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Other urls found in this thread:


>generic ear-shattering weeb screeching vs. generic 40 year old LA soccer mom voicing a teenager
no voice acting it is

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Why do German women always have nasty manfaces?

Aoi is a disgusting pedophile who likes shota.

Germanic women tend to have strong jaws.

Nazi eugenics


There isn't that many manfaced women over here, but for some reason the "well-known" ones are often manfaced. Kinda weird.



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Yeah same happens in Mexico, not everyone is brown, just the famous people lol...haha

Don't all white women kinda have manfaces?

okay, this is epic


Yes, if you consider white = germanic.

she can't be a pedo she's like 14

I like both VAs.


incel alert

Why do white women often have manjaws?

Does she voice Shuten, too?

She isn't. Why are /ss/hitters furry-tier?

Based as fuck.
But yea, I love Aoi, and her interview is fucking tits.
Best part is that since she's a Jap the twitter brigade can't do shit to her.

The one at the right is ugly as shit for japanese standards. If it weren't for the yellow fever shit, I wouldn't tap that.

wtf i love aoi now

Westacucks just can't compete etc. etc.

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Germans aren't western, everything east of the Rhine is basically Asian.


>literally who vs Aoi Yuuki
people actually played this in the dub

>who vs who
yes amazing truly

Thats cheating since chie is perfect

>from 13 to 14
She's just another dumb fujo.

She only said that because she's being recorded, you can bet your ass that she really means 7-10 (which is the absolute peak for both loli and shota).

>people care about voice actors

Yikes and bluepilled

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>implying this is a bad thing

It just makes my pp harder

I thought her Japanese voice was really annoying.

I wish I was a little boy again.

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breasts too big

More like she's attention whoring.

Only japanese ones because voice acting is a profession there instead of a part time job for actors and failed actors.

gay as fuck

You bet your sweet ass she does.

Attached: asians.png (869x711, 505K)

nice damage control

>how do you do fellow kids
Japanese culture is so artificial.

No, it's just gooks are all based on a diet of söy so they are all scrawny little weak faggots.

I can smell your American fat ass from here

Says the weebshit.


Disgusting fat cow

>White people
Go extinct already.


Look at her arms and legs faggot

I wonder if people on this board have folders of just saved images from popular threads and then repost them again and again later just for guaranteed replies

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Holy mother of based

It doesn't matter where the fat is stored, it's still fat.

Fuck that image. Totally ignores the jawline on the first asian.


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>Futaba is taller than her 26 year old VA

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>I'm the same age as Madoka Kaname, the girl I want to wombshatter

Erica was also the voice and motion capture actress for Black Cat on PS4's Spider-Man.

I'll give you a protip,women are naturally fatter than men because they are genetically predisposed to store more fat in certain areas.

>doodles the whole time
>good at doodles
She's a bit autistic buts it's really cute sometimes

How can one woman be this based

>moving the goalpoast

This makes no sense! Kumoko likes suave older men!

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>already one of the most popular seiyu ever and fully aware of it

also, at least western women have butts, the japanese are great at drawing titties but its like they forgot the ass exists

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>fourth year at university
>I'm at the sixth

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Kumoko has a voice? Is this an anime already and I just never noticed?

i have a baby penis so does that get me anything?

Based quads-assman

Attached: assman.png (411x454, 22K)

Only a PV for now. Anime's coming, but don't get your hopes up, spider parts are gonna be filled with trash CGI. Then dash those hopes even faster because they're using the LN's designs, not the manga.
Aoi Yuuki is indeed providing her voice though.

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shota is about the body,the penis is still better as big as possible

>Does she voice Shuten, too?

she also voices Okita and Tiamat in FGO

I think Erica would be one hell of a mommy


That's just n*rds, user. Celts and Slavs are fine. M*ds and below aren't white.

oh boy cherrypicker general already?!

I vastly prefer manga Kumoko's look and inner dialogue scenes but... Aoi Yuuki. This is going to be a hard choice

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The LN design grew on me after awhile so I think I'll love it so long as I keep my expectations low.

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Bullshit, shota is indeed about the body but unlike with disgusting men a wide variety of penises are appreciated
It's basically the treatment girls get where someone out there will prefer how they are however they are

>aoi is based and redpilled

which still doesn't make a grownup with a dicklet count as a shota

Yes I implied that

who is she?

Futaba is the worst character in persona 5

You're thinking of ol' fivehead, user

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Nah brah it's the epic hacker who took down an international organization by herself overnight, and has an awful personality

Fun fact: Lindbeck and Yuuki both also voice Menat in Street Fighter V

So you're 14?

>character is white
>voice actress is japanese or german

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nigger what?

Sorry tails if futa looks gay to the viewers

are you blind nigger its literally a ginger girl

She dyes her hair dumbass

>Japanese people are weebs
Based retard.


What kind of NEET dyes their hair

Fantasy ones
What kind of NEET is hot

theres literally people sharing their favourite white girls that look like futaba in another thread you retard
>that colour
you cant get that colour in dye retard.


She's got talent

>you cant get that colour in dye retard.
You absolutely can, you dumb motherfucker.
This is a bit darker, but I 100% guarantee you that there exists a slightly lighter version of this.

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You can dye your hair literally any color.


>One of the few underage people who abused authority that isn't yet another adult, who gets power hungry but latter learns how far he fell from his original desire to help people, readjusts his attitude as admin and ultimately helps rally support for you when fighting the final boss
No way fag.

