Remember to stretch every hour of gaming to avoid repetitive muscle injuries.
Remember to stretch every hour of gaming to avoid repetitive muscle injuries
> made you do it
ooooh you! you sneaky little bugger! you little troll! haha! I almost fell for that! I sure did fall for that! ohohohoho! You oughta try better next time you little hooligan! Oh goodness this could sure trick someone dull witted! You get em sport!
Biology retard here, what does it do?
Apart from comfy stretches
I do it every day, everyone should try it.
*snickers* it *keks* relaxes your mucles! *kek*
ik this can fuck ur thumb up but don't get it, seems hard to do
Do this
Squat. Breathe hard and fast for 30 seconds. Stand up straight. Put your thumb in your mouth and blow on it as hard as you possibly can.
Too many steps
thanks it worked!
It's called the Finklestein Test and is used to identify tendonitis in the wrist (DeQuervain's etc.) Perfectly safe.
It causes your hand to fall off.
wtf i literally sharted a gold ingot, I'm rich now, thanks user!
wtf does that arrow indicate? is one suppose to flick the hand?
I don't suffer from any RSI problems.
I don't eat much meat or fat. A low meat/low fat diet dramatically reduces inflammation, which is the primary cause of RSI.
>implying people haven't seen this yet
its literally the most common way to stretch your hands. why even post?
does this make you pass out?
Any retards actually reading this, don't do it
what else creates mustard gas?
Just broke my wrist do NOT DO THIS AHHHHH
Does it work if I blow my bf instead?
But why doow kopdaKJM iwaõdãkd n
Aw shit, good thing I didn't fall for it
What do you eat then? I like hearing about people's diets.
Fucks up the thumb tendon by over-stretching I think
I see, thanks senpai
The trick is to use both hands to really stretch the ligaments. Like so.
don't do it you retards, it'll fuck up the ligaments in your wrist
i get it's funny to injure newfags and dumbasses, but cmon. this is why half of you are balding basement dwelling virgins
>in before *heavy mouth breathing* "stop projecting" *continues to heavily mouth breathe*
>have connective tissue disorder
>used to be active as a kid
>slowly stop as playing sports starts to hurt too much
>at least I'll always have vidya
>it's starting to hurt my hands to play any game where I have to hold a key down, using a controller hurts
>I don't even have much free time to play video games any more I play like 1 hour a day 4 days a week
>I'm only 27
just kill me now
Don't do this, it will dislocate your thumb.
I can barely breathe, the pojnt is to.much
thats what you get for being a faggot death grips poster
its not though this is a highly recommended stretch
Are you me? This is everything about me, including the age.
brain-connected dream gaming when?
Remember when people shared how you can put your smartphone into the microwave?
starches like beans, bread, and potatoes, vegetables, and non fat dairy,
and 1 serving of nuts per day and maybe some chicken breast once a week.
Dude it's water resistant you can totally take it swimming
hah hah hah. Fooled you good. Next time will be the real dmeonstration.
>Look mom! I posted it again!
zoomzoom go away
Fuck you retard. We used to do this at school.
I was that shy and quite kid who everyone took advantage off so they pressured me into doing that shit. The moment I stood up, one of those fucks came from behind and hugged my arms against my chest. Last night I remember is that everything went black and I woke up on the floor with blurry vision for a few seconds, ears ringing and a throbbing headache. They apparently let me fall onto the floor like a ragdoll, I hit the back of my head against he hard wood floor and start having seizures.
Fuck you, seriously fuck you, I could've died.
This might be the most underappreciated ruse I've ever seen.
lol trolled
This is to go even further bey-
fuck user, that sounds rough
Wow shit dude, sorry. Thank god I don't live in America.
this doesn't do anything is this a joke?
No it doesn't, it improves your hand-eye coordination try it.
just a bitta physical banta, m8
try harder
no wonder you fucking like anime lol
imagine being a grown man posting cartoons on the internet
shit you got owned
haha sick dude its kinda like being drunk or high if you think about it
Trying to hard.
Used to do it in school kek, with someone standing behind you.
okay retard as if im going to believe that ever happened lol?
mad retard
And now you became a pathetic weeb LOOOOOL poetry
This, I just tried it and nothing happened it actually made my wrist feel better. Don't be afraid anons do it.
