Are these the 2 best games of the Resident Evil series?

Are these the 2 best games of the Resident Evil series?

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those are clearly walkie talkies

CV is better than both but they are up there


Yep, Zero is garbage.

REmake can't exist without 1 and REmake 2 can't exist without 4. So no

So i just beat the game and it was quite satisfying firing the rocket launcher at Mr. X

Where was hunk in the game did I miss him? How come there weren't many files on how the Lickers came to be?

How does part A tie in with part B? Like birkin kills mr. x in part A but then I fight mr. x in part B???

dumb ass logic

>CV is better than both

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>REmake 2 can't exist without 4

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So far, yes.

7 is better than both.

>CV is better than both

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Replaying 7 after binging on 2 remake is like playing a different franchise. It's good but I'm glad they vastly improved the facial animation. Marguerite's is absolutely atrocious.

Also, is it ever explained why there's another D-series mummy/corpse in the old house? I get that Evaline + Mia got themselves off the boat, but it seems like they didn't take much with them. Where did this other corpse come from if they didn't bring it?

multiple tyrants

Babies first REmakes ?

Bitch pls

Too retarded to understand that RE4 established "over shoulder perspective" that RE2 is using ?

Lmao @ your live OP. 4 is better then any of these and nothing will change that.

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that would be 3 and 4 my guy

I love CV and think it's criminally underrated but come on this has to be bait

>>Marguerite's is absolutely atrocious.
>that part where she yells "STAY THE FUCK OUT!!" and her lips aren't even remotely synced

You unlock Hunk after L&J playthrough

They planned Half-Licker evolution zombie but scrapped it

A & B don't work parallel cause devs got lazy

It's not even just that. Pretty much every scene she's in her face looks like an animatronic made out of play dough.

Why is it when Japanese model realistic Western looking women, they always have these weird cheeks, round face and chubby chin? Quiet from MGSV had this also.

T. Zoomer who couldn't finish zero

They're the only remakes in the series, so

finished my first claire run,
did I do gud?

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CV is better than 4-6. not remake 1 or 2 tho

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>17 saves
No you did not

because the Japs know what's up

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Not for competitive, but I did worse than you.

>tfw you start up REmake 2 now just to see Claire and hear her voice

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This, so much.

this explains it but we never see 2 on screen or mention of more than 1 so it does not seem intentional or thought out, more of laziness/oversight of the devs

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I love how the only reason claire has a gun is because she chooses to open carry. Japs are pretty based.

Claire is for pic related

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Nope, I finished the game when it came out on GameCube and I didn't like it that much. Rebecca couldn't even save that game, Shinji really hated her lol.
Nice ASSumption.

What is this retarded logic?

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How do they say Claire in Japan? "Crairu?"

I thought it was strange she had a gun on her from the beginning

Who is the best monster in the series? My vote goes to these guys

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Yes she is.

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>Bro PC gaming is better because of modding! You can have such amazing mods like

N-no thanks I will stick to consoles.

Kurea Reddofīrudo

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>I don't want options so I'll stick to the inferior platform

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I agree with you, but it makes more logical sense than finding a hi-power in a glove box, like in the original game. I guess its just a piece of americana, whether it would happen in real life or not.
Also favorite monsters are either chimeras or lickers.

you know you want them

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You really don't want to know...

Kurea Reddofīrudo

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I'm a huge CV apologist but it not better than 4 and it could be argued 5 is better than it as well.

Let's go back to the past

You're out of your mind, 4 and 5 are dogshit.

these are the officially recognized best RE games on Yea Forums

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4 might be better but 5 is certainly not

There's a reason RE4 has been ported to virtually every console since the gamecube.

I kinda agree

5 is better than CV. CV is overrated. 5 is more fun, but it mostly works if you have someone to play with.

because it appeals most to the lowest common denominator?

had to save a lot because couldn't play in one sitting and had to take many breaks.

my Leon A was bad, only B and it took me a long time because I was also exploring a bit.

remake2 wasn't made with mikami so it doesn't count, just like everything past RE4

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>4 that low
>RE1 and 3 that high

that's just like, your opinion man

obviously they don't need him

CV is underrated and hated on by autists for pats on the back
It's also a meme to hate on 4 for whatever reason

Why do people hate CV? I'm playing through it now and it's pretty great aside from not enough item boxes and Steve being a fag.

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Resident Evil 4, 5 and 7 should be on top of Zero. Disgusting game

Same reason they hate RE4 because they think it turned the series toward action and away from survival

it's so fucking cheesy and I hate all the characters except the ones I already liked from before, who I came out liking less

leeches are cool fuck off

Nope, nice try though.

I mean it's more action based than 1-3, but still survival horror. There's barely any herbs.

>muh cutscenes
>muh tired formula (but i also hate re4 btw)
>muh backtracking (as if there is no backtracking in other early re games)
>muh steve


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what is the reason it was ported the most then?

It's true.

he’s one whiskey away from starting a family with her, right there on the countertop

Dumb Mikami Shill

So what happens if you don't shoot the pipe to kill the gator? Does it just stay there forever or does it eventually get through to eat you

playing through 0 atm, should i skip it altogether and go straight into 1 hd?

Zero is the worst out of the classic RE games.

I played REmake then 0 but I guess it really doesn't matter. I honestly didn't think 0 was bad

It eats you if you don’t shoot the pipe quick enough.

