What will make you purchase a ps5 on day 1

what will make you purchase a ps5 on day 1

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Below $500, a bag of fries, if it’s backwards compatible and if they let me turn in my pro for $100 or so at GameStop.

Full fledged backwards compatibility, as in I can stick my disc in it

If I have to turn it on by dabbing.

The fact that it'll have incredibly low firmware so I can eventually hack it and get FREE GAMES

Backwards compatible, 300$ Price Tag, good games

theres not a single game on playstation 3 or 4 that made me buy those failed consoles so probably nothing

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Uncharted 5

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Not that ugly fucking controller.


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Full disc backwards compatibility for PS1-4


>tfw Sony doubles down on the "no backwards compatibility"
Buy our psnow, goy if you really want to play the classics

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If ALL of the following happen:
>Sony of California makes a public statement that they were wrong to censor games from Japan simply because they didn't understand or appreciate them and frankly were racist as fuck against Japanese. They will establish a firm anti-censorship policy and pledge to treat their audience as adults as they used to before.
>I can take any game disc from any version of PS1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and put it into a PS5 and it works perfectly without downloading anything.
>Reasonable cost and specs

That's it. I don't need a big day one exclusive (though it would help) or free online (though it would help). But I do want to be treated as a fucking grownup in my mid-thirties, and I do want that backward cock.

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Exclusive launch titles I give a shit about
I guess that's not gonna happen. When's the Xbox 4 coming out?

BC PS1-PS4, and a good trade in value for my Pro.

So I probably won't be buying one day 1.

Buying a console at launch is like the stupidest thing you can do

sony's already proven, after 4 generations, their home consoles are good investment. As long as they don't have a massive fuck up as a showing I'll get one. Not day 1 mind you, I'm not autistic enough to wait in lines or F5 websites against bots for something that'll probably only have 1 game for the first few months but will get one during the launch window

>below $500
eat shit, higher priced consoles with better hardware are a necessity moving forward. If phones are $1000, consoles don't have to be under $500

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why do the idiots who make these mock-ups always ave really uncomfortable controller designs? who the fuck thinks that anyone would ever want to hold that thing in their hands?

Haha okay you dumb nigger. No ones gonna pay over 500 for a fucking console, remember the PS3?

$600 dollars in 2006 is different than $600 now you moron. The money also wasn't allocated on specs and the ps3 was around the same power as the 360

Okay you stupid fuck, how many people bought the XboxX and ps4 pro? phones are over $1000 because stupid fucks buy one every year. Normies are fucking retarded but they’re not retarded enough to spend over $400 for a gaming console.

Gravity Rush 3, MediEvil 3, or a new IP on par with those requests. 0% chance of happening otherwise.

600 dollars is 799 in cad. No one would buy that shit here.

Backwards compatibility with all the consoles. I'd even take a $600 model if I could put my old ps1-3 discs in.

>call someone a nigger
>not willing to pay a week's worth of salary for a 5-6 year investment for your favorite hobby

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>implying I don’t have a PC
Dumb nigger

>ps4 pro
quite a bit

eat shit leaf

a blow job from a qt azn gril

>If phones are $1000, consoles don't have to be under $500

Literally who the fuck pays $1000 ofor a phone except the very dumbest of niggers who don't understand how money works?

This, plus a new uncut Senran Kagura game as a launch title.

then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought

more people than those who buy all the consoles combined

>quite a bit
Yes compare it to the regular ps4 it’s nothing

>then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought
yeah, you’re the dumb fuck that wants to spend over $1000 for a console when you can obviously get a better Pc for thet amount of money, lmao!

>he wants consoles to be more expensive

Bad take, bad insight, never start a business in anything.

worthwhile games that are under 30$ at launch

60$ for cinematic movies is not worth it.

Flats all day. Fight me

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Games that I want to play

Sony would have to instantly stop their censorship bullshit. As it stands, I'm just going to go PC/Switch until Nintendo decides to put their next thing out. I'm not going to touch Full Body or anything else that's getting put on PS4 until they decide they want to stop being pozzed.

