This is what kids nowadays masturbate to
This is what kids nowadays masturbate to
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If kids are masturbating to fat butts I don't think we have anything to worry about.
That's true
Is there something wrong with it?
>retarded inflated-looking ass
why do you guys like this shit?
Kids are based.
>boomers are upset with this
Good thing kids nowadays aren't massive faggots
Nice video games, phone posting scum
Better than those sexual health shows and Girls Gone Wild commercials that I used to fap to.
They should be masturbating to big fat titties. Butts are degenerate, poop comes from there.
Apex is so much better gameplay-wise, but Fortnite has the fappable characters.
They should be masterbating to both. I believe in equality.
You're autistic
this can't be from the game, can it?
t. boomer
Sorceress has a great butt, it would be immoral not to love it as much as you would her tits.
they have good taste then
They called it a glitch and patched it first day
That's not equality, that's indecisiveness. Pick a side, this is war.
Kids should NOT be masturbating to socialized cannibalism, you autistic disgusting degenerate. Butts are erotic and aesthetically pleasing.
It was actually in the game, but it was quickly removed because it was a "glitch".
maybe there is something to this fortnite after all
sqweeep plup plup plup
>Butts are erotic and aesthetically pleasing.
People want this to fail over APEx
Yes. You may not like it, but that's the fact jack. Even evolution recognizes this.
what, you tought everybody masturbated to gay porn just like you? kys
Do kids even like butts? I feel like butts is something you like when you're older. When you're younger it's all about big boobs on skinny girls.
damn I guess zoomers are based.
When I was a kid, I printed off a single page of maybe 3 or 4 pixelated pictures of naked chicks and hid it in a log in the woods for material.
Technically tits are sacks of fat but they are nice too.
If you're black, butts come first.
Americans, cunts censor anything, but are secretly perverted. Fucking hypocritical tarts
>Do kids even like butts? I feel like butts is something you like when you're older. When you're younger it's all about big boobs on skinny girls.
opposite for me, when I was 12 yo ish I could NOT comprehend why people liked boobs, it was all legs and butts for me, now I'm 21 and I do appreciate a nice pair of titties, but butt is obv more important, small tits x big butt is hot, flat ass + big tits is gross
What's the appeal of 3D modeled porn? Why not just watch real porn at that point? I don't get it
>that picture
So Breasts are, going by evolution, the perfected version of butts?
I masterbated to Pokemon as a kid
And Bowser
Man of culture i see
bet you're a faggot
>small tits x big butt is hot, flat ass + big tits is gross
3D modeled porn isn't restricted by human limitations of endurance and physical appearance.
bust it down thotiana
>games literally provide free fap-material to kids on demand
kids that don't grow up struggling to find and keep porn are inherently weak
Name a real porn video that looks like this
This. Tits Vs Ass arguments serve only to drive a schism between men, when unity should be the goal.
No, that would be faces.
>The findings of our study suggest that over human evolution the face took over important properties shared with the primate behind and largely replaced its socio-sexual signaling function, making our species attuned to faces.
who is she?
this is what americans masturbate to
The texture of the skin makes them look all rubbery, shiny, smooth. It does something to my hindbrain i cannot explain.
No explanation needed
>flat ass + big tits is gross
true. a girl must have at least a nice hips and a shapely butt
Tits are literally fat, and milk comes out of them, and pee comes out of vaginas my dude. Better get used to the fact that the body is made of organic kinda gross things. By the way, it's from the hole that poop comes out, not from the ass.
kids these days
I love Samus!
no sound
He's only talking about american kids aka a lost cause
Fuck off fag no one likes you
>Tits are literally fat, and milk comes out of them
I don't understand, how is that one gross?
>North Korea
Kim loves based butts
Fucking New York
butt men confirmed high test.
>North Korea
How??? Do they even have porn?
I was expecting a quick cut to porn involving avocados at some point.
>the car attempts to flee, removing her cover
>nearly runs her over
>fucks off
>small tits x big butt is hot, flat ass + big tits is gross
There are absolutely disgusting big and small titties and asses, and absolutely gorgeous big and small titties and asses, depending on shape more than anything
and there goes the thread
Avocado's have fats in them that goes right to your ass, so I'm all for this.