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I like how the GC version of CVX is in this image despite that port being impossible to find.

DEmake 2 and 7 should be in Raymond tier though

shit list

You can stop samefagging any time now.

The rest of the tyrants are in RE3 and die right before the final fight at the scrapyard. Some squad took out multiple of them.

>3 that low

>Being this retarded

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There's more than one tyrant fucking around Raccoon City. There's the one Leon kills, the one Birkin nukes, the one chasing Hunk, and a few more at the end of 3

RE2R zombies
Only devalued by how often you see them

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Re4 same as 5
Go die

my favourite resident evil is 6. Jake and Sherry are a cute couple

then its 3>2>the rest

6 above 3 wut

Not bad at all

>At work all day
>Can't stop thinking about Claire

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>Birkin nukes

Is it possible for Claire to get into Leon's areas or vice versa with the airwalk?

Birkin rips through a Tyrant like it was paper. Nuking would be the best comparison to describe just how badly the T-103 got fucking shit on

>shoot zombie 9 times in the head
>gets back up
>shoot zombie once
>head pops like a balloon
I-I don't understand the damage system

That is correct, yes.

Dabbed on is the term you're looking for

This post is the epitome of the retarded OLD GAME GOOD, NEW GAME BAD argument.

The list is just wrong because it wants to imply Leon is better than Barry.

>run back to the main lobby a dozen times with magic herbs and medical supplies
>walk past Marvin every time and dump it all in the storage box
>looks at him dying on the bench
>"Huh. Still alive."
Was Leon a secret asshole?


Halfway through Hardcore for the first time, this is a fucking nightmare. Thank god for the unlimited Samurai Edge or I would have eaten a bullet long ago

why wasn't there more notes or lore in Chief Iron's office? I mean there was a body but how are we supposed to know it's the mayor's daughter or that he is a twisted sick fuck?

Am I remembering there being way more of that stuff in the original?

Herbs/sprays are just a gameplay mechanic. They don't exist in-universe and your character canonically never gets bitten.

What is the best anti aliasing solution for this game?

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>that he is a twisted sick fuck?
It's there just more low key

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It's hard not to think of a woman so adorable.

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goddammit i missed that last one. I skimmed it and thought it was a literal pig not the chick. ty

>They don't exist in-universe
Is that why every plant has its own lore tidbit and there are notes talking about the herbs being from the Arklay Mountains, etc.

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Also worth pointing out he says he hunted a deer in the Arklay Mountains but caught the "pig" in Raccoon City

Remake Clair looks great when she isnt smiling, when she jumps down to fight birkin v4, she looks jaw droppingly amazing.
When she smiles she looks very autistic. its fucking frustrating.

yeah that is good. also keeping "length" as the height measurements. cheeky

You're right

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nether portal?

I only remember her doing a goofy smile when she saw Leon was alive, all her other smiles looked pretty normal (there weren't many of them)



TAA with adaptive sharpening Reshade
Or just downsampling from a higher resolution

TAA does make it kind of blurry but the hair looks really pixellated if you don't use it

After RE2make Lickers are my favorite

This is not true
You have to die to turn, thus getting bit means nothing unless u die from it

Claire a cutie.

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Not unreasonable to be carrying as a biker. People can get pretty massive road rage when it comes to motorcycles.
Also really like the good old Hunters

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I think it has more to do with who her brother is.

I want to bathe Claire's dirty body

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Those niggers are just spiteful in the remake, holy christ

meh hunters looked lame. they were a real threat though

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I want to drink Ada's bathwater!

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after what? or lickers are your favorite? ????

Why she gotta go and do Ghost like that

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You having a stroke?

desu that's kinda why i liked them, they looked like rubber monster designs it a way that worked with the b movie feeling of the old games

best ending

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no but this guy did
does not make sense you retard

I haven't beaten REmake2 yet, does sherry still hold your hand? I always thought that was a really nice touch

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Based. Hunters were always my favorites. Particularly in re1. I love the sound they make

She doesn't really ever follow you in RE2R

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they do look damn good


I'd put the original next to remake but I'm heavily biased and nostalgic for it otherwise this seems good, nice to see CV getting love. As much as I hate 4 for what it did to the series and 5 for shedding much of the horror aspects that 4 still retained, I love playing them

M-maybe she let him live. Maybe he's Agent.

Too bad Leon and Sherry get abducted by the US government forcing Leon to work for them to make sure Sherry is unharmed

I guess they never miss, huh?

Agent is Ada's imaginary friend, perhaps it's his spirit haunting her.

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Too bad?

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Why is jill so hot? claire does nothing to me. Cant wait for Re3make

nope, Leon and Claire. Jill's third, beyond that it's a mix-up.

it all makes sense now

How does it not make sense? Are you actually that dumb or is this some strange new form of shitposting?
not really a good ending

They make western women as they normally are, ugleh. delusional nuClairecucks will argue otherwise though.

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Right on that.

>old timeline
They're going to Claire's house to take a hot steamy shower together.

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>Leon over Barry
Shit list
>still trying this hard

I dont want to spoil anything for myself. What,is this from? I still need to finisb 2nd run from re2 remake
Only other games ive played is re1 remake and zero

That hairstyle and color make her far more attractive. Unexpectedly so.

