's four hour drunk streams, so here we are.

Hey those streams were fun, I laughed pretty hard at Jim let's play that DIGRA sim crap about the husband getting cucked by a succession of wife's bf's parading through the house. GG did focus on GJP and other stuff, they're the reason companies are having to disclose embedded links still which hurts every lefty clickbait factory.

>>not giving a fuck is an extreme view

It sure as fuck didn't in 2016 and the site looked like it was dead as fuck before this whole snaffu. If 8/v/ was so good you would be there instead of here.

Oh man the Milo dicksuckers were priceless. Now everyone pretends like they were never that into him but he had hardcore fans.

Sup retard. Hey, Nathan Grayson is still employed, you guys did great work.

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>loud, annoying
>had any real life repercussions

check, check, miss.

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>GG did focus on GJP and other stuff
Other stuff being twitter. They focused on GJP, my fucking ass they did. You guys were too obsessed with Wu, Zoe and Anita, which is why I bailed. Too many LW's and all the /pol/tard hangers on like King of /pol/ and Sargon (at the time) were in it to make money.

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furfags are hardcore sjw and very vocal, so are trannies and some trannies happen to be furfags so having them team up is never a good thing, they are masters of feeling like victims and sadly you have journals giving them a spotlight and companies caving to them

Issue with 8/v/ is how easy it is to derail into /pol/—its even easier than here. They think every dev that isn’t Le based and redpilled are Jews subverting the white race. Question that narrative and you get even more (You)s than here lmao.

THQ knew what they were doing and this "negative" publicity is all fabricated by SJWs and it's annoying the majority of gamers. Everyone knows that doing an AMA on a chan is asking for trouble. Who was even talking about THQ before any of this?

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Agreed. Why the fuck would you interview them when they are so homophobic and racist. Even this place still is (sadly) so this was a big bad move on thq.

>Other stuff being twitter. They focused on GJP, my fucking ass they did. You guys were too obsessed with Wu, Zoe and Anita, which is why I bailed. Too many LW's and all the /pol/tard hangers on like King of /pol/ and Sargon (at the time) were in it to make money.

In the long run how does that matter though? The left has the advantage in the field of social media precisely because they're allowed to monetize their viewpoints more easily. Treating e-celebs like sellouts and shitting on them is a retarded strategy at best and outright D&C shilling for the enemy at worst.

How do you create an army you're not willing to feed?

>They think every dev that isn’t Le based and redpilled are Jews subverting the white race.
Fuck man, I wonder why they think that? Sure is a mystery.

>companies caving to them

Name 3 so I can support them

>This thread again

Attached: bc3.png (636x773, 14K)

platinum games
koei tecmo

>In the long run how does that matter though?
It really doesn't. We got the Law and Order episode so I'm really happy regardless. But when you get mad at people for going "hey wasn't GG filled with spergs who roleplay as nazis" just remember that's the path you chose.

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This is either bait or you're actually an ignorant piece of shit

>like with Darksiders 3
That game is literally a slightly modified version of the first game, down to the shitty platforming, what the fuck are you complaining about?

Is there an archive of the AMA thread?

Name 3 that don't.

Darksiders 3 sucks fucking ass. There is literally nothing about it superior to the first game, and NUMEROUS things worse. There's a reason that DS3 threads are no more on Yea Forums, and that was before all this drama.

Clearly you are if you think the move to 4channel had any impact on the shitbposted here daily. The fact that OP thinks that this site is welcoming for all users is wrong and uninformed. Set an AMA here and you'll really get people mad.

Eh in fairness did you ever read the GJP leaks? I got the impression from them - which I said here: That it wasn't really a conspiracy from their end. Games journalists are just kinda morons and they really didn't get why any of this was a big deal. They made all the wrong choices, sure but the gg people made it out to be some kind of malicious conspiracy instead of regular old incompetence and Kotaku being shit as usual.

The problem was that Zoe and friends were doing weird conspiratorial bonkers shit at the same time which muddied the waters a lot. And even then I'm pretty sure that the mere fact that gamergate existed helped Zoe's career no end (considering she's never finished a single other game other than fucking Depression Quest). Eh... christ that whole debacle was cancerous.

THQ dabbed on trannyera

Been a while since I've had heavy interaction with a forum, but from personal experience it really feels like the majority of most moderators are fine. They actually reflect the views of the population of the forum, and only shut down people who are being completely retarded. It's the vocal minority of forum mods that make a bad image for all of them. The ones that don't bother to fully read a post, and ban someone for saying something they think was wrong even though they as the moderator were just too fucking stupid to understand or fully read the post. These are usually the kind of mods who reply with something like, "Your post doesn't have to be so long to make a simple point." They're just lazy shitheads.

At least Yea Forums mods and jannies are okay, for the most part. Some shit gets deleted for literally no reason sometimes, and the ones here on Yea Forums literally never seem to delete spoilers, but it could be worse.

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and the fact they are barely taller than a 3 y/o makes for some amusing doujins where the author gets creative

Issue is that 99.9% devs are Jews in their eyes. Most “based” devs are weebshit like Senran and hentai.

They didn't do anything stupid, it's already a "meme" on twitter. Go hang out with the blue checks and don't come back.

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>Yeah, we have some real nice designs for Fury lined up in the art department
>SYKE, we're putting an ugly dyke in instead, jokes on you manimals

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I did and I mostly agree with you, but it was like the one legitimate thing to come out of GG that should have been the focus of the whole fucking thing and it ended up as this tiny little footnote.

