Here's your cyberpunk bro

>here's your cyberpunk bro

Attached: not-sunset-overdrive.jpg (1920x878, 541K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no it sucks

Looks great, not seeing the problem here

This concept art actually looks fine. It's in-game that it looks like ass.

Attached: cyberpunk weather.png (881x110, 31K)

It might be cool if the game took place in one day and progressed from evening to night like in bloodborne. I don't really think morning/noon fits the ambience of cyberpunk.

wow these have really awakened my curiosity. i can't fucking wait to meet the people who work for PETROCHEM i'm sure they will be plausible living individuals each one a product of their time and place and definitely not cheap plot devices waved in front of me like muppets until i sufficiently feel that i've cybered the punknet

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I wouldn't be surprised if these constant cripplingly autistic threads were some CDPR employee with some smarts shilling for the game by shitting on it in the most obnoxious manner possible

it has a day-night cycle retard

>It isn't

Attached: 4525.jpg (373x359, 19K)


it is sometimes

That's why I said it should take place in one day, you absolute braindead illiterate mongoloid.


>these names are somehow worse / less believable than


Yes they clearly fucking are, are you retarded?

There's literally several companies named ICON irl you retard

Why do so many "big" games look like evrything is made out of plastic? The missing color depth maybe?

ditto for Petrochem

Why should the entire game take place in one day?

Oh, fuck off. Daytime cyberpunk is great and shows off the greedy excesses of upper echelon culture in a high-tech society, which works great when juxtaposed with the gritty, neon-lit ghettos of the underclass. Both sides are essential to an authentic cyberpunk setting.

I think you might be if you don't think these are exactly the kind of names some big ass multinational corps would adopt and put on the side of their corporate HQ.

You know Petrochem fought, and lost the Second Corporate War against SOVOIL, the Soviet centrally controlled and now private AND political power in the USSR.

NIGHT city more like DAYLIGHT city lmfao

Attached: cyberpunk_2020_corporate_logos_by_zoopee-d39uqh4.png (800x3200, 1.38M)

I'm sure there are companies named Corrugated Carboard Incorporated irl but that isn't an excuse for fiction to be that boring. Especially a genre of fiction characterized by extremely fractal, highly specific subcultures all bleeding in and out of one another. If you don't have the talent to portray a plausible cultural portrait you have no business writing cyberpunk.

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Oh yeah, Like Neuromancer. With Ono-Sendai. Eastern Fission Nuclear Authority. SenseNet and Tessier-Ashpool.

Fuck off. The names are fine. It's not boring, they sound perfect for what they are in the setting. What would you name them?

Is this your latest shitposting strategy? 'HURR THE BIG MEGACORPS AREN'T NAMED EXOTICALLY!" It's literally part of the damn genre down to its core. Network 23, Ares, Tessier-Ashpool, we can go on. The whole point is for them to sound like that.

You sincerely think the names you just listed are not 100% more interesting than the ones in the OP? Say them out loud. They have a completely different flavor and implication, and each one is a clear, specific choice.

Give us an example of what you think is a good name for a fictional corporation.

Okay, list some examples of corporations from cyberpunk works you think are named creatively.

Future cyberpunk works are always going to feel derivative of the original stuff because we're living in that world now. Some of the ideas were prophetic, some did really come to pass. But media sure as shit isn't going to talk unvarnished about the world we really live in today. Even some of the shit said in Deus Ex 1 would be politically impossible to release in 2019. Instead of speculating the future, genre conventions get morphed into allegory or metaphor, like DXHR's "Aug lives matter."

This game may be fun but I'm not getting my hopes up it's an impressive work of sci-fi writing.

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They sound the same. You're shitposting.

They don't have to be fucking fanciful, they just have to make a clear statement. I'm asking for the literal bare minimum amount of fluff here. I'm expecting the rudimentary performance of the job title "writer" as broad as that has fucking become

Attached: no sun.jpg (488x516, 280K)

thanks senpai

They make a clear statement, you're a fucking idiot.

Looks alright but needs more urban overcrowding, there's too much space between those buildings

Attached: Comfy_Skelly.png (312x233, 19K)

why is cyberpunk setting so difficult for Yea Forums to agree on?

Attached: 058b9ad54861a1a46e8a54769d2f56f1--ghost-in-the-shell-movie-cyberpunk-city.jpg (700x1141, 150K)

Ok retard

Here's the big players, how the fuck do they not make a clear statement?

>All those words to literally say nothing
10/10 shitpost

Attached: To hell with the sun.png (300x100, 31K)

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Because only a handful of people on Yea Forums actually know what cyberpunk is and furthermore even fewer can grasp that this is a specific cyberpunk setting.

You're the one who's incapable of grasping the implications of having such ordinary corporate names capable of fighting wars, controlling nations and sending death squads after you, you simple minded, illiterate moron.

Every one of those names is describing an entire field of business. Entities within a space do not define themselves by that space, they define themselves within the space and in contrast to their competitors within the space. Why is this so hard to understand?

Niggercorp 2000

because it's a shit genre full of people with autism

This. Most of the faggots here just want cyberpunk to be a very very specific aesthetic

does cyberpunk need to look dystopian looking for many of you to accept it?

Attached: ghost-in-the-shell-scarlett-cyberpunk-2-trailer.jpg (1920x936, 826K)

Dude you're a fucking retard. You're trying to belittle my intelligence while flailing around like an absolutely blind stupid asswipe, just take a minute to appreciate that

Because they're representing the highest level of those fields, you're absolutely fucking wrong because several of those companies ARE competing with each other in either directly or in other fields. You fucking idiot. Why are you still embarassing yourself?


I can hardly belittle what doesn't even exist. You're the one who's so feeble minded that you don't understand why the companies are named that and how that reflects on the setting. You're the one who changed your objection to the names repeatedly and claimed that anyone who writes like that doesn't get cyberpunk. You're the mongoloid subhuman who can't even produce what you would consider a good example from a cyberpunk work despite being asked repeatedly. I hope you're just another Yea Forums 2077 shitposter because if you're not, I feel very, very sorry for you.

Oh excuse me I guess I have to sift through pages of Pondsmith's watery discharge that gets mistaken for lore in the stupid fucking setting they picked to go with.

They could have just beaten Gibson into a paralytic coma and his vegetable noises would be about on the level of Pondsmith's parody of the original work

kinda like the sunshine state? do you honestly think its sunny all the time?

>I want a future that is permanently night
Grow up, emo kid.

>dystopian cyberpunk
>its just gta with anarchy and gang violence everywhere
>sjw call this a utopia

>does cyberpunk need to look dystopian


Stay agitated you prize retard. There's a reason no one has ever taken you seriously

>in GTA you can wall climb

Changing tact again, I see. Read nigger, read.

A literal "u mad bro' response.

Just admit you're shitposting.

>muh purple and smog
>muh night
>he's an incel

Dystopia does not have a set look.

Attached: Police Station.png (946x577, 753K)

How am I changing tack you weaselly little dipshit?

BP is literally "British Petroleum" what the fuck else do you want? Companies are named for what they sell all the time faggot. Icon is a movie production company irl.

I don't get it, there's tons of purple lighting in the gameplay video. There's smog. What are they complaining about?

I'm the weaselly one huh? Give us an example. Five corporations from other cyberpunk works, right now.

What's the problem?

And otherwise it's shit like 'Poseidon' from Appleseed/GITS or such.

>have literally one job
>somehow they turn it into gta6

>missing the whole point

GTA 2077 will be the soul-less game of the decade

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>There's an autist complaining that company names in Cyberpunk 2020 aren't up to his standard

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>it's a Yea Forums confuses noir with cyberpunk because a lot of cyberpunk movies incorporate noir tropes

This is literally the most generic thing I've ever seen.
>They even stole a STALKER and put him on the ground

>spend hours watching cyberpunk classics to get the feel of the genre
>hit the onions late at night
>now this is real cyberpunk

I know, right bro? Imagine calling your evil megacorp something stupid like 'Omni Consumer Products' or such. What hacks.


What classics did you watch?

one of the features of cyberpunk is noir. you resetard

What do you want? Shitty smog in all the daylight levels? Fixed weather? Fucking boomer complaining about nothing. I'll judge the game when it comes out


Looks like a Crackdown 3 screenshot

How bland and boring.

>Name of guy who owned it
>Names of guy who owned it

No, those are the same level as the Neuromancer, Shadowrun and Cyberpunk 2020 ones. Come on, you can do better than that. After all you're the one complaining you need a plausible cultural portrait.

