Controller or M+K, Yea Forums?

Controller or M+K, Yea Forums?

FFXIV thread

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Other urls found in this thread:!BwkBkCKa!aOOP57ghNUpipf2e6woMCDj4_Dr_7Wd0bdwxCo2bsz0

Controller is comfy, especially with expanded crossbar.
It's honestly criminal that this control scheme hasn't caught on with more games, it's really well done.

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Who's this FF character?

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Anyone saying controller is literally subhuman.

>have Stormblood on both PS4 and PC
>tried to take a weekend to get used to controller so I could run roulettes while lazy in bed
>it fucking sucks

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Most of JP uses controller and they shit all over NA in clear rates.

Funny that you place her with Quistis. That is the aging old woman who runs FF14.

I can't figure out a comfortable enough setup for keyboard. The hotbar encompassing the entire number row seems cumbersome.

>most of Japan is subhuman
And water is wet. What is your point?

if this guy can top parses with controller, so you can you.

You being worse than subhumans at video games is pretty telling.

Guess you showed us with that comeback. Found the person who has to be carried in every duty.

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that's pretty cool desu

If you have access to a kb and mouse you don't need anything else.

Damn nice.

>BFA is worse than 1.0

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Almost done with msq bros.....only got patch stuff from stormblood to go....stormblood sucked dick compared to heavensward fuck ala mhigo fuck lyse fuck krile fuck gookland

I knew someone in my FC who played 1-handed with a G600. Apparently a vet who lost his arm in Afghanistan. Very competent BRD.

Controller for gathering and crafting
Mkb for battle classes

>mfw A12
it's a shame it took the entire HW raid series for there to finally be a fight that is visually compelling and doesn't just look like babby's first steampunk robot

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>was almost about to make it to level max
>apex came out
Fuck, I should cancel my sub.

Yeah that'd be an easy workaround especially for an MMO, you can get alternatuve peripherals that provide different options

I remember when WoW's ability bloat was at its worst and my friend (who had both hands of course) bought some racing pedals so that he could have more buttons to bind abilities to

You're retarded.

>muh clear rates
only because they feel obligated to do savage unlike lazy western pigdogs who only log in to afk

Sure thing, shit eater.

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>Cruise Chaser literally right before it
>Living Liquid
>Brute Justice
ok retard

>always read lamebrix's planny plot as tranny plot

Based cripple BTFOing any excuse netflix healer shitters might have for playing like ass

So you skipped over the entire Midas and Creator tiers?

>no Ratfinx

Get gud

Not going to lie the goblins themselves were pretty immemorable to me, I only remember Quickthinx because antagonist and Lamebrix because he's in Eureka.

>living reskin

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Ratfinx always sticks out to me because he's a subtle Dr. Lugae fight, further linking the Giant of Babil to Alexander.

disregard that i suck cocks

Oh great, another OLD = GOOD, NEW = BAD nostalgia circlejerking thread.

Omega > Alexander, deal with it

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Oh no I mean just Alexander's goblins. Of course I remember my girl Brayflox

Nobody was comparing Alexander to Omega before you showed up.

Man this expac fucking blows
Fuck these hicks and fuck their culture

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In my experience with the game doing savage both options are viable. Just comes down to personal preferences they put a lot of effort into making sure controller players were not disadvantaged for not using KB&M. That being said I personally use KB&M because after playing MMO's for over 15 years anything else just feels wrong.

>see half the fight to experience all mechanics: the raid tiers


the good good fight in omega in halicarnissus

>Azim steppe
>Part where MSQ sees it fit to make you go on a fetch quest to pick actual shit
>It's still somehow one of the better parts of 4.0 MSQ
How did things go so wrong?

t raen in bikini

I like both equally because I love everything about this game.

fuck this
the ultimates are really the only good fights in sb, this get boss to 70% to know all mechanics bullshit can fuck off

Make more excuses for your inability to optimize on a controller

>liking things

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The parts of Omega that are actually lore relevant are great. But they should have put a hell of a lot more effort into Deltascape and Sigmascape instead of just porting Dissidia models and giving a cheap excuse for why Omega has holograms of those characters.

I'll give an example. Omega carved out his own little extradimensional space in the Rift. If they wanted an Exdeath fight, why not say that some weird creepy ass tree growth has been spawning through cracks in the incomplete Omegascape and have it lead up to a XIV-unique incarnation of Exdeath?

is this game worth getting back into? i was in the part of the story where you run around a lot and you're just basically turning in quests not sure if i want to pay for a sub based mmo or even have the time to play but i need something for my downtime

based game lover

Controller. They've carefully designed the controls for gamepad to play fantastically. Anyone who talks down on controller play for XIV is an idiot

>shad will give us even more circlets, coats, asscape and robes
>the raids will also be uninspired garbage

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Yeah I like the weird space elements of XIV, especially how Dragons are actually aliens.

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>Heaven on High
God the aesthetic alone makes it batter than Palace of the Dead why the FUCK isn't this doable 1-70 instead of 61-70?

>implying WoWfugees know who Kefka is.

You DID get your Ozma clear, right?
It's been over 2 weeks already

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I have been playing this expac on and off and I never stepped foot in any Eureka.


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I would have to have done Eureka, and I don't hate myself to do that


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I tried a frag run
it went miserably and we didn't even beat raiden
i want to clear ozma more than anything in the world

No sorry user, I started late so I'm only up to o10s with my buddies. Maybe some time later we will do eureka. Congrats on your mount though!

What's your keyboard layout, Yea Forums?

of course I did i'm not a male midlander or femroe who can't clear content

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does anyone have a recruitment code they could toss me? I'm about to renew my sub for the first time in months and try the game out again


These are the people who play female avatars

>there might be a DMC crossover in the future

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What made 1.0 so bad? I played in the original beta back in 2010 or so and I never got past playing it for more than an hour. The FPS was sub 30 and I started with an enormous GCD, like 5 seconds or something. I killed a few rabbits outside what kind of reminds me of Limsa Lominsa before I uninstalled it.

>BFA is worse than 1.0
>Still managed to become one of the Top 10 Grossing Games in January
>FFXIV has yet to do that
People are gonna eat shit and if FFXIV doesn't do anything to expand upon their solid foundation then WoW will continue to wear its title of King for years to come even with its slowly decaying state. Seriously fuck Yoshi-P's extreme method of playing it safe, the game has so much potential and existing systems that can be abused but he won't do it

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The only things that weren't bad about it were the cutscenes, story, and music. Anything related to gameplay was an incomplete mess. There wasn't even any content at launch except for levequests. Literally ONLY levequests.