I'm aware that Zoe and her faggoty friends were spending weeks shitposting here on Yea Forums and I'm aware about the retarded mods here proving the Streisand Effect but where there was GG conversation, GJP was often not the focal point at all. Instead it devolved into gay little ops and things like the thunderclap, or other twitter drama, or youtube shit for people to try and make money. It just fell apart, only cared about by the absolute spergiest spergs on both sides.

The really hilarious thing is that I think Zoe's game is like 2 years late on patreon or whatever. But I never hear about that shit anymore either.

>when you get mad

>gawker scuttled
>implicit trust in media scuttled for at least genx if not more generations
>DJT elected

I'm not mad at all. Spergs are going to sperg, there was nothing I could do about how liberals painted GG, they have the ear of all the big corporations and capitalists are afraid of them due to their highly developed victimization industry.

I can only look for the occasional wedge driver as a consumer and memester.

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Almost every video game journalist is going to shit on this PR move for sure but SJW agendas are the absolute last thing a majority of gamers give a shit about. Journalists are all going to say "THQ is bad look at what they did!" and most gamers could not care less. If anything, gamers are probobly laughing at how triggered the journalists are. see

For days and days I thought it was all about THQ post on Yea Forums and just kinda blew it of

8 chin though
lmao holy fuck why

Yeah no SHIT you're fired as fuck, retard

>I don't get mad lol
Yeah for every one of you there's two Homers.

All they needed to do was to tell everyone to fuck off, they'll do what they want. Online influencers don't actually have the ability to affect sales. However this kind of move makes them appear weak, which is not appealing.

All they had to do was keep on rolling and doing whatever the fuck they wanted to do. Act alpha, be alpha, people will follow.


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>double down on the loli/shota support
Yes what could go wrong

kill yoursrelf Reseteta tranny

Nice post user (shoutout to Mark)!

Literally becuase they posted on a chan?Is that it

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Oh I completely agree with you there. I figured out Zoe might just be mentally ill or something (I've herd the term Borderline personality thrown around a lot but I'm no fucking expert on psychology) and her mental illness translated onto the internet as something that resembled a conspiracy. It kinda wasn't, it was just her doing damage control in the weirdest and worst way possible. And shitty game journalist bought her version of the story.

Eh. Despite Kotaku et al still being shit it was kinda the wrong thing thing to get upset about. It was far too easy to spin into another sexist harassment story.

>Implying it's not a ring and both sides are pooling into some twisted anti-center where everyone effectively want the same outcome but also want everyone else to fucking burn in a tire fire because of mass splintering.

holy shit
based 4+Yea Forums

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>I think it's awesome someone did an AMA on a chan personally, but we can all agree that from a PR point-of-view, this was insanely retarded. Any research into the site would have told them going there would trigger legions of journos giving them negative press coverage, and the majority of people online seem to think this was a hilariously bad move.

It's only retarded if you believe the opinion of journos has any weight in 2019. We live in an age where critic score for something is 90 and the user score is 10, or the other way around. The time of journos is over.

>People that feel the need to publicly apologize for shit they said ages ago because people need to be offended by irrelevant shit nowadays
I feel bad for the guy that made this game.

I wonder if these people know what the word irony and hypocrisy means.


i'll tell you one thing. i won't stop buying thqnordic games if they did another AMA but on stormfront and posted nothing but loli and furry porn.

i will however stop buying their games if they're broken garbage and i don't like them.

see how that works kotaku?

>>double down on the loli/shota support

That's obviously not what they were doing you tranny faggot shill.

Nothing has yet to top the Bullhunters fiasco

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Does he pass?

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Sounds pretty fucking based to me.
Literally sounds like something a good manager would write to a customer whom he knew was a total fuckwad, and make it sound like he cares about whatever "issue" the guy made up.
He didn't even say anything bad or disciplinary about the dude who did it. Just like, "ya we fucked up, and learned we can't talk about our shit on the internet because you guys are faggots.
But look we seriously don't have any pedos or rapists or nazis in our staff, and we don't condone that shit. That's just like your opinion of the website, man. It's just some chinese knockoff cartoon image board.
Had a big meeting this morning and gave everyone a lil slap on the wrist, no big deal.
Ps. thanks for the publicity"
Good for him too, he apologized on behalf of his company, now it's up to the faggot machine to either grow the fuck up or continue being faggots. Either way they'll hopefully be ignored because what the fuck more do they want done to some game dev guy who literally did nothing wrong.
His big offense is that he hosted an AMA not on reddit. Like, is all this for fucking real?

Based I will now by all their games out of principal FUCK niggers and FUCK jannie

Based shotabros.

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Plasticman movie lookin good

Isn't 4+4 our backup chan incase shit happens or we get banned cause of some mod cuckery? Why is this thread so hostile against them? Are these people actually believing the narrative that they post crazier shit than what we have here.

>they post crazier shit than what we have here.
there is legit CP and spam posted every day on their /pol/ because you can post from tor

so yes.

Yes it was. Then gamergate happened. And then both sites went to shit.

There we go I was wondering when that would happen. Yeah dude having your thread have a header advertising shota/loli porn doesn't appear to endorse that subject for consumers at all. Fucking dipshit retard. The hilarious thing is I'm FOR shota.

Agreed, shota is based

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This is literally how every gamer thinks but the industry is so infested with SJWs that it's trying to warp reality and convince people that gamers care about social issues more than they care about wanting to play fun video games.

>watching normalfag news on the morning
>they start talking about Momo and some videos with subliminal messages and suicides and shit
it was surreal

Hehehe I have a need to be as blunt as them but I simply have too much to lose if I do.