Why did avocados have to become a zoomer meme food?
I love guacamole.
Get that pedo shit away from me.
fake news
I can definitely say that a big butt without the hips to accomadate it isn't as appealing
Yea Forums logic
don’t think about it
Kimmy gettin busy
>avocado on toast
>probably 20 bucks
New York needs to be nuked
Have you seen fat? Human body fat? It's gross as fuck. The thought that what turns you on is a milk dispenser made up of fat, and wrapped in skin, is almost weird.
Big butts imply wide hips, which implies a woman is MADE FOR BREEDING. It's a biological imperative that breasts do not have. Small breasts also produce just as much milk as large breasts, just with less storage space.
i only fap to 200+
why would he need porn when he has a harem of comfort women, his wife is also a cutie
that's prob his generals
>The thought that what turns you on is a milk dispenser made up of fat, and wrapped in skin, is almost weird.
If we're gonna go that route then literally everything about sexuality and arousal is weird and gross.
To be fair, people in New York also earn a lot more as well.
I remember going there as a kid and seeing PS1 games for like 80 and 90$, it was fucking out-landish.
>Started in season 4 so I have the skin with the best butt
feels pretty good
>pee comes out of vaginas
Well for one, you're participating in cannibalism.
Exactly, that's why OP's logic isn't sound.
Idk but I always see a genderbend Haseo in her T.T
based brazilians
Big asses are irrelevant and not an indicator of a woman fertility unless you live in a shithole like Africa or South America,hips and breasts are all that matters.
3D porn is good as long as it isn't SFM garbage, christ i hate SFM it ruined 3d porn forever.
Better than them whacking it to Minecraft porn at least.
based as fuck
Did Americans just discover avocado?
Like, why do they have to make a meme out of everything? First was Quinoa (which is peasant food lmao). Then kale, now this.
Fucking dipshits. I was taking avocado and ham sandwiches to elementary 15 years ago.
Fat doesn't make you fat, carbs do.
>those oversized milkbags
Obviously the urine doesn't come out from the same canal that's used for intercourse, but pee certainly touches the outer region.
Do you have any idea what kind of degenerate shit kids used to masturbate to back in my day? The kids are alright.
Fortnite is smart, fucktons of waifus. Shit if I was a kid I'd probably be pulling my pudd to Fortnite too.
>liking avocados
fucking disgusting
>big hips without a big ass to back them up
What's wrong with you?
Did they actually
>be big guy, well built, not fat
>broad shoulders
>full head of hair
>6'2" tall
>8.5" penis
>always decently looking, groomed and dressed nicely
>non autistic personality
>still kissless virgin
Face is the only characteristic that women find attractive. If you have handsome face nothing else matters, if you don't nothing will help you.
>fat doesn't make you fat
all food in excess makes you fat. god you guys are retarded
At least they are not shitbags faggot
>literally porn-referenced posing
post more
>boobs vs butts
>no stomachs or thighs
Why not when those are the superior choices
E-explain further.
>one friend used to have a giant bin of furry porn he printed off the internet
>mfw me and another friend lit the whole thing on fire for grins and giggles
So calling someone assface is actually a compliment
Given she debuted after him, probably.
This is objectively false; all fertility idols throughout human history have had wide hips, which we all know make for easier childbirth, and large asses are the main indicator of such.
the whole joy of tits is not their size, but their firmness
What about Armpits vs Feets?
Potman here.
>wtf is referencing real objects/material for "art"?!
can you please be less of a virgin
Guys, both assfags and titfags, can we all agree on that foot niggers should be gassed
No shit
i think i understand cultural appropriation now
A meme fetish versus a literal bottom tier fetish.
It's hilarious reading what virgins think sex, boobs and ass feel like.
fartfags too
Armpits are meh (unless they're hairy) and feet are absolutely revolting disgusting degenerate trash
butts > stomachs > thighs > boobs
Despite how much ass fags vs. tit fags argue, we can all agree footfags are degenerates
I was talking about fertility,what looks better depends on your race, red countries are destined to failed eternally because they still focus on the inferior part.