No it's not. It's common in the genre but it's not neccesary.

It's such an inane argument I can't even decipher who is arguing what.

Looks like a poor mans Illium

Attached: ILLIUM MASS EFFECT 2.jpg (1024x594, 176K)

>being this stupid

Sorry, I thought you meant to produce something amazing and not at the same level as C2020. They're good though ain't they? Just as good as CP2020's corporate names.

Nice lens flare faggot.

GTA 6 looking pretty cool.

Attached: cyberpunk2077.png (1440x900, 1.53M)

He made an inane point, that the corporate names in Cyberpunk 2020 were poorly done and idn't have a "plausible cultural portrait." I asked him to produce examples of good ones from cyberpunk works. Now, ignoring that two of them aren't even from cyberpunk works, he's brought up stuff on the same level; named after the people who found them, plus a jap name. Gods and mythical beings. OCP. IT'S THE SAME STUFF.

It's good though and it just shows how the writing here works because these are the big corporate entities and should seem almost mundane, to highlight the strangeness of them having so much power.

>Generic scifi angled towers

How about these


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Fuck off Jameson you crusty old faggot.

Little reminders:
>you won't be able to enter 99% of the buildings in the city
>you'll be entering pre-scripted dungeons like in Borderlands by following quest markers
>there's no flying cars; not because it's impossible software wise, but because it would take away from the scripted gameplay.
>stronk and powerful female CEOs; brought you by your local effeminate cuck western dev who think's he's changing the world by making masculine women on a video game


Attached: screen-ripperdoc-clinic-en.jpg (3840x2160, 504K)

Bitch please, illium was one of the most beautifully crafted planets in history. I'd live in that shit. ME2 in general had some of the best artistic design in gaming which it why it deserved it's place as the greatest in the series. In Kasumi's dlc when you first walked out on the patio of that dudes house and just saw that background of the city in the distance and the cars going by the mountains FUCK first time I ever wanted to live in a video game world. FUCK ANDROMEDA AND FUCK WHAT IT DID TO MASS EFFECT, FUCK IT.

Attached: liara home.gif (500x254, 1017K)

Based redpilled incel

Comfy as fuck.

Biodrones really are fucking delusional.

So like every large game?
Where's the examples of these dungeons?
How does being able to fly from A to Z interupt scripting? They could just script it with that in mind
She's a bitch and she gets killed if you don't help her and no one mourns her.

>stronk and powerful female CEOs
You realise those exist in real life right.
And that cyberpunk has had that forever and a day

I want to get a jacket like this for V in my game.

Attached: Smugtoko Motoko Jacket.png (474x410, 247K)

Yep. Neuromancer for example. Lady 3-Jane ring a bell?

He doesnt even know about Lady 3-Jane.

the only country on the planet that has self-built billionaire female ceos is china, and htey DID IT by corruption and communist connections in the family

fuck off you idiot

We're talking about fiction here.

best cyberpunk game since DE

Attached: images.jpg (275x183, 11K)

>they did it by corruption

Corruption!? In a cyberpunk setting!?

You fucking absolute moron.

then stop talking about real life, fucking faggot

Moving the goalposts, nearly every major corporations has female executives and a few are headed by them. Corpo bitch in the demo is a low level manager by corp standards, department chief/grade six equivalent. Plus in fiction, female executives are all over the shop, cruel, nasy, etc.

I'm not talking about real life. I'm talking about fiction. But are you seriously claiming there's no female executives in real life?

t. doesn't think female executives are real.

Really? You're going to shitpost on that. Holy fuck, what next? People are going to bitch that the pavements aren't right?

females get PUT into a ceo postion, but never once in human history has a female BUILT a company other than oprah. not once

and oprah just sells cosmetics through personal branding

You want cyberpunk, just move to russia.

This looks great though, if only 2077 looked this appealing.

First off, that's not true. Second, what the fuck does that have to do with there being a power hungry woman as a low level corp officer in the game?

>MFW instead of making something less ambitious but with an actual soul they prefer to make the biggest generic game of the generation

Attached: screen-shot-2018-08-27-at-10-28-44-am-1.png (970x541, 725K)

How is it generic?

How does it lack a soul?

What isn't generic?

What has a soul?

I responded to ONE fucking post. that post claimed it's believable in the game because it "happens in real life"

so fuck off. it doesn't happen in real life. post the goddamned bitch if she's real, you nigger

This shit reminds me of the "Is it a dragon?" Debacle. You took some overarchine umbrella term genre, which has 0 real world equivalents, past or present, and then decided to become the governing bodies of a concept, while also ignoring or glorifying original or veteran comments in the sci-fi genre depending on your opinion
>Is Smaug a dragon in the Hobbit movie, even though Tolkien was very descriptive of his appearance? Yes
>Is this game shit because Bruce Bethke doesn't think it's 100% to his original image? No

Attached: Dragon.png (810x518, 194K)

Sandra Lerner, founded Cisco Systems.

Looks good.

It's named after someone in the lore, not a time of day.

Unlike in America, where the billionaires did it through good old fashioned hard work, inheriting wealth, usury, transaction fees, and having employees live in the car park.

You don't think that she's the HEAD of Militech do you?

Oh fuck you do. You actually do.

Did you even watch the gameplay demo? She's a mid level executive, stuck in the minor legaues. You idiot.

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It's this GTA6? future Liberty City?

you're an idiot. she co-founded it. she didn't build any o the tech, her husband built the tech. she solicited for startup funding and then tried to peer to peer sales the company. she got fired for being incompetent, married the other cofounder, then divorced him 3 years later and took half of the money

cisco then became a billion dollar company nearly immediately after she got fired

>>So like every large game?
>"Every game needs to be a generic GTA game"
>>Where's the examples of these dungeons?
>"I haven't watched the 40m game play"
>>How does being able to fly from A to Z interupt scripting?
>"How does being able to fly interrupt scripted road-encounters as shown in the 40m gameplay trailer?"

Attached: nottosmart.jpg (645x968, 47K)

Atleast it's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

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I've got some cyberpunk corp names for ya
>fault heavy
>rearmed medical

Attached: 90987.jpg (1536x2048, 271K)


Fucker, I'm further right than you and this is the stupidest hill to die on.


Good concept art
Cyberpunk doesn't need to always seem overcrwoded and chaotic, a realistic cyberpunk bigcity would highly and neatly structurize
This image conveys that the government is in alot more control than you'd like

How is this game like GTA? Do you want it to be like Skyrim with there being a dozen houses in the capital city, or like the Witcher 3 with doznes of places you can enter in a large city? Are you seriously expecting them to create an entire city where you can go into literally every single room of every single buiolding? Have some fucking perspective.

I watched the gameplay demo. Where are the dungeons?

And again, how does it interrupt that? If they wanted to, they could just script in people attacking you in the sky.

You look at that shitty wojak you posted and you see a mirror, sunshine.

>people complain about genres never evolving and trying to branch out
>show a cyberpunk city that isn't always edgelord dark and rainy and other well-regarded cyberpunk fiction like GitS and Transmetropolian weren't like that either

let's face it man, it's just GTA V with generic cyberpunk elements.

Attached: OVUg7d.png (843x469, 742K)

You guys are really missing the point of Cyberpunk. It's dystopian and not just neon lights and LEDs with synthwave all over the place. Take Judge Dredd but with more tech, cyber implants and online shit plus corporations going wild.

2077 looks fine. Can't wait for relase date and you autists post waifu and best quest threads over and over again for months on end.

It's not like GTA V at all. Have you even played GTAV?

Looks good, can't wait to play it.

Attached: here we go again.png (1667x1269, 146K)

Day city. Home.

you're an idiot. this kind of detail fucking matters for startups, capitalism, etc

have fun losing your entire fucking retirement because you thought "hehe, females are stronk. she isn't dumb. the details don;t matter!"

this is the fucking reason this entire country is collapsing. sure, ust hand billions of dollars to some diversity slut. no big deal

fucking niggers

Needs to be more organic like dominion.

Attached: dominioncity.jpg (320x244, 19K)

Yea Forums is more often right than wrong

>Enforced first person
>Actual PNP based RPG elements
>Playstyle variations that aren't shoot-or-(((sneak)))-before-I-shoot
>Full character customization
>Real story choices before the ending
>Alot more immersive traits like real crowded suburbs
>Higher paced shootouts
>More variation in weapon traits and stats
You could say it's a refined futuristic GTA V
GTA V is really, REALLY hollow with bad longevity options in offline gameplay

Gayusex is too yellow.