Nah it was just a statement we don't actually have to do anything but make games as long as we virtue signal online we can do and say what ever where ever we want no amount of gayops can stop us.

fuck off

Literally nobody cares about the 8ch thing

IDK, website provincialism has never carried much water with me. 4+Yea Forums is the same way, this is 'cuckchan' and any indication you use this website is ground to dismiss whatever you've posted. My main argument on 8/pol/ is that they need to spend less time calling each other kikes and more time shilling 4/pol/, reddit, etc. Not exactly a popular argument.

Bullshit I've been there since the second exodus and I've never seen CP. Spam, sure, although it's better than 4/pol/. Because anyone can create a board I could believe there's small boards where CP is shared, but certainly not on their /pol/ or Yea Forums.

>Isn't 4+4 our backup chan incase shit happens or we get banned cause of some mod cuckery?
lol. 8ch's servers wouldn't handle a large amount of fags migrating there. During the last time Yea Forums went down 8ch slowed down because of the 4/pol/ bunker threads on 8/pol/.

>Nobody cares about THQ Nordic
>They do an AMA on a website that no one equally cares about
>Marketers at THQ post bait in SJW circles to get them mad
>Now they post bait here to stir shit
>Now people are talking about THQ for a brief moment before it goes back to complete irrelevancy

This is almost as blatant as Borderlands 1 and 2 marketing.

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clear case of media piling on thing they disagree with

God, I fucking hate redditors so god damn much

Man those were the days

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I guarantee you the 90% of people who buy THQ games have never heard about this news and do not fucking care.

wrong. i've seen shit. you can't tell me otherwise because i fucking seen it. fuck off.

R*ddit is safest of all places

Kill yourself fucking retarded newfag

https //www Yea Forums dot org/rules
https //www Yea Forums dot org/advertise

Have fun fixing the links, I did it on purpose because I want your autistic newfag presence out.

No one but SJWs or incels care about this shit. It happened, it's over, there's nothing to fucking discuss other than "Well I'm offended. Are you offended?"

Fuck off and die. This will get resolved in the exact same way all events like this get resolved: Either someone is fired, in which case the SJWs go "oh well that's ok then" or nothing happens and everyone forgets anyway except for a tiny fraction of diehard SJWs that swear not to buy from the company again - their numbers far too small to matter anyway.

Go play games. Go outside. No one cares.

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>let's give these pedophiles over at 8ch an exclusive interview!

when will these people fuck off

Here’s the thing, journalism is dwindling every year. All they know how to do now is increase the dose, but people slowly become indifferent to the same routine.

The 4+4 chan was a small signal showing that the industry is looking for more than what the legacy gaming media is providing. PC culture is gonna die off soon, not for a few years but it won’t survive as is within the next decade.

Yea Forums has nonstop threads about it, so are we the SJWs or the incels?

Dickheads post that shit here as well, except it gets buried faster because there's more posters.

>lets do a big pr thing to get people involved with us and improve our brand recognition
>oh but lets use some obscure site that most people know because of edgy shit that turns most people off
>wait why did this hurt our brand???

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How about we show all the cuck journos Yea Forums is capable of holding a nuanced and appropriate AMA just like Reddit?

Who could we invite for an AMA? I vote CDPR, they seem pretty open to our community, and we can actually give them a meaningful AMA, unlike (2^3)-chan.

Attached: 1200px-CD_Projekt_logo.svg.png (1200x656, 54K)

>4cucks think this place is better than holy 8
8 has had many famous AMAs
4cucks has hadnt any and actually banned famous people like anime creators.
Lmao this place is cucked harder than an america with his girlfriend at basketball game.

By your logic reddit is better than 8 because it's had more famous AMA's

Honestly, the PR manager did a good job. I never even knew about THQ Nordic until this whole thing blew up. Now I'm probably going to buy Spellforce 3 whenever it comes out.

Controversial marketing works so long as it doesn't piss off your target demographic. In this case, the only people who are pissed are people who don't play games, like game journos and retardera

lmao dude did you already forget about the GoG shit? They're not interested in tainting their brand, and it would just be people whining about the Witcher show for half the thread anyways.

reddit isnt an anonymous image board where I can call you a nigger faggot cuck

Do you really need to ask.

I doubt that AMA and similar events count as advertising. In fact, sometimes even small devs (who obviously wouldn't afford an ad space) come to advertise their games or ask for help in Yea Forums and nothing happens.

You wish, loser.

>4cucks has hadnt any and actually banned famous people like anime creators.
Wow only the best posters on cripplechan!

This. Why don't redditards and resetrannies stay on their containment boards?

face it 4cucks you are a shrimp and cucked out loser.
8 is a real man

They don't have to answer to libcuck faggots.

>Spellforce 3
That's been out.

>hurt our brand

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Reddit is like that autistic cousin that your mom forces you to entertain.

Bruce is the only untainted one of the group.

>Lawrence always pops up in the comments of videos spouting the usual SJW shit
>James went on a whole rant on reddit about Kingdom Come Deliverance being racist
>Adam is generally on edge all the time and can't take or make a joke

I personally stopped watching them when they started having insufferable guests on every video.

No unless it was a universally liked company it would get spammed by loli, which is exactly what happened.

Oh, I was looking at Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest on steam. Looks interesting, esp since D:OS is one of my favorite games.

Finally something actually clever

See you in a few months.