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If they're going to experiment now would be the time to do it, XIV barely has any competition right now.

just renewed my sub waiting for my shit to re download i never maxxed out a character but i dont remember the classes i had before

any recs on whats good? i like DPS and Tank i wouldnt mind re leveling from 1 if the game is fun still. also if anyone has a guild or whatever theyre called in this game id be down to join one

dark knight and red mage are the manliest classes.

yea but any experiment will piss off the weebs to the max since it will more than likely disturb there dress up games

It has no competition because it is the competition trying to steal the subs from WoW but failing at it. As much as people want to scream "WoWfugee Crisis" with their anecdotal evidence the problem is Yoshida has done nothing to try and pull them in because he rather just play it safe and re-use everything like FATEs.
We need someone to take over one of Yoshida's roles at this point because the man has gotten complacent and is taking the easiest route even with his experimentation, Eureka is a good sign of this given how is more stripped down Diadem that was kept afloat with the Relic. There is promise from the Diadem and Eureka systems that could work in the Overworld but they need to build upon FATEs and Hunts. The one good thing this Expansion were Ultimate fights and the Baldesion Arsenal if you could get an actual alliance going. They need to start applying those design concepts into actual raids and dungeons instead of shoving them off to some content that not even 10% of JP wants to do.

Nah, I got the better mount instead.

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>Using anything else than Magitek Armor
Imagine having such a shit taste in mounts.

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>not Magitek Predator

>using any mount other than your chocobo

>playing a Final Fantasy game and not riding your chocobo

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i NEED this mount. Does it fly?

Does it have Terra's theme playing along with it? If so, I might actually bother grinding it out.

im still sad bros

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Kinda sad how nobody rides their buddy
They should release more chocobo armour instead of flashy mounts


Computer died ahead of Stormblood coming out, so made the switch to PS4 and took the time to learn controller before the xpac dropped.

Comfy as fuck and I love it, when I go back to playing on PC I'm still going to be using it.

A smile better suits a hero.

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yeah with a superman pose too

>Choosing a glorified chicken over OG mount

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How do you get it?

The only mounts I use are my chocobro and the black chocobo

>not using mount roulette

is there a torrent file for this game or something i dont wanna wait until midnight to play

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just admit you don't play the game

That's just a mechanical chicken

100 rival wings / hidden gorge wins

There really needs to be a way to lock controller players out of PFs and a way to queue DF that avoids controller players. Hopefully the shad expansion will address this.

Really it's time we just face facts: they are using an objectively worse, obsolete control scheme in an MMO. Don't even try to defend them here, that's completely asinine. The way crossbars work you have to click 4 different buttons to reach a skill that doesn't happen to be one of the few available on the bar you are using. Even worse if its on the pet bar. And you still have to switch back when necessary, more button presses. They end up spending three to four times as much presses to do what a M+KB is doing. And then the targetting! Fuck, a controller player has to scroll through EVERY. SINGLE. TARGET. To get what they want. With a mouse you just click, and done. Like .5 secs if you have fat hands. Plus mouseover macros, another amazing tool out of the reach of controllerfags.
>b-but controllers clear all content
No one has ever sourced this. Personally I don't believe it actually happens.
>b-but you can put pet actions on your bar
And no one ever does, irrelevant.
>b-but expanded crossbars
No one actually uses them, irrelevant.
>b-but target filters
Again, no one actually uses them, irrelevant.

What do you think SE should do about this, Yea Forums?

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>expecting me to ride the same thing every day for 4 years
I have 100 days of playtime man. I see my chocobo plenty when I have it summoned as support

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That sounds like it takes forever

stale pasta

>all of these things completely blow my argument out of the water so I'll just say no one uses them as if that's an argument

And yes, japs, who clear better than the west predominantly use controller. nice pasta tho

ps. I use all of those things

>He doesn't play as a healer
>He's a slave to his Chocobo
>He still doesn't use the best mount in the game

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>oh boy i can't wait to do ba
>get a party together
>party made up of fully geared raiders
>should go well
>tank eats shit on the literal first trash pull after wall

fuck that noise
now i hear it's all discord drama
i'm not putting up with that for a mount i'll use for about 5 minutes

>now i hear it's all discord drama
Only if you choose to kiss up to the job interview trannies. You can easily just use the discord for the bot which functions exactly like the duty finder in-game.

The quesiton is if they can afford to keep it going for a 3rd expansion in a row. Stormblood doesnt exactly have the praise that Heavensward did so we probably won't see a massive sub increase like SB did.
>Dress-Up game
Another issue here is they won't even add to the glamour system, dye system, character customization and textures which probably would bring in more barbie doll loving weebs. It's literally just Yoshida playing it safe.

wf ucob had controller players, faggot

maybe on aether but the primal discord is alright
too many non raiders shitting up every run though

People only started praising Heavensward after Stormblood came out. During Heavensward it was hated just as much as Stormblood is now, and likely people will start praising Stormblood once Shadowbringers comes out.

Healers are all at 70, I used chocobo to help while I was finishing hunting logs and books for relics

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>dark knight and red mage are the manliest classes.

I think i might do DK ive never gone tank before in an mmo usually dps so i think itll be nice Idk if ive gotten to ishgard yet so i may have to do some more work before i get the job

what do you main?

I am level 32 in Eureka and I hate every minute I'm in there leveling when I could be crafting and making gil.

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That's bullshit and you know it, HW was loved pretty much from the start

3.1 was hated by all cause of the content drought, I will never deny that but the overall praise Heavensward got for its story was consistent since its release user. The only other "controversial" thing people had was maybe the aesthetic of Alexander but even Omega gets shat on for similar reasons so that might just be something consistent that will appear with every new 8-Man raid series.


You obviously weren't around then. The 6+ month hiatus really took a toll on everyone among many other things.

The only time people really didn't like Alexander was during Gordias. Once Midas showed up with Brute Justice everyone started loving it.

Nope. People shat on everything about Heavensward. Not buying into the nostalgiafag historical revisionist shit.

[citation needed]

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g600 is a god mouse for mmos

Lol get fucked retard. We hated it on launch and we hated the 6 month vacation that Yoshi gave everyone after HW launch

The only 2 things shat on in Heavensward were
>Patch 3.1 delay due to Dev vacation
>Initial Diadem cause it was Eureka levels of bad
There were complaints about the other iterations but people still had foolish hope that SB's version would be better than Dino Island.
As cheesy and stupid as his theme was it was just too fun having it play during the fight.

