Was Ike the first Nintendo LGBT protagonist?


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Other urls found in this thread:


Sgt Johnson was gay as hell

>forgets Luigi

I consider a character hetero unless the game blatantly makes them say "hi everyone I am homosex"

>oh I know what the ladies like


>Ike fucks a dude in one of the endings

you really are retarded are you

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Wouldn’t Birdo be considered a cross dresser? Or are dudes that dress like women considered trans? Because characters call him a he and he’s biologically a male.

No he doesn't. And I'm fairly sure he has a kid.

No he doesn't. He has someone who claims to be his descendent and might be nuts in a series that traces descent through siblings and a game that has parallel universes. Only his sister has a marriage ending, so it could easily be another Marth situation if it's still the same world.

So what evidence is there that he pounds soren?

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More than a non-canon fanservice character on another planet. There's more evidence for every character he interacts with than any argument based on Awakening.

Dude this is some yaoi fangirl reaching. They're just bros. Like I said, unless that text says "and then ike blundered soren's booty 5ever" then they're het by default.


lmao two bros go on a journey and their gay but another game says he has a descendant and thats ot enough for you?

Didn't Ike fuck elincia a billion times

not him, but that ending text really makes it feel like a gay couple

Personally, I assume all characters are bi, mostly because I am a dirty shipper.


Kanji isn't gay you fucking retard. Good job completely missing the entire point of his fucking dungeon and what the inverted Emperor means.

It doesn't help that, I remember right, none of the other characters have paired endings with the same sex. I think the closest you get is the implication that Oscar eventually gives in to Kieran's stalking and moves back to the castle, but their endings don't mention each other. It just feels really fruity when you watch the scroll of how everyone ended up and a number of them pair off, and then you get that.

Yes we know you're coping

He was clearly bi, he wanted that alien ass in the super secret ending of CE.

You're the one getting upset at something that's been a pretty uncontroversial interpretation for the past decade-plus.

Being attracted to men is gay
he was attracted to naoto who everyone thought was a cool mysterious dude and akihiko a manly boxer man

Beyond based

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He was attracted to Naoto, who is a girl. The whole point of Kanji's arc is that he worries that others might perceive him as gay because of his hobbies. Both his overly masculine appearance and the dungeon itself are incarnations of the trait of deception, which is an element of the inverted Emperor.

What he gave his opinion and then you started coping

>he's straight! he just has a magic penis with vag-dar!
You're an idiot.

Naoto is a girl with feminine traits no matter what she does.

He was attracted to someone he thought was a dude
that's very gay unless you're one of the in denial faggots who thinks traps aren't gay because they look somewhat feminine

not a protagonist

Naoto is canonically so good at passing as male that everyone believes she's a boy until clearly told otherwise. It doesn't matter that we can all see through it instantly.

>When it's a fact that a lot of RD had cut content
>including supports/ending
>Didn't seem that interested in romance at all
>In a japanese game
Let me guess, this is the same breed of retard who ships KH yaoi huh?

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Read their dialogue together and tell me it isn't romantic. You'd have better luck convincing me Soren's a reverse-trap than making me think Soren isn't Ike's only canon lover.

traps aren't gay if they look completely feminine and you ignore their junk

Are you one of those tranny retards that thinks if you call yourself a girl despite looking like a fridge with 5 o'clock shadow the people attracted to you should be considered "straight?"

>cut content is canon
Nope. Not in any medium.

>what are pheromones
You're also completely missing the point that he was into Naoto because Naoto was nice to him and gave him attention. Kanji's biggest fear was being rejected. Maybe you should play the game again, champ.

No you were

No, but you're clearly an idiot if you don't understand why traps are called traps.

>Expecting a kid's game to directly address sex
You're everything that's wrong with liberal media.

>not picking the actual fag in the series

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Naoto is a girl with androgynous features and kanji thought she was a he
It doesn't matter anyway since he was also attracted to akihiko

Naoto is one hell of a shitty ass trap bucko
>looks like a duck, quacks like a duck

ITT: fujoshi

You should play the game again too since it's logically impossible to say he's straight after the river scene, which only makes sense if he got the nosebleed from the Brotagonist in the water. He's bi and he doesn't like labels. That's entirely consistent with both his dungeon and his social link.

No one cares about Boomsona

At what point did I say that? Lemme guess you 're the same breed of retard who every time you get two male friends in a japanese game, they're gay. Gimme a fucking break, I couldn't imagine being one of you shipping retards.

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I'm arguing with a complete retard


Are you for serious? You realize how little of an effect pheromones actually have in humans, right?

Well yeah, from our perspective she's terrible, but in-universe she's so good nobody even speculates that there's something up until the boss tells them.
>bringing up cut content as if it's evidence
>no it's not evidence since cut content isn't ever treated as canon
Not sure why you're getting bent out of shape.

birdo isn't a man or woman though... it's a thing

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Why do you have that picture saved, user?

Traps are definitely gay nigga. If you crave a cock in any capacity, you've got the gay.

>forgetting Kanji was in a 3DS game

Ike is either gay for Soren or he's fightsexual. It's not a big deal

Let's see he has a similar headband Ike's sword his armor shines radiantly and he wears Ike's cape
He's the descendent of ike

Alternatively, the catboy.

attraction to cock is gay, but i'm talking about fucking someone who looks like a girl while ignoring the cock

that's straight as fuck, because that means you like the female form, not just vaginas

What proof do you have that he's gay
he canonically had children

It's not a trap if it's a girl that looks like a girl, user.

It's not clear if Priam is bullshitting somehow, he doesn't actually have Aether, so he could be Mist's child. Ragnell isn't like the regalia from Jugdral so it doesn't need a blood link to be passed down. It makes sense that he would be Ike's descendant, but there's never been any confirmation

No, Link was. Every Link in every game is canonically gay.

He doesn't have aether because he isn't the right class you retard

except traps are incapable of fully replicating the female form. even if they pass at a glance, your instincts will kick in the second you physically interact with them and you'll know.

Ike is canonically gay.

Priam is also not a canonical member of the army and there's no evidence it's the same universe.

Twinks and traps have male bodies, not female bodies. A skinny male is still a male, no matter what your mental gymnastics tell you.

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Fucking obviously. But the fact that he isn't a great lord and can't possibly get Aether throws some shade on him being Ike's descendant

He is just like all the other dlc characters

Indeed. Non-canonical. They're toys you can play with but not to be taken seriously as part of the plot. Awakening isn't the story of how all your enemies rise from their graves and join your team while your dead sister's corpse floats to another continent for some reason and then wakes up.

Priam discussion is pointless after the multiple universes thing

>Twinks and traps have male bodies, not female bodies.
liking traps is gay, but traps definitely have female bodies

the thing you've posted isn't a trap

Some of them could POSSIBLY be canon, like Walhart getting his shit slapped into cooperation, or Aversa. But the whole "twist" that Emm was still alive ruined any meaning behind her sacrifice

Boys never look like girls. They look like cute boys. If you find boys cute, you're gay. It's that simple, and there's nothing wrong with it. Your argument might make sense if we were talking about futa, but traps and crossdressers are blatantly male and have male physiques.

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Is this a Tumblr incursion?

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Traps always have male bodies, not female bodies. You're thinking of futa, which is completely different. A trap has to be a boy with a twinky body.

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Yeah, I agree you can come up with ways some of them would make sense, particularly those two. Still, they're not real parts of the story outside of their roles as antagonists. If we use the definition of canon that means everything that can happen in a text, then everything we're arguing about is canon to some degree.

>traps and crossdressers are blatantly male
why do crossdressing faggots and trannies both try to claim traps? neither of you look like traps

and like i said here traps are gay, but they have female bodies

You do realize Ike was never a great lord in his games plus he started out as a ranger and a hero

You're a tranny trying to push an agenda, nobody is falling for it. Traps are and have always been male crossdressers.

>Traps always have male bodies, not female bodies

traps have female bodies, the biggest proof is the very existence of your own picture

No, that's Wolf.

