Name a more based Pokemon, I fucking dare you.
Name a more based Pokemon, I fucking dare you
Other urls found in this thread:
Every ghost pokemon
I can't.
>playing sun
>try to trade for an Aron
>my original starter gets replaced by Aron
>Team tank since Pokemon Emerald
I literally can't. Aggron is the best.
I like Tyranitar more
Nig, he da best.
Up there with fug.
My man
>his favorite is a legendary
>Nidoking with Armor on it
Nah, son, eat shit. The original is better
Scolipede is cooler
The first
The best
Literal perfection
So perfect, it's evolution is universally hated because it tried to improve on perfection
Aggron is great but in my eyes he'll never top the king.
I prefer Rhyhorn
Beta Nidoking's poison attacks have no effect on Aggron's Alpha Steel genes lmao *dabs*
This nigger is full on retard but its my favorite.
.However Aggron ,that nigger, is indeed based.
Belsprout is also straight up OG though.
holy shit it's based
Someone post that image about how great Aggron is.
Also hotdamn I found a folder on my hd of Pokemon images from about a decade ago
I love aggron, but boy i dont know why but drapion is one of my favorites
>Alpha steel
>Gets his shit slapped four times as hard from fighting attacks
Nah, steel is for sissyboys
i can't
>ground hybrid
>has a weakness to ground
Yeah, ok.
Can Yea Forums finally admit that gen 3 had the best designs?
no, gen 1+2 did
>uses earthquake
heh, nothing personal kid
lost it, I only have this one now
Good thing Nidoking has another type, huh? Yeah, that's right bitch. Get fucking wrecked by Sheer Force Earth Power.
>Worshiping some metal monster and not the best eeveelution
Get a load of these fags
>poison is week to ground
this never made sense to me. Someone please make sense to me
Gen 3 was REALLY hit-or-miss, much like 5.
>Muh genwun
There are maybe 15-20 of the original 150 that weren't just slightly edited or recolored animals/objects. Fuck off.
Thanks mate
My nigga, Heracross is the shit. He only loses to Metagross for me
>Raise an Eevee to learn Bite first
>Then evolve it into an Espeon
Also respectable.
>machamp used rock smash
>cyndaquil used ember
that's what I always imagined them to be. They're straight up Digimon now
Hell yeah my dudes
is that nigga literally dabbing? lmao
yeeee my boy
No they're not. You take that back right now
Literal PU-Trash. The mega at least doesn't have such a terrible typing.
Extreme Advertising was a treasure.
Swampert is my absolute homie.
There is no mon in the world that I love more than my nigga Swampert.
Abra is my favorite. Nigga is chill and just wants to sleep, levitate shit, and teleport wherever he wants.
discount steelix
never understood why this dude got so much appeal.
>awful wings
I dun get it.
My nigga Scrafty
tryhard metagame faggots.
Although to be fair, mence was the first dragon that actually looked like a traditional dragon rather than Barney or a cottonball
okay they're totally not
Basically Dragon Dance + 100 speed was pretty goddamn amazing. And now its mega is just power incarnate.
Step aside for the best mon
Solely based on mystery dungeon
where are my
boys at
based roar.
>tfw like a lot of Gen 3 designs but they're all SLOW FRAIL MIXED ATTACKERS
Such a digimon
>literally outclassed by your pre-evo
Mega Charizard Y > X
Charizard didn't need 2 fucking mega evos, and even then his Y variant just looks cooler instead of looking like a discount shiny.
Im a sucker for arm blades
Also Y is more useful in battles
This dude must make you rockhard then
This based nigga
Pokemon that just copy their stat spreads off another Pokemon are so lame.
>my first ever lvl 100 pokemon
You alright.
both are clusterfucks at this point
based murcielago evoline
I always did like Sneasel and Weavile just made it better.
>Gen 1 to 3 gameplay mechanics fucked over Sneasel because both it's types where Special only while it was a physical attacker
>gen 4 fixes this and gives it an evo that makes it faster and stronger.
early Digimon designs are so fucking raw.
>can't recover
what a shit tank, can't even do its job for more than one attack
any special attacker that looks at it funny will melt it
Nice electric moves bro
Is this based?
What is this? A bastard Regi?
Regice was based af back in the day. Shame the special/physical split and power creep fucked it over
Pick related can kill 90% of mons easy. Kills them so dead they wish they were never born alive.
What electric moves?
my nigga
still cleans house to this day, although requires a lot of jukes and mindgames to set him up for a sweep
water mons must give you heart attacks
>Mega Milotic and Mega Flygon were both considered and scrapped by Gamefreak
so are modern ones.