So much nitpicking in this thread

This will dethrone Deus Ex.

>three games with glaring red flags well in advance

yeah awesome job nostradamus did you see that in your crystal fucking ball

Speds love detail, if its not exactly how they want it they reee.

>sjw call this a utopia
Thats how you know its a dystopia.

it looks shirow-esque in places.

Attached: Cyberpunk City.png (861x686, 677K)

>wah they didn't give the companies some weaboo anime name

>the sun doesn't exist in cyberpunk futures

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Where else would the sun faggotry come from

Deus Ex did a decent job of dethroning itself.

Attached: deus-ex-pre-order-1080x671.png?ssl=1.png (1080x671, 411K)

>This is just like every GTA game!
>How is this game like GTA?
You are so retarded I won't even bother replying to you.

I don't care what cyberpunk is or is not, but as far as I'm concerned the aesthetics work only when they are based on how the future was imagined in the 80s/90s. Cyberpunk based on our current expectations of the future looks like utter shit.

When did I say GTA? Nearly every game that depicts a large city has buildings you can't enter because believe it or not you cannot render every single room and floor for every single building in a game with a huge city. There's only a few exceptions, like Pathologic, ARMA 3 and such, and you know how they do it? Copy and paste the same rooms, the same houses.

You're the one who said GTA bro, he didn't.

Dystopia =/= grit and grime everywhere, neon lights and stealing blade runner's set design
Psycho-Pass is a dystopia and the city it takes place in looks sleek, clean and perfect.
Halo is a dystopia, but everything in the civilian cities looks like the ideal utopia dreamed in old pulp sci-fi

>Action packed trip to detroit

is that a NGE reference


Please ACTUALLY fuck off and LITERALLY kill yourself.

Attached: scorpin gun.jpg (480x349, 137K)

Nigger you're some poor chimpy virgin nobody wants your financial advice

This. What game has a huge city where you can enter every single building and have it all modelled out inside?

in a word, autism

But she's not. I just looked it up and she's listed as a senior operations manager for militech.
>western dev
Nevermind its retarded.

He hasn't watched the gameplay demo, because if he had, he'll know she's not the CEO, and that she's actually a desperate, about to get fucking fired/executed mid level manager who's grasping at straws due to her own incompetence.

you tell me

Attached: 1529327481525.jpg (928x669, 94K)

>putting females in charge is more important than financial solvency. if you disagree, you are a stupid virgin

Which woman is in charge of what? You've just been sperging out at a situation you've dreamt up for over an hour.

Because most people here don't know what the fuck cyberpunk even is and only heard about it from bladerunner so assume they must all have neon, rain and constant night.

Nice avatar.

>ITT: retards who think retrofuturism is cyberpunk
Go back to listening to vaporwave

>you won't be able to enter 99% of the buildings in the city
Why would you ever expect to enter all the buildings to begin with?

>so, umm.... there's like this day and night cycle, which, like means that like every day HAS to be crystal clear sunny skies without an ounce of pollution or massive corporate structures to block out the sun in a cyberpunk universe

Attached: 1494694722362.jpg (559x836, 70K)

How the fuck would a huge American company like militech have less than a Japanese one?

Attached: 111-7f6a8947fb.jpg (904x1277, 477K)

This was based on a vision for the future from he 1980s and written during the late 80s when the Japanese economy looked unstoppable, with Japanese capital buying up stuff all over the world and outselling American companies.

Cyberpunk is high tech, low life. Yea Forums thinks it's dudes in long coats wandering rainy neon lit streets and being real human beans.

Crystal fucking clear isn't it.

Watch the damn demo.

Attached: CYBERGTAPUNK 5.png (805x399, 446K)

The city in Mirror's Edge is a dystopia and it's unfathomably bright, clean and pristine.

Why are you assuming every day in the game is going to be always bright and sunny and there won't be a weather system?

I like how every complain about this game is countered by the source being crap
>Lack of interesting classes: T-they didn’t matter in the role playing game either! They were just used for base stats and then ignored
>The aesthetic is shit: I-it was like that in the role playing game! They had weird clowns gangsters!
Maybe they shouldn’t have used shit source material

Attached: D58B1292-6AAB-4924-BF51-1BBFE9665F95.jpg (2048x1152, 952K)

>Cyberpunk is high tech, low life
Which bender coined this and why does it get spammed everywhere. It's more on point than what 90% of the fags are saying but it's starting to get on my nerves through sheer repetition.

What happened to nips? Why did their economy falter?

NSX confirmed

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Why do you spergs care so much about classes? What mechanical benefit do they have off of a tabletop?

Essentially they built up so much credit as their companies performed well and they invested in tons and tons of stuff; then there was a rocky period in the early 90s, people went looking for the money, and found that a large amount of the credit and capital fuelling this huge boom was basically not there.

us REAL Cyberpunk Fans™ know what makes cyberkino, and those four words are all we need

Attached: plucked chicken.jpg (670x377, 32K)

They don't care. They just know that this game doesn't have them so they're shitposting.

The aesthetic is pretty good. I wish it was closer to the 80s ARTMIC and new wave look but for a modern take on things, it's not bad at all.

When I heard about the game I wondered how they would handle having the usual cyberpunk trope characters in addition to the unusual ones like rocker boy, nomad, and corporate
The answer?
They don’t, they just make a FPS and blame the source material
It’s fucking lazy and we wont get anything interesting or something we have never seen before
Just the usual but with newer graphics

A better question is why did they choose to advertise every single scene of this game in broad daylight with cloudless skies?

Since when were people saying the aesthetic is shit in defence? What's happening is idiots like you scream because it doesn't look like BR 2049 and Altered Carbon and can't understand that perhaps there's other things out there?

Attached: RCO007_w.jpg (1079x1600, 618K)

>I didn't say GTA, besides, no game can deviate from GTA anyway, where have you seen a city based game that doesn't look like GTA?
Maybe you should be more open minded and realize that devs can try making games that haven't been made before.

Looks pretty good, I'd like to see a day/night difference screenshot from the same angle though

Thanks for confirming you've never played Cyberpunk 2020.

Corporate was the 'face' character class. The RPG party typically needed people with good diplomatic skills and connections to talk people into giving them jobs, convince NPCs in the game, etc.

Guess what? Not needed in a single player RPG.

Nomad was the driver. You needed it because driving without skills in an RPG is one bad roll away from a party wipe.

Not needed in a singleplayer video game where you drive normally.

Rockerboy was a really odd class and no one played it, or at least they just called it something else and took the stats because campaign wise, trying to focus shit around one member of your party of usually sneaky disposable mercenaries didn't really fit the bill.

See cop as well.

And please, tell me which cyberpunk game allows you to have the gameplay on offer here. Which one allows you to, as a free agent, go out, pick jobs, do them as you want, and move through a huge open world city.

Cyberpunk is a genre about a potential future of today, if we keep on this path
Its not always political, but it is always a critique of society by turning things up to 11 so the cracks shine through
The term "high tech low life" IS accurate because its literally the name of the genre. Cyber = high tech Punk = low life.
Punk does not mean punk rock. Cyberpunk is not neon spandex and mohawks, and its absolutley not supposed to be a sunny happy looking future place. Its supposed to be a dreary depressing dystopia. It can be beautiful but beautiful by its ugliness like Blade Runner or GITS 1995.
Cyberpunk 2077 looks more like retrofuturism than cyberpunk. Which is ironic considering the name.

They can, no one said they can't. Cyberpunk 2077 looks very different, but it's a matter of fucking physical limitations. You cannot model an entire city in a video game to the detail they want in a reasonable amount of time. So what can they do?

1. Procedural generaton: makes a ton of random shit which you'd hate.
2. Focus on important stuff. Have enough interesting stuff in the area as well as mission important stuff, etc. You hate this despite this being what most games have to do.
3. Copy and paste the same interiors over and over again so if an autist like you knocks on a random door in a random street in a random part of time he can go into it and see the same corridors and apartments he can see if he tried it selfwhere. You'd call them lazy.

Cyberpunk is just a theoretical dystopian view of the future where large leaps in technological progress are responsible for making life better, but also introducing new problems.
"High tech, low life" isn't really the best way to put that, but it has a nice rhythm to it and is simple to remember so brainlets kept it alive.