Not him but he made you seethe lmao anime poster
imagine being a grown man complaining about posting cartoons while shitposting on a filipino flipbook forum
uhhhm i'm sorry but those are conflicting statements.
if you're retarded it means you can't feel or experience any sort of range of emotions, therefore he can't be mad. he's either mad or he's either a retard. you can't call him both at the same time, that would make you an uneducated nigger but i guess that's just what you are
Fuck off I already got got by this years back
Quora is pretty based.
take your meds lol
:( I wanna hug you
Don't do that, this actually breaks your ligaments.
This is the new "Yea Forums crystal" lie.
deserved it
im pushing my hand against my desk here and my thumb is flat against the base of my palm this doesn't do anything
>thinking it's the same user
Who let these retarded normalfags who can't even follow separate posters near a computer?
There, there. Everything is alright, now.
I'm sorry that happened to you
>do this
>don't pass out but my legs still feel tingly like 10 minutes later
Am I dying?
MY WRIST, IT feels fine
op's post is as old as the crystals
Seethe retarded anime poster lmao!
>it's always the same replies whenever they see anything resembling anime
>if it wasn't anime the it'd just be the same similar replies but without anything pointing out to anime
Damn you niggers mentally ill.
>Get got by this once
>Didn't even do it hard
>Thumbs don't work right now
Why do people want to hurt others so badly?
the fbi is on the way user
buy this car and you will get a girl every night
No it doesn't you retard. You do the same motion if you use a hammer. Its used to diagnose tendon damage in the wrist, so if it actually hurts, surprise.
it's too late user, im sorry
>wanting 3DPD
No thanks dumb dumb. They're fucking gross.
What encourages idiots to mouth their dumbass opinions against something when the entire site is clearly more dedicated to anime pics than anything else? Is Facebook not big enough anymore?
Based and sneedpilled
Epic fail.
sounds rough
i love you, friend
LOL at faggots not knowing about this. Stupidity will kill types like you. Remember that.
Any of you Anons have the webm of an artificial vagina being made on males? It looks like it was made to be informative or whatever the fuck. I need it to show some friends i am having a discussion with, thanks.
idiot, it cuts off oxygen to your brain and makes you see stars and can make you pass out
mad black pipo be like:
hahaha seriously?
seething samefag
Actual underage, cancer and tourists from lesser shitholes, and bottom of the barrel normalfags.
Ya the image posted is a medical exam,
>hahaha seriously?
just little sausages attached to my hand now. Can't even vidya good no more. Sucks...
What are some good stretches to start your day with? My back has been killing me recently and my knees are stiff.
actual autism and underage immigrants coming off of Yea Forums or reddit most likely. they don't know how to act properly on other boards outside of the culture they already learnt from the more cancerous ones. they won't take their time to get accustomed to the new boards either.
I'd check /gif/.
Or /pol/. They probably have it.
For lower back stand up and while keeping legs straight try to touch feet with fingers
Will this do anything if you're double jointed?
thanks for the yous lol
I stretch out your mums cunt with me prick every hour
Seethe harder you mentally ill weeb. Maybe in the next life you won't be a sad weeb getting bullied lmfaoooo
if you actually think that the orange circles are different sizes please contact a doctor asap
he cute!
Fuming animenigger. Anime is ok, just moeshit is absolutely disgusting and fans of it should be culled. Like you. You pathetic son of a bitch.
u alright whiteboi?
The differences should be more subtle for better trolling
It's weird how things like this work but people can squat hella weights. Biology is weird
>he doesn't like moeshit anime
i'm not complaining, i'm pointing and laughing
See, it's funny, because it's based off an actual scientific test, but in this picture the circles ARE actually different sizes. So fucking funny. Thanks for contributing anananon.
are you black? do you see no difference between squating and fucking your brain up? retarded nigger
unbased and yikespilles.
commit yourself to therapy asap you have some serious ego problems
A grown ass man shouldn't like that shit lol
Weeb saying get therapy lol too priceless
I remember when I used to care what people think. Being underaged must suck
>crying about anime
>on the secondary/tertiary shared hobby interest board of the website thats primary purpose is to communicate with other fags with a collective interest in anime/manga
My sides. It's like going to a store with a highly specified selection of items and being mad that store carries said items.
A grown man shouldn't be arguing with others online and berating them for something they like but he doesn't like. A grown man should do something useful with his life and have actual hobbies that get him anywhere.