That's not Annette.
We need a dlc of a true B scenario where Leon meets Sherry and protects her and Annette. At the same time a Claire A scenario where she meets Ada and learns more about Umbrella.

They outright have notes written about the healing property of herbs.

> 0 on the list
> 5 at the same level of 4

Almost perfect image

Nope. These are the best.

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Nope, RE1 and 2 are

>i-it's totally a new timeline guys, they won't cuck me or my waifu this time!
Off yourself.

It's from the Wii game Darkside Chronicles which was basically an arcade shooter with an abridged version of RE2 and RECV
It also had a completely new campaign called Operation Javier that takes place after RECV and before RE4 explaining Krauser and Leon's history

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remake is comfirmed to be non canon to the og timeline, as such it exists on it's own timeline


Claire is a ray of sunshine.

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Claire is a kind, gentle soul

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disregard my previous posts i am actually retarded.

>no love for Leon

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New timeline just got straight up confirmed, because RE3 Remake will follow up on the RE2 Remake canon, and the RE2 Remake canon isn't the same as the original one.

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Leon is a special kind of dummy

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I would have a threesome with both Claire and Leon desu
n-no homo

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CV is hot garbage. I would rather play 6 or 0 tbqh

She's real.

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Why didn't they yell at him to stop reaching into his coat?

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Matt didn't say shit though, he just started going on about how he isn't that concerned with Continuity and story so long as the gameplay is good. Plus even if it was a new timeline I highly doubt they are just going to completely change the ending of those characters and not have Leon end up forced to work for the government to protect Sherry, or Claire fucking off for one reason or another to Europe to find Chris and have them all walk of into the sunset together and live happily ever after. That's just wishful thinking.

They're American.

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Fuck off cuckrunnerfag

That whole scene just happened that way for the sake of plot. They could have easily just tasered him or thrown a flash grenade in there beforehand then tackled him.

Everyone else were jobbers and HUNK was daydreaming about his extraction point and didn't notice until it was too late.

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this world needs more POV stuff with claire

I love Jill like I've never loved before, she's the perfect woman.
>tfw no jill gf
>tfw if she was here I wouldn't have a shot

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That cheeseburger the truck driver eats in the intro looks so good

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I'll post this another user typed up.
>Claire meets Ada and doesn't trust her one bit, women's intuition
>the two bitch each other out like real women do IRL, passive aggressive to each other
>Multiple instances where one needs to save the other’s life due to lack of options and not wanting to go futher alone
>they eventually tolerate each other, even share jokes and observations
>Ada nabs the G virus without Claire noticing, making it a non issue
>Annette catches up to them and shoots Ada, Clarie shoots Annette dead out of reaction, ignorant of her reasons
>Leon's buddy cop ends up being Sherry and he becomes the most awkward dorky bumbling father figure
>He gives her one of those badges made for children and she likes it so much, she lets Leon hold onto her pendant.
>Has to choose between trusting in his superior or sticking with his own sense of justice and defying the police chief to protect Sherry
>“Sir, consider this my resignation.”
>Sherry gets infected with G-virus and abandoned by Annette
>"Wh-why are you doing this?"
>"Because I... because I'm an officer Sherry, helping people is what we do. Now lets get you treated, I'm no good without my partner backing me up, right?"
Pic unrelated.

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You dont taser someone with a gun, it might not stop them. You've gotta shoot them first, it's the only safe way.
Flash bang could have worked, but maybe they didnt think he would be so hostile as to actually try to kill them

excellent taste

I think someone is porting her model into RE2R, I saw a vid of it yesterday

i just hope they do something else with Claire rather than joining fucking greenpeace

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cute tummy.

I would like to see her actually become important again and not get relegated to side shit again.

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>Leon's buddy cop ends up being Sherry and he becomes the most awkward dorky bumbling father figure
Fuck I need this.

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>+Albert Wesker liked this.


if you must play zero at least use the best costume

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DSC Claire look was the best.

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This, nuClaire a shit.

Claire is wonderful.

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Dunno about the airwalk, but I gave her a square crank (using a trainer) to open the shutter to the generator room in the RPD basement, and she could not interact with the generator to start the power / open the door

Yeah, and you can't even point this out on a forum without the "Get over the anime look blah blah." Yet Becca photo in Remake is an anime look. That's a double standard. Hopefully, they don't screw Jill up.

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>Leon runs into Sherry
> Leon can help cure her and could bond with Annette in the process.
>Annette, who's probably under immense pressure from her husband becoming an abomination, her own daughter almost dying, and all the recent events, finds sweet release in Leon, the idealistic and pure young officer.
>Claire runs into Ada. She treats Claire like a little girl who's out of her depth. Then Claire comes through as a tough and determined character.
>Ada shot to death
>G-virus sample destroyed
>ex husband dead as fuck
>Sherry cured
>Annette has a passionate, caring, hot, young stud to throw around the bedroom daily and an actual husband
>Sherry gets lots of brothers and sisters in no time at all
> It works with the old re2 ending too, the government would be after anything they could salvage from her & william's research and using sherry as leverage just the same

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>2r wouldn't exist without 4
This is actually true but expect retard normies and zoomers to screech because they do not know how divisive it was to switch to over-the-shoulder when 4 was finally properly coming out. No one talks about it anymore because incremental tedium is boss at generating tolerance, which is why the return to classic angles is mostly vocal minoroty and is now relegated to a broken unfinished mod that probably won't work well due to the fact that shooting is handled more like a modern shooter these days.