Cyberpunk works are all about asking questions related to the consequences about advancing certain technologies.
"Are advancements in genetic engineering worth the potential social upheaval?"
"Could AI become a danger to us instead of a tool?"
"What makes a man different from sufficiently advanced AI or artificial life?"
At the core of most of the cyberpunk stories we're familiar with you can usually find one of these questions being either explicitly depicted or even implied through worldbuilding.

Honestly we've been living in a cyberpunk world for at least 20 years now, some would say even longer.
It just isn't covered in neon lights and degeneracy, just some spots of it are.

Attached: Something about Deus Ex, fandoms, advertising, cults, religion, algorithms and the downfall of weste (847x2086, 891K)

Cyberpunk can also mean pink mohawk rock and roll fuck the world hedonistic slambang but it's all just part of the general millieu and it doesn't have to e te focus, though from what we've seen 2077 does seem to echo 2020's slight focus on that style of gamplay and aesthetic.

This film was pretty sunny and it had a great cyberpunk world. The main thing they need to get right are the cybernetic augmentations.

Attached: 1545345334880.jpg (1920x1080, 671K)

If you can't kidnap and rape women in the game, it's a dropped game.

>Thanks for confirming you've never played Cyberpunk 2020.
That’s what I’m talking about you idiot! When I complain about the game you idiots just blame the source material
Fuck cyberpunk 2020 if it was shit with classes no one used because it was written by a hack

>And please tell me which cyberpunk game allows you
That’s the point again you idiot. I was hoping they would make something unique, a first of its kind cyberpunk game
Not just a FPS with skills

This is bad for my blood pressure, fuck you cyberpunk 2020 fags. I’m happy your shitty pen and paper garbage got faithfully recreated as a garbage FPS

For example heres a cyberpunk film with daylight

Still has a very clear dystopian aesthetic
I dont feel that at all with Cyberpunk 2077

Thank you, Cyberpunk 2020 is awesome and it looks like it'll be great. I'm sorry you're completely stupid and you're not grasping why the classes were used and their role in tabletop RPG games which typically revolve around a party of 4 or more people, and why condensing it down makes sense when you're playing a single person game.


>Pondsmoth was too stupid to figure out how to incorporate interesting classes into the pen and paper so it fine if CD Projekt is too stupid to figure out how to incorporate them into their game
>We need to keep the baseline level of idiocy in the design of the game

That's a bit unclear because none of those questions or themes is inherent to cyberpunk, was introduced by cyberpunk or even in numerous cyberpunk works. Indeed, if we take your examples as defining aspects, then The Time Machine, RUR and Metropolis are all cyberpunk, which is a rather silly position to make.

Cyberpunk is admittedly a poorly defined genre, but I feel it's best defined by the conventions present in nearly every cyberpunk work to some degree of another.

The first is that it's a near future setting, with all that entails, no ftl or such. The second is that there is a heavy focus on the seedier aspects of society, whether through the eyes of one living in that area or interacting with it and the third and most defining aspect, the heavy proliferation and use of networked computers and information technology in the setting as general, and both to help and hinder the heroes.

Now you can tell all manner of stories within this frame and they do tend to lean towards the themes and questions you posed. However, we cannot take the idea that those alone define the genre, as they've been with us since SF was created back in the 19th century. To further show how it would be a mistake to do so, under your definition, Frankensein is a cyberpunk novel. I think that illustrates how we have to admit that cyberpunk, while poorly defined, does need some acknowledgement of the conventions that help to establish its boundaries.

You're just proving yourself more and more stupid. And also that you're absolutely fine with CDPR doing classes as they are.

This is what I forgot to talk about in that post.
The cyber in cyberpunk implies that it refers to those issues of advancing technology with respect to the digital age.
Computers, the internet and other digital infrastructures play a huge role in defining these stories.
Stuff like Metropolis and Frankenstein don't fall under that.

>Haha you’re just proving your an idiot
>I won’t explain how or defend my views
Only an idiot or a shill will defend a FPS GTA game this badly

Are you referring to the image OP posted specifically? That's art not a screenshot of the game

I have explained myself repeatedly. If you can't do basic english comprehension, there's little point in replying.

Pondsmith and the other writers did a pretty decent job but the problem with writing for a tabletop rpg is that players like to define their own characters and backgrounds far beyond what any writer can manage. Your complaint is that you heard that there was a rockstar class and a cop class in the original RPG and so for some reason you want the whole game to be around that despite the fact that almost every campaign was about the idea of people doing jobs for various reasons as mercenaries in the fucked up world of 2020.

As for a shill, it's far more likely seeing how much ridiculous shitposting that you're shilling against the game. Not that I think that but it'd explain a lot.

Quite, that's one of the major differentiation between cyberpunk and other genres, but before we get too carried away computers and other such things have appeared before in science fiction, so we can't just rely on that alone again to carry the definition of the genre, hence why I added the two other conventions to tighten down on what cyberpunk seems to be.

>expect deus ex but bigger
>get some shitty gta clone
Never been this disappointed by a vidya reveal

I don’t see where you proved that Pondsmith was an idiot who added classes no one would use because it was hard to incorporate them into a pen and paper game
Your just saying it was hard and they did a good enough job even thought you admit no one used those classes

>All this GTA comparisons

That's an insult to Rockstar and GTA becasue the open world exploration and driving in Cyberpunk 2077 looked like a huge downgrade to a GTA game in that alpha.

Like holy fuck.

>vehicle damage will be ass and awkward like MAFIA 3
>physics will be ass
>driving will feel much worse
>probably can only drive that black car
>AI's clip through each other everywhere

What gameplay aspects were like GTA?

What weren't like Deus Ex?

Because this was an RPG originally written in 1988 and there were conventions you had to adhere to, and you'd know this if you actually knew something, or even cared about it, but you don't because all you want is an excuse to shitpost about this game.

I don't get it, are you angry they don't have the classes or are you angry at Pondsmith for having classes in a tabletop rpg?

Both of those are pretty stupid positions to take.

I'm bored of cyperpunk, it was never great to begin with. I want Jesuspunk now

The classes also work better because in the game you can just go 'Yeah, he's a corpo mechanically but ACTUALLY he's XYZ." for your character.

Meanwhile to introduce a corpo character in any meaningful way you'd need an hour long specific entry and then boom, it doesn't really matter except maybe for some quests and dialogue, or it's just a change in starting stats. So why not just let the player pick and choose as they want?

And how the fuck do you even work in a rockerboy in the sort of gameplay presented? You'd need to make the whole game about it, with mechancis that would only be used for that class and it would honestly seem pretty silly in a video game way aspect if used that way while in a tabletop rpg you can make it work much more fluidly and sensibly (organising a gig online so your friends can sneak into the warehouse, rather than just summoning 10 fanboys with a spell like effect' to fight for you).

so if this was made today it would be Sino-corp? Tai Yong medical, Tencent solutions that sorts?

Stop shoving -punk onto things.

It would be a buddy-cop game where you play as one of Jesus' disciples and help him pull off his miracles through deception.

Most likely yeah. I don't know if there are any such in 2077, but it's likely to reflect the zeitgeist of the times more.

However today the concern about China is nothing like how intense it was in the 80s about Japan.

Attached: file.png (461x662, 218K)

I know right! Exactly, it’s hard and makes my head hurty
Let’s just make a FPS
GTA sold pretty well right? That’s an RPG right? Let’s just do that.

If 2020 hadn't had that class, you'd never be saying this. That sort of gameplay does not translate well to a video game at all because you'd have to script and write the entire damn game around it, ignoring huge chunks of the rest of the RPG.

Again, it's really easy to tell when idiots like you have had no experience of the game.

>the source material is shit! SHIT!
>why are they not sticking to the source material?
>the source material is all foggy and night and shit lmao
>why is it day half the time?
>the whole genre is shit
>they should do it like the rest of the genre
>it's just GTA dude lmao
This fucking board

Deus Ex is one of the best video games ever and it's an RPG. And why do you insist on calling this GTA? It's much more like the Witcher 3 or The Elder Scrolls.

FPS rather. Deus Ex is an FPS.

Man, imagine if America bursted instead of Japan, it would be some interesting times.

Jesuspunk fits the term more than any other genre since he was basically a punk of his time. A Long hair rebel pissing off kikes

I already told you to fuck off with your source material
I don’t accept that the game has to generic FPS just because the source material was unimaginative because it had to follow the conventions of the time and it was difficult to integrate the classes into pen and paper

I don't get why they keep posting in the threads if they hate cyberpunk and CDPR so much.