>Yes compare it to the regular ps4 it’s nothing
no shit you baboon it's only been out for half the time

>yeah, you’re the dumb fuck that wants to spend over $1000 for a console when you can obviously get a better Pc for thet amount of money, lmao!
yes because over $500 means over $1000, keep posting brainlet

I would only consider a $600 PS5 if it included PSVR or 1 year of PSplus and PSnow

Yes, you dumb fuck no one is going to pay over $500 for a console, like the other user said, never start a business because you obviously don’t know the audience for console gamers, lmao.

Even if you did get a new SK, Takaki got pretty shook up after the censorship BS started. He'd probably have PTSD and even now there's no guarantee that even Seven will be worth a damn.

Disgaea 6 + the system having an old school boot up screen with a whirr sound effect

im poor and i recognize the necessity of +500 dollar consoles, and i have a nice pc

keep bitching about underpowered hardware, retards

>phones are $1000
Maybe if you're bad at handling money, and don't know anything beyond the newest iPhone.

If the backwards compatibility all the way to PS1 is true, I'm game.

Stop it, you'll make me sad again. I feel bad for Takaki.

including PSVR would mean reducing the specs of the console, hell no

this, I'm convinced anyone screeching is an underage idiot

No, all the weeb shit is moving over to the Switch. All that will be left on snoy is multiplat and diversity bullshit. I'm going where the big tiddies at.

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A good game

>idiots thinking any normalfag is going to pay over $600 for a console
>he thinks consoles are targeted towards Le epic gamers
the average nigger and spic family won’t be able to buy one and sony or Microsoft will be losing money just to produce the thing. Goddamn Yea Forums is fucking retarded

Death threats or blackmail

Nah they're objectively superior. Drums are for low IQ babies.

there are people in the world who don't know how to eat flats properly
they try to eat it like drums like retards

>Paying more than 299$ for a console
Get bend nigger

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$300 gets you fischer price tablet tier hardware

If it can play switch games.

>500$ is a week salary
Stay poor poorfag

This 100%

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The only reason they even get a pass is they can pay month on it
100$ upfront then 50$ a month isn’t as bad as 500$ all that one time

The majority of Yea Forums is underage now and it fucking shows. The absolute asspain over more expensive consoles is them not imagining being able to scrounge up 200 more dollars, and trying to sound smart about video games for remembering the 600 dollar PS3. That was 13 years ago.

Absolutely based

>$500 is a weeks worth of salary
holy shit, that's embarrassing

then a console being over $500 shouldn't be a problem to you, I was using the utmost lowest I could possibly think off (outside of third world shit)

yeah, any adult who takes 2 seconds to think about it realizes consoles over $500 would amount to a better generation of non shit tech

No nigger is pay 600$ before games for a console.

Actually pretty true which is why i'm close to accepting the shame and just buying a switch.

Nothing, anyone with any sense knows not to buy consoles on launch if they don't plan to hack it.

299$ was the launch price of a PS4 slim and when the PS4 really started taking off
Oops know your facts retard

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Oh I can afford it
The reason I can is because I don’t spend money on overpriced shit.
299 is the magic number
Otherwise kill yourself

ps4 is running on a 15 year old CPU basis with the jaguar

>PS4 really started taking off
ps4 took off from the start and had continuous growth. In fact, the years the slim was released was the lowest gain from the previous year

>299 is the magic number
for garbage toddler tier tablets, sure

No one buys consoles for horsepower, you idiot. The entire prospect of them lies in their cost efficiency, damn near every console that has ever put forth power before affordability has failed in the past.


there's a limit, if games later on cannot support at least a stable 30 fps (should be 60fps but poorfags will cry at the price), then it's too weak

This I mean look at the 3DS that faggot was weaker than an IPhone 3GS yet sold 85 Million units for being cheap to buy, easy to develop for and piss easy to use
Those Win GDP things are barely more powerful than the Switch but they’re far too expensive for the average normie

Considering Wii and Switch are things that have experienced wild commercial success I'm compelled to disagree.

the 3DS is the lowest selling nintendo handheld of all time

switch has a monopoly on handhelds (still sold less than ps4 in 2018), wii was a fluke that captured a fleeting audience that no longer exists (are now phone fags). WiiU and 3DS sold the least of their respective platforms

This might be a stupid question but..does better hardware on the console mean the console will be more expensive?

yes, although sometimes stupid shit can drive the price up instead like bundled in kinect with the original xbone

>what will make you purchase a ps5 on day 1
actual games for a start

Does better hardware cost more than weaker hardware?

