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Other urls found in this thread:

That's sad. :(

Bioware redemption arc where they destroy EA and Snoy with them

so is the backlash coming from anthem actually being an underwhelming game or is this just because it's made by nubioware + ea? or because people think it killed off mass effect? or all three?


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All of the above and the game is a boring piece of shit that's now apparently bricking consoles.

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EA bricking Anthem!

its worth it though because they have diverse employees in their company

Kek. just when i thought they finally reached the bottom of the barrel. This shit is even worse than the Nu-male sky scandal

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Serves them right for buying EA's shit. EA hasn't been based since EA Hockey.

Aaaahhh let me in. I want to refund this piece of shit already.

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Has there ever been a game on any console that crashes this hard before?

Have you guys been to the /vg/ general? It's filled with shills defending every last fault, they're even damage controlling this fiasco.

Its the only place that defends this game. Even reddit is shitting on it and exposed a few real shills. But because this place is anonymous they can do it for free at /vg/.


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*Melts your cpu*

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>dont listen to those journos bro! they suck at games! just form your own opinion!
>oh ok
>buy it
>it kills my console
Never again.

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the absolute state of snoyboys

What a dingleberry you are, m8.

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i renember GTA IV doing the same to some PS3 but that was quickly fixed by rockstar

The lesson to learn here is that you should put your faith in people; not companies. All the competent developers left Bioware long ago, so the Bioware these days is not even close to the Bioware of yore. The millennials hired to fill in the empty seats are around 200 years of collective experience shy of creating anything close to resembling the games Bioware used to create.

>implying Xbots and PC Mustard Race isn't getting their shit bricked too
Sony is at least replacing consoles no questions asked. The real problem is EA and Bioware.

Post yfw you didn't buy Anthem.

Attached: Smug_life.png (507x463, 108K)

>just form your own opinion!
You had your chance with the beta.
I was excited for it, but the beta killed any hyped I had for it too. Dodged a fucking bullet.

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>linking Yongyea
Someone give me a TL;DR on why its doing this, not gonna watch that shit.

Just go to metacritic and look at the users score, how hard is that?

>Destiny chads still standing
How do other companies keep fucking up such a simple formula?

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Google it yourself faggot. YYYYONG OUT.

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Yeah, but why would you buy an EA game at launch, especially since the last several games they've released have launched like steaming diarrhea?

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Anthem sometimes crashes your console so hard it restarts. Also maybe it can brick it. Predatory lootbox practices. Give me money. END OF RINE.

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Welp Sony just told me they cannot refund because do terms of services all sales are final or some shit. Should I keep trying?

Tell them the product is faulty and crashing, you fear for your PS4. Use your brain man

Welp. Looks like I’ll be buying it on the one X too so I can play it on there until they fix it.


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someone nuke /vg/ please

those retards are still vehemently defending this dumpster fire

I did. I told the girl it crashed my system and there are multiple reports saying it can kill the console but I dont think she knew what even a video game is.

It was amazing watching as a Streamer went from hardcore sucking the game's dick after the beta to having all his goodwill slowly and painfully drained away by the full release until the only reason he was still going was suck cost fallacy and a desire to see how much further down the rabbit hole went until his spirit was finally broken by one final time gate.

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This thread keeps getting better and better

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I love asian people YongPong sugoi!

God damn I want to gas the Jews at EA

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to kill yourself? Absolutely

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Goddamn, that nigger's voice is grating; I could only make it halfway through. Anyway, if true, the person with the bricked PS4 may have a lawsuit on his hands. I won't defend that pile of shit game, but the burden of proof lies on him unfortunately.

What's the deal with all these braindead youtubers posting screenshots of reddit/online articles/etc, reading them aloud in nearly their entirety and passing them off as videos?
>read aloud what someone else wrote
>voice your opinion then parrot it in your video ad nauseam to extend the run time
>collect youtube shekels


Pic not related (maybe); I don't even know what it is, just randomly chose it.

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There are people who actually paid money willingly to play Anthem.

This 100%.
When will the sheep learn?

>I wanted to love this game so much
Why does every single fucking review of this piece of shit start off like this?

Ever since it got shown at E3 2018, it looked absolutely and miserably bland.

got it free with 2060
it's dogshit but still a better choice than battlefield v

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I was reading articles that they were giving refunds, did you tell them about it bricking consoles?

Can a game even brick a console? You'd think this should not be technically possible.

Scared to offend a majority right off the bat for calling it the dogshit it always was

People who buy EA games deserve to get fucked


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that´s why you should listen to Yea Forums and never buy any video games period!

How did they fuck up this bad? A triple A studio with the backing of EA's multi millions?

I'm also curious about it.
To the more tech-savvy people, how the fuck can a game be so badly optimized that it outright bricks an entire system?


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I'm still tempted to buy it because I'm a character customization mark and just want to make a pretty robot doll

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Character customisation sucks.

