Could this be Pokemon one day?
Could this be Pokemon one day?
Not unless Nintendo buys Gamefreak
looks onions af
For the last time, No!
But why
No. This sort of map style would completely fuck over the positioning and layout of NPC trainers. Also, there's no way a rare Pokemon like Snorlax would just be lying around in the open. Spawn rates for rare Pokemon would probably be really low, meaning you'd have to enter and leave the field repeatedly to get what you want to spawn. Even then, there's no way you'd be able to know whether the rare mon has spawned unless you combed the entire field.
not under Gamefreak
and there's no reason to believe they won't continue to be responsible for the series since every lazy pile of crap they release still sells like crazy
we're only getting a competent pokemon game if for some reason people stop buying the crap Gamefreak shits out, which won't happen anytime soon
Pokemon has always been an awful fucking series
Onions boost testosterone. POTW confirmed peak masculinity
>Will it?
No. Because Gamefreak.
looks S○Y af desu
How would it hurt NPC trainers? They would just be walking around.
You just discovered the reason for the word filter
They can overhaul the way NPCs work.
And for spawning, you can add ways to draw out and hunt specific Pokemon. So maybe you'll be lucky and encounter a Snorlax naturally, or you can come back later with some bait and try to lure it out of hiding.
Making every Pokemon have special ways to track and catch them would go a long way to making the game more interesting.
What if the snorlax was just such a beast that no trainer could catch him? It's not like trainers woukd team up I'm squads to catch a rare or anything, snorlax isn't threatening anybody.
no, and it shouldn't be. webm related, on the other hand, is what gen 8 would look like in the hands of a competent developer.
no, because brainlets like (gamefreak's target audience) can't comprehend playing something that's not the exact same game they played 20 years ago
aditionally, gamefreak doesn't have the competence to release anything that isn't the exact same game they've been making for the past 20 years, and it would be a disaster if they tried
>So much of a brainlet they can't think in a context other than 2D planes
You are far too conditioned by your shitty restrictive game that has barely changed in 23 years
How did you type Tom Green's testicle tho
I feel like Game Freak would never do that, since they're adamant about keeping Pokemon a portable series. Having such a nuanced and meticulous style of finding Pokemon would hurt their goal.
Is that beta footage of Pokemon Revolution?
desu just take Ni no kuni 1
add pokemon skin on it
I don't see a Pokemon game with the openness of Breath of the Wild. But I do see 3D Pokemon evolving to have large open sections in the style of Kingdom Hearts 3.
Pre-rendered concept trailer.
>this came out 12 fucking years ago
>pokemon is nowhere close to looking like that
Look at all that empty nothing. People who want open world Pokemon don't actually know what they want.
it's actually a bullshot they made to hype up pbr back in the day.
but instead of using that trailer as a goal to strive for, game freak said "making games is hard, please understand!" and gave us pic related instead.
One issue with larger world and better graphics is that they also increase player expectations. If NPC trainers just stand or wander around like mindless zombies, even completely ignoring all the Pokemon around them, then it would look off and unnatural. If you notice, in the show, Ash only runs into, like, one or two trainers per route.
The reason we find nothing wrong with trainers just standing around doing jack shit or running around in circles in previous titles is because we don't really expect anything from games with those kinds of graphics. NPCs standing around in large empty fields or roads doing nothing is the norm in 2D or low-poly games. But if you were to update it to something closer to BotW's style, then having a large amount of NPCs neither doing anything or interacting with each other would look bizarre.
So then, how would you solve this issue? If you decrease the number of trainers per route, it would hurt gameplay balance, but even having so many different unrelated people just hanging around in the wilderness is a bit strange on its own. Just like with wild Pokemon, you'd also need to have all the trainers actually be doing things. If they're hunting for Pokemon but just ignore the Pokemon around them, players would just call them retarded.
>one of the biggest franchises on the planet
>gamefreak still puts out the lowest effort shit they can
It's actually sad that these games still sell so well
i'd rather have an empty open world than an empty hallway simulator that you're constantly handheld through as if you aren't smart enough to navigate a narrow, linear corridor
even the final, downgraded product from 2006 looks better than mainline pokemon in 2019.
correction: THE biggest franchise on the planet. it's worth $90 billion, and this is what they have to show for it.