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Literally no one cares but journos

>How fucking embarrassing, that place was a fucking dump back in 2016 and I've heard it only got worse
I gave it a chance back in 2016 too, every thread turns to cancer. It is full of edgelord underage b&s trying to be contrarian. That's it. The idea of having a shitload of sub-boards actually is cool, but say you find a sub-board about something you like... you have to wait at least a week for one response, and then it is a shitpost.

Praise moot for keeping this board on top. Praise Nishimura for maintaining that.

This is true, though. I was around on Yea Forums when 4+4 chan started, and the vast majority of discussion about the site centered on the fact that the "grey area" ban on teenager porn was too vague. Everybody was going on and on about the grey area shit. The website was pretty much advertising itself as the place to go to post grey area/teenager porn. Other reasons for making the spinoff site were secondary.

it's a bait thread so we can talk about videogames without (((journalists))) shitting up our other threads. get with the times old man. it's war.

love when you retarded falseflaggers try to divide the community.

Lol. I guess THQ's gambit worked. Now we're all checking out their games. I don't know if this was intentional or not but it's a fucking good marketing stunt innit? Get games journalists up in a fit and yelling about you and get free publicity for it because said game journos never shut the fuck up.

I kinda like that the media still sees theses places as a pedophile/terrorist underground associations, keeps people out.

You are going back to school?

>Praise moot for keeping this board on top. Praise Nishimura for maintaining that.
Fuck chink moot and fuck every retard on this site who actually buys a Yea Forums pass.

I've been here longer than you. Fun story, I was actually looking at an old HD today and found some old Yea Forums stuff. Damn, and to think I bitched about how bad politics were on Yea Forums during 2008.

Attached: i want to go back.png (806x648, 460K)

Only old people care about the media. Kids are going to hear about Yea Forums as being the place were memes are born and follow the rabbit trail from reddit to Yea Forums.

>Now we're all checking out their games.
Yeah I'm sure everyone on Yea Forums ran out to get Darksiders 3, that's why I've seen so many threads about it.

all the porn boards on 4x2 are dead and new ones tend to die or have low activity.
Most of the users dont seem to be interested in it.

I don't come here often, what is Resetera? Serious question, is it a chan or a forum? What is its user-base like?

No, but you should take an English class.

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dude you're fucking gay and get the fuck outta here. AMA's are just some bullshit that the self-important and braindead faggots over at reddit decided to borrow from us and advertise to normies as their own concept.
They happen here, they originally happened here and they're called "Ask Me Anything" threads, and they are mostly impromptu and have actual fun allowed because you never know if it's the actual person until they post some proof and then all hell breaks loose.
I'm genuinely sorry for you if your experience with the phrase AMA started with reddit.

I dont know, I went to check reddit to see some opinions and most of the most upvoted comments had things like "Yea Forums allowed CP till 2013", the more people out the better.

I'm not saying that's how it is now, just that's how it started. The selling point at the very beginning was the fact that Yea Forums moderation was becoming more strict and cracking down on illegal and borderline/potentially illegal content. Even if they're changed over the years, the origin is always going to be a problem in terms of reputation.

I'm thinking he based and redpilled.
All these salty journocucks getting dabbed on just makes gamers like them even more.

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It's a forum. Basically it's Neogaf's more toxic users and insane mods who, after some exceptional drama with the admin of Neofag, went off and formed their own Neogaf 2.0.

The term SJW has been so overused in the last few years it's become somewhat meaningless. However the userbase and mods of Resetera are SJW through and through - fitting every stereotype imaginable.

What's kinda amazing though is that Neogaf is now somewhat okay.

Reddit has very different cultures depending on the subreddit. It's not as cohesive as Yea Forums or other standard BBS sites like resetera. There are certainly subreddits that will call Yea Forums a pedo shithole, but there will also be subreddits that are dedicated to screenshots from Yea Forums or jokes from Yea Forums which are obviously giving a positive impression of the website.

>8/l/ has one of the prettiest themes but it's dead as fuck
>meanwhile /delicious/ it's fucking shit but it's the most popular loli board

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>I've been here longer than you.
been here since my college days in 2007, don't try to deflect this into a oldfag/newfag fight. first you cucks out /pol/ as some sort of leper on Yea Forums, when they act the way every other board acted before they were even a board. after years of no one talking about 4+4, suddenly they're the new big bad

>trying to force an unfunny meme
Leave, redditor.

when this place was actually good there was this culture of posting attractive women/tits all over the place. That is how so many efamous meme girls appeared in such a short amount of time.
So you could read some interesting thread and get some cute tits as the cherry on top.
Then this place became taken over by gays, bronies and then cucks.
That all stopped.
4x2 you can see has ancient boobs boards that are dead from that time when people were trying to recreate Yea Forums
So that period of chan cuture is lost.

Yup, I knew it - December 2006, I was right. Don't try to deflect from your retarded move to call someone a falseflagger because you disagree with them.

>is a total cunt
likely male too

/pol/ is a leper on Yea Forums because it attracted a lot of shitposters from outside Yea Forums who specifically came to this website to push social and political opinions. It's like a magnet for pulling bad posters onto the website from all over the internet.

but they literally did an ama on a website comprised of nazi rapist pedophiles.

>you can't have a ama on a website that isn't a shitty safe space

I remember this place from pre-/news/, user. /pol/ is not representative of those old days.

I think the last time /pol/ was even close to decent was Maple Snake.

they're both terrible websites that are notorious for being naughty

hey you guys i am totally a game dev so go ahead and ask me anything

They literally used the phrase white supremacist, pedophile satanist, alt right,
or something like that.
Some of these things dont go with the other.

cool story faggot
>don't try to deflect this into a oldfag/newfag fight
>proceeds to deflect
Keep trying to pretend 4+4 is any different from what we have here.