Probably not
By the time it releases, I'll have another gaming PC again, and not have to worry about biennial console purchases. Especially after the PS3, where I had a Slim, Ultra-slim, and Original with full PS2 backwards compatibly, the first gen is ALWAYS a glorified beta model. I mean, I explicitly looked for the original PS3 model, only to give away to a co-worker because it was so damn loud, and that was AFTER replacing the thermal paste and getting a more energy efficient PSU.

Hell, even the PS4 has.....
>Original launch model (which has several manufacturing defects)
In fact, I got my first PS4 by picking up a 'defective' model and fixing the HDMI port, where they forgot to bend back the metal punchout
>First-gen refresh (matte top)
>Pro refresh (quieter fan--relaxed fan curve?)
>Slim refresh?

Maybe, MAYBE if they have easily fixable defective models like the PS4, I'll pick one up, but probably for a good year, my PS4 was a Bloodborne machine.

how about some fucking good video games instead of two years of mediocre spinoffs

The fucking PS2 supported 60fps 3D games. It literally does not matter how powerful you make the machine unless it can actually simulate reality, the average console developer is still going to go as far as they can to make their game look pretty in screenshots even if it drags the game down to a silky smooth 24 fps with drops.

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3DS did not sell worse than Vita, PS4 was always affordable because it launched at $400, and WiiU was beyond PS3 levels of hubris.

I don't know. I'm tech illiterate. That's why I don't own a gayming PC.

The VII remake being a launch title

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censorship and Movie games oh what a great deal. fuck sony

3ds still sold less than every other nintendo handheld and was a huge drop from the ds

Wii U wasn't hubris it was just a long chain of bad decisions that led into a death spiral.
PS3 (and what seems to be PS5) is pure hubris, PS2 sold like hotcakes because it was a DVD player and had a pretty respectable lineup, so then they tried to shit on everyone thinking they had the market.
MS has been a joke for its entire existence and while sony's base does partially overlap with nintendo's they seem to think they're king shit of fuck mountain again and are going to ruin ps5 over it

Another digimon world 1 sequel

Any budget laptop now can play any old PC exclusive worth acknowledging. I wouldn't go PC for newer games unless you REALLY want to.

Bloodborne 2 (or another from soft exclusive) and another cool game, I don't buy consoles for one game

Still waiting for a reason to buy a PS4

Backwards compatible with PS1 to PS4 discs

Cope harder snoyboy

Backwards compatibility. Complete.

lol and the original PSX, I guess you're too young to remember that though

>wanting better hardware makes me a sony fan

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wanting better hardware over games makes you a retard, yes

Ps3/4 backwards compatibility,console is aesthetically pleasing,at least 3 big games first month

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I bite past the smaller of the 2 bones and then peel them away from each other and eat it out like they're a big titty bitch with her legs spread am I doing it right

True I suppose, but sitting pretty at around 70 million isn't exactly a failure too.

WiiU was part hubris, Nintendo had way too much faith in the Wii brand even though its appeal died in like 2009. Calling it WiiU not only failed to get the casuals to jump back in again but they didn't even know it was a new console, they just made it sound like an add-on.

>$300 in 1995 is the same as $300 in 2019
I guess you're too young to have taken a basic lesson in inflation

what makes you think these two are mutually exclusive? I want both

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Absolutely nothing, I always wait for the Slim models at this point

>but they didn't even know it was a new console, they just made it sound like an add-on.
I still think this is the main reason it died. Not even people on here or people whose literal job it was to report on news knew that it was a new console for a little while since they only showed off the gamepad.

how about wanting both you shit eating faggot

No it isn’t it’s on par with the gameboy
The DS was just that big
Funny enough looking at the hard numbers the WiiU didn’t really do that bad actually.
Compared to RROD Xbox 360 and 599$ PS3 the WiiU only walked walk with a slap on the wrist and about 400 Million in losses.
Compared to literal billions lost last gen WiiU had it easy

>The 3DS sold poorly
>No it didn't
>But it sold worse than other nintendo handhelds
>actually my argument was about hardware this entire time!