It wasn't even downgraded. never ran on a Wii and I don't even think it was advertised as such. It was a promotional concept trailer meant to showcase Genius Sonority's vision of the game.
No, because it's a turn-based game. All this graphics would just be wasted.
You can give them busy work. Have them fishing or cleaning their Pokemon or standing in the way of people. maybe they are just standing there waiting for a trainer. There's lots of shit you can do with them.
damn ur right
let's go back to the NES boys
It looks lower effort than PS3 Budget waifu JRPGs
why do pokemon fans hate everything about pokemon games?
its like zelda fans who constantly want zelda to turn into a dark souls clone
First nintendo would have to beef up their console power significantly which they appear to be going mobile to sell better in yapan so odds of that already happening are low. iirc in botw most of the enemies are in camps or spawn during a blood moon?
Having wild pokemon and trainers walking around everywhere would have the game looking pretty awful if you wanted any sort of quality. If they didn't have enough of them walking around in a huge world it'd feel pretty empty.
You'd like to see 20 different kinds of pokemon in a field when you walk into with multiples of each it but if their system isn't powerful enough you'd only get like 5 of them spaced out.
Would really love a game like that but if they don't make massive improvements to their hardware it'll never happen in a good and enjoyable way.
Because a simple franchise staying simple FOREVER gets stale as fuck
Because Gamefreak
They want the franchise to evolve with the times.
In every route, field and path? In most games, they're just standing around on the roads. And the more NPCs you have in the middle of the wilderness, the stranger it would look even if they're all doing that sort of "busy work". It'd look unnatural either way.
because people realized pokemon is babby's first rpg, which is embarassing for the biggest franchise in the world
Maybe I'm a fag but why isn't there a Pokemon game where you're the bad guy? Being a team rocket grunt and going through the ranks would be fun.
SMT/Pokemon crossover when?
we don't. we just see other jrpgs with fewer resources continuing to progress while pokemon stagnates and gets left behind in the dust.
and if anything, i'd rather see zelda turn into a ys clone than a souls clone.
its a game for kids
Yes. In Pokemon, there's random people walking around in caves and standing in the grass.
I wish the open world meme died. Most of the time they end up putting effort into stupid mechanics while being lacking in every other aspect.
but zelda and pokemon have their own styles
>it'd look dumb in 3d, in 2d is has CHARM and I suck fat cocks
why bother experimenting or trying to reach new heights when your brain damaged fans will not only eat up anything you pump out, but vehemently defend it as seen by this and many other threads
>oh boy i can't wait to insult this retard
>multiple people have done so already
>i hate jrpgs for being so slow, the only turn based game i like is pokemon!
Pokemon is already lacking in every single aspect.
Why have a 3d world if your not gonna have pokemon in it? Like damn you cant even go there so why not have some mons flying around and shit.
pokemon doesn't have a "style." it's been a rudimentary dragon quest/megaten ripoff since day one and refuses to get with the times.
when game freak does come up with an interesting idea, they don't follow through with it (see: the wasted potential of the ultra beasts) and then drop it entirely in the next generation.
and the games don't look and feel like they came from a $90 billion franchise. they're cheap chinese mobage tier.
>Open world
Like I said, that's still unnatural either way.
Your reading comprehension is shit. I'm asking how you'd solve this conundrum.
They will never innovate because they're sat on an eternal cashcow and disrupting the process of churning out the same thing over and over could kill the golden goose.
neither dragon quest of SMT have changed that much either
Just play ARK with Pokémon Mods faggot
Thats bullshit they do innovate...they just regress when the next version comes out.
Will the series EVER look better than gen 5 did?
dragon quest and megaten have both long since evolved to include modern features like visible encounters while pokemon stays stuck in the past.
>not change much
SMT1 was a fucking first person dungeon crawler
Here's your brand new 2019 Pokemon game, bro.
No,GF has realized that they can make any shit with the name pokemon and is still going to sell +10 millions without problem
mechanically smt has stayed mostly the same, exploration has changed. of course its changed, but its not like smt is now an open world action rpg
but you'd be lying if you told me exploration in pokemon hasn't changed either
Yeah, changed from a linear world with bits of exploration to a fucking straight line world.
imagine unironically thinking that megaten and dragon quest have stayed anywhere near as stagnant as pokemon.
Old fanbase that got these companies where they are keep getting shat on
Mario is just hanging on his tailfin at this point.
