Will Kill la Kill IF be the first good Naruto clone arena fighter...

Will Kill la Kill IF be the first good Naruto clone arena fighter? It even has a proper practice mode which most arena fighters don't even bother to include.

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Nonon is cute as heck.

Mako or bust

Ryuko please marry me

they should just hurry the fuck up and give me a release date

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Guaranteed. Probably at whatever next event they got planned.

>It even has a proper practice mode which most arena fighters don't even bother to include.
You're joking, right

Nah dude, it really does have a practice mode.

Why does replay mode need a controllable camera?

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Don't even pretend you need to ask that question

Most arena fighters don't have the usual set of practice mode options. Hell, Gundam doesn't even have a proper training mode it's just free battle with the opponent being set to STOP.

They better add Kisaragi. You can't make a Kill la Kill game and not add the actual main character's final form.

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We're at a point where games can now perfectly, 100% replicate the anime aesthetic, so why do most developers go for the "le gritty realistic graphics"?

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I'm 100% betting we're gonna get a tag team final battle with Satsuki/Ryuko vs Ragyo.

The main characters final form is in.

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She's not the main character.

Last time I saw it the game looked really weak, so I doubt it.

Getting it right in 3D motion is still hard. The only people that have managed to do it well are CC2 and that's at the expense of gameplay. The new One Piece game looks pretty nice at least, and KLK is putting in work to adapt the Xrd tech to full 3D gameplay.
It's been improving little by little. The camera doesn't spas out when Ryuko does her swing move and the running animations aren't nearly as janky.

Hence the term "actual." I really don't care if it's a retelling with Satsuki as the MC. I feel like we barely got this game, so they should throw in everything they can from the show

Why is she so perfect?

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i just want siscon pandering in the story

Room for 10 slots left right now. 7 if they decide to move dual wield and Shinzui Junketsu into their own slots instead of stacking them.

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Mako is definitely in. Maube we'll see some of the club presidents or whatever they were

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Arena fighters should have fun environments like powerstone.

That said the characters are sexy.

I'm pretty sure the official website has an updated version of the roster now, with the dual-blade girls both taking up individual slots. I doubt Shinzui Junketsu, and Ryuko w/ Senketsu Kisaragi if they add them, are going to be full-fledged characters. Probably just installs or story-exclusive.

>with the dual-blade girls both taking up individual slot
They don't. The latest footage shows that you can pick them in the character select screen.

did Ryuuko always have gears in her eyes?

If Satsuki sama lynches you upside down her frown looks like a smile.

Was this show good? I watched the first four episodes when they came out because I loved TTGL but quickly lost interest

>Was the show good?

Overall? No.

Yup. Well at least as far as I can remember, I think when it was airing it was one of the tings Yea Forums speculated about

I liked it, but i mean it's kinda to taste you know. A buddy of mind stopped around there and I was beginning to lose interest too. But I'm personally glad I stuck it out

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Why couldn't it have been 2D. Why did it have to be a fucking arena fighter.

Oh fair enough, that's even better then!

Yeah, been there since the first episode


Honestly it's one of my favourite anime/manga series. I'd say to give it another shot if you're in the mood for it

Sushio is heavily involved so I expect this and TONS of Mako focus.

Yeah man

I loved it, but I think some of that has to do with watching it with Yea Forums at the time.

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Nobody cares about Kill La Kill anymore.

Was there ever any high-res art of some of the promo materials? I couldn't find any. This shit is great

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It's...eh I never finished it because I just stop caring because honestly it feels like the writers didn't even care, like yeah I get that's kinda the running joke but it's really not the sort of joke you continue for 20+ episodes and expect me to stick with it.

They better get some of the shows music into the game. Even if they have to sell it as dlc.

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considering triggerniggers latest mess KlK is still goat.

But Gridman was amazing.

It completely falls apart after episode 12.

Never heard of photo mode? I just hope they do it better than DoA.

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I need more of this version of them. Fuck yes.

how will balancing work in this game?

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Satsuki is balanced around having a larger and rounder ass while Ryuko is balanced around showing more of her tits.

Projectile spammers will win. That's how it always is in these games.

Treasure should've been the ones making this game. It would've been the perfect Bleach DS successor.

SOmebody seriously needs to make a video where hey edit Live and Learn into the final battle in space.

but the joke is Satsuki has larger tits. Its just Ryuko has a smaller body

>normal Satsuki with double blades rather than Satsuki with Senketsu
What a fucking rip off.

your attack power is directly tied to how sexy you are

Satsuki looks better in her uniform than Junketsu

That's why Gamagoori is the strongest.