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Which also begs the question why the fuck do Great Lords like Chrom and Lucina get it when they're descended from Marth, not Ike
Awakening was fucking stupid

i don't give a fuck about trannies, retard. traps are literally "draw a boy, call it a girl" characters. if the character doesn't have a female body and face, it's not a trap, just a crossdresser

>Traps are and have always been male crossdressers.
so are trannies by the way

Because he's not a lord of anything. Dumb faggot dies of tubercolosis on the streets and some rando stole his sword. Chrom and Lucina's lineage goes back 3000 years.

this. traps are cute boys in drag, not women with dicks. they need to have flat chests, slender waists and smooth tummies. these are traits women can never have because the female form is inferior and ugly.

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traps are literally "women" with dicks

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nice try tranny. but traps are crossdressing males. this has always been the case. a tranny can never be a trap.


Stop projecting your mental illness onto Ike homo.


user in charge of reading comprehension.

Wrong. Traps are males in skirts. Only deranged trannies think the way you do and push the argument you're pushing.

That's not the point. The point is why do Chrom and Lucina get access to Aether when Marth has nothing to do with it, and it's very clearly Ike's mastery skill

>Ike has least one blood-related child

And he says he's descended from the "Radiant Hero" and has his headband, cape and sword.


Closeted grandpas in this thread literally seeting and in denial that their "fave" lord is actually a faggot. Only reason he has fans (because no one would actually buy his games) is that he attracts SJWs who support him because he is gay. Step out of the closet, no cares that you're gay anymore, gramps. Unless you're in the US which means you're fucked anyway.

You're the one projecting your mental illness, cuck user. Ike is gay.


Enjoy your headcanon.

>traps are crossdressing males
yes, they're crossdressing males with a female body shape

trannies and a crossdressing faggot like like you are crossdressing males with male bodies

>Traps are males in skirts.
i'm not denying it nigger, but they have female bodies, that's what i'm saying

traps are neither "trannies" (in the real 3D tranny sense), nor crossdressing twinks (in the real 3D twink sense)

Aether is for actual lords. Skills didn't exist in FE3. Now that real lords from a proper family are getting games, they get Aether.

exactly this. glad there are still people around who understand the origin of traps and its meaning. traps are boys, through and through. no matter what mental illness trannies try to push or how jealous they get of superior traps, traps will always be male and belong to men who appreciate and recognize the superiority of the male form.

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Oh, I knew something was telling me to post Fox instead.

But you're the one making assertions without evidence.

Whatever his sexuality is, I support the choices my wife's husbando's son makes.

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Imagine the seething if RD's supports were completed and he had the Lethe/ Mia/ Elincia/ Micaiah supports, imagine the seething butthurt.

They have a male body shape. Traps have always had flat chests, wide shoulders and slender hips. You're thinking of futa, user.

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>has a literal descendant that has his headband and sword and refers to himself as Ike's descendant
>no evidence
I don't remember Ike fucking Soren in the Tellius games.

makes sense, Fire Emblem is a series for faggots

explain further.

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Articles of clothing which anyone could make prove absolutely nothing, and didn't Ike leave Ragnell behind at the end of Radiant Dawn? Wouldn't that mean that the fact that Priam has Ragnell makes it LESS likely that he's descended from Ike?

t. doesn't know the difference between traps and futa

It's real easy to forget just how much 4 did for the series. It introduced skills, the weapon triangle, and relationships. I'm sure there are more i'm forgetting, too

You're welcome to present some actual evidence, but so far all you've done is make claims in a desperate attempt to get replies. This is the last one you'll be getting from me, by the way.

Well educated anons with patrician taste.

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I bet you're both literally shaking rn lol.

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>with a female body shape
this is not correct

are you sure you've seen a woman? there's free porn available to you this very instant. go look at what a woman looks like.

Ike's canon romance is with Soren.

>Traps have always had flat chests
yes, just like some females

>wide shoulders and slender hips
that's a blatant lie

that's what make traps absurd, most of them have super narrow shoulders and wider than waist hips

>N-no u!

Cope harder

Seething over what? Having traditional boy/girl options as well would only make the boy/boy ones seem even more overtly romantic. They'd just say he's bi instead.

>Priam shitfling and arguments about what traps are and how they're not gay (they are gay you fucking faggots) all in the same thread

Master chief kissed his spartan friend Sam before he died in a mission in a recent novel.

>are you sure you've seen a woman?
have you? because anime traps have even smaller shoulders and better body proportions than a lot o real life females

you're not a "trap" sissy, you're just a crossdresser

user. pretty much every anime trap ever looks blatantly like a skinny boy when he takes his clothes and wig off. you have no idea what a female body looks like, do you?

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>anime traps
we're not talking about cartoons you fucking dumbass. of course an animator can draw a trap however the fuck they want.

Actually it's ranulf

I thought Birdo was

He's even wrong about the anime traps part. Anime traps look like twinky dudes. He's thinking of futa but he doesn't understand the difference.

Ahhh so retarded you can't even read such a simple post

It specifically said in “her” original bio that “she” was a man but decided to be female instead.

>didn't Ike leave Ragnell behind at the end of Radiant Dawn?

No. He left it with Begnion after PoR. What happens to Ragnell after RD isn't known.

Sorry fag, but Ike doesn't like fruit salad and doesn't condone using him as propaganda piece for homosexuality.

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>an average catwalk model
>a famous trap near a female from the same anime
>an average skinny guy

"traps aren't feminine, they look just like a twink like me"

imagine being this delusional, same applies to trannies

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>N-no u!
Yes we already know you're doing that just like a child would

Umm no sweetie, we already had Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Donkey Kong etc.
And like several pokemon if they count

Cope even harder

Unless the "Dagda loved Marty" bara stuff was an actual accurate translation in FE5, I'm pretty sure Vivian beat the punch on IS doing LGBT characters. Then again Raven and Lucius' support in FE7 is pretty gay with Raven admitting he disregards roasties and sees Lucius as like a wife.

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I'm not sure why you think drawn traps have anything to do with irl traps

You posted a guy that clearly lifts weights and goes to the gym and has no interest in looking cute. This is what a twink bodytype looks like, and he looks more like the trap in your image than the woman does.

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Why did you post a androgynous boy wearing a bikini

And it was actually popular in Japan. And didn't need a Smash rep to not bomb. The GBA and Tellius games are a disgrace.

Sorry buts its the truth. I know the truth hurts, but Ike is 100% not gay.

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Yes we all know what you're doing already user
do you want your pills now

You just got btfo and proved your own argument wrong.

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>everytime 2 men exchange more than 3 words with each other retards think they're gay for each other

I hate you stupid faggots


Priam is just walking cancer that has never brought anything good from his existence.
Many have said the same about Awakening as a whole, but at least I can argue gameplay-wise it needed to be a decent base so Conquest can exist, and more importantly so the internal war in IS would be clear as day to the actual fans.
Everytime, he is basically nothing but fodder for a retarded battle between Soren loving fujoshis from more than a decade ago, and self inserting Elinciafags that played PoR after smash also more than a decade ago. Sprinkle in falseflaggers who barely got exactly what Priam was an extremely crappy reference to in Awakening, and you have every bit of :discussion" this character that manages to be less of a character than the average idolshit producer causes, without fail.


Nobody thinks they're canonically gay, they just think that it would be cute/hot if they were a couple, or if they have gay sex.

U mad bro

That guy was Mist's descendant, not Ike's.

but that's what i'm saying, traps have nothing to do with IRL trannis or crossdressers

>teen boy
>cherrypicked angle

lmao, have you ever heard of averages?

that guy has a very feminine body by the way, not full-blown female like Ruka, but still very feminine and unlike you i'm not claiming pic related is the average female body type. i'm being very honest here traps have flat-chested female body types

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>N-n-n-no u

nice v-shaped torso bro

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>implying that having kids mean shit

everyone here seems to ignore the fact that in history, the majority of man with male lovers did have heritage.

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They ARE canonically gay, though. Open your eyes, user.

>teen boy
just like the trap and dude in your image
>cherrypicked angle
It's not a cherrypicked angle

Ike is straight you baiting tranny

Shh. Stop letting facts get in the way of idiots being triggered.

the dude in your pic looks more like the trap than the women does. also the fact that the anime woman and the anime trap in your pic look nothing alike objectively proves you wrong and proves the guy you're arguing with correct. if traps had female bodies they'd look female. but they don't have female bodies, they look like boys.

