Where did it all go so wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


they're fine, keep seething


gen 3


At least the female PC is a babe. That's what's important.

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The artstyle changed. The bunny still loks kino tho (especially without the bandages)


Shrink the monkeys head and he wouldn't look to out of place with the top

The only think I don’t like about the new starters are their colors.

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The porn is vastly superior now.

Scorbunny straight up has Chespin's face and arms

gen 5

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I fucking hate new Pokemon, believe me, from the pit of my soul I hate everything after gen 3 and gen 3 is pushing it. But stop being a faggot and pretending that Squirtle and Charmander aren't glorified palette swaps of each other, it's fucking embarrassing.

>I hate everything after gen 3
Sad, the series peaked after it with 4 and 5.

hows this

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I like every region having it's own art style, gives us a wider range of designs.

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is that gen 1 supposed to be kangaskhan

This is where the trash overcomplicated designs started. If I wanted cool, unique, detailed looking monsters I'd play fucking digimon not this trash.

and nidoking
and rhydon
and nidoqueen

charmander is actually fucking garbage and is saved by the evolutions

Imagine having such shit taste like you.

the Gen 1 reverence is where it went wrong.

gen 5 has more good designs than any dex
it just also happens to have the most shit designs too

grass types being birds and mammal was a mistake

I could never put my finger on why I disliked Gen II's designs so much, but this nailed it.

Wrong, Gen 1 reverence is what more people need to adopt to save Pokemon. I dream of a future where people who point to Muk or Electrode and say "but gen 1 had duds too!" are shot.

Who ever came up with chipmunk teeth for Pokemon I want a bullet through their heart.

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Nah, Gen IV is where it all went wrong. Especially Chimchar - he was a forewarning of the decade's worth of shite that was to come. Look at that oversized head and overly skinny body. Fuck me.

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piplup and turtwig are fine
In fact I'd say turtwig is one of the better starter designs

gen 1 had zero duds. even mr mime is cool.

Absolutely based

>Gen 1 had zero du-

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strawman argument, Gen 1 was technically awful, it's busted shit, and you know it, designs don't even enter into it.

Maybe, maybe. But it had SOUL and Gen 2 fixed everything.

When gen 3 came out and they removed a shit ton of features, despite moving onto a much more powerful system where any reasonable person expected significant improvements, not steps back.
Shit designs from then on certainly didn't help either.

i like all 3 of these ones.

I liked bulbasaur and charmander but squirtles was kind of... meh. so was venasaur so who am i to say

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>blow up sex doll to help budding pokemon trainers explore their sexuality
how is jynx a dud again?

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tortrega was legit and turtwig were objectively the WOAT

why do you have this saved to your computer?

Waifu Pokemons like Braixen and Fem Mewtwo.

You know, I get similar vibes from Bulbasaur and Grookey.

*tortrega and turtwig were legit the objective WOAT

sorry excuse my grammar, just thinking of the shitwig line makes me nautious

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Gen 3 is where it all went wrong because they blew their load too early into their franchise. Gen 4 and 5's starters are easily some of the best but they just cant dethrone gen 3.

Gamefreak shit eaters like

Just because you grew up with those games doesn't mean their good kid, grow up. Those games are objectively shit and ruined the series artstyle.

I wish we get another instance where all the starters looks like animals that belongs to the same genus. Kanto here looks like they were all reptile. I dunno, might cool, especially with genus thats more similar, like Birds.

Every gen being the exact same thing but 10% better graphics and 50-100 more Pokemon each time

play Crystal Clear

God I’m sick of these fucking threads about how Pokemon designs have gone down the shitter. They haven’t. They never have. No gen is superior over the other. Each of them have their ups and downs. Fuck these arguments about eye shapes or head size, it’s barely noticeable unless you really look examine it, which no one in the right mind would do. Yes, the quality of the games themselves have become pretty bad, but the quality of the designs has literally never changed. Grow up.

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And Firefighters

Imagine being an adult and unironically caring about this

>it’s barely noticeable
I used to think this, but it's definitely become more noticeable since X/Y

you might have autism

People nitpick the starters too much, these look fine. You will see these pokemon for two or three cities before they evolve.

I really like Grookey. The bunny is just a tad much, but the concept is great. That blue thing is so ugly I'm probably not picking water for the first time ever.

Each new generation of zoomers and the ones that stick around despite it all getting crapier. People that joined gen 4 now say the new stuff sucks too. It’s and endless cycle.

the only autist here is you, since you apparently can't see blatant differences in the designs across each gen

ok bud.

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This is where everything changed.

Gen 2 was sort of an expansion pack to Gen 1. Gen 3 was its own entity.

