I can't stop playing this game, I need help.
I can't stop playing this game, I need help
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Odachi is best weapon
Spear is second-best weapon
Accept no substitutes
Why would you use a spear and a Odachi
Use fucking katana, Tonfa or duel swords with your long reaching weapons for variation in combat.
My first playthrough was with a spear. It was easy, but got repetitive after a while.
My second playthrough was with an odachi. It was slightly less easy, but also significantly more fun.
On my second playthrough I also used all the other weapons enough to unlock their special missions. The odachi and the spear are the only ones I actually enjoyed using.
>Katana: Too short-range and boring
>Kusarigama: Too slow
>Axe: Too short-range
>Dual swords: Too fast
>Tonfa: Too fast
of course.
Spear is definitely alot of fun.
I still aven't tried the Axe or Duel Swords bit they don't look like they'll be any fun. As someone on Way of the Demon is it worth playing through DLC content on WoTStrong with these two weapons.
>Spear is definitely alot of fun.
It really isn't.
>99% of the time: Mid-stance heavy-heavy-heavy-pulse ad infinitum
>When you can get away with it (human bosses, mostly): High-stance light-light-heavy-heavy combo (the skill that knocks down human enemies with a downward swing on the last hit), then ki pulse (with the skill that knocks back human enemies whenever you ki pulse in high stance)
Odachi is much better, IMO.
I don't play like that. I circulate between light and heavy stance jumping over enemies and hitting the enemies that can be stunted with barrage attacks. I also make use of the running barrage skill and the long wind up skill in combination. This coupled with the grapple skill that sends the enemy flying into the air then being slammed on the ground by the tip of your spear is great shit.
Second only to Tonfa grapple attack.
I put all my points into onmyo and became an unstoppable cheese lord.
Kinda like this: youtube.com
Nioh was my favorite game of 2017
>play this when i'm bored of Souls
>it's harder than Souls and i get BTFO making 2 mistakes
About to start. What's the best weapon? What kind of armor?
It doesn't really matter, you'll die to most things in 2-3 hits.
>no shields
why would you stop user
This is a meme, you CAN build heavier and really dump into tankiness, but be prepared to not have access to a lot of fun stuff early on
Game is great
This cool dude is slapping my shit any tips?
Im using single sword
I might be under leveled
His moves are extremely telegraphed
Dodge left and behind, dodge away when he jumps.
whats up commies?
PSA for anyone looking to get into current ver of Nioh: 2kat is suffering and you should only play it if you want more flash instead of more damage. Take it from someone who dumped 250 hours in the PS4 version with nothing but 2kat and felt the immense weight of weakness the second I got a well-rolled Odachi and 1kat to change things up.
I like that dual katanas is the least "Unga" of the bunch but even if you play it like an expert hopped up on amphetamines it still feels like the sheer numbers you can get with other weapons are just out of reach.
>5/5 combat
>0/5 art design
>worst fucking inventory UI in the history of video games
What other games are like this?
This is bait
Dude, fucking same. Started it two days ago and I've already invested almost 20 hours into it. It's as fucking addictive as Dark Souls was when I first played it.
I tried to main Kusarigama and Dual Swords, but after finding the elemental Odachi and Swords towards the end of the 1st part I've been stomping shit like I never have been before.
2kat with masterswordsman/kingo and just spam sign of the cross only
Man I invested a bunch of hours into this game. The second DLC was kind of bullshit in my opinion, but overall it's a great game.
I had a dual katana build for a while, it was quite fun, but nowadays it ain't much good.
Spears are kinda fun tho
The fuck is 2kat? You mean duel swords? I just used a katana + Kingo set and raped everything from behind with the mystic art
Kusa and Dual swords don't do as much damage (until lategame sharp-cheddar ala ) but let you be a super fast baller to compensate.
What are the best moves for the Kusarigama?
been trying to play this but it feels like dark souls but it actually has artificial difficulty
It does have some total bullshit moments.
Also, a bunch of rehashed enemies
Yes, 2kat = 2 katana, 1kat = single katana. I don't think either 2kat or 1kat use actual katana instead of Tachi or whatever other sword lingo it is because I think katana are shorter and the swords you use in Nioh are usually long ones, but I picked up the jargon up from the general before it died back when revenant trading/giving was still a thing.
Also Kingo set roided pretty much EVERY build out back then. Things could be different now though idk. Maybe you don't have to get master/kingo and spam cross to do decent damage with 2kat anymore.
You dumb twats. Hammer is the patrician weapon
Whatever you think is fun and satisfying.
What useless advice. Don't ever @ me again.
I mean if you just wanna figure out whats "best" and cheese with Kusarigama theres no shortage of cheese in the game nor build guides for you to go drum up on youtube or reddit, buddy. God forbid ya try and have fun with a game.
>too fast
I don't understand
Should I give this another shot? I got kinda turned off by how many stats the game has. It feels like my levels are way too spread out. Am I expected to just spec hard into one thing?
is this a DLC weaponn or something I havent gotten it yet and i beat bug eye guy
you have plenty of level ups to get the "minimum" for your spirit, magic and ninjutsu, and still have plenty for health, stamina, and primary damage stats
>Guardian Spirit cutscenes
they always make Sengoku soo tragic
It's not difficult.
The stats tell you what they are useful with depending on your weapon and playstyle
it's a DLC weapon, but generic odachis should drop in the base game if you have it