Ike has great^n grandchild though

>this male has a feminine body because i say so
>if i erroneously classify every skinny male twink as "feminine" that means twinks and traps have female bodies
Do you see now why you're a retard and everyone is laughing at you? Males have masculine bodies by definition. Just because you find skinny, twinky boys cute does not mean they're not male.

>the only romantic things Ike ever did were done because the localizers of PoR thought it was boring for him not to lust after Elincia at least a little
>awakening paralogues are canon, which means bullshit like Emmyrn totally didn't die and the like
>Mist totally can't have a child that inherited her dad's genes

Just accept that Ike is either gay or asexual you fucking retards.

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>Comparing real world shit to fantasy world shit
also how does that prove Ike is gay

there is nothing honest about any of your posts. everything you're saying is wrong and the result of insane mental gymnastics.

I think you meant to say accept that Ike is either straight or asexual

lol your own pic shows that you're wrong man

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The sad thing is they would be ripe to have a shitfit if something even slightly similar was done today, because they're fairweather faggots.
Oh wait, they did with Fates and it's shitshow localiztion on top of a shitshow base.

>literally pushes the shop thot away with his bf

Fuck off.

Link and Vivian both came first and are both canon gay men.

>Ike is ga-

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>awakening paralogues are canon, which means bullshit like Emmyrn totally didn't die and the like
>Mist totally can't have a child that inherited her dad's genes
you would have a argument if Ike didn't go to another land
>Just accept that Ike is either gay or asexual you fucking retards.
Accept he's straight

Your fanfiction doesn't count

Boy what an original post.

How about a guy who is too conflicted to ever admit his feelings to a girl?

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>the dude in your pic looks more like the trap than the women does.
>lso the fact that the anime woman and the anime trap in your pic look nothing alike

imagine being this delusional. this is what a skinny male from the same series looks like

i never said skinny males are feminine, but that guy do have a female-ish andro body shape, but he'll probably change because he's a teenager

don't worry bro, it's not because traps have female bodies, that it means you're not gay

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And he's also a mary sue

The paralogue characters are such a wasted opportunity
>Ike's descendant
>has like 5 support conversations

>Literally leaves to go on a adventure without him or with a catboy
>Lusts after elincia

>traps have nothing to do with IRL trannis or crossdressers
you are the dumbest motherfucker I've encountered all day

It's almost like we didn't just have this discussion.

>Lusts after elincia
English only

>>Mist totally can't have a child that inherited her dad's genes
>you would have a argument if Ike didn't go to another land
I don't see how that's relevant.

>lol your own pic shows that you're wrong man

"lol your own pic shows that you're wrong man, let me post an androgynous man to show how you're wrong"

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If Priam is a descendent of Ike he would have had to come from Ike’s side instead of Mist’s on a pedigree chart. If he said a descendent of Greil you might have a chance.

Doesn’t matter though, Ike is into cat girls.

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You might be the most retarded and disingenuous person on the entire planet.

>Draw a girl
>Give it a penis
>Call it a trap
Tfw not born a girl so you can never truly be a trap

He did show that you're wrong. Objectively. You literally don't have a leg to stand on now and your argument has been completely obliterated. Traps have male, twinky bodies and liking them means you like the male form. This is a fact that's been proven in this thread. The argument is over.

Are we just supposed to take him at his word? How would he know, I doubt he's actually been tracking his bloodline.

>implying he can't be like 20 generations away and totally wrong about his ancestors

Who do you think sounds cooler to say as your descendent? A greil mercenary, the sister of Ike or Ike himself? Priam is just lying out of his ass.

Traps have male bodies though, so it's easily achievable for skinny guys.

>Dude this is some yaoi fangirl reaching

If you don't know the reason why it wouldn't make sense for priam to be the direct descendent of mist no one can help or argue with you and

this is of course assuming the guy doesn't have broad shoulders, a strong jawline, constant body hair, or any other features that are more masculine than androgynous
t. skinny guy

I said that having a kid means shit, I didn't say ike was gay nor I tried to prove he was, dumbass. I haven't even played the game

>"Comparing real world shit to fantasy world shit"
this doesn't make any sense, kys user


AND WHAT user?

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I’m talking about 2D traps, the only real traps, they all have female bodies and a penis. It’s unachievable in 3D. Life isn’t fair sometimes

Does 9/10 being canon to Awaking have any lore inconsistencies?

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Yea, Ike's gay.

You're thinking of futa, which is unachievable in 3d. Traps have male bodies.

Awakening fucks the lore of everything

Priam says otherwise

The reason has been the same for years, your headcanons. No Ike never fucked Elincia unless you want to selectively pick and choose which localization additions you like, and even then they never went that far.
Priam is not proof Ike is straight OR gay, because Priam himself is a mess of issues due to IS' shit writing team under the retarded new director basically chucking a bunch of Ike references into one character for the sake of smashfags while not realizing the problems actual fans would notice since they actually played his games.
Although that's part and parcel to the Time Travel Dimension hopping shit that makes less sense the more they try to make use of it.

You, user, are a person I'd like to share a glass with.

Everything is canon to Awakening, so it's not evidence of anything in any other game. There are gay, straight and mermaid Ikes scattered across the multiverse.

Yoshi has existed long before Ike

2D traps all have bodies of a female. They draw traps like females. Unachievable in 3D, so unfair.

All the fags here have shown is that they will continue to convolute a story about racism and friendship into one of unnatural freak behaviour. This is why straight people can never trust them.



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They don't. I don't think you know what a trap is. Traps are drawn with male figures. Just look at characters like Ruirui and Yuuki Kei. They look like males in drag, which you can easily achieve if you take care of yourself.

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Who said Ike fucked elincia she didn't come with him Also you're post is basically
>It doesn't make sense so it's not Canon it's not real it doesn't count
the biggest problem with your post is some of the stuff you said doesn't make sense does make sense

I forgot how shitty and lazy this ending was for Ike

2d traps have the bodies of a male. you are wrong and don't understand the culture. you're thinking of futa.

If Birdo identifies as female then she technically counts as transgender. Don't have to be post-op to be trans.

>I have to go now, my planet needs me.

The only endings with great detail and variety were the ones for Echoes. Prove me wrong.

Priam is a retarded mess of a character by himself, nevermind what he does to the 9/10 lore, but he's miles above what Awakening pulled with Valentia and Jugdral's lore.
The entire game honestly reads like someone's failed fan fiction of Suikoden + SAO repurposed into an attempt at resembling a Fire Emblem game.
Unfortunately it worked for normalfags that infested this fanbase, which is why I can't even begin to complain High School Emblemusical exists, because it's just giving the audience their carrot on a stick.

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>what he does to the 9/10 lore,
basically he changes nothing that would lower the score

nice to see the fujo agenda still trying to push their gay shit.

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(you), right?

>Traps have male, twinky bodies and liking them means you like the male form.
>This is a fact that's been proven in this thread. The argument is over.

i-i won! haha. please stop

Attached: Mayonne (Goku-tier Body).jpg (200x500, 30K)

It's been ages since I played awakening, what'd they do to Jugdral again?

Attached: hairdiglen.png (144x192, 18K)

>High School Emblemusical
Do you mean KOWASHITAI?

>Zofia became the land of weeaboos and everyone started speaking fantasy Japanese

Attached: 1510263031240.png (740x700, 982K)

It's not an agenda and you don't have to be a fujo to see that Ike is a canon homosexual.

Is Priam the most based FE character ever?
The amount of butthurt born out of that character is amazing.

Threads like these have me CONVINCED that there are infact at least some women that frequent here and most if not all of them are fucking Fujoshi. Nothing wrong with that, Fujo it up so long as its about videogames... but you gotta be either the most-high of cock-gargling homo men or a full blown Fujo to even give a shit about whether or not Ike was gay, let alone spend a whole thread arguing about it.

Sacred Stones was my favorite one for full FE-cred disclosure. Don't remember there being any homo-love in that one though.

Attached: 1545607364610.jpg (253x420, 12K)

99.9% of artists draw traps like females without tits. It’s impossible to just make your sex female and become a trap, so unfair 3D sucks

What does score have to do with anything, when that user I replied to clearly was using 9 and 10 to refer to Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn?
Are you even attempting to reply sensibly now?

>9/10 lore
Go away GameCube baby

So what do you think of the guy who's been spamming Priam for the entire thread?