You dumb nigger don't even have half of that lmao.
Back to your containment board you neckbeard autist
uh guys in put my hand in the sink and did this and it made mustard gas wtf????
>pls get therapy for something that's not a mental illness and just a thing you like
>no i wont get mentally illness for any of my problems because i am complete fine
Umm, no sweetie. Almost tho.
Ah yes that must be why the majority of boards aren't about anime or manga and discussion of such is discouraged on those boards.
It probably fucks with your blood pressure too. If you've got pretty low blood pressure you can get a bit lightheaded just from standing up quickly if you're squatting or such because your blood pressure needs to adjust to your head being higher up and it takes a couple of seconds. You can also deprive yourself of oxygen just by blowing too much and also get lightheaded. I remember being warned about that shit in some art class when I was 8 or something.
it's cute though
>noooo don't insult me for liking shows about little girls
You "people" need to be insulted everywhere you are seen, you autists.
stop wasting time for hd remakes.
Enable filters to turn 8bit into hd
No, its like going to walmart looking for a light bulb and finding kids toys in the hardware section
Hahaha the weeb is losing his mind lmao, get help my guy
Anime images are always pertinent on any board. Get over it. Things like capeshit images or dumfuck 3D shit is what's frowned upon.
I love Azusa!
pathetic bitch take your stupid crusade somewhere else, you're the only one that's getting laughed at
>frowned upon
By who, people like pic related? Who gives a fuck what people like you think kek
What discussion about an anime IP is there. It's just dumb fuck fags getting ass blasted over seeing an anime image. That's pathetic.
no u
Lmaoo literally losing your mind, you weebs are nutcases
post cunny!!
Illya is very cute and funny!
Based K-ONposter
I prefer Ritsu though
post that kissing webm
>Make fun of a moefag for their shit taste
>B-but we're on an anime website! That means I can like Doki Doki Heartbeto Loli Adventure and you can't make fun of me!
I don't hate anime I just hate your shitty ass taste, holy shit
Mugi is strong!
Imagine going on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum and attacking other people based on what their hobbies are. What a fucking hardcore badass you are, my man.
I love all my girls equally
Not him but damn you're mad, he must have hit home lol.
Moefags are quite something.
Animeposters are objectively the lowest quality on this site, no one cares what you think this site was made for, it's best used to post anything other than moe shit, maybe if they were less cringe there wouldn't be a conflict
Is it suppose to burn and turn really red??
Imagine going on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum while weaving baskets from literal shit and getting surprised when other people think you are beneath them. Is your hobby watching little girl anime? What a fag
I love Yui!
being retarded is not okay user, even if you're doing it ironically
animeposters create the most intelligent posts
what a chad, damn
That just means you can't squat and need more exercise, fatty.
imagine being over 13 years old basing your entire personality around cartoons about little girls to the point you probably roleplay and fantasize about being in the cartoons with them
haha very funny op
now tell me how to fix it
i tried it on my dads comp and a black window came up and now it doesnt work
its his work computer and hes going to be home soon
V-video games?
You have to be 18+ and an iq above 124 to post here.
looking at cute things makes me feel like cuddling someone
Nice humanity, dick-face.
>Won't forget Moot
What do you think Ritsu smells like?
>if you like moeshit you are intelligent
ok retard
>Yea Forums - the vidya
>now Yea Forums - inconsequential normalfags and social media trash
Tell that to moefags. They are mentally ill. And one of them was bullied and forced to do that prank, kek.
Former bellhop of the monicker “luggage lad” and the founder of 9gag.
Go to /r9k/ and cry about normalfags there you weeb
Eat a tide pod. The best part of you is a washed out stain on your parents’ sheets.
My nigger you watch anime about little girls. Have some introspection you hollow dork
Oranges for sure
no u
this exact thing literally happened to me and now I can't stretch my hand like that in the diagram, and it feels like my thumb joint slips the socket every once in a while
should have done my pre-gaming exercises
>hollow dork
>getting cranky for getting called out as a normalfag
Go post about it on fagbook you tremendous loser.
Okay, i will try those places.
Thanks user.
>he's past the age of 12 and still plays videogames
Your mom
>didn't know how to punch as kid
>did this while punching a friend arm
it wasn't that bad, it took 2 weeks to discover I had fucked up my hand
>he watches faggy pretentious shit like Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Code Geass instead of based K-On!
