We are literally fucking killing him
We are literally fucking killing him
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he should learn to delegate responsibility better then
Make more kirby please, also bring back the mirror ability. Chop chop, code monkey
Sakurai could never handle a real job
literally wtf is he doing, he must just be extremely weak and lazy if porting a game is killing him
>literally working himself to death for the most obnoxious, ungrateful fanbase in all of vidya
why does he do it?
Remember user, this is Japan. They will make any kind of work into a long term health hazard.
Who the fuck is we? Dumbass does it to himself.
Who let you out of your cage, wagie
Japan doesn't believe in NyQuil, I'm not surprised the workers are dying.
imagine being such a control freak that the mere mention of non Fire Emblem characters causes you physical pain
Sakurai being the hardest working man in existence is the biggest fucking meme. I'm not saying Ultimate was easy to make but do you seriously think it was even the most work-intensive game to come out in 2018? It might crack top 5.
And this is exactly what I'm talking about. It forms some cult of personality around Sakurai.
He needs a vacation already, before he ends up like Iwata.
"Please let me go"
"Kill me please"
For love. He loves Smash Bros so much that he won't let anyone else develop them, even if he is physically unable to continue working on them.
Imagine being a wagecuck in Japan. Really, just imagine it. Suddenly the front of that speeding train looks pretty good.
Now this is wage cope. Bitter crab loser upset at people realizing their dreams.
Should be training someone to take his job soon plus he picks the worst FE and Pokemon character for smash
He doesn't get to choose which Pokemon character gets in.
What the fuck is Sakurai doing to make himself so physical ill? Is he composing the music himself? Is he modelling the characters himself? Is he programming the entire game himself? Isn't his job just to roll up to a board meeting and approve his Nintendo idea guy's suggestions?
What in the hell is that on his head.
Supposed to be like horse blinders?
If you think Japan is bad for working, look at (South) Korea. Their minimum wage is about 7 USD and living expenses in Seoul are similar to Jew York.
Blinders to keep from accidentally getting an HR complaint from the THOTs in the background.
Stomach pain from what? Does he have a fucking ulcer or something? Just take a week off jesus
I'm going to assume it's a chastity thing involving cucks who stare at girls at their job or cucks who feel they are being judged for making eye contact with girls in general.
We aren't killing him, japanese work culture is killing him.
The thing about being this naive and ignorant is that there’s unfortunately no way for you to recognize it
In the time since Iwata's death, Nintendo has perfected cyborg technology.
Sakurai's brain will continue working for them long after the rest of his body has perished.
Probably straight long lengths without eating, using the IV to substitute for food when he's not interested in taking a break. He says in the interview they're lax with him about his scheduling and he could take time off without much repercussion but he just chooses not to.
>WEAR SPACE is a wearable device designed to aid concentration by limiting your senses of sight and hearing, via noise-canceling technology and a partition that controls your field of view.
>As open offices and digital nomads are on the rise, workers are finding it ever more important to have personal space where they can focus
if this means no smash this is good
This. The moment they stop asking Sakurai to make the games he'll start begging.
This. The dude is stubborn as fuck. There have been numerous opportunities for him to pass the baton of Smash on to another dev, but he keeps clinging to it despite his obvious being sick and tired of it and the fanbase egging him on every single fucking day. He brings this on himself.
Stomach pain? I thought it was his wrist/hands that were fucked. That's kind of unfortunate, I have pretty regular stomach troubles so I can relate, still kind of roll my eyes at this type of stuff from him after 4 though.
>oh i work so hard i need a break after 4 for a long time
>lol just kidding here's the next game
>oh i work so hard i need a break after ultimate...
Why are you acting as if he’s asking you to take pity on him?
He obviously enjoys working hard if he’s still doing it.
Answer honestly, do you seriously think Smash Ultimate was the most work-intensive game released in 2018? It's certainly the only game where fans use the labor of the developers as a means to defend against criticism. People usually get laughed at if they bring up how devs work hard to please fans when games are held under scrutiny.
Looking at the more recent interview about Kid Icarus Uprising, it seems like Sakurai reflects on every game he makes as killing him.
>Personal Space is wearing a fucking divider on your neck
Why are we tolerant of these people?
This will go great with my wage cage.
So what the fuck is the point of doing away with cubicles?
Oh shut the fuck up, you really think programming is easy simple shit you do for two hours and clock out to masturbate the rest of the day? Maybe if you work at EA and have frequent Dilation Breaks but this isn't the case. Morons who think making games is "Easy" are part of the reason why games are such half-assed garbage fires that either rely on DLC or Drip Fed cosmetics to survive.
Sounds like Chronic Gastritis.
Or stomach cancer.
To be fair he has some pretty serious health problems. And KI:Uprising did seem like it was a bitch to develop.