I'm fairly certain that the user you're replying to was making a joke.


They don't know. The vast majority of trap artists draw them like boys. For every 100 images like this where the traps are blatantly boyish, there's like 1 where the trap is a wide hipped flat chested futa like what you're talking about.

Attached: b96df75e184a2ebc8e28a95f0e0a1fff.png (529x900, 645K)

Futa = Traps with tits
Traps = Females with dicks

Ouch nice try, back to the discord tranny

>if you just pretend they're a woman and ignore their dick then it's like fucking a woman
Why not just fuck women then you fucking faggot

Attached: 1380959409585.gif (240x180, 2.88M)

but that's completely wrong. have you never been to pixiv? almost all the trap pics look like boys.

Attached: 68587137_p0.jpg (600x850, 149K)

Those are all female bodies just fit and flat chested literally impossible in 3D. Tfw can’t just be born a girl and call yourself a trap

The story wasn't good regardless

could not be more wrong if you tried. traps are boys in dresses. they're not futa or women.

God I want to fuck Fem Ike!

Attached: 1550310238558.png (554x910, 268K)

The anti-fujo flavor of autism of course, but he probably throats just as much schlong for spamming. I didn't play awakening and had to look it up but I imagine the claim of Priam being a descendant of Ike is whats causing this gay/straight discourse right?

this fago saying traps are just girls but without tits or whatever the fuck is probably just trying to get you to post more traps

What does Ike being gay have to do with trannies? Do you just assume that anyone who disagrees with you must be part of some enemy group?

You say that like they’re real people. Traps are females with peenus and futa are traps with teets.

Look at boku no pic the most famous trap hentai
all the traps are drawn like boys

why are you repeatedly spouting out random, inaccurate claims as if anyone would be dumb enough to believe you? you do realize we all have access to the internet and tens of thousands of examples of why you're wrong, don't you?

More or less. Before Awakening it wasn't much of an issue since the only thing anyone could bring up to the contrary was the English-only Elincia stuff from the previous game. Priam still isn't very good evidence for a number of reasons already listed in the thread, but it's enough for people to fight over.

where do you think the word "trap" comes from? and I want to challenge you by requesting that you actually think about your answer before you write it.

I only read that Ike left and Soren followed him. I don't read anywhere they loved each other. Hell I read "trust".

stop cherrypicking we both know the majority of artists just draw traps like females. look at any popular trap 2D, even the ones you see in your black and white mangas.


How is my claim inaccurate? Are you going to tell me 2D traps, only real traps, aren’t females with little peckers that call themselves boys? Without a dick or being called a boy since the artist made them that way they’d be female.

Exactly. Every trap doujin is drawn in a way that shows the trap is explicitly male. It showcases their shoulders, neck, chests and other areas that are distinctly masculine. That's the appeal. Only an actual newfag idiot or a tranny pushing an agenda would ever claim that traps have female bodies.

Attached: 6a87e9848ffd79b3a08cc1c9d4fe09d4e4c83fdd.jpg (800x1083, 351K)

IntSys doesn't do canon. They're never going to say anything either way.

god damn. shit like this is why i started fucking femboys in my early 20s.

and why i'm dating a sexy 19 year old femboy while i'm 30.

Pretty much, but Priam in general is a problem due to the spotpass shit as a whole being chock full of even shitter writing than NotJapan magically forming in the middle of an extremely western landlocked country with European-esque genotypes everywhere. Like Emmeryn's body budding a new, not smashed up head like a starfish and walking around as s mumbling retard until it's magically fixed but only if she dies again.

Given their interactions in the rest of the two games, it's pretty fucking obvious what it means.

you are so butthurt

Jack of Blades

I wish there was more trap yaoi animated hentai. There's very few of it, and a lot of the trap animations has futashit or hetshit with it.

>he's 30 and still going to Yea Forums

We really are here forever

Attached: WOAH.png (610x818, 207K)

FE 1-5 you retarded Echoescuck

If you're taking the interactions at face value, Soren's gay is pretty one sided. Because Ike is shown multiple times to value strength and combat over social interactions.

Besides Priam is very much damning evidence against it.

great reply, I can see you've finally realized how stupid you are and have defaulted to insult mode

>Ike literally takes his time to help Soren open up to others in his support with him in PoR
>Not him valuing social interactions
No way fag

why leave?

We've already discussed the smelly hobo.

>look at any popular trap 2D
You mean like this one? Astolfo is very consistently drawn like a man. I don't think anyone is actually capable of being as dumb as you're presenting yourself, and that you're actually just fishing for trap images. Lucky for you I don't mind sharing.

Attached: 69189941_p0.jpg (800x792, 498K)

>no u
i see you ran out of arguments

No trans niggers (or abominations as I like to call them) mutilate themselves, crossdressers do not

Anyone can wield the holy weapons.

>muh priam
Instantly invalidated.

and no I wasn’t referring to anyone in specific I was saying generally

>thread discussing Ike's sexuality
>somehow becomes a thread about traps

Attached: smug ike.jpg (368x400, 142K)

Ike also shoots down every girl in the series, some very deliberately. A hot, older shopkeeper was trying to get into his pants and he made Soren rescue him.

The character in Awakening is clearly just a fanboy. His ragnell is clearly not the real one.

What did you expect?

Oh shit you're right, why the fuck did they do that? They didn't even need to add them to awakening.

Attached: ultra cringe.gif (220x224, 176K)

>My planet sneeds me
Also sneed

delicious flat-chest girl body yummy. love his cute small shoulders

give me the source

Checks out desu

Attached: 1549004986960.jpg (635x700, 68K)

Retard, Awakening fucked Archanea more than anything else

Don't watch a anike called boku

Pheromones are a thing.

still waiting on you to tell me where the word "trap" comes from.

Not really. Priam is more of a direct confirmation that Ike is straight then the head cannon of a bunch of fags unable to read a story properly and twisting it into their sick, perverted fetish.

Priam proves jack fucking shit.

Life isn’t fair. Why are the Japanese setting unrealistic standards for traps by making them look feminine with overly female features? I’ll never be able to look like a real trap. 3D can suck my cock


Attached: Marth grab.jpg (640x480, 48K)


Ike's literal character trait is that he takes his time to help Everyone in the army. The one who makes this special is Soren himself, not Ike.
Ike helps Elincia way WAY more than he helps Soren, and Ike is shown attraction to the concept of living with Lethe as well.

And the only conclusions reached is based on suppositions. The matter of the fact is that he
>Is designed to look like Ike by the writers
>Named like Ike by the writers
>Is the sole holder of Ike's unique personal weapon
>Was introduced in a fanservice game to specifically allude to Ike intentionally
Unless word of god confirms he is not a direct descendant from Ike we have to assume he is because that's what the story leads us to believe.

>Astolfo is very consistently drawn like a man.

The only time i've ever seen Astolfo looking boy-ish was in the anime shower scene, 99% of the time he's drawn with a dickgirl body.

I'm a biscum by the way.

Attached: my husbando.png (700x650, 308K)

i dont know

We get it, magabro, you hate fags.
But how does that actually make Priam make sense, especially with the other content he was packaged with such as revived Gangrel, for better or worse?

>everyone talking about the trap body types
>not mentioning that it's mostly the super feminine facial structure that sells it

>tfw not born female so you can never be a trap

You do know it is still physically possible for gay people to reproduce, right?

Kanji isn't gay and there's already gay persona characters from before P4

That's because 99% of the time you're looking at fanart.

I want to mating press Soren (girl)

Attached: cf43c6f88dc435e0aa94e302eb6c8a54.jpg (600x600, 119K)

retard cannot read and should be ashamed. shame on you tranny shame on you.

>Taking this low tier fag bait
Absolutely epic

Sorry to disappoint you, but that picture is official.

Attached: 1551370161003.jpg (886x696, 298K)

He's just fishing for replies.

So can some people with Down syndrome. Exceptions aren’t the norm.

Everyone here knows it’s bait

Check who's the original designer and how many times he's been actually drawn on-model. The problem with Fate is that they jump from artist a lot, each with their own interpretations of characters.

Then you've never been to pixiv in your life. He's almost always drawn looking very boyish.

