Hello, we are the best suit designs in the entire series.
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally can't be topped.
Can't argue with that.
*blocks your path*
Nice contender for 3rd or 4th place I suppose.
tryhard loser with a small penis and a fuckin hot mom
Why is the fusion suit so ugly?
I think it's the colors. They're way too jarring and, yes, alien.
That said, I do wish they would actually go full tilt with it. How many years has to been since Fusion? If they think the Fusion suit was a mistake, just change the color scheme and it'll be 100% better.
The Light Suit is ugly as fuck.
I guess that's part of it. I still don't like the overall design though.
Dark Suit and Phazon Suit were the best.
Light Suit is not aesthetically pleasing
I light the light suit.
Defend this.
It looks wimpy and unintimidating
Though seeing so much of the yellow base suit makes me wish for a Metroid where you start with just that and have to restore your armor piece by piece
Confirmed gaylords
Suit turns her to energy
>complaining about the anatomical details of the power suit
>not the fact it contorts her entire body every time she goes into morph ball
i dunno lol
bird magick
Actually the morph ball is like a shell wrapped around her. The inside of a morph ball shows samus spinning much like when she jumps.
she's a big gal
Is this an image of a Chozo engineer?
vomit coloration, imposing shoulders gone, retarded nonsense fangs on the forearms
>muh epic shoulder pads
Good lord this fanbase gets so whiny when any change of any kind gets made to them pauldrons. This coming from someone who's always really liked them
the shoulder pads are arguably the most iconic aspect of the suit, so yeah they're important
M:SR had the best gravity and Varia suits, hands down.
The Fusion Suit is unironically my favorite suit but only in the context of Fusion with her resembling a Metroid and being chased by the SA-X.
Eh, I think it's on purpose. It's kinda supposed to look wimpy and janky. You look like a weak, bootleg impersonation of Samus, but you're still the REAL Samus, which makes you contrast against SA-X, a being with all the real power of Samus Aran but it's a soulless monster.
Having said that, that's no excuse for the suit you get at the end to look so lame.
Yeah, that doesn't exactly mean they have to be there in every single suit upgrade, looking exactly the same. I like the fusion suit
*bootyblasts all your suits to 1st place*
>Yeah, that doesn't exactly mean they have to be there in every single suit upgrade
sure, the light suit tones them down and is still good. Fusion suit looks like vomit
I actually like the design of this fusion suit. Maybe its the art style.
Give me lewd Varia suits.
Not based.
user... You can't fuck a suit.
Friendly reminder that there is no best suit design and that everyone has their own individual tastes and preferences and that's okay.
I can't think of a single suit design in metroid that isn't 10/10, but if I were forced to choose I would have to choose the light suit and M: SR's gravity suit as my top two.
I can and I will
Try drawing the shoulders in the correct position
You absolutely can, you just haven't tried hard enough.
Classic Gravity suit is better than this Batman Forever batmobile shit.
Really? You would be one of the few people who actually like the Other M suit then.
like me
Other what?
the worst Metroid
You and me, son. We are one of soul.
I like it a lot too. It's because it still looks powerful as well as unique instead of just the Power Suit minus some extra plating and with blue latex thrown on it. Also, delicious watermelon.
Who actually thought this name was acceptable?
>the worst Metroid
I don't remember that design in Fed Force
Is that some kinda fan game? The quality of that shoop indicates as such.
Honestly? Smash's renders for it aren't too bad. The removal of the plastic shading really does wonders in improving it.
I thought the gameplay looked alright until I actually played it and realized the devs wanted you to use a fucking dpad.
Did you know that hidden deep within the cutscenes of Other M, there was a somewhat decent Power Suit design?
prove it!
Not only that, they actually left the model in the game files too. Really wanna know why they made the decision to not implement it
>Other M brought up
>thread immediately dies
That's pretty funny
what ever happened to syluxposting?
Enough suits. I want pictures. PICTURES OF SPACE PIRATES
The Other M suit is fine. In Smash it looks downright good and even in its own game, some of those animations look pretty cool.
Shame about the asstastic gameplay they stuck to it, though. Imagine a Metroid with really tight, fast combat. I think that'd be pretty cool.
And their tubes?
