Creating a viral NPC in Oblivion Pt. 3 - Natural Selection Edition

Sup Yea Forums. I've always had an interest for the NPCs in Oblivion (TES4), from their ridiculous faces to the Radiant AI system that underpins all their activity. After a fun experience with a certain NPC on my Xbox version of the game, an idea occurred to me. Would it be possible to create an NPC that slowly spreads like a virus throughout Tamriel, to the point where it replaces all other NPCs in the game? Think about it - an NPC that moves spreads in either a random pattern or a pattern with predefined checkpoints (e.g. major population centers) in order to "infect" the entire map.

I've been messing around with the Construction Set for the past few days, making and refining the clones as best I can (with the help of some anons' viewing and a few streams). Since the first thread I've been able to add

- A second, opposite and competing virus.
- A ranking system, allowing individual virus NPCs to grow stronger with time based on certain probabilities (fixed since the last thread).
- Each virus now can get stronger based on how many high-rank NPCs exist in it.
- Doctors have been added and buffed to potentially give NPCs a chance.
- Changes to the AI Packages fixing clumping up in Castle keeps

Yesterday's test was mostly unsuccessful in my opinion, but it gave very interesting results. This time I want to do a more formal test with more predefined goals (will be outlined in a reply in a second). Sound interesting?

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Other urls found in this thread:


do it

Are you the dude who tried to get out of the map?

Please continue.

The test will be considered a success if the following happens tonight:

- The virus(es) have an established presence in every city and every castle in every city.
- The virus(es) have attacked every non-city village.
- The virus(es) have defeated every doctor.
- If two viruses are spawned, they battle significantly.
- Virus NPCs regularly patrol all the roads in the game.
- At least 5 final-evolutionary-stage NPCs have been spotted.
- The Virus(es) have grown enough to survive spawning in bosses for them to fight.

BONUS: I have the Zombie Apocalypse mod installed but currently disabled (at one user's recommendation in an earlier thread). I'd be interested to see if my viruses are more potent than the standard Zombie Virus in that mod.

More criteria could be added if any anons have any good ones.

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Do the virus NPCs have to physically kill others in order to assimilate them or do they simply convert them with the touch of a spell?

Can you stream this?

This is pretty interesting. Keep it up.

Anyone have the Khajit bitchslap clip from last night's stream? That shit was kino

They have a touch spell that, after some balancing, works by converting based on probabilities determined by how much health the target NPC has (remaining). If the infection fails due to an NPC having too much health, it instead acts as a weak Damage Health spell.

Yes, though I cannot post the stream name or links, for fear of breaking board rules.

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this is very interesting, please continue

Post your github w/code, and have a link to your twitch or YT from that

do you have a nexus?

I'm excited OP. If successful, invasion of Shivering Isles next?

Waiting for the stream to start OP, last time was fun af

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Not OP but I found it pretty easy last night just going to the Oblivion category, it was in like the first row of of results

Yes, I'm planning to upload the mod after a full test is completed and meets satisfactory criteria.

Yea I'm not sure GitHub is really best for an Oblivion mod. I'll probably use Nexus, and the stream will be Twitch.

Definitely on the table, though I'll have to move around the AI Packages to get it to work.

It starts in 3 minutes

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so every time an npc dies/touch spelled a clone takes its place?

I hope this one will have as many khajit bitchslaps as the last one

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Every time an NPC is killed by the touch spell, they are converted and a clone takes its place. Clones can also self-replicate, though I've tried to slightly tone that down this time.

Additionally, I'll be doing everything from the beginning this time. I'll show you guys it from a fresh start. It begins.

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>a viral copy of the NI NI NI NI argonian swarming the mad realm by the thousands

That would be quite some amusement.

If you've got to watch, by the nine divines, stay on JinjaBaker45

i will observe this stream. haven't looked too deep into oblivion modding, this is exciting

>its a nickies thread
very yes

>this thread again

Why do you hate original content?

>Each virus now can get stronger based on how many high-rank NPCs exist in it.
by exist in it, you mean those who fall to the virus?


nobody should have to witness that evil

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Gal burstn et



So you created the agent smith of Matrix

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Pretty much.

God for all the shit Yea Forums gives this game it truly is one of a kind when 13 years later there's still just so much wacky shit you can do. It truly never gets old.


Stacies seem to be getting a hold on areas for once

Consider converting non-npc and wildlife to Nickies too


*unsheathes medical katana*


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I don't know why, but I appreciate your unwavering autism in pursuit of breaking this game. You've been at these antics for years now and it's usually pretty amusing. Keep at it OP, you loopy bastard.

bless you OP

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They have invaded the tents


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Mods are fags
Why can't we post his stream here this is actual good content that contributes to the board in a good way, not like hes just coming here to advertise

clips twitch tv/HilariousClumsyAxe4Head

glass stacy confirmed retarded.

agreed, though people can just look under oblivion and find him rather easily

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door stuck

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Search for Nickies Black.