>drawing garchomp with pecs
i dont trust like that
I liked him in that one movie
Yeah, I prefer the classics.
Better watch out.
My friend here doesn't like these newcomer types so much.
Like I said, 90% of mons. I sure bet you can name 1 (one) or two in particular that gives him trouble, but that wasn't what I was arguing.
Besides, what doesn't die to EQ will die to Outrage, given again you could come up with 1 or two examples where that isn't the case.
Garchomp is a good boy, get your mind out of the gutter user
dragonite is an ugly sack of shit that only looks good when you draw it wrong to make it look better
Really good choices ITT but i gotta go with my boy
>tfw I used my shiny Dratini in White 2 to make an Eviolite Dragonair
Get fucked Barney! You're shit without Multiscale!
I'm going to be real with you guys.
I just wanna fuck this thing.
>I love the big tough Pokemon because hes the coolest
nothing comes close to garbador, the trash heap pokemon, in terms of sheer perfection
I’ll have to go with a timeless classic
tha fck is this
Opinion discarded. Legendary Pokemon are made to appeal to literal five year olds.
Imagine being mad about the trash pokemon looking like trash. The pokemon team did their job and made the goodest boy around.
Why did this thing make people so assblasted again? Its cool and has a neat ability.
name a more based pokemon
Aggron is cool, but you CANNOT top ttar.
>god tier design
>destroys mountains
>could highhandedly stomp Red's entire team in GSC
>competitive powerhouse every gen despite his shit typing
>based off Godzilla, one of the most iconic characters ever
How can virginmons even compete?
there ain't nothing wrong with enjoying fug user
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
Based cock blocker.
>Serene Grace
the obviously intentionally ugly trash monster was ugly and made of trash which makes it a shit design as decided by faggots that played red a decade ago and are official experts on monster design
The problem with pseudolegendaries in general is that they're all unavailable until either right before the E4 or sometimes not until after you beat the game. And even if available, you generally have to do a fuckton of tedious grinding and overleveling in order to get the fully evolved form for the E4.
So while they're cool, and they're obviously powerful, in terms of in-game (rather than meta) they're usually next to fucking useless. You never actually get any chance to use them.
He was obnoxious in the TCG
Why does this majestic looking creatur evolve into an autistic barney-tier dragon.
Forever and always
This and smogonbird are probs the best of their gen. Other favs are
One of the few times I picked a leaf starter and I was so fucking glad
>Physical """""wall"""""
>Is quad weak to the most common physical type attack
Fug is based though
My brothers. No matter what game I’m playing, I always bring over my Garchomp and Toxicroak.
I like this Pokemon because it's the perfect visual metaphor for the whole franchise
gen 5 was really bad for this
i swear half the dex evolves super late so you end up with a team of shitmon NFE for most the game
Did you discover today that Pokemon have type weakness ?
Pic related is you
How did they get away with this?
Dragonite may not be the strongest or the most badass looking dragon-type but he's comfy as fuck
What's wrong with waving to the trainer
Aggron is pretty cool! But my favorite Rock type will always be Aerodactyl
This but Croagunk
>tfw everyone thinks you're a furry if this is your favorite
I just think the kick rabbit is cool and she was my first shiny
He looks like he slaps girlfriends' asses in bars
Best taste user
actually,that sounds cool.
That's true, but to be fair, Gen 5 seems to have been set up with a level curve that takes this into account, and you end up a lot higher-leveled naturally and fight higher-leveled opponents too. Although it still feels shitty when you have pokemon evolving in the fucking 60s
My nigger
He's a Turtle Tank
There is only one correct answer
My Boy
My Man
My Brother
Man /vp/ must be really bored
One of the most based mons to ever do it. Then game freak fucked up his cry, made him permanently fly like a retard, and now he's about to be powercrept out of OU. FeelsBadMan
Can’t poison the ground
yes you can
>his favourite pokémon is a starter
>his favourite pokémon is a eeveelution
>his favourite pokémon is a legendary
>his favourite pokémon is a shillmon
>his favourite pokémon is a furry bait
>his favourite pokémon is a uber
>his favourite pokémon is a ou
>his favourite pokémon is a dragon type
>his favourite pokémon is a fire type
>his favourite pokémon is a mega evolution
>his favourite pokémon is from gen 1
>his favourite pokémon is a charizard
>his favourite pokémon is a gengar
do it
Scolipede is a shitty unoriginal design that only appeals to faggots and fat fetishists.
radon poisoning
I'm a fat fetishist and I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
the power creep has been insane since gen 5
That was easy.