Yeah, they've gotten exponentially better

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People that bitch about different opinions, like you, are generally afflicted with some mental disorder. Also the inability to spot differences between various expressions of art are also an indicator for autism.

I don't care what you say iphone faggot, past gens may not be perfect but these new starters look like balloon headed abominations

Reminder that Grooky's gonna be the waifu starter

sounds like you just outgrew the series samefag maybe you should move on

>No gen is superior over the other
No that's wrong!

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Well crafted bait, user.

>you just outgrew the series
Absolutely pathetic post, even for this board.

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you need to have a time out for some self reflection, retard

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Post gen 3.

Gas waifuniggers.

Most of the older gen mons weren't created with the concept that they would be 3D models with animations involved. New gen mons look simplistic in shape so GF has less of a headache involved in clipping issues out the ass while animating their new pokemon. This is the simple fact.

Even then Turtwig and Piplup are fine, only Chimchar sucks.

>people shit on Scorbunny because it looks kinda like Chespin
>the same people ignore the fact that the gen 1 starters all have the same arms, legs, eyes, and mouths
never change, Yea Forums

What's wrong with Torterra?
Its literally just a Tortoise with a mini-habitat on its shell. Its by far one of the most harmless designs for both the Gen IV starters and Gen IV in general.

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Can someone help me open my drink? I usually ask my wife's boyfriend but they are busy in the bedroom!

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3 and 4 were peak kino

They're so close to being fine by me, just shrink the heads a bit and make the bodies a bit bigger so they look a tiny bit more natural
I get that they're cartoons and have cartoonish proportions but I think that the Gen 1 starters manage that well without looking ridiculous
Just look at the fucking size of the cranium on that new water starter, he looks like he shouldn't be able to hold it up

They have significantly different posture, body type, heads, and other features.

There is no series I wish would die more than Pokemon. I would rather play Anthem and Fallout 76 than a modern Pokemon game. I'm not even disappointed in Gamefreak anymore, just the retard fanboys that enable them and buy everything with the Pokemon brand (except stuff like Pokken of course because oops that's too interesting)

>good things have features in common
>bad things have features in common
damn dude that's nuts.

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>implying there is a problem with Scorbunny

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>lizard, lizard, lizard
wow how incredibly creative and thought provoking
>monkey, rabbit, amphibian
holy shit how uncreative I hate everything new



>no official way to transfer gen 1+2 to 3 at time of release
Why the fuck did they think this was okay?

squirtle and charmander have almost identical posture and heads
slap a shell on charmander and he'd look like a red squirtle except for the tail
I'm not saying I dislike the gen 1 starters but the double standards here are retarded

With age your tastes and expectations refine. Good for you on admitting your a man child though.

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Glad to see there are people here with superior taste.

why my pp get hard when cute girls have a scottish accent

Had to keep the money train rolling. Also laziness.

I'm glad they made an extra easy baby game for Kantoilets to enjoy

Who gives a fuck? You don't see people freaking out over new Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy enemies like this.

who is Masel and why does this lass hate her so much?

why are you pretending to be retarded

Designs started getting really hit or miss in Gen 6 then took a huge nosedive in quality in Gen 7. I think the majority were solid in every gen before that.

Because the main draw of those games aren’t the monsters. It’s in the fucking name, dunce.

I think the differences at least "felt" a bit more obvious with the original art instead of the streamlined one in OP.

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>really hit or miss

>Why do people not want an ugly pet, but they'll eat meat from an ugly cow? Hypocrites!

They're not high in my accent tier but it's growing in me thanks to these memes.
For me it's still Russian

I don't really like any of Gen 5/6/7 starters.

I like Gen 8 Grass the most. With water but I'm curious to see how it will evolve. Something about Scorebunny, I just don't like.

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Ultimately pokemon are just monsters in a JRPG. People treat Pokemon like its this super unique thing to the point that they freak out over bullshit like it isn't just another basic turn based JRPG.

The draw of Dragon Quest was totally the toriyama-designed monsters. Its undeniable. How about Shin Megami Tensei?

the top of my accent tier list is mostly various UK accents but I'm too much of a dumbass amerifat to be able to correctly identify each one. I just know that whenever various UK-based celebs talk, my heart melts.

This gen would be literally flawless if the salamander dude had proper fingers like the monkey.

>Gen comparisons always using newer art of older generations instead of what the kids back then saw in promo materials.
Always irks me.

circle the ones you like, boyz

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>fear of asymmetry (bulbasaur's spots)
>fear of islands of detail (charmander's teeth and claws)
>black lines between colors are missing in some spots

>all these mouthbreathers defending and shilling for gamefreak
Lmao they look like shit losers.

who's your accentfu?