"guilt by association" is how normal people think. Showing respect and dignity to somebody they consider an enemy makes you an enemy. It's a pretty typical way for tribal people to see the world. For example, how often do you see people insulting somebody here on 4channel by claiming they go to a website they don't like (reddit/resetera/etc)? It's the same concept.

>Journalists keep acting like the interview was the end of the world and THQ is finished
>Yet the only people that seem to care are journalists

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/new/. sure you did sure you did

Why don't you show me where I "outted /pol/ as some sort of leper" you hysterical faggot?

And I can say for a fact cripplechan sucks because I've fucking been there. That place is a graveyard of people huffing their own farts.

There's a reason young people don't trust the media, you know.

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8 has significantly less leftists/cuckshit posting
Since leftists are basically ban on sight.
It also has a forum dedicated to hunting down retarded sjw that try to fuck with them. Several actually.

Journalists mad people circumvented their idealogical embargo. Color me shocked.

These faggots are WAY too comfortable with this level of """discussion""".
It's almost worrying.

Reminder that you're the cancer killing Yea Forums.

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>who specifically came to this website to push social and political opinions
You mean like the redditors and resetERA cucks. also /pol/ wasn't the first time the Yea Forums community got political. before the news board was deleted and eventually remade, they were the place to shitpost about political opinions.

you're an embarrassment

The only people even talking about this or give a shit are faggots like Polygon and Retardera.

You completely lack self awareness

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To be fair tho, that's the mass media than gaming media in particular. I lost all trust in gaming media more than 10 years before I stopped having any trust in the mainstream media.
Cuz it's been obvious for like 15 years that gaming media is nothing but poorly paid shills.

/pol/ is one of the main reasons why redditors and resetera cucks came to Yea Forums, to try to undermine and fight back. /pol/ was a magnet that brought in leftist shitposters and nazi shitposters.

It takes 2 sides to agree on anything
the more you say "they won" and the more they get their way, the more true it becomes

Theres literally nothing wrong for apologizing for as big a fuck up as to post on the only chan worse than 711 chan

Just got off the boat from reddit?

In the beginning before political boards user said a politically incirrect thing.
This angered the libtard. The libtard has been trying to correct user ever since.
The problem has always been liberals. Liberals dont belong here.

>/pol/ is not representative of those old days.
/pol/ also wasn't complete shit during the ron paul days. Yea Forums also wasn't complete shit being exclusively made up of porn threads. /s/ also used to be tasteful pictures and poses of pretty women and not necessarily /hc/ tier garbage that it is now. Things change, and you can't blame /pol/ for being under raids 24/7 for years straight all cause political opinions are low hanging fruit for trolls.

This is a problem if you spend more than 12 hours a day here
How the fuck do you take your free time so seriously?

>These people wants to govern countries this way

That's conveniently ignoring how /pol/ courted t_d

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do you understand what im saying libtard. All this shit existed before trump before /pol/ before you were even in school you dumb kid.

Worked for Stalin, although he had better reasons for killing his opponents so maybe they couldn't replicate his success.

>Yea Forums is mainstream now, why do we not get AMAs?
But we do, we get to personally fuck with shills on an hourly basis, and in exchange they get to shill whatever crap they're pushing, of course they're not dumb enough to not do it anonymously, and all this fuckery is the price we pay for having nice things like an anonymous hat tannery community BBS.

If THQ puts out another interesting game I might consider buying it and I won't hold this clusterfuck against them when it's obviously the result of one very confused PR guy but then you don't get to work in PR if you're not extremely confused. He could've chosen Yea Forums and not even Polygon and Giantbomb would've bat an eyelid because they all invaded this place years ago, but then the outrage culture effect would've been diminished and it wouldn't have generated so many clickbait articles.

The main point was that you fags are stirring up bullshit to divide the community. Which you just proved with your post.

>if you point out how /pol/ was gay for reddit during the campaign you're a libtard
What a fucking dipshit you are. And no, fucking maga-pedes on Yea Forums weren't here in 2007 you roleplaying retard.

There's a pretty big difference between teenagers making nigger jokes and the current situation where there are legions of shills getting outraged at anybody who doesn't support every aspect of the American Republican party. Trying to act like /pol/ is a reflection of old Yea Forums is conflating edgy humor with actual serious and unironic political pandering. Even if both are going to post "nigger nigger nigger" it's really not the same thing.

holy shit you drumpf schreeching retarded fuck
No more replies for you dumbass subhuman.

This is my mom but with 8ch archives and godlikeproductions

>muh drumpf

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>The main point was that you fags are stirring up bullshit to divide the community. Which you just proved with your post.
What community? Yea Forums? Yea Forums? Nothing I say is going to divide Yea Forums. Sounds like you just want an echo chamber, honestly - 8ch is down the road, you can sniff your own shit there too.

What a cowardly fag you are, by the way. You got completely assblasted here:
talking about /pol/ when I hadn't even mentioned it yet. Everything you're accusing me of applies to you, dickshitter.

so blame pol and side with the cucks, nice

in 2007 everybody was making fun of george bush and calling him a dumb monkey on Yea Forums

Point is this place has never been the place for people that get easily offended.
In the oldest days liberal people used to wander on here and try to tell people to stop talking about things or using words.
Everyone told them to fuck off every time. Until those same fucks started raiding this site nonstop.
Its pure logic
Like pc pushing liberal retards.

Not him but maybe nintendo?

Damn you niggers are retarded.