Him and Rhyperior are the most cucked mons
Raichu is up there but for different reasons
Make way for the most underrated mon (design-wise) gen 5 has to offer
2000000000000 IQ pick
Shoutouts to Golurk, Bouffalant, Throh, Lombre, Luxray,, Tyrantrum, and Metagross though
>powercrept out of OU
for real?
the nigga used to hold his own in ubers
good design but all his models and sprites are garbage
>is none of these
>is still kino
Not sure if its posted yet... but.
This isn't a dragon tales thread dumbass.
none of the above
I fucking loved gen 4
Are we counting "famous favorites" like sableye under this categorization? stuff like sableye and buzzwole?
why the fuck would compfaggotry have to do with what your favorite pokemon is either?
forgot to remove that part of the sentence
anyway i love zigzagoon because it's cute
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.
>4 fucking pokemon threads up
>b-but these can bump off off-topic threads from da catalog!
And they do the same to vidya threads. Especially since off-topic threads get bumped a lot, your logic is flawed.
For me, it's Slowking.
And Gen 4/5.
Probably something to do with cleaning toxic spills with sand and stuff?
>throw some mud at it
>it collapses to the ground in agony
For me it’s egde-ferret
I'm just glad Golurk looks great in the movie
>it mega evolves
>still dies due to shit defenses and no recovery
Literally the worst Pokemon in Pokemon Go because for raids it ranks how long a Pokemon will last in its' recommended teams list, so it'll have you use six Aggrons so your shit doesn't die and then you do fucking no damage and lose. It's the biggest noob trab Pokemon out there because it looks like steel Rhyhorn, but it's better to just not even have those people play with you when you need 4-6 other people to take down a Dialga and they're shitting the beds with fucking Aggron
My top faves: Aggron, Yanmega, Steelix, Salamence and Archeops tied with Scoliopede. In that order.
Torterra, Nidoking and Aerodactyl are the runnerups.
Ayy, me too
best boy
>pokemon go get tuberculosis
I always get fucked over if I dont plan my team out in difficulty romhacks because all my favorite pokemon end up sharing weaknesses
Dear amigos, I have a 3DS and I want to start playing Pokemon, since I've never been into the series before. With the new one coming to Switch and all, I want to start somewhere right away.
Which games do you recommend?
This is my favorite Gen 5 pokemon as well.
FireRed/LeafGreen and Emerald
Heart Gold/Soul Silver+platinum
If you consider yourself good at RPG's and want to really enjoy yourself Id suggest going for a difficulty+catch em all romhack, that might overload you though if you are so fresh
People have really strong opinions on post-game content but I have never cared for post-game content ever.
SM is a good game with albeit a fair amount of cutscenes, it's also the newest.
I bought USM but never actually played it so I can't give a legitimate recommendation for it, but I heard they made the story worse and fucked up some of the balance.
This is true. My dad worked in construction: a few years back, they were evening out the ground to put in the foundation for what was going to be this big beachside manor. Boss wanted to call in a loader, but my dad just laughed and started spraying the dirt with bugspray and told them to come back tomorrow. When they did, the ground they needed to clear was gone since it had been poisoned and died, and they saved a lot of money. I used the same trick a few months ago when I had to bury my dog to make a quick hole in the ground.
Just pick one game per gen, no point in playing both. Don't venture below great unless you really need more pokemon
whatever you do ignore the unovabortion cabal
I prefer Rhyperior
Happy to see that Hoennbabs are still salty about how good B/W 2 were.
>Legendary Pokemon are made to appeal to literal five year olds.
Uhh, I'm pretty that applies to all Pokemon user.
Start with either Platinum, Emerald, or HGSS. After that, play BW, then BW2. After that, play Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
>unovabortion thinking they can talk down to anyone when their games were so bad they had the entire company do a 180 from them for the next 7 years
the idle animations are pretty good but that's about all it has
Was OU in the past but fell off due to powercreep
I never disliked them but during my first oras run I got a shroomish just to have more mons and he ended up being a pretty goo dbro
My fucking nigger
Was about to post this.
>Kantofags are still seething about it to this very day
Based as fuck.
You mean the 180 degree downward trend in quality that is xy sumo and lets go?
If I had to pick one non starter to have as my first pokemon, it'd be a Voltick that would later evolve into Galvantula
What are some based fire types that aren't shit
hello, reddit
but yes XY and SM are much better than gen 5, though they each did have their issues
my boi never gets any love
he may not be the strongest but he's pretty fucking cool
the captcha I'm getting is to select palm trees, they know
>laughs in 100% accuracy
Fuck yeah Gyarados!!