People are probably doubtful he'll get in now
i always considered the Light suit to be when samus was at her absolute peak
It stopped when Nintendo had to have their asses saved by Retro after trying to farm Prime 4 out to the chinks.
I don't know, I've never been a fan of the dark suit, it's kind of clunky and I don't like the shoulders
I'm still not quite sure where "delicious candy" came from
yeah i think syluxposting surfaced because we were all hyped about a real prime 4 trailer coming soon but now it's like another 3 years off
As a Power Suit design, that's not half bad. Even the angular proportions of the breastplate aren't too bad because it's not sticking out so damn much.
But the Power Suit is supposed to have a sleeker design than the Varia Suit, so I guess that's what makes it more acceptable to me.
Looks like the arm canon has a slightly different look to it, too. That's kind of odd.
>That hand on her canon
Is that why she is able to use ladders in fusion?
the same person who thought the "Bottle Ship" broadcasting a distress signal called "Baby's Cry" was good
I want a game where Samus is legitimately caught offguard and has to improvise the weapons and gear of her suit like Tony Stark in a cave. No more finding stuff she accidentally lost for some reason.
Primitive but effective jet boosters. Grappler that is really just a long chain she can electrify. Etc.
>some guys from Texas are able to make a better Metroid game than Nintendo
Reminds me of this thing some fan drew up a while back. I think the idea was pretty similar to yours
I don't care to bother with Other M but Samus does have a right hand, correct? I can't imagine Nintendo going for an amputee
I wouldn't say that. Prime and Super are on equal footing.
Is this halo?
I don't know what Other M has to do with it, but yes Samus has a right hand. She's had a right hand since the original game.
She does, in Prime if you use the X-ray visor you can see her hand inside the cannon
One, not true.
Two, why would you denigrate them by calling them "some guys from Texas". It was a huge group of extremely talented, hardworking people from America, Japan and probably lots of other companies all working together extremely hard on a singular vision. And they were working very closely WITH Nintendo during the development process.
Uh Other M isn't the first time we've seen Samus without her armor, she does have two hands
For me, it's the Brawl suit.
Do you think Samus is infertile from the mix of DNA in her body and all the different radiation she's definitely been exposed to?
I wish the n64 got a metroid game just so I could have low poly samus.
unironically my favorite
I like that it makes Samus basically look like an alien herself
That's not even from Brawl.
The "Brawl suit" originated in Zero Mission, and the render you posted is from Project M.
This with the pastel texture hack is legit beautiful.
>they were working very closely WITH Nintendo during the development process.
The only thing Nintendo did during the development of the Prime Trilogy was constantly change the deadline and cram it down Retro's throat. Prime 2 is literally half they game they wanted, and Corruption was missing two whole planets.
It's a miracle that the games turned out as well as they did with how fucking cancerous Nintendo was.
Retro is actually wholly owned by Nintendo. How they came to be owned by Nintendo is pretty interesting. The original head of the studio was running a softcore porn site on the developer computers. When Nintendo found out they offered him a choice, either sell his stock to Nintendo and bow out with dignity or be fired ouright,
Those shoulders really look a lot like the Other M shoulders. Just, larger.
It's funny looking back at the Subspace cutscenes and seeing this model clip into itself just from standing there
Fun fact, In the Metroid Prime 2 Manga Samus actually links up with a squad of surviving marines.
I hate how the shoulders are rigged there.
I like it, especially the gravity colors
Varia colors are ehhh kinda alright
That's not a bad thing, Halo has aesthetic armor.
>The arm cannon doesn't change in look between suits
Another Project M render.
Master Chief literally started life looking like a Metroid character.
I'm glad it doesn't, legitimately love the Prime 1 arm cannon. Best iteration of it
Samus Returns has the worst but no one ever brings it up
Other M suit would be almost perfect if they fixed the arm cannon.
The perfect suit goes to Prime 2 Varia.
I honestly can't believe after all this time people still say that.
Which Metroid Prime control scheme is better, Gamecube or Wii?
Master Chief still looks like a Metroid character.
I remember it died the exact moment Joker was announced
After that, we all knew there was no chance and the dream was dead
Why're you acting as if that changes the model itself originating from Brawl vanilla
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who absolutely loved the Dark Suit's design
All power suits are beautiful, even fusion. I love fusions colours and the alienness. In fact, the alienness of Metroid fusion as a whole is underrated, it's my third favorite Metroid game after super and prime.