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Stop lying op, it can't be bricking consoles, the main advantage of consoles is that there aren't any bugs while pc has hundreds. Just like how macs can't get viruses

I wonder if there will be enough peoples consoles being bricked for a class action lawsuit?
I hope so. Fuck Bioware and EA.

Where did all the money go? Like EA has been pushing for this for YEARS and yet it comes out as if it was rushed out last minute. What happened?

If it only bricks one system, then the game may be hitting some system bug which in turn bricks the system. Or perhaps the operating system is for some reason programmed to allow games fuck up system files (in a way that earlier versions of Windows would) and then Anthem goes ahead with that.

Not necessarily, it might be related to the ps4 OS, although if it happens on both xbox and ps4 then maybe

>post yfw you ALMOST bought this shit but changed your mind in the last second

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>Where did all the money go?
Honestly I don't know. I'd like to say it went to the enviroment/javelins, but there's only 1 biome and the javelins have limited customization. It wasn't spent on the story, PvP, or weapon designing.

It really only makes sense that the game got internally rebooted at some point and EA couldn't have Bioware delay the game any further after Andromeda being one big mistake.

>he considered buying this game for even a second

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Don't give Yong clicks watch this video

>What's userscore?
You deserved it.

>don't want that e-celeb, watch this e-celeb instead!

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>don't watch this diarreah, watch this vomit instead!

the absolute state of zoomers

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Such shitty animation.

>vg being autistic
no shit they would be defending a broken mess, they don't got anything better to do
/vg/ is a great example of why generals should just be kickb& off the site, because it supports further autism then Yea Forums could ever create within a year

I would rather fuck with vomit than diarrhea though.
Quarter could be a lot better, but he's better than Yong at least.

>being shit
Colour me surprised there was a time when /fog/ defended fucking FO76.

I didn't even consider getting it in my lifetime

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>bought Anthem
>playing it with friends
>flight system is interesting
>higher difficulty settings are more challenging
>loot grinding for anyone who likes that
>it looks really good
>fun with friends but what bullshit multiplayer game isn't?
>oh god, where do I even begin?
>the story is fucking retarded
>Its like a five year old thought of it and explained bits of it to you over the course of the next few weeks so it's a goddamn inconsistent, unlogical and self-contradictory mess
>drop system is retarded with its random perk generator
>I got loot with +luck stats giving me a higher chance for better loot
>find more loot with +luck stats
>I am now consistently finding rare and valuable loot while my friends find only bullshit
>crafting system is basically useless
>need to be connected to the internet at all times otherwise your game will instantly restart
>loading screens take pretty long even on good setups
>one loading screen took so long, a random player I played with quit the game thinking his game froze
>sound can just cut off completely while playing. Can't fix that other than restarting the game
>need to restart anthem? Devs never intended the game to be shut down so clicking "close anthem" just gives you a black screen while the music plays in the background for another 5 minutes
>got anthem to close somehow? Devs never intended you to be able to do that. Now you can't restart the game without restarting your computer

but if you ignore all it's flaws, bugs and wierd playability choices, it's a great game

>buying a game at launch
>buying a bioware game at launch
>buyng a EA game at any point

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gook nigger

It looks better than Apex, that`s not a achievement tho.
What`s wrong with it? i just saw a video on jwtube

PvE game with no content

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>even considering buying this shit

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>higher difficulty settings are more challenging
Hold the goddamn phone. Did Bioware just, dare I say, innovate difficulty systems as we know them?

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a lot of the recent AAA flops have felt like this. the graphics are amazing and you can see some interesting concepts and some potential for a great game, but the execution is totally botched by fuckups and greed

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>bioware game controversial for disappointing ending
>bioware game controversial for horrible glitches and nightmarish animations
>bioware game controversial for fucking BRICKING YOUR CONSOLE

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Destiny chads represent.

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Are you fucking forgetting TORtanic and DA:I?

Nah its just like rifts in diablo 3
>enemies now have 3000% hp and deal 1000% more damage

Bioware is done for. DA4 is either gonna get canceled or handed off to some other developer.


Get woke
Brick consoles

>DA4 is either gonna get canceled
Good. I'm still mad about DA:I

You can't make a cute girl in Destiny.

>crafting system is basically useless
fucking christ this
You can only craft weapons but not upgrade your weapons. You use a crafted weapon for a single expedition and never again. You get like 25% of the materials you used to craft the fucking thing, so you gotta grind 4x as much, lol, ember and gear/weapon parts. It's best to use what you find in the field/chest.

>Now you can't restart the game without restarting your computer
You can kill the process and restart the game. Sometimes, I have to ctrl+alt+delete and start the task manager if ctrl+shift+esc does nothing when the game gives me a black screen.

Not him but I had to lurk a while since starting out here in late 2012 just to figure out wtf the TORtanic even was because
>Fucking starwars shit
>a starwars MMO at that
Wouldn't have cared if it failed or succeeded regardless.

