Game has an unavoidable bittersweet ending that comes out of nowhere

>Game has an unavoidable bittersweet ending that comes out of nowhere

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Why did he become a hobo at the end

his job was done

Because he learned how to break space and time with spiral power and doesn’t want to have entire worlds to know that it’s possible. So he just left to help the world as a helper rather than a leader.
He’s probably immortal honestly.
It’s also why he didn’t revive Nia, because what would be stopping him from letting anyone die.

Did you even pay attention to the story? That's who he truly was. He was just acting the part to save the universe, but once it was all done, he reverted back to doing what he does best: digging holes and being alone.

>Westtard developer rips off a japanese classic wholesale
Any other examples of this?
GoW and DMC

Because in based and redpilled Japan, you can never be more than the slave you were born to be.

I can’t get over how fucked that ending was.
Sure even if Jack goes back in time at least give the rest of the cast a line about being fine with nonexistance if there’s a world without Aku.
Like holy fuck

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God, Samurai Jack was so shit. That last season started strong, but was a train wreck in slow motion.

deret this desu

You can clearly tell that the whole thing was rushed as fuck. The idea could have worked but shoving in a fanfic tier character as a means to give the story a conclusion was a bad decision. Hell I would I have been fine with Jack simply returning to the past by himself.

>because what would be stopping him from letting anyone die.
No that's a dumb fucking argument. He could have have let himself get this one for once in his life.

I wouldn't call it a train wreck in slow motion. It was one of those things that was good until it just suddenly wasn't. The way they paced it was horrible, and the consequences of pretty much all of the pacing issues finally reared their issues halfway in.

The best part about that shitstorm were the dozens of threads spammed on Yea Forums
Any shitposter with half a brain could've written a better ending than that trainwreck, and they did

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why do that when he could revive Kittan? or Kamina, or his parents?

>Sequel/Spiritual successor tries to recreate the feelings you got when you played the original
>It fails

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What grounds would he have to revive his lover over Kittan, or hell Kamina

He's better than succumbing to his desires user.

>game has npcs who are afraid to where they belong so they go somewhere they aren't supposed to

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What games allow me to kick out all logic and do the impossible ?

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I can defend most of S5 as being a story that needed like 12-13 episodes being crammed into 10, as many of the story beats were done well and there was a lot of the original charm with some new aspects due to being on [as]. But I just can't defend the ending. The final scene, the one of Jack sitting alone under a tree as the sun rises and the color fills in as he accepts that despite what he gave up in the future, he has saved the past, was fucking great, as was Jack coming back to the moment he was sent to the future to BTFO Aku, but the Totally Not Gurren Lagann shit was infuriating, and this was after "ASHI, YOU HAVE ALL OF AKU'S POWERS" which was pretty dumb in the first place after a really good first half of the episode (The one Jack/Scotsman moment we got was tops).

IF you were to keep everything as-is through the defeat of Aku in the past, completely ignoring ways to repace the season, change how Jack gets a portal, etc. then you have her dissipate MUCH sooner and give the wedding scene's air time to something that addresses Aku's future; either that it disappears and the people there accept it, or that Multiverse theory prevails and they rebuild.

I still liked S5 overall in spite of all those issues, and consider its first three episodes among the best in the entire series.

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Pure fucking kino

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That reddit-tier cuckshit better not be your idea of a good ending.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>13 years since Persona 3
>12 years since Gurren Lagann

>tfw never finished samurai Jack s5
I was like on episode 6 and I kinda stopped caring.

I think you should finish it for closure's sake. It's definitely paced way too quickly, but I think the season has more good than bad. Episode 7 in particular is 2.5 episodes worth of content fit into 1 but nothing's particularly wrong with the story in it outside of how fast they do it. Episode 8 is shit on because it's mostly dedicated to establishing that Jack & Ashi are falling for each other but there's a lot of good action scenes in it. Episode 9 is shit on because people didn't like the way it addressed a loose end of the original seasons but it's pretty good. Episode 10's first half is fantastic but then the second half is what I talked about here:

I won't lie, I felt kind of sad at the end of the Journey.

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Simple, people who die natural deaths = okay, don't resurrect them, people who die in accidents and unfair shit = revive them dude, spend your time with your loved ones
Prepare to cry

That’s just life user

Everyone should play Asura's Wrath

Fun game, never bought the DLC

>Expected a long dramatic battle
>Just fights long enough to free ashi and goes back in time to kill the already half dead Aku

I saw the time travel through Ashi coming but fuck whoever thought there didn't need to be a definitive battle with the Aku who's been tormenting him for 50 fucking years. At least for how shitty KH3's final few seconds are Sora actually fucking fought Xehanort at his most powerful.

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>kill the closest thing to God in the universe by bending space time
>lose the love of your life as a result

The only thing a "good" entity would do at that point is slip away into obscurity. But yes it does raise the question "How do you keep yourself from stepping in?" I think it's better to leave the question unanswered because you really can't answer it.

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No, he can't. By destroying the anti-spirals they were now responsible for preventing the spiral nemesis. And a big part of that is gonna have to be accepting the bad shit that happens and showing the same determination the Anti-spirals did in not just reality haxxing away their troubles.


So was Lagann alive or not?

Wouldn't you revive your loved ones at least? Even if a horrible accident interrupts their natural deaths? You don't have to revive everyone who ever existed but why not use the powers to help those who are closest to you?

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A lesser man would give into his selfish desires but Simon learned death was important to life with the passing of Kamina.
Simon wouldn’t be half the man he was if Kamina hadn’t died.

The whole point of the series since the pilot was that Jack had defeated Aku, fair and square, from the very beginning, and the time portal (and pretty much everything in Aku's future) were hurdles between winning the fight and dealing the final blow. Jack returning to that moment and deleting a shocked Aku was incredibly cathartic. There's much worse ideas in that finale than that.

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It was funny to see Aku get surprised with “you’re already back!?” But seriously it’s far more entertaining to watch a villain lose at full power

Did u rike it?

>DA SAM-OO-RAI didn't become Jack's protege

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Legit just finished gurren lagann yesterday. Possibly the manliest, balls-to-the-wall anime I've ever watched. tits, giant robots, and never saying die

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Episode 1
>are all the lights in the sky our enemies?
Episode 26
>the lights in the sky are our spiral cousins waiting for us

That's selfish

I get that resurrecting people disturbs the balance of life and death, but he could still use his spiral powers carefully to avoid abuse. Death is something we all have to accept but nobody wants to die prematurely, sickly or accidentally, so he could make an exception for cases where life has been abruptly interrupted. Simon is not a god, he doesn't have to constantly watch over other people's lives, but if he can use his powers to improve his own life and those who surround him then I don't get why he actively chooses to suffer.

so why did they turn Boota humanoid for like 30 seconds?

Spiral power basically doesn’t exist in a moderate state user