So was Phantom Pain good or bad?
So was Phantom Pain good or bad?
Bad, but better than 4 and PW
A good game that was psychologically conditioned to believe it was a great game
Good game, disappointing story
great game
brainlets don't get it
Okay game without mods.
Good game with proper difficulty.
Great open world stealth game, but a bad mgs game. The beloved cinematic mgs formula is pretty much gone and all we got is a half finished game with excellent gameplay. It definetly feels like a "phantom pain" lmao. If you are a fan of stealth games or the mgs series fan then is essential
The first 2/3 of PP is good.
Very good but it could have been great. The greatest...
its fun until you realize how hollow everything is. once you unlock all the gadgets and OP guns every mission becomes the same thing. the game is alot funner when you attempt missions with a minimal loadout
repeating the same missions gets old after awhile. That one where you have to rescue the gunsmith 3 times because it wasn't the right guy was such horseshit.
7/10 mainly because of the terrible story and repetitiveness.
Well yea I agree to that, but in the side ops I mostly go yolo since they dont affect my score so its not that bad .
>terrible story
>catch big boss
>get him into a jeep to show him my masterstroke
>unveil my grand plan while we ride there
>tell him I was born in a small village
>is he
>he's got his fucking earphones in
>and he's listening to some shitty donna burke song or something
>very loudly
>magic shota hijacks my stolen giant robot
>get crushed to death by it
>remember skull face?
>yeah, fucker used to sound like an owl when he got mad lmao
Such a lust for revenge
What i disliked the most is the fact that you're forced to play stealth and it is incredibly boring and tedious, if you go berserk shooting every mfker you actually get punished lmao, what kind of retard thought this was a good idea? if you're gonna force stealth then at least learn from splinter cell.
A few missions are great, but the vast majority of them range from mediocre to dogshit. Everyone likes to claim that 5 has "excellent gameplay" just because it's decent mechanically but forget that the other half of "gameplay" is the levels and enemies, which are garbage. The only thing it has going for it is the sandbox aspect with a bunch of toys to play with. But older MGS titles do even that much better, in addition to every other aspects of those games blowing 5 out of the water. Which is why I believe almost everyone who likes 5 hasn't played the rest of the series.
This was the first Metal Gear game I ever got into. I tried to play MGS1 when I was younger, but the controls and concept of "sneaking" didn't mesh well with my ADHD 'blow stuff up and fuck bitches' attitude at the time. This game got me in the mood to go back and play through MGS1, then I picked up the HD collection and played through Snake Eater and Peacewalker, I even played a little of portable ops, which by all accounts is pretty tight when you get into it.
It wasn't the gameplay that did it for me though (since none of the games previous were like MGSV) it was the characters, the story, the decades long timeline of historical fiction mixed with science fiction and a sort of camp aesthetic that not only pisses off all the edgelords that try to get into the series, but makes sure that the game itself will never take itself too seriously.
Is it a good game? Yeah, I don't know why everyone's still debating that. Is it great? No, but it could have been, which I can see now having played through some of the earlier iterations. With a little more time and polish this could have been a monumental ending to one of the most unique and interesting series of games I've ever played. As it stands though, I still come back to it and play through the story line, so I guess that says something.
Its funny that everyone only shits on it( to some extent I agree with all the shitting) but nobody mentions that the game runs really smoothly on pc and consoles, the stealth aspect is the most creative in this generation, and the cutscenes are definetly well directed. If only they were more of them. Well thats what we get when we have people crying like bitches because they couldnt sit through the mgs4 long (but really well made) cutscenes
definitely good
worth the money
but had so much more potential
The Fox Engine is underrated in my opinion and it's a shame that Konami has it. The "game" aspect of MGSV was great. The story was rushed and I don't think MGS lends itself well to an open world setting.
what are you talking about? mgs5 more than any other metal gear except maaaybe 4, allows you go to go ham and blow up bases with rockets and machine guns all day if you want. it literally gives you a suit of battle armour
Bad, I really wish I could go back in time and tell myself not to play this game.
You can also drive around in a fucking tank.
Good, but noticeably worse than the original three. Better than 4 though because at least it has gameplay.
such a mixed bag,
Great opening
Great physics
amazing versatilely in the way you can approach certain objectives.
lackluster grindy base building mechanics
Having Minions to order around is kinda fun
story all over the place and simply not finished
repetitive missions.
Some characters are really undeveloped.
7.2/10 from me.
If the reviews had just said the game is just pretty good instead of saying 10/10 goat I don't think people would shit on it as much.
the game is a 10/10 for the first 50 hours though, it's a huge jebait
PW was better
Its ludo kino
A good gameplay game with literally 2 good boss battles only.
And 1 half decent stealth infiltration area.