The Shittiest Reviewer on YouTube

>The Walking Dead is a bad game because of bugs and glitches even though it could be "fun with friends"
>Fallout 76 is a good game despite bugs and glitches because it's "fun with friends"

>Gets paid to do a review of an EA game.
>Too lazy to get his own footage.

What did he mean by this?

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Not Video Games

Where are the video games?

I put him in the trash after TNO and nuDoom praise, he's a pleb with only a surface level understanding of videogames. Now he's shilling patreon and AAA shite, can't say it doesn't surprise me.

Doom 4 is good, eat my shit.

you pirate games all the times why is it wrong when this faggot pirates somebody video?

funny how you never say this in giant bomb threads

The New Order was great you faggot.
nudoom was boring though.

both are fucking garbage, get some taste
kys you fucking parasite

>The New Order was great
>Doom 4 was boring
Think you're confused pal, it's the other way around.

>Like Doom
>Like Doom 2
>Like Doom 64
>Hate Doom 3
>Like Doom 4
>Like Serious Sam 1 and 2
>Like Painkiller
Nah senpai I think my tastes are fine.

>liking serious sam 2
>my tastes are fine.
no they arent

>Its this thread again
Who the fuck gives this much importance to the opinions of a fucking youtuber of all people? Are you retarded OP or very underaged to post in this site?

Having shit taste would be liking Serious Sam 3, faggot.

i dunno it just didn't suck me in. I got real good half-life vibes from TNO and the satisfying gunplay and decent story kept me invested.

even 3 is better than 2

Thanks user, I needed a good laugh today.

enjoy your baby game

He got fired by EA for giving Anthem a bad review, you fruit.

did he get sued?

>its this meme again
he got fired for not disclosing the fact that he was a shill, not because he spent 10 minutes doing nothing but shitting on it

If you don't like a youtuber, don't tell us about it. Nobody gives a fuck. His opinion is as worthless as yours.

He makes these threads himself

he is a shill in the actual definition of the word.

This thread again huh?

Attached: Yotsulook and leave.jpg (261x440, 32K)

>Hating DOOM 3
It's not a bad game just because you were disappointed with the direction they went with it

sup gggman enjoyed the killzone reviews, stick to covering some forbotten/lesser known games, because I hated your anthem review, I don't care about new AAA