What do you think about Quake, Yea Forums?

What do you think about Quake, Yea Forums?

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it's pretty cool


liked Doom better

I unironically prefer its single player over the multiplayer
I'm bad at MP but it's mostly because i just prefer shooting at scary monsters and not other players

Doom is better but it's okay. Kinda neat atmosphere. Boring level design in many places. Could've profited from having actual lore.

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>Quake 1
Fantastic, has a feel not shared by any other game. Great sound design and visuals that don't age.
>Quake 2
Barely played it. Felt like a really generic game in the house I did. Shit sound design. Can't give a good view on it.
>Quake 3
Fantastic. Much like Quake 1 in terms of great sound and visuals. One of the best MP games.
>Quake 4


the 2nd best fps of all time

It really mixed things up when it first came out.

It's amazing
The "bullet sponge enemies" complaint is bogus, it only happens because you're expecting to quickly dispatch everything with the regular shotgun and SSG. Super Nailgun, RL and LG all melt enemies in instants

Canned meat. Open er up to see if it's still fresh.

Boring level design
Boring weapons
Boring music
Good mechanics

Doom > Quake

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>Boring music
Faggot. It's amazing ambient. Not everything needs to have an overpowering melody like Doom's MIDI heavy metal tracks
Bet you also think Doom 64's OST is bad

>55 KB PNGBoring level design
>Boring weapons

Gold standard for 3d shooters and multiplayer

doom babies really are the worst fanbase on Yea Forums

Quake's soundtrack is top tier. Doom 64's is legitly kinda boring.

I bet you think Half-Life is good, faggot.

Q1 is my favorite FPS ever. I also want single player games starring everyone from Q3A and QC.

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Imagine being this mad. Doom's maps have a more interesting layout and they're just more visually interesting. Everything in Quake is either a brown, grey, or greenish fortress of one kind or another. Doom takes you through hellscapes, urban areas, moon bases, temples, and other interesting shit.

NIN is overrated and so is dark ambient. Deal with it.

old 3D is so ugly

What's wrong with Half Life?

Cool game.
Wish I didn't have to enable +mlook every time I boot it up.
I'd love if it got a Wolfenstein:TNO/DOOM 2016 treatment (minus the glory kills and cutscenes, I guess)

add that to the config you mongoloid
>I'd love if it got a Wolfenstein:TNO/DOOM 2016 treatment
jesus fucking christ no

Doom's maps are so fucking boring they can literally be drawn on a piece of graph paper with a pencil because there is no such thing as verticality. That's boring. They're not visually interesting, they're just less coherent, because Doom's palette is all over the fucking place and has zero texture theming with one average room having a mess of cartoony neon blue carpet, chunky grey computers, and realistic images of Adrian Carmack's knee injury all over the walls. It's a fucking mess, and it doesn't matter what the levels are supposed to be because they blend together even more than Quake does because at least Quake's colored fortresses have distinct texture sets and designers.

Why the fuck aren't you using a vanilla source port, or at the very least adding +mlook to your autoexec file?

Blood > Shadow Warrior> Duke > HL1 > Doom = Halo

Cope Zoomers

What is there to lose, fucking retard?

It was overall the best game of all time

I wish more people here could have experienced the era online. We did a lot of stuff then that you dont' have now in games despite superior technology, which sucks

>Build Engine cinematic crap

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Loved it, it was a literal quake when it landed
Later when I learned to strafe and mouselook and opengl and lan against my brother it was glorious

Imaginative level design because everything has to look realistic and match the corridors and arenas they bother to make. You can't have shit like Sandy's fun with floating water pools in a Q1 remake because it doesn't work with higher fidelity graphics, which is what 90% of people expect from a remake.

>Imaginative level design
It would be a shame if they made my favorite dirt brown castles a different shade of brown.

hot take: bobby prince's remixed metallica songs in blee-bloop form are also overrated

Now those are some rather weakly founded arguments.

I dunno mate why don't you take a look at TNO and nuDoom

>level design is entirely aesthetics
Yup, it's a doombabby who thought Doom 2016's basic room-corridor-room with dressings was an acceptable design setup because they were so used to not having rooms over rooms in the first place.

I'm completely in awe at how much they nailed level design.

I agree. In the context of the game they're perfect but outside of the game I don't really care for them.

Pretty good art direction. Apparently lost some of the original game's flow, but haven't played it.
Solid shooter with pretty good art direction. It's not Doom or FEAR but it's much much better than overrated dogshit from the late 90s like Unreal or Half-Life.