He shined during gen 1 as a bulkier alternative to alakazam
you all are chads. Breloom is so based
>pick up random ugly mushroom thing early R/S cause why not
>evolves into bad ass Grass/Fighting dinosaur kangaroo thing
>is also a good mon
this nigga carried my ass through hoenn
Objective tier list based on average Pokemon design quality:
>Gen 3
>Gen 2
>Gen 5
>Gen 1
>Gen 7
>Gen 6
>Gen 4
Thicc green thighs.
Switch 5 and 4
5 does have a lot of good mons but if we're going by averages then scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up to 150 really ruins it
>talks about "pokemon design quality"
>uses competitive viability as a criteria
bad list
Thanks for all the information, friends. I will take it to consideration.
30 years old, got Pokemon Red when it came out when I was 10. I've always been a dark and edgy motherfucker, so I instantly fell in love.
he's cool
Reminder to everyone that Skarmory and Slugma are honorary Gen 3 mons due to having horrible distribution in Gen 2
Id probablt swap 7 and 6 spots on rankings but otherwise pretty spot on
because he's one of the like 20 best pokemon in the entire game competitively.
>*blocks your switch
Nah I think Gen 5's designs are good on average the only thing holding them back is that half of them are rehashes of kanto mons. But if i'm being honest i think a lot of the rehashes are better than the originals. Gigalith is cooler than Golem and I won't be convinced otherwise.
Skarmory was fine even if it was at the end of the continent circuit, made sense to have this giant screeching metal bad ass be there
Slugma being yolod onto the bike route in kanto makes no fucking sense though
Like if they REALLY wanted to have it in kanto turn cinnabar into an active volcano since it exploded and have them be new pokemon that were released from the explosion or something
I really like Kecleon
plz no bully
Yeah but for a lot of people they could go the entirety of G/S/C without even seeing Skarmory. In R/S it's practically impossible to miss
Honestly this if you never played any of the games before.But if you're going to try out gen 2 just play Heart Gold/Soul Silver if you can get your hands on it.
Aggron is great, but everybody knows Reuniclus is the most based.
How can Vespiqueen be your favorite flying type and Yanmega be your favorite bug type of Gen 4 at the same time?
I fucking hate how magnezone looks I have no idea why gen 4 had to add all those fugly evolutions
>pretty much any fucking fire starter
Flygon has been my favorite since Gen 3.
>any of the starters
>not shit
god, kaijumon are such pokekino
>Pokefaggots think they're welcome here
Go back to your containment board.
>Can heat AND cool your food
>Can do the Yard
>Can become the embodiment of antigravity
>Can wash your clothes
Name a more versatile bro.
Fuck off Magnezone is based
talonflame used to be the center of OU
until its ability got shafted
>Really like Archeops
>Using him is a pain because of defeatist
I used to start up soul silver and had my bro trade me a lvl5 baby Aron. Truly based starter
one of the most annoying pokemon to ever encounter in a match
I hate fighting it so much I hate all of its forms
u talkin shit feggit
they really didn't want it to be good
should have been given rock head so it wasn't such a trashmon
so obnoxiously powerful.
Nice try furry.
I love Kyogre
I want to fuck ramiel.
Personal Fav.
world turtle is based
He always felt like one of those creatures furryfags would fap to but I can't deny that he's great. I love dinosaurs anyway as well as the color combinations of black/grey or white/grey and his face is just cool.
The only one I know offhand thats mediocre is typhlosion
Charizard is still decent regardless of sneaky pebbles
Monfernape and Emboar are both fine
I cant even remember what xy or s&m fire starters look like though
Not denying that some of them are good. But to say all fire starters are not shit is a lie.
You dispose of medication by mixing it with coffee grounds
Mega zards, Blaziken, and Infernape are the only good fire starters
Super based and redpilled
love this nigga but fuck trade evolving
fuck off he's based
Watch this
>used to think I would use fire starter every generation
>end up using mostly grass every generation after
Totodile still the best starter tho
Best type grass type
This was the last starter I actually liked.
After gen 3 stopped using starters entirely. I box them for a based normal type.
I went
>rowlet but I eventually replaced it
I go by whatever looks like a reptile the most
>not liking the based gen 4 starters
They're one of the best starter trios
Grovyle is my favorite design out of any of the starter lines from any gen
Sceptile isnt bad but I just dont like it as much
I never really played original gen 2 because my battery dried out and wouldn't save any more. HGSS picked totodile but I don't really like any of the gen 2 starters
He's the regi golem that showed up 10 years late to the party
great taste
>setting arbitrary limits on what's allowed to like in children's games because you want to feel superior
absolutely embarrassing. fug is based
>there will NEVER be another Pokemon where the main game is filled with nothing but new pokemon like gen 1 and 5
It hurts.