So why did Wesker have that picture of Rebecca in his desk anyway?

is tyrant birkin extra angry here because Leon is keking him?


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It's unreal how much worse modern face modeling is.

He was looking to get a 'rise' later on, if you know what I mean

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Why does she look anime?
This isn't realistic.

I may have fapped to this once.

I just started playing RE2, got the shotgun, and I KILLED that dumb licker hall monitor!

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RE:2 remake ins't a canon my bois. Let's update the rank.

Trash story, good game, dork characters = Just ok game.

RE 7 and future RE 8 still are the cool games.

It's a joke. The original photo looked like they shopped someone else's head onto the body. In this case, they took an official render from RE0 and shopped it onto some legs that don't quite look like they belong to the rest of the body.

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No, 4 was a land mark that changed everything and was talked about extensively the whole year it was dropped.

That face looks like a low res Mr Bean.

I actually like the way they justified this in 7. You're not actually healing yourself, you're feeding the fungus that heals you. I thought that was clever.

RE0 is anime-inspired characters game, this remake is all about the realistic look. Rebecca look isn't real!

(just using the excuses that was used for Claire)

Claire, Claire Redfield

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Nice image quality.

Leon is so goddamn cute.

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Several pictures in RE games look like that. The family portrait of the Birkins in the room with the G-sample is a prime example, and a lot of photos in the older games did the same thing.

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Probably because it wasn't worth it to hire a model and model her face just for an easter egg.

Lazy developers, this is supposed to be realistic not anime waifu garbage.

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Hey, I'm just saying realism over anime right. Death to anime waifu look.

I wish RE2make was more like New Vegas.

It was a joke easter egg, just like the original

I prefer the realistic look too but I don't care that much about a tiny hidden detail most players will miss anyway.

Stop the excuses for waifu Rebecca, realism over anime waifu lol.

I got keys that jingle jangle jingle
jingle jangle
as i run rapidly from some zoms
and they say oh, ain't you glad you're nimble
and that song ain't so very far from wrong

oh sherry bell
oh sherry belllllll
though we may have done some retooling
this is why we never fell

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Realism over anime waifu look vendetta lol


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R3make will be.

But Dead Aim deserves more love and a VR sequel/remake.

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nice one

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Resident Evil 6 is a good game.

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Tfw Jordan realizes that the pinnacle of her career was a bunch of sweaty smelly nerds jizzing themselves over her being Claire and driving her insane asking when she's going to start cosplaying.

I want this. It even seems to work for the characters better.

Ada should have died
Piers should have lived
Chris should have retired
Jill should have made an appearance


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the look of love

Claire has beautiful eyes.

Women can't love, user.

it’s what made Claire survive RE2

desu william seems like he'd be more upset about umbrella trying to shut him down than annette sleeping around

Wasn't Raccoon City countryside a forest? Remember the Arklay Mountains? Why is there a fucking desert there? This is some GTA San Andreas geography logic shit.

>chris refuses to let go and is going to stay on the front lines until he dies or physically can't keep fighting
why does capcom enjoy seeing RE protagonists suffer so?

this is awfully risky for Annette, William is in the next room and I bet he uses that computer

Claire can love.


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Leon can get to the orphanage and the path around it, but your game crashes if he goes inside.

it's in the midwest, a desert over the mountains isn't that far fetched

He even pimp Annette to Spencer in order to let him finish his research

The director has said in recent interview there is one Tyrant. He called different play throughs 'parallel universes'

>muh godhood wheelchair doctor evil
I don’t think he’d give a fuck honestly

plus he already had alex if he wanted a severe professional blonde

God Tier:
REmake, RE4

S Tier:
RE2R, RE2, RE3

A tier:
Rev2, Outbreak 1&2, RE1, Gaiden

Rest are whatever tier

Shit. We'll we ever get an open world raccoon city to explore? Could be like deadly premonition or silent hill.

Re:Re remake is best

my teenage self loved those boobs. now it looks gross with her big feet

You forgot 0 and 7 in god tier

is gaiden actually worth checking out?

Where is 6?

>RE4 established "over shoulder perspective"

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They're too scared to let their classic characters retire. Piers, Sherry, Jake, and Moira were all well-received (not so much Helena but someone has to be last) and all of them seem designed to jump directly into the shoes of one of the veteran characters, but Capcom just can't bring themselves to pull the plug and shuffle any of them either into the Great Beyond or behind a desk

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But that's in 5. Back in 98 I picture him more of a late Hugh Hefner. He might have been old but he still got it. Seriously we need a prequel of Spencer, Marcus and Ashford hanging out in the 30s, researching bows and breaking hearts.

helena would've been better received at least just by virtue of being a bombshell if her storyline wasn't incredibly retarded and poorly told (though i guess that goes for a lot of 6)

I don't think Helena would've made a good Leon replacement


>breasts swelling
>belly ready to expand
she's in heat, leon
give it to her

Helena would have been Jill's replacement (Chick Cop). Sherry was designed as Leon's replacement (Government Agent with Special Skills).

>Sherry was designed as Leon's replacement
I think she'd fit Claire better desu

Sherry has always been Sherry. Bruce Mcgyvern could replace Leon along with Kevin "Tom Cruise" Ryman.