Wide hips have nothing to do with how much your ass is pronounced,zero.
Both are strange, but for me armpits are more sensual, they're soft and warm, at least you can rub your dick in them properly, feet are harder and colder, and don't resemble much, armpits are also moist (same as vaginas), you can lick them for a similar salty sensation
I don't get it either. At least with kale and quinoa, they were obsessing over foods that didn't come into the country in high volumes prior to their surge in popularity, but avocados aren't exactly exotic. They come from fucking Mexico for chrissake. Guacamole has been around forever.
I like to appreciate tights but i honestly can't fap to them, is this normal?
Neither are particularly erotic but I definitely prefer pits if I had to choose one. Footfags constantly confuse and disgust me.
With the right training, she will be the one to defeat Shaggy Rogers
Large asses are also part of thick thighs, which help reduce the pain the female typically receive when the male gets more excited than usual during intercourse.
were way too poor for these weird foreign foods in eastern europe, but one time i paid 4$ for some quinoa and i regretted it so much, that shit was ass
Finally, definitive proof that Americans are not white.
I'm not a virgin. I know what all 3 of those things feels like.
I prefer the feel of ass over boobs.
>try to reverse image search to find the vid
Thanks Google.
moot died for that to happen
I'm a spic and I even I wouldn't go to a restaurant that stuffs everything with avocado. Plus I bet a single toast would be expensive as hell.
user, mad respect for you for linking a scientific journal.
>during intercourse
Listen,unless you are doing anal or weird positions nobody should feel any kind of pain during sex but maybe you are talking about gay sex which is what most assfags are secretly attracted to.
Big Food pays for a marketing campaign to sell their produce as a "super food".
Avocado has been a thing for decades, you retarded or just learning about this?
That's an excellent question.
Feet and armpits have different types of sweat smell, especially depending on the person's hygiene. Normally the armpit smell is less pungent.
Armpits do often contain some form of deodorant so you might be literally licking chemicals there.
Feet however (depending on how they are taken care of) can be very rough or bone-y, making them not very pleasant except for the soles. Again possible chemical licking depending on pedicure.
Personally I'd go with armpits especially slightly hairy ones
This is just wrong.
Depending how its cooked it can be pretty good.
Peru expat living in the US. In Peru we cook it as a stew and it is pretty tasty, but these dumb fucks just boil it and put it on salads. That shit is nasty as fuck. Also I find it hilarious they went crazy over it. That shit has been peasant food for the last 2000 or so years. Literally shit they ate because it was abundant and cheap. No different than the Chinese and rice (except way more nutritional, but still).
Google kneecapped its image search function because people got upset that it couldn't tell the difference between black people and gorillas.
Use iqdb or yandex for single images, and saucenao for manga pages.
I'm just glad nobody here plays trash like Fortnite. This is the one place I can get away from zoomer kiddies who only play Fortnite, Cod, Fifa etc.
that's like one of the only skins that I have period, lucked out by playing for a few days that season I guess
I don't like parpnite at all but I can appreciate the cabooses
Its a hyperbole my dude. Just recently became a huge meme, that's why I said that.
>slightly hairy
patrician taste, personally 100% smooth vaginas weird me out, a landing strip at least makes it so much better, leg hair is a nono, but vagina hair is fine, I can deal w almost any amount, Asian women have the best hair distribution
>Ass vs Tits Vs Thighs Vs Stomach Vs etc etc
Why not everything?
Wow, you sure showed them, retard
Butts and Thighs go together, you can't have one without the other like Love and Marriage. Same for Tummys and Boobs.
>unrealistically sized features
no thanks.
Bony asses are not fun, even in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
What game is this from?
Is this some kind of boomer false flag operation?
that's some good shit
back to your general fatenigger
>well groomed pubic hair
There's nothing better
I can be a big patch, but when it's well maintained, it's divine.
I imagine that's how beard lovers feel like
Because I have an inflation fetish, numbnuts.
Ah, the son of Dob, welcome.
Not even close to being a virgin, and probably older than you my dude. Did you know women have to clean themselves when they pee? Or none of your women have told you that?
americans actually have freedom of speech unlike us user.