People still won't buy their games though, since the Epic Store is garbage if you're a consumer

He's still a dumb monkey in 2019. He now has a another dumb monkey next to him tho, that one's called Obama.
Also why the fuck would you make fun of Bush in 2019 when he hasn't been in office for over 10 years you retard.

>I think it's awesome someone did an AMA on a chan personally, but we can all agree that from a PR point-of-view, this was insanely retarded.
No we can not, upsetting a few trannies on twitter is not gonna ruin your brand.
I don't think any less of them after this, nor does the general audience.
So it's nothing but a regular AMA that fake journalists blow out of proportion.

>normal ass legitimate AMA
>wtf THQ are pedos???

I agree that getting offended on Yea Forums is stupid, but my experience in the past few years has just been right wingers getting outraged every time somebody makes a non-right wing statement or opinion. There are plenty of onions and anti-leftist memes all over the place but nobody really cares or gets upset about them apart from meme fatigue (ie people being sick of seeing endless variations on pepe and wojak). The real thin skinned people on Yea Forums are the /pol/sters

funny how they don't matter but every drama addict unironic gamergator out there can't resist talking about it or getting their takes in
I really would love it if fucking gamers actually did just ignore journos, but you're not actually capable

Because its an sjw that has internalised boomer logic if not an actual boomer,
Same fucks that still bring up hoax stories about radical christians from the 60-70s in arguments

/pol/ is such a big booogieman to you faggots that any Yea Forumsidya news is always somehow linked to them

He has two dumb monkeys after him actually, each one progressively worse. Hence why he hasn't been made fun of nearly as much as he did when he was in office

>Thread is temporarily locked. 7:33 pm
>Thread is now unlocked. 7:40 pm

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Can't be quiet when there is money to be made from outrage culture.

That's hilarious given that image is literally evidence of people spamming threads here.

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People still haven't and will never learn that any attention seeking, politically active person can call themselves a journalist and blaster a web page full of carpage. They have no authority but what the unaware majority gives them.

Apocalyptic event when, we truly need a purge.

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Yea Forums here. We got the creator of Log Horizon to do an AMA on Yea Forums and he was really chill. Forums/a/board

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>Blame the native population for inbaders coming in and destroying shit
Hello Merkel

/pol/ is literally just trolls trolling trolls, trying as hard as possible to get a rise out of anyone else on the board.
I don't know who you think you're fooling here.

>Registration process is literally a meticulous vetting process for personal info
>Step out of line even if you disagree and risk wrecking your life
>Highly incestuous concentration of degenerate practices and beliefs that effectively render each of them "guilty" at least by association and aren't afraid to make "necessary sacrifices" to achieve a greater goal.

They literally operate like a cult and I actually feel bad and don't blame some of the more level headed members.

Nice projecting there friend. Also it's not like you can't lookup random shitposts on Yea Forums once in a while on break instead of eating up all your data watching shitty youtube videos.

>wanting to force a meme
Fuck off.

No, the dumb monkeys next to him aren't worse. The situation is just worse, because now the economy is collapsing and neither of them has the balls to let it go and crash. So they are both doing the same shit everyone else does to keep the train wreck going.

None of your arguments are valid.
Liberals getting offended is basically part of their ideology ie PC culture.
The whole triggered pstd sjw meme phenomenon.
People like this are flat out incompatible with any place that allows free speech.
I mean on more normal forums i see moderates begging their retarded userbase to stop getting offended at the most harmless things now. Like the outline of a boob.

>Can we make this a meme?

The quickest way to spot a newfag.

They got completely assblasted about the Gillette ad so no, I don't think so.

Why do they call each other that?

Yea Forums gets AMAs

>Issue with 8/v/ is how easy it is to derail into /pol/—its even easier than here
That's not unique to 8/v/, that's the whole website. You seem to forget how and why the website even exists. Everyone there who posts there unironically is either there for the hentai games board, or due to political bullheadedness, and the remaining people on Yea Forums are cut into equal sized thirds in the following order:

1: People who were pro censorship
2: People who realize Yea Forums is still better than cripplechan in every way
3: The ignorant who have no idea what it is outside of secondhand knowledge

I'm in the second camp. I tried to make cripplechan work since Yea Forums's unabashedly unapologetic history revisionism regarding their own unanimous actions during Gamergate are an extreme hot button for me, but this place is my home, and if anyone seriously uses reddit even 25% as much as Yea Forums, and/or came here BEFORE at the very latest 2011, then I have no moral or intellectual qualms with saying you quite literally don't belong here, regardless of which side of the fence you were on during the Quinnspiracy.

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>The main point
learn to read dumdum

>implying this will eat into their sales at all
The majority of people do not care. It's a bitchfit between two irrelevant groups of nerds on the internet. All overblown hysteria.

>thinking 4cucks is better
the mind of the broken cuckchanner

I don't think that's as true as you think it is. There are absolutely a lot of trolls and meta trolls, but there are also plenty of people who are serious and unironic. It's impossible to actually tell apart somebody who's a good actor and somebody who's actually holding an opinion, you know? I estimate that between 1/2 and 3/4ths of /pol/ and /pol/ cross posters are being unironic. Although that's just my gut feeling with no evidence.

>please please just pretend that you fit into this generalization with no evidence
How about no, fagboy? Why don't you show me where in the thread I "outted /pol/ as a leper", you slimy little fucktard?

No, its on topic discussion site wide there to exclaim jews or fags are bad

You realize that nobody on Yea Forums actually only sticks to one board, right?
I imagine even discord trannies have at least one or two other interests than shitting up Yea Forums.