I started at 3.1 but I enjoyed Heavensward my entire time playing it. The only time I didn't really enjoy it was the meme goblins shitting up my favorite FF summon but the final tier made up for it.
Don't act like 3.3 wasn't the best patch.

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Is it really that good? I was thinking about picking it up just for it's controller-ability. I just need another controller game to play so my cat will sit on my lap. Fuck thats pathetic. Anyway, this could be some fun time sunk.

war, sam, and smn done what should i do next brd drg or rdm

DRG is a man's job

>that feel when I suffer from job ADD
This happens in every MMO I played, I just can't stick to a job or even a role I want to get gud at so I just flounder around and do nothing in the end.

im only replaying now cause i have a controller and my pc is setup close enough that i can lay on my bed with my dog and play with headphones on so im hoping that the controller makes the 1 month i brought worth, I had a hard time sticking with the game the first time i played

That's more hating on Yoshi and his band of merry gooks than the game itself though

>>that feel when I suffer from job ADD
>This happens in every MMO I played, I just can't stick to a job or even a role I want to get gud at so I just flounder around and do nothing in the end.

this is how i feel about MMO's in general i feel like i always accomplish nothing and i always jump jobs or classes, i may go through another cycle of not finding anything then quitting and just end up wasting $9

Goblins are fucking based though

>The only 2 things shat on in Heavensward were
>Patch 3.1 delay due to Dev vacation
>Initial Diadem cause it was Eureka levels of bad
And also the story for the whole Nanamo plotline resolution
And also the patch stories for doing nothing until 3.3
And also the Warriors of Darkness sideplot for not going anywhere
And also Alexander for being too silly with the goblins
And also the raiding for killing off statics until Creator
And also the class balance and meta
And also Void Ark for being the most boring 24 man ever
And also Neverreap/Fractal/ARF
And also the relic grind
And also the crafting for introducing the scrip system and shit like favours/aethersand

People bitched about everything just like they do now, and now that heavensward is over and they can't go back to it, they gloss over all the bad parts in their memories and romanticize how good it was. Get fucked.

No, I'm level 25 and just unlocked all the pagos teleports but the zone is slow cancer to get around in as is sitting around waiting for some train so you can slowly grind up your level

>The only time I didn't really enjoy it was the meme goblins shitting up my favorite FF summon
Alexander is my favorite summon too and I didn't think there was anything wrong with the Goblins being the ones to summon him. I'd even say it's fitting with their focus on technology and nomadic culture, plus the precedent they had with him in FFXI.
>but they talk funny!
So does every beast tribe.

I really wish this wasn't the case but it keeps happening and I want to die.

>Trying to get all crafters to 70
>tfw 15 leves left

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Been playing for like 8 months i rather have the menu system from ff11. Its made for a deeper more nuanced job experience.

>all this effort on weak bait
Good bait doesn't make the person posting it sound like a know nothing retard, better luck next thread

I've known that feel for a long time now.

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same i have school, work, and lifting to do but during my downtime i usually game and when i play MMOs this is usually my cycle i hate it but theres to do about it

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What's a crusadebut?

I think the job system just clicked for me... Holy shit, has this game always been better than WoW?

What do you mean?

Yes, it has always been better than post-WotLK WoW. Some parts of Legion you could argue they were about even.

It takes some doing and getting used to. Playing the controls as they are is a retarded thing to do. you need to turn on expanded controls and something else and set them up properly.

You actually have to dedicate time to set it up like you would M+KB. Maybe not as much, but again it's not just pick up and play.

>not even a single 70
get to cap you fucking retard

>accidentally use (L) leves when first learning about leves spam
fuck me, what's the point of them

What actually sucks is just console framerate, load times and general limitations. Controller is fine on PC.

i know my internet isnt this slow for real wtf why is this DL taking so long anyway to make it faster

It's DLing the base game plus the expansions plus all the patches, so no.

>And also the story for the whole Nanamo plotline resolution
Fair enough, even I was slightly annoyed by it but given how much Ishgard took the attention away from it most people rarely cared.
>And also the patch stories for doing nothing until 3.3
Did you forget how 3.2's MSQ in of itself introduced what we would have to face with Estinien/Nidhogg making an appearance? How it confirmed that the DragonSong War was still not yet done and how the struggle of the upper class and lower class was still an issue especially when Hauchefrant's younger brother shot a bitch?
>And also the Warriors of Darkness sideplot for not going anywhere
Yet people are excited because not only is the WoD plot going somewhere its being brought back from its abrupt end and even tying in the Minfillia/Hydaelyn aspect introduced in 3.2
>And also Alexander for being too silly with the goblins
People will always bitch about raid series regardless of how well made they are in your opinion. People bitch about Omega as well.
>And also the raiding for killing off statics until Creator
That was just Gordias. Midas and Creator were fine since they didn't overtune them to hell, shows how much you raided then.
>And also the class balance and meta
Still an issue and worse given they broke more classes than not this time around
>And also Neverreap/Fractal/ARF
This has to be a self-complaint as dungeons are rarely even regarded in this game given their one and done nature.
>And also the relic grind
Which has a bigger bitch fest now due to being locked to an instance. The complaint with Anima was the crafted parts not the entire process.
>And also the crafting for introducing the scrip system and shit like favours/aethersand
Once again, complaints were minor at best. Most of this sounds like your own self-complaints and while they are valid complaints the overwhelming consensus during HW's run was mostly positive. Stormblood on the other hand has been mixed to negative.

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Why Yea Forums likes braindead games? the gameplay is boring and the gcd of 2.5 seconds is shit

When in the fuck is Dancer being announced?


>GCD meme

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ah yes, the GCD with an average of 25 abilities and oGCDs out the ass is so slow. Please tell me more about your higher quality MMO gameplay standards.

Limited Job for 5.0. You have to train at each Adventurer Guild and youll get an instance where you can farm for Allied Seals by impressing the likes of Gegeruju.

>yfw the second job for 5.0 is Cannoneer

>And also the Warriors of Darkness sideplot for not going anywhere

But...Doesn't the very existence of Shadowbringers actually justify this plotline now?

If xiv is so popular then why doesn't it have dedicated data mining sites like wowhead and mmo-champion, huh?

I'll never understand how anyone thought that was never going to go anywhere. It's like everyone forgets the story is constantly ongoing. The set-up for Stormblood was in fucking ARR.

>don't act like 3.3 wasn't the best patch
It really fucking was, wasn't it.