No, he is willingly killing himself. He even mentions in the interview he could easily show up once a week in the office and as long as shit gets done no one would complain, but he chooses to live life as an unrelenting worker bee thanks to the fucked up Japanese work culture and his own personal ego/pride of "gotta make sure I can quality control EVERY little aspect of the game personally!".
I also think this is part of the problem as well. He probably has trust issues ontop of the above flaws. When was the last time Sakurai was on a team and he had an underling direct most of the process while he was there guiding and supervising him to make sure the torch was passed efficiently?
If he keeps up his mentality he's literally going to Iwata himself and either die of stomach cancer or stress overload.
This is why I hate new office layouts. It allows shitty managers/employees to harass their employees/cowokers even more and lowers overall productivity.
In 10 years, we'll probably switch from open layouts to something even more retarded, like Geth consensus or whatever.
Based Simirrorposter
That's a clickbait title if I ever saw one.
He did say that he went into work once with an IV drip but he didn't say he did it "often."
If you want the most productive employees, put them in offices. Barring that, send them home. Barring that, put them in cubicles. Barring that, "open floor plan." The only way it can possibly get less productive is if you hire someone to pretend to be an active shooter every two hours.
>digital nomads
he honestly should retire. meleefags, rosterfags, and smashfags in general don't deserve the great games he makes anyway.
sakurai hasn't made a kirby game since he left hal in 2003.
>hire someone to be pretend to be an active shoot every two hours
imagine somebody killing himself over making a party game for kids.
Poor Sakurai
He should retire and finally take his break. Smashfags are entitled brats who will never appreciate his work.
Chop chop wagie
You need to take my order.
people who've taken the work from home meme even further and are more like remotely employed backpackers
It's the salt content of onions sauce. Japs are one of the few countries with stomach cancer and it's because of the high amounts of sodium in their diet.
I kinda get it. It's stupid, but I kinda get it. You have cubicles and Johny Wage Slave over there could be doing a myriad non-work things that you wouldn't know of until someone walks over and catches a glimpse of what they're doing. Take the cubicles away and then he can get distracted by co-worker chatter or just anything that catches his peripheral vision. This in theory (I really doubt it works in practice) will keep them focused on work while you get to have secure knowledge that they aren't just dicking around.
CS grads who make 6 grand a year.
How come Japanese work so hard when they aren't even Protestants?
Their society still has some decent values.
Panopticon office floor plan is the future
God, yes. Sakurai is awful at everything BESIDES designing systems. He can make a great game concept and implement it well but it's all the other stuff that goes awry. I mean, this is the guy that took 3 games to add Ridley and K Rool and needed a poll to do it and adds Incinaroar, the Pokemon no one fucking wanted, so he could make a wrestling moveset. If it's not his dumb character or mode choices, it's the fucking ADHD story in Kid Icarus Uprising or the bizarre enemy designs where you have to kill them in very specific ways in Brawl and Kid Icarus. Meteoes was one of his best games because it was almost all just his concept. He would be 10 times better if you would focus on one thing and leave the details to other people. It's clearly impacting his health as well.
>This guy thinks they added K Rool and Ridley because of the poll
Source on background pic or things like it?
What does he do besides saying yes and no?
If by decent values you mean give up all thoughts of a personal life and never have sex except while taking rare vacations.
That's only when he eats something bad. In which case has nothing to do with game development if he somehow got food poisoning.
I'm laughing my ass off; but at my last job I'd put on my headphones and throw on my hoodie and would be focused as fuck. Unsurprisingly, I picked that up from playing video games.
Didn't he literally say in an interview recently that the poll was the main reason that they added those two?
Nintendo REALLY wants to sell the idea that Sakurai works very hawd to make the games we enjoie :(
I mean seriously, Smash Ultimate isn't that impressive. The new movesets (that weren't present in 4) are like, what, 8 characters? After 4 years? So 2 characters each year?
Smash really likes wanking off how much stuff is in it but over 90% of the content is literally recycled from Smash 4 by this point.
Why has Sakurai played the victim game so hard ever since Smash 4? I thought we were doing well with Ultimate and then he comes out with this. Is it just so people complain less about things they dislike about his games?
He shitposts on Yea Forums.
Our video games are more important than your health and quality of life. Don't like? Don't work in video games.
Japanese and their workaholic culture ends up killing our very best devs. Feelsbadman.
Once you get fired, you're never going to get another job in Japan since it sticks with you forever
It burang gurate dishonor on him so he is atoning four is sins
Should've hired a QA manager then
Good, now hurry with the Melee HD
no fuck you, melee needs to stay dead
Japan please stop fucking working WHEN you're in a bad health and get a damn rest
>guy gets tummy ache and takes Gatorade to work but the autistic way
baste sakurai
Why not drink some herbal tea wtf.
Face it Yea Forums, if you had even an ounce of the work ethic Sakurai has, you'd have moved out of your parents' houses years ago. Instead you're stuck here, shitposting your pathetic limited mortal life away and not even finishing your backlog while you're at it.