If it wasn't for Crash and Spyro coming back, those would count too.
not that user, but
>how you'd solve this conundrum
give trainers AIs to interact with their environment, even in the most basic ways
>bug catchers sneaking around in the grass, swinging their net if a bug pops up
>ace trainers just standing, waiting for a trainer to show up, glancing at but ignoring the shitmons around them
>pokemaniacs looking for and running after only a specific species they obsess about
>fishermen fishing, sometimes getting a bite
>black belts doing training, maybe punching a tree or something
and have them all have a field of view and hearing range that cause them to take notice of you to initiate a fight
Yeah I can't see an Open-World Pokemon being the best but at least on the visual standpoint argument I agree
You could easily make a mainline Pokemon title with the fidelity and map design of a game like Dragon Quest XI where the world is split into a ton of smaller, detailed maps.
Play Colosseum. You where technically the bad guy in that game.
Is defending Pokemon Stockholm syndrome?
for some of them it is
for others they're just trolling and it has made criticizing pokemon on /vp/ impossible
Well look back at the latest trailer for Sword and Shield. It looks 6 out of 10 at best. Did anything look revolutionary or new? To me it looked like the same ol' setup of every game before hand but it looks like people are pretty excited (at lease looking at YouTube ratings). How long have fans been saying, "imagine pokemon on a console" or in some fantasy world the PC? Granted the Switch is sorta a console but here comes Sword and Shield and it's more of the same. It'll take some serious loss of profit or leadership change to get something like that picture. I'm open to be surprised but I'll be shocked if we get anything outside of the formula. Also I'm baffled at the excitement for Sword/Shield.
if you play video games you're faggot
I think the whole "imagine pokemon on a console" thing is really just something that fans and Game Freak will never see eye to eye on. Game Freak has made it extremely clear that they view Pokemon as a portable title, rather than as a home console title.
Better show your work by then, user
you would be right, if not for the fact that game freak lied about making a "console-scale, open-ish world adventure" for the switch.
If pokemon hasn't deviated from the first game I don't think it will for at least 100 years or until people stop buying the same game.
not if pokemon fans have anything to say about it. they literally want the gameboy titles again and again and again. I've never seen a fanbase so opposed to change or progress.
>Genuis Sonority
Bring them back please
Fuck you this is exactly what I want and I know it'll never be made.
Gotta read between the lines in this sort of PR bullshit. By "console scale, open-ish world", they meant "by portable game standards". Half-truth bullshit as per usual.
I'm sure that Sword and Shield will be marginally more open than what we've had so far, but the benchmark is probably Gen 1, where the only real choices are going out of your way to get Surge's badge before Misty's, or Sabrina's badge before Koga's.
Would also be cool to get a Crystal Clear setup where the game isn't a series of roadblocks like a bush in the path.
They're reduced to 20 man team stuck in mobile hell, there's no hope son
there's really not much room for ambiguity here. they promised "open-ish world" and delivered a straight-line region with the same linear corridors as sun/moon. they lied.
Nope. It will still be a basic ass JRPG with bad story, low difficulty and random encounters in ten years. Game Freak are garbage devs who still haven't managed the 3D transition of yesteryear.
first image is fucking wrong, there's a shot in that same trailer where the player is at that bench right by the lake
The least they could do is change the fucking overworld design
Keeping that the same while the graphics improve only brings out how archaic the games are
do Pokemon games literally only play Pokemon and nothing else?
that pic doesnt even depict it well enough. 2016 on 2011 handheld hardware vs a full ass console from 2017 or w/e
unironically yes, many of them do
The way Pokemon maps have worked up to now doesn't really work with that sort of concept though. It'd be better if they could redo how they approach maps in their entirety, but they're probably not gonna do that.
No fucking way.
Pokemon games don't play games. They don't have hands.
if by "pokemon games," you mean "pokemon fans," then yeah, there's a surprising number of them who don't play anything else.
i'm convinced that's a major reason why game freak keeps getting away with their laziness. it's pretty much impossible to disappoint fans who don't play anything else and don't have any frame of reference to compare their games to.
> Gamefreak
> Putting effort
I've only played two open world games, Breath of the Wild and MGS4. I've played them a lot, but I don't really think that's what I want out of a Pokemon title.