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I think they're supposed to be chameleon hands, but they do look off

Why does grass have the shittest evolutions? Only Venusaur and Torterra are any good.

Also Gen 4 was the beginning of the downfall in terms of of too much shit going on. Gen 5 onwards is a mess.

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it's hard to pick one. I know it's a boring answer, but emma watson is the closest to perfect I've seen a human get. And speaking of potter girls, evanna lynch is a sweetheart. I went to a panel that she did at dragoncon once, she's so charming.

It's a chameleon. That's how their hands look

I know that but it looks retarded, just like Chimchars 2% larger than comfortable human hands.

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>Not liking lil monkey fella

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>not liking the last 3 water and fires

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The starters all have the same fucking faces now.
It's Dreamworks Face 2.0.

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how the FUCC u gonna circle torchic but not piplup

shitrega and venasaur are the absolute worst grass final evos though????

desu barely even felt like circling chimchar but infernape is just barely getting a pass for being pretty bro tier. gen 4 had the worst starters.

I will say at least Empoleon was cool and not as atrocious as tort****a

blaziken is such a fucking disappointment after how cute torchic and combusken were. they didn't even try to keep the chiggen theme, or any semblance of any type of bird

wow... its almost like they're both pokemon with rodent/rabbit features...

>infernape is just barely getting a pass for being pretty bro tier
i didnt realize we were considering evolutions in our ratings

Nice addendum faggot, if you honestly like Blaziken, or honestly any of those evo lines on the right side of the image but NOT Venusaur, you should kill yourself. Don't reply, don't defend your position, don't make any further qualifying statements. Just kill yourself.

I think because Venusaur and Torterra actually feel like completed evolutions of sorts due to their defining features actually changing. Bulbasaur's bulb has fully bloomed into a big ass amazon/tropic flower Turtwig has gone from a tiny twig to a fucking discworld tree.

-Bayleaf feels too samey and its evolution doesn't make sense since it isn't multiple flowers, but one bigass one.
-Treecko has a plush looking tail and doesn't even look plant-like. The tail illogically fans out as blades as Grovyle and grows grass blades on its arms, the latter of which is "whatever". Then Sceptile fucks it all up by making the arm-blades turn into flesh and the tail into a single solid tail, but now looks like a fucking bush, which has no damn basis on either previous state.
Snivy is kinda odd. The ivy-collar is defining as its haughtiness aspect and understandably grows more regal. He grows leaf-spines as Servine which would work if he kept his legs and became a sort of chinese dragon, but he doesn't. It's a fucking snake, and the spines shift location, the "hair" antennae goes into its own segment instead of growing off the head, the tailtip leaf vanishes entirely and the accents on the body come out of nowhere.

More in a next post.

What's the best pokemon game?
As a kid I played Leaf Green/Emerald/Diamond.
I'm looking at Soul Silver now, is that good?

I don't agree with the Gen 6 one, but the others are funnily spot-on.

look closesly at bulbasaur. it REALLY made this guy mad toodon't blame me if you were a raised a cuckold beta male that didn't pick chadzard.

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>he hasn't already made a Grookey folder

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Extremely horrible taste


The gen 8 starters are far more differentiated in those qualities than the gen 1 starters.


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I haven't played a main line pokemon game to completion since yellow. I tried pearl but lost interest after ~4 hours. But Grookey plus the fact that it's set in a UK-based region (I am a teaboo) is making me want the new game.

i bench the starters most of the time

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Hardware had no way of connecting. GF is not and was not big enough to great an entirely new gadget just to facilitate that, nevermind the mess of code required to somehow transfer gen 2's IV/EV system into gen 3's, including the addition of abilities.
IIRC two of the more recent gens could only be connected via Pokemon Box, which just an online app. GF is at the whims of Nintendo's hardware cross-compatibility, and thankfully the internet can cover their asses on that regard nowadays.

Green are ones I like thorough the evo's (generally). Yellow are eh but I like later in their evolution. Rest are most trash or just didn't appeal to me.

Fuck I didn't realize how much I don't like the gen 2 starters.

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I don't know if this is saying that you don't like Squirtle, or if you dont like Totodile, but either way not loving both is a sign.

