This game is made by the same talented developers, the brilliant minds that created FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS. Are you excited?

This game is made by the same talented developers, the brilliant minds that created FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS. Are you excited?

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>a character with a slight hue of blue in his hair = game is reddit

what's it like having autism

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That's entirely false. The obsidian that made New Vegas is dead. With that in mind, I was impressed by the gameplay that we did see. I'm cautiously optimistic.


I'm excited because last time Leonard and Tim made a brand new IP it was Arcanum. I think the game is going to be janky as hell and the combat will be terrible but I'll probably still love it and replay it every 2-3 years like I do with Arcanum.

By ~20% of creators of New Vegas
I'm moderately hyped but I can see how it can go down a shitter
Good that in interviews they are not going full Todd Howard/Peter Molyneux
and are openly saying what can you do in game, and what can you not
It grows a bit of trust

reminder todd has never lied

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I still buy Obsidian games. I expected more of Pillars 2, Tyranny was nice and reactive to my in-game choices, but too small. The writing quality also made caveats to accommodate the plethora of choices. Not a bad game, but not great, either. Outer Worlds has my attention, but I haven't been excited for a video game since I saw what Bioware did with DA2.

Anyone who gets excited about an upcoming game from trailers and press releases in current year is setting themselves up for disappointment. That said, everything I've seen so far has been encouraging and I hope it ends up being a good game.


post the twitter screens already

Yes a lot. Yea Forums is just retard.

original quote was clearly referencing permutations. what a surprise gaming journalists are retards and misinterpreted him.

>Cain talks about how he want to change the cRPG conventions
>Announces his new game
>It's just a nuFallout

>the brilliant minds that created FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS
Which means the brilliant minds that created alpha protocol.


The setting and the aesthetic choices aren't really my cup of tea as far as immersive RPGs go. I'll probably give it a shot and hopefully the game is so good that I can overlook that, even though the setting is a pretty major part of how any RPG plays out.

>I don't think anybody will get the same ending
-Casey Hudson on ME3

not at all

Yea Forums is going to be covered in Obsidiot AIDS when it's released.

If this game does well the second games is going to be just on Xbox/PC

After the first two game, only a fool would trust him

>If this game does well
>obsidian game
>doing well

>no unarmed
>ship is glorified fast travel
dunno man, it looks mediocre at best


Oh sweet it's Fallout from the Borderlands: Infinite

Yes, but there is a huge difference between
>Nobody gets the same ending
>Same ending with 3 palette swaps
He flat out lied.

i was until i watched one of their Q&A's where they basically confirmed it was a double A title lacking many conveniences that you might expect. from what i gathered it's a fairly low budget main story line without much else. unless it's $30 at launch i'll give them a hard pass.

I don't think anyone is talking about buying it.

On the other hand, it is also from the studio that made Pillars of Equality 2, so not excited at all, no.

If you watch any of Tim's GDC talks you'll see he's talking more about the presentation of stat/character sheets and how to make that same type of Fallout game with more commercial success.

Maybe he meant everyone would quit in disgust at random point of the sequels.

>implying alpha protocol isn't lowkino
>implying nu-obsidian could match it

murder yourself with a rake, in minecraft.

I quit after Rannoch. What a shitshow.

inb4 $37.71

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Yeah, when the private division games were first announced 2k was pretty up front about these being AA games not AAA games. Now in the GameInformer coverage Obsidian has confirmed they're launching at $60.

New Vegas is seven years old, where were their other ground breaking mainstream games since?

I liked my Mass Effect trilogy ending.

>sided with the geth on Rannoch.
>encouraged Joker and Edi to fall in love
>picked DESTROY and nuked all the robbits

it was a good time.

AA is AAA by iii standards

google monkey inflation

Doesn't AAA and AA and all that nonsense mean how much marketing budget etc the Publisher is devoting to it?

>google monkey inflation
I think I'll pass on that one bud.

No. AAA used to mean a surefire hit. It something publishers would say to investors. Nothing more. Now it means nothing and all this AA, A, B, C, D, etc. are just as meaningless because we live in a world where retards call CDPR an "indie" developer.

I appreciate that Tim and Leonard say they're aiming to avoid making this just be Space: Fallout as much as possible. It's a shame that the marketing for the game is aiming to be contrary to that ethos.

>The woman who wrote this is now working on this game


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>Are you excited?
No. After years of being trapped on Yea Forums, the best I can muster is cautious optimism. I’m curious about what they’re going to do with Outter Worlds but I’ve not seen enough of the game to put aside concerns that the tone of the game won’t be annoying. It could be fun, it could also be full the worst kind of reddit-tier nerd-culture humor that makes me want to eat a bullet. It’s on my radar and I’m interested to see more, but I’d hardly say I’m excited about it.

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Well, 'indie' is not a synonym for 'small'. Indies are generally devs which do not rely on publishers in order to sell and/or distribute their games. CDPR are kind of 'indie' though if I'm not mistaken they have worked with some publisher for distribution.

Game publishers finance development (pay the dev studio to make the game) and then sell/distribute it while keeping all or at least most of the profit. CDPR is not paid by any publisher to make their games, so calling them indie isn't really inaccurate. They're a company who generally make and sell their own games directly.