Even franchises that actually try to be as bare bones as possible like Dragon Quest have constantly evolved, Pokemon is even popular not only in Japan and America but worldwide so it has no excuse in looking as it does and running like shit too, Zelda fans complain about very specific thing for each game because they are actually really different, the exact opposite of Pokemon.
Go already proved that the casual consumer doesn't care about gameplay changes, it's just that GameFreak literally can't make anything that doesn't feel like it should have been released 10 years earlier.
Reminder that USUM and LGPE took away resources and developers from Gen 8, and TOWN is doing the same thing.
of course not, pokemon players will continue to buy lazy "sequels" forever and be the same people making fun of call of duty.
Although I enjoy these conversations I just feel drained and tired afterward. It's all so tiresome comes to mind. I can accept a game like above in the pic ain't coming out but the worse is if it does, it won't be what we want and it'll be some half assed attempt so why waste the time. I guess it's worth dreaming for a bit and those conversations you have with yourself in the shower or before bed of "If I was in charge, what I'd make" is worth something. I guess it's fun to dream but in the end there is a part of me that's sad my dreams are 10 times better than reality.
Took them 3 years to change the hue
should I play Pokemon Sun? I bought it on release because I'm a huge pokefag but never bothered actually putting the thing in my 3ds
is it worth it?
>b-but muh b-team!
Glad every company can have an universal excuse for mediocrity according to indoctrinated fans and people just spread the lie because well, it can't be helped! don't you get it? It's SUPPOSED to be lame and underdeveloped! These people tried to make a shit game on purpose! I'm amazed how investors actually try to give their own products competition by releasing 10 half assed products at the same time that's how capitalism works you know?!
>my dreams are 10 times better for me than reality
Don't assume everyone would appreciate your way.
You lazy fucking clown shoes fuck. Have an original thought. You are basing your analysis on GameFreak keeping the exact same shit mechanics. EVERYTHING would be completely overhauled with fresh mechanics. Have an original thought you fucking dry, boring cunt.
pokemon hunter world.
very rare pokemone could be tracked by "bounties" or clues
What does this even imply?
You faggots are the ones who keep bringing this shit up, so why don't YOU think of something, you self-centered faggot-ass cock-sucker.
>wanting to kill pokemon
>le if you don't want the same shit again you want BoTW feat. Pokemon meme
I was drawing a parallel between the open world of monster hunter and turning it into a pokemon game. which I think would work well. you don't have to kill them. you nigger
the sad truth is that every team at game freak is the z-team. they're all incompetent. the worst studio in gaming somehow lucked into making the biggest media franchise in the world. and if that wasn't enough, they further lucked into a scenario where most fans are complacent with mediocrity and the media doesn't care enough about pokemon to criticize it.
if anyone wants to know why gaming isn't taken seriously like other mediums, shit like this is why. i'm not one of those pretentious types who thinks games should be modern art, but it's still embarrassing that the biggest franchise in this field is so lazy and mediocre.
You assholes get assblasted every time someone comes up with an argument or issue with your proposed ideas, and instead of properly participating in a discussion to fix those issues or elaborating on the idea to make it more complete, you just spout the same old "Hurr you're a stupid faggot who want things to stay the same forever". If you want a circlejerk so bad, go to Reddit. I'm sure everyone would praise your ideas and never present a single argument to you there.
Please take this degeneracy back to /vp/ you bunch of proto-bronies.
I honestly don't give a shit about how the main games are handled as long as the spin offs are interesting, too bad they became babyfied genwunner shit too.
oh, i'm sorry, did this thread send a smash rosterfag thread or an e-celeb thread to the archive? that's sad.
you are fucking stupid kys
they absolutely could hide rare pokemon in a 3rd person open environment. FUCKING KYS
If I'm being honest, the thing that pisses me off the most is the constant gen1 nostalgiafaggotry. It never fucking ends. It had novelty when they first started doing it a couple years ago, but they won't fucking stop.
>b-but Smash U!
>look mom I'm proud to be worse than bronies
This board would be better with none of the Nintendie autism magnet shit, Pokemon isn't the exception but you niggers are a special kind of autism and have your own board why don't you fuck off?
No, this is impossible. Gamefreak had their chance twice already, it's quite clear that they aren't interested in moving Pokemon forwards, or away from the current formula.
smashfags are the bronies of gaming, and rosterfags and meleefags are the bronies of smashfags. cope.
About what? The amount of porn pokefags have?
2 more console generations, my brother