What in autism is this


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bump for quality thread

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>missing out on OC that's original and actually fun for once
Whelp looks like imma haveta run home real quick.

lol nice

bump for quality bread

The matriarchy is looking good

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bumping for nickies to win

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Peak comfy

Is this also on YT? My shit internet can't keep up with OP's 720p60 stream


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haha fuck off, Australian

it's only on twitch as far as i know user. you can watch the VOD probably still

good shit op

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twitch link?

look for his twitch by looking in the oblivion section of twitch


just check the oblivion category. it's essentially the same name as the thread. someone posted the link earlier but the mods deleted it

mods will have a shit fit if we link the twitch


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>That argonian trying to blend in

im going to sheetz in a bit, what do you guys recommend?

>loud sweating
>do not move. They will find you.

Lol wtf is happening in this thread. What’s so interesting about this completely pointless excercise?

OP bluescreened.

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>another user shills on Yea Forums
>up to 50+ viewers
>will probably monetize his channel

>What’s so interesting about this completely pointless exercise?
That's what christians say about science experiments, yet here we are.

Someone's been murdered.

OP has been malaria'd. evacuate all buildings.

fried pickles


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strem back

Fucking Oblivion i swear to god Todd.

Ban me if I ever do. Screenshot this.

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why do you hate fun

Im all for science for the sake of science as ling as threads are made once something interesting has been discovered.
>Virus replicates itself across entire game
>The end
Big whoop

go away some of us are trying to enjoy something

This is as far away from fun as is conceivably possible. Unless you are autistic of course


fun is not the problem, hes using the most basic no effort way to shill his shit for free

No...i want to see what happens

what skyrim game is this?

potato head's revenge 3: femoid's return

There's a potential remedy for that but instead you're here, in this thread, complaining to people who don't give a fuck what you say.

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>fun is not the problem, hes using the most basic no effort way to shill his shit for free

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>OP now has enough people watching to enable the poorfag resolutions
No I won't

Oh shit, I didn't know the Grand Judicator of Fun browses Yea Forums! My sincerest apologies for enjoying something that isn't console wars, fapbait or shitposting, my lord



Don't bother OP.


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Just chill out and enjoy the experiment guys - not everyone needs to enjoy this, that's fine.

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Oblivion is the antiviral medicine.


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It's over for incels

this is getting out of hand

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are the infected programmed to head a certain direction or travel to a random town or do they just run around aimlessly?

maybe set the two competing viruses on the same route and see who wins ,

can you set them to seek and destroy all npc? is there a counter or way to tell how many NPCs are left?

Troll bros rise up!

The Trail of Stacies

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Ultimate form Stacies is down


Even the animals aren't safe. Remember. If you see a Stacy, report it to your local garrison

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Stacies have been dosed

Scratch that the doc is dead

don't stop

>This is as far away from fun as is conceivably possible
reddit is down the hall fagot

Love seeing Oblivion get obliterated.


Does the virus evolve? like, mutations to attributes or health when they kill someone and reproduce?

From what I can tell time/number of kills makes them stronger and get better equipment.

Shit dude you're still playing oblivion? I'm actually worried about you

If it doesn't it should do this.

You're on this website. You should worry about all of us.

this is the kinda shit you never see on here anymore

keep it up, OP

How do you make the NPC reproduce?

I was wondering this too. Does it like, kill NPCs? Touch them? What?

critical Nickies mass imminent

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it has a touch spell that transforms the target into a clone
it can perform mitosis

>lich borne catastrophe

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>Nickies Black is still alive
oh shit Yea Forums don't you remember this abomination

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Can I get a quick rundown?

Looks pretty cool.

nickies bump

This seems interesting

These clowns are trying to lock up the imperial city but op wont leave

That's a wrap!

So, to review the objectives:

>The virus(es) have an established presence in every city and every castle in every city.
Sort of. They swept through every city but not many stayed behind.
>The virus(es) have attacked every non-city village.
Didn't get a chance to check
>The virus(es) have defeated every doctor.
>If two viruses are spawned, they battle significantly.
Definitely completed
>Virus NPCs regularly patrol all the roads in the game.
>At least 5 final-evolutionary-stage NPCs have been spotted.
Completed! And I fixed a bug about their stats not currently updating as well.
>The Virus(es) have grown enough to survive spawning in bosses for them to fight.
Didn't get a chance to test it, unfortunately.

Learned a lot from today's test, and I think it'll only be one or two more threads before I perfect the concept and we can put it to rest. One user suggested a Crusader faction that prowls around hunting for viral clones to kill, which I like a lot and will add. Thanks for everything, anons! See you in the next one! On an unrelated note, I'll post a few more things here from older threads and tests I've done because some anons seem out of the loop when they're referenced - then I'm off to sleep.

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fuck reddit, where's my discord bruhs at we finna dab on em haha

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the face of defeat

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Thanks to the anons who edited stuff like this pic related btw

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>Nickies is still at it
godspeed you crazy bastard

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Based Nickies
Don't ever leave us

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I won't user, I promise

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Anyone remember that thread with the conspiracy theorist Nickies clone? Whatever happened to that guy? Did the government finally track him down?

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Must've. He would've been last tier on this pic prolly, though it needs updating now

I miss the wiki

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when you see it, you'll shit bricks

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I don't like encouraging ecelebry but I would subscribe to this youtube channel just for the novelty of how fucking bizarre and niche this is.

I really liked that NV thread

Unfortunately my work ethic to edit and upload things is nonexistent

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