I have a group of ps4 Bros and we all have big Playstation parties to talk and hang out in while we game every single day for the passed few years. A few months ago I bought a gaming pc and haven't played a game on my Playstation since but I still turn it on everyday to join the party and hang out with them while I pc game. When the ps5 comes out I hope to fuck I'll be able to talk to them still on my ps4 or I swear to god I'll buy the ps5 just so I don't lose those parties.

Have most of these retards never finished high school nor been to a 9th grade economics class?

What's a good laptop for emulation? Mostly ps2 and down?

Nintendo generally doesn't sell consoles at a loss so WiiU flopping probably didn't'f hurt THAT bad. It is telling that it never formally received a price drop, though.

Vita 2

Dunno, I actually don't emulate much. PC isn't my platform of choice.

I don't understand why anyone buys consoles on launch. The only reasons to own a console are exclusives and lower cost compared to PC. By buying at launch you are buying the console at it's highest price while it has the fewest exclusives. I don't get it.

$399 with a strong launch lineup, something like 10 or so quality games of various genres. The PS4 launch was just embarrassing

Yeah basically this. Estival Versus is what finally got me to get a PS4. As it stands Sony can suck it as all weeb games going forward seem to be hitting switch as well.

what are you on about you baboon?

>but they didn't even know it was a new console, they just made it sound like an add-on.

Can't even blame the casuals for that one. The reveal was so bad even I thought it was a Wii add-on despite being a major Nintendofag.

Thanks for the help any way user =]

The only part of your post I care about is the middle part. Don't care if my jap games gets censored (so long as its not meaningful gameplay getting cut) because I have exhentai, and cost/specs isn't a factor because I have a PC and will pay WHATEVER the fuck I have to to have a playstation that can play all playstation titles regardless of format. They could make it only as powerful as a modern mid-range PC and they'd still get up to 700 from me if I can just have full BC. Being able to play from disks would be nice and incentivize me getting into collecting more physical but as long as it plays the content I want (the entire playstation library) idgaf. It could be all digital for all I care, I'll just get a 4tb of the right form factor HDD.

Everything you posted would be the IDEAL yeah, but BC is probably going to make or break getting a PS5 for me. There's no excuse for not having BC at this point, especially when their primary competition is making huge leaps for it themselves.

no, you're supposed to it like a dick. deep throat it then suck the meat off

>suggest consoles should have at least be $500 dollars to facilitate non-shit hardware
>NEETS, underage, and third worlders come out of the woodwork to autistically screech
every time, shut the fuck up and save up money from mommy and daddy while the adults talk about smart investments

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The PS5 will have an even worse launch line up. Better hardware= higher graphical demands = longer dev times.

Considering the retarded shit they pulled off current gen with hem releasing multiple iterations of the same console, no. I'll wait till the "pro" comes out.

But user, there won’t be a ps5, sonny is going streaming

the same kind of people who finance a car 300% over what they can reasonably afford and go into an inescapable cycle of constant debt (ie most people)


True I’m just interested to see how much weight the 3DS had to carry with the WiiU falling flat on its face

Go back and look at those WiiU commercials. They always sell it as an "upgrade", not its own thing. How this came from the same company that came up with "Wii would like to play" is mind boggling.

really made me think, you kiddies need to shut the fuck up. $500 should be the MINIMUM for non-shit hardware. If you disagree, stick with the switch's garbage hardware and shut the fuck up. Inb4 sonygro or whatever, I have a switch

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The entire point of a console is that it's an affordable but underpowered computer. If you want to pay more money for something more powerful then get a computer retard

Nothing. When was the last time a console game out with more than 1 quality launch title?

I'll wait for the revision/upgrade, thanks.

has there ever been a console that had full back compat? I guess the first Wii's is the only one I can think of that isn't a handheld

>$399 or less
>BC with psx, ps2, ps3 and ps4

There's a lot of people who don't know how to eat wings, period. It pains me to see people throwing away wings with big chunks of meat on them.

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Good performance
Bringing back their good game series
No more cinematic crap
No more censorship
No paid online

I will admit I almost became a launch Cuck for BOTW but luckily that shit was completely sold out so by the time I got a Switch in fucking October I had like 6 other games I wanted making the price justified

>one payment of $500 for 5-6 years is unaffordable
like I said, shut the fuck up and let the adults talk

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It should have some games.