Attached: 65217925_p1.jpg (930x1516, 256K)

Oh, I forgot the manga too! He looks boyish there.

In the games he's pretty much a flat girl. I fucking love this motherfucker.

Attached: FateExtella-Link-pubblicati-dei-nuovi-screenshots-dedicati-al-titolo-4.jpg (640x360, 162K)

But exceptions still exist.

>pic unrelated

>Didn’t realize i was baiting
Check and mate

that looks like a dude. and so does this. you might be blind if you think these pics looks like female bodies.

Attached: 69586752_p0.png (1224x2000, 973K)

Attached: 1548540084880.png (525x698, 565K)

>Complaining about exceptions when Tellius had a lot of exceptions like some fortune teller being actually related to the empire's dynasty, a branded human serving as a general to a country that looks down on branded and the guy who was your tactician all that time was actually the son of the king of Daein you killed in PoR.

>that waistline

my fucking dick

According to Awakening literally anyone can hold weapons that are specifically tied to bloodline heritage.
According to Awakening there are time travel portals that supposedly allow access to literally any reality related to the FE series, but can't even mention the possibility of what is currently happening in another continent over despite the "progress" of 3k years.
According to Awakening a possible creator Goddess is completely irrelevant while a fucking ghost of a dragon can asspull a revival after Robin's sacrifice.
According to Awakening, despite a living dark dragon that needs hosts to survive in another continent, or the dark dragon that has actually plagued the continent repeatedly in the past which Naga AND Tiki have specific history with, there's some random dragon asshole that was 10 times more successful than both to the point of also fucking around with time travel.
Ah, and don't forget, if you go with Fates' own ties to Awakening, despite the above incidents an entire other continent with asshole dragons are "rumors".

Maybe if you had any exposure pre-Awakening or even before outrage culture became a thing, maybe I'd see your point of view.
As is, every chance I gave Awakening to be reasonably sensible despite the retarded bullshit it kept pulling made a literal vegetable look like a genius. So I'm not desperate enough to waste even a second more of brainpower dealing with a shred of what it "established".

you’ve been deluding into not knowing the differences anymore. that’s a female body, here I’ll help you, cover the area where her tits should be and tell me that’s not a female body

Pic unrelated? The only masculine-leaning part of that picture is the chest. Face, shoulders, waist and hips all look far more feminine than masculine. Sure, you can find 1 out of 1000 males with the same body, but females with a similar body are much more common.

Hell, not even most 3DPD women have those proportions, his hips and shoulders are pretty much the same size. Just paid a tribute to Jordan and her body unironically looks worse.

Attached: 533full-jordan-mcewen.jpg (533x800, 23K)

320 replies for a simple answer. Ike’s not gay. Rip fags

Attached: C7301DAE-264D-4114-B4C2-495E94A0C099.jpg (540x309, 24K)

You mean pic very related. This is what a male body looks like. Only delusional closet cases would claim this looks like a girl.

Attached: 71280954_p0.jpg (1302x1842, 1.36M)

he looks blatantly male in both those pics. this is what a male looks like. how far in the closet are you that you're going to just lie to yourself?

Attached: 1448411434244.jpg (800x1200, 724K)

>itt people mistake feminine posing for feminine body when all Astolfo pics are boyish

Every part of that pic is masculine. Your pic looks nothing like Astolofo is other traps because women cannot achieve the trap aesthetic. They're too blubbery.

Attached: tumblr_mkxbwmeeqV1s5oh47o1_500.jpg (500x667, 66K)

how about we take a 2D trap and compare them to other guys / women, which do you think theyll align with more? women, obviously. because people draw traps like women with dicks.

>tfw you can never be an irl trap because you were born male

To end this shit:

1. Ike and Soren MAYBE are a gay couple, but we'll probably never know. They look cute together, though.
2. liking traps is gay, unless you were trapped somehow
3. traps usually have female bodies

t. biscum, I'm an expert in degeneracy


Attached: 5a9.jpg (736x467, 62K)

He's pretty much implied to be a boylover. In a game where every other unique support ending is a hetero romantic one, he only gets them with male characters. Nintendo's not too down with faggot characters, but Ike comes as close as they get without outright telling you the character is gay.

>literally anyone can hold
It's not that he can hold it, rather that he has it at all. It's that he has the only Tellius Regalia when the only ones native to the land are the Archanea and Valentia's (Jugdral's came with the dreadlords)

Boy, I played Tellius and Archanea before Awakening was even released. If you recall that Awakning was at one point the last game in the series, THE point of Awakening was to tie all games together to through the time traveling Portals. That's why the story of Awakening mirrors the story of Seluph and Julius and references Genealogy through the brands. That's why Panne exists to connect with the Laguz (as she mentions in dialogue with DLC), and that's why Priam introduces himself as the decenant of the Hero of the Blue Flame and asserts himself as such by having the same lust for meat, the same proficiency for Combat like Ike did, and a company of warriors who believe in him like Ike did.


no one thinks these are anything but guys. seething trannies

>Sure, you can find 1 out of 1000 males with the same body, but females with a similar body are much more common.

Are you people blind? Serious question.

it's only one or two closeted retards, i think. most people know that traps look like boys and that astolfo is drawn with male anatomy in mind.

Attached: imgsrc.ru_30500921TdY.jpg (768x1024, 129K)

When humanity has advanced medicine so that humans don't age anymore once they become an adult, femboys and twinks will make women obsolete. Prove me wrong.

They align with men more, actually. Women look absolutely nothing like 2D traps and no woman has ever been able to look convincingly like an anime trap.

Attached: andro54967.jpg (402x604, 57K)

no trap is drawn like a male, artists intentionally go out of their way to make them as feminine as possible

I bet that statue has a nice ass

user did you read the words attached to those posts? That's LITERALLY what they're saying. Traps and crossdressers are GUYS. Those posts are arguing AGAINST people who are claiming that traps look like female even though that's UNTRUE and TRAPS LOOK LIKE MEN.

It would be better if they just retconned Soren and turned him into a girl.

he looks so delicious there, his body resembles my last girlfriend's body

>Women look absolutely nothing like 2D traps and no woman has ever been able to look convincingly like an anime trap.
why can’t people look like the thing that’s trying to imitate them?!? user... 2d traps look more like women than men. you’re just a seething tranny that wishes you were 2d


Every trap is drawn like a male. This thread is now filled with evidence that traps look 100% masculine underneath the clothes and makeup. This is literally what a natural, youthful male body looks like. When 3d women look even somewhat like this, straight guys say "damn that bitch looks like a dude" because this is a distinctly and exclusively masculine body type.

Attached: Stav_(3).jpg (357x700, 28K)

How the fuck is he gay?

>tfw no bro-tier boyfriend with a female face, voice and body

why live bros?

Attached: TMAPRIL_2015_Astolfo.jpg (686x1024, 180K)

2d traps only look like men, they never look like women.

His "heart became one" with another man's.

Boys can't have female bodies, they have boy bodies. That goes for 2d as well as 3d. Traps are always boyish.

>we need more mentally ill faggots

>faggot who hasn’t seen a women in years

You're the seething tranny here though. You're the one claiming traps are women, even though they're actually just gay dudes who look like gay dudes.

>hot shopkeeper
She's literally a stereotypical fortune teller gypsy

Kill yourself homosexuals

that’s faggot cope. 2D traps, the only real traps, are women.

>in years

you meant never

t. disgusting seething tranny
traps are gay boys.

>no u
traps are clearly drawn as women but are males. my point is 2D > 3D and trannies like you will never be able to be a real trap even if you faggots call yourself that because you’re beyond deluded.

he looks like a girl with a dick, that's what make him so attractive, he's the best from both worlds

Attached: ss-skill-01.jpg (366x534, 84K)

Not him but most traps are drawn like males. A trap is a pretty boy in drag, not a female with a penis. Females with penises are called futa, but traps always have male features. You might want to lurk and educate yourself before posting on a subject you know nothing about and making a fool of yourself.

Attached: tumblr_ny4cgedJ3o1ukwngro3_540.jpg (540x304, 54K)

Yeah but Soren proceeds to tell her that she's HOT a What Baabhabhiat until she gives him the silver card, if I recall correctly. Either way I thought it was hilarious.