Explain morph ball
Because it actually does? It's a different model from Brawl.
sauce me senpai
What the fuck is pepe doing there
You're right and I remember seeing this in one of the games, but it doesn't make much sense in the context of the 2D games where the morphball is really tiny. In Prime the morphball is kind of fucking huge.
You ever seen a fan interpretation you like more than the og design? Something about this suit's massive af arms speaks to me
The Dark Suit is cool as fuck.
How does Samus not get motion sickness or pass out from spinning so fast and so much?
No, the Dark Suit is super fucking ugly,
The fanart has a more masculine design. Thats probably why.
I remember a Samus design that looked straight outta overwatch.
Was this any good?
bird genes
The bitch can spin in the air. I'm sure she's used to it.
Does anyone have the screencap of the guy explaining how this game being canon basically retcons and uncanonizes every other single game in the series, even Super Metroid?
This is the prettiest anyone has ever drawn Samus.
Yes. It's a complete surprise considering the overwhelming majority of fan games are absolute shit. It's not perfect. It absolutely has it's own issues, but it's actually a good fan game.
I got you.
I like it, makes her look more agile and shit
I really like the pointy triangle chest of the Other M suit, to be honest. That might just be because I played so much Smash 4, though.
Omega Metroids are the best metroid evolution
Whoops meant to link
while i do have a gripe with the missing spikes, the armcannon on that redesign killed it.
I don't get how metroids can be cute.
Daily reminder the SA-X saved Samus because the Federation were researching the X before Samus even arrived back on SR-388 and were not only on the BSL or SR-388 so it chose to eliminate its archenemy for good and cure its only other threat to be vulnerable in the future.
Which Metroid should I play if I've never finished one?
Probably a short as fuck one so Zero Mission
Zero Mission > Fusion > Samus Returns > Super
Prime in order
Not enough DiC.
>all these great designs ITT
>smash U still uses nothing but the other M suit and recolours
The Fusion suit that you unlock in Metroid Prime looks like straight vomit, I feel my cornea peel off a bit every time I saw that colors while going into morph ball mode.
One too many goofy sidekicks. Either dump the talking Chozo statue or the pet Metroid. Otherwise peak 90skino.
Why is Guru Larry back there?
Thats because Sakurai fucking hates Metroid. Ridley is the only time he has ever admitted openly to being forced to add a character.
Victim complex.
Here you go.
>It looks wimpy and unintimidating
That's the whole point of it. That's one of the major themes in Fusion.
>It's blue, I win
Great game. One could complain about some of the bosses being kinda bullet hell-ish and kinda hard for Metroid standards, but I guess you can just play on easy if you have an issue with that. I enjoyed the challenge. It's got top notch visuals, gameplay and music, go play it asap.
I hate Sanctuary Fortress as an area in general, the music is fucking annoying and the layout feels almost purposely tedious as all hell to navigate.
The PED suit is criminally ugly and boring as fuck, it only gets more blue throughout the entire game and the hazard shield somehow makes it even uglier. It has no visual appeal, its colors are muted and don't even look nice together, not at first and not at the end either.
I absolutely hate that they took out beam switching in Prime 3. Even though I didn't like the ammo in 2 all that much, I'd rather have that than have nothing at all. On relation to it, it also greatly bothered me that the plasma/annihilator cannon layout was unused in 3 but in all fairness that might just be my autism flaring up.
This is coming from someone who considers this trilogy of games my favorite of all time and Prime 1 might be my favorite game ever made full stop. Do I have bad opinions?
>take Zero
>paint him orange and yellow
>dude Samus in Mega Man
>Feather Minge
I never thought of this...
I disagree with your dislike about sanctuary fortress, I don't mind the rest
If you read the pirate logs in prime 1 or 2 they mention that they tried to replicate morph ball technology only to crush several pirates to death because it isn't physically possible if your body is still whole.
The fangs actually make sense because they're functional in combat. But there are weird holes around the collar. It's justified because they were obviously going for an alien loon though.
I'm just sad they didn't come up with new ways to make the arm cannon change shape between weapons. Was depressed when I saw it was just the ice beam for dark beam and wave beam for light.