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Xbot with large X360/Xbone digital library here.
I'll probably buy PS5 if it gets real BC with PS2-4 support. Then I'll prolly collect all of the games I have missed out over years, play them and sell it back.

I’d rather have several small AA games than 3 AAA ones

You can finance most phones direct from manufacturer for 0% interest. Not saying its justified that phones are 1g nowadays but just sayin a phone is one of the easiest things you can pay off without getting fucked.

then there should be 2 versions, one that’s more expensive and one thats cheap for all the sad little poorfags. i just want to play modern exclusives at 1080p 60fps is that too much to fucking ask for

>not affordable
has to be underage

>Good performance
does not compute

The ps4 came out in 2012 you idiot

They will absolutely not do the first one but the other two are likely. The best you can hope for on the censorship thing is that they quietly lighten up on it.

Nothing really, it will probably have like 5 worthwhile exclusives after being out for like 4 or 5 years, so I'm gonna wait.

Absolutely nothing. I will never, ever, purchase a new console on release. Because there will always be >no games, and every other time I've bought a console day one, there has been some sort of fault in the first revision that means that I have to go out and buy a new one 6 months later when they've fixed some dumb ass mistake like an incorrectly mounted motherboard or a shoddy disc reader.
>inb4 called a nintendope or an xbot
nope. Despite the ludicrous costs of building one from scratch, I prefer building a PC because I dont have to replace the entire fucking unit at full price just because one component was manufactured for the lowest price in a shitty Chinese sweat shop.

Yeah, if you want to turn customers away and fail to make a profit. I mean, look at Xbone and how it straddled that $500 price point. MS hasn't released sales figures for the thing in years, I'll be surprised if Switch doesn't outsell it by this time next year.

Hey retard if you're willing to drop a grand for a phone and think $500 is too low for a console then your retard zoomer incel nigger faggot ass could build a PC.
But I bet youre the kind of faggot that worships soulsborne

and I'm talking about what the ps5 should cost. PS4 was too weak, as was the Xbone with the shitty jaguar based CPU

>People saying that if you think 599 is unaffordable you're underage
and you know what anons? the vast majority of people who buy consoles ARE underaged, 13 year olds get them as birthday presents
there's a reason the ps3 was such a laughing stock

2013, actually.

FF7R. I'll hate myself for it and you know that's what they're doing.

The Wii was just lighting in a bottle.
Speaking of Wii would like to play
Where the fuck is Switch Sports Resort
I need to go up against the immortal god Demon Matt again

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post the original one next time, it's not like there's been anything good since it was made

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>>I can take any game disc from any version of PS1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and put it into a PS5 and it works perfectly without downloading anything.
That is never going to happen using emulation, there will be downloads and some games won't work.

A release title that isn't as fucking embarassingly bad as The Order 1886.
I wonder if Ready at Dawn looks at it with embarassment, like a family in the 13th century looked at kids with deformities.

A 2000 dollar price tag to keep poor people the fuck out

>$500 price point
yeah, and that price was because of the shit kinect, not the console which was weaker than the ps4. Also no gaems

are you retarded? I'm saying there's absolutely nothing wrong with consoles costing a minimum of $500. Learn to read pajeet

>does not compute
Maybe if you're a retarded sonyfag.

Get that corporate dick out your ass and Fuck off

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>i just want to play modern exclusives at 1080p 60fps is that too much to fucking ask for
you literally can, for the last 10 years, on something called a fucking computer. If that's too hard for a brainlet like you then yes you're asking too much

Flat. And spicy. Like my women.

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had to stop scrolling through that list, too many memories

>500 should be the MINIMUM for non-shit hardware.
You stupid nigger.

>Not that poster, but frankly the 3DS's success surprised the fuck out of me
>Competed against a subjectively/objectively better handheld
>Gimmicky 3D that most people kept off
>Relatively shit battery life
>Too weak to effectively play 3D games
>Asinine account management--games tied to the actual system

I'll admit to saying it, but I wish Nintendo would just go to making console games and mobile games--I don't need to be playing console games on mobile devices, and I don't need to take my console outside. At the very least, if you're going to pull another Switch on us, at least make the docking station worthwhile and actually allow you to tether storage on it, instead of having us to resort to microSD cards.

Please, Nintendo, can you make a fucking competent system for once?

