Does FFXII have the best villains?

Does FFXII have the best villains?

Attached: Amano Judges.jpg (780x610, 122K)

no, it's just anime star wars.
VI, VII and perhaps X did.

Dunno about best in terms of villain-ness, but the Judge Magisters certainly have some of the best designs.

Not really, no. The judges have some very cool armor though.

Nope, the Judges we're just cool to look at.

they look like they want to challenge me to a bodybuilding competition

They were in the right tough.

No, it's not supported by science.

The villain wanted to take the reigns of humanity from the gods and you try to stop him. You are the bad guys, and since ffxii has the worst party in the series, you are also the worst villains in the series.

I don't know about that, but it does have the best bros.

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>humanity proceeds to do nothing of value but fuck up endlessly for millennia after taking the reins
really makes you think...

Nah. Vayne wanted to substitue himself for the occuria and rule the world, very typical bad guy scenario.

Vagrant Saga is about apocalypsis right? Gods did nothing wrong then.

>lose viera
>lose nu mou
>lose moogles
>lose airships
>lose magic
>manage to unleash super satan
>hate the guy that defeated super satan (eventually find out the truth)
>become retarded church worshipers to a literal joke
yeah, seemed like it was kind of a bad idea not to have some gods looking over the world

I never get this shit. Sephiroth is a boring as fuck villain. He has such little actual screen time and development and his only claim to fame was backstabbing some random hooker like a turbosperg Dark Souls PVPer. It took a shit ton of supplemental material to flesh him out at all. I really truly think he's one of the honest examples of nostalgia goggles you'll find in video games.
He's still not as shit as Ultimecia though

Venat knew this and still preferred it over an Occurian ruler. Of course, since we know that in subsequent Ivalice games everyone has been blasted back to the iron age sans all the magical technology, it was a poor choice.

HOWEVER, who is to say that it wasn't the gods the blasted everyone back to medieval times as payment for turning against them?

Vayne is the most handsomest FF character ever.

but his red haired version in FF15 kind of gives him a run for his money

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>who is to say that it wasn't the gods the blasted everyone back to medieval times as payment for turning against them?
And we'll never know because Fortress was cancelled.


>>HOWEVER, who is to say that it wasn't the gods the blasted everyone back to medieval times as payment for turning against them?
good point, the occuria aren't ever destroyed except venat who does fusion with vayne.

XII has the godliest ENG voice acting. I love the rusted phone audio filter they applied. XII is the best FF game ever made. fuck everything else

A common fan theory is they blew up the Great Crystal, rendering all magicite useless and causing widespread destruction.

Patrician tastes, friend.

X has better VA.

I hated the last bosses final transformation. When he's absorbing the metal shit from the ship or whatever as armour it would have been PERFECT if it stopped half way but instead it just kept going and piled on and on until it was this overboard clustered mess and I remember it pissing me off so much when I saw it. When he started transforming I was sweeeeeet then it kept going and I was like OK. ...... then it was like okay stop anytime now then it KEPT going even further until it was complete retard tier

I can't even recall any of their names except for Gabranth