What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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hours and hours of magical fun

Is it more than just minecraft but 2D?

Imagine minecraft but tons of more weapons, enemies, bosses, and other shit

imagine minecraft but with actual stuff to do and good combat

Minecraft is better.

bitch please

A life of no sex

that 3rd dimension can't compensate for lack of content

a labor of love that has been updated frequently over the course of several years for free

all in all a quality game

if you like building games you can easily put over 200 hours into it without getting bored

A misleading screenshot.
>A house with 3 npcs but only 1 suitable housing
>Unicorn in forest biome
>Large blue slime doesn't exist
>Clown without blood moon
>Eye of cuthulu in daytime
What else am I missing bros?

No apache

Blood Moon night didnt end into a solar eclipse ayy lmao invasion


I played this game for like 100 hours a few years ago. I had all the top level stuff like hallowed gear or whatever it was called. Gungrier spear, excaliber sword, whatever. I had it all. Then, a a bunch of updates started coming out that added tons of extra shit (I think I missed 1.3 onwards? whenever the party popper got added).

If I were to make a new world and play with my old character with all their high level shit, how long would it take me to get all the newest highest level shit? Like, reach endgame with all the best stuff? We talking a few dozen hours or what?

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Like a 12 hours, even faster if you use the Apache.

kill yourself

Did you beat the giant robot monsters?
1.3 brought the final boss, the Moon Lord
If you start new with all your strong gear you'll probably breeze through early game
If you do restart, be sure to play on Expert mode

Giant Robot Monsters, I believe I did, yes. Like the metal eyes and skeleton.

One of the best sandbox ever

Restart with expert mode, it's the only true way to play Terraria

Yeah right now you would be about half way through hardmode
They added 2 new bosses and revamped events such as Solar Eclipses and Ayy Lmao invasions

Does expert mode add anything new or does it just make everything into bullet sponges?

adds new items, makes bosses harder but still fair, buffs enemies, etc

A game with a lot of possibilities. Exploration and combat are actually decent, and the game looks great. Loads upon loads of content and actually a decent amount of challenge.

The building mechanics themselves are the main issue of the game. If you're looking to build massive autism monoliths, minecraft is better. The art looks great in terraria if you are willing to put in the patience your stuff will look great, but the building controls aren't super refined and building more complex creations will be unecessarily frusturating and time consuming until you get really used to the controls. Its especially difficult to combine aesthetics and function.

genuinely the best sandbox game ive played.

go straight for expert mode pussy

Guess I'll start over

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Remember to use Yo-Yos like Red intended

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Hardly. It adds a few (seriously, not many) new items that are inferior to normal shit you can get in normal mode so you won't even use it, and makes enemies like 3 times more annoying and stronger.

Tbh I enjoy terraria buildingg more than minecraft

40~ hours of vanilla fun, then 60~ hours of modded fun, then 1000~ hours of autistic fun.

40? I spent 120 hours on my first vanilla

Its certainly rewarding to master and has a better aesthetic but at the end of the day quite a bit less is possible and theres a steeper learning curve. Its perfectly cool to like it better though, 2d has an appeal.

hope you're having a great day Terraria bros

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a true self made adventure
wiki recommended if you are one to be put off by searching for a potential long time

I just went F A S T then, that and I started before hardmode was a thing so early game don't takes long for me I guess.
>dig underground
>get bombs
>make commieblocks
>spawn demolitionist
>raid and bomb the evil part of the world
>get gun
>spawn gun guy
>get minishark
>shit down everyone all they way to hardmode with the minishark

>not nuking the dungeon so you can minishark harder
you're doing it wrong

>Waterbolt at the dungeon entrance

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I only played the game when it was fairly new.
I still remember rushing into the dungeon at the end of the map, grabbing as much shit as possible before the skeleton head killed me

>not filling the entire dungeon with lava and cumming into it to cool it off

>not digging the ocean to flood hell

server, like my hopes

>not cumming in hell to cool it down and then becoming a demon god for freezing hell over with sin

Last night Yea Forums tried to make a server several times, they failed 100% of the times, it was both funny and pathetic to see.

its because people always have terrible connection and the game simply just doesnt work with large amounts of people

new serbia when

A game with no Apaches