What are you guys currently enjoying and looking forward to on your Switch?
Comfy Switch Thread
Going to play Spaltoon 2 soon and I can't wait for the new Yoshi game
I bought the mario port, its shit. Last game i bought was smash. So im waiting for pokemon i guess
Been playing a lot of tetris 99 and stardew valley. Mainly play while watching tv or while in bed. Nothing has really come out I play to where I need to dock it.
Tetris 99 is like the best game on switch anyways
Very excited for DQ11S can’t believe it actually got orchestrated music instead of the shitty Midi version. Finally gonna try Xenoblade Chronicles 2 despite buying it onsale awhile ago. I’ve heard a lot of mixed things but I’m going into it with an open mind.
Playing BOTW, just finished doing all the ubisoft towers, now gonna do exploration and look for all the shrines
Playing Splatoon 2 and MHGU again, really looking forward to the FFCC port/remaster.
Ehh I got super hype for Smash but only play it about once a week now. Have still got hollow knight, sonic mania, crash bandicoot, and diablo 3 in the ol backlog though. Which would you play first?
Shit I also have MHGU, stardew valley, and undertale. I’ve made it to high rank in MHGU though. I should really stop buying games and actually play them
Got mine last night. I should've gotten an actual pro controller because Odyssey has a few things that require the HD rumble, but otherwise it's been good. Currently about to switch to BoTW.
What's the best shmup on the eshop?
Sonic Mania is great and pretty short.
Currently playing Wargroove like this. I've achieved peak comfy.
Sonic Mania the probably the best for pick up and play.
Bonus points for already knowing how to Sanic
Only own Xenoblade 2 and Smash. Was looking forward to AA Trilogy but no physical in the west is killing me since Capcom refuses to state it outright for us who are new to the franchise. Fucking pissed off about it. Hope to get new Fire Emblem and Astral chain. May or may not give Rune factory 4 a chance
>playing Binding of Issac on Switch docked
>power goes out
>goes into handheld mode instantly and I can pause it while I address the issue
Any other console and I would have lost progress. God Bless the Switch.
Is the Let's Go edition worth the +100 bucks?
If you have no digitnity sure, why not
Tropical Dong and Deltarune. Fun times
Probably seeing as the game is normally 60 bucks and the pokeball thingy is 50
does that setup actually work
Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack should be showing up in the mail tomorrow. Gonna tied me over until Dragon Marked for Death comes out at the end of the month. I know they’re available on the eShop but I like owning physical copies of Switch games
Hell yeah the power went out here recently and I was bummed out but then I remembered I could still play MHGU and I wasn’t even mad anymore
What the hell is that thing called?? I NEED this
Just got done with the atomic purple mod, very worth it
>$50 for a fucking Mew that you can't even transfer
That's sick, atomic purple was always my favorite Nintendo color
>best shmup on the eshop?
darius collection, if its available in your region. i think its japan only, though. other than that, dragon blaze and strikers 1945 II by psikyo are both great.devil engine just came out and looks neat, but its too expensive. gunbird 2 is also good. and rxn raijin is alright.
what games do y'all still need to pick up?
>okami hd
>hyrule warriors definitive edition
>donkey kong country tropical freeze
>katamari damacy
>captain toad
>currently enjoying
First time playing Dark Souls after finishing Travis Strikes again and Bayo 1 (also for the first time). I know the "Switch is a port machine" meme has gone for too long, but damn if it's not great for playing on portable mode.
>looking forward
Ports: Dragon's Dogma and DQ11, mainly. I would buy RE4 and REmake again if it wasn't for the fucking price
New games: Bayo 3, Animal Crossing, Astral Chain and SMTV. I played the demo for Daemon X Machina, and while I think it can be pretty good, I don't know if it will become a repetitive snorefest in the long run, but for now, I'm also looking forward to it.
you can transfer the mew
to USUM?
The mech game is fun.
not him but i have one too. played a bunch of splatoon like this with a pro controller. it works perfectly and lying down while you play is super comfortable.
theyre called goosenecks.
I bought a switch yesterday on a whim and got the new smash. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it has a story mode
they're not on the same console...
I’m honestly perfectly fine with it being a port machine as long as it’s for good games
It's called a gooseneck and yes it works well.