I mean, the game has plenty of dataminers. People were making full BLU guides about 15 minutes after the patch hit and a week before the job was actually released.

>the walk along the Steps of Faith with everyone else fleeing past you

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No one maintains decent resource sites these days, all the info is squirreled away on discord servers.

i dont really pay attention to lore in MMOs is this one any good?

my char is a level 54 sam and i havent played since summer 18 has there been any huge changes since then?

when i start back i want go play DK tank but i remember i was in the part of the quest line where you spend a bunch of time going around to talk to people to complete quests, am i close to unlocking ishgard and getting DK?

Everyone datamines and posts in discords which then get posted to Reddit megathreads.

Discord is a cancer

Lack of a PTR or beta testing phase means that we get information giant, singular patches every 3-4 months and then nothing after until the next big drop.

I like that they put the trailer shot in there. HW's trailer is among on of my favorite game trailers, right next to End of an Era.
God fucking damn End of an Era and Heavensward trailer just set the tone perfectly.

They're so good that they are the exact things that made me buy and play the game. Absolutely perfect trailers.


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I don't know how far you are into 2.x content but after you drudge through it you will have your DRK

okay ill push through it then it just felt never ending when i played during the summer so i quit and never came back i hope im at least halfway done

I don't blame you. It's legitimately the worst part of the entire game.

if you don't care about the lore and skip all the dialogue it'll go by pretty fast
I do recommend watching what happens toward the end though, like when you get to the Chrysalis 8-player duty and what comes after

Push through it. Once you get to Ishgard (Heavensward) the game becomes legitimately amazing in the story department.

>Don't act like 3.3 wasn't the best patch.

Goddamnit, it really was.

>decide to rewatch the trailer
>first 20 seconds
>I am of the first brood, I am vengeance incarnate.


>keeps telling user to play a game user doesn't like
Yoshida wants them to unsub and stay unsubbed.

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Thinking about pre-ordering collection edition owlbringers
What was mount that comes with it?

Should I resub?

do you like the game? if yes then yes if no then no

i just did cause i have nothing better to do and im bored between classes and work i never maxxed anyone out highest ive ever gotten is 54 SAM so im hoping i can get into it this time

I have no fucking idea how I would even set up my spells on controller. I started to do it and it felt overwhelming so I turned it back off.

>>I am of the first brood, I am vengeance incarnate.
My friends fucking hated me because I spammed this shit in discord all fucking day

and that's a good thing!

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>pressing buttons is overwhelming

Honest question, how do I join a cool FC and make friends? I have been playing by myself and it feels pretty lonely for a long time.

what server


>how do I join a cool FC and make friends?
By being a mentally healthy social person that's willing to meet people until he finds a group he likes
Not knowing this basic fact means you're an asocial autist and have no hope, you will only ever find other social miscreants that you despise but will stay with because there's no one else, you'll also probably start blaming discord and trannies for everything

start by joining one of the FCs that advertise in /shout
don't join just the first one but most FCs that advertise themselves as midcore or social are pretty alright and probably won't mind if you end up leaving
then join a better FC organically, either by getting invited or by asking people you liked playing with if there's room for you
or you can join a raiding FC and roll the dice on the degree of autism you'll end up with. They're not all terrible, some are even pretty great, but they're the rarest

How do I meet people? PF?

Join G or Fayth, they're the social guilds that scoop up newbies and retards. Be warned though, G is a cult and if you cross one of their members they all blacklist you.

LOL no. Join a raid static/discord group.

If you're at leve cap, don't have the time to do a bunch of leves to bring yourself down, but want to start accumulating leves again, so you do one leve that gives a lot more XP than one leve, but not as much as the ten it costs would give on their own.

>G is a cult and if you cross one of their members they all blacklist you
lets here some stories user

Reminder that the mystery nigga is G'raha Tia and deniers are on suicide watch

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Hey fuck you expanded crossbars are GOAT
way better than kb

Is the SMN a good DPS?

t. ACN



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it's a very good DPS but also one of the hardest

The story is going to be great given the lead writer but the question is, are we actually going to have content that actually lasts a good patch cycle that isnt Savage raiding?


>tfw no giant blue lion mommies for 4 more months

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Why are they going to be blue exactly?

When's the next story patch? I'm actually halfway interested in this shit again

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Probably the 26th

Let me rephrase that, are we going to have substantial and varied content that isn't just one instance that would be dead without a key item so multiple avenues can be taken in the DoM/W part of the game.

X's Blue Mages where furry lion people.

These are the 2 I never join.

Probably going to be before the Fanfest to be honest given the Full Shadowbringers Trailer and such will be dropped.

Expecting the game's third expansion to shuck the mold that's made it a success three times over is insanity. Though this question of "will they completely change the game's progression-model and endgame content this time?" is asked every single thread, so the ultimate conclusion is that people who play Final Fantasy XIV are insane.

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Because Ronso are and they're supposedly like Ronso.

it's the same lead writer as stormblood. they wrote it together. it will also presumably have the other writer still on board.

So I have a bunch of gatherers and crafters at 70, what is the best way to make gil?

I see. Interesting. When will we betting more news? Is there a live letter any time soon?

Quickthinx was the only remotely interesting one, in terms of visuals, and even that was ruined because he was a joke boss.

>it's the same lead writer as stormblood
It's not. DRK lady was made the new lead writer after 4.3.

Make any 380 DOW/M or 340 Crafting gear with mats that you harvest yourself and sell it.

>cruise chaser, brute justice and living liquid were not interesting in terms of visuals

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Official announcement at fanfest in 2.5 weeks.


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sell furniture and 380 gear

Yes, we already knew they worked on SB together, with DRK lady doing the Azim Steppe. Banri Oda was the lead.
Now she is lead scenario writer.

what is it with characters in this game wearing cloth armor on their chest, but then metal armor legs or hand armor?

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To make 380 stuff I need much better crafting gear, which requires a lot of gil.

