Why do they still exist?
Why do they still exist?
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Cause of Zero Punctuation. Literally that's it. Without him they'd be dead
Yahtzee. He could probably carve out a pretty decent chunk of change on Patreon or something, so he must get a pretty excellent deal to stick around.
If yahtzee is so great how come his bar went bankrupt?
What the fuck kind of blackmail do they have on Yahtzee to make him stay?
I don't think it's blackmail but the fact that he has so much power over them that he can make any call and they'll suck his dick
You know their forums have always been full of major league faggots but I actually found the Escapist to be fairly decent. They hosted the content of a lot of fucking losers like Jim as well but they were pretty top notch in terms of news and editorials. They were also the only major gaming website that actually handled Gamergate with grace and published a nice set of guidelines concerning their ethics & standards. Then again, the fact people saw them "caving" to the demands is basically what killed them off.
Not sure what happened recently but from 2016ish to 2018ish Zero Punctuation was the only thing uploaded on YouTube. The only other 2 that actually pulled in some level of views is Jim and Bob but they left and are never coming back.
I think it's the exact opposite. Yahtzee is all they have so they probably make him very happy top stay.
Bob's still there. Doing 10x fewer views than Yahtzee on any given video. youtube.com
Does movie blob's equally autistic brother still work there?
I think
Yahtzee, he does all their streaming even.
Most indepentent bars/resterants go bankrupt after 5 years tops.
Blob is back actually. Gets shit for reviews compared to Yahtzee if you look at their Youtube.
Is zero punctuation the only review that isn't completely cucked and bought out?
>Last saturday stream
>Yahtzee slips that he's giving Anthem a reaming even though he's not meant to give opinions prior to ZP
>Won't review Pokemon gen 8 even though it's set in the UK.
I don't think he'd have anything to say about Pokemon at this point, the games haven't meaningfully changed at all in forever.
He still finds ways to make videos on other expansion pack sequels like the unnumbered Far Cry's.
>You know their forums have always been full of major league faggots but I actually found the Escapist to be fairly decent.
forums were the only reason to be there honestly and the main reason to leave
I'm still mad that Unforgotten Realms just kind of stopped existing.
Sounds like Yea Forums.
>Escapist is literally the Zero Punctuation site.
>Screwattack has been reduced to the Death Battle site.
What other gaming sites got fucked over the years?
And inertia.
The corpse is still rolling down the hill and sometime the limbs flail about in a way that looks lifelike.
>Take his Gen V review
>Change the names over to new relevant names
Bam, Gen VIII review.
>only subscribe to it because of Yahtzee
>always get blindsiided by the fact that the deranged lunatic that is Bob is back making videos for it
Jesus fuck lads. How do I only make a channel only show on particular video series? Unsubscribe and only find a ZP playlist instead?
Cheatcc and neoseeker seen better days. Gamefaq is still nice when a game info you need isn't in a wiki. Everyone else gone rogue and tries to be like Kotaku.
Doesn't Screwattack belong to Roosterteeth now or something?
Pretty sure you'd have to find a ZP playlist and subscribe to that, yeah.
Tell me about Bob. I only every watch yahtzee so I always wondered who the other dude was.
It has belonged to them for a while.
Bob is a severely autistic man who wrote a disturbing autobiography disguised as a book about Super Mario Bros 3.
Have you seen the type of commie faggotry they host on their v2 site?
Yahtzee knows that his content output would plummet if he went independent and tried to ride it out with patreon. The Escapist is just easy and comfortable for him.
Checking their site for about a year just to hear about infrequent delays on shipping a bunch of DVDs in the vain hope that when all that's over they'd make content again
He once drew comparison between the intelligence of himself and Sherlock Holmes without a hint of irony.
He’s compelling and repulsive in equal measure.
You don’t want to look but cant turn away.
He’s like a Car wreck, but with an eating disorder.
Bob is mostly a movie and comic book dude who intentionally does some of the dumbest fucking hot takes in a desperate attempt to get views. Just recently he did a video about the nuGhostbusters movie. Sometimes he dips into vidya and that's where the real shitshows happen because of how horrifically uniformed and ignorant he is about the topic.
He's also a bleeding left-wing liberal who's the most picture perfect example of what Yea Forums hates. Politicizes everything, sucks corporate cock yet also thinks of the wahmen for the brownie points, hypocrisy incarnate, and will find every opportunity to take a jab at those damned sexist mouthbreathing shitlord GAYMERS even if it means undermining a topic by propping up a strawman to rail on.
>That one time Bob went on an insane tirade about how Metroid Prime was bad because it was first-person like Cowadoody and only the dudebros like that
I'm convinced that any bullying Bob references from his high school days was 100% warranted.
Lad remember the Diablo Mobile video a few months back? Jesus I swear. I'm so glad even his most bait-ridden videos barely get even 60k views and it's still Yahtzee that gets all the attention.
Fat fascist.
As a lefty liberal cuck shill, I object to this. Bob isn't a liberal, he's a fucking fascist.
Not really because Yahtzee focuses on making quips about the game over really reviewing it or going into meaningful detail about it. Add this with his refusal to adapt to any games that aren't set up like most mainstream releases and he's put out some honestly awful videos over the years that would be unbearable if the silliness didn't pull your attention away from his criticism or lack thereof.
He might not necessarily be bought out but he has a terrible attitude for someone whose job is making game reviews. It reminds me of how Dunkey does reviews on games he's not accustomed with. Constant joking and pointing out criticisms that just show they're incapable of learning a different game's mechanics. Yahtzee can be funny for sure but hes a hack of a reviewer when you notice how many things hes leaving out about a game if you're familiar with it.
He points out this attitude sometimes with how hes gotta finish a game and make a video in a week but considering he doesn't have to record direct game footage with the style of his videos and its his job I don't understand why he can't take the time to try and explore most of the facets of the games he plays. An entire week is more than enough to finish most games these days for most people with tons of time to spare outside of some multiplayer shooter progression system but he never touches multiplayer in any game anyway.
I bet Yahtzee would have been making 6 figures a month if he had jumped on the Patreon train.
Didn't he claim he'd belong in John Galt's private community during his Atlas shrugged review?
You guys do know that the Escapist owns the Zero Punctuation brand, right?
Even if Yahtzee wanted to leave, he would have nothing to do with what he's known for for the last decade plus.
What? Escapist owning the ZP brand doesn't mean they own the concept of Yahtzee making video game content.
allow me to introduce you-
No but the chance of him even retaining a quarter of the views/engagement if he started his own company/outlet is minuscule.
i miss gabe
I honestly think Bob is pretty fascinating, and it’s unfortunate that he’s smart enough to not flaunt too much of his personal life and history around.
Bob also seems to genuinely believe people who don't like shit like Black Panther or Disney Star Wars films is because they unironically hate black people and women.
He wrote a book so bad the p4r gaming did an actually legitimate article on it
I remember him tweeting about how if you didn't care that James Gunn got fired you were objectively a bad person. Thinking about it makes me laugh still.
How did Bob return anyway? I thought they got rid of him.
The old owners got back the site and tried to re-hire a bunch of people, not just Bob. Although the only people who came back were people who couldn't hack it on their own.