>no japanese exclusives
>no games, even less than the PS4, the president said
>first 3 years probably nothing just like the PS3 and PS4
Why the fuck would anyone buy this shit on launch?

corporate dick? $500 is nothing, and I'm not limiting this to any company. Nintendo, sony, and microsoft consoles should cost that MINIMUM moving forward

Backwards compatibility.and 4K Blu-ray player.

Xbone X also launched at $500, sometimes still sits around there even now.


That's the opposite of what I said you retard. If you have money to spend and want power then get a pc and you'll get more power than a console can ever give. If $500 is nothing then get a $1000 pc that objectively beats anything a console can do by miles. Consoles are for poorfags

and the XBX is the only time microsoft has had relevance this generation

>$500 is nothing
Good then it should be less because not even the ps4, controller included camr close to the price tag in manufacturing and parts costs. In other words 500 should be the absolute maximum a system should be.

>buying consoles on day one
Why would you do this to yourself?

explain how it was possible to play a game like Bloodborne, a ps4 EXCLUSIVE on pc at launch, go ahead i’ll wait Mr. Brain Power

Nothing, I don't have money.

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Maybe they can release a Pro version at the same time as the basic version on launch day.

You play one of the three Dark Souls games on PC and don't use a shield.

a price drop
seriously, PS4 for 200$ on Black Friday was too much for the amount of games it has

I would be more than happy doing that (and I do, I have a PC), but most of the best games are locked to sony/nintendo consoles

Backwards compatibly with all ps discs psp umd and Vita cards. Charge me 800 and I'd still buy it.

You live in a bubble if you think that would lead to commercial success. Sony, MS, Nintendo, they're all businesses and therefore want to make a profit. What you're suggesting would likely flop and there's due preceding evidence (like the PS3's early days) to believe that.

Backwards compatible with all previous Sony console game discs.

It having as many good games to it as the PS2, or being as good as that console was overall.

how do I alleviate the shit level design of the second half of DaS and all of 2/3

>like the PS3's early days
$600 in 2006 that didn't go into good specs is a completely different issue

Except it wasn't relevant a month after it launched, MS faded back into the shadows.

>for 5-6 years
>plus online payments of $9.99 (round up to $10 for convenience) per month
>5-6 years = 60-72 months
>an additional $600-$720 by the end of that 5-6 year estimate for online services
>plus heavily taxed and high priced games at ~$80 each
>assuming you get one new game every 6 months, thats 10-12 games
>10-12 games at $80 each = $800-$960
>$500 base price + $600-720 = $1100-$1220
>plus games is $1900-$2180
Your $500 console actually will cost you up to $2,180 by the end of it's life time, assuming you never buy additional hardware, don't buy more than 1 new title every 6 months, and pay for the online subscription too. And thats before we consider the additional cost of electricity to run it (which can be ruled out of the equation in comparisons as it would be spent anyway), the internet connection (also a factor that can be ruled out). The price can come down if you buy games on sale or stick to cheaper titles, though.

unless the console played every game from that company ever, personally sucked your dick, and made santa real, no one is going to pay $600 for a base console

PS3 was technically more powerful than 360, it was just a bitch and a half to program for.

Lying nigger. You're so obviously a console fag that you're begging to be charged more money for something less powerful than a machine you claim to already own. You're a brainlet too stupid to understand how computers work so you buy consoles because you think they're easier

Legacy support

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60fps bloodborne

>$2,180 in 6 years
you went through the trouble of making your list, but you didn't realize this is virtually nothing?

A new .hack// game.


it was, but the gap was too small, the money didn't justify it. The $600 went to stupid shit like early blue ray instead of specs

believe what you want, I don't care. I just don't want shit hardware

>You'll say while begging for said games

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I wouldn't buy a console on launch nor do I say it's a good idea, but I can see some hardcore call of duty/fifa or whatever fans buying the new console to play those games.

They'll probably release the new game on the last generation too, but judging from my experience with Black Ops 4 on the slim, I really doubt it'll be a great experience.

I make more than that in a month and I by no means have a lucrative job

they saw jewsoft and nintendo making big buck off of it and followed the trend

This plus Bloodborne 60fps patch.

