This game is fucking garbage

This game is fucking garbage.

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It's fucking reddit garbage and it pisses me off that people actually play it.


If you insist...I like popping heads and herding retards for some reason, but I fear for the powercreep and the seemingly random decisions by kikewire. Guess we'll see where it goes, either crash and burn or just crash I'd wager.

Game is okay but the balance is completely out the fucking window at this point, Survivalist needs to also be made to actually have a leg to stand on as well

They refuse to rework the survivalist despite the fact that it's complete shit.

All of their games are fucking garbage that no one plays. Just look at rising storm 2. And their next game is a walking simulator about a fucking shark.

>And their next game is a walking simulator about a fucking shark.
What? Gonna need a link my dude

How is the balance bad? And the survivalist is starting to get buffs starting with the new update and the new killerwatt rifle is really fucking god-tier.

It's fun as a mindless shooter, but it loses a lot of the intensity of KF1 with how much they cranked up the action in place of survival.

Are you fucking retarded? How the fuck is the first killing floor less action and more survival?

He probably means how important holing up/welding is to most HoE strats whereas in KF2 is pretty much optional

The tone of it is more like a horror game than KF2, and in lower difficulties you will find yourself playing defensively more often than not, unlike KF2 where you can go balls to the wall and just kite zeds around the map until they die.

>Berserker is still stupidly broken on anything besides HoE probably
>Commando is practically the do-anything class with the FAL now
>Firebug's one saving grace right now is the Helios which will probably get nerfed due to it being a Firebug weapon
>Swat is Swat
>Gunslinger is arguably skill balanced since they are pretty busted but require you to do really well

As far as I know the rest are still kinda the same as they've always been, Killerwatt is good but way too expensive for what it does, and Survivalist getting buffs finally is nice but the buffs don't really change a whole lot.

Wasn't there already a multiplayer game about sharks and divers anyway? Whatever the idiots are doing and how fucking deserted the servers are if it's not peak hours it's still a fun game, for now at least, and I can (or could) get some steambux on the side so that's something.

I hoped someday for either a replacement or some crazy rework, my faith was shaken when they added the goreshiv and this last beta just proves it I'm afraid, unless they go the full high tech with the survivalist as it seems, either way it's shit.

The way the zeds spawn, holing up is just retarded unless you go full camp party composition. I'm pretty sure now they even spawn if you aren't looking, not even behind walls, but I can't confirm. Stupid that the most effective way to go is making a conga line of zeds and killing the ones that appear in front just in case a crawler that died doesn't let a scrake spawn just on the door that you are trying to escape through.

It's a lot of fun. Not a fan of the aggressive monetization practices though. I could tolerate the skin packs in KF1, but KF2 went full-on with the microtransactions.

Why was KF1 so much more enjoyable despite having less, bros?

The Killerwatt itself buffs the survivalist class. The freezethrower is decent too.

The fucking alpha crawlers need to fuck off and get removed from the game.

I just don't understand the FAL, for commando the scar has less weight, more ammo, less recoil and if upgraded does around the same damage as the FAL and the AK12 is still better in my opinion but whatever. As for the sharpshooter the recoil is crazy in auto and it's absolutely literally worse in every aspect to the M14 in single fire. Maybe I should try it more with the commando but the new med rifle is just too useful.

The problem is that the Survivalist only buffs the Killerwatt by 15% at MAX perk level, meaning just about anyone else can use it as an offperk weapon with almost the same effect, but I do agree that the freezethrower and killerwatt is fun, but unless they like lock the weapons to Survivalist then they don't really get much benefit over just having it as a backup weapon to another class' weapon. As far as I know Survivalist can't even speed reload his own gun since neither of the first perks speed it up.

Part of me wants them to keep going for the jack of all trades thing but do it in a way that actually gives them a small benefit of EVERY Class at the same time, not just like, you can use every weapon to lesser effect, give him shit like weak HP regen like a Berserker along with being able to run slightly faster like Gunslinger for example

i only play it cuz i can sell weps to retard i got over 400$ last year for literally playing 1 logging in and killing myself once a day,

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Eh, they said they're going to keep reworking the survivalist so who knows what will happen.

>It's fucking reddit garbage
How so? Does it have a bunch of stupid cosmetics?

With his damage resistance, armor thing, and the incaps of his two exclusive weapons I kind of think that they want to build him as a sort of debuffer + your favorite weapon and extra heals/speed kind of perk, time will tell.

You probably prefer the campy tactical gameplay as opposed to fast paced action, just like me

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Boi. I'll just say that the weapon cosmetics have 3 wear levels and they ain't even original names.



Can't be, it would offend gibby's christian values.

*ruins the game*

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Because it rewarded team comp and good decision-making a lot more as well as combo consistency. KF2 is way more prone to stupidity. For example, think about the fact that so many zeds shield heads in 2. In 1 they just swarm you and good aim towards the head is consistently rewarded. In 1 any class can take on any zed if you know what you are doing. In 2 there are a lot more obstacles to this. Think about stuff like uppercuts and grenade setups in 1 vs 2. 2 was made with less accuracy in mind due to consoles. There aren't all bad decisions, but stuff like teleporting zeds also messes up any sort of positional strategy and pushes. 2 is about team comp, 1 is way more skill related.

Played for the first time in a year yesterday and there were robots running around

treacherous skies was a pretty shitty update.

Shoot the chest, evade lasers, use rockets as free knockdowns and murderfuck the laser lasso ones.

Yes, everyone thinks they're stupid and besides the point of the game. They were bullet spongy as fuck when they first appeared, rage was had.

Only zoomers complain about the robots.

I dropped the game for more than a year, still didn't come back, but what the fuck are you talking about?

They added a new enemy that isn't a zed?


>playing with lyrics enabled

Only faggots complain about hybrid/less efficient perks

It's fun co-op with good gunplay.
Too bad the sound design is almost a strict downgrade from the original.
>silent teammate weapons
>laughable assault rifle sounds
I was so fucking disappointed when I first used the AK-47 holy shit. How can Counter-strike a free mod for halflife that I played decades ago get weapon sounds so satisfying and games still struggle?

Well then play the fucking game faggot, stop acting like a gossiping bitch at the hair salon
>O M G Janice you're not gonna belive!

We are talking about robots after all, check the wiki or watch a video, they are called EDARs, we also have DAR as a character, he uses recycled voice lines from the other characters but robofied, the original was better.

It's fun

KF2 is a lot easier than the first KF1 but its not necessarily a bad thing.

I had to stop playing KF1 because lack of skilled players to play at my skill level (suicidal and HoE) Also the leveling experience and white listing in KF2 is superior to how it was in KF1.

I played this game a lot in the past, so it's only natural to be surprised when someone say something like that.

Looks weird, but I guess new content is new content.

>tanks so that I can blow everything the fuck up.
I'm ok with this.

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They were kind of busted at first between the ridiculous health even when shooting at their unarmored feet and the trappers inmobilizing you through walls but now they are fine I'd say, the thing is there is a worrying trend of trying to make you NOT headshot things. The rioter also exists now, an armored elite clot, which reinforces that.

I can get in front of this.

>retard balance design generates increasingly unga bunga players
>5-10 enraged Big Guys at all times = very swift attrition
>lone zerker/medic kites for 30 minutes or worse
>a) dies anyway
>b) money undistributed, lose anyway

Worse yet
>lone zerker kiting in Endless
>over 400 zeds remaining
>fucking DIES after 112 minutes to 3 normal gorefasts
Oh that had me laffin