Attached: 6e9.jpg (750x1061, 104K)

He looks like an ordinary boy with long pink hair. That's why people like him. He's a twink, not a futa. Every feature he has is distinctly male.

Traps = females (without tits) that are called male
Futa = females (with dicks) that are called male

You trannies are nothing but mentally ill faggots playing dress up. You’ll never be a trap continue coping.

he looks like a girl with a dick and boy heart, he's perfect

i wish i had a boyfriend like him

Attached: Astolfo_Extella.png (1086x1417, 1.04M)

This, Astolfo is very boyish and liking him is very gay.

Attached: 71274187_p0.jpg (2240x2391, 2.2M)

let me fix that
traps = females with dicks without tits that are called male
futa = females with dicks that are called female

now cope tranny

There is a CANON GAY MARRIAGE banner in Fire Emblem Heroes right now and people are asking this.

Traps are males. The only tranny here is you.

Yes because she gives discounts when boys tell her she's hot, so he played her. The line was something like she'd give Ike 100% off but only 75% to Soren. Soren's excuse was that it would be improper for Commander Ike to be saying those things. It was fucking hilarious.

Ike left with the Ragnell and was never seen again. It doesn't make sense that he give his sword to Mist. The Awakening Ragnell being all crackep up could be a sign that it no longer holds Ashera's blessing for being in a different realm beyond Ashera's power.

Attached: 150px-Ragnell_Awakening.png (150x732, 89K)

yes. traps are, because their artist wants them to be, male. however they are drawn like females and are made like females the only difference is they’re male and have a penis “trap”. I can draw an apple and call it a banana doesnt mean it isn’t an apple.

They're drawn like males, too. Traps look like guys. You're probably just shitposting though because following the reply chain shows me that you've been proven wrong repeatedly.

his super thin waist is the 2nd best part about him

his personality is numbah 1

Attached: 642488.jpg (1100x1704, 948K)

>tfw used to be a straight guy
>Yea Forums turned me into a bi

boys who look like girls are my ideal partners

Attached: Let's_Depart!-temp.png (512x875, 364K)

No, because (You) sexuals in Heroes don't exist despite how desperate waifufags want to think otherwise.
This is because IS has consistently failed at having a self insert by making them their own character, shit writing and all (Robin and Corrin). However they can't do that with Heroes' self insert so he is just straight up there.

dont pretend like you’re not the same retard ive been constantly btfoing. every time you tried to provide evidence it was quickly broken apart masterfully by me and other anons. real traps are drawn like women, every popular trap is a woman, traps = women with the title male and a penis. I don’t know why you insist on trying to deny reality. you really can’t accept the fact you’ll never be able to be a trap, huh

This is why devs keep slapping big gay signs over characters in games.

What? I'm talking about the Ike and Soren gay marriage banner.

He’s only attracted to biological females.


Because they want to stand out?

you've been getting btfo repeatedly all thread long. every single user that replied to you proved you worng and made you look like an idiot, lol

He's either shitposting or just baiting for trap images that prove him wrong. Either way, he's wrong and it's been well established.

>He’s only attracted to biological females.
to think i used to be like that. those are the biggest faggots, truly pussy slaves

the real redpill is liking anyone who looks like a female, regardless of chromossomes

Attached: 656927d754831351afd92c1bf42251a3a44048f5_00.jpg (362x512, 46K)

feel free to lie to yourself. just because you say you won this argument doesn’t mean you did. just like how a trap being called a man doesn’t make them one when they’re drawn like a female.

I accept your concession

You lost dude, he's right. Traps are male and you're gay for liking them. Your mental gymnastics aren't getting you anywhere.

only females look female. traps look male. that's why they're cute.


>Trap and gay defender calling anyone tranny
Go away faggot don't you have some soi you need to drink

lurk more

they're cute because they're males who look like girls

as a biscum degenerate, they're pretty much perfection in human form

Attached: Aikawa (Prunus Girl).png (400x1000, 211K)

You're the shitposting tranny though. Those posters are saying that traps are gay men. No one's falling for your agenda.


>they're cute because they're males
the sentence can end there. females are not cute, they're shit.

The poster you’re replying to is right. Traps are women with the title of male. Real life faggots like you will never be able to be traps.

You need to go back
Yeah he's right in you're imaginary world now go dilate your flesh wound
I can't even consider you a real man

>tfw not born a woman
>tfw watch a lot of animes
>tfw want to be the anime girl
>tfw start to dress up
>tfw call myself a trap
>tfw every real trap is drawn like a woman
>tfw ill never be a woman or a trap
Should I consider suicide? I’m clearly a mentally ill abomination.

>females are not cute, they're shit
males indeed have better personalities on average, but the female form is perfection, take the bi pill you already

looking at the overall package: traps (boys with girl bodies) > regular females > twinks. i'm not attracted to muscle men

Attached: 1550857271975.png (140x333, 32K)

How many times do you have to get proven wrong before you stop samefagging and shitposting? No one would ever call that retard right. Traps are male, they look male, liking them means you like males and that means you're gay. End of story.

god nobody cares fuck off faggot


Distance yourself from whatever is encouraging you wish that shit right away

Traps are just twinks who crossdress. There's no distinction between traps and boys. Traps are just boys.

Traps are drawn like boys though. There has never been a trap that looks like a female, that's called futa and they're nothing like traps.

Marth is nigh identical to his ancestor Anri(the original wielder of Falchion), except with short hair.
...Anri was childless and Marth is from his brother's line. Ancestors and descendants are a bit weird in FE.

Nah, I like twinks too, but traps look much better, they're girls with dicks,

>Traps are just boys.
Yes, but they're not twinks. Twinks and bears are both boys as well, but aren't the same either.

Attached: c3d664e815be171b12812cc0f5034a9353f4df28_hq.jpg (1024x742, 100K)

>traps a drawn just like me
>im a cute trap guys
tranny cope

Just be a femboy and find a bf that'll accept your penis.

Traps aren't girls. They're boys. They look like boys and will claim to be boys if asked. Only mentally ill trannies think they're girls.

Yeah but him being the descendant of mist wouldn't make sense unless the children of mist also decided to go on a adventure in a new world never to be seen again

Trannies are fine too when they pass and keep their dicks, neo-vaginas look disgusting.

Attached: prunus-girl-1475780.jpg (326x974, 142K)

every real trap is drawn like a boy. all true traps are just twinks.

Attached: 70473220_p1.jpg (544x956, 182K)

>Traps aren't girls.
what the fuck brah, i never claimed otherwise. traps are boys who look and act like girls

Attached: 1.jpg (800x1108, 87K)

Trannies are never fine. Kill yourself asap, you hideous freak.

trannies can never pass

real women >> 2D traps (women) >>>>>> nu-males

Why did the author thought shoving in yurishit in a yaoi manga was a good idea?

trannies are disgusting, they're not ever fine in any instance. also trannies can never be traps. traps are natural boys who look like cute twinks.

>/fit/ girls don’t exist
>I don’t know what girls look like
>All I jerk off to his women with penises that are called males

Traps are boys who are androgynous

Traps are males, not women. They don't even look like women.

faggots can never be traps either. even if you call yourself one you’ll never be one fag.

>/fit/ girls don’t exist

the real truth is that male and female bodies can be incredibly close to one another depending on any given individual's genes and physical development. A guy can have low muscle mass and low or just a little body fat and look quite petite, while some women can have high muscle mass or more squarish/flat features caused by development or genes. There are many ways for humans to look and it makes sense that people would be attracted to different things. Ike is just a fan of cute boys or has enough of an emotional attachment to Soren that he doesn't care.

youre confusing real life “”””traps””””” with real 2D traps that are drawn to be women but are called male

>Reading nice hetero manga
>Some lesbo character is introduced who is annoying and ruins everything
Every time.


how about you go out and get a girlfriend instead of jerking off to men all day

>Ike left with Ragnell

Source or get the fuck out.

This thread is proof that even Serenes is better than Yea Forumseddit's Fire Emblem fanbase.
If I were drunk, I could argue even /feg/ is better.

most trannies look terrible, but i'd fuck a few like this femboy turned tranny in pic related

boys who look like girls are a miracle of the universe

Attached: mqmkmnnkopb11.jpg (1944x2592, 317K)

2D traps are drawn to be male. They have features that are exclusive to males 99% of the time. You're wrong here, sorry.