Attached: 1498530529142.jpg (266x324, 28K)

your example proves most of the cost isn’t even the console itself, a flat $150-$200 increase for example is hardly anything especially over 6 years. assuming you get an adequate performance boost with the extra cost that would make it much more justifiable and arguably could make the the system stay relevant for longer.

If you don't want shit hardware then build a PC. Most people actually don't care THAT much about console hardware.

no, the ps3 infrastructure was retarded and they dropped it. Should still have had ps1/2 though


Demons Souls 2

>at GameStop
Mate by the time the PS5 launches, GameStop will have probably closed down like at least 1/3rd if not half of their stores.

>$120 a year online
maybe if you buy a fuckload of monthly subscriptions instead of a few yearly ones

burnout 3 remaster

honestly based opinion. my only critique is that if you're paying over $500 for a console why not just fuckin get a pc at that point. sony exclusives are great but to me.. not worth having a $1000 Gaming PC and then going out and getting another $1000 piece of hardware.

>I just don't want shit hardware
Yes you clearly do you retarded consolefaggot. Consoles are literally for children's birthday presents because their parents don't know how computers work and stupid niggers like you who can be scammed out of money for outdated technology.

Also for Demon's Souls so it runs at least the same as an emulator.

This desu, most I’ve spent on a console is 250 for a used PS4.

>Full fledged backwards compatibility, as in I can stick my disc in it

Fucking this, it would let me clean up my entertainment center finally. God knows I wouldn't get a PS5 just for new games, considering the huge decline in Sony's library.

back to r/masterrace faggot

How come whenever someone designs there own take on a console it usually cones out as the worst looking shit imaginable?

>Wahhhhhh I can’t see anime boobs!


PS5 can be a literal no games if they do this

Unfortunate. Historically with consoles the one with the lower specs/price point sells better than the higher specs one. It's at least true of PS1, PS2 and Wii. Hell, it's even true of the Gameboy which was probably the weakest major handheld of the 90s.

oh, and no paid-online
or one that I can scam, just like the current one

Full, REGION-FREE backwards compatibility. It was such bullshit that the PS3 itself was region-free but only for gen 7 titles.

I don't think any console is worth buying day 1, or even year 1. Most consoles don't get any games until they're a year or two old, and they get a price drop too.

Just give me Gran Turismo 7. I don't care if it's on PS4 or PS5. I just want a decent racing game that doesn't require me to buy an Xbox or use the some botnet OS like Windows 10.

a new megaman legends title at launch

Enjoy your coping. Keep justifying spending hundreds on 10 year old laptop technology because you're too stupid to learn something new

This. Not buying a Sony product again until they reverse their retardedness

>not calling them wings and dings

I wanted to leave the comparisons to those reading but sure, I'll spell it out for you.
>$2,180 over the course of 6 years
>Limited to titles made specifically for your console or """backwards compatible""" titles.
>meanwhile, over on pc... pcpartpicker.com/guide/X77Ycf/great-amd-gamingstreaming-build this machine costs about $1,100 off the bat.
>so for the next 6 years you have $1,080 to spend on games and upgrades to stay at the same budget range as a playstation.
>The average price for a game on steam (not counting games below $5 as most of those are garbage) is difficult to determine, but at a glance appears to be $40-60, depending on sales and the publisher/developer.
>Lets say you get a new game every 6 months on steam exclusively, just to make the math easier. Thats 12 games priced between $40-60, or $480-$720. You still have another $360 to spare.
>no premium online service requirements.
Off the bat, the console appears to be the cheaper solution, but in the long run PC gaming works out to be cheaper. This is due to PC having a more competitive market not only for parts and other components but also for games (Steam, Epic Games, GOG, etc). When you buy a game for a console, your choices are get it in store or get it online from the console manufacturer, and usually the prices are fixed to be identical no matter the source (this is confirmed in Nintendo's case).
I will admit from the perspective of someone who has never built a computer before and has exclusively played console, they may simply prefer the more relaxed approach. I'm simply stating that from a purely financial perspective, it is more logical to build a PC.

>implying you always want to tie yourself down to a 1 year subscription that you might not use
I did say there were ways to reduce that cost. Buy less games, annual subscriptions, these all bring it down.

hopefully sony can take a cue from nintendo's first year and bring out heavy hitters. Horizon 2 is a must. And then they can take another cue to avoid their abhorrent second year

how do you scam it?