Ah, now it's all starting to make sense.

Attached: Capture.png (609x444, 33K)

Well that's the basis of a lot of the fiction at the time; hence why you see a weakened or balkanised US a lot.

It's almost like they debut all trailers/concept the majority of the time in light because you can see more

It's almost like they've already confirmed weather is dynamic

Attached: 1317259311003.png (503x530, 101K)

>the more you know
I see, thats interesting.

I'm going to be pissed is the jacket is all you can change, I'll bet there will only be like 10 or so to choose from.

And I'm telling you you don't get to say 'fuck off with the source material.' just because you personally have a subjective issue with it and for some reason insist that everything has to meet your subjective taste. Your point is confused as fuck, especially as the game ISN'T following the same conventions but instead offering a lot more open range to character construction. The classes only work in a pen and paper environment both from a gameplay perspective and from the fact that to accomodate them beyond a meaningless matter would essentially mean having to create individual games for the different classes. So why do so?

And how is it a generic FPS? Doesn't look much like a Battlefield or Call of Duty to me.

Unlikely judging by the Witcher 2 and 3. There were a fuckton of armour and cosmetic options. Even if they don't go beyond that, there'll be plenty of choice.

idk man im pretty scared of china, they've got the money, hive minded of the many, aggressive military expansion, ya sure thats not concerning enough?

Attached: containment.png (1269x755, 1008K)

The term 'high tech low life' has been around since the late 80s, but sure.

It's not the same as smiling Japanese businessmen announcing that your company was now Japanese and you would be doing things their way now when the last time you saw a Japanese man was in Tora Tora Tora.

No, It would basically be Ultima 7 but set in a futuristic Babylon where you are the last of the non-augmented drifters.

Attached: v hates the sun.png (1536x2048, 1.06M)

>that pic
does anyone have a sources on that, or is it all just speculation

Attached: 1de.gif (627x502, 940K)

It's an old screencap form either Yea Forums or Yea Forums, your best bet is to dig on your own whether that be online, at a library, etc.

Attached: BAUHAUS Art Rant form co I believe.jpg (1233x4254, 3.65M)

Arguing for the sake of arguing. They have nothing else in their lives other than arguing and shitposting in bad faith, but people keep biting.

I just heard about Cyberpunk and it sounds interesting. Is there any good articles or even youtube videos explaining more topics on Cyberpunk? This sounds really interesting.

Attached: DuELIlnUUAAuRTy.jpg (848x1199, 112K)

Japan's economy in that time was a lot more relevant. Japanese products covered the market being not only cheaper but often better than their counterparts. Yeah chinese products exist, but the quality isn't there. It also helped that Japanese products didn't necessarily outright copy foreign ones like you see with chinese products. Another big deal is the fact that Chinese companies answer to the government. Japanese companies at the time seemed unstoppable and unrestricted, which of course carried over to the cyberpunk setting of the government having no power to stop these companies.

>isn't really the best way to put that
High tech low life means that technology is advanced but doesn't improve people's lives. The trailers demonstrated this well with shit like the flying cars, GPS help buttons in your skull, and putting pop out robot blades in your arms. But despite all this advancement in technology life is shit due to societal breakdown and disregard for morals. Gangs are organ harvesting, drug dealers are bashing their own skulls in to get augmentations and selling off drugs casually, corpos taking people out to warehouse districts to murder them, trash and shit littering the streets. And we saw all this in the trailer.
>Honest we've been living in a cyberpunk world for at least 20 years now
Fuck off retard. Our world isn't remotely near ANY cyberpunk media.

He did also hang out around the more dickish and seedier aspects of society...

Attached: 160278344fb39ef45349a82c0bcb4c1ca1aaa2dfcd7b40c448c99715bd24a368.png (864x682, 1.32M)

Honestly, it's best just to get a reading list/watching list of the books, films and other stuff involved and go through that, then draw your own conclusions. Just never use the term post-cyberpunk.

If you like books; Neuromancer, if you like anime/manga; Ghost in the Shell, if you like good films go watch the two Bladerunner films (I prefer the new one desu).

The GITS manga is actually more cyberpunk in the conventional sense then the films and even SAC.

According to the cyberpunk 2070 defence force nothing you mentioned is cyberpunk
In fact coincidentally the only cyberpunk media that is actually cyberpunk seems to be cyberpunk 2020!

Getting into cyberpunk works whether that be games, film, books ,etc is a good start.
Ghost in the shell, Blade Runner, Deus Ex, Akira, Phillip K dick's books are all fine places to get a rough sense of what cyberpunk can be.

There's also weirder cyberpunk material that isn't really cyberpunk, but people throw the label at it because they don't know how else ot define it.
A good example of this is BLAME!.

Unfortunately I don't really know of any youtube channels focused on the subject.
You kinda just have to find what you like and explore from there.

In all seriousness, the sprawl trilogy, snow crash and the short story Cyberpunk will give a decent grounding in the conventions of the genre.

With anime, GITS is a bit late in the game; the manga is fine, but thinking really Oedo, Bubblegum Crisis (I'm on the fence really about it as it does have a lot of elements but it's really just a ton of films with an ARTMIC sonoda twist on things, still worth a watch), and some others, I should put together a proper list.

Blade Runner I'd agree but on a caveat; it's influential on the style and tone. Max Headroom, both the film and the tv series is also worth a wtch for a different take on things.

>Our world isn't remotely near ANY cyberpunk media.
Not all cyberpunk focuses on explicitly futuristic traits like robotic limbs, kids with spiky purple Mohawks and genetically engineered super soldiers.
I made that comment in reference to virtual spaces, like the internet.
The internet is definitely a prime example of a cyberpunk element in out present time.

>Nothing he mentioned.

No, Neuromancer and GITS have been maintained as cyberpunk constantly and people have been pointing to them as examples of why shit people are complaining about in 2077 are silly.

Blade Runner is an odd category because while it's heavily influential on the visual style and tone of many cyberpunk works, it doesn't actually focus on the network/computer information side of things and it's got elements that are out of line with cyberpunk works in general. It's a bit too early as well by a few years before the genre emerges in prose.

This. Blade Runner definitely fed into the genre, but I don't know if you could call it cyberpunk in of itself. Influential though, like how the Stars my Destination and The Demolished Man fed into cyberpunk from the literary side of things, and it's a good film. Just be sure to get the final cut and not the original theatric.

Bullshit, people were saying GITS was not cyberpunk because it’s not “lowlife” and most people seem to be living pretty good lives
Maybe now the narrative changed who the fuck can keep track

>network/computer information side of things
now cyberpunk works that touch on this are my jam.
They've been way more relevant to the last few years of modern history than anything else in the CP genre.
You'd think there'd be more films and games about the internet itself and what it means for society considering how much of out lives are dependent on it now.

>The internet is definitely a prime example of a cyberpunk element in our present time
I'm pretty certain Cyberpunk as a genre was inspired by the internet.

Literally, this.

No, people saying that were arguing that Cyberpunk 2077 was also not cyberpunk. I've been following this since this whole mess started.

>artificial controversy
i don't see a problem here. what is the definition of "cyberpunk" anyway?
I bet no one will respond because they're too pussy

This is an anonymous image board with posters from all over.
One second you could be in a thread where side A is the majority in an argument and a minute later another thread pops up where people are saying B, then another with C and so on.

It actually predates it. At least in a meaningful sense.

I've written a post on it up in the thread here.

read the thread brainlet

oh nice doesn't that come with transhumanism? discussion if soul is real or not.

>in the future it will be night time 24/7

Okay, how does that argue that
>No, Neuromancer and GITS have been maintained as cyberpunk constantly
Is a false statement?

Might check out Spicy City. There's one episode in pariticular that feeds into it and for 1997 was actually quite prescient of a load of the nonsense that would emerge online.

no one shitposting knows about the lore, they don't even realize it's based on a pnp game.

Niggers running wild, everyone has an SSD



Attached: anon of v sees the sun.webm (482x938, 1.43M)

Because every time I've seen someone argue they're not cyberpunk, it's been someone saying that 2077 isn't cyberpunk, and they've been told (the user claiming they're not cyberpunk) that they're wrong.

You're trying to twist this as if it somehow is good for 2077 if GITS and Neuromancer weren't cyberpunk. But that's nonsenscial, as both support a ton of elements within the game (and 2020).

whatever, bet you'll still buy/pirate it
what are you going to do, not play it?