Yeah, but what can you do about it
Remember, user. Metroids aren't pets, and they can't digest dog treats.
>I hate Sanctuary Fortress
Shoulder screws and tron lines are gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
>Metroids aren't pets
maybe not legally...
Would the acidic blood from the Xenomorph melt through her armor?
Threadly reminder that the chozo lore in the original release of metroid prime is far superior to the rewrites introduced in later releases of the game including the prime trilogy because they refer to samus herself as The Hatchling rather than some vague generic Shining One
If the Gravity Suit can handle lava it can probably handle acid.
nah the varia suit's always resisted acid
Metroid Prime 4 leaked footage
I could swear Ridley was on this video
Not enough greentext.
>the ship is also dancing.
hell yeah, thanks
Oh fuck me I just realized something
>Metroid Other M
>M_____ O___ M
Is that what the M in Other M means?
smash made me love the other m suit
smash also made me hate the other m suit because the series went from super to other m and never once included a playable prime suit
the prime 3 suit getting a figma made things a little better though
Will our girl get a good game after such a long time?
The old Gravity Suit is literally just Varia suit but purple. At least this one looks distinct.
>Metroid Fusion
Still one of my favorite games.
Samus Returns was pretty good. Though it played it really safe.
What did they mean by this? Is there a more accurate translation from the FDS version?
Power Suit Samus feels so naked to me. It’s too slender for my liking but I guess that’s the point. It’s the most basic one.
Based Texans will save us.
>custom robo got a good gamecube game and nothing else ever since
>f-zero got a good gamecube game but nothing else ever since
>metroid got three of the best games in its series back to back
you ever feel like it could be so much worse
Because "Muh Iconic Varia Suit"
It's the reason why the Gravity Suit is also butchered.
Clarify something. Are they starting from total scratch or are they salvaging what the other team made?
Retro would be fucking garbage without Nintendo and you can see this by games like Recore. It’s because of their close ties with Nintendo that they put out good games.
Whoa, where did you get this? Pretty sure I know the guy who made this coloring.
I feel bad for F-Zero fans.
Based on journo hearsay, they are making it from scratch based on a pitch they made to Nintendo when things went south with the original chink dev team.
>Blade beam
Damn, I played around with this in sprite form waaaay back when Zero Mission was new. I had different variants for the different beam types, too....
I have faith lads.
See also Factor Five, Silicon Knights and Rare.
i fuckng love it
I'd love to see an official Metroid game where the Varia suit has actual proportions.
I wish the Hazard Suit did more than just put purple on the shoulders.
Probably just general vagueness
Anyone have that fanart where Samus is a super fucked up metroid mutant?
I think her tits were out?
At least before 343 you mean.
wtf I never knew about this
You better not be rusing me user
Also Samus's ship can be seen in one of the levels.
There's a reason I posted ODST
So refreshing to see this loom at the end of Samus Returns in my Fusion mode 0% speedrun.
At least it was before I fucked everything up.
Was Federation Force really that bad?
It was just alright, really
Just ok
Even without the "NOT MUH METROID" stigma it's a pretty boring co-op shooter.
Its not a terrible game, just a boring one that exposes how fucked Nintendo's priorities are with the series.
Halo and Metroid sitting on a tree.
Thats gay
Washington DC
Btw now that we are getting xbox live on the switch, can we get a metroid halo crossover game
>tfw hunters 2 never
Samus is for DoomChad
What would happen if we combined phazon with parasite x? A-As a joke haha.
>camera zooms into the back of protag's head transition to gameplay
Is there a more kino immersion technique?
This bothers me a lot.
IIRC there's also Crocomire skeleton (or just the skull) in the background of one of the levels in the first DKCR game.
It's not happening.
I'm getting an Xbox Anaconda and Switch just for Halo 5: Guardians, Halo Infinite, and Metroid Dread
As for the Metroid side of things, The Horus Heresy is namedropped in Prime 3.
The best ship.
Are those heels?
>Metroid Project Dread is nearing completion.
>Metroid is in 40k
/tg/ has been right for years, Samus really is a lost primarch.
It truly is, what's more, interesting is that both are destined to be the protectors of the galaxy.
I mean it's Luminoth tech mixed with Chozo tech, and Luminoth's are pretty much alternate universe Chozo who didn't fuck off, so it might as well be her most advanced suit.