>not calling them flaps and legs
shame on you

Some games other than spiderman that interest me, otherwise I'll only get an xbox

Make a new account on your ps4, get the free 2-day trial, all accounts on the ps4 get access to the discounts

it's on their EULA :3
you can't use the free games, discounts or the cloud saving feature, but fuck those, I just want to play online

I have a PC, I also want a non-shit ps5 for exclusives

If it retails for $299.00

Then go for it, your money dude. I'm not stopping you.

PC faggots don't understand people want to play other things that aren't multiplat or flavor of the month shit, don't even try to reason with them

unfortunately it's not up to me if my ps5 will have shit hardware, unlike my PC

Yeah, the Switch is an exception to consoles having no games in their first year. The PS4 has a good library right now, but it had no games until 2015. I don't expect the PS5 to be much different, though, because the PS3 had no games until 2007 or 2008 and the PS2 had no games until 2001.

>PS2 had no games until 2001.
it had armored core 2, which is better than any modern console release tittle. I agree on the ps3 and ps4 tho, and for modern consoles, the switch did have a good start sure.

jrpgs and fighting games.

But they're both wings

Then wait until the specs are never announced. I wouldnt expect >60fps due to the perceived waste on 60hz tvs, but you'll probably get 60fps standard across all games
Maybe 60fps 4k, but I'm not too familiar with the hardware requirements for that.

Hope you realize that's not going to make me reverse my decision, marketer-kun.

I can't think of an application for it

He says, immediately after the PC fag posts a reply showing he understands people want to play other things...

Attached: retardalert.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Microsoft lost 4 billion when they launched the first xbox


Yeah, it had some stuff in 2000, but nothing that sold the console for most people. Its library didn't really start being REALLY good until 2001, because GTA 3, Ico, DMC, Jak and Daxter and MGS2, etc came out.

Exclusives that aren't some 3rd person over the shoulder cinematic press x to Shawn movies and Ape Escape

It had me sold at Sucks your dick
If it doesn’t do that it’s shit

I want cheat codes in every Playstation exclusive moving forward where pressing X causes your character to scream SHAAAAAAAAUN. Even something like Gravity Rush.

>tfw no cheat code to have kat speak cute fantasy french on demand

Attached: black kat.png (774x929, 330K)

You could do that with some gestures. I think the kali pose did that, for example.

Video games

full backwards compatability with ps3 ps2 ps4 and ps1

pluss free online and region free

also no witcher 3 port that game sucks DICK

Big bucks off of what?
Because Nintendo and Microsoft systems have BC bar the switch.


It has to have free online. Since that won't happen, I'll probably get a PS5 late in its life if it has:
>BC for PS2 - PS4 games
>Also capable of playing digital PSP and Vita games
If it doesn't have this it'll be another generation I'll completely ignore the console unless I can get it for ridiculously cheap, if at all.

A paying job that directly requires playing ps5 games.

Ape Escape 4.

>under $350
>full backwards compatibility
>games playable off the fucking disc without the annoying download and install shit
>actual launch titles that interest me. Preferably something Crash or Spyro tier
>no focus on cinematic games for the console
>controller is duelshock 4 or better comfort wise with an actual battery life this time
>no forced VR bundle

honestly that’s really it and it wouldn’t be that hard. Not like graphics can get that much better so backwards compatibility would be the main selling point for me. Also installing game discs instead of just playing them off the disc is a deal breaker for me and is why I don’t like PS4 or Xbone. I miss popping a cartridge in my N64 and turning it on and everything was immediately ready to play.

Launch PS5 with Dreams and Then Last of Us 2.

You can't convince me because the the PS4 and PS3 had like no games for half their lifespans. Now they're forcing all the Japanese companies to censor all their games. Wouldn't buy it at launch even if it was 100 dollars.

I would honestly sacrifice GR3 to obtain Bloodborne 2. Sorry Kat, the temptation won me over.

> Below 500 bucks
> Built in media server without cinevia
> 2 controllers
> Free game [Horizon zero Dawn]
> 3 months of free ps network

PS3 had a 7 year life, and no games for 2 years. PS4 so far has a 6 year life, no games also for 2 years. It's more like a third.

Let me put in Jak X in my PlayStation one last time.