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It's weird there's some kind of a pattern emerging

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I said kill yourself you faggot. You Incineroar-loving NPC fuckboy, Gamefreak's stamped and certified cocksleeve. Kill yourself.

you can like the dwagon and also like the fat plant beast, ya know

>Good tier
Gen 1, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 8
>OK tier
Gen 2
>start out fine but evolve into humanoid shitmons tier
Gen 6, Gen 7
>oh shit nigger tier
Gen 5

he said circle the good ones
squirtle is cool
totodile is a slack jawed faggot

Gen 2 was a sequel and a wonderful example of how a series can grow.
Gen 3 was a reboot of the series and started the trend of removing things the prior game had built upon the original.
The gamecube games and the gen 1 remakes saved the gen from being absolute dogshit, but it was a turning point that the series has never recovered from.

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>people don't like meganium
how? look at this fucking stomp and roar combo. this thing will fuck you UP

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work on your circles my parkinsons-stricken nigga

How’s my taste Yea Forums?

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i wonder what his daycare eggs smell like haha

Fuck you.

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decent, I rate 7/10.

The draw of pokemon lies in collecting and bonding with the monsters, and a big part of that process rests on their designs. Surely you can understand the big difference between that and monsters in other JRPGs where monsters only exist to be killed, yes?

I'm saying this as someone who likes the designs from every gen.

im eating food and gotta type with my clean pinky, fuck you and your dick sucking crocodile

They're 99.9% the same

cont from I stopped playing after Gen 4, so give me some leeway for not even knowing these last few.

-Chespin is I don't know what the fuck. He looks like a mammal that's just wearing an outfit at first, even though he's a "spiny nut"? It's a porcupine in japanese though. Looks as much of a porcupine as pikachu looks like a mouse, i.e. not at all and was just designed to sell products. Doesn't seem remotely grass-based and is just wearing clothes. Quilladin looks even worse. Like where is even half of this shit coming from. Color-wise I can kind of tell, but without that, it makes no sense. Chesnaught is out of left-field entirely. Looks more like a fuzzy Regi-line than an evolution of either previous state. Barely anything of the original chespin even remains save for the green color. Change that color to something else and there's nothing. Even the fake-mon evolutions are more convincing.
-Rowlet. Barely looks like a grass-type at all. More convincing than chespin, but just seems arbitrary. Without the leaf bowtie, he'd just be a bird. Dartrix actually seems like he's a bit grass, growing some berry looking things on his wings and his brows look like long leaves.The brown part just looks like a vest, and neither feathers nor grass. Where the fuck is it coming from? Decidueye. Again, nothing like the previous forms. Looks like an evolution of something else, or a variant of a Hawlucha. Lost the berry-looking wing accents, the vest becoming a hood and cowl makes no sense since it wasn't even remotely foliage-like. Where did the flower come from? The bow-tier became the hood straps, I can get that, but everything else is just pulled out someone's ass, especially the injun feather in the back of its head. At least the tail feather-leaves are consistent, but now it seems more like a falcon or eagle than a fucking owl. Not a bad design, but not a sensible evolution either.
One last post soon.

you're responding to the wrong dude. I'm not totodilefag

The OG starters literally have the same generic eyes but in different colors, fuck off

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Gold are my favorite starters, but I like all of them for various reasons. Can't say for certain the new trio, but I like their designs.

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chimchar and gen 2 tank your taste

Jumped ship after pokemon became weebshit kusoge games

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>circling Tepig

I'm afraid you suffer from a very rare case of good taste

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He better evolve into Lemonkey

Charmander and his line are, if not bad designs, certainly horribly boring designs.
Charizard is horribly bottom heavy and compared to Blastoise and Venasaur is utterly bland.

I really hope they don't fuck his evolutions up by making it some anthro shit. Just keep him a monkey and I'll be over the moon.

Then why not create them all and incorporate them together? Have johto and Kanto available as unlockable post game areas with the old Pokémon. They had the money at the time. Again no excuse. Just laziness. Would rather make Fr & LG for more lazy shekels

Tepig is highly underrated honestly
I didn't like him very much at first but I grew to like him more over time

Gen 1

I really dont know why everyone hates him.

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I'm thinking the opposite though. A monkey/tree hybrid.

It didn't.

Gen 4 had the best starters
>inb4 hurdur overdesigned xD
Like have you looked out side some animals looked a little more complex, are you gonna say a peacock is overdesigned?

I hate gen 2 designs but I would train the absolute fuck out of that thing.

I think its the proportions. Newer starters and other base form pokemon have really small bodies and limbs.

Fire/Fighting evo third time in a row and in a far worse incarnation. I like the line too but I get it. Outside of Serperior and its based as fuck HA, 5th gen is a bit lackluster. Repetitive typings and bland movepools.

>2 unique type combos
>3rd is still different from Blaziken in terms of movepool to feel interesting
Unironically correct, 4th gen is so fucking good. Torterra is the weak link (which isn't really a negative, the other two are just too good).