Go away Son of Dob.
>Budd Root
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
I just like Jack, don't care about the Fate series.
Honestly, I don't know how this isn't attacked by modern activists. Maybe they don't want to go after what "core gamers" aren't interested in but if thats the case they either seriously lack foresight or their motives aren't as they claim.
S/He's in panic mode when s/he just wanted to make a turn and then BAM gunfight right in front view
because sjw types support fat butts because it empowers chubbier women in their eyes, they go after thin ones
>tfw live in a boob country
I am disappointed in my compatriots.
You are implying that most women have literally concave asses that would literally hurt you if you tried sex with them which they do not,most women in the west are also so obese that it makes that virtually impossible.
When i was young I fapped to Bondage Fairies and it made me the man i am today
This (and any like it) is the only acceptable post in this thread.
It's absolutely retarded how there's even a debate. I'll take a woman with fat tiddies or ass or better yet, BOTH.
There's literally NO reason to bark at each other over this.
It was a moment of panic, I guess the driver's first thought was to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible and keep the kids safe.
>Love the art
>Would fuck a woman that looks like the women he draws in a heartbeat if given the opportunity
>Can't jack it to his art at all
What's my problem?
You're just appreciating true art.
>acts tough
>cries like a little bitch when the gun is pointed the other way
I'll sleep like a log tonight
Woman have unrealistic rating standards compared to men, just look at all the ratings from dating apps.
This was more my speed.
Armpits don't really do anything for me, and feet can only be hot for me in certain situations but other than that it's meh.
Ew you like vaginas? Blood comes from there.
Those kids have excellent taste.
Neither unless the feet are in heels.
He got shot twice.
>Still no porn of this specific skin
For shame.
It IS very strange isn’t it?
>boob countries are all low test/soi countries
freud was right
too thin
Bondage Faeries. Great shit.
If jack looks like that when she's underaged imagine what she looks like in her early 30s.
Oh man. Can you imagine if we got something like a Mahou Shojou but instead of lolicon fanservice all the girls are just super curvy milfs?
Pfil a cute
She gets to join the no porn club with Oblivion.
Lithe, user, lithe. Very flexible, very bendy.
Ive lived in Sao Paulo in 2015 and they have avocado smoothie and avocado icecream, I tasted those, they are actually fucking great, I didnt expect it to taste this good. I even discovered that a poor man's dessert in Brasil is to cut the avocado in half, take the seed out, pour sugar on it, turn it all into paste while using the skin as a plate and eat, its very tasty too.
>amazing sex scenes
>great selection of girls
>good art
How can a single hentai manga be this based?
Two of those countries completely dwarf the rest of the world in population while still having an higher IQ that your stupid spic ass.
I have to say, some dude at Epic has an absolutely top tier fetish.
the creature getting railed is Kindred from League of Legends if that helps
She’s CUTE
it was on mother's day too
Sauce me before I fucking die
yeah and it's actually good looking unlike 3D pig disgusting
this is true 3DPD - three dimensional pretty delightful
3D is limited by imagination only
He got shot you literal fucking autist.
Probably what kicked off a whole plethora of kinks for me. This and Alice in Sexland were some of my go-to faps back in the day. Might have to dredge up a rip and see if they hold up.
Excellent taste, though I always had a hard time getting past the dude's wacky faces. Dark skin/light hair combo is top tier.
>That one r9k thread in which an user considered running out from home/suicide when he accidentally printed a porn Gatomon comic page which included tags such as: inflation, anal prolapse, vaginal prolapse, all the way through, the usual stuff that Sparrow draws on the daily
>His father found it because the printer was in the living room.
I only fap to the male characters.
>plastic barbie-looking trash in obvious porn-referenced pose
>good looking
i can't get hard in person as a 26 year old man due to too much porn and hatred for rude women, so it is a godsend that zoomers fap to fat fortnite asses
this but unironically
My bro. I'm still kinda baffled it never got an animation.
nigger she did the best thing she could have, why would you fucking stay unarmed and untrained and risk getting shot you moron? Only thing she would have been by staying is another potential casualty.
excellent taste
Me too user!