This reads like it's real but feels fake.

>/pol/ is all just memes, dude, nobody over there is seriously a sperg

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>You seem to forget how and why the website even exists.
The site exists because the guy in wheelchair wanted to make a site that combined the features of reddit and image boards. So he did it. That website became popular after gamergate but it doesn't exist for that.

BTW I am not the same guy you're replying to. I just don't think it's fair to imply the website exists for.. that.

is he done evading taxes and back to writing the LN yet?

I'd say Trump is worse. Obama didn't really do anything but at the same time, he didn't have as much cooperation from the legislative branch as Bush did. Bush definitely had a bigger negative impact than either did, even Trump who is demonstrably more incompetent, just because he happened to have the bigger slip-up under his watch (9/11, which could have been prevented).

does the media bashing even hurt them though?, they aren't really a big publisher

It's a quantity over quality thing, and even then cripplechan is hilariously inconsistent, not to mention slow. Threads on Yea Forums are much healthier, faster, and more populated on average than any thread on cripplechan can ever be, and this isn't me even saying the place is bad. It just, regardless of political affiliation, isn't as good as Yea Forums even with our extremely unironic newfag and sjw false flagger infestation problem.

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Your personal bias are just making you unable to objectively view yourself and people who agree with you. When you get outraged about something you aren't seeing it as the same thing as PC outrage, because you believe that you are correct and justified. But, that's also how the other side feels. I'm not trying to advocate some sort of centrist ideology here, but it's pretty obvious if you look at things with a fresh pair of eyes that at least on Yea Forums the outrage culture is much more extreme on the right wing side. In the real world and the internet at large the left wing is much more outrage oriented but Yea Forums is a bit different.

Berenstain Bears or Berenstein Bears?

>all these assblasted cripples
If 8ch is so much better, why are you here?

mass media news garbage isn't video games


Its especially funny because PC culture existed in the 90's, it was just reversed. This shit keeps happening, back and forth.

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>At least on Yea Forums the outrage culture is much more extreme on the right wing side
Because unlike literally any other website in existence, Yea Forums doesn't moderate political affiliation, and the unabashedly left are rightfully laughed off the website during any situation that isn't at least purely argumentative.

>that guy who started four wars and killed a dozen american citizens wasnt so bad
>now this orange guy, hes a real problem. did you see his tiny hands

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>Yea Forums doesn't moderate political affiliation
Then why were GGfags crying so hard about censorship and leftie mods?


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by "temporarily locked to let everyone cool down" the mod means "i need a few minutes to dilate my surgically created crotch wound before i resume banning you all for wrongthink"

Joe is a blockhead

The only ever case of political moderation was DURING gamergate. There wasn't even anything like that during the election periods. Moot outright admitted to attending an Anita rally, and returned and unceremoniously banned all gamergate discussion due to pressure he felt as the site's admin.

Never forget that.

Attached: Moot.jpg (1292x1001, 286K)

gg changed all that.

I also am curious.

>okay so we did it that one time for months BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT

They were probably oblivious to the connotations of hosting the ama on Yea Forums. It was either that or they simply disregarded the implications.

Don't be an idiot, the context here is extremely important. Gamergate is what immortalized the cripplechan exodus.

Join or die federalism reference

Didn't do anything? How about re-inflate the collapsing stock market and housing bubble to proportions that were nothing short of biblical? How's that for not doing anything? If you think Trump has done something to set him apart as more incompetent than the other muppets you're delusional.

Dindu nuffin my ass.

I really hope i see america ellecting a socialist, you bug people wouldn't last a year after experiencing a resource shortage from poor goverment allocation.

>15 yo's are effectively children
>Always used to hear "Children are the future" when I was younger.
>Some shit head on Yea Forums posts this in defense of them self as if this is a good thing.

This doesn't really bode well for your future, now does it?

Is it really that retarded? I mean, the people most likely to buy their games are people that browse these imageboards. Why should they be yet another company pulling the tranny line?

>pc culture something cooked up by leftists
Fucking moron.

You're a fucking retard who is either underage or disingenuous, thanks for sharing.

they were doing it for years before gamergate.
One mod went full stalin on half the site when /ne/ got shut down.
Literally turned boards into digital gulags.
Thats where the anons being tortured in a gulag meme came from.

Are you implying the political left is the only political side in history capable of being offended and pushing their ideology on others and instating content control? Because sure, I'll agree that's what's happening RIGHT NOW, but not even 30 years ago it was the opposite, with the political right censoring religious depictions in important cultural media, such as videogames, and republican senators constantly fighting against videogames (and others) as bad influences.

I know this is old, but how the fuck is this a good thing? It's rightwing Resetera if it's to the point of banning and doxing for wrongthink. I thought you fuckers were pro free speech.

Theres nothing to project, im pointing at giving a fucking shit about retard internet turf wars that NEVER end well

political correctness is a political invention of the left it wasnt a problem in the 90s you absolute cretinous lying fucking cunt.
It was started in 90s academia and politics and didnt become apparent till after the 90s

>political correctness wasn't a problem in the 90's
lmao bro, eat my ass while I dine on Mortal Kombat and Doom.

>literally evidence of people spamming threads here.
Take a chill pill neofag.
Whenever mods throw a shitfit about a topic, everyone moves to /pol/ to discuss it and guess why its deleted outside of jannies pretending they can menstruate.

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Because leftists try goal is always to take over boards and ban the former userbase and control speech.
So the mods over there know to ban a lefty everytime they post.
You still see them pathetically making communist threads from time to time. Everyone ignore them, laughs at them and no one cares.
They have no power over there and cant harm the site.

