Diversity in Games done Right

>hit all the diversity checkmarks
>everyone in the cast has clashing personalities and motives
>all the characters none the less ended up being likable both individually and as a team and mesh well together

How did they do it?

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No women

Even the women weren't that bad when they added them

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>All working together to banish metaphor to rising threat of aliens taking their women, cities, and lives

Holy shit even adding that on with that theme. This game was on point.

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They didn't let their race, sexuality or gender define them. Instead they had personality and goals.

You think they ever called Cole a nigger behind his back?

Gears 1 was by far the best in the series in terms of campaign and story/atmosphere

Gears 4 would have been 2nd if not for the annoying characters.

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It works when you don't notice it.

Good job Cliffy B. :3

Given it's a different planet with no history of slavery or oppression it's doubtful racial slurs like that would develop

>hit all the diversity checkmarks
>everyone in the cast has clashing personalities and motives
>all the characters none the less ended up being likable both individually and as a team and mesh well together

How did they do it?

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she deserved better

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Dice had yet to drink from the punch bowl

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>when you realize there isn't a single black person in your game

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A better game or did she die in one of the Gears rape camps or somethings?


Gears of War's team worked because there was literally a character for everybody.
Marcus was the tough and gruff, grizzly veteran with the raspy voice. So he was basically the team Badass. Dom was the sympathetic best friend character, it helped that he was likable and had good chemistry with Marcus. Baird is the douche bag funny man, who happened to have most of the best lines of the game without relying on memes and "nerd lingo."
And Cole was the bombastic, larger than life, crazy man that kept the squad lively and, no pun intended, colorful.
It also helped that everyone seemed to actually like one another and got along well through all three games.

Gears of War also had the advantage of being a sci-fi on a completely different planet than earth, so they don't have to play off real-world bull shit. All four members of Delta Squad are from Tyrus, and probably have similar upbringings and beliefs.
It would have been fucking weird if, out of nowhere, Cole just started going off about the Civil Rights Movement and preaching about other bull shit that a 5'8" rich white manlet called Cliffy B doesn't really understand.

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And the only female is based as fuck

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But arnt they the ____

It was a different time...

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God I wish Sam would dominate me after a long day of killing Locusts.

fat larry is one of the most likable characters in vtmb.
>always tells you exactly how it is, never tries to fuck you over
>compensates you fairly for all the jobs you do for him
>wants to eat expensive steaks with you but you can't because you're a dirty bloodsucker

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considering he's a sports star, possibly

They didn't have an asian guy, Gears did

Never forget Kim. The only bald Space marine.

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He knew the code when no one else did