>"Brb bro gotta go take a massive shit"
>last online 1253 days ago
"Brb bro gotta go take a massive shit"
legit made me laugh hears a bump
>hang on i hear something in my backyard
>last online 1253 days ago
>hey, someone is calling me form last online 1253 days go
>last online 1253 days ago
Well he did say massive.
jesus fucking christ here's a bump you glorious bastard
>give me sec guys my dad's at me yelling
>last online 1253 days ago
Why is this so funny
>FRIEND420: hang on, need to take a 1253 day trip
>last online 1253 days ago
>FRIEND420 is now online
>FRIEND420: back what'd I miss
Fucking died taking a shit
>"Brb bro gotta go take"
>doesn't finish sentence
>last online 1253 days ago
This is some embarrassingly obvious samefag OP. Lurk a couple more years and try again
>brb bro I just heard somethAAAAAAAAARGHH
>last online: 1253 days ago
LMFAO, a bump for you friend.
>shit wife came home early gotta go
>last online: 1253 days ago
>brb bro gotta go to blockbuster
>last home 20 years ago
>parents arguing in the background
“Hey I gotta go, i suck at this game”
>they’re the best at the game, they have the highest kdr and they spend the most time online
>last online 2569 days ago
>hey brb i gotta go check on something
>Last online: 23 seconds ago
h-he's coming back right?
>*friend posts meme about suicide*
>*they actually commit suicide*
Miss you Travis.
>tfw they are all ok but discovered the invisible status
>brb gotta jump through time
>last online -1278 days ago
>Newfag telling others to lurk more
>last online 49477 days ago
Must be a big shit.
yee haw
do NOT yeehaw
Go on your steams friends list.
Post the longest a friend has been offline.
this is why mom doesn't fucking love you
I clicked it and nothing came up. Just an empty /r/ search result.
>they must be dead and prison doesn't exist
>he thinks prisons are real
they're called FEMA camps and the people who enter don't come back
I just hope they're okay
Based newfag
how do you know they did it
yee haw
you've done it now you son of a bitch
> "I'm aware I'm just an internet stranger to you, but I want you to know regardless that I truly appreciated our time together"
> Last online: 1825 days ago
You weren't just an internet stranger to me, you fucking idiot.
>friend actually kills himself after posting ominous video on his youtube channel
>giving samefaggotry (You)s
(You) should be ashamed
>eceleb kills himself
win win
>implying he was a eceleb
he was just a autist who had a youtube channel with nonsense you fucking corporate zoomer
> Tfw you could have said something but you didn't
Ever since that day I always listen to my feelings first. It's a shame it took him to do this for me to realize doing that.
if he had more than 50 subs he's a cringelord
he had 202 cause he had a video go popular on /r9k/
based popular r9k attentionwhore killed himself
so based
maybe if i said i suck ur benis pal he not ded...
rip in penis bro......
>Meet 2 chill dudes in Dead Island
>start playing "competitive" Left 4 Dead
>3 months later they ask about visiting me in real life
>Cut all contact
I've been an Invisible Man ever since.
From the funeral
too bad he was popular huh...
what was he like
>calling them an idiot
What are you, some tsundere ass bitch?
I wonder what happened to him
>dumb richfag eceleb killed himself
guess money isn't everything huh?
>Discredited in a 1980 trial
/pol/ isn’t even trying anymore
not him but there was a trial about anne franks diary?
"so based" because some miserable autist guy uploaded a video that maybe made him feel better to other miserable autists and they liked it? and it's good that he died because of that? what the fuck, don't be such a edgelord underage
>inb4 fuck off back to redd it
that wasnt even me lol that was a new guy
however if your friend had a fanbase then he is an eceleb and its good hes dead, if his videos were like "hehe i want to die looool can anyone relate" then its even more cringe
celebrity worship is cringe
>old steam friend who was offline for close to a year resurfaces
>they start a convo
>catch up and chat for a good two hours
>they randomly stop replying to you mid-conversation and never initiate conversation again
im not that guy's friend either, I'm just saying, maybe the vid wasn't attention whoring, just having subs on yt doesn't make you an eceleb that gets worshipped, just sounds pretty "cringe" to call his suicide SO BASED, 0 decency
>making a video about suicide for all your suicidal fans to laugh about and relate to isn't attentionwhoring
he didn't say the vid was about suicide, what if the vid that got him to 200 subs was some shitty r9k meme video? and then the omonous pre-suicide video wasn't anything suicide related but just a strange one that reeked of depression? I don't assume
I'm fucking dying, GG OP
its because they turned into a normie
r9k attentionwhores and all attentionwhores should burn
could be. they actually turned into a tranny in their absence and I only ever see them playing fighting games when they're online. can traps who only play ultra-competitive games ever really be normies?
what ever man
The /r9k/ video was about making fun of wagies and the suicide video was him in some weird group therapy where they all "laughed the pain away"
>some weird group therapy where they all "laughed the pain away"
that's fucking sad
they aren't actually competing if they are a tranny
lmao he made fun of people because he didn't have to work and then killed himself
fucking owned so hard
>owned so hard
*rubs the pie off my face and we both have a laugh*
haha good one user
Is reviewbrah the most based youtuber?
>makes tons of money being cringe and circlejerking his fanbase
Truly a life I wouldn't mind living.
>over 119 years
seems legit
wow i wish i had the 119 years of service badge
>Discredited in a jew court.
Yeah, okay kike.