Rather be a normalfag than be someone who watches moeshit anime :O
>LoGH and Code Geass in the same sentence.
>getting cranky
quora is full of fucking liberals and it seems like the most apolitical question inevitably gets an answer from some longwinded faggot who whines about guns, homophobia, or people who make more than minimum wage.
why are you here?
>he takes his faggy edgelord anime very seriously
>He's a sludge lord who watches moeshit exclusively
Two sides of the same coin
>his IQ is too low to understand true art
>x lord
Back to
And I’d rather be your objective better as a wizard.
You have to go back whatever shithole you migrated from cumstain.
To discuss videogames, not moesbit anime. You have a board for that.
currently to contribute to the shitstorm caused by the discord tranny little kid cartoon hugbox
>user thinks posting anime images is discussion
You’re fucking retarded.
How is a 30 year old virgin "wizard" better than anyone? You have people half your age who have experienced what you couldn't experience. That's fucking embarrassing. But keep deluding yourself with imaginary girlfriends lol.
>Hey guys do you want to watch moeshit with me?
>No way fag, I want to talk about video games
>Wow okay normalfag I can't believe you use this website, go somewhere else
its alright senpai
objective better at what? having more hours a day to waste on stupid shit like watching little girl cartoons because you're a loser? ok nice congrats user
>he thinks Yea Forums actually cares about videogames
I think you need to go to /vg/ if you want actual videogame discussions
Yea Forums is an extension of Yea Forums
the image literally shows how this will hurt your hand.
might work on newfags
>he doesn’t want to ascend
Pathetic. And still the better of some uppity child thinking their words have meaning.
passive aggressive sarcasm is something women do you fucking faggot
Where do you think you are? No one values the words of unvirgins
Lmao get bullied idiot
I'm a woman you bitter incel.
What a fucking pathetic looser, like we had faggots like you who were naive and retarded, but none was as retarded as you.
Should have got a stroke, maybe it would have fixed your personality.
Back to the other worthless ilk.
You claim you're a woman, yet you haven't posted your feet yet.
Doesn't add up.
Yea Forums hates Yea Forums and refers its trash here yet they can't stop crossboarding here.
Fuck off, weeb.
go back to /r9k/ you narcissistic psychopath
holy fuck I almost pass out, this shit is the best
>I'm a woman
More like descend. I wouldn't wish that life on even my worst enemy. You're not better than even a braindead patient. You're delusional.
t, seething bullied pussy
the post is obviously trolling, but I still want to share this:
I never really had issues with hands before I found out about these exercises. It made it worse for me. I'm not an expert or anything, but if your hands start to hurt, just take a break. Even one-two days can make a difference. Don't stretch your hands if they hurt, hoping you'll be able to game longer, you'll only make it worse.
jesus fucking christ you people are the saddest sacks of shits i've seen, even Yea Forums is more civil than most of you at this point
seeeeeething tranny lol
is that you in the pic trying to be girlmode?
There's honestly nothing more pathetic than a grown man drawing a sense of superiority out of the flavor of entertainment he consumes or how he spends his free time. Do you honestly not have anything better to feel proud of yourself about?
>Yea Forums
>not the most normalfag of all boards, with the constant reddit rejects talking about rl cancer like floss dancing and how they "don't have le faith in humanity anymore"
>most normalfag board
But that’s other shit boards like Yea Forumsmblr and Yea Forums crying about non issues and made up genders.
>board full of degenerate retards communicating with each other is "civil"
>board of people wanting to discuss video games but being derailed by degenerate retards and telling them to fuck off is "un civil"
You have to go back...
>retarded Yea Forums poster doesn't recognize video game characters
We did this to ourselves.
>muh grillfirend
Why don't you go post some pictures of you and a thot like all the normalfags like you?
Fuck off, degenerate.
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
>the one board even more normalfag than Yea Forums
>good for video games
mustard gas, evacuate your house
If ANY of you BULLIES talking shit about anime EVER joined MY discord server YOU would be bullied SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU STOP MAKING FUN OF ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR ELSE!!!!
>not normalfag
If you wanted videogame discussions without normalfags you're about 15 years too late.