And your SDD can give you an STD.

leave him alone user, he's trying. who else would know that studios with a lack of quality would prove to be shitty.

>When the cyberlegs don't work right.

Attached: Flying Motoko.png (465x588, 300K)

>we're living it now

Except at best, we only have the beginnings of many of the original cyberpunk themes. Transhumanism is limited to a few only recently created replacement limbs. The only examples I've seen of "AI" are a few short segments where someone talks in what could easily be a scripted event. Companies, while powerful, aren't running around black bagging people with their own special private forces hatchet men, and the world as a whole is not Detroit. Some of these things may happen, but they're certainly not on the level of cyberpunk.

is this image cyberpunk? if no, how to make it cyberpunk?

Attached: D03mbtAX4AEYl8x.jpg (1024x546, 153K)

Watch a lets play

I doubt it.
Cyberpunk came out in the mid 80s.
It wasn't until the early 90s that the internet started becoming widely available to consumers
and it wasn't until the mid 90s and early 2000s that the internet really went big and became massively popular with the public.
And in the last decade the proliferation of internet access has become almost a necessity.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were to become a right in the future.

>Niggers running wild, everyone has an SSD
If samsung's promises are true well be /cp/ in the later half of 2019

>what are you going to do, not play it?

if it turns out to be as shitty as it looks now, then no i won't play it.

Attached: 1551046914664.png (351x364, 258K)

like a true zoomer

This picture unironically ALMOST hits the nail on the head, if they waited 2 seconds longer for big mac's shotgun to start glowing, then you'd see why it's barely cyberpunk. Adding glowing shit to everyone's clothes, guns, and vehicles doesn't make it automatically cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is about world building, which we've seen only done superficially.

Looks fun to me.

Epic contrarian post fellow shitposter!

IT would be nice for knockoff robolegs that constantly dont work as advertised, doubt it though.

needs more dystopia

>Massive RPG we've only seen half an hour for doesn't have world building yet

Attached: drooling retard.png (534x588, 267K)

so basically hong kong?

No, but Japanese urban imagery fed into the aesthetics of cyberpunk a lot.

How will we know till we play or see more? Until then we shitpost.

90% of people posting in this thread are braindead

Attached: 1318039403420.jpg (385x443, 17K)

>Cyberpunk is about world building
Can't be world building if it doesn't have a fucking sun, retard.

yea but 50 years in the future.

Lots of world building already but you don't care. You just shitpost.

Yea Forums is pretty internetpunk

Nestle has literally sent paramilitary groups that they paid for into Colombia to murder their own workers there that threatened to strike. That's not even the worst they've done. Even in the real world, companies with really stupid names have done really horrifying shit.

What are exactly are you trying to say? Just because a corporation has an ordinary name, means they can't possibly do anything unethical?

Yeah, he's an absolute cunt. We've already been exposed to the corporate side of shit, the Trauma Team, two gangs, one of which paints a pretty dark fucking picture of the world.
>No world building

There was a shit ton of world building in the gameplay demo though, so even with that excuse the shitposter's point doesn't hold up.

Attached: cp cowboy.jpg (554x720, 49K)

So, Kowloon by the nips?

Quite the opposite, that's exactly what I was saying.

Yeah I thought about it a bit more extensively after I made that post. There was a shit load of world building already.

Plus they're drawing from a lot of pre-written world building though who know exactly what's being changed and reworked and what they'll add.

Attached: kndgqBMe8Sdb.jpg (640x480, 41K)

What can I say? I have a witching rod known as cynicism, and rarely is it ever wrong.

Love it, shame the game looks nowhere near that good.

>Chocolate death squads

Holy shit, do you have a link to this?

Attached: get a load of this guy.jpg (496x496, 134K)

Worldsat is the only belivable corp name/logo in that bunch, everything else sounds and looks like evil video game corp, more so fucking "Biotechnica" jesus christ.

lookie here boys we got us a nostradumbass

Yes but can't you see, robot vaginas in men.

>evil video game corp
Based retard.

>But how do you know the fridge light turns off when you close the door?!

Well, it's called common sense.

>Witcher was fun but flawed and needlessly edge
>Witcher 2 was a vast improvement
>Witcher 3 took all the improvements, scaled the game up massively
>Every game they release has been an improvement over the last
Can't kill my hype you tortanic loving faggots.

Attached: 1551324192685.gif (480x270, 363K)

30 million combined views boy. Spread your cheeks.

what if I told you they fired most of the people who worked on the witcher?

Wasn't that Coca-Cola or are they all getting in on this sweet death squads murdering unions money?

>Cyberpunk is about world building, which we've seen only done superficially.
>CDPR's literal best aspect is their attention to detail in the world
>Hurrdurr Cyberpunk will have shit world building
I'll take the Witcher games and the studios entire stick as evidence to otherwise over anons shitty take based on trailers.

Attached: 1405210508063.gif (375x375, 171K)

I just wanted to be a facist cop enforcing the law and gunning down punks. Maybe in Cyberpunk 2078.

>They can, no one said they can't.
> Nearly every game that depicts a large city has buildings you can't enter because believe it or not you cannot render every single room and floor for every single building in a game with a huge city.
>"No one said they can't! I just said that they can't arrange a map that is anything different".
Yep, you are a retard who thinks those are physical limitations and not the fact that there are hundreds of devs that are used to making these games so just telling them to do the standard procedure is easier and lazier.

Not all open games need to take place in a GTA city that is 90% roads with closed buildings to give an illusion of content.

What if I told you its a studio of hundreds and the main people behind the vision are still there, and code monkeys don't matter?

Attached: 1525490925822.png (122x87, 13K)

Aw yeah, the studio that is massively increasing its size? The one hiring enough people to make four separate development teams? That one? That one fired people who made it what it was?

I believe you implicitly, please tell me more facts.

>superficial world building
What do you mean by this?

meant for

You're ignoring everything I'm saying to spam GTA. Please name five games that had large, huge cities where you could enter every building that weren't one of the three methods I described.

>If you point out any world building I'll say its "superficial" without detailing what I mean by that. This means I win the arguement!
That's what he means by that, user.

I'm going to buy this game and play it

>Stuff that glows makes it cyberpunk!
>Game that's been in development hell for over half a decade will have clarity of vision

Witcher games were boring with shit combat. Never played 3 because I'm not going to give them any more money. Fact is, CDPR didn't even know their shitty first witcher game would take off like it did, that's why jewkowski went after them for more money.

I don't think so.

Attached: real cyberpunk.jpg (1920x878, 1.35M)

Broke: It's GTA5 but cyberpunk
Woke: It's GTA2 but 3D

>Game that's been in development hell for over half a decade
Weird, considering development started three years ago, but again these are great facts. Please give us more.

One day, there will be a cyberpunk game where I can play as a character that makes his living doing illegal street races in super fast future cars.

Attached: giphy.gif (282x201, 458K)

So you're saying that if a game has a large city and you can't go into every building, it's GTA.

I think you're retarded.

But it looks like a bright future? Just make it permanently night during the day too.

Play the first few hours of Deus Ex.

Now this is

Attached: 1505824824413.jpg (197x269, 20K)

Which was announced 6 years ago with a radically different appearance. Hell, the creator of the pen and paper described a completely different looking game than GTA with lots of pink.

Attached: ? (474x321, 39K)

>Stuff that glows makes it cyberpunk!
This is called strawmanning user, nobody implied that 'glowing stuff' is world building.
>Witcher games were boring
This is subjective, not an argument.
>I've not played 3
Which makes your subjective arguement all the more laughable.
>Fact is, ... Didn't know their first witcher game would take off
Not an argument for anything, we are talking about world building, this has nothing to do with that.
>that's why the auther went after them for money
Again, this has nothing to do the arguement at hand.

You'd be an absolute joke in debate class, user. You'd be laughed out the room.

>Radically different appearance
>Pondsmith said

Oh hey it's you. Back to shitpost more? We proved you were full of shit last time you started on this but hey, always up to beat a retard down. So where do you want to start?

...because it is?

How is this game GTA?

Wow, so what you're saying is an early CGI announcement trailer made three years before development began looks nothing like an in game trailer made five years later? Weird.

Even Nar Shaddaa in SWTOR had a better feel to it

Plus all of the elements in that teaser trailer were shown off in the gameplay demo!

Star Wars isn't cyberpunk. Maybe you don't like cyberpunk?