Not really. Too much repetition in visuals. Doom had plenty of places that looked unique, Quake has way too many places that feel somehow more limited, dull and unrecognizable.

>better than half-life

opinion discarded

why are you so fucking obsessed with visuals
"brown" is not an argument and doom is repetitive as FUCK in the art department

Doom 64's OST is actually really good -- if you're into dark ambient, anyway.

TF2 was the right way to go, strafejumping while fun doesn't keep a strong playerbase, emphasizing teamplay was the right choice, and rocket jumping is infinitely more complex and satisfying when you don't get the "hold space bar" crutch

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Quake 1 doesn't have strafe jumping, it has bunny hopping, which was originally in TF2 and Valve only later mostly patched out (it still shows up at very high speeds, and most of TF2's physics oddities like Demoknight 'trimping' come from Q1 physics, in that case ramp jumping).
>"hold space bar" crutch

Seconding this.
Arcane Dimensions is better than any commercially-released FPS I've played in years.

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sorry, i only have 100 hours in QC, i didn't get a computer until almost my 20's, so i missed out on the quake wagon at it's peak. but holding spacebar is so easy for bunnyhopping (im not sure if this is how it was in original q1 but i know it's what it's like in newer quake games)

speedshots, pogo's and rampslides make rocket jumping so much more dynamic and it just wouldn't be there with the "hold spacebar" kind of bunnyhopping

>but holding spacebar is so easy for bunnyhopping (im not sure if this is how it was in original q1 but i know it's what it's like in newer quake games)

holding spacebar is quake champions only

strafing in quake3 requires vastly more skill than that. also in quake live you can maintain bunny hops when you hit shit or fuck up, which is total bullshit and makes it laughably easy

I hated it but now that joe rogan is playing it again I love it since he's our guy

'Hold spacebar' is only in Quake Live and Quake Champs as an option, and using it hurts your speed. Older Quakes do have buffered inputs that let you hold jump a bit before landing, but you still have to tap it each time- it was Valve that removed buffered jump inputs to force players to time their jumps down to the exact frame in their first attempt at bhopping removal back on GoldSrc, which led to the stupid shit like people binding +jump to mwheelup/down and spinning their wheel like a manic.


Quake is the thinking chad's game.

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>Quake 4

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Franchise of men, true competion and the best of the best in terms of arcade shooters.

Paladins, Overwatch, Fortnite, Apex legends? All of these are mere bitches, while Quake is the OG daddy. Esports that stands today is built upon the blood of Quake and Starcraft.

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thank you for finally explaining why it's so much easier to actually buffer bunnyhops in quake than in source games. that makes a lot of sense now

>this meme again
counting uber takes more iq than timing powerups and pickups, fight me

TFchads>the virgin qucks jk but tf2 really does take more effort in thinking at the least

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Q4 MP is kino. You probably only played the uninspired SP and think the MP is also bad
Q4 MP is basically Q3's, but with crouchslides so it's even faster

Quake is for the gaming elite

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>av3k getting speedrunned 3-0 every map, three maps in a row by rapha
Is there anyone on rapha's level for 1v1 right now? Fucker is like 3500SR

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>caring about king of fighters duel edition

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The best game of all time.

It needs a proper sequel. It absolutely deserves one. Fuck the strogg, lets see what else lies behind the slipgates.

Nope. Right now he's practically unstoppable. I really wish QC was more popular so he could get some better competition. He handles most of the other pros as if they were random challengers.

Holy fuck the state of doom babies

Quake 2 multiplayer was my favorite. There was a mod for anything I could want to play. I spent the most time in RA2 to hone my skills for TDM and duels. I wound up playing it instead because it was so much more action packed and I got really fucking good at arena shooters playing that mod. But I played everything.

Everything after the first game and its expansions was a mistake. They should have kept the gothic/lovecraftian aesthetic and focused on the singleplayer. Quake Champions was a super mistake and I hope if they make a new game it's a "return to form" type successor like how Doom 2016 was.

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>return to form
yeah, it returned to being shit
like doom always was

it's fun, but the devs don't really understand what their audience wants

Does saying that make you feel like a big boy?