The only thing you might have to worry about (according to some Amazon review pics) is that if you flex it too much it can snap. I've circumvented this problem by setting it in a good position once, and simply rotating away the small bedside table I have it attached to 90 degrees when I'm not using it.
Tetris 99.
that's my point, you can't even put it into bank
Desperately want Animal Crossing but right now I'm having fun with Palutena in Smash
Dead Cells and Bayonetta 2
>sx os claims it works with 7.x
>update switch cause im having issues with it
>sx os actually doesnt work with 7.x
>chinked again
It’s alright but it gets tiring after a number of hours. Get good with a lot of characters is fun though
I just started DOOM and I can't believe how fun it is
Doom and Tetris 99
That’s his point. Why care if you can’t transfer the Mew to a real game
Who has tangledeep? Heard the game is pretty good.
Thinking of picking up one of these for retro stuff. Anyone have one?
Every Buddy soon, lads.
Already have it pre-loaded. Kinda bummed they took out the card game though.
this game always seemed interesting
I bought two. They’re really solid and feel pretty comfy in hand.
Remember to screenshot tutorials because you can't review them anywhere in game
Don't become one of the millions of brainlets who think ever enemy is an hp sponge because they don't know how to play
Does anyone know if this is good? I know it’s not out in Switch but I always almost forget about it
I have a bunch of games but mostly just play Lumines
that's ok, we still have this to scratch the itch right?
If it’s anything like the footage of Dead by Daylight they showed off during the Direct then it’s probably gonna look like ass also
It's good. It connects in half the time the SN30 Pro takes and the dpad is much better
Wait, Lumines came out for Switch? I completely missed that!
Looking forward to Samurai Gunn 2, I need some new info. Currently jumping in and out of Hollow Knight.
Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. Not the best comparison but it kills me whenever someone says the combat is slow
Just fucking use Cyrus and use a magic dance.
is the switch version just a remaster of the first game? any new features or new tile colours and music?
I haven't played that since it came out, I should load it on my R4 so I can play it on my 3DS
Kind of regret buying Smash because I am absolutely abhorent at it
*In Octopath Traveler.
I liked that game a lot despite it’s flaws. Probably one of my favorite final bosses I’ve ever fought and I wish the game required more out of the player before then.
Unless they sorted out the legal issues that prevent them from updating the game, don't bother.
Random games of Puyo Puyo Tetris for now. Might start Bayo 1 this weekend
“comfy” and handheld mode are mutually exclusive
Getting back into Mario Odyssey. Kinda just stopped right after beating Bowser. Now I'm just hooked on the stupid balloon hide and seek.
Convince me to buy Xenoblade Chronicles 2
HARD MODE: No waifuposting
Currently playing through tales of vesperia. Just got the boat, loving it a lot so far, easily one of my favorites. As for what I'm looking forward to, Metroid Prime 4 is the main reason I even bought a switch, but who knows when that's coming out. Persona 5 port sounds nice although I've never played one before, and I'm also thinking about emulating a few old school rpgs, mainly for the ps1.
>Ototo still buys shit for the Switch despite selling off his own
His stupidity knows no bounds.
The music is pretty good and a good timesink
Golf Story. Get it. It's awesome
Forgot to add link's awakening remake, despite how this one looks the original is possibly my favorite 2d zelda along with minish cap, so I'm definitely looking forward to it.
It's got a fun and unique battle system and a great soundtrack
So uh when is shin megami tensei v coming out?
Use Atmosphere, retard
Gonna buy Switch for Mario Maker 2 as I bought WiiU for MM1. Got the impression Switch has even less games than WiiU.
can I play the tetris game like this?
This is going to sound super retarded but do you actually need the joycons to be functional to use a Switch? I was considering buying a used Switch from an acquaintance who says he messed up the joycons somehow with no further useful elaboration. Instead of replacing them if need be I was wondering if I could just get a pro controller and call it a day.
should I get a switch?
I just bought mercenary sagas, what am I in for lads?
Do you have games you want to get in mind?