Samus is already taken nerds
This is a trick post.
Luminoth are like the non-retard Chozo
Xbox has Master Chief
Nintendo has Samus
PC has Doomguy
Who does Sony have?
That metroid can be the family pet.
I'd say the Helghast but there hasn't been a Killzone game in years.
These guys.
Do you think Guilty Spark and the Baby Metroid would get along?
Meant fo
prime 1 phason suit>>>>everything else
With enough patience, sure.
I remember 2010, just before Other M came out, how we were all excited for the game, a little weary, but overall excited for a new game and the threads were still fun. But after that, it was impossible to have a good thread.
It was that for years, then around, I think early 2015 I stopped coming to Yea Forums altogether except for a couple of months, to see how things were going and then forget about the place altogether.
It seems that Metroid threads are good again, was this because of the announcement of Prime 4?
Btw, the Prime Trilogy is my fav videogame series of all time.
Not just prime 4 but samus returns as well.
Metroid threads started being good again long before Prime 4's announcement. Long before AM2R released, too, but there's still plenty of bad eggs around.
That's not even how the arm canon works
typed in phazon suit on duckduckgo and it's the 7th result
who are these fellas?
How do you not know this jingle?
Post YFW you hear this
sleep tight, phaazite
Is she inviting me in?
The eye is facing forward though, the only real misinterpretation is the “smile” and the “chin”
That's pretty cool, but I still love that Black and Red.
Down or forward, it has parrot eyes on the sides of its head, it doesn't really need to be looking anywhere except outwards.
Jokes on you, I am that cat
The trilogy collection takes out that cool pose Samus does after beating the Omega Pirate
like the one who goes apeshit over the idea of certain things in games.
I prefer the new one. Makes more sense.
Shh, you'll summon him.
the writhing in agony before posing was much better
Fuck, why aren’t you alt costumes in Smash?
Don't know about you but if my life-preserving battle suit suddenly got infected with an extremely volatile and undocumented blue alien radioactive poison, pulling flashy poses for nobody to see would probably not be on my list of priorities.
They always had to try very hard for it to make sense.
Oh, wait was that the original? Shit I got mixed up. Yeah that one was better.
Favourite music from the entire series.
I would just travel to that world to hear it play. My fucking surprise when I discover the extended areas in east skytown and get to keep exploring.
Tell that to every faggot in Prime 3 using PEDs
Aside from the hunters, no one using a PED was actually infected.
Is prime hunters easy to play on pc?
It's a little awkward since you'll be clicking and dragging on the bottom screen in order to aim on the top screen.
I forgot, I couldn't say YouTube because Xbox and Switch already have that.
By the time Prime 3 happens that shit was on experimental phase already. The Federation fuckwads at least had some makeshift system to control it even if it was hilariously prone to going haywire. Prime 1 has it forcefully seep into the suit from the remains of a dead pirate who was extremely infused and mutated by it.
I think there's quite a bit of difference between those two scenarios. Pulling poses might be cool and all but in that particular context it's pretty dumb.
Damn, does it have other control methods with face button aiming? I could at lease play with a controller.
Do you like shooting balls around in to a hole?
I don't recall. It wouldn't really work out too well with a controller anyway since you've got to do things like morph ball and weapon changing via the touch screen.
Unless emulators let you bind specific points on the touch screen to buttons. I don't really know DS emulation too well, I'm just guessing, really.
Alright thanks. Looks like ill just have to get a copy. It might be worth trying on my phone.
>make badass bounty hunter in a robot suit
>make it a cute girl
still the best decision nintendo ever made
Remake of Federation Force. Drop the chibi graphics, give us more lore.
>Doom guy
He's only 6 feet tall, he's more of chadlet
Wait what when does this happen?
MC lost his Chad license after this debacle.
Didn't really care about the chibi graphics, I cared about the gameplay and the gameplay looked fucking boring.
Also I thought the environments looked nice personally.
Its somewhere in the ship you begin the game in.
Its either namedropped in a random scan somewhere, or maybe its in that terminal where you get that password
>MC lost his Chad license after this debacle.
It wasn't lost, user. It was just missing in action.
He got it back with Infinite.
>trusting 343
He's coming back.