The excuse given to us by Yoshida in the SB Fanfest was the design philosophy going into SB was to give us more content in the long run which hasn't been true since we at best the same amount of content as HW with worse longevity with no Relic to proper old content up or less by the merit of losing the dungeon as well. I don't think its foolish to expect that after 2 expansion cycles where they essentially reskinned dungeons with the occasional recolored boss/trash that they wouldn't be able to do it on a dime en masse especially when many of said dungeons were forgetful or truly one and done due to the Relic no longer propping up anything but the Eureka instance.
>shuck the mold
The current mold has only been around since Heavensward. ARR itself had more content per patch at varying levels of quality with most generally being good enough to some being great. It did have a good chunk of filler and nuisances though that need to be addressed if they hope to retain more players entering the game. The question here is if the game can even survived Heavensward 3.0 with another Eureka on the way which mind you was pretty dead till the mountains of nerfs to Pagos and even then not even 10% of the overall population has reached Hydatos

She didn't write only the Azim Steppe, they said in an interview they split it into parts. You could argue she wrote everything in Othard, but it's a huge collaborative effort either way.
Oda was also the "lead writer" of Heavensward either way, and that was also fantastic.

For example, I mean like Yda with her booty shorts and heavy plated leg armor, or the same with the masked gook lady, except she wears some baggy shirt and a mask.

>I mean like Yda with her booty shorts and heavy plated leg armor
She's a pugilist, so the leg armor is actually a weapon and she dresses light so she can move.
>or the same with the masked gook lady
She's a ninja and is wearing chainmail underneath.

Yes she was credited with Azim Steppes. Have you not seen the forums or even Yea Forums threads at this point? It was common knowledge that she worked on the DRK storyline and AzSt, both which were happily received by most of the playerbase. Why do you think she's taking over as lead writer? Hell she's the person who set up most of the plotlines also coming together in ShB. Hell the reason Stormblood was shit was not even on the current lead writer but on Yoshida himself given he pushed the need for Doma into the story rather than focusing on the Ala Mhigo conflict overall. Heavensward worked great because it was self contained in Ishgard, not split across 2 regions with focus being heavily disjointed on the original plotline.

just sell furniture then
people spend fortunes to decorate their houses

Is every other mission gonna end with this stupid bitch stepping forward like shes gonna do something to someone and Alisaie having to put her hand out to stop her from doing it?
I mean holy shit it's like having Morrigan in your party all over again, bitch got problem with EVERYTHING.

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She took the mask off is what happened.

you can do some memey rotations with specialists that only need hq 290 stuff and some yellow scrip gear, the actual mats for the gear aren't that hard to get a hold of outside of the scrip items and the namazu items(if you haven't been stockpiling them while you were leveling)

Yep. Enjoy Stormblood.

Lyse is such a terrible plot twist.
>yeah we knew you weren't really yda but we went along with it anyway
what the fuck

She's credited with the Azim Steppe on a slide that doesn't even contain all of her work. She wrote the Azim Steppe, truly and surely, but to say it's her only credit to the MSQ is retarded.
And the split between Ala Mhigo and Doma felt completely fine, it was liberation of one to inspire the other.
>not split across 2 regions
you're write it's split into 3, and they all work into the story well, just like Stormblood.
>focus being heavily disjointed
right let's get started on stopping the dragonsong war oh but look out there's shit going on in the holy see and now we need to find the secret allagan base to stop them
both storylines are great and they both have the same great writers, but doesn't matter because everyone will shit on Shadowbringers when it comes out in the same way and say Stormblood was better.

>Oda was also the "lead writer" of Heavensward
Why go on the internet and lie?

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Everybody cared who she was, until she took off the mask.

Controller, but you need keyboard for communication if you're not chatting with your buds on a headset.

Why would you?

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She was genuinely more interesting and attractive as a character when she was a ditz with retard strength.

Don't forget that it served absolutely no purpose.

Fastest way to level?
My first time playing

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Do your quests

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Main Story Quests. The ones with the icon surrounded by fire.

She's only good when she shuts up so yea.

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Nigga that's from the patch series credits, not 3.0. They did the lead up to SB, which had kino like the WoDs and then absolutely insane bullshit like the Lyse reveal. You can tell who's responsible for each of those things too. Oda is great with lore but his fucking fixation on Lyse ruined SB.

A jump potion.

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Don't do this


Yda was actually smart too, because she received the title of Archon which is the Sharlayan equivalent of a PhD. She was just pretending to be retarded. Lyse is genuinely fucking retarded.

been out of the loop and unsubbed for a while
is potd still the best way to get jobs to 60? what about 70?

>Lyse is genuinely fucking retarded.

Attached: lyse meaning.jpg (433x667, 79K)

Eat food regularly so you get EXP bonus (the cheapest vendor junk is fine)
Join a Free Company for EXP boost
At level 15 do the "Hall of Novice" quest to get an amazing ring with a +30% exp bonus
Always do main story quest and class quest.
Then, do your hunting logs.
If you need a bit more, world quests, leve quests, fates, and dungeons are decent.
Once you hit level 17, unlock the "Deep Dungeon" called Palace of the Dead. Repeatedly doing Deep Dungeon is the fastest way to level but it's tedious as hell and boring, so don't get burned out by it. Mix it up with other stuff. Also ALWAYS DO YOUR MSQ

There's literally no point in leveling fast if it's your first character/class. You're going to get railroaded by the MSQ at level 50 and 60 with no good way to proceed until you finish them so you might as well take your time.

Stop talking about lyse. It's making me angry that yda literally died to put lyse in the game.

she just cheated off papalymo's work in exchange for getting mashed by the potato

>3 regions
The Dravanian Region and Ishgardian region, both which made sense to the Dragonsong War proper with one being the home of the Dragons and the other of the Ishgardians as the name implies. The story pacing thru these neighboring regions were never disjointed. Abalathia's Spine was also still part of Isghardian territory and as such were regions of interest to the Holy See even moreso when they were told an ancient allagan construct had a potential key to wiping out their enemy in their never-ending war.
>inb4 "Yeah bu-but Azys Lla"
And knowing you were going to bring up Azys Lla, once the overall plotline of King Thordan was done the area got pretty much left alone for side stories such as the Warring Triad and the Fractal Continuum. Even then the side quests were a result of Thordan's interference but outside of the launch story it pretty much got left along once the MSQ was done with it. Everything related to the Ishgardian story and overall HW story got contained in Dravania and Ishgard, homes of 2 factions that were in eternal war. The only way Stormblood could have done the same was maybe if instead of Doma/Ala Mhigo it was Ala Mhigo/Parts of the Garlean Empire Proper.

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You never met Yda. You met """""""""Yda""""""""

Doesn't really ruin my point that both of them have been writing since Heavensward, and do it well and fine. They're great writers and weave a fantastic story together.

We never met Yda, so we have no idea if she was even pretending to be retarded.