6 is tho only one in this image thats disgusting.

unfortunately nothing in gen 4 is half as good as the example here. Also like the first 3 gen examples

These people trying to translate Scottish slang to writing are fucking dumb, I fucking live here it is not that fucking bad

He’s the third fire/fighting. I personally think he should’ve been Fire/Normal or just Fire, he’s not a bad design but I can see why people were tired of it. IMO that entire gen should’ve been something different: Water/Ice Samurott with ice swords, Fire/Normal Emboar for STAB high powered Normal moves, and Grass/Flying Serperior.

I dont like gen 4, 5 or 6 starters. Oh wow a different opinion try to be okay internet tweens.

imo charizard would be a lot cooler if he didnt have wings. it matches his previous evos more closely and i prefer the fire tailed t-rex instead of a generic dragon

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>third fire/fighting

Who gives a shit? Also Tepig is just Fire.

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easily the worst starting fire pokemon

a fucking bunny? ARE YOU SERIOUIS.....WHYYYY

final from Grookey also looks retarded. Save for the twig, leaf "hair" and grass colors, it looks as non-grass as the last two starters. You take out the green color and the hair just looks like fluff, so only the twig is left, but it doesn't make it "grass" just for that. Might as well say that Braixen is a grass because of its twig. The other two SnS starters aren't better either. Outside of colors, they have nothing that tells me what their element is.

Now, I ain't about to say all starters were perfect. Charmander is also kinda odd unless you know about the salamander association with fire, which most kids 10 and under likely don't. Chikorita is some alien with a pearl necklace. Torchic is just a chick. Chimchar is a dumb-looking monkey with his ass on fire. Turtwig's twig moving to its back from its head is illogical, even if the latter two forms are cool. Tepig is just a reverse Spoink doesn't even look firey. Oshawott is ugly even if its idea is in the right place. Froakie's fluffy cotton cloud shit has no basis in its latter evolutions at all since it flat out vanishes for greninja and frogadier should have started the tongue scarf to a lesser extent, but froakie just seems like it should grow into something else. Fennekin and its line are just furbait, pure and simple. Delphox is just retarded and as fire-type are as arbitrary as rowlet's leafy bow-tie. Litten just seems like a dark type and not a fire at all. Incineroar comes out of nowhere and the fire belt is also reaching and should have had an earlier basis. That little bell on Torracat is not sufficient. Popplio isn't bad, but its evolutions feel like they should be female-exclusive and both have features that are fucking dumb in terms of their placement and sudden arrival with no basis (the spike belt on Primarina especially). Oh, and charmeleon is also an extremely lazy evolution and while blastoise is cool, it comes out of nowhere and makes wartortle feel very out of place.

I actually like the monkey. First grass starter besides treecko that I've liked. But itll probably evolve into something ugly.
The bunny is fucking garbage and anyone that picks it should be dead.
Water as always has a good starter.

>thyse peapul tryin' tah translayt uhscottish slahng tah whrytan ah fackin' doom, ah fackin' leeve heeritissa not thayt fackin' bade

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Because its fucking boring to have the same type combos over and over.

>Grookey also looks retarded.
listen here you little shit

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Okay? Samurott was just Water and Serperior was just Grass. AGAIN.

Didn't like those middle gens much but they've gotten better again

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>same eyes
>same nails
>same short pudgy arms

>variety of expressions
>different limb lengths and sizes
>different eyes

Bottom is far superior

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And the pig was fire/fighting for the third time in a row. Why are you getting so assblasted about this, I like all three but I'm explaining why people were upset.

Gen 2 was supposed to be the end of the franchise.

Autistic retard

Pretty kino, but if you included tepig and turtwig and exclude litten, you'd be based and red pilled.

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green were the ones that I liked and picked
red are also good, but I didn't pick them

I didn't play past gen 5, but I don't like any of the starters after anyways

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Because nobody complains about them. More important, why can't you find any criticism that actually matters for anything?

>it doesn't matter how shit it is, as long as there's greater variety

>nobody complained about Samurott
Thank you for confirming you were too young to remember gen 5

>that gen 7 abomination
barbuncle was so based

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I'm 30 years old.

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So were you lying when you said nobody complained about Samurott, or ignorant? Its one of those options.

Gen 5 starters are ass gen 6 are ass gen 7 are bad except litten

You're not wrong, people can't differentiate nostalgic preferences from quality.

It doesn't really compare. Everyone despises Emboar, even though it's not like Water or Grass is the most interesting typing.

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Nice cowardly sidestep. I'd say this was a pleasant conversation but I'd be lying.