>Games confirmed to have a day/night cycle and weather systems
>Trailer had a good number of night time shots
>Anons simply choose to ignore these
Radical arguments, Bennies

Attached: sunshine.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

blade runner was a mistake

Who gives a fuck, all CEOs should be shot anyway.

Maybe it's just shitposting. People can't possibly be this dumb.

too many zoomers thinking cyberpunk is a modern aesthetic and not an outdated branch of speculative fiction that died before we were all born and has been made a mockery of by [present year]

was he wrong Yea Forums?

Attached: cybercucked2077.png (1634x387, 39K)

Not sure who you're talking about, but I tip my hat to the good sir gentleman that brings the light of truth to you sad fanboy retards.

>You know what we should do guys? You'll like this. Let's start spending money on advertising a product that we won't release for 7-9 years. Now just wait, we're getting to the good part. Let's make the actual game radically different looking than the product we first announced so no one will even be able to recognize the two as the same.

You're a retard.


Kill yourself my dude.

But where is the rain?

It doesn't look radically different, all the same elements are present. And you obviously are the same person because you posted nearly the exact same thing in multiple threads.

>tipping your hat.

Fedoras do suit you.

Retard, this is the model invented by GTA; so I'll call it GTA. THE ONLY PURPOSE of a large city with empty buildings is to give an ILLUSION of content. You just put the objectives ten miles away from each other and add a billion buildings in between to deceive the 80 point IQ player into thinking he's in an actual city. Not all games need to be clone of GTA. You don't need 100 miles of fake content.

Yes, you were wrong.

Nope. But people want to believe the hype.

Weather cycle has been confirmed, there's rain in the game. What else?

Thanks, the water wings fit you too >:3.

The CGI trailer was a done early because it was used as an advert for employment, you dumb sack of shit. This has been a known fact for years. I wish you faggots who haven't followed the game would just fuck off and say silent till the game comes out.

Stuff that actually matters for cyberpunk:
>dense urban sprawl that feels incredibly oppressive from street level and casts a shadow on the rest of the city
>'high tech, low life' - technology has advanced but people have regressed
>everyone is crooked, even the 'good' guys fighting the corporations
>corporations in control of everything, government is a formality at this point

Stuff that doesn't matter for cyberpunk:
>the time of day/weather
>how much panel lines or glowy neon cover everything

Prove me wrong, you can't

Except this has been done before GTA and many other games. They didn't invent it. And again, how do you depict a large city without either A. wasting countless years modelling the whole thing, or doing the mthods I discussed

Star Wars is a universe in which there are civilizations with different cultures and levels of technology. If disney wanted to make up a planet with a cyberpunk setting, they could do that.

>tfw Saints Row 4 looks more '''''Cyberpunk''''' than a real Cyberpunk game
Yeah yeah "cyberpunk is not about blah blah blah", who cares. It's like that one asshole who has to point out every grammatical error or mistake you made as you talk. So what? Why not give the people what they want and expect? Why did they have to go hipster on us and try to take some moral high ground? Who cares what real cyberpunk is, most people want that dark 80s future atmosphere when they think of cyberpunk. You know, the stuff we're used to seeing when we think of Cyberpunk. Like Blade Runner or the scenes everyone remembers from Ghost in the Shell (all the night time ones). This game looks like Grand Theft Auto 2077. It doesn't matter what they want us to think it is, they're the ones who have to convince us to buy the game. It's just like those assholes trying to push shitty feathered dinosaurs. Yeah, maybe that's how it really was, but why are you also trying to take away my Jurassic Park lizards? Leave those alone you asshole. You can keep your fucking shitty retarded looking birds in your history books but leave my movies and games alone.

For as much as people suck Gibson's cock, have you guys read any of his novels? The Sprawl is a huge shithole on the east coast but they go to locations spanning the world and even to an orbital fucking station - I'd honestly compare it to part of the Citadel from Mass Effect. The high tech low life means that everyone has access to an absurd amount of shit, even a poor idiot will likely be augmented or able to afford a weapon or deck or something. There's mention of daylight, there's happy endings, there's all sorts of shit in the fucking pioneer novel of Cyberpunk. Holy fuck, there's even mention of alien signals from Alpha Centauri. Fuck off with this aesthetic shit.

>Not raining all the time
Not cyberpunk. No I'm not being ironic.

Just like I've been saying. It's going to be moderately fun while ultimately shallow and generic with no truly ground breaking gameplay.

Then you're being ignorant.

So what do you propose instead? Have all objectives crammed right next to each other in a yakuza sized map? Oh shit you still cant enter most of the buildings.
What a fucking retarded argument.

And Coruscant in the prequels was cyberpunk as fuck anyways. 1313 had it come out would have been even more so since you would have dove into the seedier underbelly of the seedy underbelly of the city

Stop making shit up you desperate fucking fanboy.

Right, so what else?

>I don't know what cyberpunk is: the post.

WHY DO THEY NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND THIS?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!

Attached: 1398646390298.jpg (558x976, 154K)

Reminder that Cyberpunk 2077 will be GOTY, will be critically acclaimed, will break some sort of sales record and will be remembered as one of the all time great RPGs. There's nothing you can do about it besides living in denial like you did when Witcher 3 came out.

How about you actually read/watch some 80s cyberpunk rather than going on what I suspect is a very limited (perhaps even just one) array of films?

GitS is almost universally heralded as a defense of the kind of aesthetic CDPR is going for with Cyberpunk in these threads, there's like three dedicated Motoko posters who post the same fucking screenshots to btfo losers like you every fucking time.

>Stop making shit up
Okay retard you just keep shitposting.

basically like all cdprojektred games, add in a touch of jank and nerd bait story telling and self awareness. bam, GOTY.

>the game was already in a near complete state when the first trailer aired
>they then radically redesigned the already near complete game from the ground up
You are the one making shit up though?

noun: cyberpunk
a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.

the who?

Attached: tw3-4.jpg (640x1360, 187K)

So like every FPS for two decades.

>multiplayer games vs single player games with limited (but still quite a decent amount) of replay ability

Is it too much to ask for a decent Ghost in the Shell game? Why do I need to read about other stuff? I just want some decent atmosphere in my cyberpunk game.

Attached: GitS 99 fps.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Cite me then, faggot.

Never said that, dingus. Only pointing out that Cyberpunk hasn't has clarity of vision and CDPR didn't know what exactly it was they were making until the last few years.

This really makes me realize that the majority of Yea Forums don't play cyberpunk games or watch cyberpunk media.
Cyberpunk =/= Neon signs and darkness

From the gameplay trailer, it looks like they pretty much nailed it. But of course, nu-v hates everything so OLD GOOD, NEW BAD UNGA UNGA I'M SO INTELLECTUALLY SUPERIOR.

Then they wonder why this place is a shithole.

>live action
Still that is literally cyberpunk 2077 after 8pm in game time.

>actively restructuring his argument because he can never admit to being wrong
>new argument is still bullshit
buddy you got a long, hard life ahead of ya

>Except this has been done before GTA and many other games. They didn't invent it.
Zoomer detected.
Let's see you come up with some disingenuous comparison for games that aren't anything like GTA 3 after 10 minutes of googling it.

You can be creative, retard. Make the game in a megablock, or multiple; make the game generate enemies for 100 floors, or something similar. NOT ALL GAMES NEED TO BE GTA. Can you concede that? Can you repeat that after me? Do you agree that it is possible to make open world games that aren't GTA clones? Is Saint's Row, Mafia, Watchdogs, Sleeping Dogs, not enough? You need to put some gay-punk or whatever color on top of it to enjoy the same game over and over?

Or are you delusional and do you honestly think that Cyberpunk will be any different from the previous 10 GTA clone franchises that people got bored after 1 week of gameplay?

>Every single game listed is either multiplayer, free to play, an mmo grind fest or has creative building aspects, and replayablity, and some idle games people run in the background
>The only exception to this is TWO single player games, Skyrim and Euro Truck
Wow.. A single player rpg with no replay value and a very small modding community that game out 4 years ago.. Isn't the top of steam? What a fucking shocker.

Are they going to subvert our expectations bros?

>CDPR didn't know what exactly it was they were making until the last few years
>Tells others to cite their sources
>Spouts his own shit without sources
You can't demand people back up their claims with sources if you are not prepared to do it yourself, queer.