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Except the show has established that Satsuki and Senketsu are incapable of working together properly

Reminder that if Ragyo's super doesn't end with her flinging her opponent's stripped body into a wall then we riot

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Then how come Nui is stronger than most everybody?

Still pissed we didn't get any KLK characters in Cross Tag Battle but instead we got shitty fauxime characters.

Are you implying that she isn't sexy

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They could have some real fun with the costumes

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What the fuck she looks short here

Kinda, since Moe may be a sexual appeal, but I still wouldn’t call it “sexy”.

Isn't she short?

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I hate this camera angle so goddamn much I can't see my character when I'm player 2 ADD A FUCKING SPLITSCREEN

I recently started watching it and I'm liking it, but I can't take it seriously. If you are in for something absurd and over-the-top (in a good way), then you definintely should check it out.

>releasing a fighting game for an anime that aired more than 5 years ago that people barely remember by now
why did they even bother

this is gonna get swept under the rug harder than akko's game did

Why not?

Ryuko is like 5'1 or something like that
In comparison, Nonon is like 4'5

Fucking Janitors deleted the Gurren Lagann thread. So now I have to go here for anime recs.

>Nonon is like 4'5

kill la kill my dick

Is omiko in this one

Splitscreen would make things even more disorienting. Fucking Ehrgeiz and Super DBZ had a better idea for 1v1 arena fighter cameras than this.

was i the only one that was genuinely terrified of nonon until she lost her pants.

Ryuko is your typical stocky tomgirl. If she hit the weights shed be oppai buff.

t. NRS nigger



Yeah she gave me a fear boner

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>5 years later
>Shitty arena fighter
>Starring Satsuki

I can't believe Senketsu died for this, I want to go back

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Shes really scary up till that scene where she is at the toilets.
You just don't know what her power oevel is and she has an intimidating prescence.

Because guys, making an actual fighting game 2d or even old 2000s Tekken/DOA 3d fighter that isnt arena is soooooooooooooooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardddd boooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo

You're 5 years too late to the party

The arena reminds me of Ed, Edd n Eddy

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If by terrified you mean aroused and by after she lost her pants you mean both before and after she lost her pants then yeah

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They sell better on average. Top 3 best selling fighters in Japan from 2015 to 2018 (prior to Smash Ult) were ARMS/Dissidia/Gundam Versus,

>Nonon is like 4'5
smol and tight

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Words cannot describe how comfy this is. I wish for the simple life, man, fuck

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maybe if you're 5 years old I could see her being intimidating

whens mako

Nonons an adult that can transform into an airship.
Whats not intimidating?


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>nonon and her gang corner a full grown man in a toilet and he has to run
>"no escape"

They were willing to put in the effort to make sure the moves are taken directly from the anime so they at least care about it more than Akko's game.

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Her gang of similarly sized women vs. shitty off-brand solid snake

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I thought guys liked it when their waifus were shorter than them.

>muscled veteran fighter is intimidated by a midget and her band gang.

>make show about super hot teen girls fighting alien clothes and their mom by getting naked
>completely give up trying to be sexy like 4 episodes in
they had gold but threw it away. fucking trigger.

I mean either way, really? But we're talking about whether she's intimidating.

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shes obviously written as an intimidating character she is Satsukis right hand girl.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re being trolled?

Were they supposed to be sexy or not, though? There are some critics that said that Kill la Kill’s designs were too blobby to be sexually appealing, and that that was a deliberate decision on Gainax’s part.

>been unmotivated to draw recently
>thread makes me think of Ryuko and Satsuki beating the fuck out of each other
>want to draw this really bad so now I'm motivated

Thanks guys

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She's a musical fuck-midget.

It's a slow night and I haven't even thought about this show in years. I really don't mind if I am?

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average but goddamn its prime fap material

Those critics are flat out wrong.

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I'm just glad to see Nui again.

she has a skull on her hat!
Face facts she is a fiend, a demon and a monster

Okay, then just dump your folder without comment. Why do you need to pretend to have an excuse? Just don the Aceman name and start dumping.

she is similarly an intimidating character like nonon.
Is it any wonder they are paired against each other.

Probably the best softcore ecchi show you’ll ever watch, but yeah, it’s no Gurren Lagann.

>Ryuko not even on the cover

They would have just cut her completely if they could have gotten away with people not bitching.

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this fight scene had more ass shots than the entire episode where satsuki was naked for the whole time

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Satsuki was actuallly the main character.
Ryuko was just her sister.

I’m not denying that it’s a fanservice show. I’m just wondering if Kill la Kill was even that good at being one.

Which is why Satsuki has no role in the final battle, even though SA2 had both Sonic and Shadow go Super to fight the final boss.

>Ryuko not on the cover
>But Senketsu's eyes form the background

How lazy are they?