Attached: 2.jpg (874x1150, 290K)

>Traps are boys who are androgynous
traps are boys who look feminine or androgynous, yeah

best of both worlds

As I said previously, you have the opportunity to completely BTFO me. Compare a trap to any guy from the same artist and then compare that to a woman from the same artist. The trap will always, no matter how hard you try to cherrypick, look like the woman. Why? Because traps are drawn like women.

There is no source, it was only stated that he left.
Priamfans had to shove in "Ike obviously left with Ragnell" as an excuse to fix the many problems he has.
Although I could buy it, it doesn't change Awakening's shit writing and that if it wasn't for culture war shit everyone would have gone on to their own business, Sorenfags, Elinciafags, Lethefags, Ranulfags, etc. God knows there have been enough self insert fanfics, kids and all, about those pairings that are still more respectful to specifically Ike's games, nevermind FE as a whole, than Priam.

God, I want a trap significant other so much.

I don't give a single fuck if it's a crossdressing twink or a tranny, only needs to look and act like a girl like Rin.

Attached: Rin.jpg (926x884, 225K)

They're not drawn like women at all. You've already been BTFO by like 10 different anons posting examples itt while you have zero examples. Traps look like men and are never drawn to look like females. Traps always have features that make it clear they're men.

Attached: 68780083_p4.jpg (1000x1046, 287K)

btfo you lost concession accepted

Look at the end of the day traps are gay, because they're still biologically boys and have dick and balls. If you want a girl's body then go for a girl. But if you go for a trap then you're willingly participating in something that is gay.

Traps with boyish bodies are still the best traps though.

you did get completely btfo. like 20 times. people are not only posting 2d traps that are clearly drawn with male only anatomy, but they've even posted 3d twinks who look closer to anime traps than any 3d woman. try to keep up user.

don’t refer to real life faggot trannies as traps. you’re only further deluding them.

You've already been BTFO, user. You lost a long time ago. You're just grasping at straws now.

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>btfo so hard he replies three times
btfo cope tranny

But I wasn't referring to real life transgender people though...

but you got btfo already. you lost and are just making a fool out of yourself.

Isn't the easier answer that Soren is gay and Ike isn't?

you said biologically, 2D doesn’t have biology.

Isn't this person that israeli tranny?

Stav something

He knows, he's just baiting you. No one is actually that stupid or deluded.

He's a gay twink, not a tranny. No idea where he's from.

Okay dude keep defending mentally ill traps and trannies at least you have tons in common with them
>n-n-n-no u you got btfo
Sad and pathetic go dilate your flesh wound tranny

>Stav something
Stav Strashko!

damn, I would fuck this tranny's boypussy 24/7, looks better than ever

Attached: Stav+Strashko+HBO+Documentary+Film+Trans+List+mouRXXCMt_cl.jpg (396x600, 58K)

>Saying a character is a boy or showing their genitals in works of fiction isn't stating their biological sex

Attached: Astolfo thinking.png (1700x1946, 1.45M)

>He's a gay twink, not a tranny.
nah, i just remembered their name, Stav Strashko

kinda hot, not gonna lie

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btfo. anime can’t be mentally ill faggot you lost go shave and play dress up.

I draw apple I call apple banana, is apple now a banana? traps are just females with dicks and real life doesn’t apply to fiction

holy fucking shit, would convert in a heartbeat for her

Attached: 49761597_2033628940047177_7439986957181983528_n.jpg (933x1166, 122K)

>no u
Cope harder tranny

Then you're into futa shit then?

seething tranny

>No u
Keeping coping asshurt tranny

no. im just saying the truth. traps are just women with dicks that the artist titled male.

keep coping by seething

like the other dudes posted in this thread, *her* body is twink-ish instead of girl-ish like a true trap, but the face makes up for it

Attached: 44501581_191530345092791_5142673146147052963_n.jpg (640x800, 63K)

Yes because the traps I look at with wide shoulders, a different looking pelvis and flat chests are girls with dicks.

>Asshurt and coping
Just like a tranny

stop looking at traps gay boy. most artists draw them as overly female and you can see this when comparing a trap character to a female character by the same artist.

some artists may draw “traps to fit with the real world “”””””traps”””””” but that’s just gay pandering

projector projecting projections

>Traps with boyish bodies are still the best traps though.

i'd fuck a boyish one too, but girl with dick trap > boyish trap

Attached: 5d28f6eb169ebb83117ffd6b05518fc4.jpg (869x1252, 243K)

Coping assblasted and a tranny

You are so far into the closet, even aslan lost sight of you

Lol Ike is 100% gay. If you believe otherwise you're getting cucked.

Say "it's not confirmed" and bring up lolPriam all you want. But we'll keep getting things like Valentines Ike/Soren. IS devs and artists will continue to call them a romantic couple and treat them no different than any other implied canon couple like Roy/Lilina.

Only difference is they always need a smokescreen. If you think "Greil's Devoted" was anything but an excuse to sneak in Ike/Soren without the game being banned in certain countries. Then IDK what to tell you.

Actually it's like and mist

He's right though, traps are pretty much girls with dicks, maybe with slightly thinner hips, but still much closer to a female body than to a male body as drawn by the same artist.

I'm almost sure you're a tranny baiting.

This song is based as fuck, I wish it were longer and everyone got a part

Traps are androgynous boys keep deluding yourself faggot defender

The Player

cope seethe

projecting. at least you’re self aware.

you are so painfully closeted, come out man, Ill suck your dick for free.
Traps are literally feminine boys who can vaguely pass as girls without hormone shit. In anime style, traps are still boys. Any artists drawing girl bodies and calling it a guy just sucks and you are retarded for calling that a trap. Most shit under that category has obvious masculine features. Its pretty much the same as a femboy, just more likely to crossdress.
If you are going to be a fag at least learn the nomenclature


Fuck, meant for This

Keep coping with the fact you'll never be a girl assblasted faggot

>faggot defender
Dude, what?

>you are so painfully closeted, come out man,

I'm bisexual mate, traps look like girls with dicks.

>Ill suck your dick for free.
Where are you from? Do you look like a girl / trap? Or twinkish at least?

I'm not attracted to manly men.

Attached: 3c2962260aa89a7814efebd979a7546a0cd91ce0_hq.gif (500x280, 148K)

Traps look like androgynous men

Some do, most look girls with dicks.

Are you ?

>Not being attracted to manly men
What a homo

Im not remotely feminine, but I will gladly make you feel like a woman and embrace your hidden cocklust ;)

Most look like androgynous men and no I'm not him and the other dude

I honestly thought Ike being gay was just something everyone had accepted as true at this point. I didn't even realize it was controversial anymore. I knew about it before even getting into FE.

Based fag

Did u not play fe7?
Raven is a fag.

Everything including and after 3 is Boomsona you tard.

>Im not remotely feminine
Hard pass.
>I will gladly make you feel like a woman
Shut up you cock-hungry slut, shave and put on some make-up and maybe I'll fuck your ass so hard, no one would ever see you as a man again.

It's the opposite bro.

>biscum thinks trap is girl with a dick
Why am I not surprised

Doesn't Ranulf go on the journey with Ike at the end if you max your support with him instead of Soren?

Attached: Ranulf_cipher.jpg (596x811, 145K)

>Shut up you cock-hungry slut, shave and put on some make-up and maybe I'll fuck your ass so hard, no one would ever see you as a man again.
This is one of the most embarassing things Ive seen in these threads. Go find some giy to fuck you already on grindr, the scent of bitch couldnt be any stronger.
Plus my dick is definetly bigger, and you know the rules

>It's the opposite bro.
Yeah in bizzaro world
Yep and Ike can also just go alone

Reminder that Priam only has minor Gawain holy blood

Think about it, maybe it's because of my bisexuality that I'm familiar with both male and female's forms. You're only familar with 50%, the least attractive half even.

Traps are pretty much girls with dicks.

>This is one of the most embarassing things Ive seen in these threads.

I bet your male clit even twitched while reading my post. Are your boipussy wet, babygirl?

Homo-curious hetero-romantic
Go marry a beard already and stop bragging about fapping to glorified futa porn.