>No Tyranitar or Aggron in Pokken ever
Fucking wack
Based. With the exception of 2, 3 and 6, my fav is the grass starter. And Gen 3 is because I lpve all three of them.
oh it had already been posted
I always thought gen 3 struck a good balance of new and returning pokemon but I agree it is nice to have everything be new so you can surprise yourself with finds
Golisopod was the only thing like that for me last gen
zigzagod makes a nice hm slave also
What's your favorite starter Yea Forums? Mine is pic related.
He shoulda been in smash.
when animals eat something toxic or poisonous they instinctively eat mud as it naturally absorbs the toxins, some macaws eats clay to help digest poisonous plants they eat
>He always felt like one of those creatures furryfags would fap to
Where did you get that impression?
Alakazam is one of the most underrated fuckable Pokemon
Is there one for Absol?
There probably isn't but can dream
I want to go raw in that digimon
I posted the first three and I am out of Pokemon-related things.
Plus you know your pots and pans are safe, always a relief
Furries have no decency. They've jerked off to all pokemon at this point.
No, she is for hug.
Digimon is a dead franchise anyway
cursed gif
that actually might be busted its stats are actually extremely good 140 base attack with good speed and head smash might actually be the reason they saw fit to kill the bird at this point of power creep though it would be hilarious if they gave it the ability early bird
It would still be weak/neutral to most forms of priority and have an SR weakness.
Why? Kekleon is cool, especially with Protean.
last time I played emerald the very first aron I see was shiny felt great catching that little guy brought him to the pokemon center and BOOM mother fucker also had pokevirus the odds of this happening are so insanely slim to none
dude slaughtered everything in his path best gen 3 playthrough I've ever had
Its really useful though, it hits like a fucking truck with tricks like Flying Gem Acrobatics. If used well its incredibly powerful.
It's literally just Mew.
I know, but he's shit now so saying he's good is just a lie now.
>not posting the Honchkrow one
Love this fuckin dude
torchic is pretty cute ya
who knows with gen 8
This nigger got me through the three of the Battle Frontier areas in Platinum, what an absolute bro
Fucking based
I found this card 2/3 weeks ago randomly on the street
>Love aggron so much as a bromon that i dont dare save aggron porn
Is it autism?
Challenging to catch in gen 3 plus a buttload of grinding I was fairly invested by the time it evolved and it was pretty strong.
Based and trapinchpilled
Probably, I save porn of my favorite 'mon because I think it's funny. It's like catching your bro jacking off to some weird shit and holding it over his head
Based and Sablepilled
>so many good Pokemon itt
>The 3d models never do any of them justice
Unironically think Pikachu is the most based, I get one as early as possible each gen and/or romhack and have him lead my team to victory
he was based on my hail team but then GF nuked weather
Step aside.
Sure thing, pardner
Jokes on you
>other based mons
You guys are fucking based, here's may favorite. How do you beat this aesthetic as fuck design? That hilarious yet terrifying lore? I love him
i prefer natu because its fucking adorable
Get anally fucked bitch
based and ()atu pilled
No it wasn't it was cringe as fuck.
tryhard faggot shit
Literally how can any other pokemon compete with this amount of swag?
I bet none of you other guys even knew xatu was this fucking rad
*breaks your meta*
First HGSS playthrough had a Xatu.
>fucking HEATWAVE
>Fly for based utility
What a bro, very cool pokemon. I prefer Sigilyph though.
Dusknoir's design is so good. Actually now that I think about it ghost types probably have the most consistently good designs, followed by steel.
Honest to god Dragonite is such a dopey looking retard. Such a drop from the previous two evolutions. Fuck.
He was OU at one point during Gen 5 but he's been NU/PU for the better part of a decade now. I love him regardless of meta.
>Espeon doesn't learn Power gem
Come on game freak! it wouldn't even be broken on him. it's just a free hidden power rock.
>all these anti legendary edgy teens
hail to the king
also based
I prefer the wacky tropical form but the original is still great
we were separated at birth, right down to eventually boxing the owl
best cutemon
Darn. So close to meeting all conditions. For the record my other favorites are Sandile, Weavile, Steelix so I’m 3/4
volcaronas probably my favorite mon but chandelure and marshadow are close seconds
Literally me except I went with Squirtle instead of Charmander.