This is the future you have chosen.
This is the future you have chosen
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Nigger, I didn't choose shit.
Only roasties and commie beta orbiters will get mad at him
Not even once.
if he doesnt have an income to spend that much you might as well kill him, he has no point in being alive
Go back to your cagie, wagie. You still need to pay for my autism bux.
i am on autism buck brah
if you can afford to waste that much on a shit game then fine but if you cant you shouldnt be playing one
70000 yen is ~700 dollars nerd
still bad but not the same as 70000 actual american dollars
>"Playing Gacha instead of fapping to the porn
except they already did the conversion , $70k is somewhere close to 8mil yen
when you have money attached to your waifu it's much more better
>Gacha fags are cucked incels
wow what a surprise
The sign is not the yen sign, it's a dollar sign, the amount has been translated from whatever yen amount sums up to 70000 dollars
based retard
>being mad how other people spend their money
shoo shoo discord tranny
Good, that way that useless fuck can actually fund working people's lifestyle.
Are collectors any better?
Is that a fucking ginger Asian? Is nobody pointing out the fact that this dude is rarer than unicorns?
Seems to be a lot of modern multiplats you can get for cheap on steam.
did they really explicitly say they converted the figure or are you all just assuming they converted the figure?
Who is that lady and why is elijah with her
Just buy the figures / h manga, then
>nip consumers are destroying gaming.
There's a crazy new invention called dye.
porn star
Watch it for yourself.
Whales are a minority tho as i seriously doubt there'd be loads of "people" spending mad dosh on .JPEG files
you must be over 18 to post here user
Than gachafags? Absolutely. They have physical and possible rare items which, depending on what they are collecting, can retain a substantial amount of the money invested in them.
He said 7m yen in that interview.
This is every retarded shitposter that shills gachashit on Yea Forums
It amazes me than some of these probably have the nerve to say other things are cancer for gaming
Why would you give yourself a -20 sexual appeal debuff on purpose?
I think she's a youtuber, looks so innocent.
She looks like a school teacher
ok so it never explicitly says "these figures have been converted to american dollars"
therefore until i see something like that this 2 min video is click bait and therefore not worth anyone's time
70000 is a large number too so it would draw anyone's attention but if you but a yenny sign in front it means nothing that's why there is a dollar sign
prove me wrong please
honestly jealous that he even had that much to spend
>Pay literally tens of thousands of dollerinos on gacha
>Still not satisfied with what you have
Fucking addictions man
It is really hard to sell a complete collection like that though. As the target audience is mostly interested in specific games.
i see thanks for clearing that up
i wasnt about to watch all of it even if it was 2 mins
He says 7 million JPY in the actual video. Spending 70000 isn't newsworthy, most gachafags in Japan have probably spent that much, though maybe not all in one game.
No. No I didn't.
they give you the fucking sum in yen you dense motherfucker
It probably has something to do with the mindset that allows you to spend $70,000 on FGO and fill your room with anime figures.
learn some fucking japanese you baka gaijin
The man's spent 70 grand on nothing
yeah dude, this guys top priority is his sex appeal...
Like you have anything better to do with your time.
on JPEGs
Toilet licker/intellectual
>tfw play tons of gacha shit from time to time
>never spend a single dime
>still usually end up with better characters than whales because I'm a luckshitter
Feels good man.
For games yeah, but it's still something physical and rare games are actually rare. Not rare because some company put some zeroes behind a decimal point on some draw algorithm.
He could have bought an extremely nice used sportscar for that price and literally picked up magnitudes of slags
i aint learning shit or watching that video
How can anyone see $70,000 of waifu PNG's as a good investment.
>be a "drugaddict"
>spend 20 bucks on weed
>it lasts a month
>can spend up to one year without smoking, probably more if I wanted
>i aint learning shit
That's obvious, yes
Why are consolefags such bootlicking cretin?
I really really don't understand the point of merchandising. Why would you get anything other than the game? Do you actually play with those toys?
yeah and? we aren't talking about you faggot
the mere act of playing gacha shit already makes you a retard that's beyond saving
Book writer
Yes, one that has nothing to steal is useless to the parasite.
If I understand his mentality, he'd be more likely to buy 700 shit cars.
They literally say the number in yen and it coincides with the conversion for 70000 dollars you retard.
They are but 1 whale spends like 50x more than the bottom 50 percentile.
Nah gacha fag. Your mobile trash arent video games.
I am because I'm narcissistic, everything is about me.
Yes because at least they own a physical object.
>could have bought a house or a BMW
>wasted it on anime waifu shit instead
How do "people" like this exist?
genuinely pathetic
When the consolefag that bought that shit gets tired or realizes he wasted his money, he can sell it (admittedly at nowhere near the price that he bought it, but still he will be able to recuperate the cost a bit)
You gachafags on the other hand cannot sell your waifu PNG's ever, and when the servers shut down in 5 years, all you'll have is $70,000 of debt.
Why? Because I like to waste my time when I've got nothing better to do? You losers always say this shit, but never form any actual argument as to why simply playing a gacha game is bad. As if you are any better, screeching autistically about gacha games on Yea Forums. Acquire some self-awareness.