Oh shit it's when the soldiers are talking about that rebellion
This, you could say Samus lost hers after Other M but she also got it back in Samus Returns.
Yeah smash tried to kinda fix the other m suit but it looks too streamlined and smooth. It doesn't have presence like the other suits Samus has worn before.
>The Bottleship
>The baby
>Mother (brain)
>Metroid: Other M
They weren't as subtle as they thought.
The funny thing is, the lead artist from Retro left to work with 343 on Halo 4. It's why the look of Halo changed so much. Compare everything Forerunner to Metroid Prime concept art and it becomes obvious.
That's true, they plan to merge them now, what's more interesting is that Halo already brought the Forerunners back in some shape or form as enemies and now Metroid is doing the same while both are getting somewhat of a spiritual reboot fixing the mistakes of the games that came before them and looking to the series roots for guidance.
*with the Chozo in some shape or form
at least we know that the Chozo look badass and mystical
unlike the voldemort looking abortions that 343 introduced as the forerunners
True, they look better in armor.
The quads speak truth
>bootlet warframes
DoomguyXSamus is OTP
All these nuDoomfags in the thread.
Chief gets all the bitches.
I really enjoyed pirate logs in Prime showing that they're absolutely terrified of you.
NuDoom is a legitimately better game than Halo though.
Halo has more than six enemies on-screen at one, doesn't confine the player solely to corridors and small locked arenas and doesn't have QTE quick-kills that are mandatory to keep playing
The way she holds the cannon differently in fusion I thought was a great little detail
Keep telling yourself that, nuDoom is a repetitive mess that never changes up its gameplay, Doom Eternal looks the same.
Stay mad, Quakefag
and yet despite all that you can only carry two weapons at a time.
MP2/3 Varia model still the best.
Too bad it looks like shit in-game due to the bad resolution. Hell, this game alone makes me want to download Citra.
Bird DNA
This was originally a space pirate comic.
custom robo arena for the DS then after that good game darkness
Incredibly limited gameplay interaction, with levels being designed around specific weapons.
Light Suit is great. But Dark Suit looks like she's carrying giant yoyos on her shoulders.
I can't decide between Light Suit and Samus Returns' Gravity Suit.
The giant shoulders don't work if they're not pads. This one makes her shoulders look weird.
I prefer Samus Returns' interpretation that the Metroid's vulnerability against the cold is vastly reduced as they evolve, not gone completely. As the Metroids evolve they become more tanky and their nuclei become smaller and more covered up. Losing it completely doesn't make sense to me at all. In any games, including Other M.
Halo has a lot of variety in weapons because of the two weapon limit and allows for playing the game differently, plus Halo always changes it's gameplay up.
That's fucking sick
It's just the AC she can do without
It can't exist canonically with the rest of the franchise so it's in an other timeline
nuDoom appeals the same aspect as Halo did: shit taste.
These actually look good, but doesn't. I like what they tried to do with the whole organic membrane stretched over the armor in almost an inside out zero suit aesthetic, but they botched the execution
It shouldn't.
Light suit is good, dark suit is ugly as fuck
Prime series:
>design new armors
>spend 99% of the game looking at a visor and arm cannon that don't change
Main series:
>can see Samus at all times
>only Metroid Fusion has a new armor design, a game made 17 years ago
Why is this series so backwards?
what are thoose called ? Asking for a friend.
>feather pubes
When I was 7 playing echoes I was devastated watching the marines all die
Gotta be honest, I don't give a flying fuck about Prime 4.
I just want a sequel to Fusion.
It's happening, user
My feelings exactly.
Fusion was a masterpiece. I liked the existential dread of her being fused with the suit, as if she had been mutilated and caged by something that she once considered a tool to get the job done.
The weight that comes with that suit balances the aesthetic choices, and if you hate how it looks it almost feels that's how they intended it.
Don't mind me, just posting the real best suit.
Samus must be gasping with that tight corset.
>La Creatura...
12 porciento Phazon...
I wish I never played Halo, that way I could still enjoy Master Chief stuff being posted. Now I can't anymore, because the games are generic space FPS with mediocre gameplay, and I have no idea how someone can enjoy playing them after going through games like Perfect Dark and Time Splitters.
Play Marathon. It's a better showcase of Bungie's skill as game devs.