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Holy shit it’s the same guy obsessed with the hating the turtwig line.

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You started. I still don't buy that bad typing of its evolution is a valid reason to hate it.

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>palette swaps

They have entire different body and head shapes. Just because their eyes are similar doesn't mean shit.

designwise samurott is one of the worst final starters.

And I regret it. I was treating you fairly when I didn't realize you had a bias and were just a Tepig fan with a massive MASSIVE inferiority complex. Thankfully I have good taste and you being a lame person has no impact on me enjoying Tepig.

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You'd really just have to look at any poll to see how stupid you are.

Bunny going to turn into lola

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This. There's not a single good starter in gen 5. Tepig is the least offensive but his evolutions are just as garbage as the other two. Gen 5 is also where the series transitioned into being more about a story that you're railroaded along instead of being about an adventure.

i'd sure love the female pc to gas me if you know what i'm saying

>any poll
Wow that seems likely. Why don't you link me ten of these polls.

changed artists starting in gen 3

>not a cute twink boy bunny

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Every game should have different artists i reckon

I think you'd have a harder time finding a poll where Tepig ISN'T near the bottom, honestly.

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>Where did everything go right?

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Gen 2 was so fucking shit in every way

And there's Oshawott at 12. Just because you fags got hate doesn't mean the other two were praised as Jesus nonstop - Snivy was more popular but Oshawott got LOTS of hate, especially at the reveal.

Again, you would know this if you were around.

Gen VI.


With a FOUR THOUSAND point difference.

This is IGNs poll. Its not ordered correctly, but Tepig has the least votes.

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It's amerimutts, they're fucking retarded and everything they produce is shit

Oh wow its a post release poll when the final evos were revealed. In fact, its post gen 5.

You're so disingenuous.

And here's another poll. Tepig is on the bottom, of course.


I can keep going.

>shit designs
>full of shitmons
>level curve was shit
>pokemon distribution was shit
>johto was small and shit
>kanto was empty and shit
Gen 2 was shit

The bottom three are better

The top ones are supposed to be the ones that look like shit right? Because they look much worse.

I'm sure you can. I have no idea what you're trying to prove however outside of MY FAVORITE IS BEING PICKED ON UNFAIRLY.

This conversation was a bad idea and I regret continuing it.

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And on all Pokemon merchandise for the next 3-4 years.

When you grew up and your tastes changed.
You don't actually like Pokemon, but have nostalgia for when you played the games as a child.

Pokemon is such a shit series, even Pokemon fans talk about how much they hate the games all the time

This is the right answer.

Gen2 built on its predecessor and added new mechanics (eggs, night/day, new HMs, battle tower, weekly events, mystery gift, etc.)

Gen3 was when they went full SOULLESS and started printing out the same shit. Literally took out game mechanics that existed in previous versions (eg night/day) because they couldn't be assed.

And here we are. Full blown soulless.

Aaand here's another poll. Tepig is on the bottom. Again.


Jesus christ I can't believe you're so BTFO
>Every poll shows people hate Tepig
>Here you go

What a fucking waste of time you are.

tepig does suck. thankfully, pignite and emboar are kino enough to make up for it.

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grookey's third evo leaked as grass/poison

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And another where Tepig is on the very bottom!

Honestly I wasnt expecting Mr. Tepig-isnt-the-most-hated to be THIS horribly wrong. It's a little depressing. For multiple reasons.

Attached: Tepig_in_Lab.png (640x360, 739K)

everything after gen 4 is literal trash

Agreed, not to mention the artstyle of Gen 2 goes nicely with Gen 1 whereas all this new shit since Gen 3 looks so soulless.

as a fighting type fan, I fucking approve

Oh hey, I found one where, at least, Tepig finally isn't in LAST place out of all starters. It actually took some time to find a poll where Tepig wasn't in last place.


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cutesy garbage mascot designs ruined everything
pokemon are supposed to be monsters and not cute garbage

I never claimed he wasn't the most hated, dipshit, I said other starters got hate too. I'd say get down from the cross, but you can stay up there and bleed out, that's cool.

it's literally just the same designs with different poses. genwunners always love to play the "muh original art" card like it means anything.

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The polls say you're pretty fucking wrong there. Hell, even in where Tepig finally wasn't in dead last the others still have 3 times as many votes.

But I knew after I posted my first one with a difference of 4000 and you STILL said "Well its close even though theyre 10 spots apart!" that you were a fucking retard lost cause.

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Anybody got the pic of the japs rating pokemon games? It's pretty fucking spot on.

starters have ALWAYS borrowed design features from each other ever since genwun.
chespin's eyes were also used on mudkip, piplup, oshawott and rowlet.