I'm pansexual and most traps are definitely androgynous

Attached: original_result.png (512x512, 493K)

They look like girls with dicks. Come to the winning / bisexual side, my friend.

>This is one of the most embarassing things Ive seen in these threads.

I bet your male clit even twitched while reading my post. Is your boipussy wet, babygirl?

Males don't have clits tranny
In pretty sure he thinks shemales are traps
They look to androgynous boys

Why did you delete your post you fucking retard?

Because he knows he's wrong

Probably just a retard who fapped to shemale and futa too much and thinks hes bi to be unique and cool. Would never date man after his first one nightstand

>Homo-curious hetero-romantic
I don't even know the meaning of all this shit, I'm only an old-styled bisexual who likes girls, girls with dicks / traps and few androgynous twinks. Girls and traps > twinks tho

What in the name of fuck happened to this thread?

Ok, you are obviously trolling and will receive one final (you). Bi obviously does not mean that, and there is no old fashioned good old boy definition of bisexual. Bi likes guys and girls, your own tastes may very as to the preffered features.
Try harder next time.

Some homo retards are butthurt because traps look like girls and not like them.

Soren looks like a twink
Ike has good taste

Attached: KatherineTrue3.png (1309x766, 874K)

>you're not bisexual if you don't like men who look like shit

Traps are always passable because they look like girls and girls are always a good thing.

A few twinks are also passable because sometimes i want to try something more androgynous.

Kanji isn't gay. His hobby is deemed as effeminate by society, which manifests in a deep insecurity via his shadow. This is why he's shown as a parody of a gay man. What we see in the shadow world is a reflection of people's warped perceptions, which are then given proper form by the victims themselves. Being feminine as a male is seen as proof of homosexuality by some people, even though your sexuality and demeanor don't have to correlate. You can exhibit feminine traits (liking cute things, hair styling, dancing, care-taking, etc..) as a man and still be straight. Also, even though he shows affection for Naoto during her boyish phase, I feel it's her androgyny and mystery that seem to catch his attention. I'd sooner think of Kanji as queer, since part of his struggle is reconciling his femininity and sexuality into something cohesive for himself.

erica is so fucking hot

Vivian is my favorite trap in paper mario another is birdo

Attached: th (16).jpg (474x677, 62K)

people who think Ike is gay for some reason Faggots who think traps don't mostly look like androgynous boys and the people arguing with those incorrect faggots

He's gay/bi because of p4a
he was attracted to akihiko and got very red faced multiple times around him

I've never liked Ike and he'd make for a shitty top. Also, fuck Soren

But Ike IS gay, user.

Quite frankly, for all the hate trannies get, some of them are closer to traps than twinks or other regular faggots will ever be.

Feels good to be a bisexual, I can fuck the ass of some worthless twinks and then dump them for women or even trannies.

Attached: 46378404_714668382252298_1965543136201919616_n.jpg (1080x1350, 124K)

but Ike is GAY and traps look like GIRLS

How so

And you ain't going to get laid to a real vagina either
Neo vaginas are better than most. Especially if they are done in Thailand.

Attached: EricaCap3.png (500x219, 120K)

>Who is Ike

>Neo vaginas are better than most.

Attached: 130221984383.png (299x288, 84K)


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Look up the great wall of vaginas you idiot

Attached: 1551586562992.jpg (2078x2107, 467K)

i'm on nofap

Seething p1/p2 boomerfag detected

>Didn't fuck/marry Elincia
>Didn't fuck/marry Mia
>Didn't fuck/marry Lethe
>Didn't fuck/marry Marcia
I will never not be mad

Attached: Ike and Elincia.jpg (1200x1320, 166K)

>here's your microsoft gay protagonist bro

Attached: Arbiter_crop.png (306x326, 120K)

>Didn't even have hints of romance with Elincia at all in PoR's original script
>They were all added in by localizers
Apparently the only one of these that arguably read as romantic in japanese was Lethe, and even that is questionable.

By that logic Mist is fucking her dad.

you know, being gay doesnt mean you cant have kids. gay men before like 20 years ago would still father children out of societal pressure or to have an heir.

supposing ike is a blue flaming faggot, theres absolutely no reason why he couldnt have fathered a child purely to have an heir

Attached: RCO019_1476349678.jpg (1041x710, 266K)

You fucking shipping fags got btfo by Priam, get the hell over it.

>his dad divorced his mom so he could finally be happy with his boyfriend
i know it hurts and you feel like maybe your dad never loved you or your mom and blame him for your misfortunes and feel afraid that if hes gay, maybe youre gay too. but dont worry. rest assured that youre right

So was 3

I never realized people thought Ike was gay until many years later when I first discussed FE online.
Always thought he was one of those shonen fightsexuals because he didn't have a married ending like Micaiah and Sothe, and wasn't explicitly homosexual like Heather was (iirc she actually had more deliberate lines about it cut).

>fag projecting shit
Not surprised. Sorry but my family is still together and I was never diddled like you subhuman genetic waste.

I can see Soren as gay or an approximation thereof, but honestly Ike just never put out anything that would seem like romantic love or the like, he just seems to see everyone as his "friends" instead. It feels like Soren followed him and Ike wasn't about to tell him to fuck off. Soren has no one else. He's an incredibly sour, difficult, disagreeable, unlikeable little man because of his rough childhood (unless he's around Ike), and literally trusts one person in his whole life. He's like Jakob in relation to Kamui. He's a dick to everyone but the one person he trusts. I wouldn't actually be mad if Ike was though, simply because it's not something the devs shoved in my face or tried to put out there explicitly like some sort of prize. Surprised no one ever mentions Ranulf and Ike having a different A ending.
Shit thread regardless though, man fire emblem just attracts so many lunatics, like that guy who's obsessed with screeching about Echoes, or tharjafag.

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Ike isn't gay though, there has never been any actual proof of that, just fujoshis masturbating to the thought of him fucking another dude.

whether or not ike is gay is not my concern. i was just inputting that having a kid doesnt mean youre not gay. everyone kept bringing up the descendant as if that proved it 100% while failing to realize the customs of past societies and the biological fact that your sperm doesnt stop working just because you like eating ass.

you can be gay and still have kids is my point, as was common in the past

Not sure if that counts as lgbt, but master chief, THE microsoft protag, is pretty much asexual

Or you know it's Mist's kid, but I couldn't care less about how Greeks liked to engage in dickings or how Samurai could bro it up as long as they produced another soldier with their good blood. This is a fantasy world where the only part of delving into reproduction they've done is transpecial crossbreeding between morphing magical beast people and what seem to be average people. I don't think Ike had kids at all.

doesnt even have to be blood related. what if he gave his sword to someone on his death bed or he died in battle and someone picked it up and the story got corrupted down the line into them thinking they were related to ike.

he either had a kid and passed the sword along, his relatives followed his same path over the years and reclaimed it, or someone unrelated took it and passed on fake glory to their blood.

or shit face isnt canon in the first place

or maybe we'll never know the definitive answers to any of this because IS will forever keep it intentionally vague to prevent the fanbase on either side from getting pissed off and priam was just a little bit of fanservice put in because they thought Awakening was the finale of a very long running series

>someone unrelated took it and passed on fake glory to their blood.
I don't know if you know this but in Fire Emblem having dark blue hair is a big deal. Random people don't get to have dark blue hair. Only people related to Lords get to have dark blue hair. So he's definitely not a random nobody.

>they thought Awakening was the finale of a very long running series
what a fucking swan song that turned out to be. more like a goose honk

goose honks are very threatening sounds up close
geese are difficult animals

Unlike in your diseased mind, everyone isn’t actually a faggot

>Only people related to Lords get to have dark blue hair
i dont think that was ever a rule, and isnt robin a nobody who can have blue hair?

I will not be buying The Last of Us Part II

Truly shows how shitty awakenings designs are

It became a thing after the first few games. Only royalty have dark blue "Marth" hair because they want it to be a callback to Marth. Lighter/off color shades of blue or cyan hair are fair game though. In Awakening, only Chrom and and Lucina have dark blue hair because they're descendants of Marth. The only other one is Priam who's a descendant of Ike. Ike is the only one with that shade of blue as hair color in his own games. IS does that intentionally.

> and isnt robin a nobody who can have blue hair?
Sure but the customization options are non-canon. In canon both Robins have white hair.