If you played 1.0 and started in Gridania then you could have seen the real Yda. You can go watch the cutscenes now actually.
>she was dead before 1.0!
Any time you see the Scions in 1.0 before the battle with Gaius, you're seeing them in an Echo vision 10 years prior, just before the Battle of Silvertear Skies. Opening cutscene starts with the meteor shower taking you into an Echo vision and from then on you'll notice a -woosh- effect on the edges of the screen when an Echo vision begins.

How can one easily obtain more glamour prisms?

I am on When The Cold Sets In and my subquest is Blood on the Deck ATM how much longer until ishgard and i can get my DK?

Unless you were a Legacy player

literally buy them from a vendor

then sell them to idiots on the MB for a huge markup for free money

That's the most retarded thing about it. You never met the real Yda, so why should you care about Lyse not being Yda?
God damn it fuck Lyse I hope she chokes to death when Ala Mhigo gets gassed

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market board

It's barely any quests, user. Come on.

And what vendor might that be? I've been to all 3 cities yet I don't see them.

>Shadowbringers makes it look like Zenos had a 1v1 duel with the WoL in the middle of a blazing battlefield
>in reality the WoL had 3 other adventurers help beat the shit out of him then 7 more to beat him infused with Shinryu
Not as epic of a climax.

The 1v1 duel is yet to come. It's happening in the final story patch on the 26th.

nigger fucking FFXIV is at like 200k subs, face it its not ever going to beat wow. ARR was its best punch and the second the next shitty wow skinnerbox expac dropped everyone fucked off back to wow

It's better to play FFXI, a real MMO with real content that deserves the love, not this bullshit that is XIV that only erpers and autists play

That's not Zenos in the Shadowbringers trailer, it's Elidibus.

Allies in dungeons/trials are non-canon most of the time, barring CM and Prae off the top of my head.

The Zenos in the Shadowbringers trailer is possessed body Zenos being controlled by an Ascian and the 1v1 duel they are having is coming in the part 2 MSQ patch in 3 weeks

make a XI thread then if you want to talk about it instead of bitching here.

They mention gathering your "gifted friends" pretty frequently, especially in SB.

If you mean actually already made ones, you either make them your self or buy them off the market boards. Otherwise Bango Zango in Limsa, Black Rabbit trader in Gridania and i don't know who in Uldah. I assume they're all near the main aetheryte.

Aw come now user, cut her some slack. I'm sure most people would lose their marbles going through what she's been through. Even though regarding that still doesn't make her likeable.

FFXIV is literally the best MMO on the market right now. Even WoW players jumping ship agree with it.

Is part 2 before or after JP fanfest?

Probably the Tuesday after

Your GC vendor, its something like 200 seals per prism. You have to have gotten to the second ranking tier to buy them though.

Get an MMO mouse. Then you can do everything on a mouse.

Probably before, JP fanfest will have the complete trailer and it wouldn't really make sense to have key plot elements show up in it before we actually see it in the patch.

you can get glamour prisms from the quartermaster of the Grand Companies for seals. You can also craft them with a crafting class. I don't think you can just buy them from a vendor, although you can buy Clear Prisms.

Controller, otherwise movement and moving the camera during combat is a pain in the ass.

I've hit a fucking wall at ozma prog and I feel like I'll never actually clear it at this point

why the fuck is this so expensive?

The only thing I've even heard that could be called drama is people getting pissy because they lose their spot in the bot queue and then rage quit the discord and go take portals on purpose.

I think the best way to do the Yda "reveal" would have just been to keep it simple.
Yes Yda is a fake name, and yes shes in disguise. She doesn't just wear a mask because shes a weirdo. Shes a fugitive from the Empire and a member of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. Her real name is Lyse and shes finally ready to go home. Cue Stormblood music.
I think they tried to make it more convoluted and emotional than it really needed to be for some reason and it just came out dumb.

zenos is going to double sharingan elidibus out of his body like he did with shinryu, like he would really let anyone else try to kill his only friend!BwkBkCKa!aOOP57ghNUpipf2e6woMCDj4_Dr_7Wd0bdwxCo2bsz0

what about the first volume

Just use legacy camera.

1. people will pay for it
2. full color printing is expensive as shit and they're pretty substantial books
3. small runs of books are expensive

>wah skinnerbox everyone should play this game that takes 5 months of mindless grinding 24/7 before you can do anything of value instead

They didn't need to do a reveal at all. It could have been kept as Yda and it would have been just fine. I'd even say it would be more interesting because we already knew Yda had combat and leadership experience in the Ala Mhigan civil war.

The problem is that Oda really wanted to have that story with her growing into the leadership position. So he had to change her into someone much younger with no experience in war.

The quests right before Heavensward? If so, then yes. That's the stretch of quests where a lot of people quit.

I use kb+m only because I can't be bothered to talk drop the controller to talk in guild chat or discord

Does that mean we're also going to see Gria too or do Au Ra make up for them, minus the wings?

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I honestly think people meme on Eureka too hard. They act like it's literally the only content in the game and that it's the worst thing to ever exist. If Pagos hadn't been such a shitshow Eureka would probably be seen as mediocre but passable content instead of the pariah it is.

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Heck yeah. I got it last night after many days of cursed runs.

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I don't expect them to show up for the reasons you've stated, but we're probably getting more Ivalice in ShB so it's a possibility.

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gria aren't mentioned anywhere in the dalmasca section, so they probably don't exist in xiv
also yeah it would be weird to have another lizard race that are presumably unrelated to the already existing lizards

They could just have another Au Ra clan called the Gria. There are at least two more that we know exist, one of which Oda instructed Koji to keep his mouth shut about.

So let me get this straight. According to the news post about the data center split, I can buy an apartment now for 500k and then in April I'll get my 500k back plus another 500k for my furnishings that get lost?

So what's stopping me from buying an apartment right now jist so I can make 500k in April?

nothing, go crazy

why do you lose your apartment in the first place?

I miss cute cat girls

How about roe girls?

I'm right here user

housing is not transferred between servers.

Because I'm not sticking around to see my server get raped by Balmung. I'm jumping ship asap

They look like men
Should I use sb free phantasia to re roll into bunny girl?

The most heart-pounding, exciting thing in this game is unironically mahjong.

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go back

>falling for reddit balmung-boogeyman memes
Balmung users will stay on Balmung in the main, stop on by sometime. We don't have any spam-bots here because the server's closed.

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>tfw I keep getting close to 1800 and then tanking
2000 feels real far off.

Yeh, I'm gonna check out the RP scene on some other servers, namely mateus, but nothing beats home.