>The polls say you're pretty fucking wrong there
They actually prove me correct, because there are other pokemon who are disliked. Christ you're obnoxious.

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How garbage do newer pokemon cards look?
I remember I started losing interest in the cards and games around Gen 3 or 4 when they fucked up the designs of the cards and lost the old simple, charming artwork of the old series.

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BW2 were peak pokemon, no game before or since has been able to match them

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I haven't played Pokemon since gen 2, but isn't this the closest to the original gen 1 style in a long time? They have that comfy almost-watercolor look about them.

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the original mascot that got rejected in favor for the fat mouse mon
Also none of the original sprites look like cute garbage

Snivy and Tepig are fine though, even though Tepigs evolutions are awful. Oshawott looks terrible but his evolutions are fine.

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>They actually prove me correct, because there are other pokemon who are disliked.
That's a pretty damn generalized statement for Pokemon that ALWAYS place higher than Tepig, sometimes by a lot. Exactly how high up do they have to be to not count as hated to you anymore? Like top 3 out of 21? Cut me a fucking break.

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This. Turtwig is based as fuck. Chimchar's line has shit design, and no I don't care about how good it is in game. Piplups line is ok, not bad but not great either.

Top looks like beasts, which is appropriate since they are.

Bottom looks like mascots to sell a product.

You grew up. The series stayed the same.

Reminder that starter appearances beyond the final form literally do not matter.

Gen 4 designs were objectively shit. The rest aren't bad but Gen 8 so far has a rocky start.

This is my biggest problem with sobble, that watermelon head should fucking snap its toothpick neck.

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>edges = bad
I hate modern pokemon design

Genwunners are what's wrong

>likes the combination of a literally cold-blooded, unfeeling snake and a parasite plant because he almost certainly wants to get eaten by it like the degenerate vorefag he is
>good taste
Yeah, fuck off

fuck what everyone says, its a nose not a mouth.

What the fuck even is the water one?

That's quite the stretch, autism-kun

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Liligant is for men with taste.

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Honestly, it says a lot about certain franchises and their die-hard fans when so little changes and people still pretend it’s fine.

Can we all agree that Pokémon joined the disgusting ranks of Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty and annual sports franchises when their main console mainline title debut, Pokemon SwiSh, looks so low effort?

>using old memes
that’s to make you feel how I feel when I look at the rehash job that is pokémon, a series with so much potential. When I see people praise Pokémon SwiSh, it feels like if someone tried to show me a very old meme like it was really funny.

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Lilligant is a shitmon with a terrible movepool

kino taste

I like Samurott but I know why people don't like it as well. Still, it was my nigga throughout Gen 5

Saying that, Torterra was the one that carried me through the games the most.

>Can we all agree that Pokémon joined the disgusting ranks of Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty and annual sports franchises when their main console mainline title debut, Pokemon SwiSh, looks so low effort?
Pokemon is still way better than those other games no matter what.

>Change is good, we need change now
SJW detected.

Nice projection, post more smug Lilligant to hide your seething and because she's infinitely better than Serperior

I can't hear you over my petal dance.

Look everyone, someone with bad taste!

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Hahaha the more Yea Forums spergs the more im convinced that it will be a commercial and financial success.
Its not just this generation but all pokemon gens are boring, stale, and derivative in its monster design and gameplay.
I dont know why people keep playing these other gens after playing their first one.

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Just because you grew up with Gen 1 doesn't make it good boomer, grow up. Those games are objectively shit and the series grew past them

putting a mainline game onto consoles was meant to be the big step forward. instead, it's a glorified 3ds game. fuck musuda and the lazy cunts at game freak forever.

I was about to go off about how bullshit Pokemon that evolve clothes are. Then I notice that Blastoise evolves guns. Like how did this never bother me before?

Nah, you don't deserve any more.

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It's a chameleon.

it's not and the only difference is that pokemon hasn't figured out how to add more microtransactions besides the bank and some gimmicky bullshit

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Pokemon has always been shit, people were just too young to care when the first games came out and nostalgia carried through to the later gens. Game Freak is literally the luckiest dev on the planet, they suck dick at actual coding and game design but they hit it fucking unbelievably huge with Pokemon's explosive popularity, so they will never ever have to change or improve as long as they exist because they get oodles of free money for putting out anything at all regardless of quality.

Gen 5

>Autism = bad
Zoomers, everyone.

fun fact, gen4 is my favorite gen

I love Tepig, but I don't like his evolutions. I just wish Emboar wasn't fucking bipedal, those 'mons are just boring to me. Tepig has a great design and to me it was wasted. Conversely I don't like Oshawott but Samurott is pretty cool.