Honestly the devs should just add a permanent night mode option to the game. No one is going to get hurt just by adding one or two extra lines of code to give the people what they want instead of fighting with their fanbase. Why do devs get all anal about their artistic vision? Once he game gets into the hands of the players are they gonna try to hunt down everyone and stop them from installing a night mod? Just put in the option you assholes, who cares about muh real cyberpunk artistic vision, we don't. We want that neon 80s atmosphere. Literally just let us turn off the sun, holy shit what's the fucking problem.

How many awards did Skyrim win vs Witcher 3? Sit yourself kid.

No, you poor dumb nigger. Don't blame me for your lack of reading comprehension. Changing a product's appearance years after it's first trailer = lack of coherent vision.

Once again faggot, cite me this retarded employment advertisement claim.

>Make the game in a megablock, or multiple; make the game generate enemies for 100 floors, or something similar
Sorry but that isnt a realistic or immersive setting for an open world rpg. Maybe for an arcade game of some sorts...
Again, GTA did not create that format and yes it is entirely possible to create open world games that are not clones as evident by all the open world games that you conveniently didnt list. Good job listing off actual literal GTA clones though :^)

PS, how exactly is the elderscrolls open world a clone of GTA?

If there isn't an NPC that goes on at length about how much they hate the sun and how it ruins the atmosphere of the city in game after all of this I will be severely disappointed

>Needs a citation on common sense
>HA I got em!

Ok Sophocles.

If you want 24/7 night time you can create or use a mod yourself, retard faggot. And who the fuck is "we"?

>GTA did not create that format
May I ask how old are you?

>first trailer was only night time
>second trailer had day and night time

I feel like Skyrim with mods is more Cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077. What went so wrong?

Attached: 5mtmdnv2ripy.jpg (1920x1080, 368K)

Right so you've got no source and are speaking completely out of your ass, resorting too just shitposting like you've been doing this entire thread.

3d gta ripped off driver you simp

Old enough that I begged my dad for the original GTA when it came out.

we as in the majority of the potential playerbase. you cyberpunk elitists are like the 2 percent who actually read cyberpunk shit.

Your brain...

>user, just because it's been over half a decade doesn't mean anything, just look at star citizen.

You've been out of arguments for a while now, go to sleep.

The majority of the potential player base all disagree with your retarded assertion that cyberpunk=vaporwave

>cyberpunk is dead before it's even released

Attached: 1530062154886.png (600x600, 27K)

>cite me this retarded employment advertisement claim.
The fact job listings came with it and Cyberpunk 2077 was added to their job page at the time of the teaser release.

Now where is your source?

Still can't show me a single iota of their bullshit job advertisement claim. I accept your surrender.

Attached: taft.png (208x232, 113K)

>only cyberpunk elitists read cyberpunk
this is your brain on neon

You can't stop me from installing a permanent night/rain mod, user. No matter how hard you try.

Attached: cybs.jpg (800x449, 149K)

That's not you citing a source, that's you claiming to unrelated things are related. I'll give you credit for trying at least.

then we will just have to scream louder so they listen to us.

Attached: wDyEhnp.jpg (1080x720, 105K)

>3d gta ripped off driver you simp
Oh look, just like I said:
>Let's see you come up with some disingenuous comparison for games that aren't anything like GTA 3 after 10 minutes of googling it.

You're probably underage.

no only cyberpunk elitists read cyberpunk and then brag about it. you don't see me bragging about all the h-doujins I read because I'm not an elitist

Attached: 4ww9ag6ql61z.jpg (1920x1049, 380K)

>that image
>I accept your surrender
my god it really is the same exact retard

apparently in order to have a cyberpunk universe it can only exist at night.

I didnt make that argument, keep your reply chains straight.
So please explain why you think having day time also shown in the second trailer is a lack of coherent vision.

Why would I care? You're still going to buy the game and contribute to making it a hit.
>it's disingenuous to compare gta 3 to driver 2
ebin, keep on trucking shill.

I'm glad I get to shit on you a second or possibly third time.

>buildings built in the 50s or 60s
>a few little neon lights in background
>horrendous photo editing
not cyberpunk in the slightest, sorry to disappoint

When people ask me what autistic fixation looks like in my classes I show them Yea Forums threads.

maybe lack of normalmaps, and lack of shadows as part of the textures. i think both of these used to be a lot more prevalent before lighting engines became more refined and less limited

A Japanese market is not cyberpunk. Where the fuck do you retards get your definition of "cyberpunk"?

No, but you have opened my eyes to the fact that an entire thread of shitposting can be perpetuated by one autist who lives inside his own head and thinks his baseless opinion is the truth. You've already been proven wrong on this point and you're still in the newest thread arguing it right back from square one. That's next level delusion, and don't try to say you're merely pretending.

Firstly, you are sliding the discussion, faggot. Secondly, you could leave cars in GTA 1 and GTA 3 was the first ever open world simulation of its kind with gun fights and story. Go fuck yourself.

you guys are like squidward. no night, rain, or fun allowed when talking about cyberpunk

Attached: if you say so squidward.jpg (553x577, 80K)

Again, cite your source. You demand others provide one but all you can do is shitpost and whine without providing any of your own. Its really tiring, you're obviously just shitposting and have no real desire to prove your unprovable point, so I'll think I'll go ahead and ignore future replies and focus on people who aren't trying to fit in so hard.

To be fair, nearly all popular cyberpunk uses the "exclusively nighttime, often railing and chink language everywhere" theme. These people are wrong but its understandable.

Holy shit you're upset and taking this so so seriously. I think I'll keep taft signaling so I can find you again.

My mistake, it was actually Coca-Cola that sent "soft drink death squads". Nestle has still done awful things though.

>The gold coast isnt gold
>Atlantic city isn't in the Atlantic ocean
>springfield isnt a field of springs
>Greenville isnt all green
>Georgetown isnt owned by George
>Ashland isnt covered in ash.
and so on

night and rain are allowed no one has said they arent. im just saying that you're a retarded nigger :^)

>Unproven point

What do I have to prove to you dumb ass? Just how fucking big do you think this game is going to be that it takes them the better half of a decade to make it?

Attached: gosling.png (580x548, 293K)

>merely pretending
>u mad
Aw fuck, you're really just completely worthless, aren't you?

Attached: 1548467444426.gif (350x412, 437K)

the architectures are fugly and uninspired as hell. real shoddy work

Thanks bro

Before I forget:

Even more awful shit where the U.S. government itself threatened to invade Colombia using USMC troops if the Colombian government didn't act to protect United Fruit Company assets. United Fruit Company proceeded to murder 3000 of it's workers.

>Realizes he lost his shit and I laughed at him for it.
>No u!

Attached: slot.jpg (640x424, 56K)


As I said before. You got a long, hard life ahead of ya, buddy, but you aren't getting replies from me anymore.

>Thinks not (you) posting isn't a response

Ok, but you're still mad and got way too invested in Yea Forums.

He's totally that reddit guy someone else called out in the last thread.

Not that user but transhumanism isn't an original cyberpunk theme, it's just what people whose first run in with cyberpunk was DXHR think is core cyberpunk. Nobody with prosthetic limbs today, no matter how advanced, will consider themselves "transhumanist". No augmented individual in Neuromancer ever uttered a word about rising up, nor did they consider themselves as another species separate from Homo Sapiens either superior or inferior. It's literally just DXHR and MD because they couldn't think of anything with substance, so they made literally EVERYTHING about this nonsense. And yeah there are several "transhumanist" or "human+" groups and foundations irl with the aim of becoming transhumanists but they're mainly just LARPers trying to get funding so they can publish reports and only Eidos Montreal takes them seriously.
>Companies, while powerful, aren't running around black bagging people with their own special private forces hatchet men
Facebook has a special "intelligence" unit of security people and people from the PMC sphere that investigates perceived threats against Facebook and employees and they use it to spy on their own and it's enough to have turned all employees so paranoid they actually only communicate with burner phones now, see;
The explosion of PMCs with the Iraq and Afghan war committed numemous atrocities that went completely unpunished, up to and including wiping entire villages of civilians off the map because they thought they harbored AQ or even just for fun. The Northern Alliance in Afghanistan were selling innocent civilians to US forced and PMCs as supposed terrorists just for the 5000$ bounty.
Gibson was inspired by corporate power transcending govt. power though, but that change happened in the 80s so it had already become reality when we were all born;
And of course Cyberspace has materialized 100%.

based CDPR changing cuckrunner perception of cyberpunk already

Lmao last time I was on this board was after E3 and its great to see this meme still alive