Didn't read but it makes sense considering how lewd and vaginal the female mouth is.
I want to breed like bunnies with her after marriage.
>why do ppl like big butts?
black people like big butts
also, most people on the internet are black
that's why
I don't
I don`t think you would survive that user...
You don't know what that word means
What's wrong with braps?
Jesus christ it's like the female version of a basedboy. It's the same overacted childish enthusiasm a 30 year old nintendo geek would display over unwrapping a switch for Christmas. She looks ridiculous.
>only 200 avacados a day
That sounds like they do shit for business, they probably stay afloat by charging 40 dollars for a salad.
The 4 people in North Korea that have internet are ass men I guess
You're right, I am masturbating to this!
Pardon me if I have the wrong idea, but don't Avocados basically taste like unsalted butter?
I wouldn't endanger the person saving my ass, that's for goddamn sure, you fucking retard.
Its a spectrum. Rich areas are more expensive than anywhere and the more urban/lower class neighborhoods have food cheaper than a lot of places.
Still overall more expensive though, rent makes me wanna kms when I realize how much cheaper it is almost everywhere else.
>This bitch thinks she's more important than the food
Why am I not surprised
No avocado taste like avocado, you dum-dum
I want Samus to use my face as her foot stool between missions
and? plenty of people have been shot without crying like a pussy. shit's funny
>tfw allergic to avocado
>I'm also mexican so I ignore that shit whenever possible, if i eat more than a half i breath a little harder but nothing much
>these dishes would probably close my air ways
that shit inside sushi is better than that whole rastaurant tho.
if you like butt over boobs you're an unenlightened pleb
>that hip-to-waist ratio
I see a painful birth in her future.
Latex fetishism has been around for quite some time
What's wrong with that? Real pornstarrs are ugly, vidya women aren't. Take hot vidya girls (whom you have more attachment and relation to after playing their games) and make them fuck, you have best of both worlds.
I don't get why people can't seem to understand that the similarities to real porn are the entire point. It just amplifies it to a level that's not possible in real life.
>Real pornstarrs are ugly
Maybe I'm missing something, but most girls in porn are at least average, and I've seen a lot of porn.
it's like 2d porn but 3d instead
you can keep the 3DPD market afloat user, someone's gotta make roasties feel good about themselves
I will be over here with my pretty and not gross 3D waifus that don't smell bad or bleed out of their vaginas
Man, fuck chromatic aberration
the natural, genuine is now coveted over a facade that just gets more fake
both the pornstars Trump slept with were fugly
I'm really just saying that they aren't as attractive as fictional characters, for obvious reasons.
>Real pornstars are ugly
This is why you just jack it to models and women who do sexy stuff in front of a camera alone.
Oh my god don't even get me started with quinoa. My family can make some mighty fine guiso with it but Americans seem to treat it like it's fucking rice and destroy its savouriness by having it be some dried out husks served with dry vegetables or meat mixed in it. It's fucking terrible.
hell yeah we do
Whatever you say, sonny-boy
So basically people who like smelly brapasses are unevolved monkey people.
Hell yeah motherfucker.
I think most people who get shot cry like a bitch.
how did they get data from south sudan and greenland but not western sahara?
probably. it's just funny to see him grown-ass man wailing as a matter of his own fault
what's a brapass?
Jokes on you that just makes me masturbate harder
No, actual Americans use 35mm handguns.
If there's enough of their face left for them to cry, you didn't shoot them right.
Everyone knows you start with titties and graduate to butts. Butts are for the evolved man.
Because of the incredible accessibility to the internet and the impressionable masses, food trends exist. The moment some proclaimed "expert" in the field of the health and science claims some food is a "superfood" or extremely beneficial for some other contrived reason, you'll see the internet start going crazy about it. Those who think lucratively will of course go full force in extrapolating on it and then you get shit like this.
If the owner isn't as dumb as his customers, then he's aware of how short lived the popularity will be and has already planned for when he has to close this restaurant down.
I`m pretty sure a lot of kids a masturbating to the Nintendo Ladies theses days
I can just imagine this internet tough guy shrieking after getting shot.