They look fine, you just got older. You'd complain literally no matter what the starters looked like.

>thought diamond and pearl were shit
>never played any games past gen 5
I'm a bit worried about how much worse they can get.

Yeah, and the PS4 has a great library too because it has Bloodborne and... uh...

Nothing about that post was incorrect. It's a low-tier shitmon with a shallow movepool whether you want to admit it or not.

8 looks better than this


Oshawott is weirder to classify because I like the first evo, but think the second two are shit.

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I was so sure the secondary typings that gen were going to be fighting>dark>psychic
Would have been interesting to see the starters weaknesses get flipped end game

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>Likes Chikorita but hates Totodile

Jesus Christ.

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The ones I would pick from each generation

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>Lol, reptilian animal Pokemon having the same mouth is retarded
>It's totally ok for a rabbit to not have rabbit teeth but fucking animu girl chipmunk teeth they've been forcing for 3 fucking generations

Fuck off faggot bastard.

It has a shallow movepool, but its still a good pokemon. You're just a fag.

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SJW PTSD, the example doesn’t make sense because they haphazardly change things for no reasons or the wrong ones, when all some people are asking of pokémon devs is to see effort

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you like round pokemon.

>he doesn't leik mudkipz

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round pokemon are usually just chilling there and not doing some weird ass emote

Totodile is my favourite starter and will always be. Gen 4 is really only one where I like all three starters, but only because of last forms' types and designs. Gen 5 and 6 are pretty bad but gen 7 did improved. Unfortunately, gen 7 last forms still look kinda bad so I don't really like this gen. Gen 8 hold some promises with good first stage starters but since it's post-gen 4 so I'm not sure if last forms could be good.

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Oshawott line is truly the only one I dislike

I only care about pokemon based on how good they are

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fuck karenfags

you’re thinking it the wrong way. Blastoise didn’t bother you because, as a gen 1 mon, it was establishing rules and boundaries for the series in its debut. When a new mon is then introduced and it changes the rules and boundaries, it’s totally reasonable to call it out if you think it doesn’t make sense for that world, much like it would be reasonable to complain if an alien spaceship showed up in the third book of LOTR.

Don’t let the “if the first entry has a weird and crazy style, you have to be ok with every weird and crazy style choice that happens after”, it’s what people want you to believe to sell you shit when you just wanted, say, a notebook instead.

>No gen is superior over the other
This is FACT.

I've realized why I usually pick water starters. It's because the other watermons I'm likely to find are going to be shitty fish. Grass types are usually better in the wild and as long as the gen has random firemonsfuck you D/P with just ponyta they're usually pretty good

but that's stupid

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Gen 5 would have been the best if they have:
- made the final evos grass/psychic fire/dark and water/fighting
- retcon all the bad designed pokémon
- drop the shitty story which now rot the series with the fucking cutscenes
- remade the map to not look like a lasso

it's a problem with modern anime more than with pokemon

>I'll never lose if I never play the game

>"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites."
Words to live by.

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Shame about Chespin evolutions

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Too bad it's just a video game with pixel animals then lol

Look, just admit you want to fuck the thing. You can't argue that it's good by any objective measure, because it simply doesn't have the toolset to be and is much too easily-countered.

>mfw people actually believed that bullshit

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Pokemon is a numbers game in the end, and pokemon are far from balanced to be able to win with your favorites unless your favorites all happen to be top-tier.

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dumb "muh feels" roastie

chad gentleman

Huh. Touche.

Everything past gen 4 is garbage, prove me wrong Yea Forums

Piplup and Turtwig are the best starters of their types respectively, and Infernape is the best designed of the fire/fighting starters

Put it down


the funny part is the first form is usually the least worst form. i cant even imagine what kind of horrific humanoid overdesigned trash these things will turn into

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Third generation

After that it was slipping toward that which you despise.

Bottom set looks better

Honestly, they should just let it die at this point, it's obvious they're out of ideas.

Liligant? No, I'm not into Liligant, I just like it. Grass pokemon have a lot of very nice designs.

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t. furry homosexual

I cleared every Maison challenge with weird shit I enjoyed like Porygon Z. This nigger never won shit.

ok zoomer

If I had to guess, Sobble will be some sort of quadruped lizard thing, Grookey will be a Sun Wukong reference, and Scorbunny will either turn into a King Kazma expy or a horrific furry nightmare.

In terms of designs? Maybe gen 5. In terms of game quality? Gen 6 was the start of the downward spiral