I understand friend
Make sure you pass on that "screenshot tutorials" advice to anyone else you see getting into XB2, the games biggest flaw is it's tutorial system being nonreviewable and not being done with cute pictures like XB1
Also pass on the tip you can move to cancel autocombos and that attack 1 of an autocombo is the fastest so by spamming that you can charge shit faster than just doing a full autocombo.
Hope you have fun friend!
Pro controller works for the big screen but for portable joycons just feel better to hold the switch like a tablet imo.
Also co-op for whatever reason is easy then
Been playing Dead Cells since they fixed the poison framerate bug. Runs pretty great now although I see it skip a few frames once every few minutes. I assume that has to do with loading something in or saving.
I'm not sure if I want Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon. Kind of disappointed they didn't touch up the graphics more.
the game has to support tate (vertical) mode in its options. its mainly for vertically scrolling shoot em ups and pinball. i dont think tetris 99 has a rotate setting, but i dont have the game (i dont use switch online) so cant tel you for sure. doubt it, though.
A mediocre tactics series.
For 99% of games that will work just fine. You can play both docked and undocked with the pro controller, too.
Also playing Wargroove, tabletop mode set up on my work desk.
I'm halfway through Save Me Mr. Tako and it's kind of lost it's luster. The gameplay isn't all that good to begin with and now I'm being bombarded with off-screen enemies that kill me before I get to even see them. I still want to finish it for some reason.
probably smash and tetris 99
Breath of the Wild sequel and that's pretty much it atm.
They're required to set up the console at first, but aren't required after that. I think they just have to be attached for a moment and then you can just proceed with the touchscreen until you get to the main menu and can pair a pro controller. I'm not sure if this also applies after formtting the console.
If you're just gonna use it as a home console that will work for almost everything. Handheld mode is fucking great, though.
>Very excited for DQ11S can’t believe it actually got orchestrated music instead of the shitty Midi version.
Yeah, it kinda blew my mind that the Switch seems to be getting the definitive version of the game, graphics aside. Glad I didn't pick it up on Steam, especially since it seems like a handheld sorta game anyway.
I'm worried about the clamp crushing the switch, not being big enough or not clamping hard enough. What model do you use for yours?
So would the gooseneck probably not work for my bed? Is the thing too low down?
Can you play online if you hack your switch?
the brand i bought was called a "tryone gooseneck." just search amazon for "tryone gooseneck switch" and it'll show up. it even states that it works with nintendo switch.
>crushing the switch, not being big enough or not clamping hard enough
i was worried about this too, because im an obsessive crazy person, but it works just fine. very sturdy grip so it wont slip unless you really bang it around. and it doesnt "crush" the thing its holding. works great.
Are beds still good? I've been sleeping on 4 blankets as a makeshift one for the past 4 years now.
well, as long as the "neck" part is long enough, it'll be fine. they come in different lengths. you'll probably want at least a couple feet for your bed.
you can clamp it onto a bedside table as well, which is what i do.
Tapdancing Christ just invest in a decent mattress.
I'm a new switch owner, I just bought stardew valley, stick of truth and botw any other games you recommend ?
What are some good lesser known indies on this thing? And why are there no real roguelikes? Shit would be perfect on this, necrodancer is the only one but that's just better on PC because of mods
cute cat user.
Well what games do you like?
Was playing Downwell though I think I've gotten my fill of that game for now. Funny enough, Pokemon was got me excited so I picked up a used copy of Alpha Sapphire to play. Been pretty good.
WRPG's primarily, I'm also thinking about getting the genesis classics selection for landstalker
But Im so used to it though, like the The Count of Monte Cristo, I like how hard the floor is, lets me know im lieing on something as opposed to beds where it feels like im perpetually floating a bit, I need this feedback.
Skyrim :^)
isaac, darkest dungeon, dead cells. there are plenty of roguelikes.
Todd will probably get my money again
It's a shame Isaac isn't in EU yet, I didn't want to get a copy off ebay
>it’s real
fug I thought that was gonna be some fucking black dildo or cuck shit, just looked up gooseneck for switch on the safe side
I just turned down the difficulty sliders. Enemies are hp sponges.
Tangledeep might interest you.
I hate phones sometimes
I kinda wanna get it but I’m and I’m afraid it might not work with my bed post. Can that same one also hold a smartphone in it?
bought the fighter pass for Smash.