Aoi has a big butt.

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>you cant get that colour in dye retard

why is it always the absolute dumbest fucking statements that are followed with the word "retard"

Where's the fucking videogames you fucking weebs?


every single woman in the nation was raped by a slave after WWII

I have a 1 inch penis, would that turn her on?

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because you type stuff like that

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Japanese men are ugly goblins.

Why do Japs have a sense of fashion that allows for people over 30 to dress like teenagers?

she's cute so it's okay

Do you actually think every natural hair colour is achievable with dye?

you fucking dumb nigger you are the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger

That isnt the same colour you fucking idiot.
Its well known natural ginger tones are not achievable.
Thats auburn.


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very good


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Its ok if she looks young and cute.



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>tfw no 4 foot jap gf to man handle in bed

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soi girl


why would you want to manhandle such a precious creature?

I want to man handle her in a tender and loving way

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shota is based, what are you a faggot.

Because it's feminine to be short, not manly.

Shota just = boy

It only has a sexual connotation in the west and among otaku.

But tall girls have loads of fans

she looks like she fucks little boys

lmao seething

The dude on the right reminds me of Penn Jillette though, not that bad
She's pretty cute mane

Quad truths

Right looks like some panfaced alien that's hiding a hideous forehead.
Left looks like 6 months on HRT.
Fucking yikes.

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That's pretty based, I'm not gonna lie.

not my kino

average people aren't ideal
not everyone can into 2d tier

You can't "fpbp" your own post retard.

how come hapas aren't allowed to hate women?

>15 year old character has 30 year old smoker voice in shitty dub


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the point that goes to the line was that the jaw doesn't jut out with a strong angle

3 hours have past and nobody has said anything. This thread is truly a weeb abomination

>OP pic
>2 people that look completely different
>your pic
>2 people that look more or less the same
gee, why would people talk about the first one more than the second?

What are you trying to prove?

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We can only hope.

So is the character white or japanese?


How are both Sugita and Mercer so iconic?
Like they're both the only VA I've ever seen someone dress up for like Halloween or a con or something

I prefer tits because I have a massive paizuri fetish but I must respect your quads sir

Nice. This makes her even cooler.

How does she get away with it?

Chie got booty too.

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Mercer is a loser who has talent in voice acting. He even has his own dnd show where he DMs.

>>>>>>>>>>LN design

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>stuck in hole
This is my fetish.

Attached: wait a minute.png (1124x701, 396K)

Probably because it's easier to animate. Expressive, cutesy eyes, no wild exaggerated faces.
Also, they're adapting parts that the manga simply disregarded. They needed designs for Shun and Katia and all them because it's going to cover the first 3 volumes.
We've never even seen Shun or Sophia in the manga.

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Actually, this shows how disgusting westernizations truly is. As both girls are Asian, and both girls attempt to appear cute. But you can still tell that the girl on the left is westernized trash. It still shows forth. Because the culture is reflected on her dumb face.

I'm not even a weeb. But the difference is as clear as day.

He does it with Laura Bailey.

>Right looks like some panfaced alien that's hiding a hideous forehead.
are you 12

This manga was CUTE!

No bully incels!

he's talking about burger princess not le gay cant even take over the japanese government man

Because they are dedicated to their craft and are genuinely honestly happy to just be there. Also they enjoy what they do as fans as well as people on the inside. VO is not just some shitty thing they do on the weekends.

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Women on the right look way better to me. Left seems overly neotenous and featureless.

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t. shaggy norris posting normalfag

t. insectoid-loving shitskin

She's like 26, she's just legally a dwarf.

Good one buddy. You can go back to stormfront now.

I always thought he was just a Troy Baker voice double but, he's actually really good and has genuine talent, I hope he gets roles regularly.


Anyone have the automata va one?

I love Aoi-chan's eyebrows

I want to MARRY Aoi Yuuki!

Attached: Aoi_Yuuki.jpg (500x375, 206K)

all I know about Atuomata's VAs is that Aoi is Pascal and Jouji Nakata is pic related

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i mean theres one where the american on is dyed and tattooed and the japanese one is homeley

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>Aoi yuuki

Acquire taste, faggot

Thanks but i think there was one where american had green hair


>Look up Kira Buckland
>Every image is her in some gaudy cosplay

reminder that paparazi shit-talked the fuck out of Aoi after the first symphogear live because it was right after madoka ended and her singing wasn't up to par with the rest of the cast.

If there were any offical recordings of the concert they got deleted intentionally because nobody involved wanted to make the situation any worse.

Instead of giving up and quitting the series she talked with the other voice actresses about how to improve and did her best. after a powerful performance in the next concert over a year later she cried onstage for several minutes and talked about how happy she is that she was able to overcome that shit-storm.

I like Kira Buckland's vocal work and hope she continue to find good work

No name Texan/Californian vs actual star power
It's now wonder dubs can't compete

you love arguing and being part of a subculture

you're here defending the skill of a voice actor

this is how our internet addiction manifests and it's a waste of your time and mine

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That's what happens when you whore yourself on newgrounds for a decade.

Aren't girls nothing but estogen. Soi wouldn't harm them as it does men.

my pure virgin seiyuufu Aoi Yuki is so cute!

As expected of best Meguca

You're one of them homosexuals huh

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Aoi is IMAGINE as fuck

and thats a good thing

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How dare you insult the Führer