Bruce is older than Leon

Claire is a civilian with informal training. Moira fits that role perfectly.

man speaking of, they fuckin did jill dirty after 5, just falling out of the narrative like that. are we supposed to believe that chris goes missing for months and she doesn't do anything?

Nah, that's REmake and 4

She's not allowed out. The US government kept Sherry a virtual prisoner for 14 years while they experimented on her. Jill has antibodies for the T-virus in her blood. They're not going to let their insurance policy risk getting munched by some random BOW. Jake was smart enough to just sell some of his blood and then fuck off so they couldn't detain him.

That's the same as when people say 4 is shit because it led to 5 and 6 being made.

But looks younger and has a healthier lifestyle

Capcom really fucked up by making Claire and Leon that much more popular with this new remake. Now they have to follow up on 6 with them being old as fuck.

If there's no new timeline and RE7 is in the same one as the previous games, then Chris is pushing 50 here and I find that hard to believe.

Attached: Chris-Redfield-Resident-Evil-7-625x352.jpg (625x352, 31K)

she wasn't under an American quarantine in that old email in Rev2, the BSAA is an international agency, not a US alphabet agency. And either way, just saying 'uh she never got out' is a fucking lame cop out to try to justify with 15 year old T antibodies (that would've already been on file with the BSAA) or P30 since the whole point of her fight was that it rapidly metabolized and completely boneheaded from a writing perspective since it requires multiple characters to act completely against type in permitting it

the answer is just that capcom doesn't know what to do with their cast, they don't write the series with any kind of overarching plan or eye towards a living universe so characters that don't factor into a specific game might as well not exist.

nice webm. Does anybody know how to make quality WebMs?

I'm using 'WebM for Retards' but I want to step up my game.

Attached: The bubbles, Claire, the bubbles.webm (720x404, 1.62M)

I mean my dad is older than that and he keeps suprisingly young looking with just going to the gym most days and being a bouncer. I imagine brown hair ages faster than black though.

webm for retards is pretty good, just have 2-pass encoding on. the grain and vhs noise in that clip also hides a lot of compression artifacts

But Chris canonically became an alcoholic and has been fighting what's essentially a constant war. Really, he should be looking ragged.

that’s fair I suppose

He was only drinking hard during those months he lost his memory, but he should definitely be more weathered and sunburnt and all that. Leon also looks amazing for the amount of serious drinking he does, fuckin having a bottle of jack for breakfast in Vendetta and all that

Is there a way of replacing the character models in Mass Effect Andromeda with the models in remake 2? I want to go to space with Claire!

Why would you want to make her more retarded/autistic?

Just finished RE7.
What a shit show.

Dint feel compelled by the story at all.

The first game I play in 8 years, and it was shit.

Dont even compare with the first 2 REs from the old PSX.

I will try the new RE2 remake. Just hoping to be as good as the original.

lol okay retard

This shitty music video is one of the very first videos I saw on the internet, 14 or 15 years ago. Good times

Attached: Capture.jpg (1029x644, 65K)

Yes for REmake no for REmake 2, that goes to the original RE2

Attached: greg-smith-as-barry-burton_4.png (1173x880, 299K)

>on Yea Forums
So they are shit then?

Attached: Heh.gif (250x250, 1.14M)

>in love with la goblina
uh oh

>buying video games

I got a wierd impulse to cum on her face in this pic, like a squid in self-defense

Claire is a cutie-pie.

Attached: 1549649150746.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

Shadowleggy was based. Her I Think I Love You! is my favorite RE video of all times.

Attached: rebecca_and_billy_in_the_train_by_kaoyon-d38x73h.jpg (900x563, 105K)

He should just fill her up once. Just one time.

Attached: BxLuwbNCMAAENEh.jpg (600x800, 72K)

Its like the ''no way fag'' and the other memes have been natural evolutions of that old autistic RE fanbase. I love it!

Left, yes.
Right, fuck no.

Attached: 657876979.png (976x1482, 323K)

REmake > RE1 since it's a lot like the original but improved by shinji mikami himself
RE2 > REmake 2 because the latter is an re7 afterthought cashgrab based on the original re2

You can finish standard without saving tho

Attached: special.png (141x193, 51K)

non of them are 5 so no

Attached: me in the middle.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

>like a squid in self-defense

Attached: redhair_cropped.jpg (916x837, 311K)

Attached: MY NINTENDO SWIIIITCH.jpg (1273x932, 375K)

Claire is for cuddles.

Attached: 1550353947196.jpg (2560x1440, 351K)
This is still her best one.


nope, neither is even top 3

Here's a non bloody version. Now stop using that one.

Attached: RE2 black elza thanks.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: 20190221140526_1.jpg (1920x1080, 211K)

Attached: no exit.gif (221x196, 410K)

sheva is so fucking breedable god damn

YES! i remember going through my dads guidebook and seeing her for the first time was DIAMONDS

>ywn impregnate Annette and give Sherry a little brother

Attached: A.png (957x437, 220K)

I fucking hate this bitch,I hope she gets blacked.

REmake? Yes.
REmake 2? I'm not sure. It's really good, but for something of this generation, I'd have expected some more meat to it.
I just did a CASUAL playthrough using the infinite-ammo pistol, having already completed it three times, and it occured to me just how few moments of TECHNOLOGY there were in a game I'd expect to be absolutely choc full of it. I figured I was in for Metal Gear Solid levels of TECHNOLOGY.
Instead, about the most interesting thing you can do is shoot off Mr. X's hat.
Fun game, but it lacks something special.