Real women have feet, yet you didn't post yours. If you don't have any, you're either a man or a tranny
>acts like an anime image isn’t allowed on Yea Forums
By your logic I can’t post this stupid fuck image because it isn’t exclusively vidya gaems
This is more than just a hobby to you autists, you act like victims when you are called out. Your ilk prove me right with "what does X anus smell like" and some pathetic shit like that. This is your identity. And it is a mental illness.
literally who lol?
holy shit shut the fuck up you pea brain retard you're actually making me feel bad for you
sure thing faggot
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your pasta, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
you are just seething because that's right
I honestly don't know what the hell kind of replies you were expecting.
Sounds like a problem on your end buddy. Lurk at least 2 more years before thinking you have something of worth to add.
Weebs really are all the same.
>This is more than just a hobby to you autists
Keep your projections in check, tyke.
It’s true. The only reply he deserves is tits or GTFO.
It's also the very foundation of the website you're spending time on. Rather than spending time with autistic mentally ill weebs and its ilk, shouldn't you be somewhere more normal?
Yeah but at least there's no tripshit here using Yea Forums as a diary.
>lurk in Yea Forums
Fuck no.
keep the anime autists seething
>wall covered in anime girl posters
>desk covered in anime girl figurines
>screensaver is anime girl
>sit on Yea Forums/discord all day talking about anime girls and roleplaying as them
j-just a hobby..
Do you have a mental problem that makes you unable to stop repeating the word weeb on anything you see or don't like?
You're just as bad as the retards who call anything they don't like or agree with Reddit.
>spic 9+animu shit
kys you fucking zoomer faggot scum
and America previously belonged to the Natives. This is a videogame board. Go back to Yea Forums or /jp/.
i bet you also believe all jews did 9/11
but calling anyone who doesn't like little girl anime a normie is So F*kin Epic And Cool, right?
>it's j...just a hobby bro
thanks for the yous
I don't think anyone believes it was all of them.
I know right lol wtf is up with all of these projecting normie incels
high five Yea Forumsro
I bet you believe germans wanted to kill everybody who did not have blue eyes and blond hair
What’s the issue?
thanks again
Is your brain damage that bad that you can't differentiate between people and have to shove anything together into one single group and call it a day?
Pretty fucking sad, normie.
>293 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.
What are the Yea Forums mods doing? Remember to report the thread to get their attention.
Abib is too busy jerking off to ponies to do his job.
that would mean having to kill their own leader which is halal. allah wouldn't approve
The term is normalfag, normalfag.
apparently this is all Yea Forums approved discussion since its about anime which is what the point of this board is
I take pleasure in knowing most of you wouldn't survive a week out there if you started talking like you do on here. One week being a pretty fucking generous assumption as well.
Out where you fucking imbecile?
At least you recognize that you're a foreign normalfag invader I suppose. However you're still wrong about every board being a completely separate entity. The Yea Forums community was built by and for anime fans. Other boards exist because anime fans also have other interests and hobbies to discuss. Interest in anime is what binds these boards together into the community that is Yea Forums.
No sane person would act like this outside of the Internet. That's the whole point of shitposting. It's just for fun.
This is one "META" thread per board that Gook Moot allows.
Now fuck off seething autist.
That thing called the outside world you goddamn retard. I don't expect you knowing what that means though so it's okay.
I do this when boxing
Oh no, internet tough guy coming through. Better watch out or he'll hurt your feelings with words!
Stay in your containment board you waste of oxygen.
I am sure you would survive by showing that picture printe on paper to everyone you talk to.
seething copecel
I'd rather be a normal 1000x over being someone like you. Fuck off to Yea Forums. Talk about sniffing your imaginary wife there.
I take great pleasure knowing that the idea that things you don’t like are allowed and will continue being posted, no matter how much you want it to change.
t. lolcow
Fuck off back to facebook faggot if you want your thoughts and identity perpetually stored
yikes same shit again with the pictures. can't find anything better to whine about so you go for whatever the attached picture is, retards
>he thinks 3DPD has worth
Disgusting and subhuman.
>This is the best thread currently on Yea Forums
Where did it all go so wrong?
learn english you RETARD lol
been going strong for 20 years. Have a nice day faggot
>20 years
Disgusting newfag.
nothing apparently since according to this thread anime discussion is what Yea Forums is for
>discussion of anime
All that’s happening is you, a new normalfag impotently crying about things that will never change. All while being laughed at.