I don't care about your anglo first world problems.

You mean doom the game made by republican Carmack? the guy that thinks welfare to minorities is a waste of time.
Thats got nothing to do with PC you fucking retarded fuck.
The fact we had that shit means pc didnt exist.

>Whenever mods throw a shitfit about a topic, everyone moves to /pol/ to discuss it
"everyone", right. If I'm a neofag you're a kiwi farms tranny.

Yea Forums on double
>lewds are always spoilered
Yea Forums
>straight up porn OPs
>if it's not porn it's cropped porn
And yet we're supposed to listen to the media when they say double is some sort of dark evil place where only demons post. I bet 3/4th of double posters mainly post here and only go there to get away from the reddit/resetera trolls.

>Republicans loved Doom, one of them made it!
You just keep digging yourself deeper

Only poland and hungary are ok the rest are wasteland tier

>giving a fucking shit about retard internet turf wars that NEVER end well
and yet here you are projecting. interesting

Carmack is a republican you stupid fuck.

And? What was Jack Thompson's party?

Who gives a shit about that guy its 2019 you retarded little shit living in the past.
Bush isnt president.

Sounds just like Resetera still, they likely believe you retards have the same goal. I can't believe you hold banning GG over moot while pulling this shit.

What game is this? I'm going to buy it.

Time to open them books nigga

>Dismissing bigotry
I lol'd

Wew dewd don't hurt yourself moving the conversation just because it got too rough for you.

New destroy all humans game

Okay retard

someone redpill me on all these other chan's
i know what 2ch 2chan and 4+4 are but what are the rest

>some nobidy guy with no authority
>never said he wanted to ban games just keep them away from kids
>never accomplised anything
>complete scapegoat
>Meanwhile the left up till today is constantly censoring games. Due to progressive politics
>countless examples

No, kiwi farms are for faggot raiders interested in disconnected personal drtama.
And everyone goes to /pol/ then because everyone (who is not a newfag) knows that banhammer is far more lenient there.

Google it.

You dont get banned for posting anything on 8 you can post there right now and you wont get banned.

>that laywer, he was just a nobody
You fucktards are such a joke. Tons of shit got censored in the 90's and the 00's you're just too young to remember it.

Everyone goes to /pol/? Everyone on Yea Forums? Somehow I doubt it. The post count doesn't add up.

144chan is the best one.

time to put your head through the rope nigger

7chan WAS the best but it died for our sins.

literal resetera tranny

>one guy representative if no one that didnt actually do anything
>compared to countless sjw actually censoring games.
You are quite literally insanely stupid and dangerous with your retard attitude.

Yeah Fox News never lost their mind about Mass Effect and called it an "alien sex simulator" user.

After hearing about all this it really made me think about ever supporting them again.

I haven't played Destroy All Humans in a while so it was the perfect time to show my support for them and replay some fun games.

Should say some guy from like 20-25 years ago too, Complete irrelevent.
Sjw are just stupid.

>muh fox news
>compared to dozens of leftwing biased sites

can you go back to cnn you boomer faggot

The only people who are making a big deal out of this are jornos and youtubers who are scared of anime tiddies.

man of taste

>if you say censorship was a thing in the 90's and the 00's you're a SJW
Man you're a fucking retard. Omega Labyrinth is coming out, thank goodness. But right wingers literally made it a pain in the ass for me to get Rule of Rose, so there's that anecdote for you. Now fuck off back to cripplechan or wherever you crawled out of.

I post on both boards, and the only board I have ever seen CP on is Yea Forums/v/

>Really big brain stuff.

Go blow a fucking bullet into your brain. The only one condemning THQ are leftists, not people who care about games. If anything, they should be praised.

If anything, gamers should make game companies apologize for ever engaging with Resetera or Reddit. Like how is that any more acceptable? Reddit hosted pedophiles and CP for far longer.

isn't this Erin from game grumps's girlfriend/wife?

what are you even talking about you delusional retard.
what rightwingers?
Do you even know what planet you are on?
Every post you make you sound like a liberal idiot stuck 20-30 years in the past.

>If anything, gamers should make game companies apologize for ever engaging with Resetera or Reddit.
Gotcha, so its okay for you to tardrage about devs on retardera, good to know.

>THQ Nordic was the company that was going to make Destroy All Humans 3, The Guild 3 and another Timesplitters

I was already going to buy their shit but now I'm going to buy multiple copies to help offset this dumb controversy because I want to see more games in those franchises quite badly

>what rightwingers?
Do you know anything about Rule of Rose's history? No, of course not, because you're underage. Look it up yourself, niggerfaggot, this thread is beyond bump limit.

Censorship was a plague in the 90's, it's actually still better now.

Stop being a sheep, you can just go visit the big bad 8ch.

Christ, 8ch really is the superior Yea Forums? Its basically taking the role old Yea Forums had.

They would have banned that game and many other violent and sexy ones if they could have. Republicans were always worse on this stuff but you wouldn't know since you've only been one for three years and are likely underage.

>Everyone on Yea Forums?
Everyone that does not blame it for everything that is.

>Geoff on Fox
>EA being sensible
Man those were wild times.

You keep bringing up strawman after strawman with no relevence to anything
No it wasnt. nothing like today.
Proof? you dont have any.
Who did?
What games?

Maybe if you are German.
And that's only when we talk about games.

What strawman? Do you even know what that means? Might as well tell me I'm using Mary Sues, you fucking dipshit.

>republicans worse on free speech
>Trump just made universities ensure free speech or get defunded.