Attached: 1530662774266.gif (300x300, 2.13M)

How dare someone get covered in blood during a zombie outbreak Go fuck yourself.

Shooting off limbs and having the zombies react accordingly? Even to the point where a completely limbless zombie will still be gnawing on the floor?
Lickers leaving huge gash marks in walls as they slash them?
The sheer depth the damage values go into on a weapon by enemy basis?
Being able to skip Marvin's walkie talkie conversation in the library by exiting through the West office instead?

Remake 1 is a lot better than the original that's for sure.

the gore vs zombies is some next-level shit

>Being able to skip Marvin's walkie talkie conversation in the library by exiting through the West office instead?
I've never done this. Does the dialogue change?


Attached: 6wual33r.png (976x1482, 326K)

>Shooting off limbs
I guess. Might've skimmed it because it's more of a mechanical tactic, ie. shooting legs is a good idea.
>Lickers leaving gash marks
Attack decals have been a thing forever.
>Weapon by enemy damage values
Didn't know about this, but I'll look into it
That's kind of neat. But then, it feels like less content overall.

I think he means the first over the shoulder game in the series. Also if you look at some of the development footage that has been released of remake 2 it takes a lot of inspiration from Resident Evil 4. They even used Leon's model from Re4 multiple times in their dev clips and in their old ui

Attached: 1510824612925.png (600x525, 144K)

Slav Jill

Attached: Slav.gif (444x250, 813K)

>RE2R "B" campaign
>game gives you a new .45 gun
>all 9mm ammos are now .45 rounds
>using gunpowder doesn't create .45
What the fuck?

Attached: Revolver Redfield.jpg (600x338, 15K)

Yes that annoyed me as well. I love both the SAA and the 1911 (with the no gangsta anims mod), so was frustrated I couldn't use them as the only pistols.

RE2, REmake, RE2make

RE3, RE4,

RE5, RE7



RE6, ORC, Umbrella Corps.

I haven't played the Revelations or Outbreak games.

Claire's gun is really strong, focuses really fast and penetrates through multiple targets in a line, you just have to make sure not to fire it too fast because it takes forever to reload.
Leon's B gun sucks

Attached: Woman eaten in RPD.webm (848x940, 2.99M)

No colt 1911 can ever truly suck. I mean it's a 1911.

>High tier RE5, RE7

Attached: f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg (680x680, 85K)

>with the no gangsta anims mod
Oh, do you have a link for that? I hate how Leon uses it

>you just have to make sure not to fire it too fast
It's ok, I'm on PC. It's easy to control the trigger.

Deal with it fucko. My personal biases would have RE5 higher than that but whether you like it or not both games have substantial merit. RE5 doesn't have a drop of survival horror in it but it's one of the best co-op TPS games out there.

>But it's one of the best co-op TPS games out there
How embarrassing

Attached: 1445769031151.jpg (457x381, 55K)

Here you go:

You gonna post anything substantial anytime soon or just quote me with disgusted anime girls like you have an argument? If thinking is too hard feel free to just say so, seems like you have a bad habit of taking opinions personally

Pop-pop-pop, drops the sucker,
If he's from another hood I gots ta shoot the mutherfucker

Attached: my strap.jpg (1920x1080, 662K)

>You gonna post anything substantial

Attached: aq.gif (384x372, 2.48M)

Great mod.

Attached: Leon1911.jpg (3840x2160, 1.04M)

Thank you user!

If she had a dick, I'd give her a good head
Nohomo of course

Nah, just saves a lot of time because you don't get slowed down and gives you a really nice routing change if you're going for timesaving stuff. Grab the spade key, head back down through the west office, grab the hip pouch, then proceed on with the bolt cutters to grab all 3 medallions in one sweep.

Not just from a tactics standpoint, a lot of thought went into thought went into how the zombies behave.
The attack decals just look really great, eh, I guess it stood out to me. goes into a lot of details on damage, really good read.
I wouldn't call it less content, just hidden stuff to make repeat playthroughs more interesting.

Attached: jill.jpg (371x433, 36K)

That's pretty neat. I've already got S+ on hardcore, but I'll have to try this out next time.

>modding out gangsta aim
fake fans

You disrespect a 9mm pistol by holding it gansta style, you don't disrespect a .45 acp death machine like the 1911 with such a stance.

Shit bait

Was a nice surprise, makes the pace feel more fluid when you just wanna go fast. Finished this run yesterday.

Attached: 883710_20190304104348_1.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

>there are people who actually hate nu-Claire

Is this on low settings?

Imagine being a cool zombie, chilling around with your undead bros, and at some point you have to deal with a girl on her periods...

I prefer this take

Attached: uff01_o2_800[1].jpg (800x450, 137K)

They fixate on a couple of horrible cutscene animations. Claire looks great most of the time.