Was going to wait for the second reveal, but thinking about it there isn't a character I'd hate enough to refuse to get.
Most excited for SMM2 and the Rune Factory games. Waiting on the Dragon Marked For death physical release. Also thinking about getting RemiLore. Is it good?
Is dragon marked for death good for singleplayer? Might get the physical edition if it is
Also that new game Remilore, is it any good?
I’m looking forward to the Dragons Dogma port and the new Animal Crossing
That similar mind
Seems like it, I might want to try one out too. Shame I just mattress on floor and have no bedside table.
Oh that looks good but is it worth 20 dollars?
Been kinda enjoying Wizard of Legend, but it has less content than I expected and a very steep learning curve. Why can't you take more than 1 mid-level arcana into a level? How would that ruin the game?
Wish there was an incentive to play once you managed to beat all bosses once or twice. I finished it in like 5 hours?
DMfD is not good for singleplayer or multiplayer. The level designs are very bland with character abilities usually boiling down to getting a few extra chests, there's really only about 14 different areas with most being used for 2-3 quests, the difficulty balance is awful with a lucky drop letting you steamroll the game, bosses tend to have too few attacks, and several bosses get demolished in seconds with a full party or just having good gear in solo. The graphics and music are the only good things unless they overhaul most of it in an update.
Do not spend money on a Katamari game that doesn't already have all the content for all the Katamari games. Just don't.
Mostly playing Mario Tennis and Penguin wars. This mission is fucking bullshit. I'm not excited for any new games yet.
downloading pokemon to see what all the fuzz is about
also, anyone try Remilore?
Im enjoying Hell Warders. And I'm looking forward to Calligula effect.
Depends on what you want from it. There's plenty of replay value with the different classes and skills. It also has the Shiren kind of progression where some things you do carry over to your next play.
Do note that there is currently a save bug, but the devs have identified the problem and are working on a patch. It shouldn't be long before it's released. Also, they confirmed the expansion dlc will be coming to the Switch version.
In that way it's exactly like those NES games that are only difficult so you don't beat them fast.
Wife got me a Switch for Christmas, been playing BotW as much as I can, but REALLY looking forward to Super Robot Wars T in English
Bought a secondhand switch for $80 with a broken HDMI output. I'm enjoying it in handheld mode but how much am I missing out without being able to dock it?
>got it on humble monthly
>play it for 4 hours
>thought it was boring and started playing other shit
>later remember about it while browsing darkumbra
>install it and having a blast
I wouldn't have thought that different platform would make a difference
Anyone got Ape Out? Seems super fun and I almost impulse bought it yesterday, but decided to hold off
>Playstation/Xbox tackling current issues which people care about like LGBT, diversity and inclusivity
>fighting against sexism and misogynist
>meaning on Nintendo
Nintendo will always be the kiddie immature console.
playan naruto ultimate ninja storm 2
Now that Pokemon is confirmed on Switch, is it safe to say that the Switch is the 3DS successor? Also, has it been hacked yet?
Currently on Valkyria Chronicles. Port is fucking horrible, portable mode runs
Playing through the Ace Attorney trilogy on switch, just finished the first game, pretty good.
What's the comfiest JRPG on Switch besides XB2 and Octopath?
Sold my switch with just tablet and joycons for 240 dollars c o m f y b r o s
It was safe to say that the moment the Switch got an SMT announced for it and a Monster Hunter released for it. Rune Factory and Pokémon only seal the deal.
Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition
World of Final Fantasy
Yes it can hold smartphones too, the arms can be extended to accomodate different sized tablets/phones, and it's sort of spring loaded such that it "hugs" tight what you put in it.
Been playing generations again since World's Witcher event is done for me get sad know Lagi and D. Islands swimming locations will never return or underwater anything.
For anyone considering one of these gooseneck devices, I recommend the one by Lamicall.
The thing that isn't apparent from the pictures of all of these goosenecks, is that they are WAY harder to bend than the pictures look, because they're basically a big metal rod like rebar wrapped in plastic/leather. The Lamicall one has the same thick rebar that the rest have, but at the tablet end of it, it fuses into a thinner piece of metal that's easier to bend for fine adjustments.