Weebshit JPEGs, even.
wow, kill yourself
More like print craigslist car ads sorted by highest price, tape them to a wall. throw a dart and buy whichever it lands on
I don’t think anyone would call someone who buys $20 on weed a month an addict, but it’s more like the people who keep doing opioids and literally lose their jobs, families, health and then life over it.
Also 70k on literal jpegs is clearly a fucking problem. At least blowing that much on gambling or lottery might make you recover some of that money.
Who here 100% F2P
For every uber whale like that guy there's gonna be like 100000 normalfags who rely on free gems or something.
she had a hard life, she needed money so gambled her life away and ended up having her head shoved under water by a man with huge hands and drowned, show some fucking respect
that's his own money, so it's okay
GOD FUCKING DAYUM. I spent $150 of FeH and I'm still salty about wasting that much money on pngs.
Good, the only problem is that socialist parasites will remove the effects of the selection pressures of modern society.
It's his money.
To be fair F/GO is perfectly playable as a f2p. Only when paying is involved, does it become retarded.
How do you even spend THAT much, really? The game only gets one new SSR every months or so, sometimes it takes even longer and they all get repeating rate-ups. I understand 10k dollars maybe but how do you spend 70k?
I chose everything to resist this gay shit. The problem is that, in the end, my choices didn't matter.
Because they’re awful games designed to get you addicted.
I don't play mobile shit.
Look at his apartment user, the shit he have there is worth much more than 70k, he's nothing but typical single guy who drop money on whatever hobby he's interested at the moment and it just happen now it's gatcha game.
I dropped like $200+ for Merlin and didn't get him. I'm still seething
Those few whales are super profitable though, especially because they are retarded and easy to please. You just need to put them in a skinner box with low effort waifu jpgs as the reward.
Whatever makes you happy man.
>Why? Because I like to waste my time when I've got nothing better to do? You losers always say this shit, but never form any actual argument as to why simply eating shit is bad. As if you are any better, screeching autistically about eating shit on Yea Forums. Acquire some self-awareness.
how's that for self awareness? maybe it shed some light on why you should focus on acquiring some yourself
where did he even get 70k?
Forgot to add weed is dirt cheap here, when I said "it lasts a month" I mean I literally smoke for a whole month, but yeah, what I mean to say is that hate is unfounded here, not a single person I know that smokes it has lost everything or even spent all their money on it.
These guys, like the one who took a yakuza loan for Scat, don't roll just for one SSR. They want NP5
Me! I personally find it fun to use cheap/free units and discover their potential. And even then, I've gotten plenty of good servants off of free quartz alone.
Whales and people who sperg out at the mention of "muh gachashit" can stay mad!
is that musashi on his comp?
this is bait
Probably either his family or a combination of that and loans, and he is about to get wrecked and made homeless.
said he invested in stocks and futures at an early age
even working part time could work out like OP
all a nigga had to do was try
You didn't actually roll for the dog avenger did you? The ones in my supports have him and old archer and they are just shitty in every way
I have accepted my fate as a manchild
One letter off from what he should be doing.
>This is the future you have chosen
I didn't play anything on phones nor did I by any DLC. I wanted to help prevent the future but there weren't enough people standing with me
Nope, just ended up getting Dog of Shinjuku while rolling for Moriarty. I just like that picture because it's cute!
Reminder that you can literally buy hundreds of dollars worth of quartz and get them refunded since google does a one-time courtesy refund if you pretend a retarded son or nephew did it without your consent. As long as you have an older account and a few purchases on record, it never fails. That being said, I heard people who tried to do this on the day Merlin got released got denied because of the huge influx of refund requests. I got around 700 quartz before I refunded a couple days before, only retards spend actual money on the game when you can do this.
There’s expensive hobbies, like collecting cars and boating, but then there’s 70k on fucking jpgs on a shitty F2P mobile game. Clearly a false equivalence.
I did NOT, I literally fought to make people stop playing mobile trash
>I literally fought to make people stop playing mobile trash
>literally fought
Says more about you than them, honestly.
>gee how dare is this dude trying to save people from this awful slot machine trap
as if his bad taste wasn't bad enough
Is there even gameplay in this game?
Played for a few hours a few months back
Got this huge tittied purple chick on one of my first summons that was apparently limited.
Then I got another huge tittied chick that looked like some kind of pirate.
Fucking garbage.
>Has a lush job and a comfortable living
>spends his money his way
>this is a bad thing
Imagine being this much of a commie
are his parents loaded question mark where does he get 70 Grande from
You need to choose the right dialogue choice, dumbass. Don't be a goody 2 shoes or generic fedora tipper
Why would you do that? Do you own these people?
His parents are loaded and he has a high paying job in economics. That 70k is probably worth nothing to him and he either makes that back in half a year.
>Slot machine analogy
People who use this are actually colossal faggots, and this post is further proof.
Yeah you can actually win something when you play slots
You have no idea, every hobby is expensive when you waste a lot of money on it, but if you're single and live with your parents the money become secondary thing and if you start investing them further at some point you stop even thinking about it.