Most of the plot and series is about Satsuki.

How would you have done Kill la Kill?

Self insert myself and have the final episode be about me and all the girls having a wonderful life together. OVA where all of us fuck by the beach.

Not really, most of the plot is all about Ryuko. All the fights with Satsuki aren't even about her, they're about Ryuko coming to grips with some emotional baggage and getting along better with Senketsu.

Satsuki fits the role of the spiral king from TTGL, the story starts with trying to overthrow her, but in the grand scheme of things it really didn't matter all that much anyway.

Thats a lie. You can actually time the amount of plot dedicated to Satsukis back story and development its greater than Ryukos.

Same, only I’d have it end with me being Nui in disguise and killing everybody.

>The absolute state of Satsukifags

At least Akko's game had new anime scenes.

Everything up to nui appearing.
Scrapped everything after nui runs away.
Made the story about nui creating kamuis for chosen fighters that fight Ryuko.
Ultimately a battle between Ryuko and Satsuki to control revocs.

It's all style and no substance. The characters have good designs but they are all one dimensional cardboard cutouts. Also there are no stakes to anything, even if Ryuko loses a fight nothing is lost and she just asspulls some new technique the next episode.

>keep the parts that mock and underwrite MotW storytelling
>make a new arc playing MotW storytelling straight
Nice try

>more blood
>girls start to salivate when they're weakened
>more physical violence like the Berserk Ryuko vs. Junketsu beatdown
>when a girl gets knocked out/loses it's more drawn out and sloppy

I came to watch a show about cute girls beating the shit out of each other so just crank that up

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what's with the absolutely atrocious character designs

We're getting E.Ryuko right?

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Eh if you pay attention its almost as if that was meant to be the story.
Its explained Nui is the creator of the 100% fibre kamuis.
Instead there is some silly invasion of the body snatchers plot and a giant kamui at the end.

Have stakes that actually matter. For a show with Kill in the title nobody actually dies. Gurren Lagan actually knew when to have dramatic moments where characters die, which made the moments where they triumph even greater.
Have Nui kill Mako. She was a really annoying character who's one joke was beaten into the ground several times over.

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My dick really hopes so.

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It plays better than the Naurto arena fighters but it's still an arena fighter at the end of the day and unless you like those this game won't appeal to you.

They did Satsuki's most important feature correctly.

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Where is the areolae?

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important question
how big of a factor is the rock paper scissors thing? can it be turned off?

what with nips and putting spikes on everything

>Its explained Nui is the creator of the 100% fibre kamuis.
When were the Lavos-Covers ever called that? I thought their deal was that they were woven from the Primordial Life Fiber.

all I want is sexy ragyo

>Have Nui kill Mako. She was a really annoying character who's one joke was beaten into the ground several times over.
Fuck you and your attitude.






her eyebrows? I agree.

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How's the English dub compared to the original?

Nui is the one making the kamuis that Ryuko and Satsuki wear. She is the "grand couturier" she is explained to be able to manufacture them.
Not the covers but the kamuis. Remember Satsukis people could not create 100% life fibre uniforms.

Nui is a spoiled bitch. And thats what makes her hot.

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Her big twintails are super hot to me

Dub's good. Haven't watched the sub, and I honestly don't think it matters, since there's always gonna be a legion of people saying that dubs are the work of the devil and should never ever be watched.

Except I thought Ragyo made Junketsu?

Stop trying to reason with it.

Her moms eyebrows are even better.

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fuck no, she looks like that bitch from 101 dalmatians

But which one smells better?

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They both smell great. Ryuko's hair smells warm and nice like she's been in the sun, Satsuki is silky smooth and smells flowery.

Nui VS Mako fight NEEDED to fucking happen. It'd be like this, but with way better production values:

Satsuki's mom washed her thoroughly. Ryuko has spent a large part of her life homeless or living with Mako's family that can barely afford food.

The one with actual money

Satsuki because she doesn't live in a hovel.
She probably also has thinner body odor.
I'd also lap up her boob sweat in a heartbeat.

My Hero One's Justice was pretty decent all things considered. If KLK IF is at least on par with that and not with something like Jump Force then it's at least worth a shot.

If the story splits from episode 8, what changes do you expect to see?

If Pokken counts as an Arena Fighter, then that's good, since it's a legitmately competitive game and is really well balanced.

But it's far closer to other traditional fighters then it is other arena fitghters

>keep the first half up until Nui shows up
>keep playing it straight instead of le epic trigger plot twist
>keep /ourguy/
and then do what said
I don't know if Trigger thinks its like fucking funny they keep doing the "lol aliens" end up in space shit but it was tiresome even towards the end of Gurren Lagann.

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