It's been more than four years. Now the that the dust has settled, who was actually in the wrong here?

It's been more than four years. Now the that the dust has settled, who was actually in the wrong here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lewis hamilton

>all bravado and shittalking with nothing to back it up

well you’ve seen enough since to know the monkey craves dat controversy

>plays backdash whore

Viscant was objectively the instigator. Yeah, LTG lost his temper, but Viscant is a known provocateur. Also he "won" Evo with vanilla dark hpoenix lmfao.


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The white guy looks like hasn't had a good nights sleep in months

Well dd the niggy wash his mouth to the point where he can't taste the smegma snake anymore?

If you don't care for the games, watch the pre-match talk and post-match talk.

I'm feeling generous

LTG is always wrong no matter the case.



Just look at Viscant's facial expression, he was anxious and wasted way too much time preparing for that match to prove nothing. LTG doesn't even care and stayed relevant unlike this incel cuck. Who was in the wrong ? I don't know you tell me.

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I don't understand why majority of people take Viscant's side, when he was even a bigger cunt than LTG.


Nigger its not even up for debate Viscant did nothing wrong showed up and did everything right. LTG cemented himself as an eternal nigger its not like hes going to change but even if he decided to try to change hes not going to be able to.

he should stick to formula 1, i want to see him break schumachers records

>Beat ape 20-6 online
>Ape smears you on shitty click bait video because niggers cannot stop being salty
>Viscant challenges LTG to MM or maybe LTG did it I don't know that part
>Viscant wins
>Calls him a bitch before and after
>Nigger back pedals to "its just a game" despite losing the first time online and getting personal.

Also LTG tries to cheese even harder then Viscant and cannot. His entire play style is to ride low level tactics with mid level keep away and then whine when he gets zoned or oki'd


t. salad dodger

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The nigger. Never seen a wannabe tough guy get bodied by a scrawny 120 pound white kid and do fuck all about it like a bitch.

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damn nu-Yea Forums is real

Obviously LTG. Anyone who disagrees is either black or contrarian.

Black guy here.
Why are we keep getting btfo everywhere blackbros? That vanilladick too strong mayne. How is a black guy supposed to compete with this?

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Low Tier God was wrong and he got btfo which is exactly what he deserved.

>yfw you realize ragequitting offline won't make the opponent go away

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Fgc documentary by crowbcat.