But what was so wrong with DA:I? It was mediocre as all hell but wasn't a catastrophe by any means.

> Bethesda releases Fallout 76, worst AAA game released.
> Bioware "Hold my beer!"

The memes are real.

>redbox Anthem just to see if its really that bad
>was going to marathon it tomorrow
Dodged that bullet

I prefer my girls thicc

Attached: Hildryn.jpg (1200x705, 117K)

I think 76 is still worse even with shit like this. Anthem's design problems can actually be fixed through patches, tweaking of mob health and damage, weapon damage, drop rates, etc. Fallout 76's design issues are so deep that you'd have to essentially rebuild from the ground up to make anything worthwhile.

Is Anthem now considered a virus or malware product? I don't know the difference.

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Let's all laugh at an industry that never learns anything, tee hee hee


76 doesn't brick your console lol.

why does vergil look like that

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>got the game for free with a promotion well ahead of launch
>still haven't downloaded it yet
Saw the game's trouble coming miles away

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I wish it fucking did after playing it

>But what was so wrong with DA:I?
>Favourably reviewed, despite being completely mediocre
>Game of the Year
>Sold across 5 platforms
>PS3/XBOX360 versions all unplayable, people scammed out of their money
>Only AAA RPG for the current gen consoles of its time
>Forgotten and found in bargain bins within a month
>Sell the real ending to the game as DLC, a whole year later
>Now Bioware is making a sequel, based on a DLC ending that nearly nobody's even played
No, nothing wrong with it.

Where is the dick?

/vg/ is the containment board so that there aren't generals on Yea Forums. the more you know dude

Are you Australian?

That's not funny, that's shitty. You should be angry about this.

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>what is schadenfreude

To be fair Destiny got it wrong most of the time as well. They threw out everything they learned from Destiny 1 when they made 2 and only recently fixed it by adding it back in.

Typical Yea Forums faggot.

It doesn't brick it. It does shut down so hard it screws up the boot on the hard drive, like if you were to pull the power plug. It's demanding on the pc, consoles just can't handle it. It's easily fixed by running ps4's diagnostic manually.

And there's no lootbox in it. Apex is the one with lootboxes.

Oh yes, the articles and posts from people were not enough, I really needed some chink fuck to promote his video to me.

Not only did Bioware not innovate difficulty, but they made the higher difficulties 100% completely pointless because they literally do not drop any better gear than the lower difficulties.

>Being happy about fellow gamers getting screwed instead of being angry at the people screwing them

>It's easily fixed by running ps4's diagnostic manually.
A game should not do this to its console in the first place, though.

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>Sequel based on DLC ending
Didn't know about that, thats pretty fuckin dumb. Seems like thats the prevailing trend for Bioware games at this point. I guess they deserve this fate they've wrought. But the rest of all that seems to go along with a game being mediocre. (aside from favorable reviews from dumbfucks and award-givers). Kinda like how Fable 3 was comparatively.

Just sayin that it wasn't a complete catastrophe or disaster like Anthem/TOR is/was. Or at least didn't feel like it back when I slogged through it. Maybe the hardcore Dragon Age fans felt that way though, I only played origins. It was at least a complete game (sans "real ending") that wasn't bricking the platforms it was released on, but thats not exactly redeeming or a good look for either game.

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>Just sayin that it wasn't a complete catastrophe or disaster like Anthem/TOR is/was
Nobody cared. Nobody had expectations of a good time. It was completely mediocre and it showed. It was just timed well. If it were released today, it'd get panned as hard as Anthem was.

>subject field
>cancerous e-celeb
why can't you reddit fucks just make a thread with the information without shilling some youtuber that regurgitates reddit posts in video form?
this is days old news you are getting 4th or 5th hand

But you can as long as she's exo

> hurr durr, typical Yea Forums faggot
> doesn't do research
> gtfo noob

No, peoples consoles are actually bricked.

If someone made a youtube video about it then it must be true! Whoa! Dudes! Gamers!

dumb faggot

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Remember when EA bought Bioware and everyone thought they would destroy Bioware?

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I remember you, from the /bwg/. How you doing, user?

Well, they did destroy bioware.

The founders and significant staff left years ago, pre-ME3 in most cases. The company doing this shit now isn't "bioware"

Oh, look at that. If there's a reputable source available why not just post that instead of a faggot filming himself talking about the issue?

> I don't have an actual comeback to facts, so i'll post a gay ass picture like a 12 year old who can't take responsibility for his actions.
> dumb faggot
> hurrr durr!!!

>Still buying video games

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Because Yong is actually a reputable source since he cites material that's accredited despite being a faggot who frequently shills his patreon page.

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>youtube e-celebs
Remember when these retards would have been mocked and ridiculed for posting this cancerous garbage here?