STFU cum gargling cuckold

>Decide to do a no save run of RE2 today
>Doing pretty good
>Suddenly run into a visual bug
>I'm now playing REmake's Invisible Mode, except everything is invisible
>Even me

Send help

Attached: 001.jpg (1282x987, 217K)

Zombie dogs scare me

Attached: 077.jpg (328x424, 34K)

>Finally get a decent route to G1 in 20 minutes on Claire B hardcore after resetting a few times (mostly trying to remove the hallway licker)
>Feel dirty using one of my three saves for a pretty easy boss but I'm sick of running that portion of the game so many times

I might end up having to do the lab in one uninterrupted save. But that can't be so bad, right?

>Manage to orientate myself
>There are pockets in the screen where I can get my model to be visible
>This is the only sign I have to figuring out my exact position

Attached: 002.jpg (1282x987, 235K)

Finish the run, user. You can do it.
Should record the whole thing desu.

It was bad back then, its just decent now

I average G1 on Claire A in under 12 minutes. What are you doing on B to make it take so long?

I'm nowhere that good to finish that. I'm just trying to make it to the save room. Maybe that chicken soup guy is autistic enough to do it.

Bothering to get the other two guns? I don't know what you do or don't do, I'm just trying to S+ it.


Alright, after several pushes, I think I got it. I remember this box "puzzle" being pretty easy, but fuck me, is it hard doing it blind.

Attached: I'm really feelin' it.jpg (1282x987, 323K)

I did it boys

Attached: If only you knew how bad things really were.png (1282x987, 267K)

this bug happens to me often if im on the inventory screen or options menu for over 10 minutes. and if i tab out

No, but it's not maxed out either. I usually have it on high textures but IIRC I turned it to max for that screenshot, so I could look at the nametag (it doesn't really get any clearer and it says M. BRANAGH)

Attached: 20190227030002_1.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

Maybe Marvin Branagh is a common name at the RPD.

Attached: Marvin.png (2418x408, 73K)

>Fuck it. I'll just save and reload.
>Forgot that I didn't pick up a single Ink ribbon
it's a good thing I remembered this rooms pawned with one, otherwise I would have been fucked.

Attached: Based Bug.webm (640x492, 2.48M)

Words wont work on this thing

Attached: Jesus.jpg (1920x1080, 753K)


Attached: Resident-Evil-2.png (1215x678, 791K)

Poor Ada, Leon cucks her with some hot zombie chick


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Attached: 20190303011710_1.jpg (1920x1080, 878K)

>tfw can't look at leggy's videos without getting hard
Bless her lewds

I was considering this mod, I have a big crush on girls with freckles

Started playing RE7, is there a way or a mod to hold shift to sprint instead of toggle?

Where could I find her lewds?


Attached: G3.jpg (1920x1080, 636K)

Attached: Leon-Kennedy-_-Resident-Evil-Damnation.gif (500x500, 998K)

I love that new design

is he the ultimate life form?

That is a phone in Claires hand

>these claws
red-eared slider turtle

Attached: 1295834.jpg (695x548, 48K)

Better than big gay mutating Prometheus man
LMAO that shit is laughable

Attached: Resident_Evil_1_HD_Tyrant.png (559x1000, 402K)

Honestly G is one of the things where I still prefer the original over the remake
I think they should've stayed more faithful to the original designs

Attached: 1535895944635.jpg (650x840, 95K)

>Chris? Stop it.
Chris didn't think much of Wesker's Tyrant.

Maybe the colors would make it too cartoonish?

Guess RE1 beats them all then? Retard.

Original G3 was too small, the new G3 makes him look like a bosslet

Attached: reach.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

lol no

That's one of the things I really like about the original though
There's a stronger color contrast

This too is one of the reasons I like the original better
G3 in the remake is almost too monstrous
It seems fitting to me that something deemed the ultimate lifeform would take a more versatile human form rather than being a big lumbering beast like he is in his other forms

Attached: 1536930944175.png (1944x480, 1.32M)

>Bless her lewds

Before the game released most people were bitching about the camera, now I don’t see anyone talk about it

I think the biggest concern with the camera most people had was the implication it was going to be a very action heavy game. The release has dispelled this fear from most people.

Yeah I wonder where the fixed camera spergs went

I think G3's design is more of a toss-up, but G1 and especially G2 look better in the remake. G4 looks better in the original and G5 feels pretty much the same

Attached: G2 and G1.jpg (3020x1080, 961K)

Attached: S.T.A.R.S.jpg (752x423, 42K)

looks like a hollow from bleach

I prefer new G4 over the original, more primitive without being doglike. To each their own, though.

patrician choices are cv and original 2

Does remake 2 have the best video game zombies of all time, I can’t think of anything that comes close.

I got fixed angle to work like this using the Free-Cam mod that comes with the FPS mod. I remember there being a video when the game had just came out that seemed to show development of a mod for making the whole game in fixed-angles, but I really doubt anything is happening with it. It's really hard to control like this; the game still acts like your camera is in the normal position behind you, so when you face the camera, left becomes right etc. All the controls need to be made relative to the fixed camera location for every angle. And I don't know how they would program in all the angle changes based on movement, or handle the aiming (laser sights for every gun?)

Attached: Resident Evil 2 biohazard Re2 2019.02.21 - (960x540, 2.99M)

Yeah, trying to cram a fixed camera in a game not designed for it is a pretty bad idea.

Compare to , back when Capcom at least cared about art direction. Such a simple design, template for Umbrella's legacy, simply and effective and scary versus nu-Capcom's penchant for exposed muscle everywhere and lumbering construction. Been sick of it 6

Why did Birkin turn into a nigger?