They took too long to fix Q4 MP and so everyone left. By the time they did there was a free more accessible and "improved" version of Q3 in QL so no reason for anyone to go back. Sure it's fine now days once properly patched up but I'd wager the average idiot has no clue how to do that. That's a big problem with all the old Quake games. They're too much work to understand how to get working properly for the average retard. That's also why QL and QC are more popular. Mods that simplify this process like nquake, q2s, cpma, etc don't get enough publicity to become popular again and even if they did, they're so old, the ceiling on them coming back to life is QC tier at best.

my waifu likes it

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Why would you even want to play Q1 or Q2 MP when you can play QL?

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I can't speak for Q1 but for Q2, the mods are superior to their equivalent in QL or non existent. There are still servers that get decent amount of players for Action Quake 2 from time to time. No equivalent in QL. RA2 is superior to CA. In RA2 you have numerous small team and duel maps inside the main pickup map to join if you don't like it. There's also neat little details like waiting rooms to bounce around in after you die. None of this in CA. Different pace of gameplay. Q2 has slower rockets and you can't really rocket jump off walls. CTF in QL is just fucking trash compared to Q2CTF. The maps and grapple were just so much better. Q2 has a massive mod library from skins, to maps to engine mods to full modifications. QL is very limited in this regard. QL is just a more accessible spruced up Q3 with a bunch of limitations. I think QL is the worst of all Quakes personally and I only ever played it because it had more players or I just wanted to play select game modes in Q3 without fuss.

QL is Quake 3 with loadouts after they butchered the Java applet. What the fuck does it have to do with Q1?

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Quake and Yume Nikki go really well together. Great game to zone out in and go fast. It also makes a great engine for AGDG stuff.

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It's cool. Wish they would use human troops more.

>Java applet
What year are you in? Nobody runs servers with loadouts.

Stay away from me. CA and everything like it is cancer. I want to live, die, and live again. I don't want to fuck around waiting between rounds like I'm playing CS.

Serious Sam

>I don't want to fuck around waiting between rounds like I'm playing CS
Don't die then scrub. Rounds are extremely short unless you're absolute shit and die immediately the waiting is a nice break between action.

>play shit game modes where you can't handle enemies respawning
>calling others scrubs

>What year are you in? Nobody runs servers with loadouts.
Okay fine. What does Quake 3 with loadouts without loadouts have to do with Quake 1?

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Strafe jumping is a goat game mechanic

Q1 is primitive shit. QL has far more features and all around better MP. I don't see why you would bother playing Q1 MP for anything other than the nostalgia factor.

Q1 has a great movement system, and things like CPMA and QC's bhop characters don't capture the depth of techniques Quakeworld movement gives you
It's still the most unique Quake game, no Railgun makes it play completely differently too


Q1 and Q3 are different games. If I wanted to play Q3, I wouldn't play Q3 with loadouts without loadouts, I'd play Q3. If I wanted to play Q1, I wouldn't play Q3, nor would I play Q3 with loadouts without loadouts, I'd play Q1. You're allowed to have the opinion that Q3MP is better than QW, and I'll disagree respectfully, but you gotta be high up in the atmosphere if you're going to tell me to my face that I should drop QW in favor of something completely different.

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Best game id ever made

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Quake 1 is my favorite game of all goddamn time. Naysayers can fuck off.

Not an argument.

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>I spawncamp so I'm good

Quake is just pretentious Fortnite

As much as I prefer Quake 1 over Quake 2, Q2 doesn't deserve the hate it recieves. Just because its not "LUBCRABTIAN" doesn't mean you shouldn't embrace it for what it was

Q2 isn't bad, there just arent enough games like Quake 1. I guess Dusk is out now though.

>muh quakeworld
The air control was just broken. It wasn't "great" by any stretch of the imagination.

You can cling to QW if you like. Enjoy playing by yourself.

>air control is broken
>everyone can do it
u wot m8

>The post that thought it would get 100's of You's but failed miserably

If you guys like/miss Quake 3, there's always OpenArena (and yes, people still play it)

Quake Champions is dead and so far changed from the original formula that it's not really worth playing.

FUCK Shamblers

>tfw no chio-chan gf to play Quake custom maps with


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Halo is better

Anyone play quakedroid?

What? Just because everyone can use a fucked up mechanic doesn't mean that it isn't fundamentally broken.

You are me. I finally found me here. Thanks for being born, user.

I don't think you actually know what level design means user.

>joe immediately starts shit talking goldeneye

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Good thing no one cares about what you think, otherwise he would be worried about it.

Why play that when you could still play Quake 3 with ioquake3 ?

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