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>a long pause after your discard when you just know someone is in tenpai
a terrible feeling

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>the michael cera race/gender

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Afraid of getting smashed against a wall by something that both has a vagina and has more testosterone than you do?

>draw a man
>erase the dick
>call it a woman
hard pass

I'm guessing you're into Asian women

>no degenerate fetishes please

I'm into women, not dudes in dresses.

pet me

Attached: 73461350_p0.jpg (800x800, 227K)

Hope you don't like Miqo'te then, that's not a girl on the other end of the computer screen

I only pet lalafell girls in cute or sexy glams.

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The moon bitch wanting me to keep fucking her up during 4.4 was getting my dick hard.

Anyone who plays an MMORPG on a controller is retarded.
>b-but it's completely possible
>b-but it's so comfy
Fuck off, retard.

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>200k subs

I too enjoy shitposting

I did but fuck all these girls avatarfagging the fuck out of themselves on discord. I thought women ruining MMOs were a meme boy was I wrong.

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My favorite part of msq were steppes

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ahhhhhhhhh samyani sana
yaaaaaaaaa yabisman yana saaaaaa


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cuter than they deserve

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this month friend
accompanied by the free transfers

should i resub

And you have the insolence to complain?
You're pretty bloody fortunate to have this speed.

wait til later this month so you can get the final story patch over with

only "people" who like femroes are other femroes, get over it already freaks

Attached: roecow.png (1578x987, 2.53M)

Free transfers arent till April

Wrong, I play male roe purely to "no way fag" bara roleplayers and au ra

Who cares? We're just talking about characters here. Are you some assblasted big girl irl playing a femroe?


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Faggots are gonna get the thread pruned again.

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Damn, what mods are these? this is my fetish.

>Thread devolves into /xivg/ tier shit
Every goddamn time.

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what the fuck are you talking about, the only time I see them deleted is when the janny hasn't taken his fucking meds and deletes any one we put up
fuck off paranoid retard

could someone paste Curious Georges face on there and have him saying something to the effect of:
>"I just don't get it, why do people think warriors are just a bunch of bloodthirsty psychopaths? If only there was a way I could show them how wrong they are? I'VE GOT IT!"
And then have the bottom be his face when he sperged out on that small village. That would be perfect.

>"don't judge me for being a colossal attention seeking faggot outside of /vg/! You don't pay my sub!"

>(î‚”Idoru StardustBrynhildr) Raising Prickly PineappleExcalibur, may you be reborn as a Lalafell!
worse than death...

i bought a raincoat for my chocobo and it's cute
anyway thank you for reading my blog, have a good night

I have no knees and I must scream.

We really should only have these threads when there's new shit to talk about, because otherwise every thread turns into bitching about shitters and ERPfags

>Giving gooks a monthly fee

>femroes ruining another thread

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Literally anyone with a brain was ignoring them, retards like you give them attention by complaining.
Don't feed the troll has been words to live by for well over 15 years and you retards still do it.

Earlier there was a thread that had fucking character posting and almost nobody called them out on it. Fanfest/ new patch, whichever comes first, can't get here soon enough.

Except first guild wars, mmo with sub are the only mmo worth touching

>rumours of dancer
so whats the third job? theres gonna be 3 right?


any tanks on zalera please DF up for the pool of tribute. Thanks.

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Please enjoy your 3rd job, BLU

>Earlier there was a thread that had fucking character posting and almost nobody called them out on it
holy shit you're pathetic. maybe because no one fucking cares, retard.

Go attention whore in /vg/ faggot.

I don't character post unless it's warranted like pointing out something on a glamour. You're the baby bitch who starts crying any time he sees a character in this game about playing with other people's characters.

Of course, I've had it during week one.

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Cool except it wasn't warranted.

Is there stuff to do at 50, because I can't do HW and SB until Shadowbringers comes out?

Never said I fucking posted at all, because I haven't.
You need to settle the fuck down, man. It's just a game and some people want to post what they want.

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because these threads are made by xivg people you fucking idiot

>tfw musclegirlfag but hate these spergs

Well they can't discuss the game on their own board so I don't blame them.

That said, give me a class to level. I have DRK, PLD and WHM at 70. A dps would be preferred but if it'll do me better to level WAR or another healer feel free.


Hit up the SAM life bro

No but I helped around 100 or more people get used to the content by pioneering runs and teaching folks which all probably have it by now.

I gave up after a week because getting in groups was too hard if you didn't see enrage and after 5+ attempts on Ozma that ended in failure because one fuck wiped the entire raid I didn't want to bother. It's not even that good of a mount, and seeing everybody with it made me sick and tired of it like all FOTM meme mounts.

My favourite mounts are my luchador chocobo (pic related) and the sephirot bird for the colours.

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Going to play this game for the first time in July. Any advice? Yes I will be a viera, though if it's female only then I might just roll a normal class, i dont like playing as girls.

I'm on the starter pack.

18 more days of furious denial from male bunnyfags.

Just play a roe and don't dress like bara-bait, you will be infinitely based and people will recognize your skill from a glance.

>I can't do HW and SB until Shadowbringers comes out
You can.

>That inevitable storm of shitposting that will occur when either side wins

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Its criminal that you don't have the mount. I'm sorry user, it's cold comfort but just know that there is -someone- out there who knows you deserve the mount more then half the elitist faggots who shit their way through BA.

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just buy stormblood?

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My legs are ok.

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Nobody actively wants genderlock to happen.
Getting two fully realized races would be great, it's just not believable anymore. And after Fanfest, there'll be two years of whining for the missing genders until Yoshida caves and adds them in 6.0.

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>Finally get a cool cecil-esque DRK helmet

>it changes the shape of your head when you put it on

Who the fuck is responsible for this each time it fucking happens.

You gained brouzouf
You gained brouzouf
You gained brouzouf
You gained brouzouf
My legs are ok
You gained brouzouf

It'll be great

Fuck. Pic related.

Attached: honk.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

I don't have access to HW and SB with the starter pack.

>buy SB when Shadowbringers comes out in 3 months

That is dumb and there aren't even any sales for SB.

me on the right

HW is part of arr since 2 years ago

Yeah I dropped the helmet because it actually stretches your neck and reduce your jaw width depending on the race.

What are you talking about? Doesn't the starter pack only include ARR?

Fuck Yoshi and his team for teasing me with Geomancer during the AST 60-70 questline.

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why couldnt drk zantetsuken be the real color

I'm wearing it out of stubbornness. It looks good as long as you don't scrutinize that. I doubt it'll ever get fixed.