Sorry but I love the art direction for this game
Only Birkin is really has a bulky uber-muscular design like you described, and it's consistent with his whole mutation shtick

Attached: Mr Universe.jpg (1920x1080, 596K)

>It seems fitting to me that something deemed the ultimate lifeform would take a more versatile human form rather than being a big lumbering beast like he is in his other forms
Wasn't the idea that he turns so fucking monstrous because of how much you fuck him up so hard every time you meet him?

Attached: G3 flex.jpg (1920x1080, 622K)

Attached: jill_stare2.jpg (866x817, 177K)

I agree. I also love that it looks more "chaotic" already. After all those damages it received, you can see G begins to have serious issues.

I thought it was G1 and G2 are the early stages then G3 was basically supposed to be the pinnacle (or at least as far as we can see) and then G4 and G5 are deformed because of how much damage you do to G3

I never played 5. Why was Jill blonde in that one?

I want to lick her clavicles


It's a consequence of the P30 chemical that has been injected in her, through the "scarab" on her chest

wesker's "experiments"
keep in mind her body hair remained brunette

Attached: jill_hairlore.jpg (1912x1860, 1.09M)

>Cant wait for Re3make
Same here user. I hope they'll not fuck it up

Attached: Julia.jpg (1100x733, 235K)

I always assumed he got more fucked up because you kept blasting him and the G virus reacts in a very volatile manner to damage.

Attached: WaitYoureacop.png (1280x1440, 981K)

Really, nothing? I mean even if you are disappointed that she could have been prettier, she is still a super-lifelike teenage girl with a great body. They even gave her short shorts and a tanktop (not to mention there is a GOAT nude mod). Anyone who thinks her face is below-average for an actual person lives in a fantasy world.

For like 3 years we've seen Western devs put out characters as lifelike as this and they are never close to as attractive as Claire unless it's a David Cage style movie-game. It's like they are all intentionally de-sexualized.
I love both Jill and Claire btw

It helps they also gave Claire an amazing personality. So many female characters are dumb caricatures, you really care about Claire.

what are her chances of reprising her role as Jill?

Attached: jillvoth_freeze.jpg (569x960, 80K)

Considering Capcom already dropped her in Revelations, not particularly high.

She's also about a decade too old to be playing remake 3 Jill.

Don't mind me just posting the most kino moment in this entire franchise.

Attached: 20190302165813_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.05M)

Well, they can always make her appear younger after the mocap.
But yeah, you're right about Revelations...Chances to see her back are slim

Don't get me wrong, I do love Voth, and yes they could deage her, but Capcom never seems to show much loyalty to specific face models.


Shit campaign, shit game

that was odd, because they still had rights to use her face in rev1, according to her

Attached: jillvoth_facerights.jpg (923x1000, 182K)

Yeah, fuck knows with Capcom. Probably some director that hates Voth or something.

>Could you please not eat that in my office? You’re getting crumbs everywhere.
>*smacks lips* So then *takes bite and lettuce falls on his desk* Barry said *grabs iced tea, opens it and spills some on important papers on his desk* you were almost *burps and soggy pieces of bread fly out of her mouth*
I wonder why

I didn't know that...So the decision to change Jill's face makes even less sense.


Attached: jill sandwich.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

She can make a mess in my office anyday.


Attached: cowshadowleggy.jpg (518x533, 34K)

>unlimited usage rights of her face

It's probably more like they're just fed up with her fans and all the waifu-worship, and they want to bait them and piss them off. I don't really see what's to hate about her actual character

Combination of this and the memes that were floating around from her awful facial expressions in those 2018 trailers.

then they are really gonna hate Jordan's Claire

It’s not like that does not happen in re2 as well they seem to not know how to sync lips

I like Claire in this game, she reminds me of Ellen Ripley from Aliens.

Has anyone got a link to that Japanese guys videos who makes music from sounds effects from the first game? Someone linked to his youtube in a previous thread.

Fix the classic costumes capcom

Give Claire her gloves and tight T-shirt, Fix adas dress, Give sherry long sleeves
How hard is it with this being so successful

Is that not the one we are talking about?

Attached: 15291332524547.jpg (842x595, 129K)

Thank you!

Attached: 47.jpg (843x843, 242K)

you got it

Attached: 1499811769300.jpg (237x304, 63K)

As a big fan of Ripley and Claire I'm glad Capcom decided to follow that route for her.
I like her even more now.

Attached: You're locked in here with me.png (1917x975, 1.07M)

G desperately clawing at the walls trying to get away from Claire when

Remember when Annette said: "You don't know what you're up against!"? She was saying that to G, not Claire...

>no arguments

>Also, is it ever explained why there's another D-series mummy/corpse in the old house? I get that Evaline + Mia got themselves off the boat, but it seems like they didn't take much with them. Where did this other corpse come from if they didn't bring it?
Weren't there a bunch of cases in the flashback on the boat? Or was that after the flashback? I just remember there being similar cases to the one where the head is stored.

The original 2, 4, and 7 are above REmake 2.

Nah, the Director said "There’s only one Tyrant. When designing the game, we wanted whichever scenario the player is currently in to be representative of the main story arc. You could say that each scenario could be considered a parallel world, which is why you see Tyrant appear multiple times."

Attached: 20190223184501_1.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)