All of you make me sick. Not one of you deserves this great specimen of patriotism and masculinity.
>stomach pain
>stressed out all the time cuz Japanese corporate work environment
>has an iv to manage abdominal pain
Sounds like IBD, t. someone with Crohn's
wageberg wants to spy on his loyal slaves all day long
with an ""open office"", his loyal wagelings will be afraid to slack off incase he's watching
also saves room
it's been proven to be totally inefficient, wasteful and demoralizing but wageberg loves that
what kind of michael jackson doctor does he have that sends him to work with iv pain medications and the equipment to actually put them in his body
For every smash character begging thread, sakurai lives for a minute less
I agree with this but I still think Japan in general is terrible, I don't think it's normal to fuck up your sleep all the time
Ya I imagine stress or anxiety can cause that stuff cause stomach then contains more acid
Sakurai is like the spoiled rich kid that's gets his whole career handed to him but still brags that he "Deserves it" or "Worked hard for it".
he's killing himself
nintendo's average work day is 8 hours (reported by them)
sakurai considers 10 hours a day to be short
he's doing this to himself
didn't he break his hand sometime during Smash 4
Anyway it's clear that Sakurai never wants to stop doing Smash Bros, and we will probably never get a Smash Bros game not directed by him until he dies, which is a shame because I feel like it's a "waste" that we only got something like Kid Icarus Uprising ONCE
10 hours isn't a lot, I did 19 hours once
That's great and all but I'm still waiting on that uprising sequel, chop chop
You know a Melee HD would fix a lot of its bugs?
He's the one choosing to do this. He's the one that refuses to allow ANYONE ELSE to decide on characters, moves, and everything else. I do NOT feel sorry for him.
Gotta make sure you're able to squeeze in two more Fire Emblem heroes eh Sakurai?
>japan doesnt beleive in nyquil
how do they get drunk in high school?
rest now sweet child
All this. Shitkurai bring it on himself and refuses to do anything about it.
>Iwata worked himself to death
>Sakurai is next
How does Nintendo intend to sell consoles when all of their game devs are dead?
Sakurai really needs to not come back. He sucks as a creator. He's selfish, inconsiderate, and refuses to get help.
So either take time off or quit your job, you fucking retard. Its not like in 80 years from now people will think you were brave or some shit. Plus imagine how much better your games would be if you had common sense health wise?
Not going for being troll edgy, shit like this gets celebrated too much.
There are corporate execs in japan that knowingly kill people by working them past the point of bad health. There are japanese corporate bootlick economists who advocate for this shit. These people should be publicly fucking executed, violently and painfully.
That's not caused by work.
Considering all the otaku and hikis who sloth away mooching off the government, friends and family while they spend thousands on gacha, I wonder who is the lesser evil here.
You realize Ultimate planning only started after Bayonetta released, right? It's more like 2-3 years.
Not entirely true, restrictions are imposed on him from some companies from time to time, even if he can do what he wants with a lot of it. Notable examples being Sonic and PAC-MAN's alts.
Fun fact: the average japanese worker puts in roughly as many work hours yearly as the average burger. Japanese workers have more holidays, but longer shifts.
I don't get it.
Ultimate would've been so much better with one more year of development before its initial release.
>who's more evil
>the corporate execs knowingly killing people
>or the nerds who are just obsessed with their fandoms
>thinking rich fucks who kill people are more evil than shut ins who enjoy anime too much
I would relish in watching you get murdered.
>Series of games he hates I'd literally killing him
>Games instantly become better and actually balanced now that its outsourced to an actual fighting game dev
The smash game after sakurai dies is easily going to be the best
>one more year of development
To do what, polish the characters?
u dun gittit m8????
is a pretty simple concept, NO?!
What does that mean?
>nerds are worse than killers
Goddamn user.
>"Oh no, I'm in such bad health because I work so hard!"
>"What do you mean I have an gigantic development staff working on the biggest franchise in video games? I'm doing so much by myself!"
>"What do you mean I work 8x harder than necessary? I'm forced to for the fans!"
>"What do you mean I make 6 figures and is practically a worldwide celebrity? I'm suffering!"
Oh, my god, we don't deserve this man!
Apologize to Sakurai!
Don't ever ask him for anything ever again!
Smash 4 was also developed by Bandai, and that was the game that crippled edgeguarding, ruined neutral and gave us pre-patch Bayonetta.
Anywhere else civilized (except the US) this man would've been forced to take a medical leave, and would also only allowed to come back if a doctor examined him.
>decent values
The west and the east maybe ahve different values but both of them are equality bad for different reasons
And now that samurai is about to kick the bucket and has less control over the series, ultimate is smash kino
I want to feel bad but it's that damn Japanese worker mentality. He'll let himself die and his co-workers will watch it happen willingly before he bothers taking any sort of time off to recover. It's sad.
>Self indulgent series
I don't understand why he thinks Smash is self indulgent.