No it isn't, it's part of Stormblood.

will there ever be a fending set that look good on female au ra
anything without huge shoulder pads

Attached: 3662888657297080331.png (128x128, 27K)

They're too small and dainty to look good in fending stuff.

Please erp more with lalafells! They want to be lewded too!

Omega Fending looks fine on them.

my sub ran out right when they made it so jobs have 10 role actions, is there anything major i missed between then and subbing again right now besides msq

>want to find a good lewdafell
>all of them are apex degenerate diaperfags or only fuck other lalafells

It's actually pretty much impossible to find one that isn't either of those things and ALSO mentally sound, because chances are they might actually be fucking insane.

>female au ra
Back WHM with you. Tanking is a MANS job.

i'm a nin..
must replace the awful shoes though

Dammit, I'd play a lalafell and do regular lewd things though I am an apex degenerate as well.
Being fucked as a potato just sounds too fun.

Just transferred from Kujata to Tonberry (australian, Tonberry wasn't open for characters/transfers for ages).

What am I in for?

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>people who erp as a toddler are inside
who would've guessed

Tfw just want to rest my head on giant titties as a lalafell

No shit

Use either DRK AF3 boots or Shire Fending boots. Hellfire Sabatons of Fending work nicely too.

>tfw when vanilla loving lala
>no tall boys to tease and flirt with
>willing to healslut for a nice guy
>no one ever is interested in lalas

Looks like we missed each other hard, boyo

SHOCKING: people who roleplay literal infants having sex are mentally disturbed

>diaperfag potato players
well no shit

I just wanted to be a cute shortie with wide hips.
I rp a mature, big sis countryside girl, sue me

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boy did you make a mistake

lalafell are cute you dumb faggot

I'm still hoping for petite Viera with wide hips.


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High Mythrite armor. Dravanian chest piece, the Omega chest piece, Armor of Behemoth King, are all form-fitting, Alexandrian chest ish. The new 24 man chest piece is also ok.

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god yes. I wish more sexy lalafell were posted itt

this. that BDO copied of all things Tera for it's control scheme is unconscionable. Ring Menus do not work on console games.

FFXIV's controls set up is perfect, you can edit your buttons control your zoom, auto run and still have a 1 button press to all the menus. it should be the standard for how all MMOs support controllers.

I remembered a modder made a penny's weapon and it's 500x better than the shit square gave us

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aw man so cute

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>ugly human in perfect bun gear


Hot, would fug if you like futas

so which is it are they potatos or am I going to jail they cant be both you stupid fuck

Put some clothes on, this is a blue board.

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And the i355 special forces tank chest is also ok if you want to do something for that. The Skallic chest is solid, as well as the i300 Arhat chest piece.

agrias is terrible, such huge shoulder pads

looks like trash.

This is retarded

This is understandable

who cares about the bunny barbies

>glows while sheated


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Hey I'm going to play Xiv for the first time sometime later this week, do you recommend using a controller?

>they cant be both
fucking a spud would be some public indecency stuff surely, unless you like to keep smash potatos hidden behind closed doors

dont click this then

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literally everyone who wants to like elezen but cant get into their ugly animations and proportions

>Most of JP
Normal people albeit Japanese
>Rest of the world
Actual psychotic messes thanks to titty skittles

keyboard is better mostly because it's easier to navigate menus and type, but you're not really disadvantaged otherwise by using a controller. use one if you want to

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God I just want to fucking rail Tataru Taru, I mean really just go berserk on her all night long

Hey, this is pretty good. Pity it would require me switching GCs.

Same. Made to be a slave to my futa cock.

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Being able to step out of aoes and also have them not hit you.

>first ever BA frag run
>someone dies to first boss
>he doesn't get rezzed because neither of the healers brought sacrifice and were both bitching that they didn't want to use it
>no one else dies for the rest of the run

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She's already taken half the cocks in the realm user so have at it

honestly anyone who dies on either of the spear boys deserves it

>que for 24 man
>que after about 5 mins
>One dps doesn't que
>next que pops around 20 mins later
Please pay attention to your ques

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Living Liquid in A3S was his first appearance retard. He was reskinned later. Doesn't make the original fight bad

I'll be trying BA for the first time this weekend.. any guides you'd recommend?

That clears things up.

Now if only people could answer what I can do at 50 while waiting for Shadowbringers to come out? Can I do Rival Wings at 50?

>guy say to go ice 3 times
>someone goes to fire


Kujata is on the same data center as Tonberry

controller is fun for duties when I only have 2 buttons to push

Perhaps the relic weapon quests

>what I can do at 50 while waiting for Shadowbringers to come out?
play another game

glad that you are gone.

you shouldn't post videos about yourself on Yea Forums user

That sounds fucking awful without being able to shit through fates and books because of being 60/70.

stormblood is $20 on steam, but theres some janky bullshit about having to always get everything on steam if you buy anything on it


why would it be about me, its your video after all it must be about you

>implying im daphne and celeste
i wish
them or hanson

and funny enough the people who are the most vocal about their dislike of elezen ore roes are cat/lizard people who have bad heterochromia and even worse looking characters

Nobody is vocal about disliking elezens, only femroes because femroe posters are obnoxious freaks.

i tease my friend about being elezen all the time but honestly i kinda like them. i wouldn't play one though because of the reasons given, and a bun would fix all of that (hopefully)

i've seen a decent amount during the small time i spend on balmung,but the femroe hate is definately a balmung thing and the erp femoes are to blame they annoy everybody by being too forceful with everyone and everyone has horse dicks

i have no evidence i can show but i saw a decent amount on balmung though that was 2 years ago

All iterations of Diadem make Eureka look amazing in comparison. Dino-island grind shit was as if Anemos consisted exclusively of killing wraiths to spawn Pazuzu over and over for three hours.

I really like how everyone going to crystal pretend to not are about primal/aether, but they can't keep their mouths shut about it. Probably has to do with balmung players moving or creating new alts on Primal worlds to end up moving their mains. I've seen 2 balmung FCs move to Ultros already, why the shithole known as ultros out of every other world? Fucking who knows, the players from there give me cancer.

what who? its new to me
we had enough erpers in limsa already

i play on one of the servers thats getting sent to crystal from primal, im really hoping the erp servers both dont lock themselves away because i dont want to see them make another server into their "waiting room"

So I placed myself on Odin.
Theoretically, If I put the RP icon above me, will random people approach me to talk?

no more than likely people will just laugh at you in secret or tell you to go to balmung


isnt odin the balmung of chaos

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